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#1 Jul 14 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
[lg][/lg][b][/b][i][/i]I recently applied for a guild on marrs fist server in a guild we can call KT. I recieved a note denying me cause I had characters they couldn't use. See I have 2 enchanters 1 spellbinder 1 animator both 60 or course also a 60 pally gaurdian as well as a 57 sk a 51 bard and a 51 mag good for Coh. I was told we have enough power and tanks aren't needed either. So this brings me to my point what kind of guild denies a person not for who they are but what they have. I play daily, I play fairly, I have extensive knowledge of what and where things are, I am very helpful. But all they was conserned with was oh you have an enchanter and we have enough power. When I explained enchanters also charm have a great pet, have a arcane debuff and a buff, they can calm a mob when only one wants to be pulled I got banded from any other post plus my note which was simliar to this was removed as well as my application to get in. So all i have to say now is try to kill this message KT Masters. I will be heard Kt can not silence me.
#2 Jul 14 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
what kind of guild denies a person not for who they are but what they have

1 thats not worth your time. im sure you can find a better guild then 1 like that thats so selective.

Banded from a forum and post removed


Edited, Thu Jul 14 13:16:59 2005 by SefanaPPO
#3 Jul 14 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Well you are applying to a guild, they are not trying to recruit you. So they are only going to take what they want, if you apply for a job, they wont hire you because you applied, only if they need you. If they already have enough enc, bards and tanks why should they get more. Also remember the bigger the guild the harder to manage, by just allowing anyone that applies in just leads to trouble.

The thing is the guild doesnt know you, you are just a stranger off the street. They dont know your reputation, they dont know what you learnt about the game, and they dont know if you bought those toons or not. So the guild not letting you in because you dont have anything they desire is logical. If you want in a good guild, talk to some members, group with them, let someone in guild know who you are, this is much more effective for both sides for finding a good match.

Since you were on their message board, they had the right to remove your posts, just like Haggan can remove this post if he so chooses. KT can also silence you here if they so choose, you are on a site with a Karma system that allows members to sub default post so people dont have to see them. You dont know how many KT members are here and have rating ability.
#4 Jul 14 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
3,273 posts

First, I can understand your disappointment and feeling of rejection, no one likes that! It was a rude response from KT.

Second, like Dirges said, you went to them, they didn't come to you! So, you just gotta suck your pride at thier rejection! Any guild, who has applications, such as this, is a guild most good natured peeps should want to avaiod anyways! Guilds like this one are filled with wannabie-eliterz, ego-triperz, and me-first type of peeps.

Anyways Pennsylvania, you are better off not getting into this guild, unless of course, you are like these peeps, you know, like-kinds likes to be with like-kind.


Know before anyone from this KT guild comes here to tounge lash me, I dunno you, you dunno me, so ******* But, I say ****** in a nice way! If you don't wana ****** in a nice way, then bend over and ****** in a bad way, but just ******* Hehe!
#5 Jul 14 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
[b][/b][i][/i]Ok point taken you are right if they don't need something then don't take. But why would they remove a post and application for guild acceptance with people who had possitive things to say. The post had no foul language, it didn't give the immpression the guild was bad, Plus it did include my knowledge of the game examples of why a chanter is more then power ect. So my only conclussion to being removed so others can't read is cause they felt i was right and didn't want others to know..
#6 Jul 14 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Excellent
People can fake info on the net, they had no way to prove you have an understanding of the game, cut and paste is a wonderful tool to make people look smart.

As far as why they deleted your posts, I cant say. The application should of been deleted because it was refused, no sense keeping it. The other post could of been seen as a negative or trolling post, or they delete all posts not made by guild members. I dont really know, and cant tell since they deleted the posts. But just because you felt the post wasnt negative didnt mean the admin for the site thought the same thing, they may see questioning the descision of the guild as negative for their community.
#7 Jul 14 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
[b][/b][i][/i]The info I had wasn't pasted guess i should have made that clear the info i have is stuff learned from playing a few years common since type things such as spawn rates locations,or quest that I have done many times. The dumb stuff that still needs to be answered IE where is the spawn of something needed to complete a quest, or what items are needed for wiz or druids for pos port. The things you see pop up on guild chat. Also if guild members were the only to be posted on forums how was I able to in first place never have been a member. finally applications as i seen have been there forever some in guild some not I take notice of things and noticed I was only one removed. But thanks for your comments It helps me fill in the blanks so others get a better ideal. Keep righting your comments as I will keep responding. Take care J
#8 Jul 14 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
So this brings me to my point what kind of guild denies a person not for who they are but what they have

A big guild who doesn't want members they can't use? Correct me if I'm wrong, but i believe there is a maximum number of members each guild can have, and therefor they woundn't want any unneeded classes taking up space they need for other classes.
#9 Jul 14 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
thats is true too Unwanted characters. Which brings up a whole new topic. when will they stop nerfing the enchanters. I have to laugh first there not wanted in groups now there not really a must for guilds too.
#10 Jul 14 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
3,273 posts
So my only conclussion to (my post) being removed so others can't read is cause they felt i was right and didn't want others to know..

BINGO! Ye hit the nail on the head!
#11 Jul 14 2005 at 2:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Nerf enc, how have you come up with that thought. Overall Enc are one of the ones that have improved the most since release.
#12 Jul 14 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
969 posts
Some guilds are made for the sole purpose of raiding. My guess is this is one. If when they raid they have all the mana they need, then all extra batteries are going to do is just throw another person into the mix when it comes to rolling for rares. Same with tanks and any class for that matter. Its not to bad of a thing to do in my opinion. I personally always like the family type guilds more and they dont usually do things like this.
#13 Jul 14 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Excellent
It does more then add to the role on rares, if the guild has the batteries and tanks it needs already, then any extra ones fall into just DDing. Now given that raids can be laggy, you want the minium amount of people to kill it the fastest. That means for DD's you want the most damaging for optimum DPS, and batteries and tanks lower dps compared to wizzies and other heavy hitters.

Dont underestimate lag, it is almost as deadly to raids as having leroy on your side.
#14 Jul 14 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
Nerf enc, how have you come up with that thought. Overall Enc are one of the ones that have improved the most since release.

Not sure if you was being funny but lets see most improved. With the calm being nerfed.
the enchanter charm being cut, mobs being taken off the charm list aka ER.
Mobs being more resisted to ar like charm not to mention only type of spells offered to an ench are ar based.
Speaking of Ar we have a spell that reduces the ar resist But how do you lower the resist of an ar on a mob immune to ar.
Also ench can charm so can anyone else now with the drop called puppet strings. so I have read from drop list on KT page.
Mana bards have a mana nec offer a mana.
So as i Stated I hope that was a joke cause if not then there in lies the joke.
#15 Jul 14 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Not sure if you was being funny but lets see most improved. With the calm being nerfed.
What changed with calm? How did they change a spell that lowered the awarness range of a mob to make it unusable? Shoot there isnt even a single gripe about it on the main forums, or on the update page so I cant even tell if any thing ever happened.

the enchanter charm being cut, mobs being taken off the charm list aka ER.
What do you mean cut? Do you mean it lasts less then 5 minutes like it used to? Because I doubt they would shorten the duration back to the original settings. Or do you mean they limited what mobs you can charm, well that is not a nerf. There have always been the idea that certain mobs were to be uncharmable. If you read the original updates any mob that was immune to root was also to be immune to charm. A lot of mobs should be uncharmable or highly resistant to charm, it adds to the roleplaying aspects, anything with high int and wis should have high resistance to charms. For fairness any mob used in a quest should be uncharmable, any super powered mob should be uncharmable, or highly resistant to charm, after all if the mob gained that much power, how could a simple spell make it a kitten. Your nerfed ebon recluse is a quest mob, and super powered. Just being a quest mob means it should of been uncharmable.

Mobs being more resisted to ar like charm not to mention only type of spells offered to an ench are ar based
Though I agree that having all AR based for damage is a problem for enc, it is not a nerf. Enc were always AR based, nerfs are changes made by the devs. Hopefully they will add more damage types to enc spells.

Speaking of Ar we have a spell that reduces the ar resist But how do you lower the resist of an ar on a mob immune to ar.
So here is an idea, lets give enc 2 type of spells for damage, and the second type replaces this line of spells. You wont lose anything since if a mob is AR you use the other line.

Also ench can charm so can anyone else now with the drop called puppet strings. so I have read from drop list on KT page.
How is this a nerf, nothing changed, enc stil have the best charms, and if this item is a strong as the enc charms it wont be for long. BTW where did SoE ever say enc would be the only ones to charm, it is not the domain of enc. Notice their name is enchanter not charmer. It is also logical for bards, drds, ran, necs to charm, in fact a lot of lore support these classes charming. If there are spells to charm, would it be logical for the spells to be store into items, invis can be, sow can be. But it is amazing that Puppet strings are a problem now, they have only been in the game as long as CT. BTW they only charm mobs up to 50, are off of CT so not anyone can get one, and have a 30 minute dur, no where close to what an enc can do.

Mana bards have a mana nec offer a mana.
Again not a nerf, these classes have been providing power since day one. And again where have enc been promised to be the sole mana battery in game, never. You are confusing Nerfs with stuff you do not agree with, and other classes you are jealous of.

Overall these nerfs you mentioned are nothing compared to the benefits enc have gained, BTW you did forget to mention the dex mod nerf enc had from a while back.

Out of what you mentioned there was one possible nerf, the calm thing. But since I couldnt even find the crybabies on the main site upset about it, I wouldnt call it a nerf. Meanwill enc have gained.

Longer duration on charms
Pets that are not guardians, and will taunt and heal, and the lvls of the early pets to be of better use.
Improved disguise cms
They improved enc power spells

These well out weigh the one supposed nerf you mentioned.
Improved the levels charms are good for

#16 Jul 14 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
969 posts
It does more then add to the role on rares, if the guild has the batteries and tanks it needs already, then any extra ones fall into just DDing. Now given that raids can be laggy, you want the minium amount of people to kill it the fastest. That means for DD's you want the most damaging for optimum DPS, and batteries and tanks lower dps compared to wizzies and other heavy hitters.

Dont underestimate lag, it is almost as deadly to raids as having leroy on your side

Oh I agree, I wasnt trying to imply that it was all done out of greed. I was just trying to make the point that if they have all they need of a particular class then anymore on top of that would just be a waste.
#17 Jul 14 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
You are saying the ench have been one of the best improved. For one the improvements are for the lower level ench. I would like to know how a level 60 ench spellbinder with it's 2 hour charm which use to be a permacharm is improved. Now lets talk improvements which can be seen. A bard can now charm. A nec and druid can now charm. also a nec can provide mana. these are but a few things which I see are different. What can an ench do like the above examples that they were unable to do before.
#18 Jul 14 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Excellent
As I said in an RP sense bards, necs, drds, and ran should be able to charm, it is in their role according to lore. Pied pipper, necs are masters of the dead, druids and rangers are one with nature and have animal companions. If you look into DnD even evil clerics can dominate pets. I will again point out, where has SOE ever said that enc have sole right to charm, they have never said, and in fact gave bards, drds, and necs charms before this game came out in EQ1, If they were never suppose to be able to charm, why would the game this is based on allow it. You als do know both bards and necs provided power before release, that has not changed. The charms where added with the cms, but enc charms were improved adding cms to improve them. Enc still have the longest duration and least resisted charms. They also do provide better power at the end game then the average bard/nec.

You are actuing like a child with this comment, you want something exclusive to enc, so are you going to give up animations, spells, dots, debuffs, and just have a character that charms, buffs procs, and give power.
#19 Jul 14 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
i know im repeating what dirges said but enchanters still have the best chamrs. They can charm the most power fulll mobs and hihghest levels and have no mob type charm resstrictions like necs and druids.

Enchaters can charm any kind of mob and have the longest charm

Bards can charm any kind as well but cant charm something as high level as a enchater and less duration and 120 cms to get

Necs can only charm undead

druids can only charm animals

enchaters are still by far the best charmers in game.

Edited, Thu Jul 14 18:16:24 2005 by SefanaPPO
#20 Jul 14 2005 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
3,605 posts
Knights templar have been around forever they have always been picky on who they let into the guild. They dont just let any person or dumbass into there guild. And this is the way it should be keep the dumbasses out and good players in(not just personality but play style). Best way to get into a guild is to group with there members then go from there.

#21 Jul 14 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
Or be freidns with a freind of the master
how i got my guild.
my guilds not selective tho.
#22 Jul 14 2005 at 8:46 PM Rating: Good
7,821 posts
KT blows...i agree though not too add an experienced play as does D'Haran, but you are a good player.
#23 Jul 15 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
[/b][b][i][/i]What your missing is the enchanter started with a charm, mana, and a pet. With updates the nec got a charm, and the option to do mana as well. The bard now had the option to charm. The druid had an option to charm. The mag got coh. So you get the point and i am not going to name every class. And what did the chanter get that it did not have already. I am not talking longer or better I am talking new as I listed above. I can't believe I have to simplify things on these post. What I mean is from day one when necs didn't have provide mana, mags didn't have coh, bards didn't have a charm all which was unique to a chanter. What special treat was the chanter given that was unique to another such as nec, bard ect. Hopefully now you get what I am saying.
#24 Jul 15 2005 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
Dont excpect suport wiht that atitude. Enchanters have been and are still the best charmers. They got all the cms that make them have even better scharms and such.
I could just as easaly argue that enchaters charms are to good.

Edited, Fri Jul 15 17:43:11 2005 by SefanaPPO
#25 Jul 15 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
wizards have the best damage for caster. I am not asking who is best what The best charm in the world doesn't help an animator. Nor does the best charm help with raid mobs. Before you list one or two raid mobs it might I am saying give the chanter something new not improved. How about a diff damage other then arc. or if we want to get silly a spell that will want more then 2 chanters in a guild which by the way is what this post started off as. Or a charm that would allow us to get a group easier then others. we provide mana woohoo only so much mana a person can use. We can charm the best but only if there is mobs to charm which is far an wide on raid mobs.
#26 Jul 15 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Excellent
First of all, enc charms were greatly improved, along with useful animations, improved power recovering abilities. I listed a lot of improvements to enc, so you think only enc should be improved??? Your argument is going down the drain everytime you post. You just sound like a kid with little experience and a whole lot of jealousy.

Yes bards, drds, and necs had charms added through cms, but they are greatly limited. They do not have the duration, and drds and necs are limited to what is charmable. They were also classes that used charms in everquest before this game even came out. It is part of the game, look up the lore.

You have also failed to provide any reason why these classes should not have the ability to charm. Their charms require cms to be spent, and have a shorter duration. Enc still are the better charmers. Look at damage potential, enc still have more damage potential then drds, with quads bards are about the same, but enc still have the better pet, necs already have better pets for the majority of situations, and their charms are only good for limited things.

I also dont know how many times I have to tell you this but Nec's always had the option to give power, this was from day one.

Enc were also improved through cms as well. They can cast forms that give some nice stacking stats for different situations. They got improved pets, they got an ar debuff increasing their damage, they got improved charms, and they got an ability to completly fill up anyones power instantly. So you complain other classes were improved, but ignore that encs were improved as well.

wizards have the best damage for caster
This is so hysterically hypocritical I cant stop laughing. One minute you are crying about the devs fixing a glitch allowing an enc to charm a quest mob, that obviously out damaged any wizard around. Then you say they have the best damage.

Just so you know charms do help on raids, it is another pet, and a well played enc can get a charmed mob that will outdamage an animation for extra dps.

How about a diff damage other then arc
I already suggested something, but you chose to ignore me.

What your missing is the enchanter started with a charm, mana, and a pet
JUst to point out, enc started with weak charms, weak power recover, and they did not have pets. Enc had guardians, so you what better pets, but oh no a petter can get a charm. Also to point out, I have already said mainy times enc charms sucked, the mob was only charmed for 5 minutes and you do know that the enc good power spells were added after the game came out. All enc had were the store bought spells, the ones that actually provide power such as the ones from the X3 quest were added several months after release.

So using your logic bards and necros should be the batteries since they started off with the better power spells. So you now hav an enc being the only charmer, but can only charm for 5 minutes, has a guardian for a pet so for it to do anything they have to pull and take the initial quad and crit, and weak *** power recover spells that make them the worst class to do so.
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