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Eternal Desert Lvl 43 Quest - Royce SandstalkerFollow

#1 Jul 14 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
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#2 Jul 14 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
posting walkthroughs on forums? doesn't the quest link have pretty much the same exact thing and didn't you add this there too??

I Dont Know I ran away from the Lawn!

Edited, Thu Jul 14 12:39:56 2005 by Fuelad
#3 Jul 14 2005 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
posting walkthroughs on forums? doesn't the quest link have pretty much the same exact thing and didn't you add this there too??

Yes. Yes. Yes.

And your ****** point is what?

Anyways...ALLA doesnt post walkthru, as they should, when you send them. They much rather keep the old, crappy, error full ones up!

Sheeessssh... now look as this, getting pissy in his panties because I posted walkthru on his forum! hehe...

Like I said, I just seem to pull these peeps out of the woodwork!

Edited, Thu Jul 14 14:17:56 2005 by singforu
#4 Jul 14 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
527 posts
How dare you try to post informative things on this forum Sing! The nerve!

I'm amazed he has only 39 posts if he feels the need to point stupid things out like that. You'd think he'd have...I dunno...8000.
#5 Jul 14 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
Yeah I was going to ask him who the hell he was, or who appointed him ALLA forum police. It no matter, my posting is not what really mattered, he just got a jealous twinge because he can't write walkthrus as well asI do. hehe.

I should be used to these attacks by wannabies-for-wat-ever... but as ye can see, if ye attack me, I bite back fast. :)

I get a lot of this during game play too... I get this **** from mostly , eliterz, punkass-kids, takerz, scammerz, and peeps who no like wat I say on this forum! :) It letz me know I am luv'd!
#6 Jul 14 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Well it could be that sing is organizing this on to his own site, and is posting it here to help formating and to get community imput on how correct the qst is?
#7 Jul 14 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
No I originaly started posting this here on ALLA to help keep it from dieing off, long before I started my site! And I started my site because I got sick of seeing good info being buried on the forums, here and SOE, because of stupid crap like spam, polls, requests for nerfs, Dev asskissing, and so on!

I'm sorry if my postings bothers peeps, but I aint gonna stop!

If peeps thinks I am doing this for my ego, oh well, ok, I can live with...
#8 Jul 14 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Excellent
POst all you want, it is not like it is interupting anything else here.
#9 Jul 14 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Default
You are all right, fuellad has no point.

Edited, Sat Jul 16 00:12:40 2005 by Murrun
#10 Jul 14 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
I think he has a point..

If alla already has a walkthrough submitted, why post another on the forums? You always say how much you hate spams, and duped material is spam, its already on the site somewhere. If you had posted in on the forum, and then haggan put it in maybe but, otherwise, whats the point?

I don't know if alla has walkthroughs for the rest of the quests you posted, but I can see posting it if they don't.

Don't all jump on this guy cause he crossed sing, he has a valid point.

Well excuse if I am interupting your spam Murr, and no he didn't have a valid point at all! The walkthru that was already here was BAD! Can you say BAD, yse I knew ye could!

But hey Murr, if you have a hardie on for me too, please, do come out of the closet! Letz not *****-foot around!

And for the record, this dude came to me with a chip on his shoulder, if ye can't see that from the beginning, maybe itz becuz ye too have it in fer me... hmmm.... maybe... just a little... yes... :)

I know, as long as it is ****** spam, stupid BS, hey its ok! Well, no it not!


#11 Jul 14 2005 at 4:44 PM Rating: Excellent
That is a lot of hostility, just because Murrun didnt agree with you. He is right, I read both your and the original qst, yours is slighlty abridged but does not provide any more accurate info, It is basically the same thing.

The question was why post it on the forum when the origianl was the same thing, it will just get lost here. Murrun was right if it is not listed in the quest section, post it here that way the info is out, but if you post the exact same thing as what is in the quest section it is spam.

Sing, just some advise, get your head out of your ***, not every thing is a personal attack on you. I did not read the unedited post by fuelad, but both his and Murrun post as they stand have no grudge against you. The only one here acting with hostility is YOU. BTW if you get off your high horse and actually read what you post, you have no right to ***** about others spaming, you do the same. You may not spam as much, but you do spam, and have no objection when you do it, but it is the greatest evil when others do.

God damn it, I said his name right 3 times, and agreed with him, the sky is falling

Edited, Thu Jul 14 17:48:44 2005 by dirges
#12 Jul 14 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Sat Jul 16 00:13:49 2005 by Murrun
#13 Jul 15 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
Look, writing up all the walkthroughs is great, as long as alla doesn't have one,

And where is this rule written down?

As for ALLA's having a walkthru, the walkthru they have are crappy, and I WILL write better ones, howbeit you like it or not! And, because ALLA's way of presenting walktrus for each class and race, the VERY SAME walkthru COULD be DIFFERENT. So, I posted it under SHAMANS, but guess ****** what? THe same walkthru for the same quest COULD be differnet for Warrior! THUS, I posted it shaman, but knowing that the SAME OLD crappy one is still being used in all other classes and races, I reposted in the MAIN. You would know this if you used the walkthru from alla, but hell, you don't even play the game anymore, or am I wrong on that issue!? It no matter.

As for Fuelad, with his 30+ posts, what is his contribution to this site? That he should correct me on forum issues?

AS for ny hostility, yep, I got a lot of it, I get harrassment daily from peeps like this Fuelad punk, via ingame, email, and here! Besides the peeps I get into flames matchs with, what the hell did I do that warrents these attacks, these walkthru and taking up for the common peeps aginst the wannabie-eliterz. It does get old, these constant attack, but oh well, they aint going to go away, nor am I going away! Hehe sorry...

I am not here to be like, or whatever, if my posting helps just one peep while it pissses you and everyone else off, GREAT! But, when I feel I am attack, just don't ****** expect me to ignore it, you should knw me by now to know that that aint gonna happen. And if that pisses you all off, so be it, get pissed off.

And as for my spam, I made one, maybe two TOPICs during my stay here, that would condered spam! All other spam would be posting inside of another topic. And, you gonna compare my spartan-spam to anyone eles?!?!? Shesssh get off of it!

In the end, while I amy not be the last word here on alla, nither are you guys. So now ****** what? Whatz going to be done now? nothing.... I will continue do as I see fit, you all do what you do... just dont attack my spam, just dont attack me for attacking others, while at the same time you all do the very same thing, but on a scale far greater than I! Hmmmm...... yes....
#14 Jul 15 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
WOooooo - Zappa Rules!! ;P
#15 Jul 15 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Default
Is it realy that big of a deal? IF you dont like it so much sub default the post so you dont have to read it.
#16 Jul 15 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
In the early days they used to try and sub default me away... they didn't do that very well then, at least they had the chance, but now, it'z gonna be hard to sub default me away! But hey go der it!
Take yer best shots... If you all thought it was hard to get rid of Ziz, just try and get rid of me! >:)
#17 Jul 15 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
I meant the post it self, some1 with 2k+ posts wont be sub defaulted easialy.
#18 Jul 15 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
... just dont attack my spam, just dont attack me for attacking others,

Well, theres your problem. Sorry you think my oppinions are personal attacks on you.
#19 Jul 15 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
527 posts
The bottom line here is Feul complains about a helpful post. We've said it in other threads "if your're only going to post that you don't like the post, don't bother at all", and I think that rule applies here. Now the same can be said for Sing, why did he respond to Feul. Well, I'll tell's his ****** thread, and he did nothing wrong.

Now this situation would be a little different if Sing was strolling around with a big pinata head talking about how great he is. But I don't see that happening in this case. He's making a list of just about every piece of information about this game. Who gives a *** if decides to post his newly completed guides on the forums.

posting walkthroughs on forums? doesn't the quest link have pretty much the same exact thing and didn't you add this there too??

Sadly, enough morons come to the forums asking about quests with great walkthroughs just a click away. We may have just avoided some of them, be happy.
#20 Jul 15 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
You have to laugh! It so dam funny!

Here a guy is posting INFORMATION about a which is the whole point of the forums...for people to get info...

I tend not to post much...more of a "stalker" but I like walkthru posts like that and will often cut-and-paste stuff like that onto my computer.

(Yeah you will say "But that info is already listed in the quest section of Allakazam"..well that quest system is badly in need of work! It seems to have been static for ages. Need to have it so users can add to the quest section easily!)

Meanwhile we get people who seem tp fill these forums up with nonsense chatter...

"You @#$%^head"
"Same to $%%^@!@"

Threads will get stolen so often it is ridiculous!
I would like to see an additional filter...Out-of-Topic in a thread. Kinda make the useless chatter get sub-defaulted so the original thread can continue on!

#21 Jul 15 2005 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
BTW Zata that is one hell of a beard you have. I am assuming you are the son that now runs the corp. Of course maybe you are the office manager.
#22 Jul 15 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
Lol nope I'm the bearded guy. Old picture...beard and hair shorter now.

Actually with out our Office Manager Jane we would be sunk...we try to make sure she is happy so she doesn't leave us.
#23 Jul 15 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
You guys should not be taking up for me, next you'll be labeled as suking something of mine, which is what others stated once before!

Well, theres your problem. Sorry you think my oppinions are personal attacks on you.

No, there is not my problem, and no you're not sorry, and yes, you were making an indirect attack on me! Justify yourself anyway you want. That is how I took it. I will not turn a blind eye on any attack on me by anyone, even if they are a regular, or beloved by all!

And yes, I do take it as a personal jealious attack on me when all I did was post EQ related info.

Lets see, I was attacked before for;

1, At first, I was attack for spelling and grammar ***** Ok, So, I began to settle down, and use better grammar and spelling, as best as I could, which, had never been my strong point.

2, I was attack for using slang words as YE! Yes YE! Go figz on that one!

3, In the beginning, I was attacked for posting anything at all! And that was done mostly by unregisttered users, and sockies! In oterwords, by gutless no-name cowards! Some of whom, I guess, still post here as regulars!

3, I was attacked for writting stories about my EQ questing, ok, so I stopped writting stories, I can write my stories elsewhere!

4, I was attack for posting humors crap, ok, so I stop trying being funny!

5, Now, I am being attacked for posting writethrus!

Whatz next? Am I going to be attacked for posting anything at all about EQ! And where the *** is the attacks for making a websites for EQ data so it doesn't get lost to all the BS? GD, peeps, you're slacking! Oh, i forgot, the website is my little ego trip, sorry, I guess ye weren't slacking after all!

Again sheeesh...
#24 Jul 15 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
3,273 posts
BTW peeps, if I come off as being overtly paranoid and thinking everyone is out to get me, does not mean they're not out to get me!

For real... my only excuse is this, I do get attacked, all the time, here and else where. And, the attacks on me are not for being an assshole, not for being a pain to some poster, no, I get attacked for stupid legit stuff, like, humor, wErdz, spelling, and now... EQ data! And to them that attackz me for that, I say ***** And, I do mean that in a bad way too! >:)
#25 Jul 15 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
Yeah I get where you are coming from Sing.

But ya is people like me than NEED to speak out every once in awhile.

The whinners and complainers can rule the roost if everyone keeps quite.

Quite frankly what has disappointed me about this forum has been all the rude ******** etc. Clutters up the site from the real reason...talking about EQOA.

ANYTHING related to eqoa should allowed to be posted here without people complaining...dont like something....don't look at that post anymore!

But all the whinning and complaining..************** calling cluttering up just about every thread is real annoying.

Ok climbing down from my preaching box...
and sorry for hijacking this thread...
#26 Jul 15 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
KK boys boys boys. Im sorry nut I am LMFAO over this.

Sing keeep doing what youre doing - but hey in the future put a little editors note asking for feedback if its good to post on your site. Then it is not just repeating info.

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