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The CU and people leavingFollow

#1 Jun 11 2005 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
116 posts
I have noticed that alot of people have been leaving because of the CU. I have not heard a real number of the percent of people that have left. If anyone has an actual number that they could post here that would be great. also I have heard talk of galaxies being merged is there any truth to this?
#2 Jun 11 2005 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
624 posts
The only ones that really know the truth are SOE and they're not gonna tell ya.
#3 Jun 11 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
284 posts
There may be some people leaving because they are bitter about the CU change. However, I like the new format and I have been playing for over a year now. I see more and more people in the spaceports on the server I play. It doesn't really matter how many people leave so long as they are replaced by other players.

Also, I had a few friends that swore they would never come back to SWG and after about 2 weeks, I saw them running around our guild town again.
#4 Jun 11 2005 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
3,079 posts
If anything, server populations has increased over the past few weeks, not decreased. I'm guessing there was a decline (no more than maybe 25%) at the end of April, but I would be as bold to guess that the population has since increased by at least 50%. So yes, it is on a climb, not a descent. Hell, when I see people regularly in Keren, KEREN (I'm guessing maybe one other person can tell me where that is!), something has to be increasing!
#5 Jun 11 2005 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Anothr thing I have seen to disprove the fact that too many people are leaving SWG, is the fact that when I went out to buy TE today, I had to go to 4 stores because three of them were sold out.
#6 Jun 11 2005 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
I am srry if any1 has already asked this, but what is your guys' oppinion on the CU. I have looked at a lot of places, some being mre biased than others (PC Gamer seems to be all for Pre-CU), but I wont know until I come back in two days. This whole situation is really worring me. I am a HUGE Star Wars fan, and I would just be sick if a game that I looked forward to every summer, was takin away from me by some stupid patch.
#7 Jun 12 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
116 posts
Well I think that there are some good changes that the CU brought, and some not-so-good changes. Some examples of good changes: multi-passenger speeders, grouping is now a lot more effective, in some ways combat is more realistic (you aren't as powerful as a god anymore. I was TKM before CU, and even though I was really strong, it did seem a bit to unrealistic), inspiration buffs (+10% xp for up to 3 hours. You get them from entertainers), it's a lot easier for new people to get going and into the game now (with grouping), and some other minor changes that helped things out.
The CU brought some annoying changes, too, though. For example: Soloing is no longer an option, so if nobody wants to group with you, you are at a loss; colored icons (dang, I think they might bother me more than anything else in the CU. The regular white/blue ones were cool), stupid/annoying combat annimations (for some of the special moves, and things like stunned and bleeding), and some other minor deals that irritate you every once in a while.
I think that the biggest issue was change. SWG is still fun, and I don't plan on quitting, but it doesn't feel the same as it did. As stupid as it sounds, I am feeling nastolgic for the old SWG. I would not say that the CU is "bad", it just takes a lot of getting used to.
I don't know about the other galaxies, but Shadowfire's population has been AT LEAST decreased by half. I think it might be more like 60%. It really bothers me, too. somewhere near 10% of the population are Jedi, it seems, as opposed to where it used to be, which was around half a percent. I think that the die-hard players (like myself) kept playing, as did the Jedi. The less die-hard players quit, (on Shadowfire, anyway), so we are left with the die-hards, the Jedi, and the new people that have come in post-CU. I think that some people should transfer their Characters to Shadowfire, we need more people. That would make ME happy.... lol. Anyway, take care. If anyone joins Shadowfire, let me know, I'll give you some kind of appreciation gift (might be just a pat on the head, though...) Take care.
#8 Jun 12 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
I still don't understand the "I can't solo" complaint. I have 3 characters that I play pretty regularly, and all of them can solo baddies fairly easily at up to +2 from their level. Granted it takes more skill and strategy than it did pre CU, but this is a game. It meant to be played, not watched. The old play style of "spam best attack = win" is dead.

'Bout the only things that can't be soloed are the big lvl 80+ baddies like Krayts and Ancient Rancors...which NEVER should have been soloable in the first place.
#9 Jun 12 2005 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
Only the wise ones stay in the game because they no they are greater treasures to be found but the mindless leave and search for another game ive played since the games started and i do not wish to quit but the only thing i do not like about the cu is it gives bhs a better chance to kill you only the wise one that is

---flinko sencrete---- jedi master

(the path to the darkside is chosen it is not forced)
#10 Jun 13 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I will admit that I signed the Petition against the CU, but now, after over a month with it, I am reasonable content. Yes, it definitely requires more thought now, but at the same time, you no longer are blowing through massive amounts of cash for the UBER BUFF set. I have been able to solo above my level (80) as long as I am careful, and use my pet and my battle R3 unit, but I can solo. I will admit that grouping is a blast now. 3 or 4 guys from my guild and I decided to use my Sorosuub speeder as a bus, and started working missions from our Player city terminal, the main 4 players were a 16 Novice Smuggler, a 73 BH (working on master), an 80 Rifleman, and myself (80 BH) no pets, and NO HEALER, and we were taking down lairs with level 82 mobs (about 12 per spawn) and were getting over 6k weap XP per kill, and 10K per completed mission. In about 6 hours of play, I made 2.1 mil weapon XP (900K Rifle, 900K Carbine, 380K Pistol) and 280K Combat XP. Maybe it is not the mad amounts from pre CU, but still definitely respectable. Also made about 350K credits, had 1 guys get incapped 4 times in the entire 16 hours (the level 16 guy) and overall had a great day. I have heard that the jedi issue is still needing some fixes, and if they are going to make jedi group, then they should not be made visible by grouping. I completely support vidibility for the guys that sit in front of the starport in robes with saber drawn and lit, dueling should become visible in about 2 seconds, because of Darwinism (also know as the stupid should be weeded out.) but is you are going to make the game a group centric game then if a Jedi groups, they should not be penalized with visibility.

Just my 2 credits.

#11 Jun 13 2005 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
I'm quite enjoying the CU. At least now the spaceport's are full, and not just Coronet. The whole galaxy seems more alive. Grouping is fun and I have had no problems soloing. I am master creature handler / master pistoleer (CL80) and as long as you know your profession taking out your level mob's can be quite easy. Things can go wrong but only if you make a mistake. I saw a lair of 4 level 82 ancient bull rancors on dath last night and had a pop at one of them. thought if I pulled one I could do some damage. No chance. I pulled one, my 3 female nargs went down in a few minutes and then the lair spawned another 4 so I ran like hell with 8 chasing me! Still, fun though! haha!

#12 Jun 13 2005 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
In My Opinion I think So many people left SWG for the CU was because SWG was a different MMORPG, a game were you could solo or go out with friends a whole choice depending on the player, and comming from somone who is used to playing FFXI,EQ,DAOC and more all party involved SWG was the Best game ever beacuse it was different then thoes SOE ***** had to go change it and try to make it more of a "team baced" game like all the other mmo's out there cpt maybe WoW (solo that also) that everyone is use to playing. I Remember the days waiting for a pt in FFXI for a while, so switching to SWG for a Few Hours Grind a Lill Jedi. Go back to FFXI. Thoes were the days :(

Ohh how i wish thoes days would come back ^^

Well Take Care Everyone. Hope your all Enjoying the game as much as i Use to love it.
#13 Jun 14 2005 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
Hey wisegreenone? One word for ya....

Punctuation and correct spelling!!! Give it a try!

As for being wise...well you have a strange notion of what wisdom is. My gripe with the CU was the bait and switch that SOE pulled on the veteren players. To me it is a different game than the one I had been playing for the last 8 months. Would you consider it wise to take a Kia when you thought you were buying a BMW? I don't and I don't think anyone else of any wisdom would. If you enjoy playing SWG II (and let's face it, that's what this is now)then I'm glad someone is. I would have been perfectly happy if they had just fixed SWG 1.
#14 Jun 15 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
So you can't solo 95% of the game anymore and thats a bad thing how??? Whats the point of an mmorpg if ur chars are so powerful that u can solo almost all of the game?
#15 Jun 16 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Default
The reason there are more people on is because they are now consolidating servers. Take a little from here, and a little from there and put them together and it appears that more people are playing. This game suks now. don't bother responding, I won't read it. I got better things to do. Ex-SWG player
#16 Jun 17 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
wipiogie wrote:
The reason there are more people on is because they are now consolidating servers. Take a little from here, and a little from there and put them together and it appears that more people are playing. This game suks now. don't bother responding, I won't read it. I got better things to do. Ex-SWG player
Good he left. you should only play a game you like. I love CU now. I can play and now after all this time playing ( I joined the game the first month it came out in the US) I can try to be a jedi. I do not have to spend all my time making money to but UBER stuff just to play. With CU I just need my wits and I do not need to buy anything ( TKM for armor) execept to pay for my house and emergency stims because I do solo alot. Now you can master something ( like pistoleer ) and it not bite the big one. Dual master and you are Good.
#17 Jun 17 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
946 posts
give it a F*%K*N Break will ya


Wouldn't a more sutible reply to that post be, no they are not concoledating servers, its just an influx of noobs off the back of EP3 that has brought the population back up after the dip, mainly caused not by the CU its self although it was a major factor, but the attitude of people like you about the CU.

U have your game now, we lost ours, so come on tell me i cant spell,tell me my grammer is all wrong, tell me to go play something else. all i have to say if the game so damn graet why you sitting on here insulting people, wouldn't be so bad if it had been an argument instead of someone looking to stir up trouble in the 1st place, im not kidding i feel sorry for you that this is what the game has come down to for you.

Yes some good changes have been made, but many more bad changes have been made, but not only that they, for the likes of your self who couldn't even after almost 2 years figure out a way of playing a game with such levels of freedom that was fun for youself have destroyed the freedoms the rest of us enjoyed so much. Freedoms that imo made this game so diffrent from the rest of games out there. And what were the liberties removed from the rest of us for???? because people like your self have to be led by the hand, and dont feel anyone but your self are important or deserve to have opinions or earn a living in the game.

now that might be a harsh generalisation on my behalf, but i am so so very sick of all this CU arguments, but im more sick of the total disreguard you CU lovers show to anyone that stands up and says its crap. or they dont like it. there is no discussion and more just out and out flames. which i have to say come on flame on, i can give as well as i can take.

We should not be arguing like its a black and white issue, we should be trying to formulate ideas that make both sides happy and then trying to get SOE to implement those ideas.

But if you want to contine with your biased in happy F%&k you jack attitudes how about you get your self on the soe site where you will be welcomed with open arms and maybe ever promoted to SOE empires cheif lap dog.
#18 Jun 17 2005 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
Hey wisegreenone? One word for ya....

Punctuation and correct spelling!!! Give it a try!

Thats 3 words, (4 if you count "and")
Anyway, someone teach wisegreenone to make a Signature. I don't think he quite gets the grasp of it.
#19 Jun 17 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
Only the wise ones stay in the game

exactly... theres only one star wars mmorpg and when you look at the fan-fest videos about captital ships i tell you this just the start ;)
#20 Jun 17 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
my 2c

I've had this game since the first week it came out. My MO from the beginning was that I wanted to solo and do my own thing, but found quickly that this wasnt possible.

Basically I would play for a few months, then get fed up and quit. Sometimes this occured around major changes. It seemed to me that whenever I 'got ahead' it the game making money or experience they would change something and then I'd be a n00b all over again.

Again I just started playing this game recently just after a long 6 month dry stent.. didn't even hear about the CU until i logged in. I'm still trying to process this.

Again, I'm back to square one. Even though I've had this game forever I'm not even FS yet because I never bothered to care to do the quests required.

However, here's my feelings now after a few weeks of getting used to this. I hardly have any cash.. but I don't need it really other than to blow it on wall-mount items or housing. Not having to pay for buffs have really helped out gameplay. Plus the old-style gaming was having to sit in line for 15 minutes to get buffed to do any serious gaming. (now that I have JTL those free travel costs to offplanet are SOO nice)

Overall I think this CU patch was part of what was needed from the beginning. However, I do miss the 'old' swg. Sometimes I miss the swg from the first month of play when there were no masters in anything.. when the galaxy was new. It definatly gets very VERY old to see 10 jedi at every major spaceport. I wouldn't mind having a jedi character, but I sure wish there were more penalties for doing a jedi duel at the mining outpost.

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