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Whats the funnest things you have seen in SWGFollow

#27 Nov 30 2004 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
266 posts
Probably the funniest thing I've seen actually happened just this weekend (the Saturday after Thanksgiving 2004).

A bounty hunter and his two TKM friends showed up at the front door of the guild I'd just recently joined. This happens to be one of the more Jedi-heavy guilds in the game, so a group of us saw these guys coming and were milling around the entrance in support of the player who was the BH's target. Well, after a few minutes of hissing and spitting at each other, the trio decides to take a shot at their target. They quickly realize it wasn't such a good idea to attack, and go swimming in the large nearby body of water to avoid being killed. Our Jedi followed them into the drink, but couldn't attack since they too were swimming. So, I pulled out my pet gleaming lantern bird and sicced him on them. They were out there, 'waay off in the distance, with my bird harassing them for a couple of minutes. All three of them were buffed, so it was obviously not doing them any great harm. Yet eventually they came swimming back to shore. Guess they got sick of my bird's obnoxious squawk or something. At any rate, one of them actually had the nerve to spit at my bird.

Well, then we started shooting at them again and one quickly went down, so back into the water the two survivors went. Only this time, I followed them. And I got lucky and stumbled acros a shallow section which enabled me to stand up and start shooting at them again. I incapped one of them with about six eyeshots, and left him floating in the water for my Padawan friend to perform the deathblow. And then I started chasing the third guy. Unfortunately, I couldn't find another sandbar, so I got out onto shore and stared at him swimming out of reach.

After a couple of minutes, my own buffs expired, so the tables turned and I went swimming, giving him a window of opportunity to leave the lake and make an escape attempt. I sent a tell to one of our Jedi Knights, who immediately hopped onto his swoop and motored over to where this third would-be assassin was mounting his bike. Last I saw of them, the guy was zipping off at top speed with our Knight in hot pursuit.
#28 Nov 30 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
If you shout something about killing the Emperor to spacetroopers, the spacies won't do anything. I'm not sure about stormies, I haven't tried it with them yet.
#29 Nov 30 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
960 posts
Don't say "These are not the droids you are looking for" to stomtroopers if you are Jedi...
#30 Nov 30 2004 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
274 posts
Why not what happens?
#31 Nov 30 2004 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
180 posts
excuse my nubness...

If some1 attacks some1 in yur guild u can atack em if u wan't?
#32 Nov 30 2004 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
180 posts
Anywayz....the funniest thing i prolly saw was when there was a jedi knight hanging round dant. and a new in stormtrooper armor comes taunting the jedi cause the jedi was talking stuff bout how rebellion rocked. I guess the newb didn't know he was a jedi knight cause the guy challenged the jedi to a dual. Of coure the jedi accepts and as soon as the guy has his lightsaber out, u see a flood of msgs with the new begging for his life "That's not fair" "I didn't know u had a light saber" "Please don't kill me" "I give up" and being the nice guy the jedi is he didn't death blow the little punk....but like 20 guys arround the duel had the /rofl command on.....Then i heal the newb and let him get up even though i am reb, (i am a nice guy) he gets up and try's to show off by doing the stupid emotes.

Edit: Another funny thing is another dude in a stormtrooper armor is hanging round tatooine apperently going to brand new players and saying he would "summon lord vader" if they did notpay him an imperial tax. Being noobs they payed him like 1k each. so i walk upto the guy and my friend follows (friend is master swordsman/tkm. We go upto him and tell him to summon lord vader and he starts doing this dance chating Ommmmm Ommmmm Lord Vader Ommm Ommmm. Hilarious Shiznit. Guy was chanting for like 20 mins then logged off. Being the nice guy i am i payed the newbs who payed him. I gave each of like the 10 newbs who payed him like 3k each.

Edited, Tue Nov 30 22:21:31 2004 by Vadvagool
#33 Dec 01 2004 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
When i was a Imp was waiting on some1 to get a house so we can trade Overt not good anyways i pulled out my ST and was talking about him to this other player and well i petted him and got fined lost Fp and reported too. i laughed so hard i ended up hitting, slapping and bodyslamming him all fined got incaped or mind down to 1. i ened it placing all the things i did to him the lost Fp lost creds and if i got incap or mind go to 1 in my bio for all to read.
#34 Dec 01 2004 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
another funny thing happen to me went into my storage to look for something had my swoop bike out left it running came back out and it was disable but it was just smoking no fire and smoke so i hoped on it and drove around on a disablebike. so funny i ended up taking a Pic of it.
#35 Dec 01 2004 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
oh the Best funny thing that ever happen to me is this....
Did the Hutt vette mission so Corsect dont like me much -5000 so Went to Cor and ended up in thier city {upper left conner of the map }so they shot at me died cloned all i was doing was placing things on the bazaar didnt know i was Neg faction Pts w/them. as i was running around the starport met some meatlumps at this time was wearing no armor so i ran by them 3 of them started to chase me ran into a Stormtrooper who tell me to stop for a search if i did meatlumps will kill me so i ran past him Stormy said die u rebel scum now i know i am overt.. getting chased by an Imp as well Meat lumps and the Cor sects saw me ducking into the starport w/my groupies so they joined the band wagon ended up getting incap in the starport no death blow they all walk away. Got up bought my ticket as i was heading the the ticket droid saw a PC w/Dark Jedi over his head. i said oh **** i am still Overt but wait he cant attack me. so as i wait for the few secs for the ship to arive I turned around and saw a Red Saber flying at me. Got cloned went back to covert lost 45 Fp ran past every1 and missed my flight lol. Oh the funny thing is u can place things on the Bazaar while incaped.
#36 Dec 01 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,211 posts
lol, back when i just started the game, u know the time, think u cant take on the galaxies, well me and a friend tried. we were both newbs and tried to hunt one of every animal on tat, good tymes. gotta love being incapped by a krettle, and a nuna, and every damn animal on the outskirts of mos eisly. eventually our stats went up and we tried some bigger game. i still cant remember the name of the damn thing, but it was big, green, long limbed and had 5k hp, but thank god no kill blow. we spend the better part of an hour wittling the things hp down. got incapped about five times. just before it died another one spawned, a baby. we were like "ahhh crap" and ran off after killing the mother. then we felt bad that it was like bambi, left alone without a mother so we went back and killed it.
#37 Dec 01 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
I noticed what u said about the reb bases. Are u in MI on lok on bria?
#38 Dec 01 2004 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
Oops lol that last post was to kannis.
#39 Dec 01 2004 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
When i used to play SWG(im just checking out the new posts) i remember when the mando caves on endor just came out andi had just gotten master commando/TKM and m and some friends all went to the place to see what was there. So i get there first and i see a speeder i can attack. Not thinking of whose it could be i just flame the **** out of it. Next thing i know i see some blue comp armor and red lightsaber zoom out of the entrance and im incapped on the floor.So he cusses me out and then destroys my bike. Then he kills me and all my friends since we were overt. I almost got kicked out of the guild lol.
#40 Dec 02 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
266 posts
Vadvagool wrote:
"If some1 attacks some1 in yur guild u can atack em if u wan't?"

It's kinda screwed up at the moment, so let's see if I can sort it out....

Basically, for players to attack you, you have to either both be overt members of opposite factions, or in a guild war, or (and this one is the problem scenario) a bounty hunter with a mission targeting a Jedi. And in addition, if you are grouped with someone who is being attacked by another player, you can, with one exception, help the player in his fight.

That exception is if the people fighting are both the same faction as you. This is the infamous "same-faction Bounty Hunter" exploit. Normally, if a covert opposite-faction bounty hunter shot at you or a friend, he'd get a Temporary Enemy Flag, making him a shootable target for five minutes.

This is the problem. Bounty Hunter missions have nothing to do with a Jedi's faction. All jedi are potential targets for any bounty hunter, regardless of faction.

If the bounty hunter happens to be the same faction as his target, then NONE of his friends can help defend his target, because the game does not give TEFs to people attacking someone of the same faction. This is giving rise to all sorts of problems in which people are organizing gank squads and pulling Bounty Hunter missions to go after same-faction Jedi. It's obviously absurd that people are forced to stand by helplessly while a lowly Padawan guildmate is being terrorized by (the typical modus operandi) a group of skill-stacked TKMs, one of whom is generally a Bounty Hunter dabbler with just enough skill points in the profession to reach Investigations III so he can pull Jedi missions off a bounty-hunter terminal.

With exploits like this, the chance to do something funny like I described... well, it felt really good.

Edited, Thu Dec 2 13:12:09 2004 by Iakimo
#41 Dec 02 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
960 posts
I remember a Japanese guy in Coronet running around screaming out "RUN!!! IT'S GODZILLA!!!!" when he saw a Rancor pet for the first time.. the whole spaceport broke down in laughter...
#42 Dec 02 2004 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
long before jedi were in game i had a bio eng char on gorath and when you sample a creatures dna it usually killed them at the lower lvl I was at also the char would pass his hand over the creature as he sampled,well after like the 10th noob asked me how i killed him without a weapon i started telling them i was a sith and that I was usuing the force to kill them I even made a macro that said something like "you feel your lifeforce leaving your body" I used to LMAO when peeps would come up and start watching me and asking questions
#43 Dec 03 2004 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
180 posts
Thanx for clearing thst up....I'm still a n00b
#44 Dec 03 2004 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
I was searching public bazaars for pistols when I was a slicer and came across this CDEF. Your typical ultimate P.O.S. 35 max dmg CDEF.


Some wookies will stop at nothing to score that perfect date, but... I guess someone forgot to tell him that CDEFs are not the best babe bait.

Whenever I need a good laugh I agree to "tank" for some pushy loudmouth zealous newb ready to begin his combat profession by riding coattails.

Oh the joy of feign death on the hostile surface of Lok...

Edited, Fri Dec 3 23:44:53 2004 by Jerok
#45 Dec 04 2004 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
just saw it today, at the battlefield on corellia. about 10 rebel officers frozen still with their guns pointed at an AT-ST who was standing still, around the corner, with his turrets facing them, but neither of them were moving, nor shooting. I couldnt get my retarded keyboard to take a pic in time, but it was funny..
#46 Dec 06 2004 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,211 posts
once when i was going solo on danth, which is not a good idea when ur a newb and not grouped. i was trying to find something smaller than a rancor to hunt and i stumbled on a herd of these little lizard things, stronger than what i was used to but pretty easy to deal wit if i kited. but while running i ran into a rancor, it began to follow me too, then a nightsister. in total i had four lizard things, a rancor and two nightsisters on my ***. eventually i was killed by the lizard thing amazingly enuff. then before i cloned i saw the four lizards, the rancor and the ns's begin to fight. funny ****
#47 Dec 06 2004 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
116 posts
in phase 4 of the village, you have to escort a commander for a long distance for one of the quests. Myself and a few guildies were doing the mission and getting on ok...we were all walking in kind of a line (all on autofollow) across the hills, when I noticed a red dot that had been obscured by something else on the radar, which I had failed to notice...I turned round (still walking forward) and there was this huge rancor following us (but not attacking). I have no idea how long he was right behind us, but it was hilarious to turn round and see the line of people with a rancor RIGHT behind the last one and nooone noticing. Also, if you ever look at the way a rancor walks, it looked like it was tiptoeing like something out of a scooby doo cartoon :D

a quick "errm...theres something behind us folks..." preceded his quick death. I regret to say I didn't hit him once; I was laughing to hard!

#48 Dec 07 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,211 posts
when i was totally stoned on pain meds from a wonderful wisdfom tooth removal. i tried to play and couldn't remember the password. when i did get on nothing made sense so i shut off. then i tried to get on again, nothing made sense. this repeated about five times. then i broke out into song. and passed out. good tymes
#49 Dec 07 2004 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
this was back in the days when you can get incapped just by bleeding...

i was a pistoleer at the time and i challenged a TK dude for fun. the TK dude says fine just as long as i don't kite him. so we duke it out. i imediately found out this dude was way to strong for me to just go toe to toe with so despite what we agreed upon, i kept my distance and ran around kiting him. also hit him with some bleeds.

i eventually incapped him. since it was a friendly duel i didn't DB. we ended duel and i healed him to get back on his feet (only had stim A's so it wasn't much of a heal just enough to get him on his feet again). he immediatly started trash talking me for the kiting. i just stood there in silence because i knew i deserved it. but he was still bleeding and i was watching his health bar diminish. still talking trash, all of a sudden he just fell incapped mid-sentence. ROFL LMAO!!!! i healed him again, he stood up, started talking more crap. this time he was really pissed... but he was still bleeding though... all of a sudden, he was on his back incapped again mid-sentence!! OMG! by this time i was literally in tears behind my keyboard laughing!

i felt bad so for the third time, i took the time to heal him to full health and gave him first aid to stop bleeding. it took a while since i was no doc and i was using crappy stim A's that i crafted myself. during the process he eventually found the humor of it all and appologized for the smack talking and thanked me for healing him. i then appologized for the kiting after i agreed not to. we both started joking around laughing at the incident. we eventually became good friends. LOL!

Edited, Tue Dec 7 14:23:37 2004 by longonizzle
#50 Dec 07 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
274 posts
Dunno if I have mentioned this before but me and a friend were doing a little Rancor Hunting on Dath and another guy from my guild felt like joining us i said it was kool and I gave him our cords now at the time I was grinding BH and My friend was a Master Doc/Rifleman. We where joiking around and killing Baz Nitches and stuff when a Nightsister Arch-Witch spawned practically in our faces. IT WAS BEDDLAM LOL. Me being very foolish started shooting just as my friend screamed dont attack it (shade too slow lol). Well she made short work of me and I was buffed and had 70% resists to kinetic I had no melee defences so I was took down quick. My friend on the other hand tried to run lol! he said he could draw her away and rez me but the nightsister had other ideas she trashed his speeder just as he got on KD Dizzyed him and kick the crap outa him he was dead withing a few seconds 30 at the most well Our friend was still on our way but we forgot to mention the NS to him and he walked into her. He held his own though he was a Master brawler/Fencer and was very slowly taking down her health my dead friends Hero of Tat ring kicked in and he rezed on the spot rezed me and we took a safe distance he got out his T-21 and used conceal shot on the NS I on the other hand got cocky again and got a little closer so i could use my LLC specials needless to say very stupid I was hit by Lightning and was killed again lol The witch was killed soon after that and I as rezed but I was scolded for my stupidity lol

*Rule Number one when fighting a NS at noob level = RUN

never happened again as I have ***** slapped every NS I have come accros apart from the occasional elder
#51 Dec 08 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,211 posts
when i was just starting out and got my first rifle apart from a CDEF i thought that shooting stormies was as easy as it looked in the movies. so i got my gun found a single stormie walking around the outskirts of some town on tat. i crouched and fired off my first shot. before i knew it about five more were running in my direction. i got halfway around the town by burst running bfor they incapped me

note: stormies are never alone
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