TherionSaysWhat wrote:
Being snarky won't progress this conversation.
You implied a qualitative basis for your question: That the game was "better" when you played. How was it better? If you want to expound on what Blizzard should do to win back your $15 a month, here's your chance to speak up.
As to why they're asking on their forums, it's obviously because they feel that they can get a large amount of reasonable data from posting there. Where exactly do ex-players hang out? Presumably not in large numbers on sites that are dedicated to the game they stopped playing. N'est pas?
Right, because they wouldn't have the emails of the people who are subbed and used to be. Blizzard would never send out invites to comeback and try the game again. I get more emails from blizzard since I quit then when I was playing. Why do I feel like I am back on the o-boards. Zam is pretty much the last link to my wowing days but if this is the kind of response I get to a simple question I'm done here too.
These are why I quit:
random world PVP on Illidan, everything but major cities is pretty much dead.
Giving my favorite class (Paladin) rogue points. Awful idea IMO of course.
"streamlined' and boring talent trees which is just adding to the homogenization to make it easier to balance (which they still have yet to do).
Healing changes, some like it. I do not. When I felt more powerful at level 80 than I do at 85 there is something not quite right there. Every healer had their niches, if you preferred hots you rolled a druid. Prefer large single target heals go for a pally
Shared lockouts, basically taking a baseball bat to the pug raiding community.
Guild levels and rep, nice in theory poor in practice. Stay in a large guild that's just a different version of trade chat so you don't lose your perks, almost no new guilds recruiting successfully that I saw.
Everything is way too linear now. It feels like a single player game I have to fork out a monthly fee for.
LFD is a very nice idea, it should have been implemented realm only at first to see how that went. The way the system is now no one cares how they treat anyone else because chances are they will never see them again, couple that with the increased difficulty curve of cata heroics compared to even wrath when it was first out leads to a very bad time. (for me at least)
that's all I can think of off the top of my head, but you bet there's more.
Now please stop with your attitude, if you don't like what I'm asking then just ignore it.
And you started with the snark :P