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BRAINS! : Stage 2Follow

#27 Oct 24 2008 at 8:21 PM Rating: Excellent
3,114 posts
SailorRolo wrote:
Can you be cleansed if you let the disease stay long enough for you to become a zombie?? I wouldn't want to become a zombie on a high lvl character if I can't become unzombified.

When you're killed as a Zombie and get your corpse, you're back to normal.

Riverhawkguy wrote:
Why not make one day a zombie day per week, then that would be awesome. However, zombies just overtaking everything and you cant play the game is overkill imo.

Sorry, but The Lich King, hater of living isn't going to organise a play date once a week. He hates you ALL and will do whatever he can to take over. Either get into a bunker and hide out the week or so that this will last (hopefully this lasts til the expac hits :D) or just avoid major populated areas like you would if when zombies take over in real life.

Lich King cares not for inconveniencing!
#28 Oct 24 2008 at 11:55 PM Rating: Default
Forced PvP on a Normal Server?
A Couple of 60-70 Players in a Lowbie Zone can Quickly ruin this event. Why is this event run on a NORMAL SERVER? If I want to PvP, I will go to a battleground and do so. Buzzard has once again violated Server Policy without regard to its customers. This smells of another one of Buzzards WoW_Hammer competition fixes / copycats. I personaly hate PvP servers and have deleted all of my toons from them, including Level 70's, when I went to Normal Servers. PvP is a waste of game time and always ends up hurting the lower level players. It's my time let me chose how I spend it.
#29 Oct 25 2008 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
It's an invasion of the UNDEAD. More people are liking this than those who don't. It's a temporary one off event that will only last a very short time and will never happen again. If you don't like it, don't play for a while until it ends.
#30 Oct 25 2008 at 1:08 AM Rating: Default
What? I shouldn't play because of a world event that has level 70's griefing lowbies on a NORMAL SERVER? This is wrong!
#31 Oct 25 2008 at 2:01 AM Rating: Good
*opens ticket*
hello, level 70s in zombie form keep pwning me, even though i'm a level 5 toon. can you do something about this?
#32 Oct 25 2008 at 4:23 AM Rating: Default
I concur! I rerolled and couldnt even do a simple starter area quest because people ranging from 32-70 where doing the zombie thing just to attack people since thier health is like through the roof. I know what blizzard was poorly attempting, but if someone was starting the game now they would be highly turned off by this in starter areas. Someone said the Lich King doesn't care ok thats cool but put it in a higher level area besides level 1 I mean seriously. How can people start if 30 zombies are waiting for you. It pissed me off and I quit playing for awhile because I couldnt even play.
#33 Oct 25 2008 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
Blast and bother!

Well... This would be something I would sign back up for... Altho it appears I may have missed a large part of it...
#34 Oct 25 2008 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
I agree. For ppl who are trying to level, its nothing but a frustrating inconvenience. It's even more senseless on the non-pvp servers. Players are taking the opportunity to get infected and gank their faction bretheren in their "friendly" territory. I have tried to get my lvl 10 (Horde) alt from Sen'jin vlg to Razor Hill (normally a 4 minute run) and have managed to get only about 50 yards b4 getting ganked - over and over and over and over again...
#35 Oct 25 2008 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
I'm tired of hearing "don't play" or "just wait until it's over." I rolled on a PvE server because I want to play the game free of asshats whose only goal is to prevent others from accomplishing things, and now Blizzard makes it so that my own faction can partake in griefing. An auction house full of zombies was funny the first time - or ten. By the millionth time.....
#36 Oct 25 2008 at 8:53 AM Rating: Default
This is the most retarded thing Blizzard has thought up to date. There are all these morons that infect the Flight Masters and Quest Givers, one can't even be at the Bank or AH without getting infected, or in towns that don't have the Argent Healers.
Stage 1 was stupid, Stage 2 isn't any better and Stage 3, I am sure, will make me want to quit until WoTLK.
The majority of my Guild agrees. How about some some people here?
#37 Oct 25 2008 at 8:55 AM Rating: Default
only thing that pisses me off is when 70s come to an infested town and murder all the zombies :( me and 3 friends infested Ratchet, XR, and the ran to Org and ended up infesting the entire valley of Honor, from there people spread throughout Org but it was kinda fun since there was only 3 of us that started the downfall of Org lol
#38 Oct 25 2008 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
to you QQ'ers... roll a healing class and dispel yourself
#39 Oct 25 2008 at 9:22 AM Rating: Excellent
88 posts
I agree that a cool event was ruined by those who have nothing better to do. Having recently decided to give WoW a try, I was fortunate enough to finish my first bunch of quests before this event started and was able to easily get to 25 in three days. My girlfriend, however, that started just one day after me and got caught in the Zombie infestation has only been able to reach level 14.

It's because people do nothing but kill all of the quest NPCs, and FP NPCs. Then they complain if you kill them. Personally, I kill any Zombie I'm fortunate enough to be a high enough level to kill. It's not about curing ourselves of the disease, it's about, you know... actually playing WoW. How would you higher levels like it if suddenly all instances and raids were closed off for a week? Go infect the other faction or mess with people your own level. What was an awesome event was turned sour because of a few people that care little of any one else's game experience.

For those looking to avoid Zombies, I found that they don't seem to come around much between 12AM - 2PM EDT. Having to log on at 5 AM once the Zombies have gone to sleep just to complete a quest is ridiculous though.
#40 Oct 25 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
408 posts
I agree about high levels ruining everyone else's time who is just trying to quest. We can't even put out the fires in Goldshire because level 70 zombies keep attacking.
#41 Oct 25 2008 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent

Every time I try to do the dailies in Shat, someone has infected and then killed the NPCs I need to start the quests.

When I get back, they are all dead again or zombies looking to chew my face off.

GET RID OF THIS F'ing crap! Or at least make the NPCs needed for quests and such immune to the plague and invisible to the damn zombies.
#42 Oct 25 2008 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
Well I kinda have mixed feelings about this event. I like the idea of it, but I think it should be an optional opt-in... i.e. if u wanna be zombified you need to /flag it in some way.

I'm all for events like this, and it's actually quite good fun to watch the zombies and pcs/npcs battle it out... but that's all I want to do... watch. Some may think I'm boring, but I never do PvP... it's just not what I enjoy. I enjoy PvE, questing, and crafting, browsing the AH and collecting new items.

I often need to go afk for 5 or 10 mins at short notice (family matters). Normally I would just park my char in a safe area and continue when I returned to my PC. But now I can't do this. The other night I had 3 corpse runs when returning from afk. So basically I'm getting killed from an event that I'm not even taking part in... rather annoying. Okay no big deal, I just need to logout now instead of going /afk, but it's kinda annoying and rather defeats the purpose of having an /afk function.

If the tables were turned and all the PvP fans were suddenly forced to do only PvE for the next 4 weeks. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't go down well... and for those who are saying stop moaning and just logout until the event is finished are just being selfish... we all pay the same sub, and we all have the right to play the game our own way. I could understand if there was some point to this i.e. group up and get some kinda reward for killing pcs/npcs, making new zombies, exploding, etc, but as far as I can see there isn't.

Oh well, now I'm gonna Alt-Tab back to WoW... I'l probably be dead again because I've taken too long to type this...
#43 Oct 25 2008 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
It's a pain, but to be honest, it's a lot better than farming for mats.

It adds a great storyline too.
#44 Oct 26 2008 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
I hear ya ... it gets kind of annoying after awhile. Luckily by BE Hunter is a high enough level that I can go to a noob area and kill a bunch of those zombies before I am infected. My other characters though ... Not so much.

Edited, Oct 26th 2008 5:07am by Grendelsan
#45 Oct 26 2008 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Undead don't care if they're annoying, only if you've got braaaaiiiiiins

Edited, Oct 26th 2008 9:28am by Micros
#46 Oct 26 2008 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
Its becoming a mixed bag.

The zombies running rampid all over the place adds a wonderful air of impending doom and quiet desperation to the whole place - the area in front of the flight master in Shat is just a boneyard now, with the remains of zombies ankle deep across the landscape.

Major cities are hit and miss and you know at any second a gang of zombies could leap out of the shadows and rip you to peices to sustain thier unholy life forces.

Anything smaller then a city is a write off - places like Xroads are ghost towns, all the living dead and nothing but zombies feasting upon the remains.

Now we've got the necropolises floating over different zones, dropping hordes of undead upon the landscape that only the mightiest of our land's heros can overcome.

This thing is really kewl and really epic in its own way and I'm very happy Blizz did it - it is something that's truly awesome!

On the other hand, I can see how some players take things too far and can make life hell for the lowbies - my lowest level toon is 66 right now and even it gets caught up by the roving bands of PC zombies out to attack and infect everyone and anyone. Heck, even my 70s have problems - got an epic grade feral and even he'll fall to the hordes if enough zombies gang up on him. Yeah, it can be something of a PITA when VIP NPCs have been killed and I'm sure that the lower level the toon is, the more problems they encounter (I've encountered almost no zombies outside of Shat in Outlands).

All said though, I'm sure that the higher level players that can handle/have fun with this far out number the people who've just started and are having issues, so all said this is probably far more success then fail.
#47 Oct 26 2008 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
rusttle wrote:
I've encountered almost no zombies outside of Shat in Outlands

Why should there be? He's after Azeroth.

At least for now.... >:)
#48 Oct 26 2008 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
This was all kind of funny, THE FIRST DAY. I agree witht the poster who said something like there should be an opt in for this. I personly do not enjoy pvp hence the reason I rolled a toon on a PVE sever. I now have a lvl 70 rogue in all epics that i love taking into instances. Now I can't even do that because some asshat thinks its funny to go to a summoning stone and infect the people waiting to get into an instance. I cant log onto my low lvl alts to try to lvl them because some zombie has killed the quest givers. I cant even get some of them out of the major cities because of the zombie crap.

There are a lot of people saying then just dont play until its over, I am paying for 3 accounts in my household , and we should be able to play in relative peace on a pve server. I work 10 to 12 hour shifts everyday and want to come home and play a little before bed, now i have to deal with all this crap. There should be an opt in/opt out feature on this event, if you enjoy it then by all means opt in and gank each other untill you go blind. if you dont want to participate then opt out and go about your bussiness.

If blizzard is going to force us to do this or not play then they should remove the durability loss on your gear and the rez sickness if you decide to rez at graveyard, for those who arent in epics let me clue you in, repair bills on epics are expensive. I can think of a lot of useful things to do with my hard earned gold than have to shell out 10 to 15 gold to repair my gear because I parked my toon in a "safe" place to go take a bio only to find a group of zombies killed me and now i have to go repair.

I guess to make my money back on repairs all you lvl 20-30 somethings in the low lvl areas im riding through or helping someone with a quest in, keep whispering me and begging me not to kill you. Only now you are going to have to pay me gold for the privledge of staying alive and even then there are no garantees. I might be feeling really rogueish and crank up killing spree and gank you anyway and camp your corpse. Then this event might not be so fun.
#49 Oct 26 2008 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Kordrax wrote:

Every time I try to do the dailies in Shat, someone has infected and then killed the NPCs I need to start the quests.

When I get back, they are all dead again or zombies looking to chew my face off.

GET RID OF THIS F'ing crap! Or at least make the NPCs needed for quests and such immune to the plague and invisible to the damn zombies.

Why are you even doing dailies? Turn into a zombie and eat someone while it lasts.
#50 Oct 26 2008 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
I'm doing the dailies on all my alts, because it's a nice source of XP, and 23G for my main from just putting out fires and clicking on a pumpkin isn't bad either - of course, that's when the griefers let me.....

Just make it so that you lose control of your character when you're a zombie. After all, undead + sentient..... isn't that the Forsaken, and not mindless zombies?
#51 Oct 26 2008 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
Why should there be? He's after Azeroth.

Well in all fairness I think that the higher level toons should get to enjoy the same perks as the lower level toons - dead flight masters and quest givers, towns that one can't even repair or sell in due to being 100% overrun, PCs and thier pet zombie hordes chasing them down in the middle of Netherstorm, Shadowmoon, etc. Smiley: wink

Fortunately, I'm too wrapped up in doing the invasion quests to be messed up much by this though.
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