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How To: Get to 70Follow

#1 Nov 09 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
755 posts
Vyo's Leveling Help

Disclaimer: This is not a step by step guide nor is it intended to be. This is more of an example of how I level, why it works and attempt to share it with other people so that they might level faster as well.

We get a lot of requests on this forum that are easily answered - but are asked over and over and over again. One of those questions is, naturally: What class should I play? Another is: What race should I play? Finally: What's the quickest way to level.

I'm here to help. Sort of. I will not get you from 1 - 70 in 3.5 days, there are better and more detailed step by step guides out there. What I am here to do is offer advice on getting well into your 20's, if not to 30, as quickly as possible and as easily as possible so you can see how easy it is to follow this same process to make 70. You still get to see the story behind WoW - in fact even more of it. It centers around not limiting yourself. I've been guilty of it. We all have. We go to say Silverpine, get every quest and stay until they are done. Stop doing that. Right now.

So let's begin.

First of all - this is for the Horde. Alliance can do something similar to the advice I offer, they just will have to figure out the early levels (until about 30) for themselves.

Race and Class:

It. Doesn't. Matter.

Really. Say that slowly: It. Does. Not. Matter.

If you want to play a Troll Mage - play a troll mage! Play what you want. NOW. If you are asking my personal opinion in terms of surviability? Tauren would be the race simply because they have a racial 'oh ****!' in Warstomp, but really it doesn't matter. Personally I've played them all and prefer Orc. Class? Warlock, Rogue or Hunter. In my opinion the other classes are well solo'able, but those three are easier to level with in terms of downtime. For spec, see the respective forums and read the FAQ's there. They _will_ tell you the easiest Spec to level with. But really - class is whatever you want to play. I like Rogue and Warlock, Druids are also a blast to play. Its up to you.

Now, you are level one. In your starting area. PVP or PVE - for this guide it doesn't matter on the Horde side. Alliance it does because one of their 15 - 25 areas is Contested (Redridge), but for Horde it makes no difference.

Get your first quest, go do it. Basically as this is not a step by step instruction manual for leveling, I'll keep it short and simple.

Do your starting area quests. Kill _everything_ you come across regardless of its level. You will leave here at level 5 (minimum) or 6 most likely, so you'll still be getting XP off of level 1 mobs. Granted not _much_ XP but its that much closer to dinging.

Now once you leave your starting area - do the follow up area for your race. Trolls and Orcs its that Troll villiage near the coast, Undead its Brill, Tauren its Bloodhoof Villiage and Blood Elves its... er... that... one town. Do those quests, you should get down around level 11 - 12. This should only take you - assuming you're not reading the quests all the way thru, or mining or herbing or whatever - about four RL hours to accomplish. Less or more depending on you.

Now comes the part that is so often neglected because people, for whatever reason, don't seem to think its worth it. But THIS is how you speed level - or at least its worked for me on several toons.

Let's say you're an Orc. Go to Crossroads and gather up every quest. Do the green ones, maybe some of the easier yellows - but try and stick with greens. Should be three or four quests, enough that you can hit 14 or 15. I recommend XR initially because they are gathering/grinding quests - plainstriders and the like.

Once you have a quest log full of yellow XR quests - leave. Go to Ghostlands and gather _those_ quests. Do the green ones, you should get another level or two. Then when your log is yellow for Ghostlands - leave. Go to Silverpine and repeat.

Basically the fastest way to your upper 20's - when you realize if you like the class or want to reroll - is this method. Rotate between the areas doing the gray and green quests. I've done this with great success.

For those on PVP servers there is an added bonus: None of those areas are contested. Right now my character on a PVP server is level 24 and has yet to quest in a contested area with the exception of a single turn in for a class quest.
#2 Nov 09 2007 at 7:49 AM Rating: Excellent
755 posts
The real beauty of this method of leveling is you are fighting things 1 - 3 levels below you (or more) so you can fly thru the slaughter and finish the quests. Blizzard set up WoW so you could do just this - rotate between areas. Now they probably did it so you'd have a greater choice in where you level, but we can turn this to our advantage. So, some basic research shows us that to make 60 as fast as we can we can rotate between the areas and, because of doing so, generally be higher than the area we are questing in. Let's go from 30 - 60 in this manner assuming you finish the first part (Ghostlands, Barrens and Silverpine) at 28.

28 - low 30's

Stonetalon Mountains - 15 - 27
Ashenvale - 18 - 30
Hillsbrad Foothills - 20 - 30

Low 30's - 40+

Thousand Needles/Shimmering Flats - 25 - 35
Desolace - 30 - 40
Alterac Mountains - 30 - 40
Arathi Highlalnds - 30 - 40
Stranglethorn Vale - 30 - 45

40's to late 40's, possibly 50

Feralas - 40 - 50
Tanaris - 40 - 50
Searing Gorge - 43 - 50

50ish - 55ish

The Blasted Lands - 45 - 55
Azshara - 45 - 55
Felwood - 48 - 55


Un Goro Crater - 48 - 55
Moonglade - 50 - 60
Wintersprings - 55 - 60
Silithhus - 55 - 60
Wastern Plaguelands - 51 - 58
Eastern Plaguelands - 54 - 60


After the 60+ part you're in the Outlands. Have fun.

A note for after patch 2.3, by Geocacher:

First of all, Dustwallow Marsh will be an excellent place for mid-30s to mid-40s with a new quest hub and many new quests added to existing hubs. *Many* of the mobs in this zone are changing-being replaced really. Much more to do here-it will almost be an entirely new zone.

Also, many(if not most all) elite/group quests in the 10-55 areas are changing to non-elite, making these areas and quests viable again. That means Stromguarde in Arathi, Mosh'og in STV, and others are going to be soloable if groups are not to be found.

The biggest change of course is the XP needed to level and XP gained per quest, as they are changing quite a bit. So it won't take as many of the green quests to level up, and perhaps one can be more picky as to what quests you do, regarding rewards or travel, rather than feeling like you have to do *all* the quests just so you don't have to grind at some point.

Edited, Nov 9th 2007 11:40am by vyodar
#3 Nov 09 2007 at 7:50 AM Rating: Excellent
755 posts
Help Addendum: Making Gold

This is dedicated to all you people that page me at level 20 asking how I have 100 gold.

No, it is not illegal. Like my guide to leveling - its common freakin' sense. But, here goes!

To make money you have to understand the Auction House. This is essential to making gold, specifically making enough gold to buy your mount or what have you.

I recommend Auctioneer to keep an eye on what the market is doing at any given time, but Auctioneer is by no means a replacement for using your brain. A great example is greens. Auctioneer might not see the Cloth Gloves of Fisting so values them at 29S 14C. Using only Auctioneer you'll drop it in 'post auctions' and clickie.

Do not do this.

Hell add 1 or 2G to that price - often times an enchanter will snatch it up and disenchant for the mats. This is especially true once you get into your 20's and higher - often the mats are worth _far_ more than the item itself.

So here are several ways to make gold that I hope can help people put (and get them to stop begging for it).

The Biggest Rules

1) Sell on weekends. Oh my dear gods sell on weekends. The market goes insane, prices skyrocket. Sell-sell-sell. Mats of any sort are at a premium starting Friday afternoon. So avoid buying on weekends.

2) STOP BUYING ****! Please, please, PLEASE! You do NOT need to go to AH and buy new gear every freakin' level. That's a huge waste of money - you will find gear. I promise you will.

3) Stop buying mats. Unless you HAVE to have it, don't make it. There are easier ways to level your craft than spending your gold in AH.

4) Sell everything. If its grey, vendor it. If its white, sell it!

A few gold-making examples


This is what I like to call the 'you must be mentally unfit to breath to be broke' method of making gold. By level 20 you should have 85+G in the bank at _least_ if you're an enchanter and a miner. There is no excuse not to. At all. Sell your disenchanted mats on AH by the stack (make sure and check to see which goes for more, Greater or Lesser) and sell stacks of smelted bars (or ore, again check to see which way is more valuable). If you have this pair of professions there is no excuse not to be loaded.


Okay. Fishing is the gold maker because people are lazy.
Really, really lazy.
Basically you want a fast way to pull in some gold? Then if you have Fishing of 20+ I have two words for you: Wailing Caverns. That's right kids, go there. Especially if you can solo it (or you're a rogue and can stealth it). Basically go inside and head down into that little river, then go right at the base there. Head down until you can take a left - its the single pool in the instance deep enough to fish for. And once there - fish! It has deviate fish in it and those little suckers sell for a mint!

Of course there are other ways to make money fishing - those eels, the blackmouth thingies, et al. But deviant is the way to go.

The Grind For The Ultimate

This one... could take a while. And if you're Alliance on a PVP server you might want to ignore it. BUT if you are either Horde or on PVE - go to the Barrens. Kill everything. Repeatedly. You're not after XP here, you are after one single thing that is a rare drop in the Barrens alone: Recipie: Savory Deviant Delight. This sucker goes on AH for 12 - 20G. And if you have cooking you can sell the pies for 1 - 5G, depending on server and such. Why? Because its neat to be a ninja or a pirate and once all those wands wear out this is one of the few ways to become such.

That's it for now, I'll add more as more is posted in the thread.

Edited, Nov 9th 2007 12:00pm by vyodar
#4 Nov 09 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
Hate to interrupt, but I noticed you've missed out some zones -- STV and the Plaguelands to name a few.

Can I ask why?
#5 Nov 09 2007 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
The only and one problem I see in this guide: green (not sure) and grey(100% sure) quests guive less xp and rep than yellow ones.
On the other side, I think this will make you learn all the possibles paths to take and leave behind group quests, as they are the worst for xp/hour.

STV in PvP servers is a "must not level there", unless you want to be ganked forever and ever.

Edited, Nov 9th 2007 1:08pm by Brisin
#6 Nov 09 2007 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
386 posts
Brisin wrote:
The only and one problem I see in this guide: green (not sure) and grey(100% sure) quests guive less xp and rep than yellow ones.
On the other side, I think this will make you learn all the possibles paths to take and leave behind group quests, as they are the worst for xp/hour.

STV in PvP servers is a "must not level there", unless you want to be ganked forever and ever.

Edited, Nov 9th 2007 1:08pm by Brisin

Grey quests give less XP but full rep. All other colors give full xp and rep.
Doing green first just means you can do them faster with no loss if you don't let them turn grey on you.
#7 Nov 09 2007 at 8:19 AM Rating: Excellent
755 posts
Hate to interrupt, but I noticed you've missed out some zones -- STV and the Plaguelands to name a few

I forgot? Actually its because this is not tending as a step-by-step-do-this guide, more as an example of how it can be done. However in the interest of completeness, I will add any zones and their levels that are mentioned in the thread.

So, edit will be up in a moment.

OH! And regarding the question about gray quests:

Yes, XP is decreased. Rep is not.

However in terms of XP/Hour a yellow+ quest - while giving more time - takes longer. For example, let's take Panther Mastery level 2 when its yellow:

Finding the mobs is fairly easy, but with killing them and down time it might take you 45 minutes or more to get those required kills. If its gray when you do it you're looking at 0 downtime most likely so you wipe out the required numbered in five minutes and turn in. Sure, its 600XP (for example) and not 1200 but you saved 40 minutes in which you can do, say, five more 600XP quests. So 6 * 600 = 3600XP in gray quests in that 45 minutes versus the 1200 for the one yellow quest in that same 45 minutes. I look at XP/hour total.

And again: This is not intended as a step by step guide.

Edited, Nov 9th 2007 9:24am by vyodar
#8 Nov 09 2007 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Oh, I forgot to say, I would add Badlands in the 40ish, as it has a quest that gives a trinket that makes you walk quickier. And it was the way I got through 39 to 40 in a blink.

regarding xp:ok, I got what you mean. ;)

Edited, Nov 9th 2007 1:31pm by Brisin
#9 Nov 09 2007 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
530 posts
I use a variant of this approach.

I generally do all the greens in the relevant areas first -- they are easy to knock off and still reasonable xp. Then go back and do yellows and so on. I definitely move between zones a lot, generally avoid group quests and the known "harder on level" quests out there. It's mostly common sense, I think.
#10 Nov 09 2007 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
1,716 posts
Well done! I'd like to add some thoughts as well.

After this coming Tuesday(most likely), there will be some changes. First of all, Dustwallow Marsh will be an excellent place for mid-30s to mid-40s with a new quest hub and many new quests added to existing hubs. *Many* of the mobs in this zone are changing-being replaced really. Much more to do here-it will almost be an entirely new zone.

Also, many(if not most all) elite/group quests in the 10-55 areas are changing to non-elite, making these areas and quests viable again. That means Stromguarde in Arathi, Mosh'og in STV, and others are going to be soloable if groups are not to be found.

The biggest change of course is the XP needed to level and XP gained per quest, as they are changing quite a bit. So it won't take as many of the green quests to level up, and perhaps one can be more picky as to what quests you do, regarding rewards or travel, rather than feeling like you have to do *all* the quests just so you don't have to grind at some point.

This brings me to my last point, specifically pointed towards Blood Elves and Draenei. Previously it was fairly easy to get to exalted with other factions, even by level 40, if you wanted a different mount. I did it with 2 Blood Elves(exalted with Undercity and Orgrimmar by level 40) and I've heard it is insanely easy to do with Draenei also. This new xp per quest/level changes that quite a bit. With less xp needed to level, other factions quests are going to get you to level 40 much faster than you can perhaps gain rep with them. This might make it a bit tougher for those with the ambition to get a different mount by 40.

My solution? Save faction-related quests until they are gray. That way you get max reputation and little xp. I'd even go so far as say waiting until at least level 30 before bothering with the noob zone and up quests. They may be tougher to find but you won't outlevel your intentions. Besides, the rewards for quests in the Blood Elf/Draenei area are far superior to anything you might get from quests in the other zones.

If you need a little push to gain levels, by all means go to other zones-that is what they are there for! But if your goal is to max reputation by level 40, I'd say-after the patch-hold off on any of those quests whose faction you are looking to build with.

#11 Nov 09 2007 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
vyodar wrote:
Vyo's Leveling Help

Excellent, and a rate-up. I'm adding a link to this thread from the question in the FAQ.
#12 Nov 09 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
755 posts
Thanks ohmikeghod. If anyone else has anything to add to this - by all means, I can update it as needed. I'll be adding Geocacher's post 2.3 note in a few moments.
#13 Nov 09 2007 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
Geocacher wrote:

Also, many(if not most all) elite/group quests in the 10-55 areas are changing to non-elite, making these areas and quests viable again. That means Stromguarde in Arathi, Mosh'og in STV, and others are going to be soloable if groups are not to be found.

Those already were soloable with certain classes. For example, my hunter soloed every single quest in Stromgarde, including quests that involved killing 4 or more elites at once. Liberal usage of feign death, ice traps, and whatnot made them doable. And because I was grinding on elites, I was making incredible xp per hour.
#14 Nov 09 2007 at 1:53 PM Rating: Excellent
3,202 posts
Now once you leave your starting area - do the follow up area for your race. Trolls and Orcs its that Troll villiage near the coast,

Actually, for Trolls and Orcs, the main follow-up hub is Razor Hill (where the class trainers are) though the Troll Village has a good set of quests as well. Both these towns should be hit early as some of the Razor Hill quests actually overlap in the areas of the Troll Village quests.

For the Blood Elves, there are a couple of quest hub areas but the quests generally lead you from one section of the zone to another.

For all zones, it helps to use a site like Alla to double check as to whether you've found all the quests as some quests can be hard to find.
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