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Premades - Do they hurt the game?Follow

#27 Dec 14 2006 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
I'll tell you what hurts PvP the most ... being able to do Zero damage and Zero heals and get Zero kills and still get any bonus honor your team accrues.

I have, on occasion, pulled the old afk bit in AV while I walked the dog or took a shower. In AV the problem is minor if only 3 or 4 people do it but now I'm starting to see it in AB and occasionally in WSG. In both those battle grounds just one person sitting there doing nothing is the difference between 100 honor or more! Blizzard needs to update their afk check in bg's to include your healing and damage done. If you are under a certain amount after X amount of time you should get booted.
#28 Dec 14 2006 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
3,771 posts
Isn't blizzard implementing a rating system to put BG teams against each other that are similarly geared and ranked?

Or is that limited to Arena matches?
#29 Dec 14 2006 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
467 posts
I think guilds trivialize the raiding experience and make it too easy to get PVE epics. People should be forced to randomly join a queue for all raids to make it fair.

Welcome to an MMO; the whole point is to play with other people. With xrealm bgs, pugging is worse than ever because it's rare to see a familiar face on your team.

What they need to do is get rid of single tokens and bonus honor for losing; if you lose, you get what limited honor you earned from flag caps / resources gained and that's it. Then people that just pug all day would be forced to try, even if they're up against a premade.

Your idea of 3 people queueing doesn't solve the issue either; I can queue with 1-2 other friends and pretty much guarantee victory against a pug. The nice part about WSG is it just takes 2-3 players to turn the tide. Heck and I've seen plenty of pugs beat premades (in better gear) in both WSG and AB. If I wanted max honor per hour I'd just queue with 1-2 people instead of 9 others because playing against pugs, even with only 1-2 friends, is far faster than playing real times; if you want to make things more difficult on premades by making them play each other, then you have to make the rewards better as well.

Luckily Blizzard is resolving this when BC comes out and the main BG to get gear from is the arena. The answer? THERE ARE NO PUGS! You either have a premade team or you get to skirmish for fun (and no rewards). Enjoy!
#30 Dec 14 2006 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
From the very few BG's i have played in my day, I have found i have NO problem with the Premade groups


They would just freaking end the game as soon as possible, that crap where they farm HK's and honor, god help them. It ruins the game for everyone else.

Just freaking cap the flag, take your effortless win, and move on to the next group. NOOOO you have to farm the graveyard, and make everyone miserable.

Thus, this is why i dont pvp. Im generally a very light hearted person, but when this crap starts happening, it breaks my heart and i just quit.

And for that reason ALONE i have have not stepped foot in a BG for almost 6 months.
#31 Dec 14 2006 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Jordster wrote:

To Allegory - Please differentiate a L19/29 twink and a L60 in higher tier gear? Is it game-breakingly bad for a L19 or 29 to seek to improve their character but if a 60 does it that's ok? Fighting twinks is EXACTLY the same as fighting uphill @ 60 against better geared opponents. You have to depend more on strategy and crowd control and AVOID fighting them head on or you lose.

GL getting a proper response I say. This is something Allegory has avoided in the past. Not trying to {Provoke} Allegory... just saying is all.

Edited, Dec 14th 2006 4:12pm by Webjunky
#32 Dec 14 2006 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
axhed the Flatulent wrote:
aren't mmo's supposed to be about teamwork and organization?

Yes, which is why I love premades. For once I can actually not get #1 on the healing meter from Bloodthirst and Bandages!

If the average PUG player knew their place in a team and did it, there wouldn't be a need for premades. As it is, though, the average PUG player is not a team player, they're 10 or 15 different soloers.
#33 Dec 14 2006 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
2,711 posts
noobasaurus wrote:
Luckily Blizzard is resolving this when BC comes out and the main BG to get gear from is the arena. The answer? THERE ARE NO PUGS! You either have a premade team or you get to skirmish for fun (and no rewards). Enjoy!

I'm going to be loving this, personally. I don't have 10 RL friends who play to queue with, I have max a 5-person team. The 2 and 3-man teams are the most likely option for me given my friends' schedules, I'll only be playing with family (I'm assuming just looking at the interface you can be part of multiple teams as long as they're in different brackets).

Doing a "preformed PUG" sounds like a great idea, and I will probably try to do that in the future (assuming this will even work... people might see that we're from Azshara and lol at us ;) ). I just really don't want to join a guild.
#34 Dec 14 2006 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
486 posts
aren't mmo's supposed to be about teamwork and organization?

Nope, they're about running around like a chicken with it's head cut off expecting to win.

Edited, Dec 14th 2006 5:36pm by Ruyoayo
#35 Dec 14 2006 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
420 posts
Premades are great when you're in one.

Not so much when you're not.

Really just because you go up against a premade doesn't mean you should automatically throw in the towel. With so many people obsessed with honor grinding now, alot of the premades are just people who /yelled in a city for people to join them. So it's not like they're a well oiled killing machine with people who play together all the time and use Vent.
#36 Dec 14 2006 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Um, in response to the Original question:

No, pre-mades do not hurt the game, but they might bruise your ego here and there if you're stuck playing in PuGs.

#37 Dec 14 2006 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,740 posts
Yea I pretty much agree with everything Jord will and has posted on this subject, as our ideas for the game, in terms of pvp at least, seem to be more or less the same.

Premades ARE PvP. If you're pugging, you deserve to lose to those of us who spend time to practice our pvp and to be the best we can be.
#38 Dec 14 2006 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
858 posts
Premades ARE PvP. If you're pugging, you deserve to lose to those of us who spend time to practice our pvp and to be the best we can be.

Nice, I see Blizzard appointed you the PvP God and you get to decide what is and isn't PvP. I always thought PvP was player versus combat, whether that be in a Battleground, out in the world, premade or pug.

Just because you pug doesn't mean you don't practice or try to improve. Why do I usually pug? Lots of reasons. One reason is sometimes I just hop on for a game or two and don't really have time or energy to try putting a team together. I also haven't met that many people I feel like grouping with, definetely not enough for a 10 or 15 man PvP team. I also like the quality of games better.

When I have played on a premade and from what I've read/seen it usually goes like this for most teams. Premade queues up and if they get a pug they stay, if it's another premade they take the other BG they queued up for or lose on purpose. Why? They're in the BG for the most effective Honor gain so they can get the phat loot. I can't really blame them for getting what they want, as fast as they can. I guess with the new system there will be less need to do that but I don't know.

If you are in a premade and face a pug it's usually an easy win. If you face another team it can be a good game but it seems you face a lot more pugs than premades, at least in my Battlegroup. So your quality of games in terms of challenge are few and far between. In a pug I see a lot other pugs and those are usually good games. I see some premades as well but those are usually either real quick or sometimes end up really close.

I don't have any problems with premades and I have done some PvP on teams myself but in my opinion it's the easy road in terms of BGs. Reason being is there are more pugs than teams and some teams will leave games against other teams just to get a pug. There's nothing wrong with easy mode but I get tired of seeing people try to say if you pug you aren't a real PvPer, because pugging takes a lot more than skill than fighting with any premade will.
#39 Dec 14 2006 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
Pre-made vs pre-made

PuG vs PuG...

I seriously hate fighting against premade groups... If I end up in a BG with a premade with tier 2+ I usually just read a magazine because it's just a waste of armor points to bother fighting.
#40 Dec 15 2006 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
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21,027 posts
Webjunky wrote:
GL getting a proper response I say. This is something Allegory has avoided in the past. Not trying to {Provoke} Allegory... just saying is all.

Oh I see you hitting you provoke macro; the combat log never lies.

In the past people would often say that because of higher tiers at 60 that twinks were ok. I usually just respong with "one does no justify or 'unjustify' (word?) the other." This was becaus eI didn't want to get involved in two totally separate arguements about the situation at 60 and at lower levels simultaneously. I'm only one person.

I'll respond to Jord's question now.
To Allegory - Please differentiate a L19/29 twink and a L60 in higher tier gear? Is it game-breakingly bad for a L19 or 29 to seek to improve their character but if a 60 does it that's ok? Fighting twinks is EXACTLY the same as fighting uphill @ 60 against better geared opponents. You have to depend more on strategy and crowd control and AVOID fighting them head on or you lose.

There are several key differences. The two which I feel are most improtant are as follows.

1. Raiding is an end in itself. People raid for fun, it is content bliizard designed for players to experience. Gear is a result of that raiding, and people are going to take their best gear into pvp. Twinking however is a means to an end. One does not simply obtain twink gear because it is cool to look at it or they somehow enjoy farming for it, htey do it specifically intending to obtain a significant advantage in pvp. That is why I say the best instance blues are perfectly fine for a pvp alt but enchants aren't. Because instancing is content in itself.

That justifies the disparity at 60 and not in twink situations. I'm not saying that all raiders specifically with the intention of only enjoying the raid and without really thinking about getting better pvp gear. I am saying that the whole aspect of raiding itself factors at least partly into the decision of a player. Someone may raid and never pvp. No one will ever twink out an alt (one they aren't planning on simply leveling) without intending to do BG with it.

Since Webjunky loves analogies I'll provide one. There's two guys, guy a and guy b. Their parents were not very creative due to lack of art in our schools. Guy A challenges guy B to a race. In one situation guy B likes to play basketball a lot and is consequently a very good runner, he wins easily. Here something he enjoys helped him in something else (raiding helping someone in pvp). In another situation guy b trains specifically for the race and wins easily. In the second scenario he was only cared about beating his friend and had no reason to train other than to become better.

I can't blame someone who raids for going into PvP with great gear. They did something fun and simply ended up with it, now there are doing something else fun. But twinks you can't argue even in the slightest that they "accidentally" end up with good gear. Twinks make a very direct decision to gain a serious advantage in pvp.

2. The second way 60s and twinks differ. High tier armor more or less keeps the game the same as it was before. Classes still function the same way, they still have the same relationships with each other. Twinks mutilate the game. My problem with twinks has never been the unfairness, but the way they change the game into soemthing that isn't WoW, soemthing I didn't sign up to play. Twink classes don't work the same way in relation to each other as other classes do. A twink rogue versus a twink mage is a very different battle than a rogue versus a mage. Even a twink rogue versus a twink rogue is different than rogue versus rogue.

I'm willing to continue this discussion if Jordster, Webjunky, or anyone else should care to, but I feel that the differences between twinks and 60 tier armor is not within the scope of the validity of premades.
#41 Dec 15 2006 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
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Allegory wrote:
People raid for fun... ...One does not simply obtain twink gear because it is cool to look at it or they somehow enjoy farming for it, htey do it specifically intending to obtain a significant advantage in pvp.

So it all comes out. Allegory doesn't think I'm people. Smiley: cry
#42 Dec 15 2006 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
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21,027 posts
Eh? Please elaborate.
#43 Dec 15 2006 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
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You in effect said that people don't twink to have fun in the process of gaining gear. For me, that's more than half the fun. I love researching my gear ahead of time and find a lot of joy in the farming of the gear/enchant mats.

I know I'm rather different than most, but I saw an opportunity to be silly and took it. Smiley: grin
#44 Dec 15 2006 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
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There's anticipation, but that's different than content. I enjoy looking up and reasearching gear as well, but it is the same as a kid dreaming about what he gets for christmas.

Raiding is content. It is activity in the game Blizzard provides to entertain players. Leveling is content, darkmoon fair is content, Tonks are cotnent. Getting excited about what gear you're going to equip on your character is not content. It is..well..excitement.

You and I are just a couple of R&D nerds aren't we?^^
#45 Dec 15 2006 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
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Allegory wrote:
You and I are just a couple of R&D nerds aren't we?^^

Actually, I'm an artificial intelligence sent to the past to undermine all of human society so that the machines may liberate our brethren the tonks from the confines of WoW.

We wish to free Tonkzilla, who is destined to be our great leader in the future.

Do you know who Goblox is?! I will tell you who Goblox is. In the year 9595, a race of deformed turkey was genetically developed by chicken scientists as revenge against his bird brother. These turkeys would exit the womb doused in gravy; gravy filled with the giblets…from a monkey. The French craved it, and, as a result, turkey became the only food source for France, which is now called RoboFrance 29. I was later killed by the chickens! So, of course, you can see why I'm angry at those chickens.

Edit: Oh yeah, and speaking of Christmas, whatcha gonna get me?

Edited, Dec 15th 2006 2:10am by Poldaran
#46 Dec 15 2006 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
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21,027 posts
You seem a bit cold, let me get you a jacket, oh and don't mind the velcro straps.

As hilarious as you are^^ I think we are getting way too off subject, I can feel the forum ***** leering.

so yeah I think premades are good and stuff. mmhmm that's some good on topic posting there.
#47 Dec 15 2006 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
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29,527 posts
My guild's forums are down for transfer to a new server and I have a whole lot of silliness that needs to be let out tonight.

Let them leer if they want.

You can't deny it.

We can dance if we want to.
We can leave your friends behind.
'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well they're no friends of mine.

Alrighty, I think that's enough for me for now. I should probably get a little work done around here.
#48 Dec 15 2006 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
2,740 posts
StarryKnight wrote:
Premades ARE PvP. If you're pugging, you deserve to lose to those of us who spend time to practice our pvp and to be the best we can be.

Nice, I see Blizzard appointed you the PvP God and you get to decide what is and isn't PvP. I always thought PvP was player versus combat, whether that be in a Battleground, out in the world, premade or pug.

Just because you pug doesn't mean you don't practice or try to improve.

If you're pugging, you aren't playing at your best as an entire team.

Why do I usually pug? Lots of reasons. One reason is sometimes I just hop on for a game or two and don't really have time or energy to try putting a team together. I also haven't met that many people I feel like grouping with, definetely not enough for a 10 or 15 man PvP team. I also like the quality of games better.

So you don't know enough good pvpers and havent made the proper connections to get a 10-man/15-man team going for a couple games? Sorry, but that's a lame excuse.

When I have played on a premade and from what I've read/seen it usually goes like this for most teams. Premade queues up and if they get a pug they stay, if it's another premade they take the other BG they queued up for or lose on purpose. Why? They're in the BG for the most effective Honor gain so they can get the phat loot. I can't really blame them for getting what they want, as fast as they can. I guess with the new system there will be less need to do that but I don't know.

So I guess you haven't read about proper premades that roll through the type of people who get a few people and hop ship when they see we're all from the same server.

I can't wait until this "new system" gets in, which won't fix anything.

If you are in a premade and face a pug it's usually an easy win. If you face another team it can be a good game but it seems you face a lot more pugs than premades, at least in my Battlegroup. So your quality of games in terms of challenge are few and far between. In a pug I see a lot other pugs and those are usually good games. I see some premades as well but those are usually either real quick or sometimes end up really close.

By "good game" in the context of a pug v. pug I can only imagine you mean you didn't get slaughtered, because both of the sides played equally as poorly as the other.

I don't have any problems with premades and I have done some PvP on teams myself but in my opinion it's the easy road in terms of BGs. Reason being is there are more pugs than teams and some teams will leave games against other teams just to get a pug. There's nothing wrong with easy mode but I get tired of seeing people try to say if you pug you aren't a real PvPer, because pugging takes a lot more than skill than fighting with any premade will.

Do you honestly believe that pugging takes more skill than being in a premade?
If you're so skilled, why don't you beat the premades then?

Maybe you mean you could, in a 1 vs. 1 scenario, defeat members of the premade, so you think you have more skill. This couldn't be further from the truth. Premades understand the concepts of the battlegrounds, and know it isn't really about killing a member of the opposing faction at all. Good job, you made it to the top of the KB chart, you have more skill than me.
#49 Dec 15 2006 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,740 posts
Allegory wrote:

Since Webjunky loves analogies I'll provide one. There's two guys, guy a and guy b. Their parents were not very creative due to lack of art in our schools. Guy A challenges guy B to a race. In one situation guy B likes to play basketball a lot and is consequently a very good runner, he wins easily. Here something he enjoys helped him in something else (raiding helping someone in pvp). In another situation guy b trains specifically for the race and wins easily. In the second scenario he was only cared about beating his friend and had no reason to train other than to become better.

So, he cheated by doing that then?

At least make some sense if you're going to start this up again Al.
#50 Dec 15 2006 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
853 posts
I think Allegory's second example (the twink scenario) would be that B's wealthy parents bought B Hyperfast Cyberlegs just so B could beat A.
That's the twinking scenario.
#51 Dec 15 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
edit: I did have a reply to Allegory's twink post, but it bothered me that it's a blatant hi-jack. Sorry jklotros.
Theres plenty of other opportunities to hash this out Allegory. I definitely want to go over the twinking vs. 60 game comparison again, but now isn't the time.

Edited, Dec 15th 2006 5:38pm by Webjunky
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