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Honor Gain Reduction (Blizz Post)Follow

#27 Dec 12 2006 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
511 posts
we've had a better opportunity to track the rate at which players are accumulating honor, and subsequently how easy it's been to obtain honor rewards.
The people that were earning this were the guild/premade groups that were ALREADY in Tier 2+ , rolling through 5 cap after 5 cap, after 3 flag cap after 3 flag cap, etc.

This nerf is just a kick in the nuts to those not in that situation.

I understand a need to change this somehow, but this doesn't seem like the right way to do it. It's too bad they didn't implement the equal gear/squad BGs they talked about before so that a PUG in greens and blues doesn't get repeatedly rolled by guild groups in epics over and over for scrap honor.
#28 Dec 12 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
I will say it was too easy before. But I definitely do not like the idea of making non retroactive changes. It appears to be a huge let down to the people who the whole reward change was suppsoed to help the most, the casual players.
#29 Dec 12 2006 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
With the xpac also come the change of raids from 40 down to 25. This will enable those smaller guilds that just don't have the numbers for naxx, etc. to finally achieve these raids. That will be huge! I personally am looking forward to what I feel will be a great change.

Side note: Any one know what the dungeon difficulty thingy is for when you partied up now?
#30 Dec 12 2006 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
And who cares if some player is able to get every reward in 2-3 weeks. I dont. In most cases they proable had similar gear anyway if they were that hardcore. But the casual player not in a hardcore guild proble would have gotten a few pieces between now and BC.

Also look at the time of year. Many colleges are on break. Many High schools are in a slow period. Many of the players that have time proable have more time right now. So this may not be the best time to determine the rate people are getting honor.

I like the person who is saying pug vs pug and premade vs premade. Also with this change I think less people will do pvp so queue times will also go up. Before patch av was an hour queue. The last few days it has been 20 mins or so.

#31 Dec 12 2006 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Efernand wrote:
Have you actually looked at the net bonus honor you get at the end of the BG? If you win, it's only a VERY small fraction higher than if you lose. So you can get a lot of honor per game just by playing, start to finish.

So all you have to do to get kickass epics is...


What the hell do you want them to do? Actually mail you free epics every time you log in?

Do you only play AV? You realize that if you get rolled in WSG 3-0 you get 0 honor (apart from any kills you may have gotten, which is probably low if you got rolled)? Or that if you get 5 capped in AB you get 0 honor? Fact is a big part of the problem would be solved if they implemented the system that would match pugs vs pugs and premades vs premades. I think its stupid that they are making this change a week after the patch was released and making their decisions based on how much honor people that play all day in premades have made. And how the hell did they not pick up on this while testing?

So why the hell are you playing anything besides AV to get honor? It's clearly the fastest way to go.

If you're getting 5-capped in AB or 3-capped in WSG regularly, get into a premade yourself. Or play AV by yourself.

The point is, this is FREE epics. You don't have to be good. You don't have to be in a guild that raids Naxx. You don't even need ANY previous gear. Hell, you could show up naked into a BG, run around /dancing with opponents, and get your honor and gear.

This was Christmas early, no doubt about it. Now your epics take you 42% longer to get. Whoopidy doo. It's still practically free.


Fact is it doesn't affect me much, I reached rank 11 and have the full blue set. I just think they've handled all this very badly.

Actually they said the HONOR cost would go down in the BC. And they will. It will simply take you longer to get the honor it costs to get them.

The guy said the honor cost would not go up and if anything would go down when they expansion was released. However, we all know that increasing the price or reducing the amount of honor you receive have the exact same effect. My opinion is that he was not aware of the honor reduction at that point but that they should have come clean before today (as many people did not grind as hard during the weekend because of what he had said).

Technically they didn't lie. They just didn't tell you the whole truth. I could care less. It was too good to be true to begin with. I'm surprised they didn't reduce the amount by 50% or more, actually.
#32 Dec 12 2006 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
I will say it was too easy before. But I definitely do not like the idea of making non retroactive changes. It appears to be a huge let down to the people who the whole reward change was suppsoed to help the most, the casual players.

If you're talking about PVP, it's not the amount of points you get, it's the ratio of playtime. There's no way to make a casual player competitive in a PVP environment with hardcore PVP'ers. The rule changes affect everyone equally. If they give a 20% increase, then everyone gets a 20% increase, and since the hardcore PvP'ers are playing twices as much as the casual player, they're effectively getting an even larger increase than the 20%. They're likely playing twice as much as a casual player and getting the same benefit/increase to points.

Edited, Dec 12th 2006 3:08pm by Spoonerdood
#33 Dec 12 2006 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
Allegory wrote:
I will say it was too easy before. But I definitely do not like the idea of making non retroactive changes. It appears to be a huge let down to the people who the whole reward change was suppsoed to help the most, the casual players.

It still helps casual players. There is no decay. Even if they made the honor the EXACT same as it was before, this is a huge improvement for the casual PVPer.
#34 Dec 12 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
Spoonerdood wrote:
I understand a need to change this somehow, but this doesn't seem like the right way to do it. It's too bad they didn't implement the equal gear/squad BGs they talked about before so that a PUG in greens and blues doesn't get repeatedly rolled by guild groups in epics over and over for scrap honor.

If you're talking about PVP, it's not the amount of points you get, it's the ratio of playtime. There's no way to make a casual player competitive in a PVP environment with hardcore PVP'ers. The rule changes affect everyone equally. If they give a 20% increase, then everyone gets a 20% increase, and since the hardcore PvP'ers are playing twices as much as the casual player, they're effectively getting an even larger increase than the 20%. They're likely playing twice as much as a casual player and getting the same benefit/increase to points.

Solution: Go to AV. There are no premades, and gear is less of an issue. If you want to run WSG or AB, get a premade yourself. Just spam "/1 LFG PVP" and get yourself on vent. That alone will increase your PVP ability by at least a factor of 10.
#35 Dec 12 2006 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
That depends on some variables. 1. Your honor kill rate. 2. Length of each session. Winning percentage. IMO I knew it was too good to be true. The spellblade is well worth the effort when paired with the offhand, if you do not have tier two gear. It is only marginally better than tier one gear. For many of us we are willing to put off constant BWL and NAXX runs to focus on PvP for the future with the expansion. I am not so interested in the equipment currently available but get excited about the gear promised in BC.
#36 Dec 12 2006 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
Holy crap, think about this for a second. Think about the old PvP system as applied to this week. The old system was on a curve so could you even grasp how much honor it would take to get in the top 10 in standing this week?

Smiley: yikes
#37 Dec 12 2006 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
Congrats morons.

Go fix the goddamn bugs that are ******** people over.

gg bliz.
#38 Dec 12 2006 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
Yeah it seems it got changed after 2.01 to favor people who work and/or go to school full time but still like to play a couple hours a night (more on weekends).

This made it to easy for the "No Lifers" who play 16 hours a day to get GM gear in a matter of days.

Kinda sad but I suppose they have to find a happy medium.
#39 Dec 12 2006 at 12:27 PM Rating: Default
Wow to be honest, this is gay... But thank god I had enough time to get some great awards on my alts (can't say the same about my main).
#40 Dec 12 2006 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
467 posts
The ironic part is that if they had released it at THIS level of honor a week ago, people would still be jumping for joy at how ridiculously easy it is to get epics compared to the old system. Like rappoccio said, you can show up naked and do absolutely nothing for a few hours a day and collect epics at the end of the week. People can cry all they want about how the old system didn't take any skill and raiding doesn't take any skill and those people get epics... but I assure you both of those systems were far more rigorous than even this new "hard" system.

People complaining about premades vs pugs... you can't force premades to play other premades unless you compensate them for playing more difficult teams. It's a bit ridiculous that people are complaining about losing all day long yet they still expect to cash in on ezmode epics... here's a clue: IF YOU'RE LOSING ALL DAY YOU DON'T DESERVE PVP EPICS AS A REWARD! This modified PVP system is still the only way you can consistently fail and be rewarded with epics... you think raid bosses magically give you epics just because you wiped a certain number of times?

thiblariont, you're complaining about how it would take you two weeks under the old system but now it will take you three... do you realize how ridiculously good that weapon is? That is the equivalent of the weapon that has an 8.28% drop rate off a boss in AQ40 that almost no one does... there is ONE weapon in the game that is a better mage one hander and that is off Maexxna... and is once again a low droprate, high demand item.

Raiders spend hours upon hours, day after day, week after week, month after month learning how to down these bosses for a chance that it might drop on they day that they are there when they have enough DKP to win it. The difference between two and three weeks of casual evening PVP for a guaranteed epic is negligible compared to possible months of raiding for a chance drop.

Do I think it was poor form for Blizzard to start out so easy and then pull it back as opposed to vice versa? Yes, that is never a good business model.

Do I think people are forgetting how amazing it is to suddenly have such relatively easy access to fantastic gear simply because it will now take them 43% longer to get it (nevermind the fact that it's probably 1% of the time it would take in the old system)? Yes, I do.


Edited, Dec 12th 2006 3:53pm by noobasaurus
#41 Dec 12 2006 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
I figured the damn DAY I got out of finals they'd do that. Oh well, it's still way too easy to get a rank 14 weapon.
#42 Dec 12 2006 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
Grandmother baelnic wrote:
Holy crap, think about this for a second. Think about the old PvP system as applied to this week. The old system was on a curve so could you even grasp how much honor it would take to get in the top 10 in standing this week?

Smiley: yikes

Smiley: lol

It would have been a total nightmare. The old system's optimal conditions were :

1) Hardly anyone PVP'ing
2) Getting a group that steamrolled pug's over and over and over again.
3) You had to agree with other high-ranks on the server to "let" someone else get Rank 14 at least once (by playing slightly less)
4) You had to buy all your gear at once (no incremental upgrades).

What a freaking nightmare. Now, you put in time, you get gear. Fast. It was and still is Christmas time in WoW.
#43 Dec 12 2006 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
KTurner wrote:

Im bummed, but it was too easy the way they had it.

Indeed it was. In fact, I was going to make a thread asking if anyone else thought
Blizzard made it WAY to easy to get Rank 13/14 gear. I thought that maybe they did it like this because the expansion is coming out in a month anyway, but it looks like it was unintended.
#44 Dec 12 2006 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
My guild had a discussion prior to this announcement and we presumed the HWL gear was so easy to acquire now so that going into the Outlands won't be too painful for non-raiders. Need some gear to survive? Just PvP for a couple weeks and gear up!
#45 Dec 12 2006 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
236 posts
meh - this just says that they don't want me to bother PvPing. It's a month until BC, and a good part of that is going to be chewed up by travel to visit relatives. With the faster accrual rate I could have obtained a couple of nice pieces for an alt I haven't bothered raiding with. Now, it's not worth it for me as it will all be quickly obsolete after the expansion.

Of course, if I enjoyed WoW PvP, it wouldn't be an issue as I'd being playing for fun, not gear.
#46 Dec 12 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
Dudes, is it just me; Ive been playing for like 3 hours now and it appears as if im gaining honor even quicker now. Wouldnt surprise me if blizzard made a mistake. If so you need to get in on the game and play for now, then come back and complain when they get it fixed.
#47 Dec 12 2006 at 3:09 PM Rating: Default
this is so gay i mean i will be fully upgraded buy expansion and enjoy it for what a week thats it / cancel subscription

#48 Dec 12 2006 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
Ok..I'm gonna comment on this. I haven't been playing WoW all that long but I am still kind of lost on why the reduction is such a big deal to what seems like a lot of people (atleast on the o boards). I see people complaining about not being able to get epic stuff in literally a couple days, now it might take..what..a week or so, maybe a couple for casuals? Why exactly is this such a horrible thing, because from what I understand it was just way to easy to get them before and in turn would make these same people complaining get bored even faster..especially the hardcore
#49 Dec 12 2006 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
The logic behind everyone's complaint is simple, Blizzard gives them an easier route and takes it away and then people can't deal with the sudden change despite the fact that obtaining GM items is still alot easier than the original system.

God people, this requires no work, just time anyone complaining is just lazy and over eager. If you steadily PvP, you will get decent gear for the expansion and then guess what? Your gear is going to be replaced eventually during the grind to 70.

(Not pointed at anyone specifically)
#50 Dec 12 2006 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
So true. By the time, BC comes out PVP epic gear will be useless.

To be honest, I'm not sure what I'll do once I get the PVP epic set. Unless Blizz upgrades the PVP epic set (not arena system) there is little for me to do.

For now, I'm still enjoying the PVP grind. But who knows?
#51 Dec 12 2006 at 6:37 PM Rating: Excellent
1,292 posts
Path to Epics Comparison:

Raiding - 2-4+ months of raiding, 2-5G+ repair bills each raid, 3-10G for consumables each raid, 0-5G for reagents depending on your class per raid, bidding against Guildmates, angst over who can bid for what, anguish over drop rates, Guild splits/raid attendence rules/equipped people moving on/whatever, arguments over the DKP or other loot system.


BG PvP - 1 month of PvP, 20S repair bill for environmental damage per day of PvP, 0-1G per day of PvP for consumables (more if you buy the banners, but few people do), 0G for reagents, no bidding, no DKP, no "Hunter weapon!", no drop rates, no Guild angst, no Honor decay.

Thank you Blizzard, for vastly improving the system. If you made a mistep in how easy this wonderful new system was at first and felt it necessary to adjust it a bit, thank you for that also.

Edited, Dec 12th 2006 9:42pm by Kompera
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