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#1 May 05 2006 at 6:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Forum FAQ: For those that prefer a wiki entry, the General Forum FAQ has been wikified.

VERY IMPORTANT! There are some forum rules that apply to the General Discussion Forum.

If you are new to the Alla forums, click here, then read through the entire post.

Every player needs to read "The unwritten (until now) rules of Warcraft." (and yes, I'm aware that it's already in section II, #17) It's important enough to get mentioned twice.)


Section I: Forum Conduct
1. "I want to sell you some gold"
2. There is a gil/gold/plat/ seller, levelling service, other real money transfer, general nuisance spammer, or flaming on the forums, what is your policy and who do I contact?
3. "Where can I buy gold?"
4. "Please help my rouge"
5. "i cant speel ore use grammer but i still post can u tell me y my posts r ingored?"
6. "The servers are down!"
7. "Blizz sucks!"
8. "I've been banned from the official forums and I want to bring my drama here"
9. "I'm posting this even though there is an existing thread on the subject"
10. "Is <any other game> better than WoW?"
11. What do I need to do to get an avatar or that neat signature block?
12. Can you explain the Allakhazam Rating system to me?
13. Can you shed some light on the private server issue? Why is it considered bad?
14. Can you give me some examples of unacceptable behavior on this forum?
15. What is the difference between a newb and a noob (often spelled n00b)?
16. Is this the proper place to advertise my guild?
17. I'm a student/researcher/newsman and I have a survey...
18. Post Titles: "Question" or "???" or "I have a problem" are not acceptable

Section II: Game Help
1. "What is the best race/class?"
2. "What is the best class for PvP?"
3. "What is the best class for leveling?"
4. "What are the best classes for duoing?"
5. "What are the server types?"
6. "Can someone tell me how to make gold?"
7. "I'm on a PvP server and I got ganked!"
8. "I've reached Level 70 and don't know what to do"
9. "Can you tell me how to be a good master looter?"
10. "There are lots of acronyms used in the game. What do they all mean?"
11. "I see coordinates show up on some posts. How do I get coordinates to display in my game?"
12. "I'd like to find a guild on my server."
13. "I'd like to find a guide for add-ons. What are some good ones?"
14. "Can you tell me how to level to 70 as fast as possible?"
15. "I deleted my toon. What do I need to do to get it back?"
16. "Is there a Macro Guide?"
17. "Are there any rules on how to behave when I'm playing?"
18. "Where should I quest/grind at my level?"
19. "Aldor or Scryer?"

Section III: Technical Stuff
1. "I'm getting a new computer. Will I be able to play WoW on it?"
2. "Will WoW run on my current computer (I have 256M RAM)?"

Section IV: Blizzard stuff
1. What do I need to do to give a friend a free trial version of WoW?
2. What do I need to do to keep from being banned from the game?
3. Will your account get banned if caught power leveling?
4. If I get a trial account, will I be able to do everything?
5. I suspect someone of using a Bot program. What should I do?
6. Can I upgrade to The Burning Crusade online?


Section I: Forum Conduct
1. "I want to sell you some gold"
Gold selling is evil. If you are a gold seller, be prepared to be downrated, flamed, and reported. The place to report Gold sellers so that the posters can be banned is in the feedback forum .
Terms of use wrote:
8. Ownership/Selling of the Account or Virtual Items.
Blizzard does not recognize the transfer of Accounts. You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void. Blizzard owns, has licensed, or otherwise has rights to all of the content that appears in the Program. You agree that you have no right or title in or to any such content, including the virtual goods or currency appearing or originating in the Game, or any other attributes associated with the Account or stored on the Service. Blizzard does not recognize any virtual property transfers executed outside of the Game or the purported sale, gift or trade in the "real world" of anything related to the Game. Accordingly, you may not sell items for "real" money or otherwise exchange items for value outside of the Game

2. There is a gil/gold/plat/ seller, levelling service, other real money transfer, general nuisance spammer, or flaming on the forums, what is your policy and who do I contact?
Step 1: Don't Panic! Stay calm and I'll guide you through this.

Step 2: Resist the urge to post in the thread, AT ALL COSTS. Posting only bumps the thread to the top, NO MATTER WHAT YOU POST.

Step 3: Before you move on to Step 4, click the rate button next to the persons name and select "Awful," then scroll to the bottom of the thread and click "Rate Posts" button. This will lower the threads rating and reduce the ammount of traffic it recives until the Admins arrive. This also lowers the chances of people bumping it with flames/testimonials/spam/ect.

Step 4:
A: For spammers of all types, contact an admin either in the Feedback Forum, by e-mailing one of them (use the About this Site link,) or PM them from the message board and they will get to it as soon as they can. As for flaming, Allakhazam is a lenient moderation site. For death threats etc, please use the feedback forum as well.

Follow these simple steps and we will take a big step towards self moderation!
Together we can make our beloved Allakhazam better. Thank you for your cooperation, and good luck!

3. "Where can I buy gold?"
Gold buying is evil. It is against the Terms of Service and Terms of Use that was agreed to when the game was loaded. If you make a post asking where to purchase gold, be prepared for flames. People here may tell you where to go, but it won't be a URL. Here is the official word on buying gold: The negative impact of buying gold

4. "Please help my rouge"
If you post this, be prepared for flames. It's spelled rogue.
rogue n.
1. An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal.
2. One who is playfully mischievous; a scamp.
3. A wandering beggar; a vagrant.
rouge n.
1. A red or pink cosmetic for coloring the cheeks or lips.
2. A reddish powder, chiefly ferric oxide, used to polish metals or glass.
Most people consider a rouge to be over-powdered.

5. "i cant speel ore use grammer but i still post can u tell me y my posts r ingored?"
If you don't want to be ignored, use proper English. This includes capitalization, punctuation, and not using abbreviations or 1337-speak. The same holds for in-game - you can't be taken seriously without knowing how to write. If you are unsure of your spelling, there is online help available at also provides a thesaurus, so you can try using different words in your sentences. The best reference for sentence construction that I've found is on Wikipedia.

People care about grammar, spelling, and punctuation. When your English is sloppy, then you come across as sloppy. If you use leet, you come across as juvenile. When you use swear words, you come across as a moron. It's up to you to decide how you want to present yourself.

6. "The servers are down!"
a. Check your calendar. If it's Tuesday, then it's maintenence time, and the servers are supposed to be down. If you still feel like ******** and moaning, post in the Tuesday is Maintenence Thread.
Tuesday is Maintenance thread wrote:
1. Yes, your servers will be down until 2pm Eastern (May be earlier depending on when they start). This will happen EVERY Tuesday! (5AM-11AM PST)

2. Yes, continue to post questions/comments (except about FFXI vs WoW).

3. No, even if you're able to log-in you won't be able to play, unless they happen to bring them online earlier than anticipated.

4. No, Do not whine about your servers. <--- Important

5. Yes, maintenance time is an estimate at best. If your servers do not come up at the scheduled time, refer to #4.

6. Yes, the Official WoW Forums (O-boards) will be down during the course of maintenance as well (submitted by:mohenjodari the Mighty)

Euro Maintenance:

Lairian wrote:
The euro maintenance is at 0300 CEST to 0700 or 0800 CEST on wednesdays.
At patchdays it goes on until 1100 CEST.

EDIT: Premium Members, go here to download the patch once Alla posts it:

compgenius wrote:
Every Tuesday I log in to check the forums and catch up on whats going on while I am stuck at work. Sadly I stop shortly after lunch because its always the same thing over and over....


I almost dread reading posts on Tuesdays. Why do people find it nececssary to come here and complain? Its Tuesday, I have been playing since January...EVERY Tuesday there has been maintenance. Its not some new magical thing that blizzard thought up to **** off the WoW community.

b. Sometimes servers go out for other reasons. If it's a global effect, other posters are aware of the problem and you aren't providing any new information. You can check realm status at the official site -

c. Ranting at Blizz isn't going to help the servers get back to normal any faster. If you want to rant at Blizz someplace where they actually look, post in the O-forums.

7. "Blizz sucks!"

a. Ranting at Blizz here isn't going to solve your problem. If you want to rant at Blizz someplace where they actually look, post in the O-forums.

b. If you are posting here to get sympathy or much needed attention, you won't get much. Most posters here don't want to hear rants, so chances are that you will get downrated to oblivion. So calm down and post something that might actually help people instead of ranting.

8. "I've been banned from the official forums and I want to bring my drama here"
Just go away.

9. "I'm posting this even though there is an existing thread on the subject"
Don't. Post in the existing thread. This might require actually reading threads, though, and that might be beyond your cranial capacity.

10. "Is <any other game> better than WoW?"
You're posting on a World of Warcraft forum. If you expect any answer other than "WoW > <other game>", you are deluding yourself. If you post the same question on a board dedicated to the other game, you can expect "<other game> > WoW". If you post a defense of the other game, expect flames. Some people may consider you to be a troll for posting questions like this on the main WoW forum. If you want to compare games, consider posting in the multi-game forum.

11. What do I need to do to get an avatar or that neat signature block?
Let me start this off by saying that Allakhazam does not recognize the use of immage blocks ([img] and [/img]). It used to be allowed, but was removed due to the large amount of abuse. Live with it. The only pictures allowed are avatars (which can be no larger than 120x120 pixels and must be uploaded), and the Allakhazam signature block.

First, you need to get premium service. You can sign up for premium service on the main page or from the Site FAQ.

To put up an avatar:
1. find a picture that you want to use for your avatar - resize it to no larger than 120x120 pixels and save it to your local hard drive.
2. Go to the "User Account" menu by clicking on the link at the left side of the page.
3. Click on "Your Files"
4. Click on "Browse" - locate your picture, and click on upload
5. When you are through uploading the avatar, the name will display at the top.
6. Go back to the options menu
7. Click on the Avatar down arrow, and select the picture you uploaded
8. There is no 8 - you're done.

to implement the signature block:
1. You have to have used WoWreader and be able to see your characters. for more about WoWreader, see the WoWreader FAQ.
2. Click on "Your Characters"
3. Locate the character you want in your signature, and click on it.
4. notice the URL it ends with a number, like profile.html?243164 - note the number
5. Go to the "User Account" menu by clicking on the link at the left side of the page.
6. In your signature block, type in [wowsig]#######[/wowsig], where ####### is the number from your profile.

For more detail on installing WoWreader and linking your wowsig, see Mazra's WoWreader Guide.

12. Can you explain the Allakhazam Rating system to me?

First off, there are various ranks for posters. Those are Default, Scholar, Sage, and Guru. Ranks are gained by being rated up, and lost by being rated down. A poster's average rating can be viewed by clicking on the poster's name.

Posts themselves have ratings, which are then attached to the poster. The ratings are:
1 - Awful
2 - Default
3 - Decent
4 - Good
5 - Excellent

Rateups are gained by putting up generally useful posts. In order to rate a post, you have to have a minimum rating of Scholar. Ratedowns are gained for various reasons, but certainly because someone did not like what was posted. If a post is rated down often enough, it becomes sub-default and dissappears (as long as you are using the default filter).

Perhaps it's better explained in this quote from the Site FAQ:
Q: I see posters rated as Scholar, Sage and Guru. What's up with that and how do I get a

A: That is part of the Karma system. Your Karma rating is determined by averaging every rating your posts have received from the users of the site. The rating comes from posts made under your registered name on any of the rated forums for any game covered by, but does not include posts on user journals. You must have at least 15 posts before you receive a Karma rating. Then any future post you make will start out at your Karma level. Anonymous posts start at a rating of 2. Titles are assigned to your posts according to the following scale:

Karma below 3 = user. Posts are in orange.
Karma between 3.01 and 3.65 = scholar. Posts are in light blue.
Karma between 3.66 and 4.34 = sage. Posts are in green.
Karma between 4.35 and 5 = guru. Posts are in red.
Administrators posts are in maroon.

Q: What are the karma ratings?

A: Excellent = 5.0
Good = 4.0
Decent = 3.0
Default = 2.0
Awful = 1.0

13. Can you shed some light on the private server issue? Why is it considered bad?

sure - from "Terms of Use"

4. Limitations on Your Use of the Service.

A. Only Blizzard or its licensees have the right to host the Game. You may not host or provide matchmaking services for the Game, or intercept, emulate or redirect the proprietary communication protocols used by Blizzard in connection with the Program, regardless of the method used to do so. Such prohibited methods may include, but are not limited to, protocol emulation, reverse engineering, modifying the Program, adding unauthorized components to the Program, or using a packet sniffer while the Program is running.

There are several reasons for people wanting to use a pirate server.

1. They want to play without paying for the software
2. They want to play without paying the monthly fee
3. They want to play "god mode" -using their own artifacts and leveling through cheats
4. They want to test cheats and exploits
5. They are third-party developers of cheat software

14. Can you give me some examples of unacceptable behavior on this forum?
There are a number of things that will get you flamed, derided, down-rated, laughed at, etc. The following is not a comprehensive list:

  • Asking about exploits or cheats
  • Asking how to play without paying
  • Asking about external programs or bots that automate the game
  • Asking or bragging about software theft. Offering commercial software to someone else. Touting warez websites.
  • Distributing commercial guides for free
  • Asking about selling accounts or items for real money
  • Asking about trading accounts
  • Bumping your own threads so that they stay on top
  • Necroposting. If the original post has gone to the third page, there's probably a reason. Don't bring up dead horses.
  • spam post off topic stupid +1 games in the WoW forum

15. What is the difference between a newb and a noob (often spelled n00b)?

from the Urban Dictionary:

A term used to describe a inexperienced gamer/person/etc. Unlike a noob, a newb is someone who actually wants to get better.



Noob is meant as an offensive term towards someone who is not nessicarily new, and quite often is directed at someone that is |somewhat| experienced but at the same time stupid/disruptive and/or totally incapable of learning.
A noob is almost always someone who thinks they're cool but obviously aren't. Also used in 1337speak.
see also: n00b, nub, ch00b, n00bo, n00blet.

Newb is not meant to be offensive. newb merely states that the person in question is new to the game/board/
For further explanation, look at this link.

16. Is this the proper place to advertise my guild?

Not really. Where you need to go is the realm forums or the guild recruitment forum on the Official website

17. I'm a student/researcher/newsman and I have a survey...

Woerdaen's Words:
If you want to post some survey, it is generally considered polite to notify the specific site admins before you do as a courtesy and make sure they do not have a problem with it. Given that we get at least 5 of you posting "research surveys" each week, we are prone to nuke them since they tend to irritate our user base when they just show up out of nowhere.

And it's really not a good idea to post it yet again after one has already been nuked

Before you take your survey, you might want to check to see if the survey has already been performed. Nick Yee from Stanford has performed a large number of Surveys on MMOs as an extension of his personal and academic interests. His studies can be found at The Daedelus Project: The Psychology of MMORPGs.

18. Post Titles: "Question" or "???" or "I have a problem" are not acceptable

If this is the title to your post, then you have shown yourself to be unacquainted with netiquette. You need to look at the title of your post as a headline. A very short summary of the content within. A stupid title demands stupid answers. You can become the object of ridicule. Everyone on the Alla boards will be pointing at you and laughing.

Give people a clue about the post. Instead of "Question" - use "Video Card Question" or "<Name of quest> Question". Instead of "I have a problem", use "Blizz not accepting prepaid cards?" or "My CPU is smoking". "???" is just plain stupid.

Section II: Game Help

1. "What is the best race/class?"
The races and classes in the game are well balanced. If you make a post asking "What is the best race?" or "What is the best class?". be prepared for flames. There is no uber-class/race. Visit the class forums and read the stickies there. Do your homework instead of asking others to do it for you. In the end, class/race is an individual choice. Pick one you think you will enjoy playing and try it out. In fact, pick several and try them all out. One account can have 50 characters, up to 10 characters on a server, and on a Normal server, you can have both Horde and Alliance (but only one or the other on a PvP server). You should also look over idiggory's Post Beginner's Info.

A better question would be: "what player is most wanted?"
  1. The player's learned to play the class.
  2. The player has built a reputation of being reliable (The player shows up on time and doesn't leave in the middle).
  3. The player's built a reputation of being dependable (The player doesn't go off on his own).
  4. The player's built a reputation of being helpful (there are plenty of things you can do to enhance the group effort besides adding damage/healing/tanking)

Class doesn't matter as long as you are good at what you do.

2. "What is the best class for PvP?"
First of all, you have to realize that "PvP" covers different ways of playing the game. You can be on a PvP server, you can participate in Battlegrounds, you can be part of an Arena Team, or you might be participating in "real-world PvP", where the objective is to attack the opposing faction's towns or cities. The term "PvP" covers all of them, although the objectives are different for each type.

After looking over many, many threads on the subject, the consensus seems to center around rogues as the best PvP class. Rogues have many advantages. Stealth, stun-lock, and high DPS seem to be the reasons that rogues are favored. Warlocks come in a close second.

3. "What is the best class for leveling?"
After looking over many, many threads on the subject, the consensus seems to center around Hunter as being the best class for fast leveling. High DPS, coupled with a pet that can tank seem to be the main reasons behind this.

4. "What are the best classes for duoing?"
Almost any two classes can get together and duo successfully. By spreading damage across 2 people, there is less downtime. Almost every combination has been put forth as "best", but it's really just another choice. Choose classes that both of you are comfortable with. However, you really need to choose your race carefully if you choose to play within the Horde faction. If you decide to play on the Horde side, any mix of Orc, Troll, Blood Elf, and Undead is fine, but if one person chooses Tauren, so should the other, because it's a long and difficult trip to/from the Tauren starting area from/to the starting area of the other Horde races.

5. "What are the server types?"

  • PvE - Player vs. Environment. This is also called "Normal" by Blizz. You can never be attacked by other players if you don't want to unless you go into a battleground or the opposing faction's capitol city. If you want to be attacked, you can set your "PvP flag" to on via command or by attacking an NPC of the opposing faction. On a PvE server, you can have characters of both factions (Horde and Alliance).

  • PvP - Player vs. Player. PvP is the equivalent of PvE in the "newbie" zones. When you leave those zones, you get into "contested areas", and your PvP flag is automatically set to on. With the PvP flag on, players of the opposing faction can attack you whenever they want to. Blizz has set some specific rules for PvP - . On a PvP server, all characters have to be the same faction (Horde or Alliance).

  • RP - Role Playing. There are PvE and PvP roleplaying servers. In essence, they are the same as the ones outlined above. The difference is that you are required to stay "in character". Blizz has set some specific rules for players on an RP realm -

  • 6. "Can someone tell me how to make gold?"
    Read the sticky on the Trade Skills forum.
    WonderousTremor has created an excellent Guide on the topic: Making Money in WoW- Some suggestions.

    7. "I'm on a PvP server and I got ganked!"
    It's what you signed up for. Ganking and camping are not against the rules. Read the official PvP Policy. If this is a problem for you, create a new character on a PvE server.

    Blizz does have a paid character transfer service. If ganking and corpse camping really bother you, move your toon to a PvE server. It will cost you $25, so make certain that you feel that moving off is the right decision. You can change servers from Blizz's Account Management page. You might want to read the Character Transfer FAQ before you swap servers.

    8. I've reached Level 70 and don't know what to do"

    Thanks to FenrirSulis for the following answer: updated Apr 30, 2008

    There is more than ever to do at 70. Some options:
    • Working towards a flying mount, and then an epic flying mount
    • Daily quests
    • Regular questing
    • Running instances to improve gear and get keyed for Heroic instances
    • Getting attuned for Karazhan
    • Running Heroic instances for even better gear
    • Raiding
    • Exploring the world on your flying mount
    • Arena and Battlegrounds for epic gear
    • Getting and crafting rare recipe drops
    • Working on rep
    • Trying out old instances

    At 70 you can buy a flying mount and riding ability (900g in total). If you don't have enough money, a few days of questing/grinding should do it. Flying also helps in gathering skills, and is just plain fun. You can also save money for the riding ability needed for your epic flyer (5200g in total). If this sounds impossible, check out the Daily Quest section below.

    Daily quests
    With the next expansion (Wrath of the Lich King) coming up, many people have decided to focus on saving up money rather than rushing to finish all the Burning Crusade content. Blizzard has opened up a ton of quests that you can do daily (until 2am server time), with an average of 10-11g as reward, or a 68-70 level green item. These quests are relatively quick, fun and can be done easily solo or in a pair, and it’s a great way to save money for your regular and epic flyer, good gear, or for a rainy day (translation: WotLK). You even have a chance to get Badges of Justice as a reward. You can do a maximum of 25 quests daily – that’s about 250g, not including all the drops you get while finishing the quests! Suddenly that epic flyer doesn’t sound so expensive, does it?

    Dailies can be found at:

    Regular Questing
    There are so many quests in Outland that it's almost certain you haven't finished all of them. Travel to Netherstorm or Shadowmoon Valley if you haven't already and collect some new quests. A lot of these quests are quite fun, and they give good rewards - either in gear or gold.

    Running instances:

    The level 70, 5-man dungeons are:
    • Shattered Halls in Hellfire Citadel (Hellfire Peninsula)
    • Steamvaults in Coilfang Reservoir (Zangarmarsh)
    • Shadow Labyrinth in Auchindoun (Terokkar)
    • Black Morass (The Dark Portal) in Caverns of Time (Tanaris)
    • Mechanar in Tempest Keep (Netherstorm)
    • Botanica in Tempest Keep
    • Arcatraz in Tempest Keep

    • Magisters’ Terrace on Quel’Danas

    Though you don't NEED to complete the Karazhan attunement to enter Kara, it will give you the Master's Key which opens the front and side gates. It involves doing some quests in Deadwind Pass, then running Shadow Labyrinth, Steamvaults, and Arcatraz for key fragments, and successfully completing the Black Morass instance.

    If you want to gear up for raiding, or want a PvE option other than raiding, you can run 5-man instances on Heroic mode. Heroic dungeons are roughly equivalent in difficulty (with less complex tactics) and drop quality to Karazhan, but it's much easier to find a group for them, and they're more accessible to players without an endgame guild. You also earn Badges of Justice from each boss, which you can use to buy some of the best non-raid PvE gear in the game. To enter heroic dungeons, you need the Heroic key for that group of instances as listed below, which in turn requires Honored reputation with the respective faction listed.
    • Hellfire Citadel: Requires Honor Hold/Thrallmar rep
    Running Hellfire Citadel instances, quests
    • Coilfang Reservoir: Requires Cenarion Expedition rep
    Running Coilfang Reservoir instances, quests, handing in Unidentified Plant Parts and Coilfang Armaments
    • Auchindoun: Requires Lower City rep
    Running Shadow Labyrinth and Auchenai Crypts, quests, handing in Arrakoa feathers
    • Tempest Keep: Requires Sha'tar rep
    Aldor/Scryer rep (to honored), running Tempest Keep regular instances, quests
    • Caverns of Time: Requires Keepers of Time rep
    Running Old Hillsbrad and Black Morass, quests involving CoT

    Raiding is what many consider the point of getting to 70, and it certainly is where you can get the best gear possible (for PvE) and see the full ‘story’ of WoW. If you're interested in raiding, the usual progression is:
    • Karazhan in Deadwind Pass - 10-man
    • Zul’Aman in Ghostlands – 10-man
    • Gruul's Lair in Blade's Edge - 25 man
    • Magtheridon's Lair in Hellfire Citadel - 25 man
    • Serpentshrine Cavern in Coilfang Reservoir - 25 man
    • The Eye in Tempest Keep - 25 man
    • Battle for Mount Hyjal in Caverns of Time - 25 man
    • Black Temple in Shadowmoon Valley - 25 man
    • Sunwell Plateau on Quel’Danas – 25-man

    Now that the attunements for all but Karazhan have been removed, your guild can try these out of order and still get valuable experience and drops, even if you can’t clear the whole instance.

    Once you can fly, there are several places that are newly available to you - check out all the floating islands over Nagrand and the broken off pieces of Hellfire Peninsula, Shadowmoon Valley, and Netherstorm.

    Have you been to the Warden's Cage? Have you seen Doom Lord Kazzak? Now's your chance. Just watch out for your cross-faction cities - fly over them and you're likely to get shot down...

    Arena is a great PvP option that doesn't require loads of time. Make a 2, 3 or 5 person team and do at least 10 arena matches weekly. You gain points that you can use to buy top-quality gear. Battlegrounds are also a good option for someone who doesn’t have the schedule or inclination for raiding. The rewards go up to epic quality.

    With WotLK coming up, it’s a good time to max out your crafting skills to get ready for the next level. There are a lot of great crafting recipes that you can work on obtaining, either through rep, instances, or the specific mobs they drop off of (See the Trade Skills forum for more info). A lot of high-level recipes require drops from high-level or heroic instances as well.

    Work on Reputation
    Reputation gives many nice rewards, such as better gear, crafting recipes, enchants, and mounts. Plus, you can work on rep while doing other things, like running instances, questing, gathering, or just grinding.

    Factions (in addition to all the existing factions pre-Burning Crusade):

    • Aldor/Scryer
    Mark of Kil'Jaeden/Firewing Signet to Honored
    Mark of Sargeras/Sunfury Signet to Exalted
    Fel Armament/Arcane Tome to Exalted (also gives mats for shoulder enchants)
    • Sha'tar - see above
    • Honor Hold/Thrallmar - see above
    • Cenarion Expedition - see above
    • Sporeggar - killing bog lords in Zangarmarsh, gathering spores to honored/hibiscus past honored
    • Lower City - see above
    • Consortium - Quests, warbeads, Mana-Tombs to honored (Heroic past honored)
    • Kurenai/Mag'har - Quests, warbeads
    • Keepers of Time - Run Old Hillsbrad and Black Morass
    • Ashtongue Deathsworn - quests
    • Ogri'la - quests, daily bombing quest
    • Sha'tari Skyguard - quests, daily bombing quest, daily escort quest
    • Netherwing - quests up to neutral, then daily quests (requires 300 riding ability)
    • Shattered Sun Offensive – daily quests in Quel’Danas, Shattrath, and Throne of Kil’jaeden
    • Violet Eye - questline for Karazhan attunement, Karazhan mobs and quests
    • Scale of the Sands - Hyjal attunement quest, and then running Hyjal

    Reputation epic mounts
    Netherwing - Netherwing rep
    Nether Ray - Sha'tari Skyguard rep
    Talbuk - Kurenai/Mag'har rep (this is a ground mount, so you only need 150 riding ability)

    Old instances and raids
    A lot of people think that the pre-Burning Crusade instances are now obsolete. But if you haven't finished all those Scholo quests, or downed the Baron in 45 minutes, you can do it now much more easily than you could at 60. These instances are still fun, and with level 70's, you can be much more free with your party makeup, or even trying them with 2 or 3 level 70's instead of 5 level 60's. Heck, if you like, try soloing them! You may not be running them for uber gear, but you can still get a lot out of these instances in terms of fun, lore and practicing party mechanics with guildies or friends.

    9. Can you tell me how to be a good master looter?
    Sure. There is a thread on the subject. ML Etiquette 101

    10. There are lots of acronyms used in the game. What do they all mean?
    Jordster created a guide to the acronyms. World of Warcraft Acronym and Shortform List. If you like full explanations of terms, you can look them up in the Alla wikibase.

    11. I see coordinates show up on some posts. How do I get coordinates to display in my game?
    The stock game does not display map coordinates. You need to use an add-on in order to display them. Many different coordinate addons can be found at curse-gaming:

    Alpha Map
    Punky Coords
    Suki's Mini-map Coordinates

    Additionally many full-blown interfaces like Titan Panel, have the feature built in.

    from SoiFon and xNocturnalSunx (among others):
    Tagteam Tomtom and lightheaded. Clicky coords that show up on your map.

    or, you can create a macro:
    SquigglyLine wrote:
    Create a macro using this script (just copy & paste it):

    /script px,py=GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
    /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("[ %s ] %i , %i",GetZoneText(),px*100,py*100));

    You click on the macro and it will give you your coordinates in the chat pane.

    Now you can use all those quest tips where they only give you coordinates for the mob/item you are looking for.

    12. "I'd like to find a guild on my server."
    Unless you are looking for an Alla guild, you'll probably find one faster by posting on your realm forum. Or, you can see what guilds are recruiting on the Official Guild recruitment forum. If you play on European servers, the links are EU Realm Forums and EU Guild Recruitment Forum, respectively. The Alla guilds are on Anatheron (U.S) - The Fifth Star (Alliance), and on Chromaggus (EU) - Read the FAQ (Horde).

    13. "I'd like to find a guide for add-ons. What are some good ones?"

    A Guide for Addons, by webbstock. The guide also contains a good list of add-ons and add-on sites.

    14. "Can you tell me how to level to 70 as fast as possible?"
    Use Allakhazam:
      To level fast, use Allakhazam to the fullest. You can look up quests and find user comments on the quest, as well as maps. You can look up quests by level, to see the areas you should be trying out. Questing is the way to go as a lower level. As you get higher, you can do some appropriately leveled dungeons, and do some grinding to keep things interesting. Since you will be soon traveling to towns, ask the guards where the profession trainers are. Pick up mining or herbalism, and add to that skinning. Learn where the auction house is to sell the mats you gather. That way you will always have a some spare cash for training or a few goodies. You can always drop a profession and move into another later if you like. Lastly, always stop at an inn or town before logging off. You will see zzz in your picture border, showing that you are resting. This way you will gain double xp next time you play, because you will be rested. Thanks, Dadanox!

    Additionally, Azuarc's levelling guides are here on Alla.

    Vyodar has created a thread with some excellent suggestions for leveling as fast as possible: How to: Get to 70

    Leveling guides:
    For Horde:

    For Alliance:

    Why are you in such a hurry?
    • A) Sure, you have friends at higher levels, but attempting to catch up to them means that you'll miss a lot of fun along the way. Not only that, but if they use the same leveling guide you decide upon, you'll never catch up to them.
    • B) Sure, you want to get to end-game content. But that's not all that's in the game. Getting there is half the fun.
    • C) Sure, you want to get to level 70 so you can melt the faces of opponents 30 or more levels below you. That just means that you need another outlet for your aggressions. Have you ever thought of pulling the wings off flies as a hobby?
    • D) Sure, you want to get there so you can say "ZOMG!! I 1 teh game!". Well, Bucko, I hate to break it to you, but you don't "win" when you hit the cap. There is no end to the game. Blizzard has been very good about opening new content for high levels and there is nothing out there that says they'll stop

    15. "I deleted my toon. What do I need to do to get it back?"

    Log in and use an alt character on the same realm (create one, if you have to), and start up a GM ticket. A GM can restore your deleted toon in a timely fashion. If you removed his equipment prior to deletion, don't count on getting it back.

    16. "Is there a Macro Guide?"

    Why, yes there is! RPZip has created an excellent one for us here on Alla.

    Go here for all the new macro information. Thanks to Krylanna

    17. "Are there any rules on how to behave when I'm playing?"
    Funny you should ask. Until recently, the rules were unwritten. Shamibell (after a good deal of research) placed them into a post. Read, enjoy, and follow these guidelines: The unwritten (until now) rules of Warcraft.

    18. "Where should I quest/grind at my level?"
    Use the Zones by Level Table to determine what zone you should be in.

    You can search for the best mobs at your level by Using the Mob Value Search, or you can Search Quests for those around your level

    19. "Aldor or Scryer?"
    You're the one that has to make that decision, but you can make it an informed decision by looking at the article in WoW-Wiki that compares the rewards for each faction.

    Bigger better explanations of each faction:

    Also from WoW-Wiki, the following advise, if you make a wrong choice (thanks to Agobi for the heads-up on this):

      Switching to Scryers

      It is possible to defect from the Aldor to the Scryers, though doing so destroys all reputation progress previously made with the Aldor. Players seeking to switch factions must find Arcanist Adyria, a Scryer located in Lower City. She offers the repeatable quest Neutral [62] Voren'thal's Visions, which requires characters to turn in eight [Dampscale Basilisk Eyes]. This quest yields +250 reputation with the Scryers and -275 reputation with the Aldor per turn-in, and also provides +125 reputation with the Sha'tar if one is not yet honored with that faction. Voren'thal's Visions may be repeated until neutral status is attained, at which time it becomes unavailable.

      Assuming one is exalted with the Aldor and hated by the Scryers, it will take 168 turn-ins, or 1,344 individual Dampscale Basilisk Eyes, to reach neutral status with the Scryers. Once hitting neutral status with the Scryers, one's reputation with the Aldor should have deteriorated almost halfway into hostile.

      Switching to Aldor

      It is possible to defect from the Scryers to the Aldor, though doing so eliminates all reputation previously earned with the Scryers. In order to switch factions, players must find Sha'nir, an Aldor located in Lower City. She offers the quest Neutral [64] Strained Supplies which requires characters to turn in eight [Dreadfang Venom Sacs] for +250 reputation with the Aldor. This quest may be repeated until achieving neutral status with the Aldor, at which time it becomes unavailable. Characters previously allied with the Scryers who are hated by the Aldor will need to complete the quest approximately 168 times, requiring 1,344 individual Dreadfang Venom Sacs, to attain neutral status.

    Section III: Technical Stuff
    1. "I'm getting a new computer. Will I be able to play WoW on it?"

    2. "Will WoW run on my current computer (I have 256M RAM)?"
    The least expensive computer upgrade is more RAM. Do yourself a favor and get a gig or more. You'll find that lag is reduced considerably, and that there is less wear and tear on your hard drive.

    Section IV: Blizzard stuff
    1. What do I need to do to give a friend a free trial version of WoW?
    First, read the "Recruit-a-friend" FAQ:

    Second, go to the "Recruit-a-friend" login screen.

    Log in using your account name and password, and follow the directions given by Blizz.

    e-mail your friend with the location to download the trial:, and the account key that Blizz provided when you submitted the friend.

    2. What do I need to do to keep from being banned from the game?

    First of all, you have to realize that there are things that Blizz considers unacceptable.
    1. Sharing accounts with anyone other than a minor child where you are the parent or guardian. This includes sharing with a third-party power-leveling service, or trading accounts with others.
    2. RMT of any sort.
    3. Unacceptable behavior (foul language, racist/sexist remarks, etc.)
    4. Use of cheats, hacks, bots, and data mining.
    5. Botting. On November 15, 2006, Blizzard banned over 10,000 accounts for using a third-party program to automate game play

    Blizz has published a guide: How to Stay in The Game. As long as you follow the suggestions there, you shouldn't get into trouble.

    3. Will your account get banned if caught power leveling?

    If, by "power leveling", you mean getting a service to level your toon, the answer is yes. When you give your account information to anyone else (and that includes anyone you pay to level a character), you are compromising your account. Compromising your account is against the Terms of use. See #2, above.

    4. If I get a trial account, will I be able to do everything?

    The following restrictions are placed on all trial accounts:

    • A level cap of 20.
    • A maximum of 10 gold.
    • Trade skills are capped at 100 ranks.
    • Inability to trade via the auction house, mailbox, or player-to-player.
    • In-game chat channels will be unavailable.
    • A limit on the number of tells that can be sent.
    • Realms with login queues will give priority to customers with retail accounts.

    These restrictions are only in place during the trial period. Players who decide to upgrade their accounts will be able to continue adventuring with the same characters and take full advantage of all features included in the retail version of the game.

    5. I suspect someone of using a Bot program. What should I do?

    In Blizzard's own words:
      Many account closures come as the direct result of tips reported to our GMs in game or emailed to our Hacks Team by legitimate World of Warcraft players. If you suspect that a World of Warcraft player is using an illegal third-party program to farm gold or items, or is otherwise violating our Terms of Use, please report the suspected infraction via one of the means listed above. All reports will be investigated, and those that prove false will not result in corrective action.

    6. Can I upgrade to The Burning Crusade online?


    You can now buy account-upgrade keys and download the game client for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade directly through the account-management section of The direct online upgrade method is the most convenient way to upgrade to The Burning Crusade and join the millions of players who are already adventuring beyond the Dark Portal.

    All you need to do is:
    1. Login to
    Account Management
    2. Click The Burning Crusade "Download Now" button
    3. Enter your credit card information
    4. Follow the link to download The Burning Crusade game client

    That's it! If you haven't upgraded your account yet, now's your chance to take your World of Warcraft experience to the next level, whenever you want.

    Edited, Mar 30th 2009 5:22am by ohmikeghod

    Edited, May 16th 2009 2:28pm by Wordaen

    Edited, May 16th 2009 9:48pm by Wordaen
    #2 May 05 2006 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
    With any luck, perhaps this will be stickied.
    #3 May 05 2006 at 6:25 PM Rating: Default
    Requested to be stickied.
    #4 May 05 2006 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
    2,824 posts
    Nothing to see here, move along.

    Edited, Tue May 9 13:00:27 2006 by baelnic
    #5 May 05 2006 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
    1,235 posts
    #6 May 05 2006 at 6:44 PM Rating: Excellent
    I might include the "Ganking" caveat on the PvP description.

    You know, the whole "it's a PvP server and you must find a PvP solution" thing.

    This is not the place to complain that the ganker somehow 'broke a rule' etc, etc. You signed up for it...

    Also, maybe mention that if one thread exists about a topic it is best to post in that thread rather than start a new one about the same thing.

    My two copper.
    #7 May 05 2006 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
    Lysus wrote:
    I might include the "Ganking" caveat on the PvP description.

    You know, the whole "it's a PvP server and you must find a PvP solution" thing.

    This is not the place to complain that the ganker somehow 'broke a rule' etc, etc. You signed up for it...

    Also, maybe mention that if one thread exists about a topic it is best to post in that thread rather than start a new one about the same thing.

    My two copper.
    #8 May 05 2006 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
    If you think this should be stickied, /sign here
    #9 May 05 2006 at 9:08 PM Rating: Good
    ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
    If you think this should be stickied, /sign here

    Done, nice job.

    #10 May 06 2006 at 1:20 AM Rating: Excellent
    Also, in regards to rule 13, you might consider adding the link for the multi game forum and such.
    #11 May 06 2006 at 2:51 AM Rating: Default
    3,152 posts
    ohmikeghod wrote:
    1. "I want to sell you some gold"
    Gold selling is good. If you are a gold seller, be prepared to be hailed and loved. The place to report Gold sellers so that the posters can be promoted to advance gold farmer is in the drama thread. For your other gold needs go to www.ig[/Black] and support your favorite site. Ni hao.

    As they say: FTFY

    Edited, Sat May 6 03:52:27 2006 by LordOfTheTarus
    Rehuhu of Kujata
    #12 May 06 2006 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
    Lysus wrote:
    Also, in regards to rule 13, you might consider adding the link for the multi game forum and such.
    #13 May 06 2006 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
    LordOfTheTarus wrote:
    ohmikeghod wrote:
    1. "I want to sell you some gold"
    Gold selling is good.
    As they say: FTFY
    You misquoted me. Read again. If you want to make a FAQ extolling the virtues of RMT, you are welcome to try. Trust me, you have no chance whatsoever in a flame war against me. It would be a war of wits against an unarmed opponent. If you want to bring in Alla's current ownership into the FAQ, say so, and I'll add that in, but changing what I posted is improper behavior.

    Edited, Sat May 6 15:16:26 2006 by ohmikeghod
    #14 May 06 2006 at 3:24 PM Rating: Excellent
    We need to talk about this one:


    6. "i cant speel or use grammer but i still post can u tell me y my posts are ingored?"
    If you don't want to be ignored, use proper English. This incldes capitalization, punctuation, and not using abbreviations or 1337-speak. The same holds for in-game - you can't be taken seriously without knowing how to write.

    I'm guilty myself of flaming people for bad grammar (and I make mistakes all the time, too).

    And there are lazy posters - or ones who think they're Kid Rock - who need this flaming. They know or should know how to write (but choose not to in order to be "hip").

    But what about dyslexics, people with high-functioning autism - people with other learning disorders? What about deaf people who have trouble with language because they can't hear? Or nice people who are not native English speakers.

    This is a rather large number of people, by the way. They want to participate here, too. And this provision is rather harsh towards them. I know lots of people w/ LDs. And you can't imagine what it's like not to be able to remember how to spell - no matter how hard you try, no matter what your IQ - you just can't remember it all.

    You wouldn't discriminate based on race here. I just strongly suggest we not discriminate against people who struggle to write.

    For many of them it's a struggle to even read. But they want to play WoW - and they do come here. But if we trash them for things they can't help - we're hurting them. I feel bad because I know better, and too often I'm rude to posters. I need to work on this as much as anyone.

    You could say "well, they need to identify themselves" - but maybe they don't want to. "Hello, I have trouble with language - how are you doing?" Would you want to go around introducing yourself that way?

    Please ammend this point to be tolerant of those who have language difficulties that they can't help. You can't imagine how much it helps these people when we are kind and tolerant towards them - many of them live isolated lives because of fear of ridicule, fear of not being understood. When we smile and offer them unconditional acceptance - their lives are vastly improved.

    Trust me, please, it makes a huge difference.
    #15 May 06 2006 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
    IponemaGirl the Furtive wrote:
    We need to talk about this one:
    6. "i cant speel or use grammer but i still post can u tell me y my posts are ingored?"
    If you don't want to be ignored, use proper English. This incldes capitalization, punctuation, and not using abbreviations or 1337-speak. The same holds for in-game - you can't be taken seriously without knowing how to write.
    I'm guilty myself of flaming people for bad grammar (and I make mistakes all the time, too).

    And there are lazy posters - or ones who think they're Kid Rock - who need this flaming. They know or should know how to write (but choose not to in order to be "hip").

    But what about dyslexics, people with high-functioning autism - people with other learning disorders? What about deaf people who have trouble with language because they can't hear? Or nice people who are not native English speakers.

    This is a rather large number of people, by the way. They want to participate here, too. And this provision is rather harsh towards them. I know lots of people w/ LDs. And you can't imagine what it's like not to be able to remember how to spell - no matter how hard you try, no matter what your IQ - you just can't remember it all.

    You wouldn't discriminate based on race here. I just strongly suggest we not discriminate against people who struggle to write.

    For many of them it's a struggle to even read. But they want to play WoW - and they do come here. But if we trash them for things they can't help - we're hurting them. I feel bad because I know better, and too often I'm rude to posters. I need to work on this as much as anyone.

    You could say "well, they need to identify themselves" - but maybe they don't want to. "Hello, I have trouble with language - how are you doing?" Would you want to go around introducing yourself that way?

    Please ammend this point to be tolerant of those who have language difficulties that they can't help. You can't imagine how much it helps these people when we are kind and tolerant towards them - many of them live isolated lives because of fear of ridicule, fear of not being understood. When we smile and offer them unconditional acceptance - their lives are vastly improved.

    Trust me, please, it makes a huge difference.
    I agree with you to some extent, and am also aware that there are posters for whom English is not their native tongue. I think that it's fairly easy to distinguish those that are lazy or leet from those that have problems or are non-English speakers. In any case, posters will be taken seriously if they adhere to the rules of grammar and spelling. There is online help for spelling, for those that want to take the time to do so. Posting is not the same as speaking or going into chat. People can take their time to get it corrrect.

    edit: I've added some sentences to #6, providing online help.

    Edited, Sat May 6 17:51:50 2006 by ohmikeghod
    #16 May 06 2006 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
    11,852 posts

    Nice post. I hope people read it! Better name than the old FAQ thread ...

    Rate up.
    #17 May 06 2006 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
    5,444 posts
    The old one was not a FAQ, it was for new posters.

    Nice job Mike.
    #18 May 06 2006 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
    Filterspawn wrote:
    The old one was not a FAQ, it was for new posters.

    Nice job Mike.
    Well, yeah, but it should have been a FAQ, considering how often it was pointed at. I did get a lot of direction from it, and would certainly like to thank Seoman for having posted it. Without it, I would have never had the inspiration to post this one.
    #19 May 06 2006 at 10:20 PM Rating: Excellent
    5,444 posts
    Apparently not much direction, cause it wasn't Seo, it was me lol.
    #20 May 06 2006 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
    Filterspawn wrote:
    Apparently not much direction, cause it wasn't Seo, it was me lol.
    OOps! Sorry! Memory is the second thing to go...

    In any case, thank you for having given me the direction in which to take this thing. Without your post of "Update: new posters", I felt lost. There was no place to point people toward when they posted something that had been posted over and over again, or when they did something that is considered poor behavior. It needed replacement after removal.
    #21 May 06 2006 at 11:16 PM Rating: Good
    5,444 posts
    np, glad you went about getting a new one up.
    #22 May 08 2006 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
    What does Stickied mean?
    #23 May 08 2006 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
    3,152 posts
    It means it is locked at the top of the list of threads and it will never die unless unstickied.
    Rehuhu of Kujata
    #24 May 09 2006 at 6:15 AM Rating: Excellent
    2,588 posts
    q: the rating system. how?
    you need to be scholar. then you can rate others.
    you become scholar by getting rate-ups.
    you can see ratings by ... (?)

    (is this at all correct? my ratings seem to have no effect. can i see who rated me?)

    q: i don't want to pay / want a private server / items not for my class or level / leet epix / other kinds of boring cheats that take the fun away.
    a: bugger off
    #25 May 09 2006 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
    Turicus wrote:
    q: the rating system. how?
    you need to be scholar. then you can rate others.
    you become scholar by getting rate-ups.
    you can see ratings by ... (?)

    (is this at all correct? my ratings seem to have no effect. can i see who rated me?)

    q: i don't want to pay / want a private server / items not for my class or level / leet epix / other kinds of boring cheats that take the fun away.
    a: bugger off
    added both.
    #26 May 10 2006 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
    2,588 posts
    ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
    Turicus wrote:
    q: the rating system. how?
    you need to be scholar. then you can rate others.
    you become scholar by getting rate-ups.
    you can see ratings by ... (?)

    (is this at all correct? my ratings seem to have no effect. can i see who rated me?)

    q: i don't want to pay / want a private server / items not for my class or level / leet epix / other kinds of boring cheats that take the fun away.
    a: bugger off
    added both.
    that was quick, thanks!
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