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Lost my character's underpants (really)Follow

#677 Aug 06 2005 at 8:28 PM Rating: Default
Ok so I just stumble upon this thread and read through it. Maybe i'm just retarded but when i go to import the new .blp files into texture.MPQ using mywarcraftstudio i can't get them in the right directory on the tree. they always appear at the very bottom of my window. any suggestions on what i'm doing wrong?
#678 Aug 06 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Default
um, you're not supposed to save them to the MPQs. You just make a seperate folder. No need to permanently alter your game files. Inside your data folder, create a new folder called Character.
#679 Aug 06 2005 at 10:14 PM Rating: Default
yea...figured it out, turns out i am retarded =P Great post btw, if you guys come across any more texture packages plz post em =)
#680 Aug 07 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Default
every time i try to edit the image and turn it back into a BLP it says this
corrupt BMP file header (bitmap length)
then when i edit the 3rd line with the hackman hex editor i get this
could not encode *file name* RLE-Compressed BMPs are not supported
for the love of god and all that is holy could someone please tell me where i am F***ing up?!?
#681 Aug 07 2005 at 12:56 AM Rating: Default
UncleFaustus wrote:
every time i try to edit the image and turn it back into a BLP it says this
corrupt BMP file header (bitmap length)
then when i edit the 3rd line with the hackman hex editor i get this
could not encode *file name* RLE-Compressed BMPs are not supported
for the love of god and all that is holy could someone please tell me where i am F***ing up?!?

what image editing program are you using? if it's photoshop uncheck the compression box... PSP i don't really know. assuming it is compressed and it's not the hex editor... i use WinHex and for some reason it crashes constantly editing bmp's but it gets the job done. could try a different hex editor if that's the problem.
#682 Aug 07 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
if someone could turn these files into good BLP files for me ill thank you forever

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." --Old Chinese Proverb. Besides, I'm feeling too lazy right now to convert those for you...

Okay, I notice a lot of questions lately are how to make custom textures, so I decided to spend today making the promised Tutorial of successfully creating BLP2 files that work. Once again, I haven't spent months testing every detail to make sure this is flawless, but I'm posting this right after making it and thinking that it works, so that the ambitious can benefit as soon as possible. If there's any problems with this working, post a response to this thread soon after this post made on August 6, 2005.
#683 Aug 07 2005 at 1:28 AM Rating: Default
RaziraER wrote:
Thanks for the heads up WizardCaT Scholar. Anyone that uses my nude compilation can just take one of the other tauren clear skins and copy it to the #10s to fix that for now. I'll fix it in a later update of the patch. For the races that I don't have nude skins for, I just did a 0-9 clear skin on the underwear textures as a placeholder of sorts. I didn't actually check to see how many there were, I just didn't think any race had more than 10 skin choices (0-9)...guess I was wrong.


Holy crap. The HORDE Tauren race has more options than HUMANS? Thats insane. Though the Tauren should just get a clear patch, they are furry after all :P Though "real" patches that have the hex code correct are still better, as they don't cause characters to be invisable.
#684 Aug 07 2005 at 2:50 AM Rating: Default
could anyone post a link to a app to edite dbc files?
i hear something about foxpro or so, someone got a shareware?
#685 Aug 07 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
Ok, i need help with everything on this page and i was wondering if you guys could be patient and explain everything as slow and you possibly can.

for the past 2 days and friend of mine were looking at this and thought it would be cool to see if we cna do it ourselves. With no luck we have prob downloaded every "patch" that was avail to us on this website. The prob is is that nothing is still working "correctly".

We downloaded a "patch" i belive it was from page 8 that made us run a batch file that did everthing for us automatically, logged into the game and it showed humans, gnomes and dwarf females without pants or boots, but they had the "berbie doll" graphic. the shirt/chest piece remained on. The female night elf looked to be untouched.

We tried other patches and it seemed that the Human, Gnome and Dwarf female graphic we cant touch, maybe the patch we ran overwrote the origonal files, so we tried out luck with the female night elf since it still looked to be the same. It worked but only without any gear on.

Is there any way to make all/most gear transparent for all females (gnome,human,nightelf,orc,troll,scourage,succubus etc.) so thy can still be geared but remain naked.

I dont know enough about editing MPQs to mod the filed myself.

Basically im a noob at the whole nude WoW Patches and was wondering if one of you smart guys can just either make 1 patch where everything is done for me, or just a post with multiple patches where everything is there, i just have to put it in its proper folders.

Oh and 1 more thing. Once, if anybody even helps me, does it, could you explain to me step by step on where to put it so i dont fudge up like last time?

Thanks =)
#686 Aug 07 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Default
It's quite easy. The normal nude-patches only make them nude by removing the udnerwear, so your chars have to take off the rest of their clothes for it to be visible. These patches you download, then unzip (I unzip to my desktop). You then Open my Computer:

Open your harddrive where wow is installed (usually C)
Open "Program Files" folder
Open "World of Warcraft" folder
Open "Data" folder
Depending on which patch you downloaded, the unzipped folders might be called "Character" and there might not. If there is, simple paste the stuff in here. Otherwise, creat a folder called "character", then post the folders called "Human", "Dwarf", etc into this folder. Voila! Now, restart WoW and you're good to go. If you downloaded the succubus-mod, make a folder called "Creature" in the Data folder where you now have a "Character" folder.

As for the mod that makes most armors invisible... Don'øt ask me, I don't like the idea of boobs everywhere, I just don't want my chars to have underwear on when dancing =P
#687 Aug 07 2005 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
TOOGAM wrote:
Okay, I notice a lot of questions lately are how to make custom textures, so I decided to spend today making the promised Tutorial of successfully creating BLP2 files that work. Once again, I haven't spent months testing every detail to make sure this is flawless, but I'm posting this right after making it and thinking that it works, so that the ambitious can benefit as soon as possible. If there's any problems with this working, post a response to this thread soon after this post made on August 6, 2005.

I'm sure you put alot of effort into that TOOGAM but... the TGA to BLP2 converter doesn't work for converting model texture BLP2's

Load screens and interface graphics are in a different format than the model texture blp2's. For those a TGA format will work; anything other than a blank blp2 that's going on a model will show up either as black, distorted, or blank. Believe me, I've been keeping track of this thread for a while and trying to find out how to keep transparency across conversions... that's the one flaw with the Java converter.

Edited, Sun Aug 7 10:08:46 2005 by stray
#688 Aug 07 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Default
Ramotha wrote:
For Starters this Thread is Great. The things I've changed around in this game are awesome. I now use the Airplane in place of the Glypgens,The pod racer as my mount ( compleat with chaufer ), I use the Naked patches I like from those posted, I've used a C.A.D. program to tweek out and reskin a few modles.

Again thank you to all that have contributed your time and expertise to making this possible. I know that some of you don't care for the naked patches and all, but this has opened our eyes to the MODing possiblities of WoW.

o_O how did you get the models edited?
#689 Aug 07 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
You know what's be fantastic?

If some programming guru made up a plugin so Photoshop could import .blp's directly, without all that tedious muching around in .bmp or .tga conversions.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

#690 Aug 07 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default

Thanks devFreak ! I've been sending the patch out over aim about a billion times, so you will be saving me lots of trouble.

As for skite's problem. I don't think anyone else is having it, so I don't plan on changing anything. My guess is that his system is a bit 'different' in some way...perhaps he is using a mac, has bad video drivers, has already corrupted his WoW install in some fashion, or is just the most unlucky person alive. I'm sorry I don't know how to fix your could revolve around the clear textures, though I'm not sure if paxton is using them or not.

Skite, here is one thing you could try. Delete the 'nudetorso' and 'nudepelvis' .blp files from my troll and orc skin. Then, use an MPQ editor, such as WoWstudio ( ) to actually delete the same nudetorso and nudepelvis skins from your texture.mpq file in the data folder. Be sure to make a backup copy of the texture.mpq file first. This is quite a hack, but it will remove the reliance of my stuff from the clear texture files.

well, U R not right RaziraER!
The game crashes at selecting your modified female troll or orc model. Error #132 or something like this.

My system is a very high grade system. I'm using GF 6800GT.
Maybe the problem is with my GERMAN WoW, but i think it's more a problem of your files!
Well...i checked your files and tada...found a different of your and Sandrae.

Sandrae modified ALL files! (NakedTorso, NakedPelvis and FemaleSkin)...his files work ALL FINE!!!
You only modified the FemaleSkin and replaced the other files with "empty, black (maybe alphachannel) tga's (23kb)"

That's a little ******....many guys i know testet your pack of compatibility....well....they say all the same...crashing :(

Maybe you or another person want to edit ALL files (NakedTorso, NakedPelvis) for making it PERFECT running on ALL Systems!!!

Edited, Sun Aug 7 13:16:11 2005 by skite
#691 Aug 07 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Default
You need take a cooldown.

Error 132 happens to a lot of people for inexplicable reasons, just check the blizzard technical forums. As for his patch, I've been using it for a couple days with quite a few nekked gals and no crashes yet, and my system is a laptop for christ' sake. One thing is reporting a "bug" that you feel is relevenat to his patch, but attacking him like that is ridiculous at best.
#692 Aug 07 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
SORRY...don't wanna attack or flame s/o.
I only want to INFORM him^^
But the files are suspecting also.
#693 Aug 07 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
skite: It could be the german version. The grade of your system hardly matters when it comes to these things. I'm too lazy to copy everything over to the underwear files, but certainly, you can do it yourself for everyone that uses the german version, or you can try the fix I suggested and delete the underwear textures from the .mpq files.
#694 Aug 07 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
Ok I have an question, what is the point of all this? I really could care less about nude pixels of fantasy chars, I like my women real, with flesh and you know, a life of their own....
#695 Aug 07 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
how in the world did you get the gnome on the kodo? i would like to know plz reply
#696 Aug 07 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Default
Here's are some screens of a mod I did to make the underwear more like a bikini. I would post the blp's but they only work with one skin color (05) due to the lack of transparency.

Edited, Sun Aug 7 17:04:39 2005 by Varcan
#697 Aug 07 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
Complete WoW Nude Patch

I finaly completed a complete nude patch, all races. Not some crash your computer colors dont match, simply removing underwear patch either. About 10 hours of this crap Im so glad its done :p
All original work except for the undead thank Sandrae for that.

Here is the new page for it, and how to make your own:

Or you can simply download it here:

Here are some screenies:
Night Elf

Edited, Sun Aug 7 17:16:16 2005 by Ahriana
#698 Aug 07 2005 at 4:01 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Sun Aug 7 17:11:14 2005 by Ahriana
#699 Aug 07 2005 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
Good job Ahriana and great guide ! Id like to see a new NE pelvis this one is almost invisible .

Edited, Sun Aug 7 17:22:56 2005 by Sblazed
#700 Aug 07 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
hi is it possible to change the skin on the guild tabards ??
and if so could someone have a go for me ...
#701 Aug 07 2005 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
Nice job Ahriana, they look fantastic. Varcans bikini idea is looking good too. I can see this looking good for future WoW movie makers, put in something people haven't seen yet :)
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