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What do you want added to the site?Follow

#753 Aug 29 2006 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
116 posts
I have one big request.

I don't know if other people have this same problem, but I know it drives me nuts. I am sitting at work and browsing Allakhazam durring my lunch break, I find some quest or item that catches my eye, and I can't wait to get home and check it out. I then rush home at the end of the day and hop onto WoW. I start trying to do whatever I need to do for the item or quest and then realise that I can't seem to remember some important detail or other. So I Alt + Tab to get to my desktop and open my browser to read it on again. This slows down my game, even on DSL - I can't imagine dial up! This is also a pain in the behind.

I would like to see each page made more printer-friendly, or to be given a "printer version" option on any page where instructions are given for finding, doing, making etc... anything.

I like to be able to just look at a page on my desk to see what I am supposed to do next.

I hope I am not the only one.
#754 Aug 29 2006 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
im a n00b and i often spend time looking at the raids there are and i was wondering if u could list them in the order u fight them so we can see who the leaders of some raids are
#755 Aug 31 2006 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
How about updated TFTD's and Profile's of the week?

They are the first things I always look at when I get on and they haven't changed in a while.
#756 Aug 31 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
How about some nice movies ?...
#757 Sep 01 2006 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
The ability to compare items and item sets in a table.
#759 Sep 05 2006 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Id like to see some realm forums added to the site

i know they have em on the official WoW site but i dont wanna have to got between those forums and the forums here...

THX in advance
#760 Sep 07 2006 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
I'd like a button at the bottom of a thread that rates the posts AND takes you back to the thread index.

This is currently a two-step (two-page requests) process.
#761 Sep 07 2006 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
Personaly I havent seen much, that i didn't like that is. The only thing i would suggest is trying to find more pictures of items, weapons, armor. ect. Thanks for a great site.
#762 Sep 10 2006 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
I know the Future of this but, BETTER SPELLING! F.T.L.O.G.!!!!!
#763 Sep 10 2006 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, perhaps this has been suggested already. But with 17 pages quite frankly i've not the patience to sit and read all 17. What I would like to see added is an item trade forum, obviously server based. While AH is nice (at times) i know there are players out there that would benefit from having a real place to trade directly player - to - player. I believe this would be very succesful and very beneficial to all players. A great, quick & simple way to communicate. Diablo 2 had trade forums and this was hugely successful. Just a thought.

EDIT : i have noticed when browsing items & scrolling down to posts relevant to the item. People quite alot tend to ask for anyone who has item X for sale on Server X.

I have read through the first few pages and noticed a rather long winded post on the 'unstabe AH system' I do agree on the price dilemma i tend to have to browse the item in AH to see what its selling for today before i can create an auction. Prices are changing all the time & while this is not Alakhazam's responsibility i do feel there is a demand for an item trading forum. Such a popular game has no direct trading options rather than the AH, which ive witnessed silly players try to sell "the one ring" in AH for 97g on Moonglade server, Wool cloth x 20 for 46g. Nobody sensible and checking prices would buy it. But a forum for item trading would perhaps (if successful) provide a safe, hastle free & more importantly stable way to trade your items with a good idea of item value. Just make a sticky for the rules, like delcaring horde/alliance in your post. The only problem i can forsee is sorting it out realm wise, there ARE alot so maybe by individual realms would be too much. Perhaps in alphabetical catogories like realms A-C or something. I don't know but the post does say you're open to all suggestions & maybe you can find a way right?

Edited, Sep 10th 2006 at 11:06pm EDT by Pogers
#764 Sep 13 2006 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
#766 Sep 14 2006 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
I have a serious and asy to make suggestion:)

Currently, its impossoble to lookup an instance using search.
If you type 'molten core' in the search pane it only shows
items and mobs containing those two words. Thottbot does have
the option to lookup an instance using search, wich is the only
reason why i visit thotbott instead of allkhazam in some cases.

In my opinion this site would be better with that option:)


Edited, Sep 14th 2006 at 9:48am EDT by lethias
#767 Sep 15 2006 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
All right, my first post on this site - yea, a noob!

Anyways, I felt that Blizzard (Is this possible through Allakhazam?) would achieve a higher hit rate on their WoW website if they allowed people, within their account management, to look at their characters and observe their owned items and what not.

I, for one, would better spend my time at work by further obsessing over my character if this were the case.

Thanks for the warm greetings all!
#768 Sep 15 2006 at 8:43 AM Rating: Default
One thing i would really like to see is a way to search for a weapon upgrades for the cloth classes, I as a warlock can use both main hand and 1 hand weapons but i cant get the stats im looking for in the same search IE Azuresong Mage blade doesnt show up in a search for 1 handed items with stam and dmg. and Kris of Unspoken Names wouldnt show up in a search that pulled up Azuresong.

Edited, Sep 15th 2006 at 12:44pm EDT by sinrtb
#769 Sep 16 2006 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to see a page or forum all about rogue twinks, like where you can get good weapons/armor, or where you can get the quests, or how much you can usually buy a weapon/armor in the AH, because i am trying to make a rogue twink, he is lvl 12 and all i have is skeletal club, i need to know where to get more weapon/armor. I know where to get blackened defias amror, lavishley jeweled ring and crual barb, but i need to know more.
#770 Sep 21 2006 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry if this is already mentioned but there is far to much to read every single post!

Advanced Search Feature

When results are produced, it would be nice to make the column Headings clickable, letting us sort the data on the fly...

one more thing..


A Next Active Topic link at the top, letting us move on to..the next active topic =P lol

and a ^TOP^ button at the bottom of every post, giving us quicker access to active topic button! all shiny 'n' new <3

I second this but would like to add a little. A more advanced search would be great. Sorry to mention it but Thottbot has a good example of this. Handy search critera (much like Thottbot's search) would be (Horde/Aly) (Town/City etc) (Starts at/Ends at) (Zone) etc....but....What I would like to see in an advanced quest search would be a search by (Class) Critera.....Im terrified that im gonna miss a quest specific to my characters class and then miss out on the future quests and the rewards that the would reep!

Edited, Sep 21st 2006 at 12:49pm EDT by Brendain
#771 Sep 25 2006 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent

Ring of the Martyr/Ring of Emperor Vek'lor graphic!
#772 Sep 26 2006 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
Added? Good joke!
You just removed the single most important feature of the site...The only feature that makes Allakhazam the unique helpful tool it was!
Just return the auction price comparison and all is well...

That was fast :) (At the same time as I posted written in another thread by administrator rale)

"We're doing some maintenance now, they'll be back soon."

Thank you very much. I can breathe again :)

Edited, Sep 26th 2006 at 10:02am PDT by Avalord
#773 Sep 29 2006 at 6:17 AM Rating: Decent
116 posts
I would like to be able to sort quests by the reputation you gain by doing them, such as the freedome for all animals quest which improves you standing with Darnassus, or the escort quest in redridge that helps with SW rep.

I am trying very hard to get exhaulted with either IF or SW so that I can ride a horse or Goat at 40 because I just don't want to be like every other NE. I would like to know what quests I can do at 35 (I am a Huntress) that will help me. I currently have 2333/12000 Honoured with SW. I have given up on IF as I am still only about 1/2 way through friendly with them despite my many cloth donations and questing efforts.

#774 Sep 29 2006 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
2,740 posts
Mishkarah wrote:
I would like to be able to sort quests by the reputation you gain by doing them, such as the freedome for all animals quest which improves you standing with Darnassus, or the escort quest in redridge that helps with SW rep.

I am trying very hard to get exhaulted with either IF or SW so that I can ride a horse or Goat at 40 because I just don't want to be like every other NE. I would like to know what quests I can do at 35 (I am a Huntress) that will help me. I currently have 2333/12000 Honoured with SW. I have given up on IF as I am still only about 1/2 way through friendly with them despite my many cloth donations and questing efforts.

Good luck with that, it's almost impossible (if it's your first toon on the server, I'd be confident saying it is very impossible) to do that at 40. Just get your cat, get to 60, and do runecloth turn-ins.
#775 Oct 02 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
<url removed>
#776 Oct 03 2006 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
On your allakhazam profile, if you have more than 30k gold it acually shows it instead of "none".
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