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A few noob questions, pleaseFollow

#1 Nov 21 2004 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
hi all,

wonderful site! I've just decided to play WoW, so missed OB. I have a few questions I was hoping you could please help me with.

thanks in advance!

1. How many characters can you have per server? and in total?

2. I assume to progress as a Blacksmith I have to make blacksmith stuff? Is this the only way to get blacksmith xp? (apart from I guess the odd trade quest?). Could I have a level 1 dwarf warrior who was the greatest blacksmith in the land, because all he did was craft?

3. Please clarify; on a pvp server, if an enemy enters my region, he cannot attack me *until* I attack him first? What if someone on my side attacks him - can he then attack me, or just the person who argoed him?

4. Inventory space; how many new bag spots can you buy at the bank? Does inventory space generally become a problem? Or is it just a case of buying bigger bags and more bag spots?

5. Talents; how do you buy talents? and how many talents will a lv 60 warrior end up having? all of the talents from one branch?

thats all for now :)


#2 Nov 21 2004 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
10,564 posts
Did you not see this sticky? It should answer your questions.
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#3 Nov 21 2004 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
1. How many characters can you have per server? and in total?

10 per server in beta

2. I assume to progress as a Blacksmith I have to make blacksmith stuff? Is this the only way to get blacksmith xp? (apart from I guess the odd trade quest?). Could I have a level 1 dwarf warrior who was the greatest blacksmith in the land, because all he did was craft?

no must be level 5 to learn apprentace Blacksmithing which allow's you to raise to 75 in your skill then Level 10 to learn Journeyman allows you to raise to 150 (never checked above but im sure min level to max skill is 30 (guess on level)

3. Please clarify; on a pvp server, if an enemy enters my region, he cannot attack me *until* I attack him first? What if someone on my side attacks him - can he then attack me, or just the person who argoed him?

PVP = horde vs alliance If you are on opposit sides there is not a he hit first to start.....your on the server your fair game.

4. Inventory space; how many new bag spots can you buy at the bank? Does inventory space generally become a problem? Or is it just a case of buying bigger bags and more bag spots?

god never counted must be like 10 or 12. but they get more expensive as you go first one is 10 silver. which is 1000 copper about level 5 or 6 you could afford it but space isn't really a problem bags go from 6 slots to atleast 10 maybe more as i didn't get beyond lvl 15....also you have a backpack which has a lot of space in it at the start of game.

5. Talents; how do you buy talents? and how many talents will a lv 60 warrior end up having? all of the talents from one branch?

at level 10 you start reciving talent points. I bearly got started with this others may anwser it better than i can but it helps round out your charter giving them improvements to certain class skills or spells.

anyway have fun stay safe and enjoy the game...

Is it tuesday yet (Copyrights pending)

#4 Nov 21 2004 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
11,852 posts

1. Not 100% sure - but I've heard 8 per server 50 total or something like that. Whatever it is, it won't limit you.

2. Higher tradeskill recipes, from my experience in leatherworking, require a minimum level (I.e. I think L100+ leather recipes needed L10+).

3. My understanding is that if you are in your territory (I.e. not contested territory) then you can attack the enemy but they can not attack you. If you or anyone in your party attacks the enemy, you become fair game. In contested territory, anyone can attack anyone of the opposing faction freely.

4. You get a pack to start off with that has 16 slots. Note that any gear you have equipped does not take up a slot. You get 4 additional bag slots. Early on, you can either find 6-slot bags or buy them from a clothcrafter making them (or trade the clothcrafter the linen - they are just trying to build skill). You can buy them for 5 silver from NPCs too. At the bank, you get 24 slots, and 6 bag slots. To my knowledge, there are 8 and 10 slot bags available, and there might be even larger ones. While I wouldn't say that inventory space is necessarily a problem, it is a challenge of sorts.

5. I think you get one talent point for every level you get after 10. You have to choose what to spend them on, and you don't get enough to max out *everything* although I'm sure you could level out most of a tree by 60 if you wanted to (I'm only making an educated guess here). However, if you want to change things up, you can unlearn talents. This has a cost associated with it, and every time you unleard your talents, the price gets higher.

I am not exactly an experienced player, but I hope my answers help a bit.

BTW - if you ask questions, you're a newb, not a noob. Smiley: jester
#5 Nov 21 2004 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Ah, I'll throw out a bone, even though most of this can be found in various stickies.

1) I thought it was 8, but everyone above me is saying more, so go with them. On PvP servers, you won't be allowed to have an Alliance and a Horde character on the same server.

2) Yes, you have to make blacksmith stuff. And yes, it's the only way to progress as a Blacksmith. And probably not because you'll have to be able to get the stuff to make things with, and unless you have an unlimited supply of gold to buy everything off the AH with, you won't be able to get said items at lvl 1.

3) On a PvP server, you are fair game... always.

4) I think it's 8 bags at the bank, each with a higher cost. Usually inventory is not a huge problem unless you pick up EVERYTHING you find. And yes, you can find bigger bags so you can hold more stuff.

5) At lvl 10, you get your first talent. And you don't really "buy" them, you just select one. No, not all talents come from one branch. Most talents will just have requirements like "15 points in Combat Talens," the beginning ones won't even have that. As for how many a lvl 60 Warrior would have, well, you get your first at lvl 10, so I'm confident you can figure that out easily enough.

Edited, Sun Nov 21 19:42:49 2004 by syntaxic
#6 Nov 21 2004 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
279 posts
Just for the record, before the official forums went down the official answer for number of characters was, 10 per server, 50 in total. Now assuming there will be more then 5 servers, you will not be able to fill all of the servers up, but you could have one character on 50 servers if there are 50 servers or any combination of the above.

Of course there was some misinformation given due to the stress of trying to get all as many questions answered as possible before the boards went down, so I would take that count with a grain of salt. 8-10 characters per server seems reasonable and a 50 character limit seems reasonable so those are the numbers I am working with.
#7 Nov 21 2004 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
10,564 posts
ok, gotta clarify a couple things since u dont want him to read on his own.



3. Please clarify; on a pvp server, if an enemy enters my region, he cannot attack me *until* I attack him first? What if someone on my side attacks him - can he then attack me, or just the person who argoed him?

PVP = horde vs alliance If you are on opposit sides there is not a he hit first to start.....your on the server your fair game.

wowmomo, you are correct. go here for the official info on diff server types.

As for the talents, starting at lvl 10 you get one talent point each lvl to allocate how you choose, although some talents have prereqs, etc. Again, the sticky is a good place to go, and so is the World of Warcraft official info page.

Smiley: twocents

Edited, Sun Nov 21 20:08:45 2004 by Vataro
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#8 Nov 21 2004 at 7:49 PM Rating: Excellent
242 posts
I would just like to clarify that on a PvP server, you are not always fair game. In enemy lands or contested lands, you can be attacked at will. In your friendly lands you can not be attacked by enemies until you decide to attack them, assist a friendly player who is fighting them, or flag yourself by using /pvp.

Read : World of Warcraft Realm Types

edit : looks like vataro beat me to the post button :)

Edited, Sun Nov 21 19:49:52 2004 by Asurman
#9 Nov 21 2004 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
thank you all for your answers.

my thoughts;

1. [# of chars per server] great! it looks like i can have enough to try most/all classes and professions. that's all i was worried about.

2. [tradeskill xp] the stickies did answer this, thanks though. I like how you also have to progress your class level to 'unlock' the higher tradeskill levels.

3. [PvP question] I've seen conflicting info on this, and will research more. I am positive that the official WoW site said that you were 'safe' in your own area unless you attacked first. This was to stop lv 40 chars ganking lv1 chars. My plan is to join a PvP server, but mainly play PvE, with the odd raid. I know there is PvP on the PvE servers.

4. [inventory space] I guess what I meant to ask was 'does it become an issue'. It looks like with good management it does not.

5. [talents]. Thanks. The stickies did answer this indeed.

cheers all, I appreciate your time and help.

#10 Nov 21 2004 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
You ARE safe in your own areas, as long as you don't turn on /pvp flag or attack an enemy. If that happens, you get flagged for PvP and it goes away after 5 minutes.

I'm trying to figure out where all this disinformation about PvP servers comes from, I mean, how many people responding to the PvP server question have actually played on one? :/
#11 Nov 21 2004 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
There is plenty of PvP in a PvE Server, its just not an unlimited FFA of killage.
#12 Nov 21 2004 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
Qwestionator wrote:
There is plenty of PvP in a PvE Server, its just not an unlimited FFA of killage.

hmmmm...this is what i cant decide on. I'd really love to do PvP, but I know I'm mainly a PvE type person[1]. But my mates plays DAoC, and seeing him and his 20 mates run off and fight 20 other human players is just awesome.

I assumed on the PvE servers it could be harder to find good PvP battles. If one side is outnumbered or getting flogged, they can just run away and turn off PvP :(

[1] I'm guessing at 80% PvE, 20% PvP. Probably shifting towards more PvP later in the game.
#13 Nov 21 2004 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
People, whoever told you that you are elligible for pvp in all zones of a pvp server told you wrong. You are unable to be attacked untill you /pvp or attack the enemy in your territory.
#14 Nov 21 2004 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
279 posts
5 Minuets to turn off PvP, limits the running. Even on PvE servers there are ocasioanl raids against oposing faction towns. Lest in open beta there where.

The real difference is when you start doing quests in contested zones. On the PvP server there where level 40's camping the level 10 druid quest for example. On a PvE server you just don't take the bait and go about your druid quest in peice. On the PvP server you didn't have this choice becaues the area was contested.
#15 Nov 21 2004 at 8:19 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
1. [# of chars per server] great! it looks like i can have enough to try most/all classes and professions. that's all i was worried about.

There is a bit of confusing about the exact number of character slots because of two different sources of information. If you search the official WoW site you’ll find the character slot listed as 8 per server and 60 total characters. But one of the developers posted on the WoW beta boards that the total was 10 per server and 50 total characters. But either way Blizzard is being much more generous than I expected.

2. [tradeskill xp] the stickies did answer this, thanks though. I like how you also have to progress your class level to 'unlock' the higher tradeskill levels.

I was rather happy with this as well. Being the trade skill junkie that I am, I’ll be playing several alts so that I can practice all of the professions. By placing a final character level cap of 35 for professions, Blizzard make it difficult enough that people would actually have to play their alts in order to level more than two professions. But it’s not so high a level as to make it all but impossible.

4. [inventory space] I guess what I meant to ask was 'does it become an issue'. It looks like with good management it does not.

Whether or not it’ll be an issue will depend on your play style. I’m a packrat by nature and thus all my characters tend to be as well. Bank space, or lack thereof, will always be a problem for me. Whereas a friend of mine rarely ever even visits the banks in the MMORPGs he plays.

Best of luck in game. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

#16 Nov 21 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Default
momo are you from canada? did you go to school in london?

just wanted to ask...
#17 Nov 21 2004 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
XvermonX wrote:
momo are you from canada? did you go to school in london?

just wanted to ask...

um..born in england, grew up in oz (australia). moved around the globe, now back and settled in oz.

you flirting with me? ;)

Edited, Sun Nov 21 20:46:27 2004 by wowmomo
#18 Nov 21 2004 at 10:44 PM Rating: Default
know a Momo... he used it alot in lot of games...

and send me a pic of your self then mabe I will hit on you :D

but i'm bad with long distance relation ship...
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