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#402 Nov 01 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
BTW, I forgot this, but how do maps work in game? do you have to explore an area for it to show up or are you automatically given laid out maps and the such.

Another page in the name of Cramporia, now taking applicants for citizenship!

Edited, Mon Nov 1 16:26:49 2004 by VampyreKnight
#403 Nov 01 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
The world map shows all areas (zones for lack of a better word) from the get-go. Zones are divided into areas, for example, you'll have The Barrens, with sub-areas like the Forgotten Oasis or the Sludge Fen. Before you've visited a zone, the local map shows the zone boundaries and connections with no other details. As you explore the zone, the details are added in & there's usually an experience award for "discovering" new areas.
#404 Nov 01 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
So is it where once you enter the "zone" you get hte full view or it slowly opens up by you traveling across the zone.
#405 Nov 01 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
The map details are added as you explore the zone and discover new areas.
#406 Nov 01 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
Woo, love me some cartography.
#407 Nov 01 2004 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
You get EXP from "discovering an area" if I remember right. Sounds like you basically have to find a ??? point int he zone and examine it to "discover" the area.
#408 Nov 01 2004 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
You get EXP from "discovering an area" if I remember right. Sounds like you basically have to find a ??? point int he zone and examine it to "discover" the area.

Nah, all you really need to do is run into it and BAM! Discovery!
#409 Nov 01 2004 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
For more information about mapping, find the thread "Az's screenshots" and look at the second post. I have at least a partial map up of every zone, and an example of an umapped zone.

Leveling rate depends on your playstyle and what you're up to at that point. I can gain a level every 3 hours if I'm determined to, but that removes all the fun aspects of the game, so it's usually more like 5 hours of real playtime, plus the interstitial gaps of transportation and ambling about time. I can get to level 10 in under 5 hours, and after that, this leveling rate starts to kick in.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#410 Nov 02 2004 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
Mmm, mapping make me tingly
#411 Nov 02 2004 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
Just had a look at your screenshots Az, most excellent collection and thanks for sharing them, mind if i ask you a few questions regarding your WoW exp?=)

What's the highest level you got to and roughly how long did it take to get there?

Coming from EQ, I crave something for the casual gamer (ie : me=)) is WoW really as good as everyone says in this regard? how long would a post-50 level take someone

Being as your were on beta, what is the "normal" pvp like on beta server, do guilds still raid cities, insigate fights with other fractions or is everyone purely doing PvE? Reason I ask is that I want to enjoy PvP, but would rather play on a pve server due to the fact ganking seems common-place on PvP servers, basically, is pvp a valid and used part of the beta server?

Thanks in advance, will post back tonight after work

Majria Airjam
#412 Nov 02 2004 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I've been in CB for 5 months, and hit 60 on my primary character about a month ago. Those 4 months levelling the character include Artisan Smithing, Mining, and Weaponsmithing, a week offline, multiple alts in the high-teens / low 20's, and a couple weeks taking a break from the character. IMO, WoW is very friendly to the casual gamer, especially compared to EQ.

IME on the Beta server, there was quite a bit of PvP action; whether it was one person bothering Brill, a larger group attacking Tarren Mill, or a raid on a capitol city, there was almost always something going on. Battlegrounds will probably also be popular on PvE servers when they go live. If you're someone who likes to quest in peace, yet still be able to war against the opposing faction when you are in the mood, a normal PvE server should work very well for you.
#413 Nov 02 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
My highest level was 59. I would have been 60, but after the cap hit 50, I fooled around on alts too much. To say how long I played this character isn't fair because I spent a lot of time on artificial level caps, especially 39 which I was stuck on for close to two months. I started a character on the beta 2 server of the same race/class and got to 40 in about 9 days played (I think? I need to check on that.)

Post-level-50 takes no longer than pre-level-50 in my experience. So 6-7 hours of playtime.

PvE servers have all the same PvP the PvP server does; it's just far more limited and without the ganking. People still raid, people still duel, people still have open battles in Booty Bay and Hilsbrad, people will still be going to battlefields.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#414 Nov 02 2004 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
Thanks you both for your excellent replies, coming from someone who once played 12 hours straight in a good team in EQ (top of Velks spider section mace, getting plenty named=)) and still only earned 3 bub out of 5 in level 57, I actually remember being very chuffed with myself for doing so well! WoW sounds like it may have enough for me, I have one more question for you though if alright=)

Does this fact you can level up reasonablely fast, take away some of the pride you felt knowing how long it had taken you to get there? Is there a cap on everything you can do? Both in terms on spells/skills, and expeariances(sp) you can, erm, expeariance?=) Did ya ever get bored mon?=)

Thanks heaps for taking the time to read my queries folks, I look forward to the replies

Majria Airjam
#415 Nov 02 2004 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
There is so much to DO levelling up, with quests and tradeskills, I had more of a sense of accomplishment hitting 60 in WoW than in EQ... EQ was just grinding, it really didn't take much effort other than time. WoW is so rich in storyline and fun, it's as much about the journey as the destination. Reaching the level cap allowed me to look back over my character's progression and feel like there was meaning to what I'd done. My character felt like a mover & shaker in the world, not just another mindless drone who managed to invest enough time to get to 60 (or 65). No pointless, endless grinding in Velks, Droga, or the 1st tier planes!

I'm not sure what you mean when you ask about a cap on things you can do... once you reach 60, you no longer gain experience at all (unless you take a spirit healer rez and have to work off a defecit), there are no new spells, and your skills will cap out at 300. Tradeskills also cap out at 300, although even with the limit of 2 professions, I was only 287 in Blacksmithing after five months in Closed Beta.

You can still work on quests, obtain items, explore instances, and do other things at 60. With the addition of the promised Hero Classes and Battlegrounds, there will be even more to do at the cap. I did get somewhat bored after a couple weeks at 60 in the Closed Beta... but that's primarily because many quests had no rewards implemented, so there was no point in working on them, and the quests I was interested in working on for the rewards were primarily instanced dungeons & I don't usually like doing pickup groups (although they were easy to find, if I'd wanted to). Overall, however, I'm confident WoW will provide new challenges & continue to hold my interest even when I reach 60 in retail.

Edited, Tue Nov 2 22:52:23 2004 by Grachna
#416 Nov 02 2004 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
That might be the case for some people, but it wasn't for me, because playing WoW was a much more satisfying experience than EQ. I remember the countless hours of staring at an entirely white wall in Velks until I actually burned my retinas. (30 hours out of 40 consecutive at frenzy will do that.)

Further, EQ is only satisfying in that regard at very significant turning points - spells come every 5 levels, overcoming hell levels was every 5 levels. In WoW, you get new skills every 2. There are things to pick up along the way besides not needing your book to meditate at 35. The treadmill itself is much more satisfying, so while taking the last step off it might not be, the overall experience is greater.

At least that's my take. While I can often be quick to chastize others for having an opinion, I understand people may have a different mind on that issue.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#417 Nov 03 2004 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know if anyone has asked this yet (I'm too lazy to dig through all of the posts for my answer) but I had two questions about WoW that could make or break whether or not I play.

1) Are you allowed to change what job you play as later in the game or are you restricted to the one you sign up for during character creation?

2) When you die is there exp loss and if so can you de-level like FFXI?


Edited, Wed Nov 3 04:55:33 2004 by neogel
#418 Nov 03 2004 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
I can answer those questions Neogel, though I'm not a tester, I can tell you that the 8 classes you choose from will be your class/job the whole time. However, each class has three "talent trees" with which to specialise in, for instance, a priest isn't just restricted to healing duties his/her whole carrer, but can choose to go for Disipline(buffs, certain offensive spells and mana regen/special abilities)Holy (healing spells, offensive holy spells, special abilities)or finally shadow (damage spells, leech-type effects for other spells, special abilities) Each one of those talent trees has several unique abilities (disapline has focused casting, holy has combat rez, shadow has shadowform(my personal fave=)) as well as giving your class a more specialised feel, it also must be said that nearly all the talent trees seem viable and useful in their own way, hopefully avoiding the mentallity of "If you don't have this talent then we're not grouping with you"

as to dying, the main incentive not to, is the fact that unless you want exp loss, your gonna have to run back to your corpse form a graveyard. If exp loss is no biggie for you, then talk to a spirit healer(at graveyards i think) who will rez you on the spot for exp loss(as far as i know this is the ONLY way to lose exp) However, I know I've read somewhere that there is no way you can "lose" a level, interesting how this may effect the end-game, simply because at lvl 60, there won't be much point gaining exp, and no incentive not to die other then the corpse run or inconvience of being rezed at your graveyard, as you cannot "un-ding" this could make or break the end-game I reckon, maybe they should make it so you can only un-ding to level 59 and thats it, would annoy the hell outta people but would make dying something you respected perhaps?=)

Hope that helps, thou remember, I'm not an actual tester, just someone who's obsessed with this game!=)

Majria Airjam
#419 Nov 03 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Majria hit it spot on. The only thing I'd add is to say that while there is presently no penalty for dying and taking a spirit rez in 60 (other than having to gain back the exp defecit, which doesn't matter since we can't earn exp once we're in the positive in 60), Hero Classes will most likely offer some incentive or reason to not lose experience.
#420 Nov 04 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts

My turn=)

Azuarc, what talents did you go for with your priest?

To any shadow priests, does shadowform have an effect on your toon? If so, is it worthy of the name?=) I'd love to see it if so=)

Are priests still viable healers if they go full shadow-spec?

Thanks heaps in advance (yet) again for answering any questions?=)

#421 Nov 04 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
neogel, the FAQ sticky answers both those questions, as well as probably quite a few others you have. Might be worth a read.

I'll answer the talent question last.

Shadowform does have a visual effect, but it's not much. You sort of fade out and have a purply mist surround you. Shadowform is not something you get for the looks.

Whether or not a priest is still a viable healer with a shadow spec depends on the healer, the group, and the dungeon. It depends on the healer mostly in terms of skill but also equipment, particularly your mana pool. You have to be a better player to be able to play a shadow priest in a group because the only talent you have that has any bearing is Improved Fade. The group matters because sometimes groups are very close-minded to a lack of optimization, but also depends on the tank's equipment, and the rest of the group's ability to play as a team. Mages that draw aggro constantly and players that don't assist are going to be a real handful, and while they aren't your fault, you'll often take the blame. (This is true of all healers.)

The place you are grouping matters especially, because prior to level 45, you won't really feel any pinch in an instance with a decent group. Scarlet Monastery, Uldaman, and Zul'Farrak are difficult in their own right, but nowhere near as taxing as Sunken Temple, Blackrock Depths, Scholomance, etc. will be. I used to swear that a shadow priest could heal fine in any situation that a holy priest could...and then I did the Lyceum in BRD. We lived because I stayed on my toes and the rest of my group was good and knew what they were doing, but just barely. I was also above the normal level for that dungeon, but my equipment was sub-par. If I had had holy talents, or discipline, rather than predominately shadow, I'm sure it would have been much easier. The question I ask myself though is, easier enough to make me bored to tears outside an instance?

My overall belief is that as long as you care about healing and this is your pursuit in a group, your talent choices shouldn't matter too much, and you shouldn't penalize your solo play for it. Opinions on the subject tend to be very polarized though, and I often get into heated arguments with holy proponents like Lev on the Blizz priest forum. (I am Restandre there.)

I'm going to give you two renditions here. My character is Shadow/disc. My guildmate has played around with a lot of different configurations and finds a balanced approach to work best for her. Since the only real necessity from the shadow tree is Mind Flay, and the rest mostly just helps you deal more damage, I'm going to give you that build:

Discipline (20):
5 Silent Resolve (or Unbreakable Will)
3 Improved Shield
2 Improved Fortitude
3 Martyrdom + Focused Casting
2 Mental Agility (to get 15 spent in tree)
5 Mental Strength

Shadow (11):
5 Spirit Tap
3 Blackout
2 Improved Pain
1 Mind Flay

Holy (20):
5 Holy Specialization
5 Spiritual Healing
5 Subtlety
5 Improved Healing

My overall build is similar, except that I drop the Holy for more Shadow. Finish Blackout and add Improved Fade, Shadow Reach, Improved PS + Silence, Shadow Weaving + Darkness, and drop one point of Mental Strength for Shadowform.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#422 Nov 04 2004 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Ok so me and my friends decided that we are going to play characters on the Horde side, but most likely we are not going to choose the same race for our characters so we're going to be starting in different cities. I read in the FAQ that it is easy to meet up with your friends right off the bat but you just have to stick to the roads. Anyways, my questions are:

a)If I am off questing with some friends of a different race and at the end of our play session I decide that I don't feel like running back to my city, will I be able to rest in an inn located in one of their hometowns and still get those rest credits? or is that system prejudice towards non-citizens?

b)Will grouped questing/xp'ing with my friends while we are all pre-level 10 be worthwhile or is it like FFXI where you would be much more efficient soloing? (I seem to remember reading the answer to this question but I can't find the response now, sorry ><)
#423 Nov 04 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
Thanks heaps for the information Azuarc, most appreciated indeed, just wanted to ask another question on the discipline tree, when you say 2 into mental agi. to get 15 in the tree, does that mean you ahve to spend 15 points to get to rank 4? I was hoping on gaining a similier spec to yours but wanted improved inner rage if poss.

couple more if I may continue to bug=)

1) silent resolve and shadow affinity, do they stack? if so, are they both worth getting for more viability towards end game groups / raids? They seem worth it if stacking to me(-45% threat from all shadow dmg spells)

2)Blackout, does it...
a)have a 10% chance to stun when casting pain / mind flay?
b)have a 10% chance to stun when pain / mind flay cause dmg (ie : per tick?)
c)only effect direct damage spells (mind blast only)

3)Fade, does it last the time regardless or does it leave if you cast/are hit etc?

4)Thanks for sating my thirst for knowledge, it's very much appreciated!!!=)

#424 Nov 04 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
66 posts
a)If I am off questing with some friends of a different race and at the end of our play session I decide that I don't feel like running back to my city, will I be able to rest in an inn located in one of their hometowns and still get those rest credits? or is that system prejudice towards non-citizens?

Rest bonus is earned regardless of race. I'm pretty sure you could even get rest exp in an opposing faction rest area, if you could stay alive long enough. ;)

b)Will grouped questing/xp'ing with my friends while we are all pre-level 10 be worthwhile or is it like FFXI where you would be much more efficient soloing? (I seem to remember reading the answer to this question but I can't find the response now, sorry ><)

Having levelled both solo and in a group, I've found neither to be noticably more efficient. With an Elf, for example, I'm always around level 5.5-6 when leaving Aldrassil, grouped or not. While you earn less exp for body counts grouped, it balances out with the extra kills you have to make for collections. Speed is not an issue either; killing mobs faster in a group balances out the higher exp gain per kill when solo.
#425 Nov 09 2004 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
Being as this sticky seems to have been collecting dust for a few days now, i'll give you testers two more generalised questions=)

1) Weather? Whats it like? types etc=)

2) Time? How longs a game day? Seasons?(which I think would be damn cool)

Thanks everybody!)

#426 Nov 09 2004 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
this prolly has been asked but i didnt see ok here goes:
is there any more uber than other class? take example like in ffxi the ranger, it was kinda made uber compare to a sam or mnk war ect...
other question: is there a only solo class? something like the beastmaster in ffxi?
thanks in advance
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