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#352 Oct 23 2004 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
But what I see by the WOW Forums seems to be a bunch of whining childern! If the Priest Class gets changed a little what do you do instead of helping to try the new changes and report what effect

Um show me a game besides EQPC that didnt have people whining about every change.
#353 Oct 23 2004 at 11:00 PM Rating: Excellent
66 posts
How exactly is chat handled in WoW?

If you've played EQ, it is virtually identical to EQ's chat system. There's Party and Guild chat, as well as /Whispers (aka /Tells). And then in the majority of zones, you will have the default chat channels: General, Local Defense (notifies you of opposing faction player attacks on friendly NPC's in the zone only), and Global Defense (notifies you of opposing faction player attacks on friendly NPC's in any zone).

In major cities (Orgrimmar, Stormwind, etc.), there is also a Trade channel. You may also create your own chat channel for use with friends, regardless of guild affiliation. Chat is, however, restricted by faction; Alliance and Horde in the same zone will have seperate chat channels, and it is not possible for an Alliance player to join a player-created Horde chat channel.

My other big question is how easy is it for one to gather the money to start a guild?

To create a guild, you need 10s and 10 signatures from seperate accounts. 10s is very little money in WoW terms and you could easily have this within your first couple hours playing (faster if you're pooling money with friends). The 10 signatures aren't a big deal for the most part; if you're starting with fewer than 10 friends, you can usually solicit signatures from other players. The only real Guild expense is Tabard design and purchase; it's 10g to design a Tabard, and 1g for each individual player to purchase a Tabard. Obviously, this takes more time to earn the money for, but it is just an optional feature and is for looks only - it doesn't add anything to your guild besides a more uniform look.
#354 Oct 24 2004 at 2:54 AM Rating: Good
Grachna wrote:
To create a guild, you need 10s and 10 signatures from seperate accounts.

I swear I had read 1g, which from what else I'd read, sounded like a lot of money. Regardless, it's nice to know that until we find the funding for a Guild, I can at least get my friends together in a chatroom :)
#355 Oct 24 2004 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
Um show me a game besides EQPC that didnt have people whining about every change.

You say this because EQ went above and beyond people whining about every change, right?
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#356 Oct 24 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
ou say this because EQ went above and beyond people whining about every change, right?

I guess you haven't played EQ. I've never seen any whining in this game, the problem is that there is a lot of EQ bashing here.

Edited, Sun Oct 24 14:01:21 2004 by Gihja
#357 Oct 24 2004 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I guess you haven't played EQ. I've never seen any whining in this game, the problem is that there is a lot of EQ bashing here.

It really doesn't belong in this thread, but regardless... you must not've visited class forums much if you haven't seen whining in EQ. I played EQ for 4 years (quit for the last time 6 months ago), and if it wasn't Monkly Business complaining, then it was the Ranger's Glade, or the SafeHouse, or one of the other class forums, or sometimes it was the casuals v. the "powergamers"... Really, no game is without its whiners, and there will always be a very vocal minority who finds something to complain about with every patch.
#358 Oct 24 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
I played Everquest from Feb 2, 2001 until whenever I actually quit earlier this year. I had about 300 days played.

Trust me, there was plenty of whining on discussion boards about Everquest. Any discussion board. Some more than others. I can't say I read the Allakhazam forums much, but there were a few others I frequented, and I avoided the more whiny forums. Try the shaman's crucible or most any player-run server forum.

Anyway, back to WoW...

Edited, Sun Oct 24 14:25:01 2004 by Azuarc
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#359 Oct 24 2004 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
Stupid question #2. Are zone boundaries seamless or will you get a ".oO Downloading Data Oo." whenever you zone in and out?
#360 Oct 24 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
I think you only get loading new zone when you enter an instance, i dont think the main world is segmented by actual "Zone Lines" like EQ, i kinda wish it was though. That way you could run away from a angry m ob if need be hehe
#361 Oct 24 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
Qwestionator wrote:
That way you could run away from a angry m ob if need be hehe

Ugh, I hated people that zoned mobs in FFXI. I have memories of a huge crawler train in the nest... wiped out alot of the zone too. Makes me wonder how someone can manage to survive long enuf to make such a big train.

Beside, from what I've read you can outrun a mob in WoW and they'll eventually lose interest. Any testers wanna confirm that?
#362 Oct 24 2004 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor are seperate zones, so if you boat or zeppelin from one continent to the other, you will zone (Teldrassil counts as part of Kalimdor). Other than that, the only zones are instance lines.

Mobs chase for up to 10 seconds, or a set distance (30 yards maybe) from their spawn point (whichever comes last), and then give up and go back to their spawn points or, if a roamer, the point from which they were first aggro'd. It is difficult to train others in WoW; in general, mobs will not aggro someone on the way back to their spawnpoints. The major exception to this rule is inside instances; most Elite mobs in instances do not "leash" (i.e., they don't give up and go back to their spawn point).
#363 Oct 25 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
Yeh two kingdoms are on different part of server.. only instances load to and boats or zepllins going across servers or dungeons...

BTW when I quit FFXI I trained 5 Doom Scorpions, about 6 Worker Crawlers, and a few bees.. then someone else while running out also brought about 4 soldier crawlers and 3 killer mushrooms...

My train killed about 40 people all together .. then some lvl 70 people I knew showed up and saved they day...

I also trained Yhoatar Jungle with Goblin Bouncers(lvl 50ish ones) and Shamans and such.. killed about 20...

Got Garliage too and trained about 5 Citadel bats and a beetle.. kill 10ish...

Then got sent to jail after let off hook with no punishment since it was first offense and talked to the GM rest of night before I cancelled ID.. good times...
#364 Oct 25 2004 at 10:07 PM Rating: Good
Tib, you are a bad bad man. I like it :)
#365 Oct 26 2004 at 7:42 AM Rating: Default
There you go all the info about resting

Delete me... the answer has been given eslewhere...

Edited, Tue Oct 26 08:45:17 2004 by Lazypete
#366 Oct 26 2004 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
What does the term "Soulbound" mean, i know what bind on pick up, equip are, but what is the difference between soulbound and bind on equip/pickup. (pls dont explain the difference between bind on equip/pickup lol, im not totally dumb).
#367 Oct 26 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
Do believe it's the same as EX in FFXI. Once something binds (on equip, etc) it's soulbound.
#368 Oct 26 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
So a bind on equip / pickup item changes to
"Soulbound" once it is bound to someone?
#369 Oct 26 2004 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#370 Oct 27 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
190 posts
Yeah, with bind on pick up, it can get really aggrevating when someone picks a good item without thinking (for example instance drop shield is picked up by a priest). Things like that have to be squared away before you do the instance / quest.

Edited, Wed Oct 27 14:19:39 2004 by Russian
#371 Oct 27 2004 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Question for any current testers that also played FFXI: I played FFXI since launch and invested a crapload of time in it, and at the end of a year I looked back and couldn't believe how little I had actually accomplished in relation to the rediculous amount of time I had put in. Being that FFXI was the first MMORPG I had ever played, I'm a little hesitant to ever play another one again because of this. I know it was kind of touched on before that the game is kind to casual players, but can anybody comment on if this game will overall be an all-out time-sink like how FFXI was? Thanks^^

Edited, Wed Oct 27 17:40:34 2004 by BlunTaru
#372 Oct 27 2004 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
I have a question... about hunters. :)

Ok, can hunters aquire any kind of pet, or *charm* it I guess? Like, what I mean by that is, any kind of monster? (With the exception of boss/ named monsters?) So, lets say I'm a troll hunter right? And I'm in a jungle or whatever, and I see a troll (monster) could I *charm* it and then have that as my pet? So I'd be controlling like two trolls? (The pet not as much as my main character ofcourse, I assume I have basic commands for the pet, as in, attack, retreat, go away,?)

Another question... Lets say I can get that troll... or any monster ok? How long do I get to keep them? And how many pets can I have with me at once?

And I think I've heard somewhere that you do get to keep your pets for quite a while, and they level up with you, is this true?

~Thanks alot for your time. :)
#373 Oct 27 2004 at 10:09 PM Rating: Good
Blun, I'm in the exact same boat as you are. That's why I quit FFXI before the end of the month here. Honestly, the more I read about how WoW works, the more I think they've been watching the other games and trying to make something that we'll like. I've come to the general conclusion that when a game goes from being fun to being a time sink, it's time to quit.

Anywho, everything I've read seems to be saying that instead of making things time consuming and repeatative, Bliz is going all out on content. I can vouch for the fact that the quests in FFXI were, for the most part, pointless. It always ended badly. Either the quest item is buyable on the AH and thus you lost money making the quest pointless, the drop was rare/EX and therefor meant you had to spend days fighting the same thing to get your item *coughkazhamairshipcough* *coughartifactarmorcough*, or the quest was a whole bunch of running around for a pidly reward. Also, in all honesty there wasn't a very large number of quests available in FFXI, and levels at which you could do the quests were never told. All in all I think Bliz is go ing to be doing everything they can to keep their players with content, not timesinkery.

I for one won't stay long if the game is/becomes a levelgrind and not a way to have fun with my friends.

*edit* eye typ gut

Edited, Wed Oct 27 23:25:21 2004 by tekkub
#374 Oct 27 2004 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Ok, can hunters aquire any kind of pet, or *charm* it I guess? Like, what I mean by that is, any kind of monster? (With the exception of boss/ named monsters?)

Hunters may tame only those mobs flagged as "beasts" (some beasts cannot be tamed, such as Zhevras, but 90% of the beasts in-game are tameable). When you mouse-over a mob, a tooltip reference pops up which gives you the name, level, and type of mob it is (humanoid, demon, beast, critter, etc.). You would not be able to charm another Troll because they are flagged as humanoid.

How long do I get to keep them? And how many pets can I have with me at once?

And I think I've heard somewhere that you do get to keep your pets for quite a while, and they level up with you, is this true?

As long as your pet is Happy, you keep your tamed pet until you choose to abandon it (get rid of it permanently). Pets have Loyalty levels (up to 5) which determine what new skills you can teach them, and how obedient they are (a rebellious pet might not respond to an attack command). Happinness is a meter which slowly drains over time, draining more quickly when your pet is in combat or if it dies; there are 3 tiers of Happinness in a given Loyalty level which affect what percentage of their max damage they'll do in combat, so it's a good idea to keep your pet Happy. If your Pet's Happinness reaches 0, it loses a Loyalty level... if your pet is already Rebellious (lowest Loyalty setting), and its Happinness reaches 0, the pet will run away. Feeding the pet restores its Happinness, with higher quality food having a larger effect... taking up Fishing and Cooking is a good idea for a Hunter. ;)

You may only have one pet active at any given time, however you may Stable a pet (temporarily suspending it) and tame a new pet. You can have up to two pets stabled at a time, for a total of 3 tamed pets. Since the pet levels with you, and needs to stay at max level to be effective against mobs, most Hunters will have one pet they use regularly in combat. They may occasionally tame a new combat pet if they find a "cooler-looking" beast close to their level.

Hunters can learn new abilities from different beasts and teach them to their regular combat pet. This is where stabling comes in handy... stable your combat pet, tame a new type of mob, learn the ability it has and then abandon it & teach the new ability to your regular pet.
#375 Oct 28 2004 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
What does AC stand for and what is it?
#376 Oct 28 2004 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
Either your talking about Armor Class or Asherons Call.
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