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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#202 Jul 26 2010 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
I am excited about leveling some new characters after the world is cracked in Cataclysm. It will be like starting in a whole new game! I'm also excited to see how the mechanics for Archaeology work.
#203 Jul 26 2010 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
I am excited in the way the old Azeroth is gonna turn up now in Cataclysm, all the changes in the world from being a peaceful place tough people have been fighting amongst the factions. Now it just seems to be devasted totally, and i do wanna check things up and im so thrilled about flying in the world i learned to love in 2005 when it first came to Europe.

I have adventured far among every zone there is and i always enjoyed at the first time i ever flew the gryphon/windrider to really watch Azeroth from above, atleast tried.

That is what im most excited for and aswell the changes from a example Azhara being a low level zone from in Vanilla being a fairly high end zone.

#204 Jul 26 2010 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
This is the first expansion where we're not just going to see a new area - we're going to see our beloved Azeroth completely changed! While, I'm sure it will be for the better, it is definitely going to be weird not to see the same things that I have been seeing for the past 5 years with my 30 something alts. I'm psyched about a lot of things with this coming expansion, but I'll try to keep it to a minimum!

-I can't wait to see how they will do the whole transition from Gilneas to Silverpine Forest. I've always thought that whole area was interesting and it will be really cool to see how they will handle it with the Undead there too.
-Grim Batol! I'll never forget the first time I rode through here and sneaked past all the elites wondering why it was there and if there would ever be anything added to it!
-Leveling a new character and having it be like the first time again! Seeing all of the changes, especially what happened to Old Blanchy!
#205 Jul 26 2010 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
395 posts
I am a total quest geek, so I cannot wait to get into Cataclysm and check out all the new quests that have been created and all of the old quest content that has been revamped. I really hope there will be a new Loremaster-type achievement for those of us who have the current one complete.
#206 Jul 26 2010 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
I am most excited about WORGEN :D! and the new starting zones. im so excited about those. the phasing is amazing :D!
#207 Jul 26 2010 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
The part i look forward to in the Cataclysm expansion, is simply: Exploration.

Exploration is one of my favorite things in WoW, not only just looking at the different zone layouts, wildlife, trees and vegetation, but finding areas that many other players don't know about.

Many times while using a flight path in azeroth, i see an area that is unreachable, with the ability to use flying mounts in azeroth, i will be able to explore the areas, provided that they are not covered in lava, fire and other cataclysmic debris

Hopefully, there will be a new explorer achievement.
#208 Jul 26 2010 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
I really want to play Cataclysm for two things.

1. Kill all the worgen named "Jacob"
2. Make a goblin named Anakin and get the goblin mount. Why? Because the goblin mount is just a ripped off form of the vehicle Anakin used to win the race to free his mother from slavery.
3. (Bonus) Find a desert area with other goblins and race the mounts around like tards.
#209 Jul 26 2010 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
I am the most excited about changes being made on the hunter class. My hunter is my favorite 80 and I cannot wait until hunters use focus instead of mana. I think the class will be even better then!
#210 Jul 26 2010 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
I have always been interested in minor aspects of World of Warcraft, for example I like to sit down and fish for a long while when im on my orc warlock, it does not matter where, sometimes I do so in the coast of stranglethorn vale, sometimes even in orgrimmar, trying to catch that pesky why? for the sake of it, no matter what is happening, whether the world is crumbling apart, or if our cities are being invaded by hordes of zombies and scourge, or if it is a war against the qiraji, fishing has always moved my warlock, and so did I, during my early days in warcraft to now, i've catched a lot of different fishes, my heart felt happy whenever I fished a vendorfish up, and I frowned every time I got an I even leveled my own little fisherman to blow up things like a redneck using ez-thro dinamite!. like I said before, fishing is what moves my character around WoW, after reciently fishing up my own turtle, I felt that it is time to move on to the next challenge, that is, cataclysm! I wonder how fishing would look like after the cataclysm, will there be any changes? new fishing rods mayhap? pets? mounts? I've even heard rumors of your own aquarium!! for madman or master, fishing is my guide, and should I get a beta key my warlock and I would enjoy a great trip cooking our newly-catched fishes in the dangerous new areas that arose with deathwing.
#211 Jul 26 2010 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
definitely looking forward to new inter-faction politics.

And sea turtles.
#212 Jul 26 2010 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
I am most excited about the graphical updatesthe new directx effects on lighting and water will alone be enough to transform an already beautiful game. I have watched the videos exploring new stonetalon and the sunset was amazing. Also im a diehard horde member, but the worgen will be so fun to play. I have always wondered what the other side of greymane wall was going to be, lore-wise.
#213 Jul 26 2010 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
Biggest thing I'm looking forward to is re-rolling all my alts and experiencing the game from scratch all over again with the revamped zones.
#214 Jul 26 2010 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
I am super excited about making a worgen. In fact a large group of my friends are already working on creating a worgen themed guild! I am looking forward to being able to fly around Azeroth so many things to explore and check out that I always wanted to back in vanilla but could not get to them. I am also looking forward to underwater mounts! Woot Seahorses! And the new 10 and 25 man raid mechanics sounds awesome!
#215 Jul 26 2010 at 6:29 PM Rating: Default
I am dying to check out the new Worgen start area, and I really want to test out the changes to the resto druids. Another thing I am excited about is dwarf mages..about time ;)
#216 Jul 26 2010 at 6:29 PM Rating: Default
There are many things I'm looking forward to in Cataclysm. One thing in particular is going to have to be the focus in dungeons and raids to how you handle your threat/pulls. Requiring even if its only slightly some CC and kitting once again. Maybe a little added difficulty to some of the dungeons is going to be a needed change that i hope sticks around through alot of the QQ that will happen when people wipe more then once on a new boss in a leveling dungeon. i know Dream big or go home right?
#217 Jul 26 2010 at 6:29 PM Rating: Default
Me? Im looking foward to exploring the new and destroyed land , for an example.. WotLK wasnt all that much changes, well I guess they added Northrend.. But in cataclysm they change nearly everything and add new zones that one can look foward to much more than WotLK, No im not saying Wrath was bad its just Cata (In my opinion) is alot better.. Also it will have alot of phasing. So, haha.. Yeah! Thats why I would enjoy recieving a beta key thanks alot even if I dont get one :D
#218 Jul 26 2010 at 6:29 PM Rating: Default
I hit level 68 on my druid, and suddenly my leveling journey came to an stop. It took days again before i would pick up a quest again... Why? I were exploring the land i for 8 levels had been running on the ground in, by flying. I was going higher than any flight path could ever take me into places blizzard never intended you would want to go for a closer look and i explored every single corner of that expansion, by air.

When i went back to levels i could only think of one thing... WHY can we not get this experience in azeroth the old worlds that we had learn to know over 58 levels, and even YEARS of time for people who had been around a while. Maybe next expansion some said, maybe a zone at a time? Probably never others said. But now its knocking at our door, hello new world, hello FREE new world. Flying in Azeroth the new beatiful post apocalypse azeroth is what i am most excited about BY FAR!
#219 Jul 26 2010 at 6:29 PM Rating: Default
I can't wait to start levelling, I would like to see how the story is continued now that the Lich King is "dead" and how the world will change because of Deathwing. I hope to get a closer look at the lore through the questing, so levelling is the thing I'm the most excited for!
#220 Jul 26 2010 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
1 post
I´m most excited about to fly in Azeroth and level a goblin, and ofc to try out the new dungeons ;-)
#221 Jul 26 2010 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
What am I most excited?
Because that expansion will change everything. Everything what we were playing since 2004. The talents, the classes, the races. Damn, that expansion will LITERALLY change the World(...of warcraft). I'm really looking forward to the PvP, to the new quests, the lore behind them, to the new areas, the new sun and water effects. I don't know if someone here has already said that, but, this isn't a simple expansion. It's really like a WHOLE new game. If Blizzard will do that in a good fashion? Well, I need to be in beta first to tell that :)
#222 Jul 26 2010 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
I'm looking forward to seeing how the guild perks work out and of course flying everywhere :)
#223 Jul 26 2010 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
I'm the kind of person that can't officially be called an altoholic, but still I seem to (quite literally) have every Heirloom in the game. In the beginning I even started out by getting heirlooms over gearing up my fresh 80. The most exciting part of the entire expansion for me was the Heirlooms (WLK that is). Why? Well, it turns out I enjoy those subtle, but not majorly overpowering advantages. I find myself even in other games just using a deal of cheatcodes. Not the ones that makes me invulnerable, but able to stand a better chance, because I really don't like dying. It's a waste of time, imho. This also applies to why I always am decked out in the best of heirlooms ingame for whatever new characters I make. Most of which I find being deleted before they ding 40. Which just goes to show I just love the starting experience, knowing exactly what to do, where to go, maxing out professions just as I ding the profession level caps. I, if I get in, will naturally transfer all of my heirlooms over to the Beta servers and test the mother out of those starting levels. Also, all my characters are female dwarf, and I'm really excited that femdorfs get Mage and Shaman too now, only thing I have to roll that isn't one is ofcourse a worgen. Because they're just pure awesome. (And I hate to play Nelf or Tauren, Also I want to try out Druid) Though, I'll probably test the heck out of every starting zone (I usually just run the female dwarf there for the diversity)

Oh, also, for anyone (inevitably) going "zomg why female dorf they so uglaaay":
Because they're original. Perhaps not so much any more. Lately they have been booming for some reason.
But before, it was like "wow.. I just got stunlocked to death by a female dwarf". And that meant something.

Hope I didn't bore anyone with that (imho, necessary) backstory and yeah.. *Crosses fingers*

#224 Jul 26 2010 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
The thing im most excited about, are the Graphical and environmental changes to Azeroth. The fact that Azeroth is going to become so beautifully redone is the main reason i want Cataclysm. I absolutely love to feel "in the environment". For example, in watching the Bull Shoveltusk fight eachother gave me the greatest thrill. Simple npc behaviors like that make the environment seem like i actually am in the World of Warcraft =D.
#225 Jul 26 2010 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
The Story: it is clear that when the blizzard made warcraft:orc and humans that they had huge storyline in mind. And with each game. the characters are getting more indepth the world is getting more real. And with each expansion, i dont feel like a person just taken along with ride, i feel i am part of the world. Actively changing it, it wrath they tested it but it cata i think they are gonna perfect it. And finally i just want to help the developers make it perfect.
#226 Jul 26 2010 at 6:31 PM Rating: Default
I'm looking forward to playing both Worgen and Goblin. I have a couple of classes that I've never played that I've been saving for the two new races. I'm also looking forward to tauren pallies, to flying in Azeroth, replaying the new old zones and the new lore.
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