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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#127 Jul 26 2010 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
I'm most excited about playing as a goblin, but also looking forward to seeing what the world looks like.
#128 Jul 26 2010 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
I personally can't wait for all of the changes period. Leveling, new dungeons, and EVERYTHING. Despite there being a lot of changes to current toons and what not, i'm looking forward to learning it all.
#129 Jul 26 2010 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
I'm looking forward to the change.
Now, let me explain this.
Wrath of the Lich King has become a boring grind and despite the number of 80's you have, you're seeing the same content as you've seen over and over again. It's going to be a great change to be able to do something on my 80's that actually benefits the character as a whole. What I mean is, as opposed to grinding heroics, running ICC, or doing dailies, I'll be able to quest! (Yay) And the quests wont be repetitive because there will be zones to see while I'm doing it. All in all, I'm personally ecstatic about Cataclysm.
#130 Jul 26 2010 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
I'm most excited about Worgen Druids! I can't wait to play an awesome beast and having new druid forms.
#131 Jul 26 2010 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
I'm so excited about Cata I peed myself when I saw some of the stuff they released.

The thing I'm most excited about though, is finally being able to heal in caster on my resto druid!
I've had the same resto druid for 4 years and will never change my main class.
They're so much fun.
Now I can have MORE fun and show off my pretty armor. :D

....Yes I'm a girl. Bit me. :P
#132 Jul 26 2010 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
I have a deathknight that is a level 80 would love to get it a higher Level.. I am also excited that the new Races have been added as well.
#133 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
Ohh there is so much that I am excited about!! My main is a lock, so I am pretty excited about the new soul shard system. I can't wait to level all of my 80s to 85 and visit all the new places and see all the changes to the old world.
#134 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
You want to know what I'm looking forward to? You want to know what I'm looking forward to?! YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO?!!

Well I'll tell you. I can't wait to see how Garrosh has screwed over changed the Horde and how all the new zones we've been playing through for years and years (5!) have been changed by the one we've read so much about (Deathwing) in the books and WoW lore.

Also, I can't wait to play furries Worgen and get like the best discounts as Goblins (Can anybody say, Faction Rewards?!).

So yah basically that's it. Plus I want to see my favourite Lore character of all time, Neptulon (Well I guess not of all time, but I like him, cause he's like Poseidon/Neptune <3).
#135 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
The thing about Cataclysm that I am the most excited for is the new raiding structure, being able to only do 10 man raids with my friends and progressing the same as a 25 man guild will be a great change that I am really looking forward to.
#136 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
I can't wait to play as a goblin and explore all the new Azeroth lands on my flying mount. xD
#137 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
I'm really excited for all the new dungeons. Seeing videos of how much more difficult they are then WotLK and how u actually require a strategy and CC makes me want to try them ASAP!
#138 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
i want to know if its worth gettin the game or if they are gona keep on giving out free epics.
#139 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
Oh you sexy sexy female goblin how i long to lvl you using the demonic skills of a warlock, you and i shall turn heads left and right, have humans mesmerized by your beauty while we fear him and dot them to death, Explore the destroyed world of azeroth. Together you and i will bring sexy back. lok'tar ogar

#140 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
I am most excited for the new races. I always want to make a new toon but am tired or the old ones. Also I can't wait to see how the old world is going to change, seen the vidz but can't wait to experience them
#141 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
1. Worgen, why? i really need to explain
2. I need to see what the hell that crater-thing in westfall is, westfall is my baby.
3. I also need to see non-depressing desolace (also my baby)
4. Roll male goblin....soulja boy dance.....then /facepalm
5. Vashj'ir/Throne of the Tides= O-O shiny
6. Convincing myself to NOT ruin Uldum or Hyjal for myself and waiting for Cata to actually hit shelves to look at them.
7. Going into guld chat/vent and yelling AI AUUMM IIENNN DAA BBAAYYYTUUUHHHZZ GUEYZ!!
8. Pretty Water
9. Aerial view of SW=win
#142 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
I really want to get in and check out how drastically they have changed the old world. I'm really interested in the lore of Azeroth, and I'm especially interested to see what may have been unearthed during the cataclysm. I'm very anxious to have a first-hand look at all the tentacles and do all the quests revolving around them...

Another big part of what I want to do is to look through all the zones/instances I had to farm in order to get my "the Insane" title... I'm hoping they haven't made the grind any easier than it currently is... I really want to see if all the time and gold I spent grinding for the FoS was worth it in Cataclysm.

Armory link to prove I have it ;P

Thank you for this opportunity, by the way.
#143 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
I'm mainly excited about the new content that Blizzard have introduced to most of the starting zones if not all of them. Because I think that this will greatly increase the percentage of people playing the game because it will be more entertaining and will more noob friendly.

I'm also excited about the new class combinations. I mean seriously, tauren paladin, gnome priest, undead. Oh god the awesomeness. Also interested In the new instances/raids, see if they will introduce any new tactics to any new bosses and if there are gonna be any underwater boss encounters.

#144 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
What i got to say that i look forward to the most would be the changes to raids. I hate doing 25 mans but iv had to do them to keep up with everyone in DPS and because the guild does them. Me and my friends prefer 10 mans, with the gear and lockout changes we can ignore 25 mans and still keep up. I only have good things to say to Blizzard for this change.
#145 Jul 26 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
Well seeing as i have tested not only windows 7 and nfs world and so many others i feel i deserve to play this now as opposed to later i just wanna rock my worgen idea and travel the new lands and just to be able to fly all over would rock to the max like really to the max

i mean as of now i only just started to play not to long ago but long prior i played the ol' school days of warcraft.

any how good luck everyone

and hope i am one of 50 people to get this
#146 Jul 26 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
I am really looking forward to questing and raiding in Azeroth. As a player that started after the release of BC, I didn't get to enjoy much from vanilla, the goal was to hit 70 asap. I am also REALLY looking forward to the additions to my class- Priest. Mainly a party wide Power Word: Shield spell, and a helpful "deathgrip" like spell. I cannot wait!!

Vesther- Scarlet Crusade
#147 Jul 26 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
I am most excited about seeing the new Azeroth unfold and evolve and also experiencing the many enjoyable events solo and with friends. I'm impressed with what Blizzard has done.
#148 Jul 26 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
I'm probably most excited for the new quests/stories, all the new little jokes blizzard will put into the game "Harris Pilton??" etc. And the worlds change. going to be a nostalgia feeling of when I first started playing again and everything is new (:. probably what I miss the most

but I think I can almost say this for everyone that I am most excited to see the new water xD
#149 Jul 26 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
As an avid raider, i am looking forward to the amount of goblin rogues that will be on lfm all the time. Good luck to all those feral dps druids out there, coz all you gear is going to be gone to them. Appart from that annoyance, i am looking forward to leveling up in Azeroth again, i love the idea that we will be back in the places where we started off, but continuing and it being so different. Desolace, here i come!

#150 Jul 26 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
I'm looking forward to all the changes to the world and to finally want to level up an alt so see all that stuff.

Oh and flying mounts in the orld world.
#151 Jul 26 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
One of my most favorite things about Cataclysm is the way Blizz is changing the environment for Azeroth. Being a veteran player, it will be hard to let these places go and will always remember what they originally looked like but Blizz is making the right choice, this decision will enable the new players and veteran players to experience a new atmosphere and new scenery that I'm sure they will enjoy. Also, I'm excited about the new talent changes, looks like its going to be way more fun to level now :D

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 8:21pm by Kainhighwynd
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