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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#7052 Aug 01 2010 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
Looking forward to so much:

1-60 leveling redesign
Flying in Azeroth!
Death knight Changes!
Talent and guild changes.!
#7053 Aug 01 2010 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to flying in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom! no more running everywhere!! and for a new change of scenery!
#7054 Aug 01 2010 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
Well,if i had to pick the thing that excited me most about Cataclysm it's the idea of how phasing will shape the old world and allow storylines to develop, and show us how what we do will change the enviremont around us. Taking a horde escort quest in ashenvale as an example, beseiging a small night elf stronghold with the intention of slaughtering the guards and claiming the place in the name of the Horde(!) is all well and good, but when you've finished and the guards respawn, it does somewhat put a dampner on things (Said stronghold unironically belongs to the Horde now).

Now we'll actually be able to see what our actions do to the world, or in broader terms, how the world reacts to what we've done, and this to me ups the immersion factor massively. but it also means that a small zone can still have massive amounts of depth and experience in it, despite it's size thanks to it's ever-changing face. It also means certain ambigious things can be resolved. (Like whether or not the Lich King is dead. I'm pretty sure that the gold statue in dalaran phases in when the Lich King is first defeated, i could be wrong but it's what i remember.)

Admittedly it does leave to alot of confusion since different people will be in different phases, but that's not exactly a problem when endgame comes around. (Although there was an issue outside ICC which resulted in two phases of existance i wasn't aware existed, made summoning a right old mess sometimes. My advice, send a warlock.) And i admit if you quest with a friend and they momentarily disappear because they completed a quest moments before you did, that could somewhat blur the whole immersion thing, but at least it allows for some real interactive storytelling. At least now when you kill 10 X and take 7 Y's from Z it might actually mean something.

Although, a Worgen in a tophat is a close second frankly.

Ps. I am aware that blizz arnt gonna use phasing everywhere as much as possible, but it's still an awesome idea and i hope to see it used a lot more than previously.

Pss. I am also aware that it isn't new to Cataclysm, but has certainly been refined, and i can;t wait to see what questing possibilities it'll open up in the expansion

Edited, Aug 2nd 2010 3:06am by Salmaras
#7055 Aug 01 2010 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
Cataclysm, where really to start. Theres so much new content to be excited for all around in every aspect of the game whether you play it for the lore, the pve or the pvp. I love all those aspects and i can't wait to get stuck in and explore each and every one of thm.

Firstly, the lore. Deathwing has played a huge part in Azeroth's history and is one of my favourite characters within the world one of so many driven to the old gods desires, from great Aspects to the insects i feel this gives him an almost sympathetic (all the mental/physical anguish he's been through...i mean you have to be crazy to get metal plates screwed into you) view despite all the grief he's caused over the centuries. His influence is everywhere within the game. Sindragosa and Malygos' flight nigh destroyed by the Dragon Soul. I just can't wait to indulge myself in this next period of his story ever since reading the end of "Night of the Dragon" I've been ecstatic to find out just what he is up to next and with the hundreds of new quests i'm sure little snippets, hints and pieces of whats to come are to be found. I want to explore that lore through the quests, admittedly with a little more haste giving the fantastic idea of flying mounts in Azeroth. I want to be drawn in, teased by the lack of solid information and a thirst for more that will drive me to find out all i can to sate my curiousities about such a wonderous character and the entire intertwined history of azeroth. Though Neltharion is my favourite i particulary enjoyed the sundering and can't wait to see how Azshara really ended up among many other lore related cravings i have too. Gah sate my curiosities please!

Secondly, i'm a hunter. I raid at top end and its my duty to myself and my guild to be ahead of the game, i play to push myself to my limits, its what i enjoy and the prospect of changes is so exciting i want to be able to jump straight into Live Cataclysm prepared and ready to get stuck into raiding and progress. I thrive to do my best whether it's researching the current live improvements hints and tips or experimenting on my own to find that edge. As soon as it goes live i'll be ploughing through leveling to reach cap as quickly as possible so i can be an asset to my guild rather then a we gals have to show you guys up. There are huge hunter changes that i want to get right into mastering and being my best so i can explore what suits me and my play style. Plus...i'm dieing for a Fox pet they are absolutely adorable.

Thirdly, i'm a photographer. This aspect of me passes into the game too i love taking breath taking screenshots as much as i do a photograph from what i've previewed so far the revamps to the old areas and new are stunning and i really want to be able to share that in an artistic way aswell as explore the aesthetic graphics myself whilst i enjoy the lore and try to best myself at my class.
#7056 Aug 01 2010 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
I am really looking forward to wearing a top hat as a Worgen! Also the new high level content looks really exciting!
#7057 Aug 01 2010 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the revamp of the old world content (something I've been waiting a long time for) the opening of Ulduar, Hyjal and Grim Batol and new quests for my lowbies. Changing the stats system works for me, I didn't think a game as "robust" as WoW needed a spreadsheet to tell you if you could raid or not. Also Goblins have needed to be playable for like ever and Worgen are cooler than Pandaren (boo to the rest of you who think different).
#7058 Aug 01 2010 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
I am excited to finally be able to play as a worgen ever since I started playing as Horde. I want to play through their starting area so bad. Also I can't wait to just explore the new Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. The two zones i want to visit the most are Thousand Needles particularly the floating goblin-like barge there, and Mount Hyjal. Hyjal has so much lore to it that it will take probably the first month of Catacyslm (however you spell it) for me to soke up all of it.
#7059 Aug 01 2010 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
What I am looking forward to the most is two things, first thing being the fresh 1-60 leveling experience. I have played WoW since vanilla and personally always struggled when leveling my characters from 1-60 due to the many annoyances of how the quests worked and the flow between zones. I would find myself at a specific level and then would have to travel through like 5 zones to get to the next level appropriate zone. Sometimes even had to travel through higher level zones to get to current level zone. So really the quest experience for 1-60 is really what I cant wait to see. Which leads to my next thing which is I cant wait to play a Worgen and Goblin as everything I have read about them from their starting experience and beyond just sounds purely epic in nature. Blizzard in my opinion has gone all out this time around and I am more excited than ever to eventually play this expansion.
#7060 Aug 01 2010 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
There's a few reasons I'm excited about Cataclysm!

Most Excited about---> 1. I'm going to create a Worgen Hunter and name it Lecutus, and level him all the way to 85 so I can see all the new lowbie content. I'm excited about that!

2. I finally get to see Malfurion Stormrage in the game! Bird-bear-elk-elf hybrid? Makes him even cooler!!

3. I will be making more Horde toons so I can level them to 85 and see all the new content on that side, as well. Also, watch as Garrosh either grows into the capable Warchief of the Horde, or if the Horde will turn on him and eventually kill him.

4. I already have several 80 toons. Warrior, Death Knight, and Mage so far, with my Shaman close to hitting 80 himself, so I already know how to play these classes pretty well. Seeing the changes and how they help or hinder is going to be a lot of fun!

5. If you couldn't tell already, I'm a lore-nut. So, all the new storylines, the new quests, all of it is just made of awesome!!

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 10:53pm by jcbenge
#7061 Aug 01 2010 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
I can't wait to experience the new passenger flying mounts and fly with buddies all around the new and changed areas of the world.
#7062 Aug 01 2010 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
Really excited about warriors being able to dual wield one handed weapons and be viable again. I can't wait to be a spinning food processor of death again.
#7063 Aug 01 2010 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
I'm very interested to see the new changes in the user interface. I've always thought that the current UI is a bit out of date, and needed a tune up; so seeing these new changes has very sparked interest. Out of all of the changes in UI, however, my favorite one would have to be the change in the character page. I've always thought it has not been organized enough, and the way it will be organized in Cataclysm makes it so much more enjoyable to look it. Thanks much for this opportunity. :)

#7064 Aug 01 2010 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
For me. Simple things are what im looking forward to. :) The new starting areas are going to be cool but i want to just look around and see what they have changed, i like little details that are around zones or maybe. Even more so id love to finally see the gnome starting zones when they are finished, I can't wait for operation gnomeragan anyway but this just makes it even better!. ^_^ That and the new bosses :D can't wait to see if they are as hard as classic was back in the day. During WOTLK, all the instances started to get really hard but didn't have any random factors like back in Classic. Stuff like a patrol that was slower then others and would catch you off guard. I really love that stuff. :D

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 11:01pm by Worcanna
#7065 Aug 01 2010 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about how my class mechanics, in pve as well as pvp, will change since my main is getting a huge overhaul (Hunter).
Another thing I am excited about is exploring the old world changes with my flying mount :D.
#7066 Aug 01 2010 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
I cannot wait for the full out war between the Horde and Alliance! World PvP is going to be better than ever, especially with the addition of Tol Barad.

I also must say that I am absolutely thrilled about the Paladin revamp of all three specializations. I have been dying to try all three out. Blizzard really did a great job with adding complexity to the class.
#7067 Aug 01 2010 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the new class system the most. I feel like their decision to really specialize classes and immerse yourself into that decision is probably the best idea Blizzard has had for the game. It'll be good for new players being introduced to the game who may not have previous MMO experience: they'll hit level 10 and actually have exciting class changes occur nice and early in the game that help define their own playstyle.
#7068 Aug 01 2010 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
Frost mage raiding! Finally!
#7069 Aug 01 2010 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
I really want to win a key because in the time i have played wow i have loved it!
I really want to see the goblins and worgen badly, ever since my brother and i guessed that they would be the next races in the next expansion. I also want to see some of my favorite zones remade like orgrimmar, stormwind, undercity, and of course the barrens. I have held off playing as a druid for cataclysm and i really want to try a worgen one :). Thank you for your time and i hope you choose mine!
#7070 Aug 01 2010 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
The part of Cataclysm that I'm most looking forward to is simply returning to the old world. I can't wait to see all the changes waiting for us!
#7071 Aug 01 2010 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
There's so many changes that its hard to pick but I'm excited about the class changes and the changes to PvP. I can't wait to see the world changes as well.

#7072 Aug 01 2010 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
Why do I want a Cataclysm beta key?

Simple. I want one so I can be one of the first to fly to all those random scattered islands through out Azeroth that you could only get to by swimming across enormous amounts of water, only to die by fatigue like 10 feet away from said island and then to be like, "HA. TAKE THAT BLIZZARD. I'M ALL UP ON YO MYSTERIOUS ISLANDS TAKING MY REVENGE FOR ALL THOSE BORED PLAYERS WHO DIED TRYING TO GET HERE!" and then to sit just sit there and fish.

On a more serious note.. I'm really looking forward to experiencing the new story line and to just going through and being one of the first to experience a new era in the world of Azeroth. Pretty much if it's new, I'm looking forward to experiencing it.

Oh, and last but not least, to actually help Blizzard perfect the game so the there are less annoying QQ-ers. :3

#7073 Aug 01 2010 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
Can't wait to use the new warlock spells. It's about time that all the lock specs got a burst cooldown.
#7074 Aug 01 2010 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really looking forward to sitting down and getting pulled in, like it was the first time playing all over again, just being in complete awe of the new aspects of the game.

I really want to see what they've done with professions. There's really no limit to what they could do, and I would love to see more "fun" items in the game, that give more utility, not just another DPS increase. I'm hoping that while streamlining some of the more number-crunchy aspects, they add some flavor (profession and item wise) to spice it up a bit.

And tauren paladins, of course.
#7075 Aug 01 2010 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
PVP PVP PVP the old system is back with the titles got to love it and that's what i wonna see the most plus cata druids talent tree RULE!!! i mean from what i can see can't wait
#7076 Aug 01 2010 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
I'm personally excited for the new azeroth landscape.
And that the level cap is now 85, and not 90,
becuase that means lest time leveling and more time raiding ^-^,
but most of all im excited for the new lock talents :DDDD

Please pick me, i really want the beta key ^-^
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