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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#527 Jul 26 2010 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
I am looking forward to being able to play as a Worgen and Goblin. It will also to be sweet to play as a gnome priest, and experience the changes to the talent trees. It will also be nice to see what blizzard can provide different than what is already there.
#528 Jul 26 2010 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
I'm really excited about having the ability to fly through all of Azeroth, finally. I also can't wait to see the Goblin starting zone and being able to play as a Goblin has really excited me and energized me heading into the release of Cataclysm.
#529 Jul 26 2010 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
As an avid blizzard game fan, a Cataclysm beta invite would mean the world to me. I have been playing The World of Warcraft since january of 2005. Since then, I haven't really put the game down for an extended period of time.

Being a huge fan of the leveling experiance (I have 11 80s currently), I am most excited about all of the oldworld content and quest changes. With the complete overhaul of Azeroth, this expansion will open up hours upon hours of new things I can try out when I level in each and every zone again.

Thank you very much for this opportunity to get a Cataclysm Beta key. I understand that the judging will be difficult but I hope in reading this you will learn of my devotion and love for this game and will consider me a viable canidate for your keys.
#530 Jul 26 2010 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
I am very excited to see the way Azeroth will look like since becoming Deathwing'd and how flying above all of the revamped cities will look!
#531 Jul 26 2010 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
I'm mostly really excited for playing a Worgen through a changed Azeroth with my friends. It's got me as excited as I was back before Vanilla came out!
#532 Jul 26 2010 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
I'm really eager to try out the Paladin class!

After being holy and spamming the same heals since vanilla, I'm exited to try out our new, wider ******* of awesome heals!
A cone aoe heal, a radiating heal, and the Holy Power system just makes me drool.

This is also a chance to finally try out retribution for real. With a hard rotation I can see myself playing it as well. I like challenges, and I hope this will be a fun one! :-)

I also look forward to have a chance to play beta with my girlfriend. She got in on the first wave of invites, I didn't.
She's been teasing me ever since without letting me try it out and it's driving me crazy! :-(

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 10:32pm by mollem
#533 Jul 26 2010 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
There are alot of thing i'm looking forward in cataclysm that I just can't wait for. The absolutely biggest thing i'm looking forward to is The new Raids and Dungeons.Fighting new bosses,learning the new story line ,and also exploreing the new Areas.I'm really going to love flying in Azeroth , instead of that silly old 100% speed Increasion and dodgeing ever last tree stump I'll be flying at that lovely 280% with nothing in my way =).Being lvl 85 is going to be awesome just for the fact i'll have a reason to quest along with the rumors of enjoying questing and fealing like your actually part of whats going on.I'm a huge alliance fan and i'm looking forward to being a Worgen and viewing and exploring Gilneas.Being a Worgen Resto/Balance Druid will be fun for me , for one I'll get to test out the new Moonkin system , two I'll be able to play with the new Druid/Death Knight Trees ,and three I can test with the new Intellect = Spell Power system.Looking forward to the Diversity of Reforging , This is gana supply so many new statigies for all the classes.I'm wondering how the Guild Perks system will work , how effective it will be ,and how many people will still be puging.As a Tank Stamina is always something Important to stack and how much Health you have ect , So i'm curious to see how much total health you'll have at the begining of cataclysm.Last but not least of the list of my reasons is The Land changes and just on Dramaticly they really are changeing the land scape.

As of this post this is my current Character Stats
Sokro , level 80 Draenei Death Knight 3133 Unholy dps Wow-heroes Gear Score / 2748 Frost Tank Wow-heroes Gear score.(Sad that only blood is the only tanking spec now Q.Q)

Sigta , level 80 Night Elf Druid 2701 Resto Wow-heroes Gear Score.

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 10:37pm by Darksage1396|WH
#534 Jul 26 2010 at 8:30 PM Rating: Excellent
4,684 posts
Should I even bother trying? Holy kazooye, where were these folks the past five years? WTB more than 50 post-users only rule?

Anyway - what I'm thrilled about regarding Cataclysm... Is the details, really. The reason I love Blizzard so much is because unlike any other gaming company, they focus on getting the feeling just right by paying attention to the absolute details of the game. The bittersweet music that accompanies the Blood Elf starting zones. The small lore quests that drag you into the game. The placement of doodads in zones.

Back when I joined world of Warcraft, I got sucked right in when I rolled my first Dwarf. I did a few quests in Dun Morogh and the zone worked so well I actually felt cold. The music was slightly lonesome yet not depressing, the quests kept me busy and my characters' footprints in the snow set the mood so well. Years later, I've come to the conclusion that the starting zones are what I love most in the entire game. Whenever I play through them, I do so in full screen with the game music up, and feel completely immersed.

With Cataclysm, these starting zones will all be revamped. That, and the graphics of the game (which are a huge factor in setting the mood for me personally). Which basically means that they're taking something I love, improve and revamp it, and give it back. Aside from the fact that I want a sneak peek at what's going to happen, I'd like to return the love to Blizzard by testing their creations.

It's not as much the talent revamps or the new raids that get me, but I want to feel 'that feeling' again. The Cataclysm beta gives me an early opportunity to do so.
#536 Jul 26 2010 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
I'm excited to have one focused tank tree for my DK. As much fun as no braining five mans with frost tanking is I think a consolidated tanking tree will do the class good.

Also, Healing Rain ftw :D
#537 Jul 26 2010 at 8:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
For those of us playing on Chinese servers, the very best part of Cataclysm is that it doesn't seem to have any features that will cause it to get hung up in the approval process the way WotLK has. With luck, perhaps the revised Vanilla content will reach us and provide some (much needed) new content while we wait for something beyond TBC (patch 3.1.3).

Note to admins: Yes, this is a shameless QQ in hope of seeing content that probably won't reach us for close to two years; however, we're so far out on the fringe of WoW that players from Chinese servers may not be eligible to participate. Yes, I do have an account in good standing and bundled into the system -- but not on NA/EU servers.
#538 Jul 26 2010 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
I CANT WAIT to see where Blizzard is going with lore. The world shattering, worgen and goblins coming to play, all this...Just making a maelstrom(see what I did there? ;P) of fun.

Also I'm looking forward to the trolls and worgen becoming druids, because as a druid, it's really going to add a change to the whole idea. Before it was "Okay troll, probably shaman or hunter." Now it's completely random.
#539 Jul 26 2010 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
There are a lot of things in the new expansion that get me really excited.

2 new races, completely redesigned zones, new dungeons, new raids, aquatic mounts, an underwater zone, new talent system, flying in the old world, new race/class combos, new spells, and new mechanics.

Though, the thing I am most excited for is playing an almost completely new game.

#540 Jul 26 2010 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
But then we'd have more keys than entrants!

...Though, I'm strangely fine with that.

Well, to be fair, I wouldn't mind if a 1-post poster wins over me if he simply has a better post. It's just that half of these posts are horrible anyway. I mean, we're talking "lol im getting bored with normal wow and i wanna see new stuff" posts here.
#541 Jul 26 2010 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward to finally being able to play my Worgen Druid that I have gathered materials and money for in the last couple of months. Pushing the leveling hard in hope of getting server first Worgen Druid while still enjoying all the new places and content.

But beyond all the new stuff Blizzard is adding the number one thing I can't wait for is the return of friends and guildmates when the expansion gets released.
#542 Jul 26 2010 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
Hello, What im most excited about in Cataclysm is the whole concept of changing Azeroth, for so many years it has been like it is now, but its gonna change for everyone, although many new players are not going to know of the old world before the Cataclysm, I think this will create a new, and better levelling experience for new players, Also the flying in Azeroth is a really good idea, im pretty sure we were all getting sick of walking in Azeroth. :P

The new races in Cataclysm seem really cool too, giving the Alliance a ferocious looking race, and the Horde a mini-orc ;D

All around ill enjoy every part of Cataclysm. :)
#543 Jul 26 2010 at 8:36 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
The things I'm looking forward to the most is exploring all the new areas while experiencing a revamped leveling experience.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#544 Jul 26 2010 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
Fel Flame is the best! Don't u get it? It's GREEN FIRE!
#545 Jul 26 2010 at 8:39 PM Rating: Default
Well, since my main is a hunter I'm looking forward to completely relearning my class. And foxes. Finally! A wolf pet who's animation doesn't make me gag!
#546 Jul 26 2010 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about the new races..and all the new content in the old/new world! It'll be fun revisiting all the old dungeons!
#547 Jul 26 2010 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent

well, I know that theres going to be alot of stuff going on at once, the fact that most of the class's i play are getting revamped and the world itself redone, its hard to pin point. the first thing id do would grind my tank to the lv cap as fast as i can,even if my guild mates arent ready to raid yet because their grinding to get to the lv cap. I can take my time to mess with my talent tree and get everything set up. ill see if any of the old vanilla raids have been tampered with (ive been grinding for baron geddons binding for eons, cant let cata stop me) and get used to the fact that im going to actualy need to watch CCs in groups.

i doubt id win the key but its worth saying this because....well......because.
#548 Jul 26 2010 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
Looking forward to all of the new quests!!!
#549 Jul 26 2010 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
I find myself overloaded with awesome and am having difficulties deciding what I would like to see and do first.

I always wanted to play a goblin, so of course I am looking forward to that, it is likely what I would look into first if I found myself in beta, leaving the fresh high level content there to be explored when the game goes live on one of my many level 80s

But when Cataclysm was announced and I found out for sure that you could play a worgen I was torn, I could finally be a goblin, but being a worgen was maybe even more awesome than being a goblin, what really sealed it for me though was when I found out recently you got your very own tophap as a quest reward, and a werewolf in a tophat is just far too cool to pass up, again may save this for when it goes live.

Appart from this I am of course looking forward to re-exploring the world and looking at the massive changes that have taken place, and trying out the new vision for the low level leveling experiance. Having recently completed loremaster on one of my characters the difference in approach to questing with each version of the game was clearly visable, whilst the old world quests were fun once upon a time and the storylines behind them are still very good the way they were executed now feels pretty annoying compared to how things were done with the WOTLK quests and even the BC ones.

Of course I have no idea what a beta test is like, if you are just given free reign on what you would like to try or if there are directions on what requires more testing since I have never been in one, nor do I know anyone that has ever managed to get in to answer such questions for me. But every time a beta is announced for a WoW expansion I always try to figure out what I would like to try out if it is a tryout whatever you like style test.

I have come to the conclusion that since things sometimes get boring the more you do them it may be better to do the thing I am least likely to want to do right after installing the expansion, it is most likely that I will take my character most resembling my main to one of the new starting zones and go "wow this is cool" get some profession training and start questing in the new zone, after doing that for a bit I will likely want to go get my top-hatted worgen organised.

So beta plan is: roll Goblin and do things, problem is male or female goblin. I did prefer the female sillys and flirts to the male goblin ones so maybe I should roll a female goblin and flirt with the quest givers so I can hear them more, and would probably roll as a warrior to maybe ease into the changes I face on my lvl 80 warrior a bit .

Also something I just remembered reading on a blue tracker was that they are testing Direct X 11 in the beta, I think it might be good to see what if any difference that would make having it turned off or on now that I have a video card with the capabilities to run that version of direct X.

Anyway best of luck to everyone, hope whoever the lucky winners of this little contest are enjoy their time in the beta test and somehow help Blizzard to make the Cataclysm Expansion awesome for everyone else.
#550 Jul 26 2010 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
I am, without a shadow of a doubt, looking forward to being able to play a worgen more than anything. I've always loved the race, and when it was announced I nearly died of happiness. Blizzard did a fantastic job with the models, and I just cannot WAIT to create my lovely worgen and play them. It's torture! I'm also very much looking forward to goblins and all of the redone zones, and Uldum looks spectacular. But the thing I can't wait to have most is a lovely worgen.
#551 Jul 26 2010 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
What i am looking forward to the most! Exploring the new changes in the world of Azeroth, the new quest chains such as the one for Andorhal! I'll go back and do all of that just for the experience of it. And the goblins.. wow.. I can't wait to level one. The starting area and quests look like soo much fun! It's going to be the revisiting of old areas just to see whats new that will be the most fun for me tho, like seeing it all for the first time.. the excitement as you discover something new... Oh yeah I can't wait..

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