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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#502 Jul 26 2010 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
I'm looking forward to the advancement of the storyline and discovering more about what TRULY drove Deathwing insane...the Old Gods.
#503 Jul 26 2010 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
I can't wait to see the new worgan and how Azeroth is goign to change i get bored with all the lower stuff so im hoping with all the changes i wont be bored anymore while im leveling all my toons
#504 Jul 26 2010 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
What isn't there to be excited about Cataclysm? Just about everything! Goblins, Worgen, and new lore! The redesign of classes and new areas to explore. Flying in Azeroth?! Something I have been waiting for a long time! A new leveling path and the changing of the world around you. I'm just about excited for everything in Cataclysm!

The one thing I'm looking forward the most is my paladin and how the changes will affect his tanking. Hopefully for a more rewarding and fun experience!
Another thing I like are the goblins, that is something I've always wanted to play as.
#505 Jul 26 2010 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
Theres quite a lot that I am excited about with the Cataclysm Expansion. Mostly though I'm excited for the new guild UI and bonuses. I'm really happy to see that their incorporating something like this into the game.

Also I am really looking forward to the new Dungeon and Raid progression that is getting put into the game. Especially since the announcement that this is suppose to be the most end game packed expansion yet. I'm really hoping that it will keep all us PVE'ers busy.
#506 Jul 26 2010 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
- I'm looking forward to the remake of Azeroth and lvling through it.
- I'm looking forward to the great Questing!
- I'm looking forward to the Worgen! especially there jokes!!
- I'm looking forward to Mount Hyal and Lvling there! with the great implementing of Phasing they said some things about marching up and slowly pushing the Fire army back! just AWESOME!
- I'm looking forward to ULDUM! i just love the Old Gods/Titans storylines *Ulduar FTW*
- The return of Ragnaros to kick his ***!! again....
- The Skywall since it has the same looks of Ulduar and Dalaran combined ^^
- The Guild Lvling system!!!
- The new Talent system!!
- I think just whole Cataclysm ^^
#507 Jul 26 2010 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
I can't decide what has me more excited, worgen or the new talent trees, but either way I want to dive in and try both :D
#508 Jul 26 2010 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
Im lookin forward to see the old zones getting changed and flying there !!!
and I am most excited about the new hunter talents and the new focus bar right now!

I want my beta key pls!!
#509 Jul 26 2010 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
There are many aspects I am looking forward to. One big aspect of Cataclysm is the story is unfolding and if the player will be a big part of it. In addition Deathwing and his presence being such a big deal. Not to mention that Deathwing has affected so many races that I wonder who will get involved in the fight against Deathwing. I would think the Netherwing could get involved. There is so much I would talk about the story that I really want to know and see but I don't want to spoil it for anyone.

Another thing I really am exited about Cataclysm is seeing Azeroth from a new perspective and all the new stuff like Gilneas and the Goblin cities. The Architecture of Gilneas looks really cool! As for the Goblins, the Goblin's cities are just absolutely crazy,*SPOILER* a Giant Cannon Aiming out toward the sea, a pool with a diving board *END SPOILER* and any other fancy things that I haven't seen in screen-shots
#510 Jul 26 2010 at 8:13 PM Rating: Good
I'm excited about the intended reintroduction of CC. I never played Vanilla or BC endgame so aside from PVP I've hardly had any opportunities to put Polymorph and the like to use. I'm also looking forward to the new mage spells, particularly Time Warp.
#511 Jul 26 2010 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
I'm really pumped for the DK class changes. While it's been somewhat fun doing seemingly weekly respecs to my both my tanking specs depending on how I feel like tanking, settling into a single tree and being able to get all the awesome tanking talents at once is going to be awesome.
#512 Jul 26 2010 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
I am looking forward to just about everything in this new expansion. I'm really excited about the destruction of the world, and I can't wait to see how different it really is. I've also been saving two character slots on my main's realm for a goblin and a tauren paladin. I've always wanted to level a paladin, but being a Hordie and hating blood elves has hampered that want greatly. Here's to new sights in Cataclysm!
#513 Jul 26 2010 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
I can't wait to try out Time Warp and Wall of Fog.

And Archaeology looks really interesting.
#514 Jul 26 2010 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
Heya this is my first post here, hope you guys understand this since I'm new here.

I'm expecting Cataclysm to be something that can really change Azeroth. I'm not just in it for the game but also the lores that surrounds this game which got me into it since vanilla. I'm hoping to explore the new (and yet some changed) quests that has truely made Azeroth change along with the Horde and the Alliance. Also along with the new race and the combination classes to the mix.

The Worgen is something I can't wait for escpecially the goblins. Since the Cataclysm forced them to join the 2 sides in order to survive in Azeroth. What I also can't wait is the coming of Deathwing!!!

With the new expansion to change the mechanics is what I'll be waiting for. I also hope to see some old and new characters which will be introduced in Cataclysm since the war with the Alliance and the Horde.

Besides, having playing WoW for 4 years and having alot of 80s I hope to either get into the beta to see what kind of problems are there before the release or just wait until it ships out.

Thanks for reading this and hope you WoW players the best for those in it along with the Cataclysm beta, peace!
#515 Jul 26 2010 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
To be able to play as a goblin rogue to take revenge on the gnome rogues
#516 Jul 26 2010 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
What Im really looking forward to most in Cataclysm would be playing as a worgen and all the new lore. Ive always had a love for werewolves and being a lore nut I just cant wait till the expansion comes out so I can delve into the new stories like the next issue of a beloved series.
#517 Jul 26 2010 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
I can't wait for Cataclysm to come up to see a new evolutionary part of WoW. Which is Phasing we all saw it a little in Lich King. also the whole new landscape for everyone to explore! I mean its like living in a different world with the world ever changing as it phases just for u as u progress and get in depth with the story line. Also introducing two new races and making other classes available to other classes makes even more unique. I can't wait for all of it. Brings another Spark to the game to get everyone back on and play!
#518 Jul 26 2010 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
What I am looking forward to the most in Cataclysm are just a few things.

I'm really interested in seeing how the new emphasis on simplicity as well as getting rid of useless things in the talent tree will affect game play, most notably priest healing(discipline spec). Included with this is also zone redesigns and end game raid content design.

Low-level content and leveling also intrigue me, as I plan on topping out the other characters I gave up on if the system does prove to be as effective and dynamic as has been characterized by current beta testers.
#519 Jul 26 2010 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
I would probably have to say that the main thing that I am so excited about for Cata is the way the old zones are being redone. I really do love to quest (which makes me an oddity among the WoW community)so it will be nice to go and see how the zone's quests got changed around and I think that with this change I will fall in love with questing once again. Also Mageism- QQ moar Shaman!

Also on a quick edit, I can't wait to check out the Worgen and Goblin beginner Questlines! The more Lore the Better in my book!

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 10:22pm by Hikige
#520 Jul 26 2010 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
I'm excited to Roleplay in the updated Azeroth as a goblin rogue. Cataclysm gives RPers a great chance to change how thier characters act, and a chance to create new ones. The updated areas also let RP guilds find new places to Roleplay and to have guild meetings.
#521 Jul 26 2010 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
I'm really excited to roll a worgen alt and experience leveling through the all-new Azeroth. Really curious to see all the new quests and changes Blizz has put the polish on... can't wait!
#522 Jul 26 2010 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
The thing I'm looking forward to most in Cataclysm has to be the revamped leveling zones. I'm a huge altoholic and I'm always rolling new alts (I'm planning on 5 when Cataclysm comes out; a dwarf mage (YES), tauren paladin, goblin warrior, worgen rogue and worgen hunter), but I'm getting bored of the old world zones, having done them at least 5 or 6 times. From what I've read, it looks like they're changing everything I dislike about the old zones, from boring, frustrating quests to a lack of flight points, so I'm very glad they're fixing those. Out of the old zones, I'm most excited about the revamped Duskwood.From what I read, they finally added a flight path to Raven Hill and they streamlined the quests, which is so great because it's my favorite zone, but it's almost unplayable right now because of how long it takes to run back and forth for quests, I'm just really glad they fixed it and I can't to quest in the new Duskwood.
#523 Jul 26 2010 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
I guess what I am most excited about is to get back in the old world and quest, fly around and explore, and also raid. I am very excited to see the changes, as well as see how hard good old Ragnaros will be, now that he hopefully hasn't been awakened "too soon" again. ^^

Also making an alliance character (Worgen of course) and see Gilneas which has been long forgotten. And of course also level a Goblin of Kezan.

Seeing Mortuus in his new role will also be very funny. ^^

Last but not least I am extremely psyched about more lore. ^^

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 10:25pm by Meffer
#524 Jul 26 2010 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
I'd really love to see what the World looks like. I'm also excited about the new guide leveling system with the guild perks etc.

What I love about WoW is the trivia they add in like names of Achievements weapons NPCs like Old Man Hemming (Haemingway?) and I saw a screen-shot with a guild ability "Have Group, Will Travel" (the song "Have Love, Will Travel" part of the Rock&Rolla OST) and I think that kind of thing adds flavor to the game. I'd really love to see what kind of bits and pieces of random pop culture they've added in this time.
#525 Jul 26 2010 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
I'm looking forward to rerolling as a Worgen Priest, I'm rolling a priest because i wanted to reroll a new class and Shadow Priests have always interested me and I don't really want to play as the raves that are available for priests and i want to roll a worgen :). I really can't wait to reroll and see the new Changes in Cata because the new zones and talent trees look legit!

and the worgen starting zone just looks like one of the coolest zones, goblin looks fun but worgen looks better as a new starting zone imo :)

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 10:23pm by Nojokin
#526 Jul 26 2010 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
Goblins, goblins and more goblins!

And the lore! Exciting! I can't wait!
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