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New Solution to Long Queues in 4.1Follow

#77 Apr 07 2011 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
I just want to restate how much I hate the idea of Reputation items being given from this. For the reps like Skyguard and Sporregar, the mounts and pets are the only way to show you have achieved exalted. There are no titles connected that you can show off with. Now someone who has just dinged 85 on his first character could get the Sporebat from the very first dungeon he runs. That is not right.

Also, I can't believe I was downrated for bashing Twilight... Don't people know that is what the internet is for?
#78 Apr 07 2011 at 6:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Nice O-boards lines.

The accumulated hopelessness of a seemingly endless time in queue as well as the greed and stupidity which compels them to roll on my gear will foam up about their waists. Then the dps will look up to say "Tank for us!"... And I'll look down and whisper "No."

Look at yourself, now back to me, now back at yourself, now back to me!
Sadly, you don't have the call to arms. But you could have it if you made a tanking character.

Look at the floor, back up. Where are you? You're in an instance, with the tank that your dps could be like. What's in your hand? Back at me, I have it. It's a bag with a vanity pet that you love, look again, the vanity pet is now epic gems!

Anything is possible when you are a tank and not a DPS. I'm on a Raven Lord.

#79 Apr 07 2011 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
4,445 posts
It seems like to me they should step back and ask themselves why this is a problem now? It wasn't a problem in the previous expansion. This isn't fair at all to pure dps classes either.
#80 Apr 07 2011 at 10:06 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
fronglo wrote:
It seems like to me they should step back and ask themselves why this is a problem now? It wasn't a problem in the previous expansion. This isn't fair at all to pure dps classes either.

Oh! Oh! I can answer this one!

Instances are harder and the average WoW player's IQ/skill hasn't increased, ergo there are far more wipes in the dungeon finder groups, ergo tanks and healers are less likely to queue because wiping sucks.
#81 Apr 07 2011 at 10:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Instances are harder and the average WoW player's IQ/skill hasn't increased, ergo there are far more wipes in the dungeon finder groups, ergo tanks and healers are less likely to queue because wiping sucks.
Wiping doesn't bother me.

The smacktard shenanigans that happens after a wipe, however, annoys me greatly.
#82 Apr 07 2011 at 10:37 PM Rating: Good
fronglo wrote:
It seems like to me they should step back and ask themselves why this is a problem now? It wasn't a problem in the previous expansion. This isn't fair at all to pure dps classes either.

Oh it was too. People griped about DPS queue waits back in Wrath, it's just more of a problem now because Cata heroics are more challenging. Well, some of them. Lost City is a breeze.
#83 Apr 07 2011 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
Even for those of us who fully geared up on the dungeons and were able to complete them in a good group with no wipes: did you continue running dungeons for FUN or did you only run as many as you absolutely needed? How about during Wrath? Really? ...and did you have to frequently reque during Wrath to complete your daily?

For me it wasn't the challenge of Cata dungeons that drove me away, it was the lengthy boredom and lack of FUN (especially for heals, which I was fully competent at). And yes, I did occasionally run Wrath dungeons not for gear or gold, but just for fun... as HEALS. I'm only speaking for myself here, but I meant that previous post. I'd rather solo old instances than heal for that goodie bag.

It was NOT as much of a problem during Wrath. Not nearly.

#84 Apr 07 2011 at 11:26 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Instances are harder and the average WoW player's IQ/skill hasn't increased, ergo there are far more wipes in the dungeon finder groups, ergo tanks and healers are less likely to queue because wiping sucks.
Wiping doesn't bother me.

The smacktard shenanigans that happens after a wipe, however, annoys me greatly.

Oh I definitely agree; I never once ************** about it when my guild was wiping in T6 content despite the fact that it was pretty easy.

It's when the retards wanted to have a 30 minute conference after each wipe that I got pissed (my brother did as well; he was the #2 officer in the guild and would always start yelling).
#85 Apr 07 2011 at 11:33 PM Rating: Good
shammypowah wrote:

It was NOT as much of a problem during Wrath. Not nearly.

I didn't say it was, I was merely disputing fronglo's claim that it wasn't a problem at all during Wrath. It doesn't matter how easy or painless something is, SOMEONE will gripe about it being difficult. Or people will then gripe about how now it's too easy. Humans are by nature fickle creatures, although some are definitely more so than others.
#86 Apr 07 2011 at 11:55 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
LFD also came out with ICC. Tanks where all ready over geared and off spec tanks were more plentiful. Heck when LFD came out everyone was over geared so 5 mans were all ready trivial beyond the ICC ones.

I recall stories of people complaining that tanks would bail as soon as they saw it was an ICC 5 man. As things stand right now all of the 5 mans are a kin to those in difficulty. That also is a large factor.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#87 Apr 08 2011 at 12:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
TBH I don't think I've ever associated "fun" with LFD. Even back in WotLK it was more of a convenience thing than anything else, and was tolerated because of it.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#88 Apr 08 2011 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
Fair enough... and like Pigtails said, there's always something to complain about. LFD was always the lesser alternative to grouping with friends or your guild. Relatively speaking though, compared to Cata LFD, Wrath was a constant PARTY! ...and that's maybe kinda sad. lol

It just peeves me that Blizzard is applying such a cheap maybe-probablynot-remedy to a problem they can do something about (if they'd only get off their working-as-intended high horses).

#89 Apr 08 2011 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
shammypowah wrote:
It just peeves me that Blizzard is applying such a cheap maybe-probablynot-remedy to a problem they can do something about (if they'd only get off their working-as-intended high horses).
And I take it you have a solution?
#90 Apr 08 2011 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
If I did...

It just seems that of the various things many would say need fixing in Cata, giving into some of the user complaints about healing and tanking rotations might be a good start. I'm no developer, but my guess is that even with balance and other contingents they'd have to address this would not be as difficult a task as say, fixing the guild rep snowball. It's a game, and when players say it's not fun to play they should be more concerned about that than any master plan they might have had in mind... however well intended. That is, unless the current state is satisfactory which it clearly is not or else no goodie bag would be necessary.
#91 Apr 08 2011 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
Well we could always try to be optimistic and hope that this is an attempt at a temporary solution while they try and fix the bigger problems. =x
#92 Apr 08 2011 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
And I take it you have a solution?

Ohhhh! ME, ME!

Split PVP and PVE further by acknowledging the differences. Break the talents into two sheets, one for PVP and the other for PVE, and give each toon a separate spec for each. Retain the current "dual spec" option, but it would only apply to the talent sheet you buy it for (PVP or PVE). This would streamline some of the balance issues and open up the classes for a major revamp. On a PVE server, your default talent sheet would be PVE and you would be automatically switched to the PVP sheet when you entered a BG. On a PVP server, your default talent sheet would be PVP and you would automatically be switched to the PVE sheet when you entered an instance or raid.

WTF Rhode, why? I remember it as something of a novelty role, but rogues, hunters and warlocks used to be able to try tanking, either through avoidance (rogue) or by pushing the boundaries of pet mechanics. Today, try to make that kind of novelty role more practical and somebody would spreadsheet and min/max the talents until they devised an build that broke something. Drawing a line between PVP and PVE would allow the devs to tweak the talent sheet and not just talent trees. There could be completely different talents that are sheet dependent, or talents might have slightly different mechanics depending if your PVP or PVE spec were active. This would also allow further splits, such as glyphs that only go on the PVP or PVE sheet.

How does this address the problem at hand? Rogues (and maybe even kittydroods) could be revised to make avoidance tanking viable. Right there you would have one extra class able to tank, and if kitty could tank that might bring in a few extras from another class. Personally, I rather like the idea of a pissed off kitty dancing around in front of a boss, or a rogue that would go splut pretty quick ... if he'd just stand still and take a beating like those guys in plate do. Let BM hunters and Demonology spec'd warlocks have tools to let their pets tank more; some of that could be handled directly on the talent sheet and some might be handled by mechanisms such as glyphs. Heck, remember when you could put a collar on your pet? What if craftsmen could create gear for them? As for healers, what if mages had more tools for things like damage mitigation? I'm not sure I'd even object to making mages able to do a bit of tanking through judicious use of spells to avoid or soak off damage.

Traditional tanks and healers would retain an edge in most situations; people are going to take damage and need real healing to stay up, pets are going to be more cumbersome than tanking something directly, avoidance tanking is going to be more at the mercy of the RNG. On the other hand, with enough mitigation a player who isn't able to main heal could still contribute, an off tank might be more useful too.

Talent trees are not the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!

Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three.

Roles that were defined in Vanilla have become restrictive and one reason may be the need to keep balancing PVE and PVP concerns -- which is somewhat like trying to plan a meal with dishes that would work equally well with seafood or beef. With some of that problem taken out of the way (by using different PVP and PVE sheets) it might be possible to mix things up further by adding a fourth tree that a player could choose at the cost of giving up one of the other trees. By cutting the size of each tree back, Blizz may have reduced some of the confusion brought by each new expansion adding a new end talent; however, that doesn't leave much room for things that don't fit tidily into the revised trees. The fourth tree choice could be used to make that less of a problem and perhaps to encourage spec's that fall outside of the traditional role for a class. The latter point is particularly important because the revised talent trees now have basic elements that apply to the tree; a fourth tree option would let DPS classes further spec for the new roles without requiring major changes to the existing choices.

Let's look at mages and give the fourth tree the uninspired name "Wards". A player who wants to do damage mitigation with Wards might get talents that let them place shields, slow opponents, or make their target harder to detect (and hit). They might choose to give up Fire, while keeping Frost and Arcane. They would keep people in the group up through the fight and use conjured food to heal everyone up after the boss is down. All these things are in the game now to some degree, but not strongly enough for a mage to step out of the DPS role.

Where's the bait? One word: achievements! Achievements for filling one of the new roles, achievements for things like downing a boss with a pissed off kitty as a tank instead of a plate wearer, achievements for completing the instance without a traditional tank or healer. As a bonus, things like new glyphs might be good for craftsmen and bring a bit of fun back to the AH.

Rhode, you did Wallotext again. I've tried to suggest a way to shake things up without doing too much damage to the existing order of things. I see two parts to the problem -- the need to make trade-offs to balance somewhat incompatible elements of the game (PVP and PVE) and a certain amount of tunnel vision that restricts class roles.

Call to Arms is a PVE feature; I've mentioned PVP but haven't made an effort to flesh out that part of my suggestion. Mea culpa, but it was already making your eyes bleed.
#93 Apr 08 2011 at 2:33 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
Rogues (and maybe even kittydroods) could be revised to make avoidance tanking viable.

**** yes, sign me the **** up.

Seriously, I'd probably come back to WoW if rogues could avoidance tank instances legitimately. Give rogues an ability like ninjas in FFXI (utsusemi) and the ability to hold threat and they probably could.

It'll never happen, but it would be cool.
#94 Apr 08 2011 at 2:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Let's look at mages and give the fourth tree the uninspired name "Wards". A player who wants to do damage mitigation with Wards might get talents that let them place shields, slow opponents, or make their target harder to detect (and hit). They might choose to give up Fire, while keeping Frost and Arcane. They would keep people in the group up through the fight and use conjured food to heal everyone up after the boss is down. All these things are in the game now to some degree, but not strongly enough for a mage to step out of the DPS role.
Two comments I would like to make.

1)Frost and Arcane already have the groundwork laid to be altered into tanking trees, if giving mages tanking is something that you feel should be done. Giving mages a healing type tree would be weird.

2)You can take away my fire tree when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. Smiley: mad

Edited, Apr 8th 2011 2:58am by Poldaran
#95 Apr 08 2011 at 3:06 AM Rating: Good
I actually really like the PvE/PvP talent sheet idea. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who gets incredibly annoyed when Blizz nerfs a talent or class mechanic because it's OP in PvP, which in turn makes it weak in PvE.

The avoidance tank idea is pretty cool too. Considering most servers have a severe lack of tanks, increasing the amount of classes that can tank would definitely be a good first step to fixing the problem.

You should take some of these ideas to the o-boards Rhode, seriously.
#96 Apr 08 2011 at 4:04 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Not sure what you mean by avoidance tank. If you mean a tank with a huge, like 75%, you get back into the encounter design of all bosses need to be able to 2 shot the tank or they cease to be a challenge. You also put other tanks out of a job.

I didn't play FFIX but isn't that what happened with NIN tanks?

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#97 Apr 08 2011 at 4:12 AM Rating: Good
Sort of. Paladins were a viable tank as well, but from what I remember NIN/WAR were considered to be the best tank.
#98 Apr 08 2011 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
2,602 posts
why would i give a **** over what other people get for free if its in a situation which benefits me due to it? Specially if its asethetic flavor and not badges/thundering helm of raid soloing?
#99 Apr 08 2011 at 5:16 AM Rating: Default
Most interesting. Some of you have touched on what I think is the underlying issue; LFD is no longer working for DPS at all satisfactorily. This band-aid fix is imo an admission of that by Blizzard. And as others have pointed out this fix is temporary. When the tanks get their mounts and pets they will be gone again. Then what ?
#100 Apr 08 2011 at 5:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Yeah, NIN/WAR made Paladins mostly obsolete. There were only really three reasons to take a Paladin tank. One, he was your friend. Two, you couldn't find a (good) Ninja. Any Ninja could tank, but there was some difficulty (and a lot of gil) involved in keeping threat. Three, AoE abilities would strip a NIN of all their shadows and hit the NIN, so occasionally you needed the extra HP and survivability of a PLD.

There's really no reason to make kitty druids able to evasion-tank, Cat DPS is already in the same tree as Bear tanking. Turning a rogue's combat tree into a hybrid Tank/DPS tree could certainly work, but it wouldn't be through high evasion tanking. If anything, I think it would work like in Rift, where different (Riftstalker soul)rogue finishers increase parry/dodge, armor, or provide a partial damage shield for up to 60 sec.

Blizzard can't give anything not already in game as a reward, or DPS-only classes will legitimately have no way to get that title/vanity pet/mount. By picking stuff specifically from 5-man instances (and rep), it's something that anyone could get, given enough time. Among other things, what this does is give tanks a reason to grind out instances past getting gear/points. Good thing, more tanks in queue.

I swear, sometimes I'm reminded of an old argument back in FFXI when Squeenix reduced the exp needed for 71-75. A lot of people already 75 were wailing on the forums about how they had wasted time leveling, and all this stuff was just being given away to new people. One idea going around was that you get a little star after your name once you earned all the exp needed to get to 75 under the old reqs, so everyone could see if you really EARNED it or not.

Question: If you've got your shiny pet/mount/title/vanity doo-dad, does it become any less valuable to you if someone else has it? It's bound to you, so there's no scarcity/market-value correlation.
#101 Apr 08 2011 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
AstarintheDruid wrote:
Blizzard can't give anything not already in game as a reward, or DPS-only classes will legitimately have no way to get that title/vanity pet/mount. By picking stuff specifically from 5-man instances (and rep), it's something that anyone could get, given enough time. Among other things, what this does is give tanks a reason to grind out instances past getting gear/points. Good thing, more tanks in queue.

I swear, sometimes I'm reminded of an old argument back in FFXI when Squeenix reduced the exp needed for 71-75. A lot of people already 75 were wailing on the forums about how they had wasted time leveling, and all this stuff was just being given away to new people. One idea going around was that you get a little star after your name once you earned all the exp needed to get to 75 under the old reqs, so everyone could see if you really EARNED it or not.

Question: If you've got your shiny pet/mount/title/vanity doo-dad, does it become any less valuable to you if someone else has it? It's bound to you, so there's no scarcity/market-value correlation.
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