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New Solution to Long Queues in 4.1Follow

#52 Apr 07 2011 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
527 posts
I am also suprised Blizz is willing to give certain rewards to some players and not others. Havn't they been trying for a long while now to try to give all players the same shot at loot? I mean they made 10s and 25s drop the same loot, Valor/Justice points from heroics, and the like. Now they are saying because you play x class you are more important and deserve better stuff? It seems like a complete contradiction to me.
#53 Apr 07 2011 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
678 posts
With current HP pools I'd wagger any class should be able to solo MGT, SH, and of course Strat. So, the problem here at hand for some people seems to be that tanks will get better rewards for completing an HC than other classes (ocasionally healers, but I doubt too often). If queue times go down by a significant amount of time, I'd say mission accomplished.

"LF Tank, paying 100g for an HC". Sounds familiar? Well, this is about the same.

I have my doubts about the reduction in queue times for DPSers with this solution, but if it works ... well, problem solved. It used to be argued that the question about the scarcity of tanks was linked to the ratio of tanks/dpsers being a lot different for raids. Whilst 10 man raiding has almost (to my knowledge) killed 25 man raiding, thus offsetting this imbalance to some extent, the scarcity of tanks has not really changed.

My opinion is that the LFG system in its current implementation greatly discourages tanks to use it. I've used it extensively and the amount of rude/pullpullpull/skipskipskip/lolfail people I've been grouped with is surreal. If the system allowed for a karma-squeue system by which idiots could be filtered and dennied the use of LFG for hours, days even, I'd wagger you'd see less of these attitudes and more capable tanks would be inclined to use the LFG system more often. Or not, but the LFG system needs a revamp.

Anyhow, yeah, tanks will get some goodies. If this shortens queue times, it's a good thing.
#54 Apr 07 2011 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
jeffoncom wrote:
This is a terrible idea. It over-rewards tanks/healers and the perk won't be enough to effectively solve the problem in any way. Additionally it trivializes the time people used to farm the rare mounts. Reigns of the Raven Lord are kind of cool because you need a druid to summon him. Things like this in the game add some depth to it. By taking it out it just kind of takes part of the game away. Nobody should have Reigns of the Deathcharger without knowing Strath like the back of their hand :P It haunts me to this day, yet the mount eludes me.

I kind of thought that the instant queues were the reward for queuing up as a tank/healer. No? So no not only do dps still have to wait excessive times, but they also get less out of the run? This mindset seems to bring tank/heals onto a different level than dps. It's basically saying to the dps that "hey you're not very important, so we're going to reward you less than the tank". This kind of mentality will probably have no beneficial effect and certainly will not be a solution to long dps queues.

Okay, 1. You don't need a druid to summon the Raven Lord anymore. They took that out at least a year ago.
2. The entire reason Blizzard is implementing this is to reduce the queue times for the DPS. If they can attract more people to be tanks and healers with this, the queue time for DPS will go down. That's provided that the carrot on a stick idea works of course.

I think people have a fair point that this is going to further drive a rift between tanks/healers and DPS. If people let it. These are vanity items guys. They aren't that big of a deal. I can understand people being miffed who already have these mounts and mini-pets, but that happens anytime a mount or minipet becomes easier to farm. We don't even know what the drop rate on the vanity items are going to be for the bags anyways. They might be the same drop rate as they are in the dungeons themselves. If that's the case, it's not going to be that much easier to farm the mount. Twice of 1% is only 2% and that's still an abysmally low rate.
#55 Apr 07 2011 at 12:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
As others have said, it's going to be interesting to see how much they can really bribe people.

Blizz has been stuck in this interesting position of trying to regulate the behavior of complete strangers in random groups for a while now. There's a lot of people who are more hesitant to tank or heal because, well, they'd prefer to sit in a 45 minute queue rather than put up with the more caustic conditions that can come with being a tank/healer.

Blizz has adjusted the ability to kick people from a group, given rewards to grouping randomly, buffed people to make the encounters more forgiving, and now want to openly bribe people to tank/heal. As much as I'm hopeful this latest round of incentives will help iron out some of the problems, it does feel like this carrot & stick approach is coming up short.

The crux of the problem, in my mind at least, is that some people are just going to be @$$holes in random groups. I can't really think of a way to solve that. Perhaps Blizz needs a random group banhammer. Smiley: lol

PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
Okay, 1. You don't need a druid to summon the Raven Lord anymore. They took that out at least a year ago.

That still cheeses my bread... Smiley: bah

Edited, Apr 7th 2011 12:04pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#56 Apr 07 2011 at 1:08 PM Rating: Excellent
145 posts
I don't want more rewards to queue up as a tank/healer. I want a box the pops up with the names of the people I ran with and the question would you group with this person again (the answers would be yes, no and um, sure?!). No would put their account on an infinity long ignore list with regards to the dungeon finder. Given Blizzards subscriber numbers and a jerk rate of 1 percent there are about 120 thousand jerks playing WoW, and all it takes to put me off the dungeon finder is to have to run with one.
#57 Apr 07 2011 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
My problem with it (I could care less about the mounts, to be honest) is that it's a slippery slope they're moving out on. A slippery slope and not a solution to the problem itself.

What's next? Hunters are underrepresented in high-end Arena? Let's give them a sparklepony. Not enough Shaman healers in randoms? Give them some extra gold and potions. Not enough Bear tanks? Give them a pet panda (please don't, I've got one and it's the only thing that makes me a unique snowflake these days). Too many Frost Mages in PvP? Cut back on their rewards.

It's not a solution to the problem. There are long-*** queues right now because tanking and healing isn't fun. It isn't desirable. Why isn't it fun and desirable? Well, some might say it's because Blizzard didn't do what they said they would do. For me, I lost the will around the time I realized they'd turned my Tree into a leather-wearing Holy Paladin. And when they turned my Bear into a single target tank, I just gave up.

I know that some people found the new direction interesting, challenging and fun, but to me, and apparently many others, it just killed everything I loved about the game. They obviously failed at making the game more challenging. It's time to fix what they messed up and then wait for people to go back to their preferred roles.

It's like they had a midlife crisis or something.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#58 Apr 07 2011 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
527 posts
It's like they had a midlife crisis or something.

Next patch notes they are going to add in the red convertible mount and 40+ softball leagues.
#59 Apr 07 2011 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,080 posts
selebrin wrote:
This just in: DPS wants to have cake and eat it.

No...we want to have the cake we worked long & hard for weeks and months to acquire. Hey Blizz, make a mount that's specifically for tanks and healers who deign to queue with us lesser dps players.
A fat. pink. pony. I think would be the perfect identifier.
#60 Apr 07 2011 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
Mazra wrote:
...if you're hiring someone to do the same [job] as four others and then give that person a raise, you'd have to raise the salaries of the others as well.

False analogy. The goal is to reduce queue times for DPS by increasing the number of tanks relative to the number of DPS in random LFG. Tanking and DPSing are not the same jobs. If they were, there would be no disparity in queue times.

Mazra wrote:
Unless, of course, you think that tanking/healing job requires more effort than the damaging job?.

I think there are less people willing to do the job of tanking with strangers in LFG. Whether tanking is tougher than DPSing may be a relevant tangent, if added difficulty makes a job less popular, but either way, increasing the reward for the less popular job is a reasonable way to increase the pool of people willing to do it.

Mazra wrote:
It's easy being a bad DPS, but it's also very, very easy to be a bad healer/tank. The good and bad of one side is being rewarded while the good and bad of another side is getting nothing. Makes no sense to a dirty Communist European like me.

A reasonable definition of a “bad tank” is one who cannot complete a dungeon he or she is qualified to queue for in LFG. These tanks will not be rewarded in the new system, as they must complete the dungeon to receive a reward. I imagine there will be a period where the queues contain a great many bad tanks who will try for the reward and fail, but that state of affairs should ease with time, as bad tanks either improve into good ones or lose hope and go back to their previous roles.

Those tanks good enough to finish a heroic with the help of 4 strangers will receive an additional reward, and the DPS will spend less time in queues. Win/win.

I queue as healer, myself. I have no dog in this fight. I approve of it.

Mazra wrote:
Makes no sense to a dirty Communist European like me.

Few of the methods Communist nations have employed to get people to do necessary but unpopular jobs at low wages could be employed in a voluntary online entertainment.

Edited, Apr 7th 2011 3:47pm by emmitsvenson
#61 Apr 07 2011 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
emmitsvenson wrote:
A reasonable definition of a “bad tank” is one who cannot complete a dungeon he or she is qualified to queue for in LFG. These tanks will not be rewarded in the new system, as they must complete the dungeon to receive a reward.

Wrong. A reasonable definition of a bad tank is not one who is unable to complete it, unless you apply the same definition to a bad DPS. A bad tank is one who is carried through the content, just like a bad DPS and a bad healer.

emmitsvenson wrote:
I queue as healer, myself. I have no dog in this fight. I approve of it.

Well, durr. Smiley: tongue

emmitsvenson wrote:
Few of the methods Communist nations have employed to get people to do necessary but unpopular jobs at low wages could be employed in a voluntary online entertainment.

It was a reference to the European politics, more precisely Danish politics, in comparison to US politics. Your left-wing makes our right-wing look like left-wing.

Anyway, it's a touchy subject, no doubt. I get how people can say this is win/win, but from where I'm standing, I see two issues: equality being rammed from behind and the core of the problem remaining untouched.

I might as well call it now: This is going to end badly.

There, I said it. I'll dig this thread up in a couple of months and we'll see.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#62 Apr 07 2011 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
It's just a harsher version of an important lesson WoW has to offer:

If the journey's no fun, the destination isn't worth it. (rep rewards, mount farming)

Besides that, it's a lazy solution (even if it solves anything). While a new unique mount or pet would have caused even more uproar, you'd think they could come up with something more imaginative than old rewards.

#63 Apr 07 2011 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
I queue as a healer just because I dont want to wait for 45 minutes and dont want a stupid baddie failing easy healing mode while I'm dpsing. So, I just go and queue as healer, take my VPs and be done with it.
If more people that can off-tank/off-heal build a second gear set, the queue time would likely drop. If you go as a tank and grab a bad group, you can just drop and wait for 10 minutes and queue again. Better than wait 45 minutes anyway.

Of course, that leads me to never queue on Fridays nights nor Saturday/Sunday evenings. Too many bad tanks/dpsers.

And, yeah, Blizzard need to change Bear tank. Revamp the hole thing. Because, right now, Druid is one of the best boss tanks (if not THE best), but the worst AoE tank. And by worst I mean by a huge margin.
#64 Apr 07 2011 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:

What's next? Hunters are underrepresented in high-end Arena? Let's give them a sparklepony. Not enough Shaman healers in randoms? Give them some extra gold and potions. Not enough Bear tanks? Give them a pet panda (please don't, I've got one and it's the only thing that makes me a unique snowflake these days). Too many Frost Mages in PvP? Cut back on their rewards.

People marrying their furniture! Cats and dogs living together! Believing it's not butter!
#65 Apr 07 2011 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Yes, I feel this arbitrary "reward" lowers the relative value of the items that some of us farmed or are farming for.

Yes, I think this also devalues the reward for the recipient who didn't work any harder than showing up for it. (Compare the thrill of a Rusted Proto-Drake to a Brewfest Ram)

But that's not my main issue here.

An arbitrary reward system, as described, may encourage more groups, but not better groups.

Waiting 30-50 min in a queue sucks. No doubt. But at least the tank that I get set up with wanted to tank the instance. Now they will more than likely simply want their special reward. This changes the priority for those tanks and healers from wanting a clean run for badgers/points, to only caring about the end boss. The goal is the fastest clear to their goodie bag as possible. Goodbye any possibility of optional bosses. Group wipes (regardless of reason)? Easy enough to bail and queue again after a bio.

Goodbye also to any newly-minted 85 dps'ers who will cause the run to be slightly slower and might need to be taught encounter mechanics. Reward-focused tanks won't care about your problems, scrub.

Or worse, you get people who have no business tanking queuing for the reward and wasting everyone elses time. Blizzard iLevel system doesn't differentiate between item sets. Raid-geared Frost DKs can queue as tanks, swap to their partial "tank" set and sew sorrow and agony for groups without compunction. Again, it's easy enough to bail and re-queue until a badly geared and unskilled tank or healer finds a group that can carry them to their goodie bag.

The above problems already exist. Far as I can see, the goodie bag only amplifies the existent issues by trying to treat the symptom rather than the cause.

What bothers me the most with this though is that Blizzard is re-enforcing the "I want my shiny" mentality as opposed to the "experience the content" mind-set. I was starting to hope that their statement about "smaller patches with new content, more often" philosophy was a sign that they were changing focus slightly to more variety in experience. But this rewards system completely negates that hope.

Dear Blizzard,
More and varied content = more player engagement (and higher player retention rates). If we want purely linear content, we'll play consoles.
- therion
#66 Apr 07 2011 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
98 posts
Mazra wrote:
emmitsvenson wrote:
A reasonable definition of a “bad tank” is one who cannot complete a dungeon he or she is qualified to queue for in LFG. These tanks will not be rewarded in the new system, as they must complete the dungeon to receive a reward.

Wrong. A reasonable definition of a bad tank is not one who is unable to complete it, unless you apply the same definition to a bad DPS. A bad tank is one who is carried through the content, just like a bad DPS and a bad healer.

The one thing about this arguement is that even with a bad DPS you still have two other DPS that can compensate for that. A bad Tank/Healer is generally not going to get carried through the instance unless the other four group memembers are pretty exceptional. It is quite possible to carry a bad DPS(s) through an instance with success.

Since there are more DPS in the group, there is much more potential for success even if one or two dies. I've finished bosses even when both other DPS decided to take an early dirt nap and watch the fight from the ground. Had either the Tank, Healer, or both been in those positions we would have wiped, generally followed with a "L2Tank/Heal <insert random insult>!"

Due to the fact there is simply more DPS bodies to throw at an encounter, you have the opportunity to come out of it with a win. Since there is only 1 Healer and 1 Tank, well limited resources provide limited successes. How many times have you ever heard someone say "Well, we lost a DPS, might as well wipe this one up and try again"? Now, flip that to Tank/Healer and ask the same question.

Now, having Healed, Tanked, and DPS'ed, do I think this will solve the problem? Nope. Am I geared to Heal and Tank Heroics and have the ability to do so? Yep. Does that mean I want to do it all the time? Nope. Will shiny things persuade me to do one or the other more? Possibly. At least I'll get a little something more for having to put up with random @sshats.

Edited, Apr 7th 2011 4:04pm by Jornam
#67 Apr 07 2011 at 3:09 PM Rating: Excellent
2,010 posts

Ah, but if you're hiring someone to do the same as four others and then give that person a raise, you'd have to raise the salaries of the others as well. Parity and all that, right?

Unless, of course, you think that tanking/healing job requires more effort than the damaging job? In which case I'd point to various easy tanking classes and hard DPS classes, add a little avoiding of flames and sprinkle it with a bit of aggro/target management.

I wouldn't say that DPS is necessarily an easier job, but I certainly don't have to focus on more than the current target and my button mashing as a DPS where as a healer I'm not only responsible to know what the bosses do but also how to keep everyone alive through it.

However, There is a lack of tanks because tanking requires more effort than even either of those. It requires leading through the instance. It requires knowing every boss in and out. It requires making decisions like "can the healer go through one more pull or should I delay a few seconds for mana". It requires knowing "how" to pull groups so that there are no links, and where to stand to make sure DPS can position themselves correctly. It requires going the right way so people aren't whining that they just want the instance over with and no additional bosses.

In short, yes I believe tanks have wayyyy more responsibility and that's the reason there is a lack of them. I don't off spec as a tank for this very reason - it's too much and I don't want to get into a group of people who will hate me because I'm just learning. It discourages new people to try the tanking class and these rewards certainly aren't going to make us want to toss ourselves to the wolves in the RDF - are they mad?

Honestly - it won't solve the problem. They made it bad enough when they nerfed almost every healer class in the name of "challenge", but then they compiled the issue by ruining a lot of tank abilities again in the name of "challenge".

I don't want to necessarily go back to faceroll, but some of the things they did really need to be reversed for people to actively take up these harder roles again. Tanking and Healing were already hard enough.
#68 Apr 07 2011 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Jornam wrote:
How many times have you ever heard someone say "Well, we lost a DPS, might as well wipe this one up and try again"? Now, flip that to Tank/Healer and ask the same question.

I've seen my share of tanks die and then die after I cast Rebirth on them. In the end, I end up tanking the boss (being a DPS Druid, zomg) and we win. Now tell me, if I sign up as DPS, but end up tanking two out of three bosses, who should get the rewards?

And yes, it has happened. More than once.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#69 Apr 07 2011 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
When this happens I will likely do more solo runs as a tank. Not for the vanity items, as yes it is chessy to get them handed to you. I feel the same way about people going back to get mounts/titles. I've done such runs but only to help others and there is no way I'd use a title that I got when it wasn't current. With the mounts it is different as the druid has flight form which pwns all other mounts and I'm not a fan of huge mounts otherwise.

Anyway, if I got a vanity item as the reward instead of gems/flasks/MOAR GOLD I'd feel cheated. I don't care about vanity items I want gold. I hope they remove the vanity stuff and make the goodie bag, just some extra gold and a occasionally a rare gem or flask. Would also blunt some of the qq from people who are offended that their hard work was trivialized by a tank's goodie bag.

I look at it as being paid to deal with random people. Granted I have had some awesome runs but the ones with at least 1-2 complete d-bags or people who are willfully fail is far greater. Getting a bribe will encourage me to do more runs on my tank when no one I know is wanting to go. Even bringing just 1 friend that to LFD group can be a huge improvement over the fully random group.

Brisin wrote:
And, yeah, Blizzard need to change Bear tank. Revamp the hole thing. Because, right now, Druid is one of the best boss tanks (if not THE best), but the worst AoE tank. And by worst I mean by a huge margin.

The next patch will go a long way to making bear AoE easier. Swipe on shorter CD, and all attacks that had +threat getting better damage/AP scaling and the SD change especially should make bear tanking easier for trash. For bosses we will still be a furry ball of hate and armor.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#70 Apr 07 2011 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Horsemouth wrote:

Brisin wrote:
And, yeah, Blizzard need to change Bear tank. Revamp the hole thing. Because, right now, Druid is one of the best boss tanks (if not THE best), but the worst AoE tank. And by worst I mean by a huge margin.

The next patch will go a long way to making bear AoE easier. Swipe on shorter CD, and all attacks that had +threat getting better damage/AP scaling and the SD change especially should make bear tanking easier for trash. For bosses we will still be a furry ball of hate and armor.

My group has a Druid as soak tank for Chimaeron, and most time his health doesn't even move. I don't know if that's SD or he just have a high dodge, but it's way easier to heal him in my 10 man group than to heal the better geared pally in my 25 guild fail group (yes, my guild fails badly in 25 content).
#71 Apr 07 2011 at 4:10 PM Rating: Excellent
2,346 posts
There shouldn't be an issue of, "well dps is easy, if you want the rewards reroll." This argument is really annoying. There are what like 4 specs out of 30 that are tank. There are 5 healing specs. This leaves 21 dps specs. Let's not forget the pure dps classes. I shouldn't have to reroll a class I don't particularly want to play or don't know how to play to get said rewards. Plus the fact that if you don't have a high level tank/healer class you have to go through and use your time leveling it up, as well as gearing it once leveled.

As for someone mentioning way above that 10 mans have killed 25 mans. Not true. I'm pretty sure there are a ton of guilds doing 25 mans still over 10 mans. Frankly they are more forgiving of a mistake (at least in normal) and they drop more loot per 5 people than 10 man. My guild ended up trying to go 25 man for this reason.
#72 Apr 07 2011 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
Hyolith, Hero Among Heroes wrote:
There shouldn't be an issue of, "well dps is easy, if you want the rewards reroll."

There isn't. Certainly, this is a reason why the rewards are not unique. They are still available through the older dungeon drops.

...and if I were still playing, I'm not sure I'd choose a random heroic over farming the old ones. Why? They're more fun.

#73 Apr 07 2011 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
Getting a bribe will encourage me to do more runs on my tank when no one I know is wanting to go. Even bringing just 1 friend that to LFD group can be a huge improvement over the fully random group.

Except the way I read it, you won't get the reward if you have that one friend with you. So rather than encouraging people to do them together, they really are encouraging people to do them solo.

Wouldn't it be funny if it did end up making so many people play healer and tank that there were no DPS anymore?
#74 Apr 07 2011 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Torrence wrote:
Getting a bribe will encourage me to do more runs on my tank when no one I know is wanting to go. Even bringing just 1 friend that to LFD group can be a huge improvement over the fully random group.

Except the way I read it, you won't get the reward if you have that one friend with you. So rather than encouraging people to do them together, they really are encouraging people to do them solo.

Wouldn't it be funny if it did end up making so many people play healer and tank that there were no DPS anymore?

Ya, have to solo queue to receive your bribe. What I was saying was that often bringing 1 person with can make a huge difference. Both from familiarity of there play and someone to commiserate with about the shenanigans that happen in the group.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#75 Apr 07 2011 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
I'm actually okay with this. As far as I can think of there is no way to make tanking and healing more desirable to people who just don't like it in the first place. I personally love tanking when I have a group that works with me. Gives me a chance to set up pulls so I have and easy time. The people who feel the need to shoot as much as they can after I pull with a low threat move make me hate tanking. I don't want to have to work my butt off fighting my own group members to maintain control in an instance just to get through it. It tires me out and then I queue less.

There are a few basic problems with tanking and why people will never gravitate to the roll in as large numbers as DPS.

-Reason one, you will be considered the leader almost 100% of the time. You're expected to mark, and sum up the CCs for each. You have to set the pace.

-Reason two, you have to fight your own group depending on who you get. It's QUITE often I end up tanking for people who almost seem to be going out of their way to pull extra mobs and do as MUCH DPS as quickly as possible. Causing me to have to work twice as hard to keep everything under control.

-Reason three, you need to pay more attention then anyone else. Since it's your job to keep everything under control you have to watch carefully everything going on around you to make sure you cover for other peoples mistakes of walking too close to another group or pulling threat.

-Reason four, after a while of the expansion being out people judge you by your HP. I've had PLENTY of people leave a group just because I don't have epic gear HP. What's acceptable at first isn't even close to acceptable later and you'll pay for it depending on the people you come across. I've had a healer drop a group after calling me a n00b tank before even the first pull.

-Reason five, people will try to latch on to you and use you for what you can provide. A lot like a mage and their teleports I have random people just invite me to a group while I level and then queue a random dungeon...just so they can get an insta queue. meanwhile I was mistaken in believing that we were going to team up on the quest to get it done without having to wait for a respawn.

These are just for tanking. Healing is a whole other bag of crap thats handed to the player day after day. These things just can't be changed unless they change the game mechanics in general. So I'll take the extra rewards, because at the end of the day...I've earned it. Putting up with all that BS.
#76 Apr 07 2011 at 5:16 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
Drop the BoP mounts and pets that require a rep grind. Double the gold.
Add a title "the Survivor" with analogous qualifications to "the Patient".
Job done.
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