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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#302 Jul 26 2010 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
I'm excited about the changes being made to Azeroth! I can't wait to be able to fly and check out all the new zone transformations. I'm also really excited about the new races. I think the first thing I will try will be the goblin starting zone. I've seen a few videos on youtube, and it looks amazing. I'm also pretty pumped about the Worgen starting zone also. Duskwood is my favorite zone in the game currently, and Gilneas seems to have the same kind of atmosphere. And lastly I'm excited to try out the new profession, Archaeology. Will that even be in the beta? :P
#303 Jul 26 2010 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
The thing I am looking forward to in cataclysm, i must say ganking with my trustworthy Flying mount(310% ftw) is what im looking forward too , (DEATH FROM ABOVE!)

The second thing is that i can't wait too see the lore going on in the horde, garrosh vs all the other leaders twist sounds so goddamn nice!

And uhm yeah, im looking forward to you know, Lava, everywhere, yeah, mmmmmm...... Lava


Edited, Jul 31st 2010 4:06pm by nikko9393
#304 Jul 26 2010 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
I am pretty excited mainly because this will be my first expansion experience, i did play back in classic but i quit and missed out on many things i wish i didn't.

Blizzard is making some really cool changes to the game which will benefit many people like myself who enjoy raiding both 10/25 player, i think the main thing i am most excited about is most probable the whole revamp of the world and having to level to 85 i think it just gives us something new to enjoy.

I think this may be the best expansion blizzard will release as for improvements ingame graphics and mechanics, not only that instead of just giving us a new place they are completely revamping zones to look a lot different which will be interesting for us all.
#305 Jul 26 2010 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
I am basically looking forward to everything in Cataclysm, but here are a few things -

The new Worgan area, I seen a few Beta footage and the law around that area really looks interesting. Also now they don't look like fluffy kittens.

Flying around Azeroth really is interesting as they have changed nearly every area in some way and I'm sure there is more beauful area to explore.

Now I have never been that into Golbins as they have been to green for my liking. But the new goblin area look like a fun place to be. Laurch day... might be a bit to busy but that might be more fun.

As I main a hunter, I would like to see how the hunter focus bar works as I have no idea how they are going to make that change.

Thats about it for now... hope i get a beta key, thanks for reading this.
#306 Jul 26 2010 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
Reasons I'm excited for Cataclysm!
Playing as a Worgen.
All the new changes to old Azeroth. I can’t wait to see what it looks like!
The new talent changes. My class is going to be OP. QQ moar newbs.

#307 Jul 26 2010 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
What I look forward to most in Cataclysm is the lore. It's one thing to read about it in a book or comic, but it's another to live the experience through the game. This time around we have some places that are HUGE in terms of lore finally opening up for us to explore. Grim Batol and Gilneas are just a few examples... All the new quests will surely bring out the Loremaster in me as well and I'm probably going to delete a few characters just so I can re-level through the new zones. Darn that 10 character limit.

Another thing I'm interested to see is the sheer amount of change they are making to the game and how it's handled, will it work smoothly, or will it be a mess like some of those horrible patch days? In BC and Wrath the only main changes we saw was an extra continent with very few changes to existing gameplay. Cata is going to be completely different in the fact that they are changing two entire continents with the addition of some really cool areas that we've been unable to go to or that have never served a purpose up until this point.

Flying is obviously another thing I look forward to like every other fan out there. Whats on top of Ironforge's mountain? Well, soon I'll be able to go there. Whats that little camp above Stormwind that you see when you're on a flight point? I'll be able to go there too. In Wrath and BC they had quite a few hidden easter eggs that you could find hidden if you just flew around, and I'd love to see how many of those they can fit in Cata :)
#308 Jul 26 2010 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to making an all goblin arena team with some guildies >=D .
#309 Jul 26 2010 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
To say that there is only one thing that im looking forward to would be an understatement to say the least ive been with wow for about 6 years now and leveling is getting a bit on the stale side so the revamp of the old world is a good send, ive been keeping an eye on the info and vids put out so far and one that really struck me was thrall standing on a rocky outcrop casting my jaw dropped and there may have been a bit of drool too at the water affects I see myself having sum morrowind moments where I spend 5 or 10 mins just watching the water.

#310 Jul 26 2010 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
The other thing that intrigues me from Cataclysm is the guild leveling system. Hopefully the guild system will help keep guilds together and work harder to unlock some of the new perks, special items, heirlooms, and other unique items that will appear as time moves on. It will give the members something to show off and to be proud of
#311 Jul 26 2010 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
THe thing im most excited about is to experience the lore unfold in the old regions of Azeroth and be leveling my alts through the redesigning areas which im hoping will be a lot more exciting and challenging than it is live.
#312 Jul 26 2010 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
I have to admit that I'm an altaholic...

so I really am excited about leveling new alts, new race/char combo (Tauren Pally FTW!) new race (W00t for my goblin mage and my worgen warrior!) amd just new leveling experiences and quests!

The new leveling experience seems really nice with the changes they made to the zones, the dungeons (no more running around to get quests from all over the world before running WC, yeah!) are the kind of things I know I'll be happy to try.

Thanks for the contest :D
#313 Jul 26 2010 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
I'm definitly looking foward to the Worgen race!! And I hope to be there when the world event happens for Cataclysm. My fiancee and I play WoW to keep doing things together since we're in a long distance relationship and I'm extremely excited to do all the new exploration and achievements with him. I'm especially excited for my guild and I coming together to level the guild ranks together !! Best of luck to everyone else trying to get a beta key :)
#314 Jul 26 2010 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
I'm definitely excited about the changes to Azeroth! And I can't tell you how many times I tried to sneak over that wall to see what was on the other side...Now I'm going to get to see it! :D
#315 Jul 26 2010 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
What I'm excited for is flying Mounts in the rest of Azeroth.
The new talents builds, and class updates.
The Goblins most especially.
Seeing some new lore in the game(I like the lore).
And seeing what the goblin Mounts are going to be like.
#316 Jul 26 2010 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
What am looking for in Cataclysm is seeing a new Azeroth, Now that Arthas/Lich king is dead, I wanna see the impact he had on the plaquelands.Am big on wow lore so the fact blizzard is giving up a chance to become worgen is pretty awesome. I cant wait to see what the quests are going to be like in the starting areas and how epic SFK and deadmines is going to be for us "big kids". But of all things is seeing the new Auberdine and looking awesome on my netherdrake exploring the new Azeroth.

#317 Jul 26 2010 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
From the images we've seen so far I am very interested to see how much the world environments have been changed, and how different the experience of leveling will be. The worgens look awesome, so what better way to see what this cataclysm has wrought then by leveling a toon as the newest Alliance race? I'm a nerd who enjoys some good lore and I guess I will be a little sad to say goodbye to the old Azeroth and I will surely shake a fist at Horde encroachments on previously Alliance held territories. However, I greatly look forward to the refreshing changes and new experiences in the game.
#318 Jul 26 2010 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
Im looking forward to running around in a new world, exploring, learning every last little piece of lore i can, but the most amasing part im looking forward to is the new races, i would enjoy learning about thier storyline and why they chose each faction without reading the spoilers.
Thanks for giving everyone the chance Zam!

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 8:51pm by pkripper4
#319 Jul 26 2010 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
With Cataclysm there are plenty of things I'm looking forward to.

1. I'm really looking forward to having my death knight main become a worgen.
2. Seeing old world change. (Been playing since release and it'll be nice to bring life to the old zones.)
3. Having stats, talents, etc get all the "fat" cut out and getting back to basics. (I love WoW and I talking about all the history (ZG poison that killed cities) and events (Zombies slaughtering hundreds in the capitals!) I've seen that tend to make people think, "Wow... Sounds like a great game."
4. Having more raids with fewer bosses and having 25s and 10s being on equal footing.
5. Have I mentioned my amazing death knight main becoming a worgen?
6. Watching the story unfold between Garrosh and Sylvanis.

and the last in a long list I have and probably the one thing I can't wait for...

/target Deathwing
#320 Jul 26 2010 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most looking forward to the new quests - can't wait to see what they have in store for us!

Thanks for the competition!
#321 Jul 26 2010 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
I'm honestly excited about everything. I'm ready to explore the old continents and see the changes as well as experience the new zones, try out Goblins/Worgens, new dungeons, battleground changes, and everything in between. I want to leave nothing untouched. :)
#322 Jul 26 2010 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
I think what I am most looking forward to is the revitalization of Azeroth. With our attention in the last 2 expansions turned away from both kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms they seemed to have... deteriorated. Having had multiple characters on both factions I have experienced the current content repeatedly, from a myriad of different angles. To me the cataclysm will be a chance to go back and re-roll characters I haven't played for a long while and experience the Content in an all new way. It will be a pleasure to go back and see how the story (AKA lore) has progressed. The introduction of Goblins and Worgen is also highly appealing to me. How they fit into the story and what impact they will have in their respective factions is something I am eagerly waiting to find out.

I am also extremely excited about the massive overhaul to Orgrimmar. it never seemed truly "epic" the way that Stormwind does, and I am dying to get up close and see all the upgrades to it first hand. Of course there is the new guild perk system that is also making me incredibly excited. There is also the simple joy of being able to fly over all of old azeroth and see it from a new perspective.

#323 Jul 26 2010 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
What i'm really excited about new World of Warcraft Expansion: Cataclysm ...

WAIT, before the excitement.. i guess it was a nice birthday gift, since my birthday is on August 1st, and i play this game since the start and never got a chance to beta-test any expansion!

Now with the "omg-wanna-test-it":

- Revamp on Azeroth, it has some of the most cool zones in the whole game, i really miss Ashenvale music... and ofc FLYING IN AZEROTH! Although its now a bit devastated with this whole Cataclysm event!

- New hunter changes, as my main character is a hunter (Tellez, Bladefist-EU), i'm really excited with the new focus system. I always enjoyed the energy/rage system on my rogue/druid/warrior alts, and now i can enjoy a similar resource system on my beloved hunter. MOAR dps!!

- Also very excited with the Paladin changes, the whole holy power thingie! I really enjoyed played my alt Paladin on every spec, but i always thought it was to simple, now Blizzard gives us some more to play with. Combined Retribution attacks, even more powerful healing, and always nice % Block!

Need more space to alts btw Blizzard, how can i play my Worgen or my Goblin!?

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 8:53pm by Tellez
#324 Jul 26 2010 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really excited about everything in Cataclysm, so it's pretty hard to find what I'm most excited about. But if I have to name the one thing about Cataclysm that I'm looking the most forward too, it must be Vashj'ir.

I really like the idea of an underwater zone, and from what I've seen of pictures for it, it looks like a really beautiful and well made zone. I'm really looking forward to explore the depths of the Great Sea. And ever since "Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne" I've really loved the Naga, and I look forward to see the city which was the former home to Lady Vashj.

I've also read that you will be moving around in this zone by using special underwater mounts, and I think that sounds interesting. I've always been interesting in mounts, and I've always tried to get as many mounts as possible.

The dungeons in the zone looks really cool too!

Vashj'ir <3
#325 Jul 26 2010 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
I'm excited about the fancy top hat! Honestly, the Goblin and Worgen zones are the most exciting for me. I'm a nerd for lore. But there is so much to look forward to. Old zones with new content, new talent trees/abilities, new class conbinations, finally flying in Azeroth. I could go on and on and on.
#326 Jul 26 2010 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
I am most looking forward to the new Troll Warlocks. Trolls were always my favourite race, and Warlocks were always my favourite class. Adding to that, new Warlock changes, and new Troll 1-5 zone are perfect for me.
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