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#202 Feb 26 2007 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
SpiritDrinker wrote:
* The armor bonus from "Moonkin Form" has been increased from 360% to 400% (to match Dire Bear Form).

Thank God!!!! No I can finally Tank as well as in bear form AND heal at the same time!!!!

In the sake of fairness, You overlooked that one Blizz!

But all in all the nerfs are fine (not that i used bear form anyway!)


Hush Sockpuppet... you can't heal in oomkin form.
#203 Feb 26 2007 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
Ahem, forgot about the Cat form, didn't you?

Yes and no. While I didn't remember it's existence, the reason why I didn't remember was because it is, currently, trash. The other two options are much better.

The reason why they changed it to crit was to simply nerf demonology warlocks. It was obvious to even myself (and I barely play my warlock) that they stacked way too many damage multipliers. While I never use spells that can crit while soloing, in instances I use incinerate more than half the time. So, it's not useless.
#204 Feb 26 2007 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
Mazra wrote:
Last time I checked, Warriors still tanked at level 70

Speaking again from your personal experience in level 70 dungeons, or is this more blind assumption? According to your level, I'd have to say the latter.
#205 Feb 26 2007 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
VVillow wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Last time I checked, Warriors still tanked at level 70

Speaking again from your personal experience in level 70 dungeons, or is this more blind assumption? According to your level, I'd have to say the latter.

Based on my personal experience, warriors still tank at 70 dungeons and do a damn fine job doing so.

Well, most of the ones I've run with, anyway. A couple have been ****-poor tanks, but that hasn't changed much from pre-TBC. Thank god I have guildies this go around to tank for me, so the times I have to deal with crappy tanks is limited.

Edited, Feb 27th 2007 12:50am by Poldaran
#206 Feb 26 2007 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
VVillow wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Last time I checked, Warriors still tanked at level 70

Speaking again from your personal experience in level 70 dungeons, or is this more blind assumption? According to your level, I'd have to say the latter.

Ok then, at level 70 warriors still tank. I say this as a feral druid who tanks alongside them.
#207 Feb 27 2007 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
TheRealAzoth wrote:
ThelsDeKwant wrote:
Unfortunately, the priest didn't have aggro-reducing skills, so the tank couldn't keep the aggro off him.
Yup that'll happen. Often even with -aggro talent points a priest can pull a mob off a tank. Too many Flash heals or a big Greater Heal crit and watch out. Most times the tank can pull it back immediatley... sometime we wind up running for our lives :)

We were talking shadow priest here. I was healing in full holy, and the shadow priest's DPS would be a small addition to my mana replenish. But every time, practically the moment he touched Onyxia, he got the aggro.

Maybe next time we should try with a shadow priest tanking ;)
#208 Feb 27 2007 at 2:22 AM Rating: Decent

If the demo lock has his pet banished or it dies he sure as hell is not causing as much damage as an affliction or destruction warlock.
Nor do they have the capability to chain 4 blasts with huge crit damage like a destruction lock and a stunning AoE, nor do they have 5 DoT's to burn out the enemy and an extra AoE fear-bomb, I'd say it balances out.

Besides as I said, it does f*cking **** for the PvE viability of a demo lock. I can already see my grinding going slower and ********* and me having to respec to keep my position as one of top Dps in raids.

I call that completely uncalled for.
#209 Feb 27 2007 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,288 posts
Mazra wrote:
And tell me the point behind the Demonology change, other than DT/Ruin now being a viable build. They change +damage to +crit for a talent tree with minimal usage of crits. Why? So we can get those mediocre Shadowbolt crits more often? Ruin and +crit is a good combo, yes, but I don't see Ruin anywhere in the Demonology tree.


It would appear that they were worried that Demonology was doing too much damage in relation to the more 'pure' damage trees of Affliction and Destruction. They could have nerfed the damage bonus to a smaller amount or even removed it entirely, but instead they changed it to crit to allow for a different style of build from those who don't like to follow the cookie cutter.

Demonology was rediculous. You didn't need fantastic gear to get +600 to +1000 or more shadow damage because your talents were spoonfeeding you assloads of +damage, and now it's been fixed.

Demonologists shouldn't have DoTs that tick harder than an Affliction Warlock, I'm sorry. It's just not going to fly. Nor should their base spellpower be so much that their shadowbolts hit harder than the Destruction build. It's just not right, and they corrected it with a clever sidegrade. It wasn't a nerf, it was a most certainly needed FIX.

I've been a 41 point build in every talent tree since 2.0, and I had tried 30/21 and 31/20 styles back in the day. Demonology was overpowered and the Affliction tree took the nerf bat, and now they're finally getting it right.

Edited, Feb 27th 2007 5:13am by Sanvyn
#210 Feb 27 2007 at 5:20 AM Rating: Default
Meh glad to see some Lock and Druid nerfs.

Still no shaman buffs =[
(elemental doesnt even count, when you run out of mana you are absolutely useless)

I love how I have Severely outgeared every melee class in the group, but still barely out dps them, and sometimes even get passed.

DW Shaman with 80 dps weapons, with 2k AP (self buffed), and 15% additional hit rating should not be getting out dpsed by some rogue with 60 dps greens.

As for 'l2heal' - restro makes you have 0 dps, absolutely none. If you arnt in a group/raiding then you will take a nice 30 mins to kill a non elite mob.

All I ask for is a DPS Buff and some kind of CC or Stun. Thats it.
#211 Feb 27 2007 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Nice to see that an ok spell has been made less affective. At least most mobs are too stupid, or don't have the ability generally, to cleanse crap.

Since when would a Shield hitting you upside the head be like an entangle effect?
#212 Feb 27 2007 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
1,661 posts
Fix Shamans more <.<
#213 Feb 27 2007 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
It is morons like Xylia that ruin the game for others with thier ignorance. Just another stupid warrior who crys for nerfs because they think it will make there class better. NERFS are bad people. They should never be supported. "my level 48 warrior" WTF your posts are typical of ignorant warriors responsible for getting druids nerfed to were they arent going to be wanted if they are specd feral. LEVEL up to 60 please before you offer your opinion.

I played my druid to 70 as a feral spec and have always wanted to spec feral and be appreciated and wanted in groups of any kinda and in expansion druids are great tanks because we are excited to be able to be useful as a feral spec to a party and we try hard to do whatever we can. Do you know how many idiot warriors dont even like to tank or want to. Most want to dps with a 2 hander. If you already have a 60 warrior or a 70 and also have a 48 then your one of those people who doesnt think about trying anything knew or thinking creatively. If your only warrior is 48 then you know about 10% of what this game is about. Please STFU. If you are playing a second warrior why dont you try playing a druid.

You cannot do anything well with out specing specifically and gearing for that role PLEASE morons stop saying we can do everything at once. when tanking you can hardly get an innervate off on the priest without dying. You do not understand the dynamics of a hybrid class you probably dont even understand a straight forward class like a warrior. want to know why druids make better tanks. They are smarter because they have had to figure out how to deal with the complexity of playing a hybrid first.

We now have a gimped pvp form because of idiots like you. Its not like druids were topping the charts at anything from EOTS to arenas to dps charts. WTF was wrong with having someone who could tank a 5 man well and help everyone else out. Warriors hadnt even finished scaling and we are getting the shaft I cant stand short sighted small minded people like you.

I begged for warrior BUFFS so that they wouldnt complaing . I wanted warriors to get there rage or something else to make them happy. Now instead people like Xylia are the reason we are getting a huge nerf and our happiness as ferals is being taking away before things even had a chance to settle in as warriors get geared up buffed up and scaled up. Thanks a lot *******.
#214 Feb 27 2007 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
Zangarmarsh wrote:
I love how I have Severely outgeared every melee class in the group, but still barely out dps them, and sometimes even get passed.

Maybe that's because shaman isn't a melee class? Unless you want to out-melee a rogue and still have all of your shocks, spells, totems, and abilities, in which case you're expecting the same that most druids have been.
#215 Feb 27 2007 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Ok, in talking to my brother in the past few days, I feel I've come up with a solution to most Feral Druid's fears:

Allow Lacerate to work on mobs immune to bleed. Give it an initial damage that has the majority of the threat multiplier, with the bleed only accounting for a small portion. This would allow druids to tank warrior-style, spamming Lacerates on mobs instead of just Mangle-spamming the crap out of mobs for rediculous amounts of damage.

Druids should not tank through damage, is what I'm saying. Give them hate multipliers like Warriors get, and I think everyone but the idiots would be happy.

(For the Warriors already starting to get up-in-arms about this, you need to realize the difference between a Feral tank and a Prot.)
#216 Feb 27 2007 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
Theophany the Sly wrote:
Ok, in talking to my brother in the past few days, I feel I've come up with a solution to most Feral Druid's fears:

Allow Lacerate to work on mobs immune to bleed. Give it an initial damage that has the majority of the threat multiplier, with the bleed only accounting for a small portion. This would allow druids to tank warrior-style, spamming Lacerates on mobs instead of just Mangle-spamming the crap out of mobs for rediculous amounts of damage.

Druids should not tank through damage, is what I'm saying. Give them hate multipliers like Warriors get, and I think everyone but the idiots would be happy.

(For the Warriors already starting to get up-in-arms about this, you need to realize the difference between a Feral tank and a Prot.)

God.. I did the Mechanar the other night for the first time.. and enjoyed the thrill of trying to hold aggro on bleed immune mobs grouped with an A-team Mage, Hunter and Rogue.

Maybe it's time to resume my Warrior project. I find I really enjoy tanking.

Ok, that was over the top.. =p
#217 Feb 27 2007 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Felicite wrote:
Theophany the Sly wrote:
Ok, in talking to my brother in the past few days, I feel I've come up with a solution to most Feral Druid's fears:

Allow Lacerate to work on mobs immune to bleed. Give it an initial damage that has the majority of the threat multiplier, with the bleed only accounting for a small portion. This would allow druids to tank warrior-style, spamming Lacerates on mobs instead of just Mangle-spamming the crap out of mobs for rediculous amounts of damage.

Druids should not tank through damage, is what I'm saying. Give them hate multipliers like Warriors get, and I think everyone but the idiots would be happy.

(For the Warriors already starting to get up-in-arms about this, you need to realize the difference between a Feral tank and a Prot.)

God.. I did the Mechanar the other night for the first time.. and enjoyed the thrill of trying to hold aggro on bleed immune mobs grouped with an A-team Mage, Hunter and Rogue.

Maybe it's time to resume my Warrior project. I find I really enjoy tanking.

Ok, that was over the top.. =p

And that's the reason that I think a change is needed; Druids are a different sort of tank from a Warrior in how they take damage and mitigate it. Why do they need to be different in how they gain hate?

By the way, my brother has been denied to all of the Karazhan guild he's applied to just because 90%+ of the mobs are bleed-immune.
#218 Feb 27 2007 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
592 posts
I would just like to step in and say the following:

Any person who uses "Druids > Warriors for Tanking" as a basis for this nerf needs to be slapped to hell and back.

Warriors are BROKEN. This pathetic Bandaid fix that Blizzard laid out for them is crap and they need ALOT more work.

That being said, you don't compare a Ferrari to a Lambo with no Engine, than say that Ferrari's are the sh*t because it beat the engine-less Lambo.

Druids could not out DPS a good Rogue.
Druids could not out DPS a good Mage
Druids could not out heal a good (Holy) Priest
Druids would not out tank a good Prot Warrior if the $^#$^# class was fixed.

Any moron who ******* that Druids are OP because we can camp in 24K Armor with 18K HP and a 30% dodge rate while critting you in Plate for 3K Mangles is full of sh*t and a moron. Druids in tanking gear don't hit for that much. Druids in DPS Gear don't have that much armor/hp. There is maybe, maybe 1 Druid game-wide with the AP to crack a 3K Mangle Crit on any armor class. You link me a CTProfile gear build where a Druid cracks that much AP with the defensive stats listed above.

If you're a Rogue and a Druid with roughly the same gear and level out-dps'd you, You Suck. Reroll.

Edited, Feb 27th 2007 1:49pm by ItharrAlexander
#219 Feb 27 2007 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
Theophany the Sly wrote:
Ok, in talking to my brother in the past few days, I feel I've come up with a solution to most Feral Druid's fears:

Allow Lacerate to work on mobs immune to bleed. Give it an initial damage that has the majority of the threat multiplier, with the bleed only accounting for a small portion. This would allow druids to tank warrior-style, spamming Lacerates on mobs instead of just Mangle-spamming the crap out of mobs for rediculous amounts of damage.

Druids should not tank through damage, is what I'm saying. Give them hate multipliers like Warriors get, and I think everyone but the idiots would be happy.

(For the Warriors already starting to get up-in-arms about this, you need to realize the difference between a Feral tank and a Prot.)

We've got hate multipliers, the thing is those multipliers only multiply damage, just like on warriors.

For moves that give threat other than that multiplier we have:
demo roar (small)
faerie fire (small, but free/6sec)
lacerate (half a sunder, plus bleed damage that is a pain to stack unless you're wasting it (get feared? spend 90 rage stacking it up again))

warriors have:
heroic strike
demo shout (more ap and more threat than roar)
shield bash/slam

Note how many of those warriors use as their main tanking tools. Now note how many druids spam (maul, maybe lacerate (I really don't like it)). That's why druids are saying we need either more damage than warriors or more threat multiplier than a warrior.
#220 Feb 27 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
warriors have:
heroic strike
demo shout (more ap and more threat than roar)
shield bash/slam

Umm hamstring is not a threat builder. Demo shout is more AP reduced but its threat is so low its usless besided getting initial aggro after a pull (same as roar). Cleave is "ok" for 2 mob tanking (tab sunder is better) but once we get TC in defensive stance it will pretty much be useless for tanking.

Edited, Feb 27th 2007 1:59pm by Jimpadan
#221 Feb 27 2007 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
"If you can't tell me that's broken, then dude... just quit playing WoW. Gee, I wish I could heal myself like that. I wish I could do damage while tanking. I wish I could change shapes to give myself travel speed."

Stop wishing and reroll a druid. I will tell you how broken you want things. You are only a 47 warrior anyway you already probably know everything about the game at this point. If you had your way druids should probably get those little things you want giving to you and left with nothing the same way your kinda asks for druid nerfs.

NO NERFS PLEASE. How can people ask for nerfs with right mind. Its only jealous jerks that want nerfs. Dont ask for changes to a class you dont understand only ask for what your class needs. Try to come up with something creative. I bet everyone in the game would vote to give prot warriors a big buff. I say give them almost anything they want. Good tanks help everyone. See I dont want to see warriors whine and grieve over losing power. I always wanted blizzard to fix the rage normalization. However what you have done is made us get pushed to the bottom of the pvp food chain once again. Where we have been for the last 2 years. Druids do not own the arenas bgs or dps charts. They arent #1 at anything. Only ignorant people think they can do everything at once. You need to gear and spec to play any role well and once in that spec you cant do the others like people think they can. Druids are losing to casters as is and we have pretty much reached our scaling peak.

Now because of ignorant selfish warriors, we are going to be laughed at and tanked by casters who wont even bother running when they see a bear but they will just sit and cast in our face and laugh when we tickle them with a maul that does 25% of the dmg spell they are casting.
#222 Feb 27 2007 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
selebrin of the Seven Seas wrote:
Theophany the Sly wrote:
Ok, in talking to my brother in the past few days, I feel I've come up with a solution to most Feral Druid's fears:

Allow Lacerate to work on mobs immune to bleed. Give it an initial damage that has the majority of the threat multiplier, with the bleed only accounting for a small portion. This would allow druids to tank warrior-style, spamming Lacerates on mobs instead of just Mangle-spamming the crap out of mobs for rediculous amounts of damage.

Druids should not tank through damage, is what I'm saying. Give them hate multipliers like Warriors get, and I think everyone but the idiots would be happy.

(For the Warriors already starting to get up-in-arms about this, you need to realize the difference between a Feral tank and a Prot.)

We've got hate multipliers, the thing is those multipliers only multiply damage, just like on warriors.

For moves that give threat other than that multiplier we have:
demo roar (small)
faerie fire (small, but free/6sec)
lacerate (half a sunder, plus bleed damage that is a pain to stack unless you're wasting it (get feared? spend 90 rage stacking it up again))

warriors have:
heroic strike
demo shout (more ap and more threat than roar)
shield bash/slam
devastate(Prot Only)

Note how many of those warriors use as their main tanking tools. Now note how many druids spam (maul, maybe lacerate (I really don't like it)). That's why druids are saying we need either more damage than warriors or more threat multiplier than a warrior.

Not a very good list.

warriors really have:
heroic strike <-- Stupid, except when overloaded with rage.
demo shout (more ap and more threat than roar) <-- almost no threat, only good at the start of a pull to get all the mobs on you.
shield bash/slam <-- only useful on casters/prot spec onry
devastate<-- Prot only
cleave <-- Waste
hamstring <-- Not good for threat generating, period.

#223 Feb 27 2007 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
Mageoken wrote:

Not a very good list.

warriors really have:
heroic strike <-- Stupid, except when overloaded with rage.
demo shout (more ap and more threat than roar) <-- almost no threat, only good at the start of a pull to get all the mobs on you.
shield bash/slam <-- only useful on casters/prot spec onry
devastate<-- Prot only
cleave <-- Waste
hamstring <-- Not good for threat generating, period.


I was listing the abilities that had threat on top of damage, not necessarily the good ones.
Heroic strike: exactly analogous to maul.
Demo shout: yeah, but more threat than ours and people claim spamming ours is good for aoe threat (morons) so I threw it in.
Shield Bash/Slam: Slam you use on everything. Also, I was comparing to a prot warrior, since that's who we're comparing bears to. Anyone arguing that dps warriors should outtank bears needs to go gargle some bleach.
Devastate: again, we are comparing to prot.
Cleave: yeah, but it's still an ability that adds threat to the base damage.
Hamstring: As Cleave.

The point: if you take bear dps down to prot dps levels, we will be massively behind them in threat generation, not equal, even though we have the same threat multiplier on standard damage.
#224 Feb 27 2007 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Cleave: yeah, but it's still an ability that adds threat to the base damage.
Hamstring: As Cleave.

Where did you hear that? Afaik neither has any threat other than dmg done.
#225 Feb 27 2007 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,487 posts
Dignam wrote:
getting druids nerfed to were they arent going to be wanted if they are specd feral.

Ahh... The good old days.
#226 Feb 27 2007 at 1:54 PM Rating: Default
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
tworow the Malevolent wrote:
Dignam wrote:
getting druids nerfed to were they arent going to be wanted if they are specd feral.

Ahh... The good old days.

Is that a tear of nostalgia I see on my face in the mirror?

No, it's not. Smiley: crymore

Edited, Feb 27th 2007 4:55pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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