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Uber 2.0 patch rant & protected lua (deep breath not for theFollow

#1 Dec 14 2006 at 1:09 PM Rating: Default
Well the 2.0 update has been out for a few days now and what joy has spread around azeroth at the news :-(! OK it does include allot of those upcoming BC features, but it has also stiffed every serious player of the game, by invalidating all addons, worse theyve protected certain lua commands

here is, as best as i can establish a list of the now protected lua commands. theyve also revised and renamed quite a few other commands not listed here.

PROTECTED CastSpell(spellID, "bookType")
PROTECTED CastSpellByName("name"[, onSelf])
PROTECTED ActionButtonUp(id)
PROTECTED UseAction(slot[, checkCursor[, onSelf]])
PROTECTED StartDuel("name")
PROTECTED PetAggressiveMode()
PROTECTED AssistUnit("unit")
PROTECTED AttackTarget()
PROTECTED ClearTarget()
PROTECTED TargetLastEnemy()
PROTECTED TargetLastTarget()
PROTECTED TargetNearestEnemy([reverseFlag])
PROTECTED TargetNearestFriend()
PROTECTED TargetNearestPartyMember()
PROTECTED TargetNearestRaidMember()
PROTECTED TargetUnit("unit")
PROTECTED TargetUnit("unit")

many thanks to the last poster who helped clarify in my mind exactly when /cast can be used in an external addon, it can be used in an external addon but not with a conditional statement such as IF as mentioned below, which was possible previously.


Edited, Dec 14th 2006 5:36pm by ancientscream
#2 Dec 14 2006 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
I didnt read all of that mess, butI know they released info saying they would be limiting scripting prior to the patch.

Less QQ
More pewpew

Most addon's have been updated for 2.0, so all you have to do is redownload them. If you are angry because quasi-bot addon's are gone, then tough ******

Did you ever think that they were limiting those script features because people were not able to be trusted with them? Don't blame bliz, blame your fellow players.
#3 Dec 14 2006 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
Holy crap. The wall of text just... keeps... on... going...

The few of those commands that doesn't have a new equivilent are ActionButtonUp. _ALL_ of the other ones have a new syntax, and while they may work in a different way than before they function perfectly fine - just in a new format.
#4 Dec 14 2006 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
If you can't play without mods I don't want you in my group/raid. A good player is one who can adapt to changes, good or bad. If you need an add on to have fun then you're playing the wrong game.

You're using these addons as a crutch and cry when Blizzard, who had nothing to do with creating these mods, changes their software. Oh and by the way, all the addons I had before the patch I have running right now after the patch, no problems. Your claim about them never being updated or if they are will be completely pointless is glibb.

At one point you complain that serious players are stiffed yet turn around and say the casual players are. Which is it? A serious player can play with or without mods. Oh and age has nothing to do with it.

QQ more
#5 Dec 14 2006 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
point me to each lua command there is a new equivalent of that i have listed above as being protected which is usable by external addons, especially the cast spell lua commands and i will remove my post.

also to the person who says i dont want you in my raid/group if you cant play without addons, you then go on to say that all the addons you use have been updated > so hence you yourself dont play without addons ? and also its not that a person cant play without addons, it to do whether you can be bothered to to reverting to a form of play in which you dont.

Edited, Dec 14th 2006 4:43pm by ancientscream
#6 Dec 14 2006 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
My 3 60's are a mage, a priest, and a paladin. Decursing is second nature to me, and I lost a lot of addons to this patch. I'm not QQing at all, b/c ultimately it works better now.

And next time you get on your pretentious soapbox, try to streamline it more. A lot of the text you posted was anecdotal meandering crap that added nothing to your post, just made it a massive wall of text. You could have presented from a more professional point of view; used less QQing terms.

Now, on to the fun.
Ultimately your no doubt thinking "hey dude if you dont like it, stop ranting and stop playing", no doubt what some aggressive bullying wow forum admin might say if you complained to heavily, i wouldnt rant so, unless i cared, pls bear that in my mind

So you care, I got that. However, in all that wall of text, you didn't think about why they do it. You perceive a result, but your perception is fairly myopic. For example:
these addons made epic level playing bearable.

Epic level is changing in scope in a month's time. Epic level will be 25, not 40 people. As such, the need for raid management and optimization changes in scope as well. Combined with other major changes that are taking place, such as the staking of HOTs, can you really say that you have such a solid grasp of the game design that you can automatically say "this is wrong, the game is in decline."

The loss of decursive was quite noticable last night in MC, where I actually had to pick and find the targets for my decursing efforts while I was up against Luci. So instead of mindlessly mashing my decursive macro until no more names were on the decurse list, I actually had to play. And I'm just using decursive as an example. All the lost addons were mindless, not making the game bearable. They were removing skill and thought. Now mana conservation is an issue again, much like when I first started BWL this time last year.
after all i make the assumption when clicking "I agree" to them, that they will be reasonable in their remit and not unjust, and therefore just click agree and play as most ordinary people do.

I'm really just quoting this so I can laugh you. Mean, I suppose, but it's just so funny that you get all indignant when you choose not to read something and then QQ about it.
#7 Dec 14 2006 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
ancientscream wrote:
point me to each lua command there is a new equivalent of that i have listed above as being protected which is usable by external addons, especially the cast spell lua commands and i will remove my post.

Does that help you?

edit: I really dont know what you are trying to accomplish. Your post was too long and most people wont read it. You dont need addons to play WoW. We knew they were all going to be broken for months prior to the patch and were expecting it. Ive played everyday since the patch with the new mods and i've lost some of my old ones but can still play just fine.

It's really not a big deal.

Edited, Dec 14th 2006 1:46pm by KTurner
#8 Dec 14 2006 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
ok stopped reading about 1/3 the way down for one simple reason.

Blizzard for the last few months (2 at least if not more) has been stating that the old commands and scripting WOULD NO LONGER work post 2.0 patch.

blizzard has also had a HUGE sticky in the add-on/mod forum on their site to COVER the NEW commands and scripts that would be allowed.

sorry you are pissy about losing some of your old mods, but botting is for whimps anyways and most of the mods that no loner work were for botting.

the FEW that were not used to bot, well there are work arounds for most of them and just requires a bit more attention from the PLAYER, so learn how to play your class is what blizzard is saying, to do their job.

i for one do miss a few of the old mods, but i can LIVE without them as can my team mates.
#9 Dec 14 2006 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
point me to each lua command there is a new equivalent of that i have listed above as being protected which is usable by external addons, especially the cast spell lua commands and i will remove my post.

PROTECTED CastSpell(spellID, "bookType") --- /cast
PROTECTED CastSpellByName("name"[, onSelf]) --- /cast
PROTECTED UseAction(slot[, checkCursor[, onSelf]]) --- /cast, /use
PROTECTED StartDuel("name") --- Hmm, this one might actually be broken for whatever reason. *shrug* Not a great loss, I think.
PROTECTED PetAggressiveMode() --- /petaggressive
PROTECTED AssistUnit("unit") --- /assist Name
PROTECTED AttackTarget() --- /startattack Name
PROTECTED ClearTarget() /cleartarget
PROTECTED TargetLastEnemy() /targetlasttarget
PROTECTED TargetLastTarget() /targetlasttarget
PROTECTED TargetNearestEnemy([reverseFlag]) /targetenemy, /targetenemy 1
PROTECTED TargetNearestFriend() /targetfriend
PROTECTED TargetNearestPartyMember() /targetparty
PROTECTED TargetNearestRaidMember() /targetraid
PROTECTED TargetUnit("unit") /target

#10 Dec 14 2006 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
"laugh at you" i think were the words you were looking for, nice sentiment … i guess you must like laughing at people a fair bit, good for you :-). I guess your also the kind of person who scrutinises TOS agreements in detail, life is to short for such things. Having three 60's means your a heavily dedicated player (whats your onlie time total) with allot of investment in the game, you would probably swallow any changes thrown at you.
#11 Dec 14 2006 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
ancientscream wrote:

also to the person who says i dont want you in my raid/group if you cant play without addons, you then go on to say that all the addons you use have been updated > so hence you yourself dont play without addons ? and also its not that a person cant play without addons, it to do whether you can be bothered to to reverting to a form of play in which you dont.

I do play with addons. However I have and can play just as well without them. If Blizzard removed all addons I wouldn't be crying, I'd still be playing. The difference isn't the use of add-ons but the lack of being able to adapt to changes. And if you can't be bothered why are you still playing?

Think of it this way. You're used to fighting 1 mob at a time. You do 3/4 of a run and every single time you're fighting one mob. There might be one sheeped, another frozen etc. Now suddenly the next set of mobs can't be CC-ed. Your group has to fight 5 mobs. Do you cry about how hard the game is? Or do you change your tactics (and change them within seconds because every second counts) and get the job done? How would you like to be in a group and someone says 'Sorry guys but I can only heal or tank good when there's one mob'. If it was me I'd prefer someone who can adapt and adjust to the new curve ball just thrown at them.
#12 Dec 14 2006 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
ancientscream wrote:
"laugh at you" i think were the words you were looking for, nice sentiment … i guess you must like laughing at people a fair bit, good for you :-). I guess your also the kind of person who scrutinises TOS agreements in detail, life is to short for such things. Having three 60's means your a heavily dedicated player (whats your onlie time total) with allot of investment in the game, you would probably swallow any changes thrown at you.

Do you really want to open that can of worms? You are scrutinizing someone for missing one preposition while you fail to capitalize "I" and misuse "your", just to name a few errors.

Smiley: oyvey

You were, as the kids say, "pwned". Suck it up and go away.
#13 Dec 14 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
ok people have been pointing me to replacement commands for the ones I list, especially this link :

and make mention of /cast.

this page is discussing macro usage of /cast ? is this also usable by external addons/lua files ?

I got my info from wowwiki here :

under the spell functions section of this API page i can see no mention of /cast as being usable by addons.

if i can be guaranteed that /cast is not just usable by a macro, i will remove the post as stated previously.
#14 Dec 14 2006 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
It is with extreme disgust that I write this letter and say what will truly be considered indecent by some of my peers. Nonetheless, it must be stated that Blizzard is so tied up in its personal dreams that it is oblivious to what is happening in the world around it. But first, let me pose you a question: Is Blizzard actually concerned about any of us, or does it just want to break our country's national and patriotic backbone and make it ripe for the slave's yoke of international teetotalism? After reading this letter, you'll obviously find it's the latter. After reading everything I could find on this subject, I was forced to conclude that there is one crucial fact that we must not overlook if we are to perceive our current situation as it is, rather than in the anamorphosis of some "ideology" such as Pyrrhonism or mercantalism. Specifically, Blizzard has -- not once, but several times -- been able to require schoolchildren to be taught that we should avoid personal responsibility without anyone stopping it. How long can that go on? As long as its dangerous witticisms are kept on life support. That's why we have to pull the plug on them and enable patriots to use their freedoms to save their freedoms.

Even when the facts don't fit, Blizzard sometimes tries to use them anyway. It still maintains, for instance, that 75 million years ago, a galactic tyrant named Xenu solved the overpopulation problem of his 76-planet federation by transporting the excess people to Earth, chaining them to volcanoes, and dropping H-bombs on them. If Blizzard had even a shred of intellectual integrity, it'd admit that many people are incredulous when I tell them that it intends to tell us how to live, what to say, what to think, what to know, and -- most importantly -- what not to know. "How could Blizzard be so dirty?", they ask me. "It doesn't seem possible." Well, it is indeed possible, and now I'll explain exactly how Blizzard plans to do it. But first, you need to realize that it has remarked that antiheroism is a be-all, end-all system that should be forcefully imposed upon us. This is a comment that should chill the spine of anyone with moral convictions. To make sure you understand, I'll spell it out for you. For starters, Blizzard is absolutely determined to believe that the Universe belongs to it by right, and it's not about to let facts or reason get in its way. You shouldn't let Blizzard intimidate you. You shouldn't let it push you around. We're the ones who are right, not Blizzard. There is good reason to believe that if we take Blizzard's arguments to their logical conclusion, we see that in a lustrum or two, Blizzard will carve out space in the mainstream for inaniloquent, pertinacious politics. A final note: Anger is contagious

#15 Dec 14 2006 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
Ok :-) Ok, you dont like my style of writing :-) is /cast usable by an external and addon not just in a macro or not ? then ill remove my long winded post.
#16 Dec 14 2006 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
ancientscream wrote:
Ok :-) Ok, you dont like my style of writing :-) is /cast usable by an external and addon not just in a macro or not ? then ill remove my long winded post.

You dont have to remove it. It will be rated down to sub default by the users of these forums and kinda take care of itself.
#17 Dec 14 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
/cast is useable by add-ons, yes. However, if the add-on attempts to tie conditional functioning to it (i.e. an "if target = 20% health or lower" or anything with an if statement, really) then it will fail to function - IF in combat. The only conditionals that can be used are in the Macro guide that you linked.

When out of combat add-ons can do more or less whatever they want (meaning that WhisperCast or similar for buffs still functions perfectly).
#18 Dec 14 2006 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
Yea,...what he said...
#19 Dec 14 2006 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
ok thanks, so /cast can be used in a an addon but no conditionals maybe used in conjunction with it unless out of combat ? cheers for the info. case closed
#20 Dec 14 2006 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
ok thanks, so /cast can be used in a an addon but no conditionals maybe used in conjunction with it unless out of combat ? cheers for the info. case closed

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