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Courtious or "stooped noob!!!!!!!"Follow

#1 Dec 11 2006 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
62 posts
While going about my daily quest grind, I came upon a sight I don't see very often; an orc warlock with his voidwalker in trouble. It was pretty obvious that he'd end up making it out alive, but he would surely have died if I jumped him (Night elf hunter, in case you're wondering). However, while an HK is always nice, I opted to wave to him, let him know I'm there, and wait to see what he did. Given that he was near empty of both mana and health and a good four levels below me, he made the wise decision to leave.

As this was happening, a priest had come beside me, watched the end of the fight between the orc and the furbolgs, and obviously waited for me to attack the 'lock first so he could get an HK assist. He was only 21st level, three below the orc, and likely didn't feel confident in his own ability to take down the orc 'lock solo. When he saw me let the guy go, he got all upset.

"stooped noob!!! u let him go!!!!!" This was followed by many words not fit for public consumption, giving me the impression it was wrong to let a guy who'd just had a rough time walk away without further grief.

While I don't expect I'll see this 'lock someday with tables turned and get a free walk away, similar things HAVE happened to me in the past. During a quest into the Barrens, a tauren and undead whose levels were just ?? came up on me as I faced the end boss of the quest, let me know they were there, then walked away and let me complete. Obviously either one of them could have wrecked me with ease, but chose not to. So, for me at least, letting this obvious free kill walk away was showing the same kindness or respect that was shown me.

So, what do you think? Was it wrong of me to let someone go? Was it right to not add to someone's grief and take an easy kill JUST for the sake of an easy kill? How would you roll in this situation?
#2 Dec 11 2006 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
I personally kill on sight if I know I can do it. STV was my biggest nightmare along with Tanaris. If the horde is a lock my lvl or above I wave and see what the opposite does. Usually I just get into a /emote convo with them and we have some fun. =D
#3 Dec 11 2006 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
pppFFT. If your on a PVP server, you know darn well what your getting into. I would have taken the HK.

Honestly, how many times have you had this situation and someone killed you? Prolly more times than you can count.

I wouldnt have called you a stoopid noob, but I would have asked why?, actually if I was that little priest, I would have tried to take him down. Why not?
#4 Dec 11 2006 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
Allaunder wrote:
So, what do you think? Was it wrong of me to let someone go? Was it right to not add to someone's grief and take an easy kill JUST for the sake of an easy kill? How would you roll in this situation?

I'm not a PVPer (obvious, from my sig), but I do have a question. If the priest had attacked the 'lock and gotten into trouble, would you have helped him, or just watched and let him die? From the tone of your post, I don't think you would.
#5 Dec 11 2006 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
62 posts
I probably would have watched him die. Not because he attacked a guy I let get away, but because if he ran up on someone in such bad shape and STILL couldn't handle it he probably shouldn't have bothered in the first place.

And yes, there's been plenty of times when I'd be in a fight, near empty of mana and health, just to die at the hands of a horde. There's also been plenty of times I jumped someone after a fight just for that free HK. I'm not trying to sound like some noble, holier than thou player, but... I don't know. Not sure why I did it, just didn't want to bother.
#6 Dec 11 2006 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
In any case it really is totally up to you what to do in teh situation, there is no wrong choice. It is a situation akin to choosing a flavor of ice cream. It is fully your decision, no one else's, and there is no wrong choice.
#7 Dec 11 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
eh, i was in STV once getting my herbalism up, came across a 42 rogue, waved, and left him alone. 15 minutes later the defense channel comes alive with talk of a 42 rogue corpse camping some level 38s. i got that sinking feeling - kind of like when spiderman realizes that the guy he let go killed his uncle - and when i went to check it out, sure enough, same rogue.

since then, i pretty much kill everything on sight.
#8 Dec 11 2006 at 7:40 PM Rating: Default
1,113 posts
Yeah, I sort of kill when I feel like it as well. Sometimes I'll let them go if they're in trouble, sometimes I'll slaughter them.

But no- don't listen to crazy night elves, you can let the HK go once in a while.

Today, in the hinterlands on my rogue, I came across a 43 mage, same level as me, fighting a mob. He was low on HP and Mana, so I stealthed, waited til he finished the fight, and he started eating. I let him get some HP and MP back.. then jumped him and killed him. Does he know I let him have a fair(er) fight? Nah, but it would've been too easy otherwise.

Then I got ganked by a ?? Warlock, rezzed, and killed by the mage. THEN I ended up camping the mage for a few minutes, killed him 6 or 7 times... if he hadn't killed me I wouldn'ta camped him, I just like to keep 'em in line.
#9 Dec 11 2006 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent

i'm a total newbit at WOW, tho i've been gaming longer than most of you have been walking...

anyway, HK? honour?

think about it. i get the faction thing, i understand the joy of gutting the other side like trout, but i don't see any fun or achievment in taking out a player who is swamped or nearly dead. it like seeing Allakhazam roundkick a guy in a wheelchair. heh.

i have wasted people of way lower levels, then again, what was a lvl12 mage doing in a raid full of 17-26 lvl folks? oh - he was taking cheap shots at my warlock, lvl18, whhile i was (somehow)taking down a 23 paladin.

i see it like this - i used to do ilustration and design for miniature games, and part of my job was running games at cons. because i helped write the games, and because i spent 60 hours a week at that, and playtesting, and checking out the other companies' games, i was near unbeatable - throwing a game to a potential customer was harder than than getting a win. but... kicking a newbie's ***, or finishing a crippled opponent, is dull.

to me, anyway.

sides, it's more fun to help an alliance player who's near death, just because it confuses people.
#10 Dec 11 2006 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
Its your personal choice to be a KOS player on a pvp server or not. Just realize that there are lots of FPS tweekers that want blood now, and will call you noob for not helping them.
#11 Dec 12 2006 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
I'm a Horde 'lock. Lets start that off right there.

I'm not a big name in PvP on my server, but I hold my own. I've taken licks and dealt damage like the best of them. But there's one thing I can't stand.

Attacking someone who's absurdly lower leveled than you and isn't a threat.

Last night, I came acrossed a 25 allie warlock. He was taking on a 30 beast and holding his own, but started to struggle. I was impressed. Granted I'm 10 levels above, so I wasn't worried. I helped him out buy throwing some DoTs up on it. After the battle was over, I cheered him on, and clapped. A ?? allie warrior walks up and kills my *** with the quickness.

Then he spits on me. After I saved the other one. *******.

The nice thing, the 25 apologized and thanked me. That made it worth it.
#12 Dec 12 2006 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
I am always supprised when some horde player "doesnt" jump me in middle of a fight. Tauren hunter in westfall ages ago, i just stood their thinking "just get it over with". Instead he just waved and took off down the road, where a gnome warlock turned him to ash. Hate it when someone is nice to you and then someone else on your side jumps them - i ran like heck in case he came back and took it out on me, after ragging the warlock. Heck, i had a lvl60 troll shaman follow me and another paladin up the troll city in the hinterlands. I think she even had a good laugh at a team of taurens who nearly got wiped out by the high priest watshername where two pallies blew through her earlier.

If i could have i'd have created a horde toon and sent her(him?) a personal thank you.
#13 Dec 12 2006 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent

irony. so i'm in the charred vale, planting seeds, and i get a little cocky, and figure i can plant a seed before a harpy gets to me....

no. i get hit by an ambusher, and two windcallers. i'm throwing DoTs and fear left right and center, wishing i could sacrifice my succubus, and then i see my soulstone wink out. and i really don't want to deal with rezzing with that long a run to my body. and then my latency jumps to 2500ms.

and i still mighta pulled it off, until some sneaky spiteful twisted little bumbletard slaps an immolate on me. and that was all. just the immolate. 18 teeny points a sec or so. trivial. and i can see the alli player, and i know he or she was laughing so hard their mom had to use stain remover on the carpet today.

it wasn't the hit. it was the sheer indignity of it all.

and then, after rezzing, my next kill got me to level 25.

sigh. i didn't even know i was open to a PvP hit....

and while all this was happening, my doglet, sqiggle-pig, was eating my pillow.


hey - what is protocol for PvP in the wilderness, anyways? if some alli walks up and watches me grinding, or does some minor interferance, or follows me, are they looking for a fight? am i coming across as a weenie for not slapping a Dot on them, or would i be starting something i didn't need to?

like i said, i've been playing less then a month, a few hours a day, solo. so i really have no idea how to deal with or treat other players, friend or foe, and there's a limit to how many threads i'll read to figure things out.
#14 Dec 12 2006 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
PvP protocol in the wilderness?

Hehe, RED is DEAD. AFK = A Free Kill.
Follow those and you won't be surprised too often.
#15 Dec 12 2006 at 7:41 AM Rating: Default
22 posts
danieldakkak wrote:
PvP protocol in the wilderness?

Hehe, RED is DEAD. AFK = A Free Kill.
Follow those and you won't be surprised too often.

AFK Kills? You pansy.
#16 Dec 12 2006 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
1,606 posts
danieldakkak wrote:
PvP protocol in the wilderness?

Hehe, RED is DEAD. AFK = A Free Kill.
Follow those and you won't be surprised too often.


Many PvPers play KoS no matter what. I generally am pretty fair about fights as a rogue. I won't jump you with 3-4 mobs on you... most of the time. I generally don't go out of my way to attack lower level players (as I know how much that pissed me off). I will kill/camp them if they make a rude emote, are caming someone of my own faction who has asked for help, etc... I've definitely camped people who were in spots that I was trying to farm (thus slowing me down) until they grave rezzed and left.

Then again, I've also helped my fair share of aliance that looked like they were going to die. I don't generally kill people that I can tell are in the middle of a quest... or that are grinding close by and not bothering me.

Nelf hunters and low level pallys are always KOS... no matter what...
#17 Dec 12 2006 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
2,041 posts
Blah I would of Killed him after he finished his mob. Then moved on.

That is how I generaly do things, the only way it will change if while killing them the /spit or some other rude emote like that. Then I will kill them until they are gone for more then 15 minutes, until they stop the /emotes, or until I stop getting Honor for killing them.
#18 Dec 12 2006 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
22 posts
I'm a pretty peaceful type of person. Till someone gives me a rude emote, or they attack first. Or they are attacking a seriously lower level. That's when my pimp hand gets strong and I need to slap a ho'.

I take my HK's out on the BG's for the most part.
#19 Dec 12 2006 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
I usually don't kill people far below me. If I come across someone close to my own level, and neardead from fighting some mobs, I usually stand a bit in front of him, unsheating my weapon and then waiting for his life and mana to regenerate. More fun to kick their asses after.

Exceptions are of course if the horde has been bugging me earlier. I so hate it when people 4 levels above me attack me at 40% health, and then beat me with 15% health left. Then I'm getting just short of punishing htem for their decision. And yes, when I think I have a chance of winning in such cases, I do pop those CD's and pots to turn the tide. Those people expect an easy kill. Well, I won't give them any.
#20 Dec 12 2006 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
461 posts
In reply to the OP's post - I had a similar situation in BB the other night with an undead priest (lvl21...) taunting me (checking my post) to attack a human mage (lvl32) so he could get an HK. I told him to go quest in Stonetalon until his intellect improved.
In the main my approach is kill on sight if passing through a zone. If I'm busy grinding I tend to let be, even assist for the simple reason that it is too much hassle and inconvenience to get in a PVP-cycle when my focus is on XP and loot. Last night I was killing pirates in tanarsis to get their hats and a lvl50 pally was in the same area. I initially stayed away from him but in the end got engrossed with one too many dockworkers and which point he obviously saw me and came over. I anticipated a swift blunt death but after a nod and a pause he wayed in on my side. I then helped him kill some group he was after round the campfire and we waved goodbye both our quests wrapped up. Courtesy sometimes pays off...
#21 Dec 12 2006 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
Courtious or "stooped noob!!!!!!!"

My answer is "Courtious".

While there is nothing wrong with someone else trying to talk you into ganking on a PVP server, the way in which that person chose to do it was just plain rude.

Courtesy always gets my attention and respect.
#22 Dec 12 2006 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
Easy kills aren't any fun, and they're worth next to nothing anyway. I generally don't attack people in the world unless I think they'll have a chance, however faint, of winning. I only attack grays if they're in a group, greens if they're at mostly full health, yellows if they're out of combat. Reds I'll attack anytime, anywhere, especially if I feel a twinge of fear. :)

I don't kill AFK people. I mind control them and walk them far enough away that when they get back they'll be really confused. Extra points if I'm on my Priest and there's a cliff or lake.
#23 Dec 12 2006 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
Let's not forget that in this case, not only was the intended target weaker and in a vulnerable position, but the priest wanted the fight to be 2 against 1. I'm guessing from the fact that he got SO upset that this priest may very well have been the type to gank and camp.

It's all about how your character sees the horde and alliance war. Are they vile enemies or just victims mixed up in a senseless war propagated by foolish Orc and Human pride?

I play on a RpPvP server as an Alliance warlock. I have been in the vulnerable position and had it end both ways, yet I bear no ill will toward gankers on either side.

Honestly, I probably would have helped him out. I have ended up questing/ farming alongside many a horde or group of horde in contested areas. Sometimes they'll turn on you, but more often than not they're grateful. (especially when you're the higher level character.)

My most ballsy move was in Un 'Goro I saw a group of 3 horde talking to the Tauren NPC near the entrance to Tanaris. They were all at least 2 levels higher than I, but I needed to talk to the Tauren so I just rode up to them, dismounted, got my quests, bowed, mounted and rode off cackling into the steamy jungle air.
#24 Dec 12 2006 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
It's your choice what you do.

Don't let an ***-hat bother you. He was only angry because he wasn't brave enough to try to kill the warlock himself.

PvP is kill or be killed, true. But the manner in which you do it is all up to you. Just don't expect the same mercy from your opponents.
#25 Dec 12 2006 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
I used to be more nonchalant about it, you know, not attacking unless I am attacked. Then one day I was questing in STV with my 43 hunter and a 40 troll hunter came around doing the same quest. He waved to me, and we both continued what we were doing, merely aware of the others presence but not bothered by it. Then an undead priest came along and passed by me. About a minute later right after i finished killing 3 mobs and was low on health and mana, both the hunter and priest came back and attacked me together and then camped me. That was it. It changed my whole attitude about it. Now I will attack any horde i see on sight as long as their level isn't skulls.
#26 Dec 12 2006 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
629 posts
Sorry, double-post.

Edited, Dec 12th 2006 7:41pm by Elflorn
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