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Twinks, what's thei purpose?Follow

#77 Dec 06 2006 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
It seems to me Blizzard could implement at least two solutions to this problem.

The first is obvious, but would not cure the entire problem. When I first started playing this game earlier this year, I was utterly stunned to learn that enchants are not level restricted. This should be a no-brainer, and it is consistent with the level restrictions and soul-binding that are already implemented in order to address these issues. It won't stop twinks but it will knock them down a peg.

A second solution is a little harder to implement, but would make BGs a lot more even. It would involve no longer basing your BG on level, but rather a composite score based on your level, stats, and abilities. It would count the "best" item for every position on your toon or in its inventory or bank account - no hiding it. This would probably stop twinking entirely. If you twinked out your level 19, you would just be stuck in BGs with people five or ten levels higher than you and who can match you even wearing greens. It would also help separate the T2/3 raiders from the green 60s as well.

An earlier poster noted he never sees newbies in low level battlegrounds. Unfortunately, he has his chickens and eggs backwards. They don't go precisely because of the twinks. Maybe once or twice, but they quickly realize they can't win. No one likes to fight hopeless battles.

#78 Dec 06 2006 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Allegory wrote:
Sigh twink defences...they're just so weak.

What is this argument about? Whether or not people SHOULD twink? Well, that's up to the individual who is playing. Is this argument about whether or not it is fair or unfair? *THAT* part is up to Blizzard.

I'm sick of the twink crying, I really am. I don't twink (I once half-twinked a hunter, but have since leveled him), but I see nothing wrong with it.

And yes, I get extremely frustrated facing the a billion twink rogues in the 19 bracket, but know what I do? I level up out of it.

It's that simple. The gear and enchants may NOT be balanced, or are broken as Allegory referred to, but that doesn't mean players should stop twinking until Blizzard decides to fix it. It's a legit method of playing the game, so don't decide for someone else how to play.
#79 Dec 06 2006 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
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emmitvenson wrote:
This sentence makes me worried that you’re projecting the attitudes, opinions and statements of others onto me rather than fully engaging with what I’ve written. Let’s discuss this as friends, and not poison the well with blanket statements like this.

I will admit, any proponent of twinking I see I'm going to immediately group in a "twink crowd." I was projecting the attitudes and opinions of others onto you. This may be flawed, and I'll certainly give you a fair chance to prove that you're different than most twinks, but I do this sort of out of a lazy practicality.

There several arguements that keep reappearing in defence of twinking. All of these arguemnts have failed to defend it.

A few examples are"

"Low level cahracters are just going to level up out of the bracket anyways." What about characters who like to break from leveling with a a few weeks of BG (I know I do), what about the alts of higher level characters who are taking a break from 60 bg, what about people who genuinely enjoy the scenarios of lower level bg?

"Everyone can twink." I don't dispute this, although the amount of resources (not effort, resources) that it requires to twink could be used as an arguement agaisnt twinking it's not one I'll stand on. Any 19 who knows what they are doing can get the moeny together to make a reasonable twink, but this doesn't mean the arguement holds in the slgihtest. The problem with twinking is not that not everyone can do it, it's not that it's unfair. The problem is it breaks the game, it changes it.

"It's my $15 a month, why can't I play however I feel like?" The 'because I feel like it arguement' holds up in a lot of sitautions. If someone questions you about why you ate at chiles and not mcdonalds you can say 'because I feel like it.' If someone questions you on your dress you can say 'because I feel like it.' This however does not apply when other people are involved and your decisions affect them. You cannot steal 'because you feel like it,' because it negatively impacts someone else. Likewise "my money, my game," does not apply when you hurt the bg for 19 other people who are also paying to play. Though were you to cover their $285 a month you certainly could twink legitimately.

"Twinks at 19 aren't as bad as tier 3 at 60." True, but how is this supposed to be a defence? Lying is not as bad as stealing, ergo lying is ok? Flawed logic.

There are others, but these are some popular ones. I'm willing to listen and respond to arguement I have not heard before and any new insight on old ones, but I'm tired of others rehashing the same arguements.
emmitsvenson wrote:
Perhaps the difference in our perspectives is the level of challenge we experience as fun. I enjoy uphill fights, the tougher the better, because the emotional payoff is so much higher when you win. Rolling a bunch of noobs is relatively unsatisfying to me compared to outthinking experienced, well-geared opponents.

No we are similar in this. I enjoy fighting well geared, skilled, and organised oppoents. All of these are fine.

I do not enjoy fighting broken oppoents, or playing as a broken character, or playing broken agaisnt broken.

I'll have a pretty good time in WSG if I go in as a level 16 with greens in a pug against some well geared 19s who are in a guild together. I won't have a good time with a bunch of twinks, be they on the enemy, on my side, or even if I were the twink.

The difference between someone who is any combination of being well geared, skilled, or organised and a twink is like the difference between playing battleship against someone who is good at opponent psychology, knows where you probably placed your ships, and has a decent amount of experience and then palying someone who is simply looking at your board. It's not fun, even if you happen to beat the guy looking at your board it's still not fun. It's not challenging, one person has broken the game, and thus changed it. That is what twinking does.

Twinks are not well geared oppoents, they are not suped up characters, they are broken characters that no longer act liek the classes they are based on.

For example lets use an example of a normal warrior and rogue. Lets pretend that well geared rogues have about 3/5 the hp of a well geared warrior. This hp difference is part of what defines their roles. Now when enchants are factored in each class has the same hp added, changing the proportions. Now rogues have 6/7 the hp warriors have, the game has now changed. Others things happen as well, like the obvious difference in damage scaling with melee characters and casters. Rogues go up a lot in damage, but mages and warlocks don't, their roles have changed, and the game has changed.

This is why BGs are ruined. People log in the play world of warcraft and get a mutilated game instead. rogue:pries=!twink rogue:twink priest.
emmitvenson wrote:
From my perspective, twinking is a good thing because it gives me opponents who give me a challenge even when I bring my best game. I hope that gear matching is implemented, because it will put me in that kind of situation more often.

How is this not a contradiction. Many times I hear a lot of twinks mention "looking for a challenge" in some form or another in their defense of twinking. But everytime I end up confused.

You give yourself an extreme advantage because you want a challenge? What?

I think it is somewhat noble that you say you live for a challenge in BG. I also think, and this will offend you, that you are lying (though not delibrately). You could list as your motive that you twink to be as competitive as possible, but not that you want a challenge. The terms are mutually exclusive. People twink because they are looking for the easy road. Of course no one likes to think of, or have others think, of themselves as wanting to take the easy road.
emmitvenson wrote:
Not everyone wants to play on “easy” setting either. For some, even “hard” isn’t hard enough.Some like “impossible”. I sure do.

Again, contradiction? You say you like impossible, then why are you twinking? Shouldn't you be going into BGs with green gear and not fully lveled if you really liek a challenge? Shouldn't you at least not be giving yourself a huge advantage if you really like a challenge?

If I told you that I enjoy a challenging game of baseball, but always come to a game with a corked bat, a greased ball, and pumped on steroid woudl you think of me as a hypocrit?
emmitvenson wrote:
Incidentally, is the whole “fixed this for you” gambit ever meant to be anything but rude and insulting? Can we please keep this on a more civil tack?

Pretty much, it's meant to be rude and make a point.

I'll be candid, I'm not being nice to you. I take it as a personal insult when a twink enters a BG. It says to me "I only care about myself, ***** 19 other people."

Can anyone really say that anyone besides the person who is twinking wants the twink there? The normal players on the enemy sure don't, they get slaughtered. The normal players on the twink's team don't want him, he just hogs the glory and generally doesn't play liek a team player. The enemy twink players don't want him there, he's competition. His allied twink players don't want him there, he steals their glory and hk's. I'm mostly certain the reason most twinks defend twinking is so they can justify themselves doing it. They really don't want anyone else to twink, they want to be the sole twink. A guess, not evidenced by much besides probable selfish tendancies.
#80 Dec 06 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Allegory wrote:
The first is where the majority fall, as much as people like to deny. The primary reason people twink is to have an extraordinary advantage over normal chracters in BG. They play for the same reason people play Quake with cheats on. They twink out of selfishness.

There you go comparing twinking to playing with cheats again. I refuse to accept that mentality as the most popular one.

I think the majority are people that want to make a hobby of making a toon the most efficient possible at a certain bracket, possibly because they don't have time for raiding and don't want to compete with tier 3 raiders in lvl 60 AB,WSG,AV.

That's what I think and that's why I get frustrated to see you compare twinking to something that is extremely immoral again and again, Allegory, no matter HOW many points and facts are presented to you.
#81 Dec 06 2006 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Allegory wrote:
"Twinks at 19 aren't as bad as tier 3 at 60." True, but how is this supposed to be a defence? Lying is not as bad as stealing, ergo lying is ok? Flawed logic.

So what you are saying that it's also wrong for tier 3 to go into a BG with their UBER equips???? Flawed logic.

Allegory, aren't you done with your long winded rebuttals on twinking???????

Just refer them to this thread and call it a day!!!!!!!

edit: I don't understand how you can compliment Poldaran on having a level head, but then you admit to taking this personally and coming close to insults with another poster.

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 7:14pm by Webjunky
#82 Dec 06 2006 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
Don't be ignorant, if you have crap gear, your out of my party.
FFXI is full of leetists that will kick some for decent gear even xD.
in FFXI if you show up in old ,crappy gear, you get your position in the party replaced asap.

and from what you say,sounds like you played FFXI, so you should know what I mean.

I'm ignorant because you agree with me? that's a new one.
#83 Dec 06 2006 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good

That's what I think and that's why I get frustrated to see you compare twinking to something that is extremely immoral again and again,

It is immoral. There is no way around it.
Why? Because it simply was never meant to be that way. A level 19 Rogue should never have close to 2K health. The class wasn't meant to be that way. Nor was Warriors meant to have a procc that have 100 more strength at level 19. By twinking in this way, you cheat. You make the hard work of those who doesn't have a goldfarming main into a joke.

You ruin the whole BG experience for all those who does not Twink, and you claim it is a completely moral thing to do? I agree with Al in this. I am simply too tired to start writing long posts, with damn good and persuasive arguments, so I trust Al will take care of that for me. Just remember that Al isn't alone. There are alot of us that share the EXACT same sentiments.

Webjunky, ********* of exclamation points and question marks doesn't make you more credible.

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 7:21pm by NorthAI
#84 Dec 06 2006 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
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21,027 posts
Webjunky wrote:
There you go comparing twinking to playing with cheats again. I refuse to accept that mentality as the most popular one.

In that sentence I'm only comparing it with cheating in the sense of the advantage it creates, I'm not trying to suggest that they both are agaisnt the rules. Are you going that a rogue with duel crusaders on cruel barbs being compared to a double damage cheat is inaccurate? If not then in in what way is the comparison flawed?
Webjunky wrote:
That's what I think and that's why I get frustrated to see you compare twinking to something that is extremely immoral again and again, Allegory, no matter HOW many points and facts are presented to you.

But it is immoral. You can't really deny that when one twink enters a BG 19 other people groan. Poldaran was saying early that he'd be happy to see gear matching so he wouldn't have to hear everyone groaning about twinks. So a BG is ruined for 19 people and there's nothing wrong with that? I treat it with the connotation I do because that is how I see it, and I do think I am seeing it clearly.

People don't cheer and adore the twinks in BGs, they curse them and make rude gestures. Obviously there is someting immoral there.
WEbjunky wrote:
So what you are saying that it's also wrong for tier 3 to go into a BG with their UBER equips???? Flawed logic.

In my previous post I said something about the arguement that "60 in tier 3 are wrose than 19 twinks, so it's ok," teh basic idea of which is that you cannot use the existence of one to justify the other. I'm not commenting on the situation at 60, I'm just talking about at 19.

And sorry for the length of the posts, I try to be terse, but I don't always end up succeeding.
#85 Dec 06 2006 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
I guess I can see two trains of thought here as to why someone would twink.

1) Someone who just wants to have fun in the battlegrounds, and that includes winning and playing competitively in a team game. This is someone who expects a challenge and expects to give a challenge. This person might expect to face other twinks as well as some newbs.

2) Someone who wants to twink purely to gain an advantage over newer or under geared players. This person likes the feeling of a killing blow, no matter how cheaply they obtained it. This person doesn't care to work too hard for a win, but just wants to see how high they can rack up the HKs. This person probably expects to face a lot of new players with a smattering of other twinks that only get in the way of the squishy lvl 13 clothies.

My problem with your whole argument Allegory, is that you consistently put me and other plays into category 2. I don't twink, because I don't even have the time to farm for my own gold to do it, but I've thought about it and the idea of category number 1 appeals to me, as a gamer. I understand you think the brackets are imbalanced, or broken, and I agree with you.

Blizzard has acknowledged the twinking community and has said that they don't want to discourage them. However, I think they also see the imbalanced nature of the twink brackets. You can deduct this from the fact that they are going to implement a matchmaking system and they are level restricting ALL BC enchants (amen to that!).
#86 Dec 06 2006 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Allegory wrote:
Webjunky wrote:
There you go comparing twinking to playing with cheats again. I refuse to accept that mentality as the most popular one.

In that sentence I'm only comparing it with cheating in the sense of the advantage it creates, I'm not trying to suggest that they both are agaisnt the rules. Are you going that a rogue with duel crusaders on cruel barbs being compared to a double damage cheat is inaccurate? If not then in in what way is the comparison flawed?

But how much damage does a double damage cheat do in a WoW environment?? You are comparing one gaming environment with it's own set of rules with another. I understand the point you are trying to make, but you know me and my problems with your use of analogies [:smirk:]

Webjunky wrote:
That's what I think and that's why I get frustrated to see you compare twinking to something that is extremely immoral again and again, Allegory, no matter HOW many points and facts are presented to you.

But it is immoral. You can't really deny that when one twink enters a BG 19 other people groan.

But there is usually more than one twink in any given BG. You cannot say for a fact that 19 other people will not like the presence of a twinked rogue on their team.


WEbjunky wrote:
So what you are saying that it's also wrong for tier 3 to go into a BG with their UBER equips???? Flawed logic.

In my previous post I said something about the arguement that "60 in tier 3 are wrose than 19 twinks, so it's ok," teh basic idea of which is that you cannot use the existence of one to justify the other. I'm not commenting on the situation at 60, I'm just talking about at 19.

You cannot just ignore arguments. The reason why people mention the 60 game is because they are showing that the ENTIRE game is built on a gear gap of players!

That's what it all comes down to, so you cannot shun one group of players (the lvl 19 and 29 twinks) and completely ignore everyone else. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Oh god, Allegory, I feel this turning into another 7 page twink thread. Do you feel it? I do. We should stop this, eh friend?

#87 Dec 06 2006 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
717 posts
never have and never will, in fact i do just waht i would do in the lower brackets, work on getting that gear.

Good, carry on then. Just making sure you're the real deal here.
#88 Dec 06 2006 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
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Oh god, Allegory, I feel this turning into another 7 page twink thread. Do you feel it? I do. We should stop this, eh friend?

Sadly I'm actually having a little fun (I don't know why). If you really, really think this should stop (say so in your next post) then I will cease.
#89 Dec 06 2006 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
No no, if you're having a good time, please go on. I think I'll just quietly vacate this thread at this point in time.

May you prove your points well and wield the mightiest of flame resistant shields.

#90 Dec 06 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
It is immoral. There is no way around it.
Why? Because it simply was never meant to be that way. A level 19 Rogue should never have close to 2K health. The class wasn't meant to be that way. Nor was Warriors meant to have a procc that have 100 more strength at level 19. By twinking in this way, you cheat. You make the hard work of those who doesn't have a goldfarming main into a joke.

It was 100% meant to be that way, it has been stated by blizzard reps several times, it adds a dynamic to the matches and they do not want to change it. Morals really dont come into play here I'm sorry, people twinking are playing the game well within the bounds created by blizzard. IT is no different than grabbing teir 3 gear @ 60. the methods are still the same, grind some instance til you get the drops you need, then put the best enchants you can on. It'd be like saying it's immoral to swim from theramore to tanaris. Clearly that's not what the devs had in mind.

Also it's been proven several times that it is very easy to twink out a character to a decent degree by spending 20-30 gold. Obviously it won't be dual crusader with librams on eevrything, but it can still easily be a very well geared/enchanted player.

People who don't "twink" are lazy, see I can make blanket statements too.
#91 Dec 06 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
5,492 posts
I have a twink L19 hunter with 150 FA/ENG. I made him a twink because I had about 200 Gold on a player I don’t play any more on a server I don’t play on anymore. Once in a while I'll log into said server for some L19 WSG action. I figured, why let the gold go to waste and invested into something I found fun. Sure it gave me an advantage, but I’m paying for my enjoyment right? And if my enjoyment includes being at the top of the kill list in WSG at L19 then who are you (anyone) to tell me to stop? I like to PVP. Red=dead and if twinking makes that easier then sign me up. If the other player logs in frustration then that’s an added bonus.
#92 Dec 06 2006 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
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Well now that Webjunky has chosen To remove himself form this thing I guess I conveniently don't have to defend agaisnt any of his statements.^^

...But then again I'm out of things to say until emmitvenson decides to respond, or until I attract somebody else's attention. OR maybe I can get Tseutsuo eye? Let's give it a try!
Tsetsuo wrote:
Also it's been proven several times that it is very easy to twink out a character to a decent degree by spending 20-30 gold. Obviously it won't be dual crusader with librams on eevrything, but it can still easily be a very well geared/enchanted player.

I often bring up the fact that it is rather easy to twink yourself out to a decent degree, even before pro twinkers do. I also always remember to say afterwards that this changes absolutely nothing because the problem with twink really has nothing to do with easy or hard it is to do, it's not wrong because of any unfairness (that iss in BG regardless), but it is wrong in itself. Twinking changes the game, it's broken. If every person in a BG were twinked out it would still be as screwed up and as wrong as when only one person did it.
#93 Dec 06 2006 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
Also, I think our definitions on Twinks differ abit.

Unless the character have the true End-Game enchants (+15Agi/Crusader/Lifesteal and 1.5k worth of health they usually wouldn't have) I don't really consider them Twinks. I see people with almost all blues, and some fairly normal enchants, and I consider them completely fair. They can manage that without ruining the BGs. They can play really skillfully, and win, or play badly and lose. It is the End-Game enchants that annoys me, and ruins the BGs.


Also it's been proven several times that it is very easy to twink out a character to a decent degree by spending 20-30 gold. Obviously it won't be dual crusader with librams on eevrything, but it can still easily be a very well geared/enchanted player.

People who don't "twink" are lazy, see I can make blanket statements too.

See? Differing definitions. What you just described is what I call a PvP Character. It is actually attainable with a little effort without calling in the level 60 bank. AND a PvP Character can be beaten without going Zerg on them. IF you have skill. If you do go Dual Crusader with Librams you become a Twink. And that is where skill ends. And thus ruins the fun.
#94 Dec 06 2006 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
This is very interesting, I and a friend have been playing for about 4 weeks, I had no idea what a 'Twink' was, it does explain a lot.
What it seems to mean is that we cannot hope to compete in BG, this is not because we are lazy or stupid, but there is a limit to what one can accumalate at a given level.
Not only are we competing against people who have far more experience, and therefore skill, the characters are also equipped beyond a level that we could hope to achieve.
I think that the post pointing out that this makes for a 'broken' game is right.
As far as I can see if this is how the BG work they are pointless for beginners.
#95 Dec 06 2006 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
I know I said I'd drop out of this, but....

TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
It is immoral. There is no way around it.
Why? Because it simply was never meant to be that way. A level 19 Rogue should never have close to 2K health. The class wasn't meant to be that way. Nor was Warriors meant to have a procc that have 100 more strength at level 19. By twinking in this way, you cheat. You make the hard work of those who doesn't have a goldfarming main into a joke.

It was 100% meant to be that way, it has been stated by blizzard reps several times, it adds a dynamic to the matches and they do not want to change it. Morals really dont come into play here I'm sorry, people twinking are playing the game well within the bounds created by blizzard. IT is no different than grabbing teir 3 gear @ 60. the methods are still the same, grind some instance til you get the drops you need, then put the best enchants you can on. It'd be like saying it's immoral to swim from theramore to tanaris. Clearly that's not what the devs had in mind.

Actually, I have read that twinking is an
phenomenon. They recognize it as being a hobby and has developed it's own culture.

They also see no reason to try to discourage this kind of behavior. Apparently they see no harm in it. I have seen many, many blue posts saying that Blizzard think it's ok. I have also read some that have said they won't support it because it is unintended. Another words, we probably won't be seeing any features put into the game that will be tailored for the twinking player base.

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 9:04pm by Webjunky
#96 Dec 06 2006 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
1,260 posts
The really only solution is to level restrict enchants, make them work like armor kits, strip the enchants off items that are too low level to have them applied, and drop the mats in that person's mailbox. Let the tears flow, I could care less. The sooner they do it, the less of a mess it'll be.

As per the Blizzard poster on the o-boards, his esxcuse was "[well we never knew that people would do this or intended this to be that way but now it's too late and we are reluctant to fix it]" (paraphrasing) is a cop out.

The no-level-restrictions-on-enchants is like a massive tumor or cancer in the way that, yes, it will be very painful to remove, but the longer you leave it there, the more damage it will do, and the more painful it will be when you ultimately do remove it.

I kind of take exception to the enchants issued being totally interchanged with the "twinks" issue, but I understand that these 2 topics have become one in the same in WoW. If you don't have enchants in WoW, you're not considered a twink. But that's not necessarily the case as per the history of MMORPGs. Level restricting enchants would bring twinks back to the realm of normalcy. they'd have a nice setp up on lesser-geared players that they do deserve, but they would not be able to make these ludicrous level 19 characters that are more like level 30s.

When my rogue passed level 19, I moderately twinked it out, just to stop there to get my corporal trinket.. and this was a budget twink even... a few agi enchats, some nice blues I had in other toons' banks, couple of fiery enchants on some decent blue weapons... this was *nothing* compared to some of the insane 1000g twinks I've seen.. and yet even with that, coming up against some normal player was a joke, they could barely even hit me, let alone do much damage while I critted through whatever HP they had in seconds.. it was a freaking JOKE.

I say: level restrict enchats.. strip existing ones... (strip mine!.. I'd be happy to give mine up!).. and drop the mats in the person's mailbox...probably will never happen, but I sure am pitchin' a tent right now just thinking about it.

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 9:12pm by Joujouka
#97 Dec 06 2006 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
Allegory wrote:

...But then again I'm out of things to say until emmitvenson decides to respond, or until I attract somebody else's attention.

Why should I respond? You didn't read my post closely enough to see where I said I 'm not a twink by the strict definition. I enjoy playing against others' twinks; I do not have any.

So long as you're talking past me, no point in trying to talk to you.
#98 Dec 06 2006 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Someone mentioned an analogy with a gun and a knife. While the motive he gave for the toothpicker is quite derogatory (not all of us have such level playing fields like a 60 to rely on to farm our gear), the rest still absolutely true. If you had the option to walk into a BG with either a white, green, blue, or purple weapon, which would you take?

While some of us might not have had the time or opportunaty to level a toon to 60 to get the best gear for other toons easier, that doesn't mean there aren't options you CAN use. Work up some gold, run some instances (and if you're not, that's your own fault), check the trade channel and AH, and get the gear you want. Find an enchanter working free with mats (and there's usually a couple a day on the trade channel), get whatever will give you an edge and go.

And of course, some people just plain suck at BGs and blame it on twinks. I was one of them for the longest time, but after trying to work on my own skill, actually TRYING to get worthwhile gear, and trying something other than hitting them until they fell down or I died... BGs are fun again.
#99 Dec 06 2006 at 11:28 PM Rating: Good
510 posts
I don't have much to add except that I agree that it makes it harder to enjoy BG's with all the twinks. I'm fairly new to the game and just hit 40 on my first character, but I do what I can to have decent equipment and make money as I go. I've been told that the gear I have is good enough to be considered "semi-twinked" for my level. That doesn't stop the real twinks from one or two shotting me in the BG's.

A level 33 rogue should not be able to take down two 39s, especially when they display a lack of skill in playing the class. I have little respect for players who use excessive gold and enchants to compensate for their inability to play this game, and I have zero respect for the ones who brag about doing so. I may not be an expert on PVP, but I can easily see the difference between skill and gear. When the opponent makes rookie mistakes, but then hits me once or twice and I die... that's not fun to me.
#100 Dec 06 2006 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
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29,527 posts
Allegory wrote:
But it is immoral. You can't really deny that when one twink enters a BG 19 other people groan. Poldaran was saying early that he'd be happy to see gear matching so he wouldn't have to hear everyone groaning about twinks. So a BG is ruined for 19 people and there's nothing wrong with that? I treat it with the connotation I do because that is how I see it, and I do think I am seeing it clearly.

People don't cheer and adore the twinks in BGs, they curse them and make rude gestures. Obviously there is someting immoral there.

I never said 19 other people groan. I usually hear 1-2 VERY vocal people ******** about twinks each game(and these people never ***** in game about twinks on their side, unless it's one of those idiot HK farming twinks not working with the team...and that's usually me who starts that particular round of **********

I enter games and I do indeed get cheers from 3 or 4 people when they see my gear(though this may indeed just be because I'm a Paladin in healing gear).

I hear the words "Hey look! We have a Healadin twink! WOOT!" fairly often.

I believe the majority of anti-twinks(obviously not you, but you're definitely different than most) hate having to fight enemy twinks, and do not dislike twinks on their own side quite so much.

Webjunky wrote:
edit: I don't understand how you can compliment Poldaran on having a level head, but then you admit to taking this personally and coming close to insults with another poster.

I'm telling you: Plum loco. Every single one of you. Smiley: tongue

In the statement "Plum loco"...should the word "Plum" have a "b" on the end? Just curious.
#101 Dec 07 2006 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
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21,027 posts
Webjunky was the allure too strong? It's ok to dive into the darkside every now and then.
Joujouka wrote:
I say: level restrict enchats.. strip existing ones... (strip mine!.. I'd be happy to give mine up!).. and drop the mats in the person's mailbox...probably will never happen, but I sure am pitchin' a tent right now just thinking about it.

Ultimately this is what I would prefer, but I am satisfied with gear matching. Twinks really should never have existed in the first place. It's fine for a 60 to want to make a 19 BG alt and get him the best gear, but these crazy enchants should have been level capped form the beginning. Had Blizzard had foresight we wouldn't be in this mess.

Gear matching though is the solution. Level restriction I don't believe really has a chance. People have been given a task of twinking, and they aren't going to let it go without a fight.
emmitvenson wrote:
Why should I respond? You didn't read my post closely enough to see where I said I 'm not a twink by the strict definition. I enjoy playing against others' twinks; I do not have any.

Actually I read all your post very carefully the first time. Then I went back and read them all again to see if I missed something. You made one reference to your relation to twinking in your second post. This was the only sentence form which anyone could infer your status with clues other than syntax and connotation.

"I’m not a twink by the strict definition."

That is what you said. This statement is phrased in such a way as to mean you are a twink as interpreted by an average person familiar with colloquial phrasings. For example "my team didn't technically lose," is generally someone saying "my team lost," in a euphimistic fashion. "I don't own a ferrari per se," is "I don't own a ferrari," said euphimistically.

Of course in all these sitautions literally interpreting the phrase yields a different result, but english is often too butchered to ever be taken literally.

I went with the most probable interpretation, I'm sorry I was wrong. However I am confused even more now, because you say you are talking about 30-39 and 40-49. There are, just about, no twinks in the the brackets above 29. How can you say you enjoy fighting twinks in these brackets when here twinking means much less and there are few to no twinks?
Poldaran wrote:
I never said 19 other people groan. I usually hear 1-2 VERY vocal people ******** about twinks each game(and these people never ***** in game about twinks on their side, unless it's one of those idiot HK farming twinks not working with the team...and that's usually me who starts that particular round of ******************
I apologise then for incorrectly paraphrasing you.
[quote=Poldaran]I believe the majority of anti-twinks(obviously not you, but you're definitely different than most) hate having to fight enemy twinks, and do not dislike twinks on their own side quite so much.

I pretty much agree. But even if you aren't pissing off all 19 other people in a wsg match, you're probably pissing off at least the 10 on the other side. You can cut this number down further with various situations, but you're still pissing off a good 30-35%% mininum with every time a twink enters a WSG match.

Edited, Dec 7th 2006 7:17am by Allegory
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