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Twinks, what's thei purpose?Follow

#52 Dec 06 2006 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
Grollog wrote:
So if I don't twink, whether it's because I'm new to the game, or I don't know how to make gold, or whatever other reason real or imagined, is there something wrong with me wanting to enjoy the BGs?

No. But there is something wrong with such a person expecting to be on an even footing with people who are experienced at the game, know how to make gold, etc.

When I was in the BGs for the first time, I expected it to be a learning experience, not a fair fight. I was not surprised, and I had a great time.

Grollog wrote:
Should BG fun be reserved for people who have alts that get/buy all the uber-gear enchants? Or is it reasonable that a lvl 17 player that's new to the game would actually like to get some enjoyment out of the BGs too?

Generally, it isn’t the new players who complain. It’s the experienced players who want to be able to compete with twinks without putting as much time and effort into their chars as the twinkers do.

I tend to agree that the high-level enchants are a little too good for the 19 bgs, but I don’t think anyone would much time in that bracket were it not for twinks. It’s a pretty lame bracket--so many talents and skills are missing from the mix.

Grollog wrote:
If the claim is "you need to get gold so you can get your own twink" why not just say "battlegrounds aren't for new players"? Maybe they should just make BGs open to lvl 50+ or something, since apparently new players aren't entitled to enjoy them anyway.

New players can enjoy battlegrounds if they don’t have unreasonable expectations of their own prowess. I enjoyed the BGs as a new player, and learned much about PVP that I put to good use later, in the higher brackets.

Grollog wrote:
I don't care that people twink. I do care that I have to play in the same BG as them. If they would assign values to all enchants and gear, they could seperate the twinks from the regular players in BGs.

You don’t. You could organize a non-twink league on your server. It would take much time and effort, but it would be possible.

Grollog wrote:
The game is clearly designed to provide a degree of "fairness" at all levels. Quests don't ask a lvl 15 player to slay a lvl 45 beast, etc. In the spirit of that fairness, I think players have a legit gripe about the's the only part of the game where a task that is alledgedly designed for your lvl range can be so imbalanced.

The game gives level 15s the same quests regardless of their gear and experience. New, poorly geared players have trouble with quests that experienced, well-geared players can saunter through easily. This is how new players learn strategy and how to gear up. That’s not all that different from the situation in the early battlegrounds.
#53 Dec 06 2006 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
I have a semi-twink Hunter that I'm working on, and it's not because I have a small ***** (I don't have one...) and need to make my epeen bigger, it isn't because I enjoy oneshotting people - it's because the lower level battlegrounds, especially the 20-29 ones are more fun. At the upper end, people were so focused on ranks and winning that it stopped being fun.

I'm not going to say that I'll go in with whites and greens, but I'm not going to go in there in all blues and ruin the fun either.

I'd say full twinking is much the same, sure, some people want to show off - but others just want a break from the 60ish brackets. Plus, I like helping lowbies in the bottom brackets learn how to play rather than just yelling 'omg noob stfu and L2P!'

*Shrug* I won't deny the odd oneshot being enjoyable, but it happens with fully geared warriors, hunters and mages etc. in the 51+ brackets when you come in at a low level.

Twinks are also good for making money - swiftness pots, free action pots, lowish blue gear are all way to make money. So before you judge, realise they have more use than making certain battlegrounds unbearable, they're an important way to get money for mounts and all the rest.
#54 Dec 06 2006 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
640 posts
I think the suggestion that people that don't twink are just settling for lesser gear is not only disingenuous it's ridiculous.

We aren't talking about a player settling on a lousy green drop over a better item in the AH. We're talking about pieces of equipment that are known twink gear that sell on the AH for 20-50+ gold each, and enchants that can be valued at over 100g in total.

This isn't about neglecting to get good gear. It's about not having a lvl 60 alternate character to bankroll you. Or at the very least not grinding gold as a low lvl player.

Twinkers like to talk about skill but the very notion of gearing their character to the max suggests the opposite. If you are really only concerned about skills you'd be thrilled to pit your skill against like geared (or even better geared) players.

I also think the suggestion that BGs are still fun for average players is plain denial. Sure, occasionally you'll get in a mostly normal group and have fun. But for every one of those experiences you'll get a few BGs that all you do is get ganked, rez, get ganked, rinse, repeat. Then you'll get the get ganked, rez to find twink camping GY experience, which sometimes goes with the barrel of fun that is twinks refusing to actually end the game but instead just farm kills. You don't learn about PvP by getting 1 or 2-shotted. You just learn that battlegrounds suck for you and you stop playing them.

There's always going to be disparity of skill and gear. However, I don't think it's unreasonable for the average player to want that disparity to be lessened. Until level 60, there is no other aspect of the game that allows for such a wide disparity for two like leveled characters.
#55 Dec 06 2006 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
461 posts
sticking to the OP - the purpose of a twink is for someone who has a high lvl character(typically 60) to experience low level BGs. To enhance their fun/ego they equip their new low level alt with blues and enchants resulting in an overpowered but still mortal toon. Twinks as you'll see from the posts above cause a lot of ire as some players (often the more impoverished) think that (and of course it does) cause an imbalance in game dynamics. However they are still mortal and can be killed (you'll just need to modify your tactics) and are as likely to be on your side as the others. Blizz has also consistently said that they see twinks as a viable component to the game - that might have shifted if the in BG XP reports are true.
In a nutshell Twinks are for either (1) fun, the hostile twinks not yours; or (2) ego, the hostile twinks not yours.
#56 Dec 06 2006 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
640 posts
Serious question for twinkers....

Would you accept a gear ranking system that helped even out BG groups?

What I mean is every enchant and piece of equipment has an assigned gear value. Then BGs are broken up by not only level ranges but also gear value ranges. Then joe average player (gear value 250 for example) can enter with his mix of greens and whites and at the very worse face a guy with all greens and maybe a few low lvl enchants (gear value 350). Meanwhile Joe Twink (gear value 800) is going to be facing players that are similarly geared (gear value ranges of 600-900). You still get to use the best gear available to you, and you get to show off your skill against like geared players instead of unsuspecting noobs.

That system wouldn't eliminate twinks. It would just level the playing field a bit for all players.
#57 Dec 06 2006 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Sigh twink defences...they're just so weak.
emmitsvenson wrote:
No. But there is something wrong with such a person expecting to be on an even footing with people who are experienced at the game, know how to make gold, etc.

When I was in the BGs for the first time, I expected it to be a learning experience, not a fair fight. I was not surprised, and I had a great time.

You're never going to find fair in a BG. There will always be one side with an advantage. There is however a difference between the constant and tolerable unfair, and broken.

I have no problem with an unfair BG match. level differences, arranged teams versuses pugs, that's all fine. Broken is not simply unfair, the game changes. It's no longer fun.
emmitsvenson wrote:
Generally, it isn’t the new players who complain. It’s the experienced players. Although both promulgate that it is a problem.


New players are far less vocal for several reasons. First in that they probably don't udnerstand what is going on. They see they are dying, but they don't know why they are dying so quickly, and chalk it up to being new. Second even if they know what is going on they may not know where to express their frustrations. They may not know about message boards.

Experienced players complain as well, but to say they want to compete without putting in effort is laughable. I'm relatively experienced. I have all the gold required to made a dual crusader twink. I have the people connections required to run me through WC and VC to get the best BoPs. I have the time to level up a character to 19 (although I already have quite a few around that level, altism ftw). I also have the drive to do this, as I've things that require so much more effort in FFXI already. I have everything required to make make a twink, but I don't and I hate twinks. I'd love to say I don't make a twink because I care abotu the feelings of others in BG and don't want to ruin it for them, but I'm not that altruistic. Twinking breaks the game and I don't find palying a broken game any fun. There are people who played teh starcraft campaigns legitimately, not everyone types in "poweroverwhelming" you know?
emmitvenson wrote:
The game gives level 15s the same quests regardless of their gear and experience. New, poorly geared players have trouble with quests that experienced, well-geared players can saunter through easily. This is how new players learn strategy and how to gear up. That’s not all that different from the situation in the early battlegrounds.

Again you fail to see the difference between unfair/difficult and broken. A level 15 quest that a level 15 receives and cannot complete because of poor gear or play is fine. It's difficult, but that's fine. A level 15 getting a level 30 quest which unintentionally requires him to have a level 30 friend help him complete is broken.

I'll face a level 19 rogue in lots of blues as I play an 18 rogue in mainly greens without complaint and even happily lose to him. This is a difficlt situation, maybe something a little unfair, but I'm fine with that. A heavily enchanted twink rogue though I'll "complain" about even if I win. BEcause the former situation is fun and the latter isn't.
#58 Dec 06 2006 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
461 posts
Would you accept a gear ranking system that helped even out BG groups?

Yes I would as I twink for fun. I think it would be great to have a BG full of twinks firstly as I would hope they would have a grasp of tactics, secondly we could really push our toons to the maximum.

edit: isn't this what the arenas will do?

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 12:11pm by dashwoe
#59 Dec 06 2006 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
760 posts
I realize there's a priest twink that has replied in this thread, but that's the first non-melee twink I've encountered while leveling four toons through each of the brackets. I try the 10-19, and 20-29 brackets for humor though.

Every twink (and let's be honest, many non-twinks as well) have done little to nothing to enhance the team. And now I read some twinks actually *complain* that people want to win the bg's? Twinks have been honest in this thread, I'll be honest as well. I am one of those "Oh fer pity SAKE. Can we end this game PLEASE?!" I can only come to one conclusion.

Twinks are in bg's to take advantage of the high concentration of players they will be able to kill with relative ease. It's all about the killing blows, fish in a barrel as it were. Twinks take advantage of the relatively high concentration of players you'll be able to kill with ease and the lack of escape. They could accomplish the same thing out in the world, assuming a pvp server, but I've now been on a pvp server and for the most part, they don't. Truth be told, I've only rarely even *seen* an opposite faction player out in world.

I guess this dead horse thread has accomplished at least something. I can be annoyed twinks join BG's to get KB's, but I guess if that's the game you want to play, it's within the bounds of Blizzard. Understand there is a distinct conflict of objective here. It is in the twinks best interest to prolong the game as long as possible. It's in the teams best interest to get it over as soon as possible.

No idea what can be done about it, but at least I know what the problem is now.
#60 Dec 06 2006 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
If you want to go with that mindset, just remember one thing. You have NO business complaining should a lv.60 in tier 3 throw that reasoning right back at you.

never have and never will, in fact i do just waht i would do in the lower brackets, work on getting that gear.

Would you accept a gear ranking system that helped even out BG groups?

Absolutely, i think it's a fantastic idea. I actually thought it would be implemented in the x-realm bg patch. I think this will solve alot of issues and will make the game more fun for everyone. <<< EVERYONE not just the non-twinks OR the twinks. See some people, no names mentioned, seem to think the game should be changed to accomodate people who put in less effort, at the expense of the people who put in a greater effort.

The idea of a gear matching system should help make everyone happy.

Sadly I have no twinks right now, sort of working on a hunter but not too hard, so I won't get much benefit from that system until the expansion at which point i'll be working on a draenei (Sp? /sigh) shaman. When he hit's 10-19 whether I bg much or not he will have some of the best stuff available, and when he's 20-29 he will also have some of the best stuff, etc etc all the way up, just like all my toons whether they BG or not.

I realize there's a priest twink that has replied in this thread, but that's the first non-melee twink I've encountered while leveling four toons through each of the brackets. I try the 10-19, and 20-29 brackets for humor though.

hehe I had a priest twink at one point, though not too much effort was put in, it was mainly good blues and some int enchants, nothing crazy.

Every twink (and let's be honest, many non-twinks as well) have done little to nothing to enhance the team. And now I read some twinks actually *complain* that people want to win the bg's? Twinks have been honest in this thread, I'll be honest as well. I am one of those "Oh fer pity SAKE. Can we end this game PLEASE?!" I can only come to one conclusion.

I'm one of the never give up types and it ******* sucks when a team gives up. Even if you are delaying the inevitable who cares, make the other team work for it.

Twinks are in bg's to take advantage of the high concentration of players they will be able to kill with relative ease. It's all about the killing blows, fish in a barrel as it were. Twinks take advantage of the relatively high concentration of players you'll be able to kill with ease and the lack of escape.

I agree that most are, me personally, I'm there to cap. My gear is there to keep me alive during the caps since it's usually tough to rely on other players unless it's a premade.

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 12:26pm by TseTsuo
#61 Dec 06 2006 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
Not having read the above posts, only because I can still remember other such twink threads and I am sure the topic and conversations are the exact same, I will throw my two cents in in a related matter about twinks, battlegrounds and the faction you choose.

I am a allie peep, but recently made a horde priest to BG with. I wanted to see what it is directly which makes horde a dominant force in battlegrounds outside of AV ofcourse.

Two things I have encountered which I have never on the allies side.

1. A guild which recruited me after a battleground on my server, which wanted to twink me out, provided I was willing to not level anymore. They needed a priest and enjoyed my heals I suppose.

2. Massive botters, using speed hacks and the such.

Not saying horde's are cheaters in general...but the sheer organization of guilds willing to twink out others is something you just don't see on the allies side. I didn't see a anything different really in battlegrounds as far as playstyle. Less people complaining... hordes just seemed to do thier job and let the allies implode apon themselves.
#62 Dec 06 2006 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
ItharrAlexander wrote:

To feel like a god, at the expense of other people.

Wow, quite an assumption.

Untrue for the bulk of twinks, but quite an assumption indeed.

I've never twinked at 19/29, those brackets aren't where the fun is at. Twink a 49 toon, and you'll have the most BG fun you've had in quite awhile.

Gear differences between top notch 40-49 gear and average 40-49 gear are much, much smaller then you'll find in the 60's bracket. Some of us don't have time to raid long hours to be competitive in the 60's, so we do it in the 40's instead, where the playing field is much more equal.

Seems my blunt comment caught a bunch of flack. However, I'll be glad to support it with examples.

First, with reguards to the first half of "feel like a god". People twink to give themselves an advantage over the average BG player at that level.

dashwoe wrote:
So when you croak at the feet of my twink clutching your straw I will just give you a /wave and carry on.

ChainsawBuddha wrote:
Tell me how it wouldn't be fun to win almost every BG and one shot level 19s?

Twinking will get you wins, lots of wins will make you feel extremely powerful, and is a nice ego boost.

In a BG, twinking removes "skill" from the equasion and moves it to "who has the most expensive rogue/warrior". If PvP is supposed to be a battle of skill, how can it be done when it all boils down to who's willing to waste a few hundred gold on a character they'll never level? You are giving the other person no with-that-character way to stand a chance.

As for the "at the expense of others", well, people twink for BG's, so that their side wins, and the other side looses. Much like a weightlifter using steroids is at the expense of others, for those who don't will have no chance in the competition, reguardless of their dedication or ability. (well, unless there's a drug test)

Twinking is the easiest way for someone to be the "big dog" in BG's. Whether they do it to kill people, or to run the flag, they still want to be the hero of their side.
#63 Dec 06 2006 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Maybe we could have twink BG's and none twink BG's . I know my son and I are fed up with being killed in 3 hits by ubber twinks.

No fun , whats the point.
#64 Dec 06 2006 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Allegory wrote:
Experienced players complain as well, but to say they want to compete without putting in effort is laughable.

Allegory wrote:
There are 3 categories of reasons why people twink.

The first is where the majority fall, as much as people like to deny. The primary reason people twink is to have an extraordinary advantage over normal chracters in BG. They play for the same reason people play Quake with cheats on. They twink out of selfishness.

The second category is probably the second most popular reason people twink. The do it because they feel it is the only way they can compete with other twinks. It sad really that people who probably would not normally disregard the selfishness of twinking get sucked in, but they aren't justified either. They twink out of selfishness.

The third category is miscellaneous, probably less popular than the second. These are the people who state a reason other than the first two and genuinely mean it. They have no ill intent in twinking and see none of the problems it causes. They twink because they see something fun about it and do not see any harm occuring to others.

Actually, I'm gonna point something out. I concede your 3 types of twinks theory as likely. The percentages I have in mind may be different, but I'm not gonna quibble over that.

However I have a counterpoint. I believe that there are 3 reasons why people don't get all blue gear for BGs.

The first category is the people who are too lazy and inconsiderate to put in the effort to do so. They may or may not know how to get massive gold, but they could still show up in mostly good greens. These are the people who show up in greys/whites/greens 10 levels or more below them. These people don't bother to gear/level out of selfishness and get killed in BGs despite the "SKILLZ!!11one" that we all "know" they have. Obviously they only lose because of the moth#@*!cking twinks. It has nothing to do with the fact that they're level 20 with level 8 greys using level 16 trained skills, if you're lucky. They're also the people who pull idiotic moves in BGs and I despise them. They may not fit all of the criteria at once, but they are @#%^s nonetheless, complete with poor attitudes. I really do hate them so incredibly much.

The second category is the people who just don't know better. The newbs who do what they can and earnestly try, but can't succeed in getting decent gear. They may queue up at lower than x7 in crappy gear, but they really don't know better and are OK people. They work well with the team and do their best. I like these people and cut them complete slack. They may or may not dislike twinks, but usually they just don't realize what happened.

The third type is the person that knows better and doesn't twink because they generally dislike twinking from a moral standpoint or don't feel like wasting gold on an alt. They still BG decently geared(and at a good level too) and have good understanding of their class. They even often kill the idiot twinks. I would honestly have to say that while they're the most well organized in their anti-twink complaints, they're also in the minority... the first type is much much more vocal. These are the people who truly would like to just not have to deal with twinks and I'm cool with that.

Now, as to the question someone asked about Gear Matched BGs:

I say HELL YES! If I never again have to see an idiot x2 griping in BGs about "STUPID TWINKS" after getting one shotted by a level 16 paladin wielding a cooked spaghetti noodle and wielding no enchants, I would be the happiest person on these boards.

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 10:36am by Poldaran
#65 Dec 06 2006 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
351 posts
I found a fair ***** in the twink-only guild's armour.. someone I know created a twink alt, joined a 'twink-only' guild.. and they spend all their time asking lvl60's to run them through instances because they want the BoP blues but they're too low to get them without help.. :os
#66 Dec 06 2006 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
640 posts
I found a fair ***** in the twink-only guild's armour.. someone I know created a twink alt, joined a 'twink-only' guild.. and they spend all their time asking lvl60's to run them through instances because they want the BoP blues but they're too low to get them without help.. :os

/twink "you're just too lazy to pester high lvl players to take you to get that Blackened Defias Chest" /twink off
#67 Dec 06 2006 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Poldaran wrote:
However I have a counterpoint. I believe that there are 3 reasons why people don't get all blue gear for BGs.

The first category is the people who are too lazy and inconsiderate to put in the effort to do so. They may or may not know how to get massive gold, but they could still show up in mostly good greens. These are the people who show up in greys/whites/greens 10 levels or more below them. These people don't bother to gear/level out of selfishness and get killed in BGs despite the "SKILLZ!!11one" that we all "know" they have. Obviously they only lose because of the moth#@*!cking twinks. It has nothing to do with the fact that they're level 20 with level 8 greys using level 16 trained skills, if you're lucky. They're also the people who pull idiotic moves in BGs and I despise them. They may not fit all of the criteria at once, but they are @#%^s nonetheless, complete with poor attitudes. I really do hate them so incredibly much.

The second category is the people who just don't know better. The newbs who do what they can and earnestly try, but can't succeed in getting decent gear. They may queue up at lower than x7 in crappy gear, but they really don't know better and are OK people. They work well with the team and do their best. I like these people and cut them complete slack. They may or may not dislike twinks, but usually they just don't realize what happened.

The third type is the person that knows better and doesn't twink because they generally dislike twinking from a moral standpoint or don't feel like wasting gold on an alt. They still BG decently geared(and at a good level too) and have good understanding of their class. They even often kill the idiot twinks. I would honestly have to say that while they're the most well organized in their anti-twink complaints, they're also in the minority... the first type is much much more vocal. These are the people who truly would like to just not have to deal with twinks and I'm cool with that.

All true. I'd say that the main reason people don't show up in good gear for a BG is that they either don't know (new to the game) or don't care (just taking a break from leveling). I think you're kind of targeting that last one at me.^^

BTW thank you Poldaran for going into this level headed, I got way too wound up and needed a reminder of what a rational person looks like.

I really can't fathom why Blizzard hasn't introduced gear matching sooner, if not for twink gripes then for 60 tier gripes. It is one solution that I really think everyone can be reasonably satisfied with and not really have a legitimate compalint.
#68 Dec 06 2006 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
Much like a weightlifter using steroids is at the expense of others, for those who don't will have no chance in the competition, reguardless of their dedication or ability. (well, unless there's a drug test)

what a horrible comparison. Steroids = illegal / against the rules. "twinking" is perfectly legit and basically encouraged by blizzard through design as well as lack of intervention.

A better comparison would be weightlifters who use creatin or some other LEGAL supplement.

Comparing speed hacks to steroids would be more appropriate.
#69 Dec 06 2006 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Allegory wrote:
BTW thank you Poldaran for going into this level headed, I got way too wound up and needed a reminder of what a rational person looks like.

Meh, someone has to be level headed.

In another thread, Mazra said we were all a little weird to be able to survive here. It's not true. I'm perfectly normal. The rest of you, however, are plum loco. Smiley: grin

Allegory wrote:
I really can't fathom why Blizzard hasn't introduced gear matching sooner, if not for twink gripes then for 60 tier gripes. It is one solution that I really think everyone can be reasonably satisfied with and not really have a legitimate compalint.

I want gear matching so badly it hurts. The only people gear matching would really ***** are the twinks who are there to "pwn nubs" as they don't have anyone to "pwn" anymore and the scrubs(damn you Jord for getting that word into my vocabulary) who show up low level and undergeared with no idea how to play their classes as they will likely get placed with many decent non twinks and will no longer have any excuse for why they lost.

And you know what I have to say to those bastids?

Fuck em.
#70 Dec 06 2006 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
what a horrible comparison. Steroids = illegal / against the rules. "twinking" is perfectly legit and basically encouraged by blizzard through design as well as lack of intervention.

A better comparison would be weightlifters who use creatin or some other LEGAL supplement.

Comparing speed hacks to steroids would be more appropriate.

I hate to say it, but this is true. Twinks stink if you're not twinked; I can say that from experience. But when two non-twinks kill a twink by playing smart, it is very satisfying!

The time and money it takes to twink, this is another issue. If people are ebaying gold to buy that good armor and to buy those enchants -- then, however, it's like steroids. That's what bugs me about twinking.

If I plan to fight for a while in a certain level, I have to gear up just to have a hope. I can't really twink, but I ask for favors and try to get good gear -- especially the free stuff that comes from boss drops. Here's a hint: if you play a dps range class, like mage or hunter, try to kite in BGs. You can build around, if you're a hunter, one really good gun or bow. Yeah, you might not survive when the rogue stun locks you. But there are many times when you can hang back and snipe, and if you develop tricks for getting away from rogues, you'd be surprised what you can do.

I guess what I'm getting at is: there are two types of people who complain about twinks. Those who are just playing up and want a few casual BG games on the way -- and find they are no fun because even though they know how to play, they just can't fight the twinks. And then there are hopeless noobs who can't play no matter what -- and go in at lvl 12 or lvl 21 or lvl 33 -- w/ crap gear -- and no idea what their class does ----> and they blame their total ineptitude on the other sides twinks. Imho, don't fall into the second class there (not that many people here would)!
#71 Dec 06 2006 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
Allegory wrote:
Sigh twink defences...they're just so weak.

This sentence makes me worried that you’re projecting the attitudes, opinions and statements of others onto me rather than fully engaging with what I’ve written. Let’s discuss this as friends, and not poison the well with blanket statements like this.

Allegory wrote:

You're never going to find fair in a BG. There will always be one side with an advantage. There is however a difference between the constant and tolerable unfair, and broken.

I have no problem with an unfair BG match. level differences, arranged teams versuses pugs, that's all fine. Broken is not simply unfair, the game changes. It's no longer fun.

Perhaps the difference in our perspectives is the level of challenge we experience as fun. I enjoy uphill fights, the tougher the better, because the emotional payoff is so much higher when you win. Rolling a bunch of noobs is relatively unsatisfying to me compared to outthinking experienced, well-geared opponents.

I’m not a twink by the strict definition. 99% of the time I’ve spent in the battlegrounds has been with my main on Runetotem and my main on Garithos. Both were equipped solely with gear I found or purchased with them, for them. And neither spent much time in the 19 or 29s brackets.

However, they were extremely well geared for their brackets, and I camped 30-39 and 40-49 with them for ages. Considering the effort I put into, say, running and rerunning RFD to get the Coldrage Dagger, or the time I spent getting Engineering to 300 so that my Battle Chicken and other engineering pets would be forces to fear, I felt obliged to get all the benefit from those items that I could, rather than level past their usefulness immediately.

I played PUGs mostly, and I lived for the times when I’d be thrown in against organized groups on Vent--I got to know the PVP guilds on my servers and in my battlegroup pretty quickly. Then winning was a real challenge, and when my team coordinated well enough to win against those monsters, I felt all my effort was worthwhile.

From my perspective, twinking is a good thing because it gives me opponents who give me a challenge even when I bring my best game. I hope that gear matching is implemented, because it will put me in that kind of situation more often.

I feel some sympathy for people who find my well-geared characters more of a challenge than is fun for them, but frankly, I’d be insulted to think that anyone was bringing less to the table than they could simply to spare my feelings. There’s nothing quite so maddening as when people condescend to let you win at a game instead of playing to win themselves. So by the Golden Rule, I show my respect for my opponents by giving them stiff competition, not some misguided measure of mercy.

Hopefully they learn from the experience, as I try to.

Allegory wrote:
New players are far less vocal for several reasons. First in that they probably don't udnerstand what is going on. They see they are dying, but they don't know why they are dying so quickly, and chalk it up to being new. Second even if they know what is going on they may not know where to express their frustrations. They may not know about message boards.

I’ve tried to point out to tell you there’s another reason. Some new players, such as myself, expect to get slaughtered, and value the experience because you can learn more from a loss than you can from a win. Those early twinks teach you much more than how to lose gracefully. For example, they teach you the amazing power of crowd control in team PVP.

Allegory wrote:
emmitsvenson wrote:
Generally, it isn’t the new players who complain. It’s the experienced players. Although both promulgate that it is a problem.


Experienced players complain as well, but to say they want to compete without putting in effort is laughable. I'm relatively experienced. I have all the gold required to made a dual crusader twink. I have the people connections required to run me through WC and VC to get the best BoPs. I have the time to level up a character to 19 (although I already have quite a few around that level, altism ftw). I also have the drive to do this, as I've things that require so much more effort in FFXI already. I have everything required to make make a twink, but I don't and I hate twinks. I'd love to say I don't make a twink because I care abotu the feelings of others in BG and don't want to ruin it for them, but I'm not that altruistic. Twinking breaks the game and I don't find palying a broken game any fun. There are people who played teh starcraft campaigns legitimately, not everyone types in "poweroverwhelming" you know?

Not everyone wants to play on “easy” setting either. For some, even “hard” isn’t hard enough.Some like “impossible”. I sure do.

Incidentally, is the whole “fixed this for you” gambit ever meant to be anything but rude and insulting? Can we please keep this on a more civil tack?

Allegory wrote:
Again you fail to see the difference between unfair/difficult and broken....I'll face a level 19 rogue in lots of blues as I play an 18 rogue in mainly greens without complaint and even happily lose to him. This is a difficlt situation, maybe something a little unfair, but I'm fine with that. A heavily enchanted twink rogue though I'll "complain" about even if I win. BEcause the former situation is fun and the latter isn't.

Here we must simply disagree. I’ve never faced a team that my team could not, in theory, defeat through superior play. The upset games where PUGs made of me and assorted midlevel chars managed to squeak out victories over well-organized high levels were few, but remain my favorite WoW moments, especially if my own contribution was instrumental to winning.

If that’s broken, don’t fix it. ‘cause it’s my favorite part of the game.

The only advice I can offer to someone who can’t stand a near-impossible challenge is to not bang your head against the concrete wall of the 19 and 29 bgs. 39 and 49 are currently the battlegrounds with the least gear disparity, and will remain so until the BC introduces a ton of enchants that can be placed on lvl. 35+ gear.
#72 Dec 06 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
Much like a weightlifter using steroids is at the expense of others, for those who don't will have no chance in the competition, reguardless of their dedication or ability. (well, unless there's a drug test)

what a horrible comparison. Steroids = illegal / against the rules. "twinking" is perfectly legit and basically encouraged by blizzard through design as well as lack of intervention.

A better comparison would be weightlifters who use creatin or some other LEGAL supplement.

Comparing speed hacks to steroids would be more appropriate.

Ah, but you see, Steroids actually WERE "legal" for a while, because they weren't explicitly prohibited. Then the rules got changed and they were made to be illegal.

The same goes for many other drugs, er, "performance suppliments". More things get added to the ban list every year.

Now, you may call it a bad comparison, but if you look to the past before steroids were banned, you will find it's eerily similar.
#73 Dec 06 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
640 posts
Here we must simply disagree. I’ve never faced a team that my team could not, in theory, defeat through superior play.
I'd say in lvl 19 and 29 BGs that's completely false.

In lvl 19 BGs you can have a skilled group of decently geared players that won't have a prayer against a skilled twink group. Zero chance.
#74 Dec 06 2006 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
Grollog wrote:
[quote]In lvl 19 BGs you can have a skilled group of decently geared players that won't have a prayer against a skilled twink group. Zero chance.

Perhaps you’re right. You probably have more experience in those brackets than me: I spent my time in the 39 and 49 brackets, and am now doing 59-60. The lower brackets were of limited interest to me because no one had their full ******* of talents and skills. I prefer the variety of higher bgs.

But it’s an article of faith with me that no fight is impossible. Thinking you can’t win makes it difficult to formulate a strategy.

#75 Dec 06 2006 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
Twinks ruin BGs, there is no way around it.
Now, if Twinks managed to get their own BGs, or if Enchants were levelrestricted like EVERY SINGLE OTHER PROFESSION, things would be far more balanced. I really don't mind going up against a well-geared player when I play my alts. What I do mind, is going up against a player who is well geared, and then enchanted so hard that it takes five or more normal players to take him out. It completely negates the "Win through Skill" part of the Battlegrounds.

A well geared player, with the enchants that can be REASONABLY afforded, will definately be a foe to be wary of. You will have to play your character very well to defeat such a fella. A well geared player with enchants that only a level 60 can afford, is a foe you can pretty much give up all hope on.

I played BGs on my Rogue in three brackets. 10-19, 20-29, and 30-39. My Rogue was my main on that server, simply because I wanted to try playing a character the way it was meant to be played in the BGs. And I was devastated. In the 19 tier, I had no chance whatsoever against the Twinks. I had a few nice greenies, and a few lowbie +stam enchants, lovingly provided from the guild I was in. No chance whatsoever against a Twink. I did everything I could, used every skill available to a Rogue, and I MIGHT be able to get him down to 80% before he had Sinister Strikeloled me to death. The Enchants were simply way to powerful for that level.

At 29, things looked slightly different. I played with some fairly decent gear, since I had planned ahead. A guildie helped me get Triprunner Dungarees, and wonder of wonders, I found a Claw of the Shadowmancer at the AH for a measly 3 gold. No enchants, except Minor Runspeed. I killed almost every Twink I encountered. The reason? I had to learn how to play my class. I managed to utilize every skill I had and I knew how to improvise. The Twinks mainly chased me, and Sinister Striked. (What the other Twink classes did, I am not sure, I just saw Paladins use BoF alot)

The conclusion I made, was that Twinks suck. In the 19 BGs, I lost and lost every single time, simply because some immature little brat played God with the money his 60 earned him. In the 29 Battlegrounds, things were different. Because he never learned to play, he lost. The difference in Stats and such were slightly diminished, even with the Enchants, and we both had alot more class skills to use. He still went around Sinister Striking me with his Lightsabers, while I managed to use my skills and daggers so that I managed to control the fight. Skill won over gear.

So, just a quick message to the Twinks out there:
Go play in the 20-29/30-39 Battlegrounds, you won't be quite as godlike, but you just might avoid ruining the BGs for all the normal players out there.

-Dearly hoping the Enchant-Level restriction comes soon.
#76 Dec 06 2006 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
tried to shoot down a post, read it wrong

Nothing to see here, Move along <_<

Edited, Dec 7th 2006 4:03pm by FFGamer
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