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Twinks, what's thei purpose?Follow

#27 Dec 05 2006 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
I was in AB the other day and it had only been maybe 10 minutes when a new person joined us, we were down maybe at the most 100 pts. He starts yelling for everyone to run back to the starting point and let the Horde win. I stood my ground at the blacksmith and watched all these sheep running back to the starting point. I went into BG chat and told this guy that he must be a real prize in real life that he gave up so easily coming into a 10 minute old bg.

That's when the barrage of nasty words flew from his immature/arrogant/twink mouth. He told all of us that we sucked his *&^% because we were in greens and blues and he was in tier 3 purple or some ********* His backstab and ambush did 18-2k damage each time and that he could out damage all of us put together. Now none of us saw this great feat of hell on earth damage because he never left the starting point, he was like one of those rabid sideline parents at a pee-wee football game.

To make a long story short, the rest of the players came back into the game, ignored the arrogant prick and though we lost, it was very close; now I think we could have pulled off a win if they hadn't all run back to hide with the coward.

I asked one of the other players why they all ran and he said because the guy was a twink from such and such guild. I don't remember the guild but it must have some sorry people in it if they act like this guy. And I've seen more and more spamming for "Twink Only Guilds", that is just what we need.
#28 Dec 05 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
That reminds of one WSG match a few weeks ago. This twink was on our side, yelling at us and telling us how everything we were doing was stupid. We were doing pretty badly, but luckily it was only 0-1.. we just weren't making any progress, and it was ugly in general. At that point he said he was tired of it, blah blah blah, and left. Only minutes after he left, we started doing better, and won 3-1. He didn't know we won I'm sure, but it gave me great satisfaction anyway!

Not many twinks I've seen are obsessed with winning and throw a total fit when they lose, but those types of idiots almost always twink themselves out to avoid the loss I guess. Because the childish ones stand out so much, that's probably why I dislike twinks right off when I see them.. I just assume they're obsessed with winning, and will go psycho if they lose, blaming everyone else. Stereotypes are wrong and inaccurate, but hard to avoid sometimes =P
#29 Dec 05 2006 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
yea but with the new path and everything there wont be a such thing as a twink anymore. Ive heard that killing somone in the bgs willl now give you xp...and i pray that is ture cause people who can take the level 60 bracket want to have fun on their alts. Sure enough there are people who say they have "lives" but they are just too dam lazy to do one dungon that has a possible of getting them a piece of epic gear. However that is what RANK 14 gear was made for so the people who cant spend countless months raiding can spend countless hours pvping and hit the 2nd best gear in the game. However reguarding twinks n all i play a 39 pally (bonebiter/SM blues/2 bought blue items/wsg rep awards) and just because i WSG so many times to hit revered people call me a twink cause the only green i have on is the SM bealt. Am i a only made the pally because its easier to pvp one than a warrior imo. Did i have the ability to kill people in seconds? Yes. Did i enjoy it? NO! Untill you try the level 60 bracket with a pvp group then you dont know the definition of PVP. Hell if you even find a pvp guild then twinks wont matter cause skill>raw power. Like the hunter said nothing like kitting a twink just because they are used to pressing 2bottons.

p.s. wtf seriously twinks need to die from the 0-19 n 20-29 all because gear at those levels are hard to get and noobs dont understand how to get good gear for their level.
#30 Dec 05 2006 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts
StarryKnight wrote:
Wow, quite an assumption.

Untrue for the bulk of twinks, but quite an assumption indeed.

I've never twinked at 19/29, those brackets aren't where the fun is at. Twink a 49 toon, and you'll have the most BG fun you've had in quite awhile.

How come one person says people twink to feel like a god and then others say, "what an assumption, so not true. most of them twink because.." Aren't you just making your own assumption?

Twinking at 19 and 29 in my opinion are the only brackets where twinks matter. After 29 bracket the enchants quit meaning as much and gear differences are not as huge, as well as there being more skills to make up for gear imbalance and new players having some experience with their class. The brackets where gear/enchants can win fights for you are also the brackets where the majority of the twinks plays. I'm sure that's just a coincidence? Or it could be because it takes less time to level to 19 and 29, since it takes sooo long to level in WoW. -_-

First of all, your assertion thta "twinking at 19 and 29 ... the only bracket where twinks matter" is plainly wrong. This is not a matter of opinion - I've been there, and done that, and I can tell you flatly that you're wrong.

In the 30-39 and 40-49 bracket there are new levels of items we lovingly refer to as "epics." There are also a far greater number of blues ("rares"). My current PvP Priest was part of what some would call a "twink team" in every bracket, although I was never very twinked myself - I did what I could, but I have still never had a +30 spell damage enchant or a +healing glove enchant or anything at that level - I just had the basics (run speed, +100, +7stam, etc).

In the 40-49 bracket, you end up with Rogues dual wielding epics (Hammer of Northern Wind in main, that pretty dagger whose name I forget in off) with the virtually the same DPS output of a Krol Blade of Rend's MH. Essentially - they have very close to the damage output of a L60 blue/green Rogue. Add to that equally good gear from head to toe, basically covering them in armor as good as a L60 in green... and they HURT. It's exactly the same level of hurt as in 10-19 - not as much due to the enchants as the weapons themselves.

The continuation of the story is that at L60, "twinkage" (well by part of the definition, aka the amassing of the highest possible quality of gear), gear has a FAR larger effect than it does at 20-29. Try fighting an Tier 3 Rogue w/ blue/greens - he'll OPEN with enough DPS to kill you. Ambush crits you for 1700+. Oops - now you're gouged? Hmmm ... Backstab for 1600. What? You only have 3500ish health? Sorry but you're dead already! So much for all those abilities you trained. Perhaps the difference is that a L10 going into a 10-19 game has grey armor and a white L4 weapon and you won't find players quite a new at 40-49 or 60 - but who cares about those players? They didnt' take the time to gear up (or take the time to READ up and learn if they are new) and they deserve to have no fun because all they are really doing is trying to enjoy something at the expense of other players.

Furthermore, to the discussion in general--

RPGs, and more recently MMORPGs have ALWAYS been about playing to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your characters. Those who do not play this way are commonly refered to as "scrubs" because they are happy to get by with mediocre efforts and justify it by asserting their position as superior (I.e. "I don't have good gear cause I have a life").

You don't need to be uberly twinked out to enjoy 10-19 or 20-29. You DO have to spend some time to get prepared. Like I've demonstrated many times in previous discussions, I spent a total of 25g on a L19 Hunter and she can take all but the top Twink agility rogues down barely getting hit (it's only a problem if they dodge WingClip more than 2x in a row). You can go out and get optimal green gear and it'll make you strong enough to have a good time - even if you cant' often beat twinks 1on1.
#31 Dec 05 2006 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
Larisa wrote:
That's when the barrage of nasty words flew from his immature/arrogant/twink mouth. He told all of us that we sucked his *&^% because we were in greens and blues and he was in tier 3 purple or some bullsh*t. His backstab and ambush did 18-2k damage each time and that he could out damage all of us put together. Now none of us saw this great feat of hell on earth damage because he never left the starting point, he was like one of those rabid sideline parents at a pee-wee football game.

To make a long story short, the rest of the players came back into the game, ignored the arrogant prick and though we lost, it was very close; now I think we could have pulled off a win if they hadn't all run back to hide with the coward.

I asked one of the other players why they all ran and he said because the guy was a twink from such and such guild. I don't remember the guild but it must have some sorry people in it if they act like this guy. And I've seen more and more spamming for "Twink Only Guilds", that is just what we need.

You have no idea what your talking about. If the person was in Tier 3s, then that means they are level 60, which means they are a Raider, not a Twink. A Twink is someone who uses money from a higher level character to deck out a lower level character. Your whole experience means nothing in this conversation.

First off, I do have a twinked character. But let me also state that I have never, ever been in a 19 WSG with a new player on my side, so I can figure the amounts of new players on the other side are very low as well. They have 100% of the time been alts of higher level players. Not all of them twinks, of course, or even close, but they are not newbies.

That's what everyone loves to say, is that it hurts the newbies, which is a farse. People complain about twinks because they have a hard time killing them themselves.

New players usually are not interested in BGs at the lower levels, since they want to get a feel for their character, class, and the game in general. Why would a totally new player on their new main stop at level 19 to play a BG when they don't have all their skills? They also are probably well aware of the fact that they are going to get something nice from their trainer at level 20, which is really only about 20 minutes of questing away if they work at it.

People play PvP normally when they have a good feel for the game, because they don't want to look like a fool in front of other human players. A new player may think "I don't want to do BGs yet, or I may mess up and make my team mad at me" (Both of the friends I got to play said that exact same thing when I tried to get them into the BGs). This is probably why I have never seen newbies in the 19 WSG.

Like Baron von Diathon said, there are plenty of tactics to take care of twinks. You just have to use your head. Lure them into death-squad traps, gang up on them, use our "godly egos" against us to make us lose sight of the fight, be a Hunter to take out Rogue twinks lol, etc. Just do something, of which there is plenty to do, besides complaining, because Blizz has said they are not going to change the way twinking works. The only thing they have said is that TBC enchants will be level restricted, so twinks won't be getting any stronger.
#32 Dec 05 2006 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
hahahahahhahaahh i always have a good laugh when i see the poor people who got owned on an alt and complain and say that people who twink dont have skills on their 60. i am prolly more skilled then most mages out there but i find twinking 10000000 time funner ( i dont go after people under level 15 unless they attack me) maybe u should stop complaining and go farm some gold and make a twink. you will see how fun it is
#33 Dec 05 2006 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,260 posts
I am pro=twink, as in, using money from your high level toon to gear out a lower level toon real nicely. Hoever, I do also feel strongly that not placing level restrictions on enchats allows twinking to a degree that it is out of control. Had Blizzard known about the way things are, they certainly would have put level restrictions on enchats, but, as per the "Blue" posts on the O-boards recently, what's done is done and there is no easy way to un-***** up the mess they allowed to happen. Put level restrictions on EVERYTHING and allow me to put crusader on my fishing pole... smooth.

I vote for level restricting all enchats, stripping the enchants off the items that have them at a level that is too low, and drop the mats in the mailbox. I'd gladly give up my semi-twinked toon to see this happen.

This would still allow twinking, but keep it within reason, as it should be. You could still get your nice blues and stuff, etc.

I hope they let me know before they do it, so I can build an ark and put 2 of each animal on it, so all of life on Earth doesn't drown in the tears of all the people in guilds like "Twinkz Pwn Teh Nubz FTW" or whatever.

To sum it up.. twinking is a good thing... it is an idea that is as old as MMORPG's themselves, and happened back in EQ alot....but not having level restrictions on enchants, though, has allowed the twinking to go to an unforseen extreme that surely the designers did not intend.

And as for the people who say "If you think twinks are bad wait till you meet the Tier 3 raiders in the 60 BGs!".. well level 60 BG's are SUPPOSED to be like that.. that what end game life is like... that's not what level 10-19 is supposed to be like. What these 700+ gold twinks do is to effectively bring level 60 elements (like 300-skil enchants, librams) into low level areas where they were never intended to be a a factor.
#34 Dec 05 2006 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
What I have found wandering around this big intrawedz world is two things.
1. Its fun
2. The other side does it

Now I’ve been known to take my lowbie alt in a BG on occasion to escape the boredom of going over the same thing as my 60 did. To tell you the truth, I'm not bothered by a twink ganking, what bothers me is when they beat me down, THEN act like their better then me. Then its just patience that gets me through it. Hey its online, this kind of crap happens all the time, it only gets to you if you let it get to you.

..And well anyways.. We usually win regardless of twinks on the field.
#35 Dec 05 2006 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
717 posts
As far as gear goes, nothing to complain about. It's equal opportunities all around there.

Enchants still should be changed as there is a definite imbalance there.

Now before you whip out your "half assed gear" arguments, just hear this out.

Fiery enchant adds fire damage to some attacks, this damage is constant, it does not scale by the level of the person using it. What's wrong with that? +30 fire damage on a lv.60's attack, pretty good. +30 damage on a lv.19's attack is worth a LOT more.

It's the same thing with say...crusader. 100 attack power is nice to a 60 but godly to a 19. Wouldn't it make much more sense if it gave less atk when used by a lower level? So it still gives a bonus but not an unbalancing one.

"But anybody can get these with the coinage so it's fair"

In one sense yes, in another sense, no.

The other problem is this. Enchanting improves your offensive abilities FAR more than your defensive. Enchants can drive your damage through the roof but can't do tons for your defense.

The result: Enchants make low level fights fly by in seconds and make any sort of strategy obsolete. Why use any of your fancy tricks when it's all gonna be over before you know it, win or lose, anyway?

Not to mention, many casters argue that enchant twinking benefits melees far more than it does them.

In laymans terms, twinking turns low level fights into slug fests. Not that slug fests are bad, but some people would like some variety too. Yeah, there's not a lot of variety to work with at that level anyway but still, if you think there's absolutely NO ill consequence to enchant twinking, don't be so sure.

Edited, Dec 5th 2006 9:28pm by Shamibell
#37 Dec 05 2006 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
My sentiments exactly. That's what alts are for, twinking is just adding to the fun factor.

You should see how it feels to go against tier 2/3 players in BGs while you still have tier 0 blues. Not a pretty sight.
#38 Dec 05 2006 at 9:08 PM Rating: Default
"Twinking is totally ok and just go do it urself and blabla"
[Story about toothpick versus pistol and a real tough guy being a real bloated ***] Well, same goes for u, u display a mentality that will not make me weep if u get a bullit one day.. cause by ur own statements u say it would be ok since u then by occation was the weaker part and it's justified thereby, right? well don't let me disturb, go buff ur ego :P
Anyway, getting good gear is 1 thing but pimping a char into a monster is just a lame ego trip... it's all about YOU is'nt it. Nice attitude. :P

Enchants should be changed into giving a percentage of whatever relating to level, up to the max value of the given enchant.
For Crusader this would mean (as I would like it to be) that the enchant would give 50% of full effect on a lvl 30 as an example, and 25% (+25AP) on a lvl 15.
Libram enchants should also have this effect. So then, just keep the gear until lvl 58-60 and u'll have the full effect of it, no problem, eh :P
Besides, make each kill in BG's give some xp and twinking will be very temporary.. thus making BG's into something more players can see a point in doing. All u have to do now is to not turn in honor marks and ur sick little Frankestein can stay in BG at lvl x9 forever :P

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 6:33am by Kenzofeis

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 6:36am by Kenzofeis
#39 Dec 05 2006 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Kenzofeis wrote:
"Twinking is totally ok and just go do it urself and blabla"
[Story about toothpick versus pistol and a real tough guy being a real bloated ***] Well, same goes for u, u display a mentality that will not make me weep if u get a bullit one day..

Just thought I'd point out why I rated this artard down, in case others didn't see it.
#40 Dec 05 2006 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Also, I don't feel like responding to the thread right now, but I would like to let everyone know that I killed a rogue with Thunderfury several times the other day(no reason for bragging other than Jord was talking about rogues).

The dumbass kept opening with a stun.
#41 Dec 05 2006 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,996 posts
RPGs, and more recently MMORPGs have ALWAYS been about playing to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your characters. Those who do not play this way are commonly refered to as "scrubs" because they are happy to get by with mediocre efforts and justify it by asserting their position as superior (I.e. "I don't have good gear cause I have a life").

Drat, why did you have to say "always" (in caps) and throw in RPG's? MMORPG's perhaps, but please draw the line there or distinguish between eRPG's and real ones. Today, TSR is forgotten, before that the letters stopped having meaning, before that we played "Chainmail" with figures and started to give those figures a continuing existance and growth. That led to an idea called *role* playing.

The theory you've described was once called min/maxing and a good GM was supposed to be able to balance the game to break it. If they didn't each character became a cookie cutter optimal build, and the idea of role playing got lost. That seems to be what has happened with MMORPG's in particular, call them games, even good games in their own right -- but leave the vestigial tip of the hat to role playing out. They have, at best, gone back to what Chainmail was -- a reasonable game of tactics, some strategy, and a bit of personalization.

As for twinking? Twinking, as far as I understand the term (perhaps that "understanding" doesn't extend far enough) is *not* what you described. The twink is a twink because the twink didn't earn that gear or the gold that purchased it. Those who earned it are not twinks, just good players or lucky ones. Twinks are twinks because they don't even pretend to be part of role playing. They are mass produced counters, using standardized builds, and have the character of chess pieces. They are bought, vat grown, and dropped into the BG's for a sub-game.

I play on PvE, and enjoy what I do. To each their own, but let's not call twinks any part of role playing, nor misquote history to justify them.

Edit for clarity: By calling twinks "bought" I mean the gear that is placed on them, for the purpose of turning the generic 'toon into a twink and in contrast to the idea of earning the gear through play time. I do not intend to imply that those who twink are buying completed twinks through ebay, powerleveling or the like.

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 2:26am by Rhodekylle
#42 Dec 05 2006 at 11:23 PM Rating: Default
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
I play on PvE, and enjoy what I do. To each their own, but let's not call twinks any part of role playing, nor misquote history to justify them.

I dunno, I worked my twink into an RP backstory and everything pretty easily. It's not hard for a character to have an older and respected sibling(or some kind of sugar daddy, if that's your roleplaying cup of tea) that gives them the best of gear for heading off to war.
#43 Dec 05 2006 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,996 posts
I dunno, I worked my twink into an RP backstory and everything pretty easily. It's not hard for a character to have an older and respected sibling(or some kind of sugar daddy, if that's your roleplaying cup of tea) that gives them the best of gear for heading off to war.

:) Point to Polderan, although I would say if you took the trouble to do that, you have taken yourself at least partially outside of the strict usage of "twink." That is moving more towards such elements of role playing as are possible in an MMO*PG.
#44 Dec 05 2006 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:

:) Point to Polderan, although I would say if you took the trouble to do that, you have taken yourself at least partially outside of the strict usage of "twink." That is moving more towards such elements of role playing as are possible in an MMO*PG.

Yeah, my twink's not normal. She, like, heals and stuff.

I can count the number of HKs I received since going to 29 in which I actually did damage to the enemy on one hand.
#45 Dec 06 2006 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
TibeDito wrote:
Why do some players play with a twink?, is it to gain rep. with a Battleground Faction, is it to show off, or is it to take the fun out of the Battleground?

Question is not genuine. Smiley: frown
#46 Dec 06 2006 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
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29,527 posts
Shmii, Defender of Justice wrote:
TibeDito wrote:
Why do some players play with a twink?, is it to gain rep. with a Battleground Faction, is it to show off, or is it to take the fun out of the Battleground?

Question is not genuine. Smiley: frown

Yeah, looks like someone's trolling.
#47 Dec 06 2006 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Meh I don't care if it's a troll.

There are 3 categories of reasons why people twink.

The first is where the majority fall, as much as people like to deny. The primary reason people twink is to have an extraordinary advantage over normal chracters in BG. They play for the same reason people play Quake with cheats on. They twink out of selfishness.

The second category is probably the second most popular reason people twink. The do it because they feel it is the only way they can compete with other twinks. It sad really that people who probably would not normally disregard the selfishness of twinking get sucked in, but they aren't justified either. They twink out of selfishness.

The third category is miscellaneous, probably less popular than the second. These are the people who state a reason other than the first two and genuinely mean it. They have no ill intent in twinking and see none of the problems it causes. They twink because they see something fun about it and do not see any harm occuring to others.

I look forward to hearing how the gear matching system works out. It might actual lower twink numbers to the level of extinction. Since most play to prey on normal characters, then if that possibility is removed a lot of twinks are going to lose their purpose. The only ones left will be those who genuinely want to fight others twinks (a huge minority) and those who think they might be able to pick up less twinked out twinks.
#48 Dec 06 2006 at 5:31 AM Rating: Default
5,645 posts
"Twinking is totally ok and just go do it urself and blabla"
[Story about toothpick versus pistol and a real tough guy being a real bloated ***] Well, same goes for u, u display a mentality that will not make me weep if u get a bullit one day.. cause by ur own statements u say it would be ok since u then by occation was the weaker part and it's justified thereby, right? well don't let me disturb, go buff ur ego :P

I'll assume this barely legible retort is directed at me. Instead of [poorly quoting something you didn't understand] try to actually read AND comprehend what I wrote, see they are two different things. On one hand you just skim through but really don't see the message (YOU) on the other you see the similarities in the story and understand the meaning as it relates to twinking toons in WoW (EVERYONE ELSE). If you even slightly comprehended what I wrote you would understand that at no point did I wish anyone get shot. They were fictional characters in a little story, you get it now? That light bulb shining bright yet?

Anyway, getting good gear is 1 thing but pimping a char into a monster is just a lame ego trip... it's all about YOU is'nt it. Nice attitude. :P

Unless someone else is paying my 15 a month then yea, it is about me. I'm sorry you don't play your character to its fullest potential, but hey, mediocrity works for some people I suppose. Blizzard has said time and time again that they basically support twinking. If they didn't then they would put restrictions on enchants. But notice it's only the fools not taking advantage of what is clearly a feature, not a flaw, that are complaining. I'll end this now since I'm sure recess is only a half hour long and you're still trying to get past the word "legible".
#49 Dec 06 2006 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
640 posts
So if I don't twink, whether it's because I'm new to the game, or I don't know how to make gold, or whatever other reason real or imagined, is there something wrong with me wanting to enjoy the BGs?

Should BG fun be reserved for people who have alts that get/buy all the uber-gear enchants? Or is it reasonable that a lvl 17 player that's new to the game would actually like to get some enjoyment out of the BGs too?

If the claim is "you need to get gold so you can get your own twink" why not just say "battlegrounds aren't for new players"? Maybe they should just make BGs open to lvl 50+ or something, since apparently new players aren't entitled to enjoy them anyway.

I don't care that people twink. I do care that I have to play in the same BG as them. If they would assign values to all enchants and gear, they could seperate the twinks from the regular players in BGs.

The whole QQ thing is just a response from people that have no intelligent input for the topic. The game is clearly designed to provide a degree of "fairness" at all levels. Quests don't ask a lvl 15 player to slay a lvl 45 beast, etc. In the spirit of that fairness, I think players have a legit gripe about the's the only part of the game where a task that is alledgedly designed for your lvl range can be so imbalanced.
#50 Dec 06 2006 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
717 posts
I already stated my thoughts on twinking and I think it's pretty fair but this gets to me.

Go try to play a game like FFXI where your mentality is well i can stick with sub par gear and no one will care.

Maybe it was coming from that game that stuck me with that mentality but i f'n hate people who half *** it and wear sh*tty gear in BG's. What's up with these lazy people?

I "twink" because IMO it's the right way to play, you want to compete with people then why wouldn't you bring your best? Why would you intentionally put yourself at a disadvantage in a battle?

If you want to go with that mindset, just remember one thing. You have NO business complaining should a lv.60 in tier 3 throw that reasoning right back at you.
#51 Dec 06 2006 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
264 posts
I don't care that people twink. I do care that I have to play in the same BG as them.

The game is clearly designed to provide a degree of "fairness" at all levels. Quests don't ask a lvl 15 player to slay a lvl 45 beast, etc. In the spirit of that fairness, I think players have a legit gripe about the's the only part of the game where a task that is alledgedly designed for your lvl range can be so imbalanced.

QFT, Grollog here nailed some really good points.

In ye olden days of RPGs, a good DM would have routed around or short-circuited min/max munchkins like our friend TseTsuo here. Unfortunately, there's no built in controls like that in the current BG mechanics. I have no issue with the philosophical mindset behind min/max-ing for a specific level. The issue I have is that those min/max-ers are lumped in the same BGs with the people who want to use the BGs for the intended purpose: structured PVP minigames for a given level bracket while leveling up a character.

The reason this is such a hot-button issue is that twinks essentially shut down 10-19 and 20-29 brackets for normal players. Cries of "level up" or "QQ" (whatever that means) only serve to miss this point entirely.
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