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Stories of Newbness (no n00bness)Follow

#77 Feb 23 2006 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
I was in Blackrock Depths, and we were sneaking past a mob on the side of a huge bridge presiding over a vast moat of molten lava. Guildy was commenting on the game being unrealistic, and said it was so bad that i could try to jump off the bridge, and an imaginary "wall" would catch me and keep me safely on the bridge. After consulting my raid party about this rumor, we decided to test it... =D
#78 Feb 27 2006 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
You know, I didn't understand talent points until I was like 20+. Then my lvl 38 friend said to me, what do you specialize in in TP. I had no clue. Then i immediately used them all just every where. I had enough money to unlearn them eventually. I had to read more about the TPs for locks. Now I use them every other lvl. So don't forget they exist. I'm still learning about using Spells, which ones to use and which ones to avoid wasting money on.

We were all newbies at one point. Thats what makes the game Interesting.

And Stop Hating The Locks!
#79 Feb 27 2006 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
I make this lv5 tauren shammy on my friends PC. then, i think ''WOAH! i'm lv5! i must be almost finished WoW!'' then, i finaly get WoW and make night elf chicks x100... always get hunts and killed by spiders.... i think ''i'll try horde!'' so, i get a Troll Hunt (Brycern) and get him to lv19... then 1 day i get on WoW and hes not there i'm like ''WTF?! I WORKED ON HIM FOR MONTHS!'' and then i freak out and dispair... make a shammy named Brycern (lv37 now, Dragonblight) and wear off my n00bness... i now spam like all the other good players... anyway, heres some more noobness:

I'd always get cloth on my Warriors.

I'd make Alliance. enough said.

i didnt know what BGs or things like ''WSG'' or ''SFK'' wer.

Every druid or other i meet in WC has cloth on... i always WTF U IDIOT all over them haha!

I think... oops.... thought* that lv20 is a REALY high lv... i'm done and stupid!
#80 Feb 27 2006 at 10:13 AM Rating: Default
when i started playing a horde i was round my lvl 20s wen i asked a lvl 4 how to use the general chat and all the channels lol then i got tired of barrens chat and went to alliance where i enjoy it alot more, no offense to my ol' pals back in the horde which are all prob lvl 60 by now, i hope u guys dont mind if i say hi to a couple of ppl

hey IQshot, hope ur ganking the **** out of sum dudes
i can't remember my other friends name but he ruled, so heya to u to!

i made TONNES more friends in the alliance mainly all my guild
and this guys who lieks rice, wen we see eachother we greet by shouting out RIIIIICE!!! in general chat hehe

sorry for going off topic lol

umm, yeh thats all i got k
#81 Mar 02 2006 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
Oh boy... /sigh... In my second profile, Banefalkion, I got to a mountain range somewhere after Sen'Jin. I climbed to the top and thought that there was water below, so I jumped. Landed on stone instead of water, so I lost more than half of my health.

Well, I finally get to water, and I see another bit of land on the other side, so I start to swim. Halfway, I'm EATEN by this...thing... And I die the same way again before finally reaching land.

I reach land, and I walk through a few bushes to see a human player. Right now I'm thinking, "HOLY ****," because he looked like a higher level. I was only level 5 by then, by the way. Then my friend reminds me that I'm on a PvE server.

I travel farther inland and find myself in THE BARRENS. I haven't even heard of the barrens yet, so I decide to go kill some beasts. I get killed by a beast only ONE LEVEL HIGHER THAN ME. This happens several more times before I decided that my corpse was way too far away for my patience.

I talk to the spirit healer, but by the time I read that something would happen to my equipment, it was too late.

My weapons had obviously lost all durability by then, but I had thought that my weapons were gone for good. I was MILES away from any cheap shop to get new equipment anyway, so I deleted Banefalkion.

When I got on my next profile, I didn't know that you could sell the grey items that I often found after killing a beast (Cracked egg shell, Broken boar tusk, etc). I also never made more than 1 silver before I knew this.

Now I have too many profiles:
Drakan, lvl 8 undead warrior
Kiona, lvl 11 tauren warrior
Tremmor, lvl 4 undead warlock
Oreilio, lvl 10 troll rogue
Xanthias, lvl 5 human paladin

#82 Mar 02 2006 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
2,399 posts
When i first got WoW, i made two characters on frostmourne (an aussie server) i made two chars on there, got em to level 14, then my bud says "hey! i made some horde chars on Khadgar!" so i deleted my frostmourne chars and go to khadgar, raise some chars (they are my mains) and then my bud says "hey! I switched to aegwynn and made a pally!" So, i make an ally on Aegwynn, human pally, raised to level 10, i deleted him eventually... i made a couple different characters including a dwarf hunter, which i got to lvl 14, a NE rogue, level 11, a druid NE, level 12, a gnome mage lvl... well... i kinda gave up after hearing what gnomes sound like. so I did all this and kept my hordies on khadgar... then my friend says "hey! i made some allies and hordies on Runetotem!" But I'm done there. Unless i max my current chars, im not going to runetotem
#83 Mar 02 2006 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't know until my 30s that the shield next to an alliance NPC would flag you. I had not PvPed much (mainly shooting at alliance tools attacking XR) so when I was in desolace at lvl 33 I kill this elven npc in thunder axe fortress. Instant flag. I had no clue why so I asked in general and some nice lvl 60 explained it to me. Then a lvl 60 alliance paladin came rolling through about 2 minutes later and explained it to me the hard way.
#84 Mar 03 2006 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
i have made about 7 rogues leveled um to 20 then deleted them.

i was a newb.

now i have 2 rogues in the 40s and thats all (still crazy!)
#85 Mar 03 2006 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
it took me 2 months of playing WoW before I found out there was an auto-run button (num-lock).
#86 Mar 03 2006 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
I had only been playing a few days when I got my blacksmithing skill and some copper ore. It said something about "requires forge" to make it into a copper bar, so I went around asking everyone where I could buy a forge. Most everyone laughed at me, but no one would tell me what to do, 'til one guy felt sorry for me and told me a forge was a giant furnace. I thought, "Heck, why can't I just carry that around!?"
#87 Mar 03 2006 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
My first char with my trial account was an orc warrior. I had seen my flatmate play his shammy and got bummed when I realised my rage bar dose'nt regenerate by drinking water/over time.

At level 17, doing RFC I kept rolling NEED for all the items since it sounded better than GREED, which sounds like you are greedy. Got yelled at and realised eventually :D. Also, got kicked out of group as I kept pulling without letting spellcasters mana up just so I could use my rage :) They kept telling me in the chat ( which I was'nt reading ). I think we have a winner !! :p

Also, since you cant use the AH on trial accounts, at level 20, my char had most Vendor (White) Items with no stats whatsoever.
I kept wondering why I keep losing duels :)

#88 Mar 04 2006 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
It's hardly being an idiot when you got no clue what you're doing. Watch your tone, will ya'?
#89 Mar 05 2006 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
It took me two hours to navigate Stormwind the first time. >.> I'm such a hick. Still takes me the better part of an hour to figure out how to go where I'm going when navigating the Under City. No sense of direction here.

Kept running off the darned bridges in Stormwing. And drowning. A lot. Probably gave everyone who witnessed it a good laugh.

Live and let learn.

Oh, and my sister and I share an account. Two nerds with an excess of time on their hands and one account is just a little cut throat.
#90 Mar 06 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
at around level 5 I wandered into the barrens and instantly got attacked by thunderlizards, I ended up running around in circles till I died. Then I had no idea what to do as a ghost (the minimap was closed) so I ended up making it to felwood before giving up on that character... I never knew what happened to it... forgot what server it was on...
#91 Mar 06 2006 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
Playing allie...... O.o
#92 Mar 06 2006 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
well when i was a dwarf hunter it took me about 3 hours to find the hunter trainer

then i didnt know you had to buy stuff for pet till about 20
#93 Mar 06 2006 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
from level 14- level 25 i forgot all about buying new abtilys so i wasu useing level 14 abiltys at level 25
#94 Mar 07 2006 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
324 posts
Upon logging on to wow for the very first time, I didn't know how the chat channels worked either, and I only figured out a couple of emotes. Whenever someone would talk to me the most I could do was stand there and wave at them like an idiot.
#95 Mar 08 2006 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
261 posts
Also, on my first rogue, i got her up to lvl 27 just by running VC non stop, i didnt know that there were any other instances.
#96 Mar 08 2006 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
>< i sold GOLDEN PEARL to VENDOR.. :p damn i was pissed off after mate toldd me they worth 25g on my server :p had aroun 5 of them, sold one to vendor cause it gave uberr 1g :D and others i put to AH like 3g each and wondered why they sold before i got to mailbox ^^
now i cant do nothing but just laugh to my newbiness :)
#97 Mar 08 2006 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
My friend made a Tauren Druid and EVERY time he played him he would die all the time. I tried to give him some basic advice like if you're being killed RUN! but that was "dishonorable" to him. I also told him to heal himself atleast, but his reply was that he could not waste all of 1.5 sec (or w/e the cast time druid heal is) to cast heal while being beaten up on. He eventually took my advice.
#98 Mar 09 2006 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
one newb moment of my own was when I made a Dwarf pally. I got him to around 12-13 and was in that town directly south of the wetlands. Well, I found the tunnel that lead towards thw wetlands and came to a HUGE cliff. Naturally I took a dive off of it b/c it was so tall. I had messed up my jump though and landed halfway down on a small peice sticking out. I then ran to my body to res and over jumped my body and did not res on the way down. I was too far down to reach my body and did not know how to get back up. I was stuck at the bottom of the mountain for about 2 hours running around as a ghost trying to find a way up... I never found one, had to delete my guy.

oh yeah, I also thought it looked fun to swim in the huge forge in IF
#99 Mar 10 2006 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
1 thing I still catch myself doing even at lvl 49 is forgetting to put the new rank of a spell on my action bar. So the next rank I get (you know, 6 levels later), I am surprised to discover I'd been using the lower ranked spell all that time. doh!

Another memory I have -- going through SFK, it was a pretty good run, but I was afraid to being seen as this dreaded "ninja" thing I was hearing about. So I would roll greed on items my priest clearly needed, or pass altogether. One guy in my party, though nice about it, yelled at me for not rolling need! I felt like such a newb.

Edited, Fri Mar 10 11:31:03 2006 by thermalnoise
#100 Mar 10 2006 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
760 posts
I hadn't been playing WoW more than an hour or so when someone came up and HIT MY MOB!

If I'd known how to say anything, send a tell, make an emote, talk, I would have SO chewed them out.

A little later in the evening, I figured out how to talk. Then I thought I had stolen someone's mob by hitting it after they did. I apologized profusely, healed them up and cast what-ever buffs I had at that lvl range.

Good times, good times.
#101 Mar 11 2006 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
ok here is my story, so while i was questing in barrens (I was right level) i would get sidetraked and i would figure out how to climb most all of the mts there. lol well i also memorized them and i think my memory of skool work went down, i got a bad interem but i got my graades up to an A again and well anyway there was this mtn that took like 5hrs to climb i finally got to the top. =) i was so happy then it was the mt with the burning blade on top i pwnd them but i crossed the mtn and i found a nice litle ramp on the other side all laid out for Not noobs so i wasted 5hrs climbing a mountain for a ramp lol

1 more i eat bbq chips while i play and mess up the keyboard lol

Yangoo-30troll hunter URSIN BARRENS CHAT IS BOUT Allakhazam LOL
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