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Is a hunter a good damage dealer?Follow

#27 Nov 21 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
As a Hunter you should ALWAYS have your aspects on your primary hot bar so you can easily switch back and forth when situation dictates. You use these things so much there's absolutely no reason not to. If someone get's nailed, one click, no one else get's dazed. It's not a buff to be having up when in combat. And if your Hunter does... I'd ditch him quick. Real quick. And not only that, but if another group get's the jump on you before your hunter see's them coming... your Hunter needs to work on his observational skills.

No one, and I mean NO one, should be able to get the drop on a good Hunter. If they do he's either new to the class or AFK. Of course... he could be an idiot too. = )
#28 Nov 21 2004 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Aimed shot is pimp. But it's not THAT pimp. At least I don't think it is; I never hit 60 myself. It worked well for me but maybe he's talking about some highly decked out lvl 60 that got a crit on an aimed shot and then took a screenie of it. I dunno. It is a good thing to have though.
#29 Nov 21 2004 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
No one, and I mean NO one, should be able to get the drop on a good Hunter. If they do he's either new to the class or AFK. Of course... he could be an idiot too. = )

rogue... even with the invisble scan. rogue will sap, and back stab you to death...

#30 Nov 22 2004 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
It seems everyone here has overlooked THE most important aspect of being a hunter, taming and then BUILDING a pet that is quite capable of soloing critters 2 lvls above it AND polishing off a Pally or Warrior while the warrior futiley chases you to get a melee shot in...

Hunters are NOT tanks, so dont stand and slug it out with tanks, run in circles around them...or drag them into the woods where your shots hit their mark and theirs dont, all the while your PIMP pet eats them up.

OK - now a bit on pet building 101 - Tame a BOSS pet, they are tougher and hit harder than your regular run of the mill critter. At lvl 10ish a Boss Pet will have a lvl 2 attack and more hp, i suggest an Ice Claw Bear Boss, he has Claw 2 - then go find a Boss Wolf and tame it - keep it long enuf to for YOU to learn Bite 2 from it then ditch the wolf and teach the bear Bite 2 - and voila! Super Pet is born with Bite 2 and Claw 2 and you can also do the same with Growl 2.

Im not going to tell you where to find these pets, but they are out there and worth doing some traveling to find. You can find them doing quests is as good a hint as you get =). Sorry - dont want all of you on a par with my pet.

But heres your heads up -- dont just train a pet and be satisfied that it gains levels with you -- search for better pet abilites, learn them and teach them to your pet. Keep in mind not all pets can learn all pet dont be afraid to ditch your cute kitty and befriend a big ugly raptor or bear or.....

Good luck and have fun as a Hunter, but be a complete hunter - build that PIMP PET.
#31 Nov 22 2004 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
rogue... even with the invisble scan. rogue will sap, and back stab you to death...

I've never seen a rogue that was understealth get passed my radar. In 30 levels (from 24 to 54) I never once saw a rogue, NE or Druid that could bypass the "Track Hidden" ability. Not one.

Or maybe you're not too sure what "get the drop" means. Maybe that's the problem.
#32 Nov 22 2004 at 12:43 AM Rating: Default
OK - now a bit on pet building 101 - Tame a BOSS pet, they are tougher and hit harder than your regular run of the mill critter. At lvl 10ish a Boss Pet will have a lvl 2 attack and more hp, i suggest an Ice Claw Bear Boss, he has Claw 2 - then go find a Boss Wolf and tame it - keep it long enuf to for YOU to learn Bite 2 from it then ditch the wolf and teach the bear Bite 2 - and voila! Super Pet is born with Bite 2 and Claw 2 and you can also do the same with Growl 2.

boss pet? you mean name pet... the elit?

when you make them in to pet they are just pet... if it was a bear... it will be normal bear... no diffrent stats from other bear of same level... sure it might hwave new pet skill but...

it's same!

and no it's not just the boss that have the pet skill...

and i stop here

#33 Nov 22 2004 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Im not going to tell you where to find these pets, but they are out there and worth doing some traveling to find.

Dun Morogh. Mangeclaw in North Pass and Timber which is located on the center island in Iceflow Lake.

: p
#34 Nov 22 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
heh forgetful, track hidden isnt the end all be all of stoping sneakers. If your PvEing, you cant be watching all sides because A) youd get dizzy from all the spinning, and B) you have to focus on the mob your fighting. Its quite simple, simply run up just close enough to you, vanish about when your done with the mob, and wack you with a opener.
#35 Nov 22 2004 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
823 posts
VampyreKnight wrote:
heh forgetful, track hidden isnt the end all be all of stoping sneakers. If your PvEing, you cant be watching all sides because A) youd get dizzy from all the spinning, and B) you have to focus on the mob your fighting. Its quite simple, simply run up just close enough to you, vanish about when your done with the mob, and wack you with a opener.

That doesn't count though, because that's ganking. I know it happens, and I know you should be prepared for it on a PvP server, but I think he meant while he was wanting to PvP. =P
#36 Nov 22 2004 at 12:58 AM Rating: Default
heh forgetful, track hidden isnt the end all be all of stoping sneakers. If your PvEing, you cant be watching all sides because A) youd get dizzy from all the spinning, and B) you have to focus on the mob your fighting. Its quite simple, simply run up just close enough to you, vanish about when your done with the mob, and wack you with a opener.

#37 Nov 22 2004 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
If your PvEing, you cant be watching all sides...

I wish you can see my face right now because what you just wrote is ridiculous. I can tell just by that statement that you've never played a Hunter. When tracking is up... we don't have to look around. Stealthers become big red blips on our minimaps. No looking around is needed. And after playing a Hunter for a few levels checking your minimap regularly becomes second nature. And if you're a stealther trying to sneak up on a Hunter... this is how the process works.

Wing Clip or Scare Beast turn around Hunters Mark the rogue Aspect of Cheetah, run, passive stance your pet bye bye rogue. All of that happens before the rogue (or druid) is even 30 yards away. So good luck "sapping" or "backstabbing" or any of that other malarchy.

Bottom line... if a rogue get's the drop on a hunter it's because he's new or an idiot.




There's no arguing with this. THAT'S how it works. Unless you're a rogue running up not stealthed or the Hunter doesn't have his track hidden up... you are NOT GOING TO GET THE DROP ON HIM.

Edited, Mon Nov 22 01:01:01 2004 by ForgetfulCutthroat
#38 Nov 22 2004 at 1:14 AM Rating: Default

yes I played as a hunter and few other class... but most of the time my miny map was serching for herbs... yes that is right! :D

even with serch inviable, i never look at miny map that much. and yes that is my fult on my part but drops happen no matter who and how good you are.

and with swift potion I would run. after marking him so i can kill him later.

#39 Nov 22 2004 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
You missed the point that I wasnt stealthed untill I was right up near you..
#40 Nov 22 2004 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
I'm not saying you can't kill a hunter. Not one bit. I'm saying that getting the drop on a Hunter is nigh impossible when your going after one who knows what's going down. Plain and simple. That's what Hunters DO! That's the defining characteristic (other then pets) of the class. We can find anyone, stealth and all. Rogues can stealth, Warriors can tank priests heal and Hunters hunt.

To sit there and deny the defining characteristics of a class is absurd.
#41 Nov 22 2004 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
And you missed the point where I said this:

Unless you're a rogue running up not stealthed or the Hunter doesn't have his track hidden up... you are NOT GOING TO GET THE DROP ON HIM.

Pay attention next time. Kthxbye ; )

Edited, Mon Nov 22 01:20:34 2004 by ForgetfulCutthroat
#42 Nov 22 2004 at 1:20 AM Rating: Default
so you are saying you are traking, hidden (rogue), human (any other class), and best (drud in bear/cat so on) 24/7 at same time?

even as a hunter you WILL get droped on.
#43 Nov 22 2004 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
so you are saying you are traking, hidden (rogue), human (any other class), and best (drud in bear/cat so on) 24/7 at same time?

even as a hunter you WILL get droped on.

Again, I can tell you've never played the class. That's not how tracking works. When you find out how it does come back and continue the conversation.

; )
#44 Nov 22 2004 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
And btw... anyone, no matter what class, that doesn't pan around at least OCCASSIONALLY while in contested/enemy territory is a PvP noob. Hands down.
#45 Nov 22 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
This is funny heh. He was making a point on how you cant have more than one tracking up at the time...and you disagreed with him.
#46 Nov 22 2004 at 1:31 AM Rating: Default
-_-;; i know that it only works 1 at the time.

that is why i am saying that.

just since you play hunter don't mean you will not get "droped" on. and yes i played as a hunter and it was fun :D only reason to get my fishing to 150 since geting fish was easyest for my "tank" (cute bear)

i give up :D you are right :D

hunter will never get droped on :D you will never get killed in pvp :D

love and peace!!!!!!!!
#47 Nov 22 2004 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
520 posts
Okay, has anyone ever TRIED to run up to someone, then stealth sudden like so they cannot see you?

Right....Here is the deal, most likely if the hunter cannot see you visually, you cannot see him, unless you are very lucky and just happen to run up to him from far away and behind.

Now, lets say you are that lucky. You see a Hunter from a good distance off, and you attempt to run up close and then stealth. Provided you are not seen as you run up to him by him or anyone else, and you pop into stealth mode, he will see you on his mini-map...unless of course he has already seen you on his Track Humanoid mini-map. (Frankly in a PVP setting, I keep that one up more often than Track Hidden, most times you can find people on that before they are even in visual range).

But let's say somehow you manage to run up behind him and drop into stealth, all he has to do is walk away.....Even with full points into deception, there is no way you can keep up with anyone while in stealth mode.

Now I can see this can do this "run up and sneak/sap them" if the hunter is...AFK....

#48 Nov 22 2004 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
See, Vanish is the main portion of that equation.
#49 Nov 22 2004 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
This is funny heh. He was making a point on how you cant have more than one tracking up at the time...and you disagreed with him.

Yeah? Where? Show me where? You show me where I disagreed with that standpoint and I'll eat my shoe right here. See what I recall him writing down was this:

so you are saying you are traking, hidden (rogue), human (any other class), and best (drud in bear/cat so on) 24/7 at same time?

Last I checked I never referred to ANY OTHER TRACKING BEING UP. Not once. Last I checked Druids can only mobile STEALTH while in Cat form and I wouldn't need beast tracking up in order to catch 'em. And let's not mention that even while in cat/bear form a druid still reads off as a Humanoid on tracking. Yeah, we won't even mention THAT one.

When I, or any sensible Hunter, am in enemy territory/contested zones I have but ONE tracking up and that's Track Hidden with an occassional momentary swap out for humanoids. That's it. There's no serious point in having beast tracking up unless you're trying to track down a specific type of beast nor is there a serious reason to keep humanoid tracking up because when you look around a person running along the landscape tends to stick out. Even in zones like Duskwood. Those BIG RED LETTERS kind of stick out you know?

I never ONCE mentioned anything about having multitudes of tracking up. Not ONCE.

So I suggest you either a.) Know how the class works before knocking it or b.) pay attention to posts before commenting ignorantly. That's enough for you. Have a nice day, come back when you can compete. Buh bye...

just since you play hunter don't mean you will not get "droped" on.

I never said that. PAY ATTENTION or learn the English language in a bit more depth. Mmmmmkay? What I said was, and I quote:

I'm saying that getting the drop on a Hunter is nigh impossible when your going after one who knows what's going down.

Pay attention. I know I'm offending your delicate feminine sensibilities by stating that your precious rogue class isn't all powerful and "pwns" all but try to keep a grip in reality alright?

hunter will never get droped on

For 30 levels... not once. Not in PvP.

you will never get killed in pvp

I never said that. Not once. Again, pay attention or stop lying, one of the two. In fact I do recall stating the exact opposite. Oh, but I guess you missed that part huh? Oh well... lol

Edited, Mon Nov 22 01:50:30 2004 by ForgetfulCutthroat
#50 Nov 22 2004 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
Simple, he was being sarcastic by saying your going to have track hidden, track humanoid, and track beast up, and then after that you said he had no idea how tracking worked...obviously, the only thing you could possibly be telling him he didnt know what worked was that you in fact COULD have more than one tracking up. There was no other material in there that you could pull from to say he didnt know how tracking worked...
#51 Nov 22 2004 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
if a hunter can see you far away no chance ahunter should lose, even if up clost too. imho only hunter really gives a hunter problems in solo pvp. Other then that wing clip whe up close after a raptor strike concussion shot aspect of the cheetah. after lvel 10 hunter is a prety damn duelist.

Example my tauren hunter get hit up for a duel person starts next to me my pet already on agressive before the start. Then as the match begins wing clip pure and simple. run a bit and use shots at range to keep him slowed.

Now i am not saying hunter are gods at pvp, the one thing i like about WOW is taht it is a rock paper shoot kind of thing. where a hunter's drawbaks to me is being slowed itsself are being unable to move.

Other then that after level 10 i think it is a pretty solid PvP class and overall good dps class too

P.S use Bows as soon as possible
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