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Undead Guild OnlineFollow

#27 Aug 23 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
Higher level Tailors can make guild *Tabards* which all the members of the guild can pay 1 gold for to buy, or so i hear. I think you can actually only pick out the color scheme of the tabard though, i dont think you can write/draw on not sure about that. Anyway i am back to school now so i can play it pretty much every weekday till i go to sleep, maybe some weekends if i dont have stuff to do but my weekends are usually hectic and disorganized. I want to make a shaman for my main, just cuz its the hybrid class like the red mage in FFXI. NOT to mention the ghost wolf spell at lvl 20 where u turn into a INVISIBLE WOLF!!!! YEA!!!! i want that spell lol. but i'll definately have a UD char along with the orc/tauren shammmy. I have a few friends gettin this game and they'll prolly join whatever guild im in like we did in FFXI, if thats cool with whoever will be the guild leader/captain/head hancho/pimp
#28 Aug 23 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
Okay, me and Daveo talked on Yahoo!
and, we figured out this -- Me, Daveo, and GuardianLance are all the leaders, I will be cheiftain and them two shamans, however, we will share the leader-ship mutually.

Daveo is going to be an Undead Warrior (for a tank) and me and Guardian rogues for damage-dealers.

Daveo is going to have Mining, Engineering, and Blacksmithing.
I am going to have Herbalism, Alchemy, and Enchanting.
Guardian will have Herbalism, Alchemy, and Enchanting. (Also) :D

Anyways, if someone is not online e.g., I am not online, you two go ahead an do a quest in a city OTHER THAN Undercity, or, just slaughter monsters, or kill some monsters for rare drops while I am gone. I will get to play from around 3-10 or maybe 11 or 12, I will be in school when I get this game, so I will have to go to bed kind of early, however on weekends, I can play straight through Saturday-Sunday, unless something comes up.

Lastly, I dunno who is going to be the high lvl tailor-er but, if we can not make a "Tabard" for us, atleast we'll have our LS [linkshell] or, main channel, I hope we get recognized.

Edited, Tue Aug 24 03:09:24 2004 by Creamed
#29 Aug 23 2004 at 8:43 PM Rating: Default
Well, you didnt mention ME in any of that stuff, so im guessing im the Total Leader and I will have all the powers and stuff, and will be able to control sea creatures, or im just a regular member, either one is fine. I definately wont be tailoring unless i make it on my mage, er if i make a mage for some raison.

Also , since u guys are makin crucial descisions and talkin over stuff online, i guess u should pm u my aim name, Creamed.

edit: dang i cant pm for some reason i guess its broken D=, well its lonybobony on aim and i forget my yahoo one ill look it up later.

Edited, Mon Aug 23 21:46:10 2004 by Yolondo
#30 Aug 23 2004 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
I'm still out of country, I wont be back for another 3 weeks, I'll have a yahoo or AIM when I get back to get in contact.

I'll probably have Herbalism/Engineering/Alchemy under my belt when I get started too

Undead Rogue all the way!
#31 Aug 24 2004 at 2:08 AM Rating: Default
Alright, that sounds good, and reason to me not including you Yolondo, we're only having 3 main leaders. :), You may be something like a high council - grunt. Then the rest will be members - peons. Or maybe we'll have a council too, either way, it'll all be thought out.


Edited, Tue Aug 24 12:20:06 2004 by Creamed
#32 Aug 24 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
#33 Aug 24 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Default
-.- Need you correct one letter of a mistake? God damn, if I did that, I'd be correcting people every day, for hours, I'd be on these forums until I died! Drop the petty little spelling mistake and move on.

If you'd like an example of how your post may look.

[Yolondo's Original Post]
i had a cool idea, but it came from inuyasha, just popped into my head from back when i watched a million episodes of that show. the Shichinintai, they were this group of zombie/undead mercenaries, and its a japanese word, it means "the seven man army". But anyway there would be more than 7 of us, and you cant have an only 7 guild, u need like 9 ppl to sign the charter. Oh well the whole it being from inuyasha kills it anyway.

[Yolondo's Edited Post]
I had a cool idea, but it came from Inuyasha, just popped into my head from back when I watched a million episodes of that show. The "Shichinintai", they were this group of zombie/undead mercenaries. It's a Japanese word, it means "the seven man army". But, anyway, there would be more than 7 of us, and you can't have an only 7 man guild, you need like 9 ppl to sign the charter. Oh well, the whole, "it being from Inuyasha" kills it anyway.

You get me?

Edited, Tue Aug 24 12:17:42 2004 by Creamed
#34 Aug 24 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Default
lol sry for the one letter mistake, its just a name like Ryan spelled Ryann is the same, but Yolondo and Yolonda are different names and yolonda with an A is a girls name so i cry when ppl call it that D=

its cool tho i creamed, i got my name mmo name long ago and i always use it so i try to get ppl i group/guild with used to it!

Edit: Also nice job fixin up my post there Creamed, i take it you are in some weighted english class? Maybe not but gj nevertheless! ;D

Edited, Tue Aug 24 16:27:35 2004 by Yolondo
#35 Aug 24 2004 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
469 posts
Try not to get all worked up about the small stuff, Yolindy ;)
#36 Aug 24 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
Hey JAEFo, I have yet again another question... And I think I may have asked something along these lines before, but I'm not for sure, so here goes. Even if I had, It'll be like a 2 line answer for a guy like you. OK. I want to be able to go around, with my other 2 friends *both rogues* and be able to easily complete quest that are our own level. Meaning, I don't want to go have to get to a much higher level than the quest was intended to be done at, because of the kind of party we'll have. *Like, I dunno if 2 warriors and a rogue, could survive what a warrior, rogue, and a priest could. Ya get me so far? I mean it said that basically any class can *solo* so I assume any 3 classes can party effectively, but I just would like somebody to clarify that for me* Anyways, What would be the best class to be, to help the party get by, if my friends are both rogues. That's my first question. ^^ My second question, is if I want to be a warrior anyway, even if it's not the best choice, how can we make that work? Would we need to make one of our people a really good alchemist to make me potions constantly? Or should I be that alchemist myself? Now that's just keeping me alive during the fights... But even if i live, I guess i'm gonna have lots of downtime.. As it is, i was thinking of taking up, smithing, and mining, and possibly engineering, for my warrior. But to reduce downtime, since we're not going to have a preist in our party ordinarily, should i scratch the engineering and take up like first aid? Thanks alot for your time once again JAEFo. Incase you don't visit this forum often, I'll post this in the ask a tester thread too. I hope to hear from you soon.

Also: If I go warrior, where should I put the magority of my *points* or whatever to get skills? Should I use a sword, and sheild, *for blocking and extra defense I guess, because i'd imagine i'd want to be as beefed up defense-wise as possible, since i'll be grouping with 2 rogues...* and then put most of my *points* into the defence stance, skills? Thanks again, And I'll be waiting for your response. :D

Edited, Wed Aug 25 00:28:16 2004 by GrandMasterDaveo
#37 Aug 24 2004 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default


#38 Aug 25 2004 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
Haha, Yolondo, no problem on the correction stuff, and actually, I am not a weighted english class teacher, or anything of that, I am only 14. I just know grammar a tad-bit, and hate it when people correct me for a one-letter-mistake. Anyways, glad to see JAEFo with the flame of "Yolindy" made me crack a grin :D!
#39 Aug 25 2004 at 6:43 PM Rating: Default
heh, well anyway sounds like our guild is gonna be cool. Creamed, i suggest that when you first get it, get an alliance alt into the guild or somthing, for an alliance branch, and make it on the other server. Basically just take up the MoD name on all possible planes, just in case you know.

edit: Also i wouldnt say that JAEFo made the little "Flame" of Yolindy...its more like he was poking fun at me, dont you think? Must everything be flames? =(

Edited, Wed Aug 25 20:31:44 2004 by Yolondo
#40 Aug 25 2004 at 9:59 PM Rating: Good
469 posts
#41 Aug 25 2004 at 10:20 PM Rating: Default
If you try to burninate my HS or SB hoodies, or even my The Cheat messenger bag, or EVEN my Strong Badia key chain, or EVEN my Strong Badia Tire PEN, ILL CRY AND NOT BE YOUR FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#42 Aug 25 2004 at 10:27 PM Rating: Default
#43 Aug 25 2004 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
469 posts
Please don't post in all caps or I will burninate the countryside and/or peasants.
#44 Aug 26 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
Well, Creamed, I am finally posting here and I believe I am late. I didn't realize how many people would respond to this thread!!! I think the guild should be a singular name. Gives it more "stand alone value". I am just suggesting, but "The Soulblighter" or "Sekai no Shi"= World of Death, "Konoyono Shi"= Worldy Death, can you have spaces in the name? If not then I will have to think of others.

#45 Aug 26 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
BTW about our little guild project we've got goin here...I have been in guild/linkshells/clans, etc. and one thing that bothered me about some of them was the fact that, they were too organized. Guild officers, guild leaders, all that you know? I like my linkshell the most out of all because it was pretty much just me and my friends, not my reputation.

I'd like to be more organized than Fightclubbb was, my old LS which has broken up now due to lack of organization, but I do want to have organization to some extent. For example, in FFXI, you and your guildmates have a static party, and lvl up/NMcamp/HNMcamp etc., but since I had a poorly organized guild, I never got very high level, never got to make much gil, never got good equip, never enjoyed end content, and never participated in the PvP. I want to have a static party, and I want to do instance runs, but I dont want to have a very "strict" guild. You know what im sayin?

I guess i just want a cool guild, but not a totally serious one where if you gank a lowbie, you get booted. Not that i'd gank a lowbie ever, i try to be as helpful as possible whenever i can.

Edit: Nice to meet you Clawgina, you know Creamed from somewhere/somegame? You gonna join our guild?!?! =D

Edited, Thu Aug 26 16:46:04 2004 by Yolondo
#46 Aug 26 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
Clawgina, Creamed and I have discusses how this Guild will work and the name in great depth. Since, he is going to be the leader, and I am going to be one of the shamans, or guards, or whatever they are called. The name of our guild is going to be the Messengers Of Death. *MoD for short* If you want to talk about our guild, or just talk about WoW in general, you can get ahold of me on my yahoo screenname grand_master_daveo.

Btw, Yolondo. Your whole post was basically one big contradiction...
#47 Aug 26 2004 at 4:27 PM Rating: Default
Yeah, Messengers of Death has been decided, sorry.

Who are you anyways, Clawgina?
#48 Aug 26 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Default
bah, its too hard to put into words what i feel, i didnt mean anything agaisnt you guys beings shamans or leaders or whatever, its just I would sometimes see on the WoW beta boards **** about ppl "ninjalooting" and well, people will be all like, "I have contacted your guild officer annd you will now be banned/kicked/gaythreat#3. you know what i mean? just sounds dumb if itll be like that, i like the way my FFXI LS was, just friends, not an damn Non-profit Community Organization or something serious like that
#49 Aug 26 2004 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
Our guild is not going to be a rubber band.

We can stretch and not snap, however, we will have some rules, everything in the world has rules.
#50 Aug 26 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
This guild will not be an up tight one do not worry... We'll have our power gamers, and we'll have our casual gamers. And everyone will be treated fairly... And I suppose nobody will be booted ever, unless they act innapropriate while speaking in the guild. Oh, and the leader/shaman thing isn't supposed to make us look like we're better than anyone else... It just makes it so, only certain, respectable, trustworthy people have the ability to boot, and recruit people. So people don't get booted by other people constantly, because they have an arguement of what class is better than another... And so people don't get recruited like mad, and our guild gets spammed out due to the number of people... And If you've ever had a guild with 25+ people on at once time.. You know what I mean.
#51 Aug 26 2004 at 9:23 PM Rating: Default
to: GrandMasterDaveo
from: Yolondo
subject: cool

body: =D

good to hear that, thanks. just wondering, is JAEFo at all involved in the guild? i dont know but i think he would be a great asset to us(you know, cuz of his superior flaming capabilities)

Edited, Thu Aug 26 22:26:53 2004 by Yolondo
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