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Ouch.......WoW takes a blow to the gut...Follow

#52 Jun 24 2004 at 6:51 PM Rating: Default
I think that if you can't solo all the way to max level, and are forced to group, you should at least be able to solo as most classes half way, mabey it won't be great, but it still should be good
I think FFXI screwed up on making groups requierd to advance in the game, now, I love to group and everything, but the biggest problem with that was, you basically have to be within 2 levels of each other (Lv 30-32, 47-49, etc.) otherwise the groups aren't as good, in Lineage II and EverQuest (2 other MMORPGs I love) you can solo as most classes all the way, and grouping can be just as good, but groups can be farther in level, Like in EQ a 40 and 50 can do make decent exp in some places, and on Lineage 2 a lv 15 and 25 can make exp together
#53 Jun 25 2004 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
I personaly love FFxi and have no plans on playing WoW or EQ2. The ultra hard challange is what I love about the game. I belive that WoW and EQ2 will not be a bad game. It will just be different and aimed towards other ppls interest. It is great that WoW and EQ2 are comeing out so the ffxi servers will lose some of there player base. I can not wait till I can camp an NM without 50 ppl also doing it. I hope blizzard does a great job with WoW, becuase it just might solve a lot of the problems in ffxi.
#54 Jun 25 2004 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
The FFXI servers are too crowded, or were the last time I logged in. Which was part of my problem: I have having to compete with fellow PC's (which is why I never have and never will participate in PvP)

I've taken up City of Heroes while waiting for WoW to be released, and I have to say that I love the removal of pressure to form a full and optimal party to be able to hope for decent XP. My fiancee and I currently duo a blaster/defender pair, and so far it's great! I don't miss LFG (the little I had to do as a caster drove me nuts; I feel so sorry for the damage melee who I know had to wait infinitely longer than me), I don't miss farming for gil to buy equipment or to craft. The only thing I miss is my LS, they were the best group of people! (too bad they were all lower level than me and therefore unable to help with AF or rank 6).

To those who think it is weird to want to be able to solo in an MMORPG: I think that parties should be the most effective way to get XP; and it's a lot more fun to get xp in a party than it is solo. But soloing should be an option, because (as FFXI showed) there are some jobs that either are not looked for in a party, or who go through dead zones where no one wants them yet (thf pre 15 anyone?). You should be able to make moderate progress with your character; otherwise why even include the damn job in the game? But parties with friends are by far much more fun than solo xp, and it is nice to have friends in the MMORPG world; some days I didn't feel like slaughtering but I would log in just to see who was on and say hello. And it's fun to have friends who can share their experiences at different levels with different jobs, or to go on quests and missions with you. You can't get that from a console game. Desire for solo play is not the same as desire to be alone.
#55 Jun 25 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
by the way I was kinda pissed this morning so i ranted on here. Sorry but ya thats how it goes sometimes.

Having never seen (or at least taken note of you) posting before, I interpreted that edginess as your character. If that is not the case, then I apologize. I just got a little annoyed after reading 5 posts in a row that were all in the same brash tone and more or less about the same two things.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#56 Jun 27 2004 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
ny zones made in the future will probably be related to max level stuff - the beginning of Everquest had no high end content. You just hit level 50, and you were essentially done. With the first expansion, it was now level 60 and still not much to do. And yet people continued to play throughout those first two years.

That isn't true. Plane of Fear/HAte, Lord Nagefen Dragon, The Dragon in Everfrost. Sol A, Lower Guk.

Everquest was simple just incrediable. It was like watching Star Wars in the theater back in 1977 for the first time. Blew everyone away. EQ did the same thing. For those that tried playing EQ and didnt like it sounds weird to me. They must have tried late in the game and didn't get past 50th level.
People started to hate EQ when Velious came out. I played from day one. Took me 3 years to make 56th level Wizard. 127 play days.

Remember the first time in Crushbone/Blackborrow? First time at HighPass. First time in South Karana. Upper Guk scared me ********* Unrest, permafrost. My first Dragon raid.
EQ has changed alot since that first magical year it came out. If you missed it I feel sorry you did. Was one hell of a ride.

The only idiot Ive encountered back then was a guy shouting out in zone right before I zoned into Upper Guk at 22nd lvl.
"50th lvl!!! I win!"
That pissed me off lol

Now thats NOTHING compared to the idiots that play these games now. WOW looks like its going to be fun. Im as excited as I was when DOAC first came out and didnt know there was nothing to do past 25th lvl besides PVP.
#57 Jun 28 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
2,878 posts
I spent 6-7 hours playing this, and was utterly bored to tears. Looks nice, gameplay feels very substandard. I won't be spending any money on this, uless they start to give some depth and playability. IMO of course.
#58 Jun 28 2004 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
How far in did your 6-7 hours land you, Bakkasan? Not going to pick apart what you say, just curious.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#59 Jun 29 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Default
I started playing FFxi since it was FF! I mean it's a FF game... how the hell can I not go and buy it right away. I love FF games, love the story, the play and the look. When i got the FFxi I didn't cared for flaws or the boring same thing over again, since this was a FF game! I know, thought it was going to be the best mmorpg! since it was a FF. And hoped that if I got my drg to high level I would get more invites for the pt... nope.

so I leveled whm so that I get pt. But that is not tha job I want to be... i don't like whm. Why sould i pay money to play some thing I don't like just for geting a PT? ...i was on FF-crak i hated the FFxi but thought if i got/leveled other job mabe i would like it. so got my whm to 30. Got brd...

when I played as a Brd i got lot of invites, sure it was same 2-3 song over and over again... got to level 31 and i hated to hear the same song. over and over.

my last fath on FFxi was a bst. why not i leveled all the job to 30. yes all the job, smn, pld, drk, thf, and so.

The bst job was the only fun job i had in the ffxi for the longast time. it was diffacult and I can start and go. no need for PT, or lfp. and I enjoyed the game since it was hard to level bst! I was so happy! sure i died alot but no biggy :D I liked the free time i get soloing. i can help my ls and ppl.

My bst was level 20 and i was so happy. but it didn;t matter i stoped looking at this game as a FF game. Even if i liked my bst job, I didn't want to see the FFxi logo again.

I hated FFxi even at the start and only real reason I didn't stop was a FF game!

IF it had no FF conaction i would of quit long ago...

I hope that it was only me that played this game since it had FF name, and that ppl see something good in the game that I don't see. if not then this game is the worst MMorpg and it's going to say for a long time...

and here i am looking for new mmorpg to spend time on...

and i read all the things that FFxi ppl said about WOW and i don't care if you play and like FFXI. I will buy and play wow no matter what.

I know that WOW will be better then FFxi. Since FFxi is the worst mmorpg i ever played.

Edit: sorry korean my engish is not to good -_-;;

Edited, Tue Jun 29 17:11:20 2004 by XvermonX
#60 Jun 30 2004 at 2:47 AM Rating: Default
first of all, if any of u play final fantasy XI, u can solo almost nothing ur level past 35 and thats with a melee class, not only that but it takes FOREVER to level, this game looks very promising to me cause u can actually get strong, solo monsters, and get money without having to live in the game.
#61 Jun 30 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
Within a month we've already completeled 2/3 of the game. The game is simply to easy.

I've got one thing to say to that. And then I'll elabourate :D

over the regular game! The reason you've completed so much of the game so fast is exactly that! Now lets see, you say that you're 2/3 of the way through the game. Now take that down to normal playing perspective, that would make it (my math sucks please correct me if I'm wrong) an eigth of the way through the game? In a single month, an eight of the way through. That seems completely normal to me. Level 60 by 8 months is easy to accomplish for a dedicated player, I'd think, and it looks to me that most Beta Testers are a little over-dedicated.

Please excuse me if it's already been said, but I'm WAAY to lazy to look through these pages. :)

+ I have plenty of faith in Blizzard. I think they wouldn't release a game if anyone working on it felt it was boring after playing as long as they had. Blizzard is one of the few companies who will go out of their way to make a game great.

We be jammin'.
#62 Jun 30 2004 at 10:03 PM Rating: Default
can someone tell me when WoW is comeing out and how i become a beta tester
#63 Jul 01 2004 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
I must say that after playing for a month that the quote from that one beta tester is completely BS. Very few people dislike the game and 90% + I group with think wow is the best MMORPG they have played. The main grouping that dislike the game are diablo2 players expecting a diablo MMORPG. EQ players even the time guild ones find plenty to do in WoW. It still takes 6-9played days or so to cap at 45 (and who knows what the max is going to take). I am a powergamer and always have been and don't believe for a second that WoW is not friendly to powergamers. They put a lot of effort into makeing challengeing instances (Zul'Farrek, Uldaman) that will be tough even for the best oft he best. When raid content comes in we will get a view of the true end game but from what ive seen they have great scripting capability and will be able to make some truely unique encounters.
#64 Jul 01 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Default
Yup. Anyone that hasn't played Everquest past 50th lvl simply doesn't have an opinion worth listening too. Especially some tard Diablo II player.

Its the main reason I don't bother reading the Blizzard forums.

I do give "some" credits to experienced UO and DOAC players. They don't know what "end game" means thou. Because those games don't have one.

Can one organize 6 to 10 groups on a Raid to kill a god on the Plane of Fear? Or a Dragon raid? Untill you have been part of that and part of the organization of the Guild involved...
Does one even know what pull group means...much less what a puller is. What does crowd control mean. etc etc
If you can answer those questions then we are on the same page.
#65 Jul 02 2004 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
Good CC makes a group in WoW, rogues/mages/priests/druids all have some form of crowd control. Many encounters would be extremly hard without it, its not just mow down 15 mobs at once diablo style. Diablo was fun but its not what I want in a MMORPG. FFIX never appealed to me because of the japanese (ive had bad expereinces with eastern players in the past and like being able to communicate with people) getting a huge head start and no new NA servers. Ive yet to see raid content but they definately plan on haveing static raid content and dynamicaly instanced raid content. Some of their instance scripts are really cool (Exicutioner trial in Zul'Farrek is really hard but rewarding) and add a lot of flavor to the single group content. When raid content starts to go in i have confidence it will be of the highest quality.
#66 Jul 02 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,978 posts
About soloability:

If WOW ever stays the same upon release, and it's perfectly easy to just solo to the higher levels, guess what? That's what you will get, nobody will party up. Really, since it's such a chore to get a couple more like-minded players who will also WANT to party, everyone will decide it's better to stay solo until the upper levels. Then, in those high levels, you will find out that nobody has yet, learned how to coordinate in a party situation.

Example, I play FFXI, in that game, you are forced to play as a party to level up right after level 10, sometimes 15, so, people almost always solo to level 10, and then, until only then, they start getting into party. As for the soloers, well, they've got Beastmaster, the only real solo job in-game.
#67 Jul 02 2004 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry to say I can't wait for this game but what I know about the game and what this guy has said makes sense. I did like EQ when I lvled my Shammy to high lvl and then wanted to make a ranger on another account. Power lvling myself it didn't take long to get my ranger to a point where I could group and fight with my shammy and start raiding. But with no Plvling I don't know if I would like this game much. whats was one thing I really liked. Everyone is bashing this guy but for me, I'm not looking to bash anyone. I like to hear people views on things. No one ever said there is just one view on things.

I'm am really going to have to think about getting this game now.
#68 Jul 03 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
I know its a pain in the *** to level up again with a new character. But, I never felt the same about any other character than the first one that I pain stakingly leveled up from scratch. Taking 2 years to do. Many friends and guilds have come and gone. Seeing new zones and dungeons for the first time was an incrediable experience.
ONce you have seen most the zones for a million times then I see the point of trying to PL a new character past all that to get to the end game content. Whats kewl about DOAC and now WOW you can start over in a new land and experience it all new agian. Entire new game. ONe thing thou...DOAC. Dungeons plain SUCKED. Same lame simple template used for all 3 realms. Very disappointed that ruined the game for me.
#69 Jul 03 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
Rockhead - regarding power-leveling,

Power-leveling was one of the downfalls of EQ, imho. The fact that players *could* be power-leveled is what helped fuel Yantis and EQPA. Blizzard will have to deal with that subject eventually, but at the least they can make it harder for people to generate high-level characters and be forced to work with people who leave the game and abandon their accounts.

I also didn't like power-leveling in general. Nothing pissed me off more than to go into Blackburrow as a level 8, and find that there is *nothing* up in the dungeon anywhere, because some low-level bard is running around with his pocket druid. I've been screwed over in this regard by power-levelers as high as level 60. Besides which, depending on who is being power-leveled, that player is often clueless about the game or at least about their class.

When Luclin came out, people developed a dependency on C3, didn't learn how to play the game without it, and assumed that they would be useless without those buffs. I also had to try to tune out all the people who came buff-begging me for Virtue, and I can't tell you how much it nauseated me that some level 1's were running around with 1500 HP and ridiculous mana regen, untwinked. But if you dare try to explain that to any of these people, and how they are ruining their own game experience as well as everyone else's, they immediately take offense, tell you you are incredibly rude, and have the gall to even tell you it is your *JOB* to buff them. Of course they never considered reimbursing me enough to pay for the component cost of paying the spell -- partly out of rudeness and partly out of ignorance.

Maybe you can't bear to see a game where power-leveling isn't an option, but I can't bear to see a game where it is.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#70 Jul 03 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
469 posts
When I was raising money to twink a new Beastlord, I sat in the Nexus in Luclin (before PoP came out, of course) with a 62 enchanter giving Clarity 3 for donations (not charging, for DONATIONS) and easily made thousands of platinum in a few hours.

I don't care what game I'm playing, I shouldn't be able to sit in one place casting a class spell and make that much money that fast. It was disgusting.
#71 Jul 04 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
Only an enchanter could do that. If you were a cleric and tried to sell an HP buff, you would get a quarter of the donation, and have an overhead cost for each cast that the donations wouldn't even cover. Granted, druids used to be able to sell ports, but that actually involved a little bit of work. C3 was yet another one of the things to make the list of "What broke EQ" (tm).
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#72 Jul 04 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
All those points about what the last two posters said abotu EQ is true. The game was completely ruined when Moons of LUclin came out. One thing to add about starting a new character and grouping with twinks. They dont talk. They are just there to power level up to join their guildmates. They dont react to new room or encounters and dont get excited because they have done it all allready. Like I said before, i feel sorry for the players that came to EQ late. The first two years was truely magical playing EQ.
If you want a very good experience with it I allways suggested that new players start on a new server. Stay away frmo old servers like the plague.
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