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Ouch.......WoW takes a blow to the gut...Follow

#27 Jun 14 2004 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
283 posts
Now there's Valhallan Scholar, great you had good gear, gj.. . However you cannot talk about any of the end game things, because you have not been there (dynamis, gardens, genkei 5, missions +, etc.). Had you decided to take you char. higher you would see exactly what I'm talking about, if you don't *shrug thats your loss. But, you say you don't like lvl'ing, crafting, farming, etc.... maybe MMORPG's aren't for you then pal, because thats 90% of what any of them is. You might wanna try a new genre heh.

You've done an excellent job of misconstruing the point, I think it's pretty well inferred, however to elaborate for you... It isn't that I dislike those things in particular, it's more so that I dislike the way FFXI has them set up. Lvling, I'm not trying to log on, just so I can sit there for however many hours waiting to accomplish anything. Farming, more so tired of it, and can't grasp the point behind it since people with sub-par equipment manage to get to higher lvs faster.

Crafting for the most part is ridiculously absurd, it's like... "Hey, I started goldsmithing today, I just spent 100k, and I can craft an item that sells for 2k now!" Isn't that great? You just wasted a couple hours right off sitting in front of the AH or whatever synthing. Then, you go a little deeper into it, you also wasted the time you spent making that money you used to craft. Furthermore, the crafts do not follow a path, in real life (since so many MMORPG's have become fond of realism) a tradeskill of any sort actually builds upon itself. ie You learn how to properly measure for cuts, you learn how to use the table saw, you learn how to cut a board properly so as to not cause burns or any other form of disconfiguration, then you learn how to build a cabinet. Once you've learned how to properly make a cabinet, you may learn various ways to modify it. It's not like, you learn how to make an armoire, then you learn how to make a cabinet.

On a different note, since you're the omnipotent NA BRD, yeah, I haven't been to the end game, apparently you have, or so you claim. So, explain, how is your version of the end game any different than mine? What do the lv 75's do? Craft? HNM hunt? Dynamis? Quest? Hm... It seems to me, in a general sense that goes back to what I said previously.

So, you manage to get to lv 75, what do you do then? You go to Dynamis, get your a$$ handed to you by a group of incredibly tough monsters, de-lv, do it again. All for what? So you can be "ub3r 1337?"

Maybe it's just me, I don't see much of a difference. I'm pretty sure that YOU'RE the one who wants to be "1337." as I could care less to be, I'd rather enjoy myself and know that I had fun that day, rather than have a horrible time playing and know that I got a Vermillion Cloak +1 after spending 20 days farming my a$$ off for it. Hey, then again, I guess we all have our own opinions about what's fun and what's not.

Edit* Keep forgetting to put stuff in...
One last thing, I thought it was funny that WoW has 40 zone's period, maybe a little over. FFXI's 2nd expansion is coming out in the fall bringing 40-50 new zones, countless quests, and new missions to the game, and everyone is just hoping to get semi-finished WoW by x-mas.

Are you missing something here, or are you unaware that WoW is still in Beta and has close to six months til it is actually released? Aside from that, to compare the two in that manner is ludicrous, that's like saying "EQ has 927349237425 zones and FFXI only has 90!!!" Think about it, how much longer has FFXI been around than WoW? Well, two years as of now, closer to 3 come time for WoW to be released. Don't misunderstand, but you say you're in college... I'd figure you'd have enough foresight to think about something like that before actually saying anything...

Edited, Mon Jun 14 16:53:35 2004 by Valhallan
#28 Jun 14 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
469 posts
I don't care how many zones it has if they're bland and uninteresting. EQ has the largest amount of zones of any MMORPG. Does that make it the best?

I played FFXI and it just felt like EQ-Lite to me. The interface is disgusting, unintuitive (that's what you get for using a mouse and keyboard for an interface designed with a PS2 controller in mind) and takes up half the screen. I couldn't communicate with 70% of the people on my server (and please no "well why didn't you switch servers, blah blah blah" because I should be forced to work AROUND the system to play with people who speak my language), and the whole multiple jobs on one character system just seemed designed around getting you to grind forever.

I was also told there was a way to turn that horrible graphic fuzz off, but I never found out how before I quit. I have a lot of hatred for MMORPGs that do it wrong, having played so many and ending up disgusted with all of them, that a fun MMORPG (to my tastes) like WoW that isn't a gigantic hassle is a breath of fresh air.

Edit: Ack, misspelled unintuitive. Shame on me.

Edited, Tue Jun 15 15:06:27 2004 by JAEFo
#29 Jun 14 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
I have to agree with the above poster (JAEFo). The past month, FFXI has been a job. I already have a RL job. I don't need my leisure time to be job-like too. I was an avid gamer before I got my full-time job; even now I usually spend every night and all weekend on the game. For what? To make more money to buy items to still have the xp suck either because other pt members (who may not have the same time to devote to the game as me) do not have the best gear, or because there are 3 parties at the same spot fighting over spawn spots. I love the idea of getting xp and progression in ways other than camping the same mobs for HOURS. I enjoyed crafting in FFXI as a solo form of progression, until I realized I didn't have any money left :(

As for comments about endgame in FFXI: I sometimes frequent a LS full of lvl 70+ (who used to be my friends, til my fiancee barred me from the LS because they wouldn't give him a pearl too). And the end game sounds like something I will never be able to experience. I don't speak Japanese; therefore, I cannot get my fiancee help for his PLD AF3 (every AF3 raid I've been on has included at least 1/2 JP speakers), I won't be able to get help with Genkai 3, I won't be able to get help with the Zilart missions, I won't be able to go on HNM kills... by the time I get to 75, most of my friends will be gone from the game, and who else is going to invite me in for a share of their loot? Frankly, no matter how fun the endgame looks, it doesn't seem attainable to me. Which leaves me at a block at level 60 RDM/BLM, since FFXI doesn't have much incentive for starting a new character over (who wants to start without a subjob again? grr). Honestly, I'm finding myself thinking "What's the point of levelling?" It's fun with a good party, but I've gotten some pretty crappy parties recently... If I could finally get a group together to go kill the Shadowlord, I think I will be satisfied and ready to quit this evil time-sink of a game. lol Or maybe I'll level BST and duo with my fiancee....

Edited, Mon Jun 14 16:56:47 2004 by Fantasia
#30 Jun 14 2004 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Well just posting this as a follow-up to some of the comments that I thought I should address. First off is Azuarc, 1) I never said that you MUST max out everything to be good. I take it that you don't play FFXI, however if you did, you would realize that having a subjub at half your main's level is pretty much required and looked at very "noobly" by almost anyone if you don't. 2)As for the gear, yea ultra-high-end gear will make you slightly stronger, however there is average-good gear that is much much easier to obtain and 99% of the time will get you by just fine. I would never insist that someone without 5million gil into there char. leave my PT. Anyways, I should have elaborated more on EQ, personally, i didn't like it all that much and quit when PoP came out. So if there's alot I missed /flame <me>. I moved over to daoc (50healer,50war - midgard | 50ranger: rank7, 50ns:rank8, 50ward - merlin) at that point. Now there's Valhallan Scholar, 3) great you had good gear, gj.. . However you cannot talk about any of the end game things, because you have not been there (dynamis, gardens, genkei 5, missions +, etc.). Had you decided to take you char. higher you would see exactly what I'm talking about, if you don't *shrug thats your loss. 4) But, you say you don't like lvl'ing, crafting, farming, etc.... maybe MMORPG's aren't for you then pal, because thats 90% of what any of them is. You might wanna try a new genre heh. Then we have the great CloakedStranger the Wise(the Wise LOL) anyways, I'm not saying that you can't play the game because your a casual gamer, as 5) there is tons of content pre-60 and none of the super expensive items are absolutely needed. However if your going to play an hour 1 or 2 days in the week and maybe 5 on the weekends, I would feel very cheated, that you had the same char. lvl and gear as me for putting in countless hours. I like the whole no life thing though. I think I'm doing quite good, I'm in college for engineering, have a gf, and actually live in a frat, 6) FFXI is a hobby for me, whatever though, anyone could say anything over a forum so thats really a pointless issue to argue, but please stick to the topic, which seems to be WoW and FFXI. Lastly there's JAEFo Scholar, very simply, 7) ffxi is fun for me (very fun actually) and I guess another million or two people feel the same.
8) One last thing, I thought it was funny that WoW has 40 zone's period, maybe a little over. FFXI's 2nd expansion is coming out in the fall bringing 40-50 new zones, countless quests, and new missions to the game, and everyone is just hoping to get semi-finished WoW by x-mas.

*cracks neck* Okay, lets begin, shall we?

1) Whether you said it or not, everything is required to be maxed out in these times of games. Thats how the genre works and for you to apply Everquest law to FFXI law made it sound like thats what was said. Good thing newer MMORPGs are trying their best to break away from this trend because it only leads to frustration.

2) Past Lv 30, a melee without sniper rings is worthless in most people's eyes. Past 30, no expensive mp gear on a mage makes them worthless in most players eyes. Granted, there may be "ok" gear available but a player without the needed stuff will be looked down upon.

3) Why should anybody care about the end-game content when the low game content was lacking to begin with? Crafting, questing and leveling is not content when it comes to FFXI, its a chore. People didn't sign up for chores, they signed up for a game. Unfortunately, by the time a person is almost reaching the end game content, they are too burned out to even continue. I hate how these types of games fail to deliver a good experience when it comes to content in the low game. It seems they only focus on the high game, making the game more focused to those willing to spend hours on end per day rather then the normal guy who just wants to enjoy himself for a hour or 2.

4) You know, this is the major problem with the genre itself. It tries to copy real life so much that it becomes as tedious as real life. BTW, not all MMORPGs follow and will continue to follow the template that most MMORPGs follow. CoH is a good example of a MMORPG that focuses on the "fun" aspect rather then the simulated world that most MMORPGs follow. Granted it does get repetitive with the lack of a few options like crafting and gaining new equipment but its still a excellent example that a "fun" MMORPG can be made.
As for telling him that the genre is not for him, thats for Val to decide. If he decides to leave, that his choice but so far he is hoping for a renewal of the genre just like the rest of us. Why bother trying out one of the current MMORPGs when they are basically the same? City of Heroes is a good idea that shows that the genre can be fun and we are hoping that WoW is a perfection of that idea.

5) Same statements as number 3.

6) Okay, let me make tis clear: We don't want a hobby. We want a game. Its wonderful that you enjoy FFXI as a hobby but telling you the truth, me drawing makes for a better hobby then playing FFXI. In the matter of fact, I do draw ^^

Shameless plug: (Been awhile and I need to get more stuff to improve. been lazy lately lol)

Anyways, we want a game that can be enjoyed in short bursts when needed and large bursts when we want it. Thats what we are expecting and as long as they deliver while making it fun, then pretty much all of us will be happy. We are not looking for the most hardcore MMORPG action. We are looking for a MMORPG that plays like a game, not a part time job.

7) To get some numbers straight, the game is loved by 500,000 people worldwide. This doesn't include the numbers of players that have left and those who came in. Also, we're glad you enjoy the game. The fact is, we didn't. There is are plenty of reasons why but it lead to the same result: we either cancelled our accounts or we will be soon.

8) Wonderful, you are comparing a 3 year old game when it comes to content that had 1 expansion out already and another on the way to a game that is still in closed beta, where everything is not revealed and is not even released to the mass market.
Just wanna let ya know that even before its release, WoW packs in over 900 quests while FFXI packs alittle over 500 quests. Just wanted to make that clear ^_~

Edited, Mon Jun 14 21:17:58 2004 by Redmoonxl
#31 Jun 14 2004 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
469 posts
Redmoonxl wrote:
WoW packs in over 900 quests

Actually, 1367 (and counting)
#32 Jun 14 2004 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Redmoonxl wrote:
WoW packs in over 900 quests

Actually, 1367 (and counting)

Still more then what FFXI offers ^^
#33 Jun 15 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
526 posts
The Honorable ZelerianIA wrote:


in reply to TARTESK : Although your compatrison is right on the money between FFXI and WoW, we have to understand that FFXI will not be the main compatition here, it will be EQ2.

The original EQ made what MMORPG are today, and I don't expect much less from the second. So, even if FFXI forces you to group, if EQ2 doesn't, then its not an advantage in WoW favor....

its my view on it anyway.

Understood EQ2 is main competition, but, ive never even seen a screenshot for the game (never cared for the first).

indoki: your first post grabbed my attention enough to give you a decent rambling session. by the way i have been unable to edit my signature for quite some time now finally was able to about 2-3 days ago. your only 2 posts have come from this thread, you have no real voice to me. and although there is some truth in the underleveled sub job, ive been waiting to get the avatars, Shiva is the last one i have to get. after that its farming until i get my second astral ring and then i go level that. im not a player who likes to be a front line slasher. i prefer to be a backline caster. the only reason i endured theif for as long as i did was for TH and flee. Why do you say poor race selection? My RP characters have always been elvenkind. since the days that i was playing the Table Top RPG Shadowrun, which i eventually became a GM for at the age of 13 (they figured a kids imagination and my grasp on the game concepts would make a great GM, from what they told me, they were right) all the way up to now. the only reason i chose to be an Undead in WoW was because of the fact that the undead were my favorite race to play in WCIII and TFT. i dont know why, i just liked them better. I just got a Forest Stone in FFXI, as well as my first astral ring. as i said, im farming for my second, then ill be going to lvl summoner. ive got max fame in all the citys, with the majority of the quests that i could find completed with repeatables when nessisary.
Valhallan said it right, most of the game is just the same stuff with a different job as your label. sure, some jobs go faster then others, and have some different play styles after a while its all the same thing. sit, find group, go to zone, pull, kill, repeat till party is done, and then start all over.
#34 Jun 15 2004 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
I honestly don't know where people keep hearing that Northrend is supposed to go in but it's not, at least not in the initial release. They said a while back that Northrend is NOT intended to be in at launch. So please stop spreading crap about one of the downsides being them not putting in a zone they had no intention of in the first place.
#35 Jun 15 2004 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
over 900 quests...
I dont consider the ammount of quests in most mmorpgs to be a value measure of content.

"You there young lad. Go fetch me a X from a Y in Z's den of horrer, and make haste!"

There, I just described 850 of them for you.

I would consider an mmorpgs content based on its scenery, movies, monsters and play situations that I can discover.

Alot of people who complain about ffxi and sitting in jeuno are doing just that, sitting in jeuno.
They maybe see the rank3 movies and maybe do a few errandboy runs, then decide theyve experienced the entire game.

FFXI offers many more detailed and complicated quests that will take you the year to train up for and complete.

People complain its too hard.
But if it wasnt, people would complian its too easy.

Not much a game developer can do about that.

#36 Jun 15 2004 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
283 posts
I would consider an mmorpgs content based on its scenery, movies, monsters and play situations that I can discover.

Alot of people who complain about ffxi and sitting in jeuno are doing just that, sitting in jeuno.
They maybe see the rank3 movies and maybe do a few errandboy runs, then decide theyve experienced the entire game.

FFXI offers many more detailed and complicated quests that will take you the year to train up for and complete.

People complain its too hard.
But if it wasnt, people would complian its too easy.

Not much a game developer can do about that.

Don't misunderstand me, however, I was rank 5, and I had done quite a few errandboy quests... I can safely say, the movies in FFXI weren't all that great, at least not to me. The quest storylines were, for the most part, a bore.

An assumption on my part, however, looking at the way Blizzard does games, I can pretty safely say that the majority, if not all of the quests will somehow tie into the storyline of the PC you've chosen. Not to say "I created this character, here's it's storyline." More so to say, more of an overlap into the scheme of the entire game. Somewhat like FFXI, however different in the aspect that you don't have to sit there for 5+ hours after you get to a moderately high lv, just so you can gain a lv. Maybe I'm wrong, however WoW seems to have an edge on FFXI in that, then again, for FF Otaku, yeah, it's great, it's just an extended version of every other FF game. Granted I liked the majority of them, I can't be so easily amused as to find killing X mob for X exp for X amount of time just so my character can be strong enough to be able to do anything in the game. Maybe the end game is fun, who knows aside from the people who get there... However, if it imitates the beginning of the game, I'd rather not stick around for it. As you can see, I've deleted my account as FFXI became more of a chore than anything. I didn't have fun in the grind, I didn't want to spend my time making money to just go waste it so I can build on a worthless skill that will never be of benefit to me unless I start up a new job.

Edit* Oh, for everybody saying FFXI is hard... Come on, seriously if that game is hard, what is nearly impossible for you? I wouldn't say it's hard... I'd say it's a game for people with an infinite amount of patience. I stand fairly sure that if the desire had struck me, I could've taught my 6 year old nephew to play FFXI and do a damn good job of it too. More so, a monkey could likely be taught to play it, it's not difficult, it's mundane.

Edited, Tue Jun 15 10:47:57 2004 by Valhallan
#37 Jun 15 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts

Don't misunderstand me, however, I was rank 5, and I had done quite a few errandboy quests... I can safely say, the movies in FFXI weren't all that great, at least not to me. The quest storylines were, for the most part, a bore.

They don't start getting good until rank 6
#38 Jun 15 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
283 posts
They don't start getting good until rank 6

Then, I regret not putting enough time into getting to rank 6. =\ However, I had always been told that the magicite missions were some of the -best- storyline parts in FFXI... I guess I shouldn't have looked so much into it, as they failed to amuse me for more than 10 seconds at a time XD
#39 Jun 15 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
469 posts
MaxCaitsith wrote:
over 900 quests...
I dont consider the ammount of quests in most mmorpgs to be a value measure of content.

"You there young lad. Go fetch me a X from a Y in Z's den of horrer, and make haste!"

There, I just described 850 of them for you.
Each and every quest is twice as good as any quest you could find in FFXI. I guarantee. Every quest has some thought put into it. They all make sense and are involved with the world in some way.

MaxCaitsith wrote:
I would consider an mmorpgs content based on its scenery, movies, monsters and play situations that I can discover.
Then you'd love WoW's gorgeous landscapes, what looks to be an amazing CGI opening movie, the in-game introductions for all the races that tell you your role in the world, the amazingly modeled monsters (like this one) and the great overarcing storyline and humorous subplots of many of the quests.

subvert, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
They don't start getting good until rank 6

Edited, Tue Jun 15 12:45:30 2004 by JAEFo
#40 Jun 15 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
OK, so you act elitist regarding FFXI, and then you post...

Anyways, I should have elaborated more on EQ, personally, i didn't like it all that much and quit when PoP came out. So if there's alot I missed /flame <me>.

and say you were an avid player. Can you REALLY criticize people that didn't enjoy working to the endgame, and claim that they don't know enough to talk about the game, when you did the same thing yourself in Everquest?

You're nothing but a troll and a fanboy.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#41 Jun 15 2004 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
This is not directed to Max but what is the obsession with FFXI players saying that the game doesn't get good till halfway into the game (in terms of levels) I'm not a fast leveler, otherwise I would be a lv 75 5 times over (Been playing since November) by now but then again I don't have the time nor have the desire to wait for the content to roll in. As with any good game, the content should be already there. Maybe not completely but something that a lowbie can use to entertain himself till he gets higher. Not to say FFXI is a bad game, it certainly is not a great game. There should be no reason why a game must be played for a few weeks/months before it actually gets good. It should be good from the get go.
Also, let me point out that the previous FF games had the story rolling from the start and didn't let go. From Cloud's storming into a Shinra complex with fellow rebels to Terra's attempt to collect magicite only to have her team wiped out and her past examined, the FF series always managed to hook you in the minute you began the game. In FFXI, you are nothing more then a new adventurer. Go off and kill bunnies for the next few hours only to kill much tougher bunnies at a desert. Hell, you might even find sheep there to slaughter. OMG! The sheep looks the same as the sheep I encountered in bunny genocide zone! Welcome to FFXI...

Edited, Tue Jun 15 16:04:32 2004 by Redmoonxl
#42 Jun 15 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
469 posts
I wouldn't compare FFXI to any of the other FF games. That's almost as bad as people who compare WoW with Warcraft 3 (or Diablo 2) and say that priests should be able to use bows because the Priestess of the Moon hero in WC3 could. And those people need to die. Horrible, horrible deaths. Different *base types of games* should not be compared.

Edited, Tue Jun 15 16:04:54 2004 by JAEFo
#43 Jun 15 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
I wouldn't compare FFXI to any of the other FF games. That's almost as bad as people who compare WoW with Warcraft 3 (or Diablo 2) and say that priests should be able to use bows because the Priestess of the Moon hero in WC3 could. And those people need to die. Horrible, horrible deaths. Different *base types of games* should not be compared.

lol *pats JAEfo* I have no idea what you are talking about... *buys Diablo 2 and WC3*
Anyways, I'm not comparing the gameplay of a regular rpg and a MMORPG. If anything, I'm comparing the stories. For a FF game to make you wait till Rank 6, which takes a long time, before the story gets any good is crazy. Trust me when I say that I'm not comparing gameplay otherwise I'll be one of the fanboys screaming that since FFXI is a FF game, that parties are mandatory. Talk about needing to die horrible deaths -_-;

Edited, Tue Jun 15 16:15:06 2004 by Redmoonxl
#44 Jun 15 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
469 posts
I understand you're not compairing gameplay, but any comparison of any type isn't fair to anyone. They're different kinds of games. I don't complain about Tetris because it doesn't have any cool loot for me to pick up ;)

But if you look up a few posts, you'll see that I mentioned that having to churn through crap to get to an interesting part of a game is unacceptable. WoW is fun right from level 1, and that's the way it should be.
#45 Jun 15 2004 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Meh, personally I think a good FFXI story was so doable early in the game. Action games (Metal Gear Solid) can have a good story, so can platformers (Prince of Persia) and FPS games (Metroid Prime and Halo). Why not MMORPGs?
Maybe I'm just picky. Its the first time in a FF game that the story line is not a major draw is all. Quite sad if you think about it.

Edited, Tue Jun 15 19:45:57 2004 by Redmoonxl
#46 Jun 16 2004 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
I decided to bust out the old Super Mario Bros. 3 rom for a bit today, and omg I got this l33t Tanooki suit in the sixth world. I so powa now~

Sorry, the Tetris comment made me do it.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#47 Jun 21 2004 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
Everyone out to sell their new product will tell you how great it is... But some of their beta testers are apparently not singing the companies gospel.
From what Ive heard and seen, it dosnt seem like theyve broken the mold on rpgs yet.

If a game is too easy, story or not the players will power through and be uber in a weekend. A month after purchase, They're gonna be waiting for eq2 while complaining about the faults in the last game.

#48 Jun 21 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
First off it seems to me that this person expectations are completely unrealistic, an unstatic mmorpg with a imaginative evolving world that will consistantly change to make things interesting lmfao.

Number 1: Every game follows a system it is a programmed response environment, EQ, SB, DAOC hell every mmorpg follows a pattern which is in reality a treadmill for lvling.

Number 2: AI in every game is constantly evolving YES, but will always remain limited because to totally change a games AI and programmed "Instances" as their called in this post would mean changing the game and thats impossible.

Number 3: Eliminating risk in PVE to ensure even keeled and balanced lvling between classes is a a GOOD thing, the fact that someones even complaining about it amazes me. Because the minute a rogue sees a warlock solo to 60 while their struggling to find a group to hit lvl 30 the complaints start piling up.

Number 4: There is never a giant degree of risk in PVE your facing mobs who will react either , Progammed response A, B ,or C if you can't figure out those responses you are an idiot and should never have quit playing sims.

Number 5: Playing a mmorpg with 1000's of online players and wishing only to find engaging situations with the game AI and npc mobs is an idiotic thing itself. Basically only PVP expierances will continue to be imaginative and creative everytime, because only human beings have the compacity to CREATE new and unplanned "INSTANCES".

Number 6: PVP and SIEGE WARFARE are the only future for MMORPG's, everyone constantly tip toes around this concept but the fact is that every mmorpg will become old and stale once the lvl cap is reached.

Atleast Blizzard has shown enough commom sense and imagination to understand this and make a PVP system inside their normal systems, as well as releasing a FULL pvp server to watch warfare evolve. To assault a games AI and lvling treadmill for being static lol something every game is guilty off is just foolish, and almost as foolish as playing a mmoprg simiply to engage it's AI like a single player RPG.
#49 Jun 24 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
After reading a lot of these items and a lot mroe about the game I am going to have to agree with the original post. A lot of the game seems to have flaws. Is this going to be another D2 except MMO? I wonder...will they have millions of items such as EQ or DAoC? Or will it be minumum items that EVERYONE is looking for? To me if everyone has the same exact items it gets boring and plain and as the original post says STATIC. This game seems like it is goign tobe static because the amount of people looking for groups seems to be minimal!

Number 6: PVP and SIEGE WARFARE are the only future for MMORPG's, everyone constantly tip toes around this concept but the fact is that every mmorpg will become old and stale once the lvl cap is reached.

Atleast Blizzard has shown enough commom sense and imagination to understand this and make a PVP system inside their normal systems, as well as releasing a FULL pvp server to watch warfare evolve. To assault a games AI and lvling treadmill for being static lol something every game is guilty off is just foolish, and almost as foolish as playing a mmoprg simiply to engage it's AI like a single player RPG.

To me this is speaking out of his ***. He seemingly doesn;t know what he's talking about and is tryign to make it seem like this is the first game that will have this ability. DAoC was one of the first and major PvP oriented MMORPG.

So like I said (THIS IS ALL MY OPINION) The fact that the gtame seems liek it is going to be as static as diablo 2 was and the leading clues that the game will be too easy makes me want to not play this game.
#50 Jun 24 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
dacanuk, I infer from comments elsewhere that EQ is the bane of your faith in MMO's, and you champion DAoC, but please don't call it the first to do much of anything. PvP definitely existed in games before DAoC. Notably, the reason most people left or never started playing Ultima Online was because they didn't want to get PKed the instant they set foot out of town.

However, we can agree on this point - this thread is degenerating into pure speculation by people who have played neither EQ2 nor WoW, and are making statements based on half-truths and pre-conceived notions.

I'm still waiting for EQ2 beta so I can write up a fair comparison. Maybe Sony will eventually get their act together and let us try it...or maybe that alone will tell the tale.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#51 Jun 24 2004 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Azu you don't like me very much :)

By the way I hated EQ! DAoC is by far the best MMO I've played so far. But, I see where you are coming from on all your threads, by the way I was kinda pissed this morning so i ranted on here. Sorry but ya thats how it goes sometimes. Once again I do see where youa re coming from though.
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