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The start of the marketing push?Follow

#52 May 15 2013 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
I've been running it on my wife's computer for a while now with no issues, I must be lucky.
#53 May 15 2013 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Wint wrote:
je355804 wrote:
Kachi wrote:
I don't really see the point of refusing to emulate games you don't own if they're no longer in circulation in the primary market. It's not like the creators see any money from the secondary market anyway. Not that I emulate games anyway, but just as an observer the principle doesn't seem to reflect the spirit of anti-piracy.

I estimate everyone does it, but the white knight ivory tower types on forums prevent anyone from admitting it.

Or those of us who could get in trouble for encouraging it Smiley: blush Technically it still is stealing, not that I would feel horrible if people wanted to play those games, some you can't get your hands on except for the ROMs that are floating around out there.

cough cough Mother 3 cough cough... hack cough FF5 before it's american release cough ahhhacckk

Edited, May 15th 2013 12:19pm by je355804

Edited, May 15th 2013 12:20pm by je355804

Edited, May 15th 2013 12:20pm by je355804
#54 May 15 2013 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
je355804 wrote:
cough cough Mother 3 cough coughBold Text... hack cough FF5 before it's american release cough ahhhacckkBold Text
You should get something for that cough. You're getting typography everywhere.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#55 May 15 2013 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
je355804 wrote:
cough cough Mother 3 cough coughBold Text... hack cough FF5 before it's american release cough ahhhacckkBold Text
You should get something for that cough. You're getting typography everywhere.

LMAO damn you! Damn yooouuuuu! I immediately fixed it and you still caught me!

It's as though you've been waiting all day for that error :)
#56 May 15 2013 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
electromagnet83 wrote:
Wint wrote:
Back to the Microsoft discussion, it looks like they're pushing Windows 8 as well, which definitely needs help. I bought 2 copies when it first launched at the $40 price, and I just now upgraded my gaming machine to it. Most of the griping I hear about is the lack of a start button and not being able to bypass the tiles screen (which I happen to like). If you take 5 minutes to learn the hot keys it's a pretty nice upgrade to Windows 7 actually.

I took this video because some of my friends were mocking my move. This is my wife's 4 year old Asus laptop, with a new $70 SSD and Windows 8 from a cold boot, it hadn't been started in a few days.

Edited, May 15th 2013 5:13am by Wint

Those gripes have no weight and are just folks who dont adapt to change well. That being said, Win 8 DOES gave several inherent issues that currently have no known fix for. These are but a few of them I have personally experienced...

A.) Many such as mine suffer from "insomnia." Once upgraded my PC will NOT sleep on its own anymore. I can put it to sleep manually, but it wakes up two minutes later. This sucks when with windows 7 I could have it wake up automatically, record a TV show (cablecard), and sleep again 10 minutes after the recording is done. No longer. Still havent found a fix.

B.) By default Win 8's internet capability is limited to reserve bandwidth for updates. Once installed I was doing network transfers from the PC to a gigabit network attached storage at a whopping 1-5 Mb/s. After reading how to fix this I can now make those transfers at 20-25 Mb/s. Again, issue with OS, nothing else.

C.) Win 8 wifi omg. If you have multiple networks in range that you connect to (I have mine and two at the pool) it jumps between them all, even id the connection to current is operating fine. I have to disable "connect automatically" otherwise it cycles through them over and over.

D.) I run an HD Homerun prime in media center. Since installing Win8 I get a "would you like to set up a CableCard now?" message even though it IS set up, and working fine. I get this message every time I launch MCE....every time. Still no known fix according to Microsoft.

In summation, Win 8 needs some serious patches.

I think this article could explain a few things about Windows 8 and the problems it has
#57 May 15 2013 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
je355804 wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
je355804 wrote:
cough cough Mother 3 cough coughBold Text... hack cough FF5 before it's american release cough ahhhacckkBold Text
You should get something for that cough. You're getting typography everywhere.

LMAO damn you! Damn yooouuuuu! I immediately fixed it and you still caught me!

It's as though you've been waiting all day for that error :)

He's got nearly 37,000 posts. Of course he's been waiting all day for that error.
#58 May 15 2013 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Also take full advantage of Live View and an incredibly boring job. Smiley: thumbsup
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#59 May 15 2013 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
Wint wrote:
I've been running it on my wife's computer for a while now with no issues, I must be lucky.

I dont have as many issues on my Win 8 tablet except for another known issue in which closing the magnetic case flap suspends the pc in a state it wont wake up from. If I sleep it and THEN close the flap it will wake fine. My desktop may have so many issues because I did an upgrade with all existing hardware/software installed. I may wipe and install from scratch at some point.
#60 May 15 2013 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
120 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
With Internet Explorer? Push the game off a cliff?

Wint wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
With Internet Explorer? Push the game off a cliff?

I agree that IE isn't the "coolest" but they still do have quite a bit of marketshare:

I was hoping one of our folks here could translate the page and give us a gist of what it's saying.
#61 May 15 2013 at 12:39 PM Rating: Default
VitaminD2112 wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
With Internet Explorer? Push the game off a cliff?

Wint wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
With Internet Explorer? Push the game off a cliff?

I agree that IE isn't the "coolest" but they still do have quite a bit of marketshare:

I was hoping one of our folks here could translate the page and give us a gist of what it's saying.

In the touch realm IE is winning in my opinion. Using chrome, firefox, or even an older IE is quite a pain in the @$$. But IE 10 for touch is pretty darn sweet...and also the most compatible/stable browser out there. For a while I used Firefox but for work related software I had to have "IE tab" installed which caused it to crash often. Chrome is good too when using any google products.

...I just hate the way ALL of the browsers now are trying pigeon-hole us all into one browser by limiting functionality of 3rd party pages/apps unless you use the recommended browser (ours).
#62 May 15 2013 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
9,997 posts
electromagnet83 wrote:
Wint said most of the griping he hears is about lack of start button and tiles. "Those" people are not adapting to change. Obviously yourself, myself, and many others experience real issues with WIn8. Before I get pummeled let me clarify: If your only complaint is about the interface then you, specifically, dont really have anything to complain about other than "its different." For everyone else who has experienced the myriad of bugs, you are legit critics.

Edited, May 15th 2013 11:21am by electromagnet83

Thing is, people don't adapt well to change when it comes to user interfaces. This is a known aspect of disseminating innovation--baby duck syndrome, early adoption, etc.--what it boils down to is that when it comes to changing the UI, change is bad for users. That's why most websites use the same basic interface. If you have the monopoly on one of these experiences and you want to change it, you evolve it slowly, rather than putting it through a radical transformation. You can see countless examples of this--people still play FFXI and D&D 3.5 well after the "newer" version came out. People expect hotbars in their MMOs and complain if they don't get them.

Personally, I'm happy running W7 and have no compelling reason to update. But when I do, the question will be simple: is W8 easier to use? My guess is no, because there's no rhyme to the layout. W8 looks like a toddler vomited a bag of skittles on to a monitor, and then their autistic older brother arranged it into rectangles.
#63 May 15 2013 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
Kachi wrote:

Personally, I'm happy running W7 and have no compelling reason to update. But when I do, the question will be simple: is W8 easier to use? My guess is no, because there's no rhyme to the layout. W8 looks like a toddler vomited a bag of skittles on to a monitor, and then their autistic older brother arranged it into rectangles.

Lol @ baby vomit. Here's the way I see it. Win 8 actually is really cool....on a touch screen tablet. It's quite pretty, customizable, and fun to play with. The big issue interface-wise as of now is that Win 8 is in a transitional phase where they are saying "hey guys, this is where we're going, be ready", while in the meantime many of the programs (not apps) that we run still revert back to the desktop as do most in-depth configuration settings for the pc. Trying to use touch to control all that is arduous and cumbersome. Now once there is full compatibility to where all programs are run within the new start screen, Windows 9 might actually be something special. It sure is a breath of fresh air from using android devices for the past 6 years.

edit:In the end, Windows 8 is going to become the Windows Vista of today. It's problematic, fairly buggy, and odd in the sense that it is playing tug-of-war with its own intentions. Windows 9 will end up coming out shortly, mark my word Smiley: eek

Edited, May 15th 2013 2:48pm by electromagnet83
#64 May 15 2013 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
I think it's a reasonable enough interface for a touch screen, though that begs the question of why anyone would use a Windows phone.
#65 May 15 2013 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
It's forcing a new concept on the users. Maybe it is better, maybe it isn't.
The thing is: until they entice me to try it by providing a number of features
that actually matter for my everyday experience, I do not bother to try it.
Why should I?
#66 May 15 2013 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
618 posts
electromagnet83 wrote:

In the end, Windows 8 is going to become the Windows Vista of today. It's problematic, fairly buggy, and odd in the sense that it is playing tug-of-war with its own intentions. Windows 9 will end up coming out shortly, mark my word Smiley: eek

Windows 8.1 will be out later this year as a free upgrade for those who are running Windows 8. Highly doubt 9.0 would be out for at least another 2 years?
#67 May 15 2013 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default
SillyHawk wrote:
electromagnet83 wrote:

In the end, Windows 8 is going to become the Windows Vista of today. It's problematic, fairly buggy, and odd in the sense that it is playing tug-of-war with its own intentions. Windows 9 will end up coming out shortly, mark my word Smiley: eek

Windows 8.1 will be out later this year as a free upgrade for those who are running Windows 8. Highly doubt 9.0 would be out for at least another 2 years?

That's relatively short compared to the time between XP and Vista. 6 years between the original release of XP (2001) and the original Vista (2007). And since Windows 7 (released in 2009) is essentially Windows Vista X 2 (the better version) we can deduce that Windows 9 will be windows 8 (2012) X 2. We can expect Windows 9 right around 2015 or so since there seems to be about a 6 year period between each "real" OS release.

Edited, May 15th 2013 7:27pm by electromagnet83
#68 May 15 2013 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
My biggest bug got fixed. One of the USB drivers would break my Walkman MP3 headphones every time I plugged them in. That got fixed about two months ago. Hooray!
#69 May 15 2013 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
153 posts
Malware has been sneaking through my Mozilla browser as of late. Less reason for me to hate IE.
#70 May 15 2013 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
Chrome still doesn't have the option to right click and save as wallpaper, and the one extension that someone made that added that option isn't supported any more. Smiley: mad
#71 May 15 2013 at 11:24 PM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
I seriously hate IE with all my heart. I was/am using firefox. I will admit that firefox after the last few updates started having problems. Many people turned to Chrome for that and i can see why. Chrome is fairly nice i have it on my pc but i am still using firefox. Regardless the occasional problems it has it still is for me fairly stable. The one huge problem i have and still don't know whose fault is, is when i log into hotmail (now fail outlook) most of the times after a few minutes it will freeze my whole firefox and ill have to restart it. I still haven't figured whose fault is that microsoft or mozilla.

Edited, May 16th 2013 1:25am by Teravibe
#72 May 16 2013 at 4:51 AM Rating: Excellent
After I/O yesterday (I watched the entire keynote) I'm still totally Smiley: inlove with Chrome and the entire Google platform.
#73 May 16 2013 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
Wint wrote:
After I/O yesterday (I watched the entire keynote) I'm still totally Smiley: inlove with Chrome and the entire Google platform.

I rely heavily on Google products at work (Gmail, drive, docs, hangout) but I still really like Microsoft's new Hotmail Calender synced with my tablet. It is awesome.
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