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The Final, Final FantasyFollow

#27 May 10 2013 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
598 posts
Torrence wrote:
There was an entire series of books revolving around dragons destroying sh*t a couple decades ago, too. Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman wrote them circa 84 - predating EQ. Soooo... Yea it's a story that's been around for a while but we continue to devour these books and games because guess what?

1. Dragons are awesome. They just are. Good ones and bad ones alike - I hated Deathwing and hate his son even more, but I love Alexstraza and all of the other good dragons.

2. Humans have always had a special relationship with dragon-like creatures. We have these stories about battling them, though they never really existed. Or did they?

3. What else would you have Bahamut do? Make Meat Mithkabobs? I'm sure that he would get those perfect little grill marks on them and all, but hes a FREAKING DRAGON! Let him tear up a countryside or two. Gives us something to do.

I would totally try a Bahamut mithkabob if I didn't worry they'd be made of real Mithras. /em shudders. Cannibalism...
#28REDACTED, Posted: May 10 2013 at 7:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HAHAHAHAHA! Omg you are such an Idiot! Smiley: lol You truly are a gift that keeps on giving bartel.... Please do yourself a favor and stop posting so much ********* really is affecting you, because let's be honest here between you and me ok ? Where did i even made one mention in this thread, about FFXIV taking or borrowing story elements from EQ or WOW ? Please do quote me :) If you can find me saying that on this thread i'll have wint IP ban me :)
#29 May 10 2013 at 7:59 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Ostia wrote:
So why not use the empire ? Why hell bent on using what has been seen as "Cool" in other games ? Why not make something cool that other games will want to emulate ? Why not have the city states fight the VII legion, and have them win, only to be surprised when the bulk of the empire invades, their fleets shadow the skies above the battle zone, their armies on full march towards what remains of the city states army, and when all seems lost, why the beast tribes summon their eidolons/primals ? Why not bring odin and bahamut two elder primals appear and tear asunder the imperial army ? The battle so chaotic that the empire has no other choice than to bring their trump card.. Their own primal Alexander/diablos to make it a primal vs primal fight in which the destruction is so high that not only is the land changed, but the empire dealt such a blow that it has to retreat back to lick it's wonds for 5 years.... That would have been epic, and not done before, and i came up with it....

Why not? Probably because it's not where they wanted the story to go. I'm glad you're so in love with your own storytelling and it's too bad for you that the game doesn't fit that mentality. Personally, I think your story sounds like a glorified version of the movie "300" and basically the same lazy plot of every conquest movie, except replace primals with the latest form of technology/magic (bow and arrow/guns/bombs/etc). Since the game hasn't even launched, and it will be a new storyline for 2.0, it's difficult to say what exactly will happen. Who knows, maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised. I'm guessing not, since you think they just steal everything from other games.

Oh well, I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Much like I enjoyed most other FF storylines (up until XIII), even though a fair chunk of the lore was taken from various cultures, mythology, religion, fables, etc. In fact, that's exactly why I enjoyed them so much. I think it's cool as sh*t to be able to summon Odin, Shiva, Leviathan... or fight Chimeras, Couerls, or Mandragoras... or interact with Gilgamesh... or have the world partially destroyed by Bahamut... or hell, ride an airship... none of which were created in Final Fantasy lore.
#30 May 10 2013 at 10:01 PM Rating: Good
Also just to have a bit more fun with you, since you are such a troll, i have never argued about games copying other games GENIUS! I have argued that just because you take X element or story arc from A FINAL FANTASY! And you recreate it in XIV, will not make XIV, a final fantasy, because every single final fantasy, has something unique and excellent about their story line, each one is different from the other, they might as well call XIV (Final Fantasy Online) since it's going to pretty much take whatever was deemed good from a title in the series and recreated it on XIV and call it a day :)

Hey Ostia, you ever take my advice and play through Final Fantasy IX yet?
#31 May 10 2013 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
UltKnightGrover wrote:
Also just to have a bit more fun with you, since you are such a troll, i have never argued about games copying other games GENIUS! I have argued that just because you take X element or story arc from A FINAL FANTASY! And you recreate it in XIV, will not make XIV, a final fantasy, because every single final fantasy, has something unique and excellent about their story line, each one is different from the other, they might as well call XIV (Final Fantasy Online) since it's going to pretty much take whatever was deemed good from a title in the series and recreated it on XIV and call it a day :)

Hey Ostia, you ever take my advice and play through Final Fantasy IX yet?

Noob, i have beaten FFIX countless times, please do tell me the scenario where they recreated the fire in nibelhelm.... Or where kuja summoned meteor, or where terras army was a magitek army lead by judges... Please do enlighten me about Final Fantasy :)
#32 May 10 2013 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
BartelX wrote:
Ostia wrote:
So why not use the empire ? Why hell bent on using what has been seen as "Cool" in other games ? Why not make something cool that other games will want to emulate ? Why not have the city states fight the VII legion, and have them win, only to be surprised when the bulk of the empire invades, their fleets shadow the skies above the battle zone, their armies on full march towards what remains of the city states army, and when all seems lost, why the beast tribes summon their eidolons/primals ? Why not bring odin and bahamut two elder primals appear and tear asunder the imperial army ? The battle so chaotic that the empire has no other choice than to bring their trump card.. Their own primal Alexander/diablos to make it a primal vs primal fight in which the destruction is so high that not only is the land changed, but the empire dealt such a blow that it has to retreat back to lick it's wonds for 5 years.... That would have been epic, and not done before, and i came up with it....

Why not? Probably because it's not where they wanted the story to go. I'm glad you're so in love with your own storytelling and it's too bad for you that the game doesn't fit that mentality. Personally, I think your story sounds like a glorified version of the movie "300" and basically the same lazy plot of every conquest movie, except replace primals with the latest form of technology/magic (bow and arrow/guns/bombs/etc). Since the game hasn't even launched, and it will be a new storyline for 2.0, it's difficult to say what exactly will happen. Who knows, maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised. I'm guessing not, since you think they just steal everything from other games.

Oh well, I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Much like I enjoyed most other FF storylines (up until XIII), even though a fair chunk of the lore was taken from various cultures, mythology, religion, fables, etc. In fact, that's exactly why I enjoyed them so much. I think it's cool as sh*t to be able to summon Odin, Shiva, Leviathan... or fight Chimeras, Couerls, or Mandragoras... or interact with Gilgamesh... or have the world partially destroyed by Bahamut... or hell, ride an airship... none of which were created in Final Fantasy lore.

Outside of the "Echo" tell me one original story part of XIV :)
#34 May 10 2013 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good

Oh no, they took from Final Fantasy VII. What do.
#35 May 11 2013 at 12:15 AM Rating: Default
UltKnightGrover wrote:

Oh no, they took from Final Fantasy VII. What do.

An OST = A story Arc ? Hahahaha! God you really do try to try hard huh ?

And here i was expecting something astounding.... And that is the best you can do ? Really ?
#36 May 11 2013 at 12:26 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Ostia what about you take it down a notch? In your last posts i saw you call people idiots noobs etc and you playing it like you are god and you know all there is out and the rest know sh**t. Please try to keep it civil.
#37 May 11 2013 at 1:06 AM Rating: Default
Teravibe wrote:
Ostia what about you take it down a notch? In your last posts i saw you call people idiots noobs etc and you playing it like you are god and you know all there is out and the rest know sh**t. Please try to keep it civil.

Or ? You going to rate me downSmiley: lol He was being an idiot, or would you rather have me call him a liar ? or stupid ? I mean making an argument about something that i did not argue about is pretty Stupid. It would be like me and you arguing about who the greatest basket ball player is, and then me saying "Well Teravibe the yankees are the best baseball team ever, so tiger woods is better than michael jordan" Smiley: lol Which is pretty stupid Smiley: lol

Also since when is the word "Noob" offensive ? Seriously you guys are such carebears at times.
#38 May 11 2013 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
837 posts
Oh my god someone called me a carebear haven't heard that about me in ages. My point is you don't know how to keep a post civil. If you want me to teach you that then what can i say. Also you must think the rest of as are stupid if you mean you didn't use the term noob offensively. Oh wait you already think that.Noob can be used in 2 ways and i am pretty sure you know them. Oh and please give it a rest "rate you down" isn't it my turn to tell you to stay calm "kid" as you said in a lot of other threads? That makes me wonder how old are you grandpa.

Edited, May 11th 2013 3:57am by Teravibe
#39 May 11 2013 at 1:57 AM Rating: Good
1,122 posts
The FF development team isn't even the same as it was, nor is there any real connection (let alone resemblance) between a lot of the games other than superficial trademarks (chocobos, tonberries, cactuars, crystals, etc.), so I'm not really worried about whether there will be more of them or not.
#40 May 11 2013 at 2:25 AM Rating: Default
Teravibe wrote:
Oh my god someone called me a carebear haven't heard that about me in ages. My point is you don't know how to keep a post civil. If you want me to teach you that then what can i say. Also you must think the rest of as are stupid if you mean you didn't use the term noob offensively. Oh wait you already think that.Noob can be used in 2 ways and i am pretty sure you know them. Oh and please give it a rest "rate you down" isn't it my turn to tell you to stay calm "kid" as you said in a lot of other threads? That makes me wonder how old are you grandpa.

Edited, May 11th 2013 3:57am by Teravibe

I don't know how to keep a conversation civil ? Please kid...

I rated up your earlier comments, because I actually understand your point in them and in some ways I agree with you. The above however, is nonsense. I get your whole hardon for WoW lore, and how you feel XIV stole from WoW with the whole dragon reconfiguring the world. And once again, WoW did not invent that, nor did any other game. It's been around since Norse mythology, hell probably longer than that. Even stuff like Lord of the Rings had dragons laying waste to sections of the world (hi2u Smaug, who uprooted an entire kingdom because he felt like it). So seriously, enough with the story crap. We get it, Bahamut=Deathwing=every other dragon bent on world domination.

So other people can be un-civil, all in your face, but if i do it, i need to calm down ? Hypocrite much Teravibe ? Also if you read the actual conversation, you would know, i at no point in time, made any comments on XIV stealing/borrowing from EQ or WOW. Let's be civil :) Do check for yourself, and please quote me where i mentioned XIV borrowing from story elements from WOW on this topic, or EQ or something about death wing and bahamut :)

And noob is not offensive.

Edited, May 11th 2013 4:27am by Ostia
#41 May 11 2013 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
Ostia wrote:
UltKnightGrover wrote:

Oh no, they took from Final Fantasy VII. What do.

An OST = A story Arc ? Hahahaha! God you really do try to try hard huh ?

And here i was expecting something astounding.... And that is the best you can do ? Really ?

Ah, okay. Grasping at straws then?

hom·age [hom-ij, om-] noun
something done or given in acknowledgment or consideration of the worth of another.

Final Fantasy IX has at least 113 references to other games in the series. It branded itself as a nostalgic title.

Final Fantasy XIV has 40.

You make these outrageous claims that Final Fantasy games can't hold on their own. The only one I can really think of that actually tried to break all nostalgic ties was XIII, and I hated it because they tried to do something TOO different.

Final Fantasy XIV's story presents itself as an original story as a three-way fight between the primals/beastmen, the city-states, and the Garlean Empire who has an alternate plan to put waste to the primals in their own fashion. The nostalgic references come from Yoshida's desire to put the transformations to the world in a way that Final Fantasy fans distinctly remember. They could have gone the FFVI route and put three statues on Rivenroad that Nael Van Darnus threw out of balance in order for Eorzea to go into ruins, they could have done something completely original, but they went for the one that struck home most; a way that most-Final Fantasy fans can truly identify with, a Final Fantasy VII-style way.

And there's nothing wrong with the homages they've thrown at us so far. The only ones I don't truly agree with so far is the Dark Cloud being at the top of Crystal Tower, but then again she didn't really have a back-story in FFIII, she just kind of appeared out of nowhere, and I'm hoping her FFXIV appearance can probably explain some more to that.

As for future Final Fantasy games, I'm hoping future games don't go in the same route as XIII, that's not the direction the series should be going in. I know the Final Fantasy games pride themselves on graphics, but it shouldn't sacrifice itself on gameplay, and I hope the final Final Fantasy game would try to embrace its roots when they come with a new story, not abandon it.

Edited, May 11th 2013 6:42am by UltKnightGrover
#42 May 11 2013 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
972 posts
Taken from Final Fantasy IX wiki:
Reviews for the game were generally very positive, with praise being given to the graphics and nostalgic elements.
The characters and graphics received positive reviews. Although IGN felt that the in-depth character traits in Final Fantasy IX could be generally found in other Final Fantasy games, it still found the characters to be engaging and sympathetic
. GameSpot found the characters, up to their dialogue and traits, amusing and full of humor. IGN also noted that the Active Time Event system helps to expand the player's understanding of the characters' personalities as they question many ideas and emotions.

Critics acknowledged that the overall storyline was mainly built upon elements found in previous Final Fantasy installments, such as evil empires and enigmatic villains. The main villain, although considered by GameSpot to be the least threatening in the series,was seen by IGN as an impeccable combination of "Kefka's cackling villainy" and "plenty of the bishonenosity that made Sephiroth such a hit with the ladies". Mixed reactions were given to the audio aspects of the game. Some reviewers, such as RPGFan felt that the music was "uninspired and dull" whilst GamePro praised the audio for evoking "emotions throughout the story, from battles to heartbreak to comedy". Some criticism was leveled on composer Nobuo Uematsu who reused some tracks from past iterations of the series.Still, reviewers have come to agree that this and many other elements are part of the overall effort to create a nostalgic title for fans of the older Final Fantasy titles.

FFIX did exactly what is being done with XIV now revisiting past FInal Fantasies. Mist or Lifestream- They both consisted of souls and were absorbed at some focal point on planet. Sephiroth or Kuja- Origins were different, but they both were hell bent on destroying the world, they both tried to cut off the mist or lifestream, they both could not accept their fate, Kuja called on Ultima and Silver dragons, Sephiroth called on clones and Meteor.

There is nothing wrong with revisiting or reinterpreting stories. It's been done since the language and stories were invented. Final Fantasy IX got the highest metacritic trying to return to the roots. FInal Fantasy XIII got lower metacritic straying from the roots.

What are you asking for?
#43 May 11 2013 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Ostia wrote:
Teravibe wrote:
Oh my god someone called me a carebear haven't heard that about me in ages. My point is you don't know how to keep a post civil. If you want me to teach you that then what can i say. Also you must think the rest of as are stupid if you mean you didn't use the term noob offensively. Oh wait you already think that.Noob can be used in 2 ways and i am pretty sure you know them. Oh and please give it a rest "rate you down" isn't it my turn to tell you to stay calm "kid" as you said in a lot of other threads? That makes me wonder how old are you grandpa.

Edited, May 11th 2013 3:57am by Teravibe

I don't know how to keep a conversation civil ? Please kid...

I rated up your earlier comments, because I actually understand your point in them and in some ways I agree with you. The above however, is nonsense. I get your whole hardon for WoW lore, and how you feel XIV stole from WoW with the whole dragon reconfiguring the world. And once again, WoW did not invent that, nor did any other game. It's been around since Norse mythology, hell probably longer than that. Even stuff like Lord of the Rings had dragons laying waste to sections of the world (hi2u Smaug, who uprooted an entire kingdom because he felt like it). So seriously, enough with the story crap. We get it, Bahamut=Deathwing=every other dragon bent on world domination.

So other people can be un-civil, all in your face, but if i do it, i need to calm down ? Hypocrite much Teravibe ? Also if you read the actual conversation, you would know, i at no point in time, made any comments on XIV stealing/borrowing from EQ or WOW. Let's be civil :) Do check for yourself, and please quote me where i mentioned XIV borrowing from story elements from WOW on this topic, or EQ or something about death wing and bahamut :)

And noob is not offensive.

Edited, May 11th 2013 4:27am by Ostia

I'm sorry, please explain to me how I was not being civil? Did I call you a noob, or an idiot, or anything else? Nope. I pointed out that your insinuation about FFXI not borrowing storyline ideas from EQ was not only wrong, but also that your comment was a subtle attempt to poke fun at the FFXIV storyline and how you think it's just a ripoff of WoW. You can argue all you want that it wasn't the case, and if it truly wasn't, then I apologize. In several other threads you've made the same connection, so it's easy to see how that could be misconstrued.

Seriously though, why all the animosity towards everyone? Are you really that narcissistic that you have to make everything about you and how much smarter or less of a noob you are than others? Because I gotta tell you, every time I see you make another of those arrogant posts where you just bash people, followed by a Smiley: lol, it just makes it seem like you can't even formulate a coherent argument without the use of name-calling. It certainly doesn't make you look like you're winning any arguments, in fact to me it's an automatic admission of defeat. It's like what my 4-year old nephew does when he's losing an argument. "Oh yeah, well you're a doody head!"

And yes, noob is offensive. Especially when used in a derogatory sense like you are, to try and discount someone's opinion by saying they don't know anything. It's not clever or witty, it's crass and pointlessly aggressive.

Edited, May 11th 2013 10:19am by BartelX
#44 May 11 2013 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
I don't take the insults personally. Killua has called me a jackass over stating the truth, too. Some people just can't handle when they're proven wrong.

Edited, May 11th 2013 7:14am by UltKnightGrover
#45 May 11 2013 at 8:20 AM Rating: Excellent
On that note, both of my favorite easter eggs in XI are found in San d'Oria.

The wells all say "This is a well."

In the Chateau d'Orguelle, the late Queen Leute had woven many tapestries. Several are plain geometric designs. One grand one is the church from Tavnazia, which is half buried under rubble after it was blown up during the Crystal War. (The top was blown clean off and the Tavnazian Safehold, as it's now called, is open air.)

But the funniest one is from the opening scene from FFIX, tucked away deep in the castle outside the king's chambers.

Edited, May 11th 2013 10:21am by Catwho
#46 May 11 2013 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Haha, I don't either... at least anymore. I've been called far worse on these forums in the past. And truthfully, I probably deserved it most of the time. I used to name call and act like an arrogant jerk at times. I'm not proud of it, but I'm at least trying to change that mentality if I can. Although I'm sure I still come off as arrogant here a lot... it's hard not to when you're defending your opinions in a forum setting.
#47 May 11 2013 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
530 posts
Dizmo wrote:
The FF development team isn't even the same as it was, nor is there any real connection (let alone resemblance) between a lot of the games other than superficial trademarks (chocobos, tonberries, cactuars, crystals, etc.), so I'm not really worried about whether there will be more of them or not.

Too many releases may water down the series. Eventually, other than sharing a name, it won't be a 'Final Fantasy.' There are plenty of IP's that have great story lines and characters on the market. The fact that so many people refer to past releases is a testament to what the game was.
#48 May 11 2013 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
9,997 posts
Ostia, quit acting like a belligerent ***. Seriously. You're better than that.
#49 May 11 2013 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Kachi wrote:
Ostia, quit acting like a belligerent ***. Seriously. You're better than that.

Smiley: dubious
#50 May 11 2013 at 12:50 PM Rating: Default
Kachi wrote:
Ostia, quit acting like a belligerent ***. Seriously. You're better than that.

But i was bored :( The Legue Q for ranks where horrible last night.... And they rage so easily Smiley: lol
#51REDACTED, Posted: May 11 2013 at 1:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Bartel kid... Again i challenge you, quote the comment on this thread where i said XIV ripped WOW's story, or how EQ blablablabla whatever you are going on about, because i have not made those statements on this thread, i have strictly talked about FFXIV borrowing STORY elements from the FF main series.....
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