Even if there were specific servers I still have a feeling it would really bring down the community as a whole and sounds like more garbage that they will have to "balance". There are tons of games out there where people can stroke their E-Peen by killing noobs and making them hate the game. By all means if that's your thing then PLEASE go play one of them, or all of them for that matter. Feel free to refer to Gluttony in the
"Seven Deadly Sins of Online Gaming".
Having played WoW I know that World PvP is NEVER fair. You get ganked on your low level character by a couple of max level guys repeatedly untill you feel like you have to go whip out your beefy PvP guy. You still can't win because there are two of them so you call a friend or two. Now you kill them a couple times and then they invite their friends. Whichever side has the most people is the side that wins 95% of the time, and even then you've wasted hours of time and still can't go back to doing what you were doing in the first place.
Farming jobs would be a nightmare to play. You have very few ways to defend yourself and I doubt a Botanist or w/e could fend off a Wild Garen jumping out of the bush they are about to harvest.
Also, If you like PVP and MMOs so much go be a man and play
Darkfall. You can fight everyone at any time, drop everything when you die, full corpse loot, third person melee, first person bows/magic, and insanely hard and relatively intelligent mobs. Apparently they have/are about to update the whole game, so it might be something to get in on.
Edited, Apr 5th 2013 5:10am by DamienSScott