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Remember When ARR Would Fail...Follow

#52 May 27 2015 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Think I'll just generally agree with most of what Filth has said about things.

Hoping that all MMOs eventually go toward the F2P model, or at least B2P, while being fair with its marketplace elements. I don't perceive a conversion as a failure and there's honestly little reason to do it the other way around when the F2P version can have premium services that effectively mirror the sub model. Bad games will be bad because they're bad games. Sometimes that's the direct result of bugs. Others are a cheater's paradise. You'll get those that just kind of seem to float along with little direction, too, or maybe more accurately bank on PvP keeping things "random" or "fresh" for people in the long-term. I guess there are lots of ways to easily say a game fails, but my motto there is that if they're still playable, they're technically not dead.

Anyway, my biggest issues with XIV I've seen little to no promise of remedying, and that's in meaningful alternative progression. There's no singular "right" way to play an MMO, but it kind of seems like the industry norm to perpetuate such with raiding. Those that enjoy such things have a pretty robust market, but everyone else is either left feeling left out or just trying to be blissfully ignorant of the development disparity that goes on.

Oh well.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#53 May 27 2015 at 10:37 PM Rating: Default
Zorvan wrote:
That's like saying someone who buys and enjoys records doesn't know what an mp3 is.

Why wouldn't they be part of the modern market? Are you somehow saying FFXI players have all lived in a bubble since they started playing FFXI? You seem to assume that FFXI players only play FFXI, which would be an inaccurate assumption. The majority of FFXI players you assume are not part of the modern market are also WoW players, EvE players, SWtOR players, etc., etc.

Even if you play one game primarily doesn't mean you have blinders on and don't realize when you're suddenly getting screwed compared to everyone else in the current market.

Fact of the matter is, for all intents and purposes ( other than milking money ), after November FFXI is done. Over. Instead of milking the faithful until they finally leave ( and maybe leave with a bad taste in their mouth in regards to S-E ) so FFXI can sunset in a proper manner, S-E should have given notice that FFXI would be shut down in November ( or even next November if S-E really just wanted to give them extra time before shutdown )while giving incentives for FFXI players to migrate fully to FFXIV ( like 50% off a 6 month subscription and a limited supply of XP boosters, for an arbitrary example ).

As it is now, after November every FFXI player has to constantly wonder when FFXI will finally be killed. Should they buy a 3 month sub? A 6 month? Will the game even be here in 3 months or 6? That is not how you retain customers to your product. How you treat customers with one product is how they will expect to be treated with the next.

The modern market does not care for records; therefore, it follows that the modern market's interests and preferences are quite different from those who buy records.

Your alternative approach makes no sense because SE doesn't know how many customers they will have after November. If the game has enough customers to sustain itself for 10 more years, SE would be shooting themselves and said customers in the foot by abruptly ending the service anyway. On the contrary, if the customer numbers tank to unsustainable levels, then SE can announce the ending of service (within a reasonable timeframe). SE has been extremely upfront about its plans in the near future, so there is no reason to assume the service will abruptly end with no warning. The fact is SE doesn't know how long the service will remain open either. It all depends on how many customers choose to pay them after the content updates end. And that's the one thing you don't seem to understand; playing the game post-updates is entirely up to the customer, nobody is forcing anyone to keep playing if they don't perceive there to be enough value in it. If people keep playing then it is not for you to decide that said customers are not getting "enough" value for their money. That's up to them to decide. In fact your solution completely disregards the customers' who still find there to be value for them in the game in, say, three years. They are not wrong for wanting to keep playing (and paying). Nobody is forcing them to do so.
#54 May 27 2015 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
I think where you and I are "apart" on this is that you seem to think: "There are players who are willing to pay for FFXI; therefore, SE should continue updating the game to its fullest potential as its corporate responsibility to those players." Whereas I'm of the view, "It's SE's game, and if they want to wind it down and still charge the same fee, let them -- as long as they fulfill their corporate responsibility by being upfront and honest with their players."

Even if I conceded the point you had about SWtOR registrations, they still stabilized at half a million subs. Never mind trying to break down how many people are playing for free, how many of the registrations are duplicates, unused accounts, bots, spammers or what have you. Never mind trying to figure out what doubling monthly revenue means in terms of how many people are playing. We know for a fact that at the time, half a million people were subscribed. Half a million people is far, far from "yeah it's cool, but nobody plays it".

I don't really care what they decide to do with FFXI, but I can say with all honesty that what they're doing goes completely against Yoshi's justification for P2P games. It has nothing to do with my personal opinion on what they should or should do.

If someone wants to pay for a game that isn't receiving any content updates, I'm fine with that. I wouldn't do it personally, but I won't judge anyone who would. Your money, do what you want with it, to each their own ect. ect. Just realize that if you try to justify a payment model saying that you choose P2P over F2P because it allows you to bring players more content, but you turn around and charge for a game that is no longer producing content... that justification flies right out the window. Actions have always spoken louder than words.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#55 May 28 2015 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
Remember a year or two ago, when so many people said ARR would fail, the subscription model would be replaced with a F2P scheme, SE would go belly-up and all of us would be finding other games?

Yeah... it was funny then, and it's funny now.

People say that either through emotion or are clueless.

When I came back to 2.0 I was already impressed with how they improved the game, regardless if people were throwing tantrums at the changes. 1.0 was the failure and this was shown by reviews, fans and SE.

When I started to play 2.0 I didn't look back at quitting XI which wasn't an easy thing to do after spending a good portion of my life on it. This was after trying endless amount of other MMOs that just didn't fit right with me. The ones that were fun (STO) didn't have the content I liked, the ones that dragged on (SWKOTR), the ones that felt out dated and too simple (WoW)... I could go on...

Only Minecraft has ever come close to keeping me hooked.

I like FFXIV and I enjoy where it's heading, the reviews are getting better and better. I do laugh when people say FFXIV 2.0 is going to kill the game or not get better.

#56 May 28 2015 at 6:59 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm going to spend an hour tonight at Momocon convincing XIV players to give FFXI a try, if only for the Final Fantasy story aspect of it.

If XI can eventually be played almost as a single player game, with Trusts, then I think there will continue to be a reason for people to mess around with it even if it eventually goes buy to play.
#57 May 28 2015 at 7:00 AM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
Thayos wrote:
Actually, that's more or less what I meant. Not necessarily a literal "favor" -- they're not just going to continue hosting and maintaining the game for free -- but as I've said, it's clear as day that FFXI, as we know it, has absolutely no place in SE's long-term plans, and things have been trending this way for a very long time.

Ultima Online used to have (maybe still does) emulator software. It wasn't licensed by Origin/EA but they knew it existed. I'm not sure of legal ramifications, I'm confident there are significant ones but it would be fun if SE could package their developer tools and server software and say, "Have at it!". Let the fans host and develop new content for the game.

Edited, May 28th 2015 9:04am by kainsilv
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#58 May 28 2015 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Catwho wrote:
I'm going to spend an hour tonight at Momocon convincing XIV players to give FFXI a try, if only for the Final Fantasy story aspect of it.

If XI can eventually be played almost as a single player game, with Trusts, then I think there will continue to be a reason for people to mess around with it even if it eventually goes buy to play.

I sure hope something like that happens. FFXI drove me insane sometimes, but it was a part of my life for 8 years, and holds a special place in my heart. I know nothing in life is permanent, everything dies. But a digital game can be immortal, if the developers allow it and a following is there.
#59 May 28 2015 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
If it were possible to play the entire XI storyline without needing others, I'd resubscribe, finish Seekers and then do Rhapsodies... but the thought of going back into XI with no friends and all the same roadblocks of trying to find help just seems... ugh.
Thayos Redblade
#60 May 28 2015 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
If it were possible to play the entire XI storyline without needing others, I'd resubscribe, finish Seekers and then do Rhapsodies... but the thought of going back into XI with no friends and all the same roadblocks of trying to find help just seems... ugh.

I guess I'm on the other side of this statement(not surprisingly). A large part of the reason I enjoyed FFXI was the social aspect of the game. Just as much as it was exciting to me to go out and explore the world, it was exciting to explore the player base and try to find people to group up with. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy things I could do on my own, just that it was such a small part of what made the game enjoyable for me that I probably wouldn't bother if there were a single-player experience based around the events of Vana'diel.

This is also the main problem I have with the group finder tools. I understand that busy players like to be able to hop on for 20-30 mins and not have to spend time seeking out people to participate, but it takes a large chunk of the social aspect out of the game.

I don't think it would really be all that difficult to find help if XI had a solid player base that still enjoyed the game. That's a large part of why I point to Yoshi's comments. He seems to understand that players need content to keep a game healthy. He also says that sub fees are justified because they're put toward constantly generating new content, but that clearly won't be the case with FFXI. How are they going to keep players subscribing without any new content? Why would new players want to join and sub for old content? I honestly believe that if XI were to go F2P or B2P following Rhapsodies rather than remaining P2P, it would open the game up to a whole flock of players both new and old.

Aside from the obvious changes that have been made to the game, there is still tons of content there. If someone who had never tried FFXI before came to the game today, I have no doubt they'd find enough content already installed to keep them around for quite a while.

Edited, May 28th 2015 6:03pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#61 May 28 2015 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
I guess I'm on the other side of this statement(not surprisingly). A large part of the reason I enjoyed FFXI was the social aspect of the game. Just as much as it was exciting to me to go out and explore the world, it was exciting to explore the player base and try to find people to group up with.

We're not apart on that; I play MMOs largely for the social aspects. Final Fantasy XIV is no different. I took my time to find a great FC, and the game is way more enjoyable now than it was when I was just a lone drifter.

I started drifting away from XI even before Abyssea, when the vast majority of my in-game friends quit to go play WoW and other games. I tried sticking with XI, but the game kind of lost its soul (for me) when my group broke apart.

I remember how long it takes to form meaningful friendships in that game... and I just don't have the time (or patience) for that right now. I just moved to a new state, I'm working full time and I'm pursuing freelance opportunities. The amount of time I'd have available for XI just wouldn't be enough to cultivate the kind of social scene needed to thrive. Yeah, I know there's a lot I could do on my own... but I'd have no interest in that unless I knew I could finish the main storylines (I always prioritize story completion over gear completion).
Thayos Redblade
#62 May 29 2015 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Right now, I'd say the only storyline you couldn't complete solo would be Adoulin's. Maaaaybe Abyssea if you count brewless clears of the caturae/Shinryu. When they had the freebie time up, I'd managed to solo the first real Adoulin BC with trusts on my BLU, but it was close. Other people might not be as lucky. I was mostly in a mix of 109 to 119 gear, too. The big problem I faced after that, though, was simply having missed the train on most other pertinent content. Delve shouts weren't happening. The few people shouting for Skirmish had gear/job requirements I couldn't meet. Doing WKRs was impossible unless you were lucky enough to have a dozen others either already there or actually respond to one of the rare shouts. Basically, the limited time I wound up having to ***** around was left working on collecting sparks for pages to upgrade what gear I did have while clearing RoE objectives to improve CP gains, but I even hit a wall there in the Inner Court with mobs defending being too much (and unsleepable to boot). So, really, XI is suffering from the problem all MMOs do when it comes to older content. Cross-server LFG tools could help, but the game's structure apparently can't support them.

The social aspect is really a strength and weakness of the genre. Even when XI was more peak, I partied with enough people who didn't really have any interest in becoming a friend, just doing what the group was intended to. Matchmaking tools are really just that same kind of party with some of the formalities mechanically covered. In the case of XIV, they probably should strive to better let cross-server people interact at will rather than leaving it up to the RNG gods, as friends can still be made even if these tools are used. What I don't miss, however, are the forced acquaintances I had to keep on at least neutral terms with, otherwise the larger group suffers. And that tended to carry the burden of logistics and drama over who deserved what. In the end, I think some get too caught up in how many "friends" they make as opposed to the quality of what friends they do.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#63 May 29 2015 at 4:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Wildstar going F2P is official:

It's almost kind of ironic that as Wildstar goes F2P, FFXIV is about ready to undergo its first expansion. In the early days of ARR, I still remember a lot of naysayers on this board saying how Wildstar was going to be bigger and XIV would be forced to go F2P within six months.

Also, a recent Reddit study referenced on the OFs (I don't have the link) estimated current active subscriptions for FFXIV at 730k. If true, that's pretty dang good, considering the game is in the midst of probably its longest content lull AND there's certain to be a bump with the launch of Heavensward. Makes me wonder if the expansion could put subscription totals as high as 900k or even 1 million subs?

Anyway, yeah... to bring the thread back on topic, FFXIV:ARR has been a huge success. Props to SE's gigantic balls for scrapping 1.x and starting over.
Thayos Redblade
#64 May 29 2015 at 5:52 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Can't say Wildstar's conversion surprises me at all. Mix the launch bugs with pandering to hardcore nostalgists (Like going back in time to mirror WoW's olden raid attunement process) and, well...
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#65 May 29 2015 at 10:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, I played Wildstar's second beta (after they'd revamped the UI completely) and it was not engaging at all. The story and lore felt rushed. I did like my fat bunny girl and I didn't mind the cartoony graphics too much, but I found myself struggling to care about what was going on in the world. One minute I'm on a spaceship in the tutorial, the next I'm on a planet trying to heal a sick tree or something. Once I escaped the starter areas and explored and started to build things, it was very fun, but I still just had no reason to care about the world or the environment. Not caring = not playing.
#66 May 29 2015 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Yeah I think Wildstar catered to a small part of the market. On the upside, they did pave the way for XIV's mob AoE indicators.

Quite a few people play vanilla WoW and even a variant of vanilla FFXI so there is a presence there, just not enough of one to support the large amount of casual players who boarded the wagon.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#67 May 30 2015 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
Uh, Wildstar was released after ARR came out.

It was released in June 2014. ARR went into alpha testing in late 2012, and trust me, the AOE ground indicators were already there in alpha testing when I played it in December 2012.

Now, I didn't see the early demo Wildstar footage that was released in 2011, so it's entirely possible the SE team looked at that and said "WE WANT THAT" and stole the idea outright, but by the time the game was actually released, ARR had been doing it for almost a year already.
#68 May 31 2015 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Catwho wrote:
Uh, Wildstar was released after ARR came out.

It was released in June 2014. ARR went into alpha testing in late 2012, and trust me, the AOE ground indicators were already there in alpha testing when I played it in December 2012.

Now, I didn't see the early demo Wildstar footage that was released in 2011, so it's entirely possible the SE team looked at that and said "WE WANT THAT" and stole the idea outright, but by the time the game was actually released, ARR had been doing it for almost a year already.

Guess I could be wrong. I didn't bother with the beta for ARR. After being roasted here on the forums for being critical of 1.0 I had decided that I didn't want to formulate any opinion about ARR prior to it's release.

I don't have exact dates, but I remember hearing about Wildstar's systems and mechanics by mid 2011. I know that because it followed closely behind the release of TERA and being very closely related to that battle system in that you have to control your aim and positioning rather than just target something and cross your fingers for the right dice roll.

Didn't mean to come across as pinning ARR's success on a specific mechanic they borrowed from Wildstar, but I wouldn't have any problem saying that ARR has been successful because it's been able to implement mechanics mirroring or similar to those found in many other games.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#69 Jun 01 2015 at 2:55 AM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
Wildstar going F2P is official:

It's almost kind of ironic that as Wildstar goes F2P, FFXIV is about ready to undergo its first expansion. In the early days of ARR, I still remember a lot of naysayers on this board saying how Wildstar was going to be bigger and XIV would be forced to go F2P within six months.

Also, a recent Reddit study referenced on the OFs (I don't have the link) estimated current active subscriptions for FFXIV at 730k. If true, that's pretty dang good, considering the game is in the midst of probably its longest content lull AND there's certain to be a bump with the launch of Heavensward. Makes me wonder if the expansion could put subscription totals as high as 900k or even 1 million subs?

Anyway, yeah... to bring the thread back on topic, FFXIV:ARR has been a huge success. Props to SE's gigantic balls for scrapping 1.x and starting over.

To be frank you are always going to get "Naysayers" who think <Insert Game> is going to be far better. I remember when I was playing XI before 1.0 was released and people were saying they are going to quit XI and play <Insert Game> because its far better than XI/XIV combined. Those exact players have since joined XIV after getting bored at their previous game for a Year.

Here we are and most of those players are still playing XIV and again most are excited at the coming expansion because of the wide content coming plus updates after.

XIV is just like any other game where it depends what your preference is in regards to an MMO. XIV has done well and survived the fallout of 1.0 and at a time when F2P seems to be the only way games survive. As you said well done to SE to not just pulling the plug on XIV but rebuilding it to something most people seem to enjoy. I belong in a LS that has a lot of members and its very rare I see RageQuit or BoredQuit popping up.

Edited, Jun 1st 2015 5:17am by Lonix
#70 Jun 01 2015 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Lonix wrote:
To be frank you are always going to get "Naysayers" who think <Insert Game> is going to be far better. I remember when I was playing XI before 1.0 was released and people were saying they are going to quit XI and play <Insert Game> because its far better than XI/XIV combined. Those exact players have since joined XIV after getting bored at their previous game for a Year.

Here we are and most of those players are still playing XIV and again most are excited at the coming expansion because of the wide content coming plus updates after.

XIV is just like any other game where it depends what your preference is in regards to an MMO. XIV has done well and survived the fallout of 1.0 and at a time when F2P seems to be the only way games survive. As you said well done to SE to not just pulling the plug on XIV but rebuilding it to something most people seem to enjoy. I belong in a LS that has a lot of members and its very rare I see RageQuit or BoredQuit popping up.

Edited, Jun 1st 2015 5:17am by Lonix

The problem is still thinking "F2P is the only way to survive" when it's the most successful model and even when Yoship himself has said that for example NA players are FAR more willing to pay for what they want than a flatline sub fee, as proven by not only the mogstation but any MMO that exists in the western market. Tera has actually been breaking records since going F2P, kind of negating the negative connotation to F2P, especially when going F2P makes -more- money than a paid sub in a lot of instances.

WoW is losing millions of subs at a VERY accelerated rate and yet they all aren't flooding over to ARR but instead, Tera, especially since going live on Steam. You won't see "ragequit" or "boredquit" popping up because people who do said things, just stop logging in altogether. I guarantee if you can see the login times on LS like you can on FC there will be -plenty- who haven't logged in for quite some time. Newer servers take the less hit because there's still things to do for new people despite being obsoleted trash content for the most part - However on legacy servers it's a lot more apparent.

Yoship has said he wouldn't want to go F2P but he's not against it as well because he said at one point it will never go F2P then later he said he keeps his options open. Hell, ever since post 2.3 he has said his team doesn't want him to "confirm" things because as we've seen things tend to 180 from what he says it is, so for the most part just take a lot of stuff for face value until the day comes, but the main benefit to ARR is that it released when not only WoW was going through a content drought but anyone who's played MMOs or kept up with them between 2007-2015 know full well MMOs do have an alarmingly high failure rate whether they're good or not because of either content issues or because people stay too attached to the 'WoW model' and when something comes along that is vastly different, it rarely goes over well.

#71 Jun 01 2015 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
WoW is losing millions of subs at a VERY accelerated rate and yet they all aren't flooding over to ARR but instead, Tera, especially since going live on Steam.

Tera is experiencing the same kind of spike that every game experiences when going F2P.

Let's see how this shakes out in a few months.
Thayos Redblade
#72 Jun 01 2015 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
WoW is losing millions of subs at a VERY accelerated rate and yet they all aren't flooding over to ARR but instead, Tera, especially since going live on Steam.

Tera is experiencing the same kind of spike that every game experiences when going F2P.

Let's see how this shakes out in a few months.

It's been F2P for quite some time now. The steam release is just what's boosted it further.

#73 Jun 01 2015 at 8:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Meant to say steam! It is just a new free launch on another gaming platform. It will settle.
Thayos Redblade
#74 Jun 01 2015 at 8:50 AM Rating: Excellent
People will play Tera for 3 months, get bored, and quit, which is what happened before.

It's what always happens.

Like I said earlier, the position you want your game to be in is the game that people return to after they quit.
#75 Jun 01 2015 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Also, keep in mind, World of Warcraft over-saturated the market so you'll likely see of lot of those players actually retire out from MMOs, simply because they don't want to make another investment like they did to WoW. WoW was a unique beast in what it managed to obtain and their numbers are not likely to be duplicated.

There are many, many games now to distribute the bulk that WoW once held, I expect there will be a distribution among those with a core collective of players who just drift from MMO to MMO for a while.
#76 Jun 01 2015 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Catwho wrote:
Like I said earlier, the position you want your game to be in is the game that people return to after they quit.

I think that's exactly what they're banking on. That's another benefit of being a F2P/P2P hybrid MMO. You have the people who enjoy the game enough that they don't care how frantic the pace of content releases who will subscribe. You also have tons of other players who either play just because it's free, they play it intermittently because they don't have the time to justify an MMO subscription, or they are career MMO-hoppers.

The general population is never satisfied with the content updates they receive for subscription based MMOs because to be fair, they're not much better than some of the F2P MMOs. When they get fed up or bored, they either go try something new or go back to something familiar.

I know I've probably beaten the horse into glue by now, but your comment really brings the point to light. I'm on record as stating that starting a second MMO alongside a current, very successful(though not currently) MMO is a bad idea. I weighed the pros first and the cons last simply because the cons far outweigh the pros, but the one solid pro for it was that they could've had that 'fallback' MMO on lock.

The way I see it, that would only work well if...

1) FFXI were F2P
2) FFXI were still creating at least enough content to keep those players busy for the few months they were waiting for new content in XIV

At the very least(and purely from a business standpoint), SE should have allowed for a subscription to XIV to allow free access to FFXI. If you wanted to play XI only then you'd pay a subscription fee, but if you subscribed to XIV then you could play both.

Players get more for their subscription. Not only do they keep the option to login to XIV whenever they want, but the added boost in players who do 'fallback' to XI makes that game feel more alive. Going further, they could have also staggered their content updates so that XI was receiving updates as interest in recently released content for XIV tapers off. SE wins because they retain subscriptions and those subs are technically for XIV so the IGN articles they pay for would actually hold some weight.

The only variable in all of this is the FFXI-based app. Yoshi himself said that content justifies subscription fees so unless that content is somehow funneled through the app, charging for FFXI is questionable at best. Again, not a final condemnation until we see how it plays out.

Edited, Jun 1st 2015 5:46pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
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