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#27 May 25 2015 at 1:04 PM Rating: Excellent
however FFXI success is reaching an end

I don't think FFXI's success will ever "end." It's more about the game's era just being over.
Thayos Redblade
#28 May 25 2015 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
EA President Frank Gibeau wrote:
Since it was induced in November, we've added more than 1.7 million new players on the free model to the service. The number of subscriptions has stabilized at just under half a million. The really interesting thing that's happening inside the service right now is monthly average revenue for the game has more than doubled since we introduced the free-to-play option.

This information was released in May of 2013. Yoshi's comments were from an interview he gave 6 weeks later in June.

Thayos wrote:
The Star Wars stuff is actually not why FFXIV is P2P. The Star Wars comment was just a concern he gave about the F2P model.

No one suggested it was. In fact, it obviously wasn't because Yoshi clearly didn't know what he was talking about.

Thayos wrote:
No, this isn't a typo -- I just wanted to focus on a somewhat ironic mistake in your argument.

EA never gave information about how many people were playing SWtOR after it went F2P; all they gave were numbers for new player accounts (more than 2 million). Sound familiar?

The only mistake in my argument is that you can't remember what I quoted you the last time you posted up an IGN article proclaiming that ARR had saved SE.

I get that regardless of what is posted here you're going to wave the FF flag proudly. That's fine. We've all come to expect that. Honestly, I just enjoy the mental image of you plugging your ears and yelling " LALALALA" at the top of your lungs to drown out any sort of sensible discussion. Carry on Smiley: clown

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#29 May 25 2015 at 7:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Double post!

Edited, May 25th 2015 6:17pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#30 May 25 2015 at 7:17 PM Rating: Excellent
FilthMcNasty wrote:
This information was released in May of 2013. Yoshi's comments were from an interview he gave 6 weeks later in June.

In other interviews -- and in direct addresses to players -- they specified "new accounts." Here is one:

Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Star Wars: The Old Republic, in March 2013 wrote:
Since launch of the Free-to-Play option we have had over 2 million new accounts created and have thousands of new players jumping in every single day.

So, when you say:

FilthMcNasty wrote:
In fact, it obviously wasn't because Yoshi clearly didn't know what he was talking about.

Turns out, he actually did. Or, at the very least, he shares your views on "player accounts" vs. "players."

The only mistake in my argument

Filth, you've moved the goal posts so far that I'm not even sure what your argument is anymore. But you can throw one more mistake on the pile. Smiley: wink Or, perhaps you should make a post arguing with yourself from the past. I'd love to see that!

Edited, May 25th 2015 6:54pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#31 May 25 2015 at 9:38 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
This information was released in May of 2013. Yoshi's comments were from an interview he gave 6 weeks later in June.

In other interviews -- and in direct addresses to players -- they specified "new accounts." Here is one:

Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Star Wars: The Old Republic, in March 2013 wrote:
Since launch of the Free-to-Play option we have had over 2 million new accounts created and have thousands of new players jumping in every single day.

Thayos, the whole reason the 'registered accounts' area was grey was because there are several platforms for FFXIV. It's not ambiguous when SWtOR says 'new players' or 'new accounts' because it's essentially the same thing.

The reason why that is different for XIV is because there are several platforms. A single player would have to register another copy of the game relevant to the platform they wished to play that one account on. This meant that you could have up to 3 registrations if you decided you wanted to play the same account on PS3, PS4 and PC. That's not the case for SWtOR because there is only one platform.

It really doesn't matter how they say it. It's not like you had to register 3 times to play your account on a single platform. Where exactly are you going with this anyway?

I'm gonna make this as simple as possible, though I know you'll have problems understanding it...

Frank Gibeau, EA President May 9 2013 wrote:
Since it was induced in November, we've added more than 1.7 million new players on the free model to the service," he said. "And the number of subscriptions has stabilized at just under half a million.

Yoshi, ARR Producer June 17 2013 wrote:
We hear a lot of people saying, “Star Wars is free-to-play now, it’s great!” But then you ask them if they’re playing free-to-play Star Wars and they say, “No, not really playing it.” Everyone talks about how great it is that it went free-to-play, but then you ask around and really, there aren’t that many people who are playing it since it’s gone free-to-play.

Thayos wrote:
Filth, you've moved the goal posts so far that I'm not even sure what your argument is anymore.

I don't have any faith in IGNs reports about SE's financial results and neither should anyone else. That was my point here in this thread, it was my point in the last thread you posted with another garbage article. The goal posts were already taken down long ago Thayos. Game over, man.

EA president announces more people playing SWtOR in May. 6 weeks later Yoshi puts his foot in his mouth trying to tell people that no one plays star wars. Either he spoke about something he knew nothing about(ignorance) or he's just a scumbag. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

The one thing he got right in his statement was that games need to keep producing content to keep players occupied and to make the P2P model work. Ironically, FFXI will maintain a monthly fee in exchange for which you get no new content. Seems totally legit to me Smiley: rolleyes
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#32 May 25 2015 at 11:55 PM Rating: Excellent
It's not ambiguous when SWtOR says 'new players' or 'new accounts' because it's essentially the same thing.

Totally not true.

My wife created a SWtOR player account. She played the game for like two days and then hasn't touched it since. She'd hardly be called a "player." And don't try to discredit your entire stance against player accounts by claiming FFXIV only matters because of multi-platform. Smiley: dubious I'm not buying that for a second.

FFXIV hit 4 million new player accounts earlier this year, and you know as well as I that the majority of the additional 2 million new accounts (since last year) are free trial accounts on single platforms.

In FFXIV, you argued that anyone who started a trial account would count as a "player account" without actually being a player. If that's the case, then I'd argue that anyone who plays F2P SWtOR without buying anything from the cash shop or subscribing is essentially a meaningless trial member too.

A player isn't a customer until he buys something, right?

I don't have any faith in IGNs reports about SE's financial results and neither should anyone else.

I honestly don't know why you're using IGN as a tool to try to sidestep the discussion on XIV's success. I get it, you don't like IGN. We all understand that. When I post news, though, I don't start by asking myself, "Hmmm, I wonder what Filth will think of this?" Although, full disclosure, you did cross my mind as I was creating this specific thread, given that you've always thought so highly of the game's chances to succeed.

But nothing in that IGN article is untrue... so you throwing a fit and saying "I don't like it!" just doesn't really carry much weight.

EA president announces more people playing SWtOR in May. 6 weeks later Yoshi puts his foot in his mouth trying to tell people that no one plays star wars.

What actually happened was EA's president mistook "player accounts" for "players." Then, six weeks later, Yoshi-P used SWtOR as an example of a F2P game that doesn't have as many consistent players as meets the eye... and based on other articles I've linked to, his assessment was correct. You'll see the same sentiment repeated if you look on forums for the game. It's only really worth playing if you subscribe. I agree that Yoshi-P was a bit callous with his wording, but the spirit of what he intended rings true. And if he was wrong, then where did those 2 million players go? Why are most of the game's servers so sparse just a couple of years later?

Ironically, FFXI will maintain a monthly fee in exchange for which you get no new content. Seems totally legit to me

Why would they go through all the work to install a cash shop now when the game is being phased out? They're being totally upfront with their plans for XI; if people want to pay fees for that, well, that's on them.

Edited, May 25th 2015 11:08pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#33 May 26 2015 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
438 posts
Didn't Square say explicitly they'd never go F2P? Square doesn't need the revenue of the game to pay investors, since the company is so huge, so there's no imperative to go F2P to pay the people who funded the game.
Star Swirl on Behemoth AKA Best-hemoth AKA The Cool Kid's Table----60AST, 60WHM, 60SCH/SMN, 60BLM, 60MNK, 38 PLD, 34DRG, 31NIN, 27MRD
FFXI- Derpypony on Asura
Check out the Dream Network, a community for XIV fans, featuring notable streamers like Mr. Happy, MTQcapture, Rahhzay, and Slyakagreyfox!
Then maybe check out myself, EquestriaGuy, on twitch at

#34 May 26 2015 at 10:05 AM Rating: Excellent
This is anecdotal, but my free company has a large chunk of people we call "mmo hobos." They have a base game, one that they return to, but they put it on pause and go do other things when they come out. After a few months they get bored and return to the base game.

For a decade the base game was WoW.

Now that base game is FFXIV.

Currently, the group has hit the WoW MOBA thing that just dropped, and enjoying the hell out of it. A few months ago it was the expansion to Dragon Age. Before that it was Destiny. Before that, it was Wildstar. And before that it was ESO.

Every time they've played it a little, went "meh" and then resubbed to XIV, if they even let their sub lapse at all (some people are lazy and don't need to pinch pennies, so just don't bother unsubbing while they play other things.)

That is the position that an MMO wants to be in. That's why WoW has been so successful for so long, and to a lesser extent, FFXI. People would try the new games as they came out, get bored, and return to WoW. Now FFXIV has replaced XI in that spot, and taken a chunk of the WoW players as well.
#35 May 26 2015 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
garethrogue wrote:
Didn't Square say explicitly they'd never go F2P? Square doesn't need the revenue of the game to pay investors, since the company is so huge, so there's no imperative to go F2P to pay the people who funded the game.

Something like that a long time ago, yeah.

The fact is that SE is its own publisher, so their only financial requirements are to themselves and their investors. Unlike something like SWTOR that has to answer to EA or Wildstar that has to answer to NCSoft.

They obviously can't run a project that does nothing but hemorrhage money for very long, but as long as they're bringing in a steady stream of profit, there's no particularly good reason for them to make a change.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#36 May 26 2015 at 10:16 AM Rating: Excellent
This is anecdotal, but my free company has a large chunk of people we call "mmo hobos."

Yep, I've seen that too. My base game right now is FFXIV, and my second-most played game is Destiny. I've actually started dabbling around in Guild Wars 2 again (the issues that bothered me the first time around are still there, but still, it's a fun game), and I've been chipping away at Dragon Age (want to play through the first one again so I can play the second and third games). I'm getting The Witcher 3 with my new graphic card, so I may play Witcher 2 to familiarize myself with the story a bit.

I'm not an "MMO hobo," but how much time I spend playing other games definitely revolves around leftover time after playing FFXIV (and these days, I'm not willing to spend as much time gaming as I was five to 10 years ago.
Thayos Redblade
#37 May 26 2015 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,422 posts
garethrogue wrote:
Didn't Square say explicitly they'd never go F2P? Square doesn't need the revenue of the game to pay investors, since the company is so huge, so there's no imperative to go F2P to pay the people who funded the game.

Just to play devil's advocate here, both Rift and ESO swore up and down that they were always going to be subscription-based, that they'd shut down the game altogether before they went F2P, until, whoops, they're F2P.

So, not saying I expect SE to do the same, but I've learned to tune out that particular bit of PR spin, and you probably should too if you haven't already.

Edited, May 26th 2015 12:23pm by RajiFarlander
#38 May 26 2015 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
So, not saying I expect SE to do the same, but I've learned to tune out that particular bit of PR spin, and you probably should too if you haven't already.

Actually, Yoshi-P caused a stir awhile back when he didn't rule out shifting FFXIV to some kind of F2P model in the future. He reiterated that SE remains committed to the P2P approach, but he's savvy enough to know the game can still earn profits if P2P eventually becomes infeasible.

That said, there are reasons other than profits why companies might want to avoid F2P altogether. I've been following Nintendo's struggles with the Wii U as well as the company's reluctance to go into the F2P market (Nintendo refers to F2P as "free to start"). Nintendo's stance is once you start offering content for free, then you essentially send the message that your content isn't valuable, and then you'll have a harder time convincing people to pay for your content in the future. That's why Nintendo has no F2P offerings, and it's also why the company is so reluctant to lower prices for the Wii U and its games.

It's an interesting concept, and I wonder if SE's top leadership may share those beliefs. Just look at FFXI... years ago, another gaming company may have installed a cash shop and let the game live on as a F2P title (which could have worked, especially considering the bare-bones staff needed to update the game). But SE seemed content with just keeping things as is and letting the game age without any massive philosophical overhauls.

And the result of SE's decision? I doubt many gamers are seriously holding their breaths waiting for XIV to go F2P before they jump in and try it, and that's kind of a rare thing these days.

Edited, May 26th 2015 9:41am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#39 May 26 2015 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
If they do want a taste, SE is still offering the two week free trial. Quite a few of my friends have caved in and done that, and within a week given up and bought the full game because they liked the game enough despite the trial's limitations that they wanted to see what the game was like WITHOUT the trial.

Reel 'em in, one at a time.
#40 May 26 2015 at 3:07 PM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
Catwho wrote:
This is anecdotal, but my free company has a large chunk of people we call "mmo hobos." They have a base game, one that they return to, but they put it on pause and go do other things when they come out. After a few months they get bored and return to the base game.

'MMO Hobo' I like it. Sounds a lot like my free company. Disappearing for a week or two when new games come out of interest to them. Me? I'm a one game player. I barely have 5-10 hours most weeks to play.
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#41 May 26 2015 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
kainsilv wrote:
Catwho wrote:
This is anecdotal, but my free company has a large chunk of people we call "mmo hobos." They have a base game, one that they return to, but they put it on pause and go do other things when they come out. After a few months they get bored and return to the base game.

'MMO Hobo' I like it. Sounds a lot like my free company. Disappearing for a week or two when new games come out of interest to them. Me? I'm a one game player. I barely have 5-10 hours most weeks to play.

I'm an mmo adventurist. I savor it all in when it's novelty. When the novelty wears, I jump ship and possibly come back if a game can capture the essence of what is most important to me in it's genre.
#42 May 26 2015 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
garethrogue wrote:
Didn't Square say explicitly they'd never go F2P? Square doesn't need the revenue of the game to pay investors, since the company is so huge, so there's no imperative to go F2P to pay the people who funded the game.

The quote you're referring to was actually from the same interview I quoted above...

Yoshi P wrote:
Now, you have Blizzard and you have Square Enix. We’re the only two companies in the industry, basically, that are making MMOs with our own money. That gives us an advantage, because where other companies have to get money from investors and have to pay that back, we don’t have a lot of time to build slowly and be able to pay that back. Investors want their returns right away. With Square Enix and Blizzard, because we’re putting our own money into it, we don’t have those investors to worry about, and that means we can release something and maybe take a little bit of a hit at the beginning, but as long as we’re increasing the amount of people we have, then we’ll get that money and make the players happy.

I'm not sure it's really relevant because as we've seen, F2P has been able to sustain and even grow behind their business model. The only way the statement above really makes sense is if F2P is a 'cash grab' sort of tactic where the business expects their product to have a shelf life and they want to milk as much as they can to pay back investors. While SE doesn't have direct investors to the budget for their products, they do have shareholders to please and shareholders like to see profitable ventures. There's not all that much of a difference here.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter who's money you used to develop and produce a product. Whether you are in the hole out of pocket or in the hole to investors, your ultimate goal is to get out of the hole and start generating revenue. The portion of the quote above that I underlined doesn't really change any just because you spent your own money or someone else money. That's why I questioned the understanding of Yoshi in the modern market.

Just look at FFXI. They want to continue to charge a monthly fee, but they're not willing to keep generating content for the game. That's an exact opposite to the point Yoshi is trying to make in his defense of subscription based business models...

Yoshi P wrote:
Players need that new content. Not being able to provide it is fatal. If they were able to produce as much content as players wanted, then people would have stayed there.

RajiFarlander wrote:
Just to play devil's advocate here, both Rift and ESO swore up and down that they were always going to be subscription-based, that they'd shut down the game altogether before they went F2P, until, whoops, they're F2P.

F2P used to be a dirty word. As you see in this thread some people still attach the stigma of failure to it, despite it being more profitable in many cases.

Common sense says that games that offer their software for free get far more exposure to prospective customers, whether they stick around or not. There's no entry barrier of paying $50 for a box just to see if you'll like it. I don't think it matters how much disposable income a person has... if you literally have nothing to lose from trying something, chances are much higher that you'll at least give it a try. P2P, F2P or even hybrids of the two all try to generate enjoyable content to keep players in place or(as catwho mantions) at least make it comfortable enough that it's an oasis when the market starts getting dry.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#43 May 27 2015 at 2:51 AM Rating: Good
551 posts
Hey, we all have our off days now and then. :p

#44 May 27 2015 at 10:27 AM Rating: Default
That's why I questioned the understanding of Yoshi in the modern market.

Just look at FFXI. They want to continue to charge a monthly fee, but they're not willing to keep generating content for the game. That's an exact opposite to the point Yoshi is trying to make in his defense of subscription based business models...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I certainly hope you're not saying FFXI playerbase is in any way part of a "modern market".

Though, of course, they can be in the way that the people still buying VHS cassettes are part of the "modern market".
#45 May 27 2015 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
That's why I questioned the understanding of Yoshi in the modern market.

Just look at FFXI. They want to continue to charge a monthly fee, but they're not willing to keep generating content for the game. That's an exact opposite to the point Yoshi is trying to make in his defense of subscription based business models...

My bigger issue with this statement is he's talking about XI as if it's a totally healthy game worth keeping alive. I loved XI -- played it way more intensely than I'll ever play XIV -- but Vana'diel's era is over.

SE has offered to let people play the game for as long as they want to keep playing it. So, after the final content updates this coming November, people can make clear decisions on whether they'd like to do so. But most gamers have moved on, and SE wants to move on, too. Can't expect them to just operate it for free though, and can't expect them to go through the hassle of developing a cash shop with cash shop items for a game they'd rather just put out to pasture.
Thayos Redblade
#46 May 27 2015 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
551 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
That's why I questioned the understanding of Yoshi in the modern market.

Just look at FFXI. They want to continue to charge a monthly fee, but they're not willing to keep generating content for the game. That's an exact opposite to the point Yoshi is trying to make in his defense of subscription based business models...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I certainly hope you're not saying FFXI playerbase is in any way part of a "modern market".

Though, of course, they can be in the way that the people still buying VHS cassettes are part of the "modern market".

That's like saying someone who buys and enjoys records doesn't know what an mp3 is.

Why wouldn't they be part of the modern market? Are you somehow saying FFXI players have all lived in a bubble since they started playing FFXI? You seem to assume that FFXI players only play FFXI, which would be an inaccurate assumption. The majority of FFXI players you assume are not part of the modern market are also WoW players, EvE players, SWtOR players, etc., etc.

Even if you play one game primarily doesn't mean you have blinders on and don't realize when you're suddenly getting screwed compared to everyone else in the current market.

Fact of the matter is, for all intents and purposes ( other than milking money ), after November FFXI is done. Over. Instead of milking the faithful until they finally leave ( and maybe leave with a bad taste in their mouth in regards to S-E ) so FFXI can sunset in a proper manner, S-E should have given notice that FFXI would be shut down in November ( or even next November if S-E really just wanted to give them extra time before shutdown )while giving incentives for FFXI players to migrate fully to FFXIV ( like 50% off a 6 month subscription and a limited supply of XP boosters, for an arbitrary example ).

As it is now, after November every FFXI player has to constantly wonder when FFXI will finally be killed. Should they buy a 3 month sub? A 6 month? Will the game even be here in 3 months or 6? That is not how you retain customers to your product. How you treat customers with one product is how they will expect to be treated with the next.

Edited, May 27th 2015 3:27pm by Zorvan

Edited, May 27th 2015 3:29pm by Zorvan

#47 May 27 2015 at 2:16 PM Rating: Excellent
That's like saying someone who buys and enjoys records doesn't know what an mp3 is.

Someone who buys and enjoys records would be part of the vintage market. However, that person could also understand the modern market.

I don't know how SE could make it any more clear that FFXI has no real future after Rhapsodies is over. The game has ended; SE is letting people choose to hang around if they wish, but they're making it perfectly clear they want to spend their efforts with other games (and the mobile XI client, which I consider to be a different game). I imagine that if service ever ends, people could get refunds for any subscription time they've already paid for. Or, SE would announce a server shut-down date that allowed time for people's subs to expire. I'm not aware of any game ever just shutting down and telling people to go **** themselves.

Edited, May 27th 2015 1:19pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#48 May 27 2015 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
551 posts
Most companies say "We're keeping the servers on until "X" date, and no subscription payments will be accepted after "this" date.". Gives time for everyones sub to lapse out, and the players end up with a month or so free time at the end.

There have been a few games that just went *poof* though. Remember that one mmo where the devs accidentally erased the hard drives and had no backup? lol

#49 May 27 2015 at 3:15 PM Rating: Excellent
I'd bet that SE will eventually do that, when the appropriate time to shut down the servers is more obvious. That's what they did with FFXI 1.x. They announced months ahead of time when the game would go offline.
Thayos Redblade
#50 May 27 2015 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
That's why I questioned the understanding of Yoshi in the modern market.

Just look at FFXI. They want to continue to charge a monthly fee, but they're not willing to keep generating content for the game. That's an exact opposite to the point Yoshi is trying to make in his defense of subscription based business models...

My bigger issue with this statement is he's talking about XI as if it's a totally healthy game worth keeping alive. I loved XI -- played it way more intensely than I'll ever play XIV -- but Vana'diel's era is over.

I'm no master of the english language, but I generally try to make the ideas and information I present here as clear as possible.

In the text that was quoted, the first sentence was actually part of a device called a paragraph. Paragraphs are blocks of text that are used to group together common thoughts or ideas so that they're easier for the reader to understand. Perhaps if that first sentence had been kept in context with what was stated prior, it would have been easier to understand.

Yoshi P wrote:
Players need new content. Not being able to provide it is fatal. If they(referring to the SWtOR and other MMOs that started with a P2P model and then moved to F2P) were able to produce as much content as players wanted, then people would have stayed there.

Sounds legit. Why then did SE decide to slow and eventually stop making content for their most successful game to date? FFXI qualifies as a relevant topic because Yoshi is speaking about the success of P2P MMOs. Honestly, you could apply his logic to just about any product that can be updated or improved on, but you don't even have to zoom that far out to be able to see that FFXI is an obvious example.

Thayos wrote:
SE has offered to let people play the game for as long as they want to keep playing it. So, after the final content updates this coming November, people can make clear decisions on whether they'd like to do so. But most gamers have moved on, and SE wants to move on, too. Can't expect them to just operate it for free though, and can't expect them to go through the hassle of developing a cash shop with cash shop items for a game they'd rather just put out to pasture.

I love how you framed that Thayos. "SE has offered to let people play the game..." You almost make it sound like they're doing you a favor. Forgive me if that's not your intent, but that's exactly how it comes off.

Yoshi implies that F2P games fail to provide players with the content needed to sustain a player base because they don't charge a monthly fee. We've already see that is not the case. We have proven that F2P games can produce as much and in many cases, more content than P2P games. We also know that not only can F2P games sustain a player base, they can increase it. This is the only point he makes that I call ignorance on.

I agree with a lot of the things that Yoshi says in his interview. Most of them are generalizations about a company trying to sell a product in general and not specific to the MMO market. I just wish this guy worked for a company that didn't try to undermine everything he says...

Yoshi P wrote:
If [players] know this game is going to keep creating new content, they’ll continue to pay their monthly subscription fees.

I guess this clears up why SE will cease development for FFXI, but continue to require a monthly fee to play it Smiley: glare
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#51 May 27 2015 at 4:01 PM Rating: Excellent
I love how you framed that Thayos. "SE has offered to let people play the game..." You almost make it sound like they're doing you a favor. Forgive me if that's not your intent, but that's exactly how it comes off.

Actually, that's more or less what I meant. Not necessarily a literal "favor" -- they're not just going to continue hosting and maintaining the game for free -- but as I've said, it's clear as day that FFXI, as we know it, has absolutely no place in SE's long-term plans, and things have been trending this way for a very long time.

I think where you and I are "apart" on this is that you seem to think: "There are players who are willing to pay for FFXI; therefore, SE should continue updating the game to its fullest potential as its corporate responsibility to those players." Whereas I'm of the view, "It's SE's game, and if they want to wind it down and still charge the same fee, let them -- as long as they fulfill their corporate responsibility by being upfront and honest with their players."

I get why you don't like what they're doing (I think)... but, personally, I don't see anything wrong with how they're winding down the non-mobile XI era.

Edited, May 27th 2015 3:01pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
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