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#52 Feb 20 2015 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good
115 posts
Bleh double post, stoopid phone >.>

Edited, Feb 20th 2015 4:11am by Velerophon
#53 Feb 20 2015 at 7:58 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Velerophon wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Velerophon wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
yes you can start a learning/prog group in PF the question then becomes how long wil it tak to fill up (assuming it fills up at all and the 2-3 ppl \you DID get start to drop out because of the long wait)?

So having experienced people come is bad because you don't get the full loot, starting a learning group is bad because it takes time/effort....what do you actually want Duo? Sounds to me like you are looking for a static to be down a member consistently with a spot saved for you, so you get a guaranteed clear with full drops and no effort in creating the group? I don't mean to sound like I'm hating on you, I havn't down rated anything you said because in places it makes a certain kind of sense, but what would it take to make you happy? You seem to have a very niche set of expectations, learning parties are bad, have people who have their clears come and assist in a newbies run is bad, I'm struggling to see the sun behind all these clouds.

just cause theyre experienced doesnt mean they've done i that week so full loot is still possible in that circumstance, and no what I WANT is a game hat requires community support from the start that way when you finally to get to level 50 to do the much harder non DFable/no way youre gonna win in a PUG, you have a whole list of ppl that you shared blood, sweat and tears with on teh road to 50 that you can send tells to to try to get a competent party set up to do said stuff (thats how my CoP static formed, and we rocked without guides (as the content was still new (and no smn, nin, /nin, and one of our members was a thief) despite that "impossible" setup we proved SE clearly doesnt make content that restricts certain jobs and can only be won a certain way.

You just described FFXI. Undeniably a great game for those of us who had the patience to stick with it, but also a game that is archaic in design and aimed at people who can dedicate an obscene amount of hours to it.

This isn't FFXI. It never will be. They are very deliberately taking steps to keep some aspects of the game familiar to FFXI vets, mainly cosmetic aspects, while making as many core Gameplay and mechanical aspects of the game as polar opposite to XI as they can. As every thread you every write degenerates into you having issues with pretty much any aspect of the game, usually because it isn't like XI, can I suggest you play another MMO that may appeal to you? How about FFXI? Or has that also become too casual friendly for you in recent times? Your threads would be more interesting and would actually have some legitimate points to make if they weren't drowned out by constant whining and comparisons to an MMO that is dying, and has been for years now.

Yeah sure lemme go play an MMO I havent logged into since Halloween 2009..... cause trying to do 6 years of catch up sounds COMPLETELY doable...
#54 Feb 20 2015 at 8:00 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
doesnt have to be hard core level grinding... they coulda kept the game exactly the way it is with the exception of not having duty finder.. that way wed HAVE to shout and meet ppl on our server to group up with for that content... and by the time we hit 50 we should know enough ppl to start some coil groups

The trouble there comes in when someone joins the game after the initial rush.

I'll tell you that in beta, before the duty finder, I had no issues finding groups to do things like Sastasha doing exactly what you're describing there. But if you project that a couple years down the line....

How easy do you think it would be for a newer player to get help doing, let's say, Cutter's Cry? A less popular dungeon and at an inconvenient level.

You run a real risk of having story-required and GC-required dungeons becoming real roadblocks to people through no actual fault of their own. They'd simply be behind the crowd. The crowd has moved on and no longer cares about these things. Sure there'd be a few people who would take it upon themselves to help newbies through low level dungeons, but you'd have to count on them seeing your shout at that particular time. The duty finder fixes this problem by both increasing the number of players available and providing low level roulettes to bring higher level players down to help in lower level dungeons they otherwise wouldn't bother with.

The fact is too that automated matchmaking is a staple of online gaming. Has been for decades. It does diminish the individual server communities, but I think it also keeps the game healthy by taking down what would otherwise be roadblocks for newer players.

All they have to do in that situation is simply nerf the content to oblivion (you know like ALL mmos do with old content that no one does anymore that might be a roadblock for someone who just started today?) Or since SE likes making everything soloable in this game.... theres an idea.... lets turn cutters cry and all those dungeons no one wants to do anymore into a scaled down solo version for newbies?
#55 Feb 20 2015 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
All they have to do in that situation is simply nerf the content to oblivion (you know like ALL mmos do with old content that no one does anymore that might be a roadblock for someone who just started today?) Or since SE likes making everything soloable in this game.... theres an idea.... lets turn cutters cry and all those dungeons no one wants to do anymore into a scaled down solo version for newbies?

But then where will this circle of friends come from for this person to do Coil with?
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#56 Feb 20 2015 at 8:43 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Well if i just started today Im sure my circle of friends wouldnt already be ppl sitting at level 50 waiting for me sooo to answer that question I would HOPE Im not the ONLY one who started today, and if I am, ten oh well sucks to be me I shoulda started earlier, Im sure SE will nerf that content too or Ill just have to do it the hard way and shout/PF for days until I finally DO get people
#57Theonehio, Posted: Feb 20 2015 at 10:28 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Here's the issue: On these forums, official forums or any other FFXIV forums you can raise legitimate points but if it goes against ARR, people will immediately dismiss it because ARR is "perfect", which is why you'll find better discussions on more neutral communities, basically places not afraid to admit ARR has problems and doesn't sound like they're paid to defend the game from any kind of feedback that isn't: "It's perfect and if you say otherwise you just hate the game" tend to have better discussions overall. A lot of people like these forums because prior to XIV/ARR, it was indeed a great community and was a great escape from places like Killing Ifrit, Gamefaqs or FFVault.
#58 Feb 20 2015 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
doesnt have to be hard core level grinding... they coulda kept the game exactly the way it is with the exception of not having duty finder.. that way wed HAVE to shout and meet ppl on our server to group up with for that content... and by the time we hit 50 we should know enough ppl to start some coil groups

When I started playing the game, character creation was not open on any data center other than Japanese ones, so I went there. I played FFXI, so I wasn't overly concerned about the language barrier; I knew there would be an auto-translate function. It turned out there were a number of other non-Japanese players on that world, and I ended up in a large FC of English speaking players. The group was not particularly interested in helping out low level characters, but they were more about running HM primals and WP/AK. Oh, and FATE grinding, because that's what was done in those days. The only company action ever on was Heat of Battle. In the days before duty roulette existed, queues for dungeons as a dps were brutal. Especially since I was playing during a time other than the data center's prime time. When the free server transfer came, I moved over to Catwho's server and didn't look back.

So, what I'm saying is that I was arguably in the situation you wanted. It sucked.

There are things you can do to help find a place in the community. You can start an event/progress linkshell and hand out pearls to people you meet up with in Party Finder or who are on your friend list; I'm a member of one of that someone on my friend list started. On our server, there are constant shouts by FCs to recruit people. If your current FC isn't meeting your needs, look at changing it. You can post that you're looking for a static/group in the server section here or the recruitment section of BG. There's also probably something on the official forums too. Now, you might have to take a few steps backwards to get other people caught up with where you are, but that's part of the community building that you want. Those are concrete steps you can take to find what you're looking for.
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#59 Feb 20 2015 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
This game is not favorable for FC’s.
Main reason is content gets nerfed so fast and most hard content you use a static.
FC mainly are becoming social.
I have been running without a fc for a while now. I have had many offers but it is hard to pick because I don’t want a fc that is only social. I have about 20 people on My friends list that are leaders of FC’s and almost all are falling apart and turned into social FC with a few people in. They had 20 to 30 active and most are down too about 12 or less. I see more and more people not in FC’s or forming Fc’s for themselves and another to share a house or give rights. Ls were supposed to be social and Fc to do content and it has switched. I do believe it is SE fault too by nerfing content way to fast. Allot of people attitude now is why rush through everything because it will be easier or cheaper in a few weeks. This might be good for casuals but it hurts other things. There is give and take.

People form statics to plow through stuff now like coil. Problem is if you don’t get into one of the first statics that push through right away it gets harder to get a static together but not impossible. Allot of the people that didn’t push hard right away are waiting for the nerf or to become over geared to walk through content. If they didn’t nerf content so fast more people would be willing to push through. In ffxi in most LS people showed up for a event because they were afraid to not too because if they missed a chance at something it could be years to get another chance at it.

From what I am seeing is allot of FC are struggling.. They are held together by a few core people that are close friends and they recruit or get new members just to have them move on latter. There are some larger FC doing well if you are into that.

Edited, Feb 20th 2015 11:52am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#60DuoMaxwellxx, Posted: Feb 20 2015 at 10:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) fter asll you cant get into an existing FC because theyre all already at "must have clear"/experince or pay us 25mil and we'll do tha ONE turn for you mode..... umm no
#61 Feb 20 2015 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
"Hey developer! The idea I have is, I want to help out my friends but I would like to punish them because I want to help. What I mean is, we all know we do raids for deh phat lootz, so how about this and I know it sounds crazy: If the raid is 72 man, have every person that cleared it even once in their life time..remove a drop from the boss! That way, when we help ye olde nooblet with it, they won't have a good shot at loot because, I mean, I want to help my friends, but I want to get rid of loot drops."

Yeah I might have tried to find a different way to handle it. I can see what they were trying to accomplish with the way it's handled here, but I agree it's not ideal.

They're trying to prevent degenerate situations in which you can funnel gear to a particular character by running the raid with 1 main and 7 alts, and then doing that 8 times a week. It's a niche case but it IS entirely real. There was probably a better way to handle it.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#62 Feb 20 2015 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
You're looking at the wrong FCs then.

We opted to build up ours from within. Valk Ayree is the only one in our group that has extensive Coil experience and he runs with his static, but we decided to invest in our friends and help them get to 50, forming a cohesive group along the way - and Valk also runs with us sometimes so we benefit from his expertise. It's win/win - they get to clear content without dealing with duty finder hassles, and we have a base of competent people that will be ready for harder content as soon as they reach it. Does that mean we have to run a bunch of older stuff with them first? Yes! But now they're catching up to things that are beneficial for us too - took Laverda through her first WoD run last night, and we'll be taking another FC through tonight (she was 30 soldiery short of meeting the iLvl cap last night.)
#63 Feb 20 2015 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Honestly, some of the design choices of this game are exactly why the community is the way it is, at times it feels like the game is being designed away from a community..on the other hand, it feels like it is designed with community in mind but is a weird mix of the two. I mean people were forming FCs and such with hopes of doing large scale content, because you know..XI, SE's last FF MMO.

They probably designed the game thinking that they'd have a much lower population than they got. Duty Finder across an entire data center makes more sense if you think that each individual world population is going to be much smaller than it turned out.

Also, I think there has been some rose-colored glasses viewing of the old Dynamis structure. I don't recall people allowing just anyone on runs when the hourglass cost a million gil. Membership in a linkshell was the norm, and those had lotting restrictions or some fee paid to buy the hourglass. There were shout groups, but I'm pretty sure those all had restrictions on lotting. I know there was some horse-trading between dynamis shells for schedules, but I can't recall any sort of "you guys need this clear, so you'll run with this other shell on that date" deals.
Watch me bash my way through Vita RPGs at
Currently playing: Tales of Hearts R
#64 Feb 20 2015 at 11:20 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
fter asll you cant get into an existing FC because theyre all already at "must have clear"/experince or pay us 25mil and we'll do tha ONE turn for you mode..... umm no

There are probably other FCs you can join that don't have requirements like that. But you probably don't want to join them because you want to join one that already has 7 really good players on the right jobs to plug you in so you can start clearing final coil immediately.

You keep talking about players that have unreasonably high expectations, but it sounds like you suffer from the same problem.
#65 Feb 20 2015 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
svlyons wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
fter asll you cant get into an existing FC because theyre all already at "must have clear"/experince or pay us 25mil and we'll do tha ONE turn for you mode..... umm no

There are probably other FCs you can join that don't have requirements like that. But you probably don't want to join them because you want to join one that already has 7 really good players on the right jobs to plug you in so you can start clearing final coil immediately.

You keep talking about players that have unreasonably high expectations, but it sounds like you suffer from the same problem.

if i join oe that can clear thats fine but no i wanna join one that will sepnd a few hours a day if neceaary trying the sme turn oover and ove until we DO win as oposed to trying our asses off for one day then dont try again for weeks..... also if said FCs DO exist i wouldnt know becaus etheyre notthe ones advertising in PF or shouts
#66 Feb 20 2015 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
if i join oe that can clear thats fine but no i wanna join one that will sepnd a few hours a day if neceaary trying the sme turn oover and ove until we DO win as oposed to trying our asses off for one day then dont try again for weeks..... also if said FCs DO exist i wouldnt know becaus etheyre notthe ones advertising in PF or shouts

First I'm going to assume you typed this with your tongue... second you may have to broaden your search slightly. Try recruitment forums. Try Reddit. Try talking to the members of existing FCs on your server to see what kinds of openings might be available. FFXIV doesn't have anything as blindingly useful as wowprogress where you can have a nice aggregation of guilds on a server, but the resources are still out there.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#67 Feb 20 2015 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
if i join oe that can clear thats fine but no i wanna join one that will sepnd a few hours a day if neceaary trying the sme turn oover and ove until we DO win as oposed to trying our asses off for one day then dont try again for weeks..... also if said FCs DO exist i wouldnt know becaus etheyre notthe ones advertising in PF or shouts

First I'm going to assume you typed this with your tongue... second you may have to broaden your search slightly. Try recruitment forums. Try Reddit. Try talking to the members of existing FCs on your server to see what kinds of openings might be available. FFXIV doesn't have anything as blindingly useful as wowprogress where you can have a nice aggregation of guilds on a server, but the resources are still out there.

Actually I used my foot... and did you really just suggest Reddit of all places? >.>
#68 Feb 21 2015 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Reddit has a huge XIV community.
#69 Feb 21 2015 at 5:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,079 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
"Hey developer! The idea I have is, I want to help out my friends but I would like to punish them because I want to help. What I mean is, we all know we do raids for deh phat lootz, so how about this and I know it sounds crazy: If the raid is 72 man, have every person that cleared it even once in their life time..remove a drop from the boss! That way, when we help ye olde nooblet with it, they won't have a good shot at loot because, I mean, I want to help my friends, but I want to get rid of loot drops."

Yeah I might have tried to find a different way to handle it. I can see what they were trying to accomplish with the way it's handled here, but I agree it's not ideal.

They're trying to prevent degenerate situations in which you can funnel gear to a particular character by running the raid with 1 main and 7 alts, and then doing that 8 times a week. It's a niche case but it IS entirely real. There was probably a better way to handle it.

It's not even that... it's to slow down gear drops because coil drops the best gear, and Yoshi or whatever have said that they want to slow gear progression especially from the hardest content in the game. If they allow helpers in without the restriction, why even bother with the lockout in the first place? You don't even need people to sell it. Literally rotate people in and out of the group and continue with loots galore. Trust me, people will do this actively. You'll see on PF people looking for 1 person who hasn't done it for and maybe even pay them!

For the sake of the game's integrity, it was placed with said restriction. They could have just left it and not let anyone help. They give us an inch, and we want to take a mile.

I'm not saying I like it. I'm saying I understand why. It would be silly to just allow full drops.

Edited, Feb 21st 2015 6:34pm by Stilivan
Articus Vladmir
#70 Feb 21 2015 at 10:14 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Catwho wrote:
Reddit has a huge XIV community.

Reddit is also spoke of negativey
#71 Feb 21 2015 at 10:50 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Reddit is also spoke of negativey


svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#72 Feb 22 2015 at 4:01 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Stilivan wrote:
I'm not saying I like it. I'm saying I understand why. It would be silly to just allow full drops.
I think it might have worked a little better with a Crystal Tower style loot system, restricting players to 1 item per week. As it currently stands, one person could still get multiple items per week, especially if several items they need drop in a single raid. Using such a system prevents it and still allows players to team up with their friends.

That being said, I can understand arguments against the system too. Being able to 'buy' runs is something SE wants to curtail, so having 7 members who have already run the raid completely ***** up loot chances swiftly annuls their chances. The caveat here is that it means such raids are only really going to be aimed at statics, and it also sadly means that if you don't get your loot one week you might be locked out of loot for the rest of the week as a result.

Sometimes it's a case of taking the lesser of the two evils. Buying runs, in my opinion, isn't the end of the world compared to upsetting ninetey percent of raiders who failed to get their loot in a raid and now have to be carried by future teams.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2015 5:01am by Glitterhands
#73 Feb 22 2015 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Stilivan wrote:
It's not even that... it's to slow down gear drops because coil drops the best gear, and Yoshi or whatever have said that they want to slow gear progression especially from the hardest content in the game. If they allow helpers in without the restriction, why even bother with the lockout in the first place?

Some Dreadwyrm is far from the best for many..heck even the WoD gear/i30 Poetics is superior in some slots. That's aside the point though. The lockout exists because it's the only current end-game content as they obsolete everything prior to it. If they didn't have a lockout on it people would farm it to completion and have "nothing to do" till next update.This is why there's a weekly lockout on CT gear.

The lockout serves zero purpose beyond keeping us busy until next update. So yeah, it is to slow down gear..but it's also to make sure we don't blow through the raid content since every other content is usually done within a day or two.

They could have just left it and not let anyone help.

They also could have just simply not went the route of obsoleting every content or making more raid content per update. Notice how a good chunk of content update tend to go towards "nothing"? e.g "Hard Mode" dungeons and a new primal? If they spent more time on coil like content you can guarantee there wouldn't have been a lockout or silly restrictions like removing drops because you WANTED to help friends. People love to say: "It took x years for XI to get xyz content!" ARR is over 2 years old now and it's unlikely this 'Alexander' raid will be anything different unless it's Nyzul style in a sense.

This is why I say the game feels like it's designed both for and against the community, people put together huge FC/LS even during the beta phases with hopes of awesome alliance content and because they figured it'd be like XI where there's content you can actually do with them. Sure you can argue CT...but aside WoD, it's all obsolete content and we overgear it to the point we kill ourselves on mechanics.

It would be silly to just allow full drops.

No MMO to this date has suffered for allowing their players to obtain full drops when they do the content, but most MMOs after 2 years usually has enough tangible content that it's never a concern...

XIV has a lot of content..but most drop nothing, glamor equipment, minions or came obsolete from day one. Like the current HM, ilvl 100 gear? Sounds awesome..cept the current ilvl is 130+ and the standard ilvl gear is 110-120 that takes far less effort to get and you can completely bypass every optional dungeon unless you want to unlock your roulettes. So yeah they definitely could have gone with a better overall direction for it, but as yoshi said awhile ago: It's either lockouts or lower drop rates...which didn't seem to stop him from doing both.


#74 Feb 23 2015 at 10:05 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
You're looking at the wrong FCs then.

We opted to build up ours from within. Valk Ayree is the only one in our group that has extensive Coil experience and he runs with his static, but we decided to invest in our friends and help them get to 50, forming a cohesive group along the way - and Valk also runs with us sometimes so we benefit from his expertise. It's win/win - they get to clear content without dealing with duty finder hassles, and we have a base of competent people that will be ready for harder content as soon as they reach it. Does that mean we have to run a bunch of older stuff with them first? Yes! But now they're catching up to things that are beneficial for us too - took Laverda through her first WoD run last night, and we'll be taking another FC through tonight (she was 30 soldiery short of meeting the iLvl cap last night.)

I started out in the Zam FC on Ultros. It didn't work well due to the pace of all the different players facilitating a sharp pull in two different directions. People who were contributing, helping, and progressing were not promoted as fast as they liked, and like a twig under pressure, it snapped and people left.

The second FC I joined had some good folks in it, and was primarily a small group made up of two groups that ran as coil 1 statics. I didn't have much say (I mean... our FC logo was a pink heart with a unicorn inside) but knew how I wanted to run a system if given the opportunity. I remember my first two FC's on Ultros, I had less priveleges than I give to folks I haven't seen on the game in 30 days... But alas, in that FC on Ultros there were conflicts between the two groups, and the leaders of my group had a baby and you really have to put the baby first (I'd be mad if they didn't) so the static and pretty much the FC broke up right around then. Some stayed, some quit. I was trying at the time to get my friend of 15 years to come over to Ultros, but he was on Lamia. Ultros was a rat race at the time, and I wanted to slow down a bit and enjoy the game.

So I bounced over to Lamia. Turns out another friend of ours was there. All of us started FFXI within two days of each other on Carbuncle, way back when. So we built our FC, and they turned the reins over to me. Then Kat and I decided to merge the FC's and they joined us within the week, because the leader wasn't playing and their FC was going defunct. That was about the time we got Verdha, Illsaide, Lahurah, Evebont, Sparrow, and Pere. My policy was, if you are nice, you stick around, you play, and you progress, you get promoted. And the council can collectively tell me to shut up or overrule me on anything. So... pretty much everyone who plays for a few hours on more than three times a week has nearly all available priveleges. We started in a small house and built it up to a mansion. The FC grew. All the Spin people returned to open arms. More promotions. Our crafters made money, and everyone contributed (for the most part). My guys I brought in were progression based, Kat's people were casual. But, like most all progression based people, my guys eventually split. Wasn't that organized raiding FC like they wanted. But I knew better. I turned down my offers. I don't want to be part of that drama.

The great thing about this game is that you have 8 linkshells, and your static can be outside of your FC. Statics are come and go. It's a hunting party. Most often, that's all they know how to do. They hunt the biggest bad guys really really well. They can't tell you about how to do much else. And they break apart all the time. I've been in four statics since I joined Lamia. But one FC. Maybe I just have a really good group of folks with me, but I feel like FCs should be more of a permanent fixture. A community. Where the banter is friendly and you feel at home. Where everyone contributes in their own way to make the system better as a whole. And as a leader, I strive to never be in a position where I have to tell someone that I don't know something, or never make anyone feel like they can't trust me with the money or I won't make them that craft I promised. And I promote anyone with the same ideals, and stick the people who haven't been on for 90+ days in ice jail.

So my advice, find progression statics and use linkshells for that, and team build with your FC. Bring your knowledge back to the group. Use your connections to get them connections. Help them enjoy the game. And you will have a team. And when one day the FC's can build airships, those progressive static FC's are going to need more crafters and gatherers. And money. All I'm saying.

Edited, Feb 23rd 2015 3:10pm by Valkayree
#75 Feb 23 2015 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Valkayree wrote:
(quite possibly the best post I've ever seen on Free Companies)

Nailed it.

I'm (of course) in two FCs, one on Lamia and one on Balmung. On Lamia, The Swarm (Valk's FC) is beautifully run with a great sense of community, using the principles he just described. It's a model for non-RP FCs. And over on Balmung in Dark Embers, I've joined the equivalent in hard RP, beautifully run with a great sense of community, with a rich RP story background, fascinating characters, and ongoing development. Each in their own way is a shining example of how to do it right. I dearly love both of them.

So if you have any complaints about how Free Companies work, you're in the wrong one. Find a new one, or make your own; and you couldn't do much better than follow the model Valk's laid out in the post above.
#76 Feb 23 2015 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Valkayree wrote:

I started out in the Zam FC on Ultros. It didn't work well due to the pace of all the different players facilitating a sharp pull in two different directions. People who were contributing, helping, and progressing were not promoted as fast as they liked, and like a twig under pressure, it snapped and people left.

Edited, Feb 23rd 2015 10:11am by Valkayree

Man the big rift in Zam FC, I remember that. I forgot we were in the same FC for a while. It even spread to the forums here.. You were one of the big losses to the FC.

Zam is still the only FC I was in but we left them months ago. After Bartel Stepped down they have been through so many leaders.

The bunch of you that are real happy are all in the same FC.
That does not mean that all are FC are like that.

I think the main reason Tesee and I and few other are still without a FC is several reasons.
We want a FC that is more adult/mature/no drama.. Not in age but in actions, it is hard to find.
We want on that is not casual but not hard core. Meaning one that does stuff together and not just used as chat.
Basically We dont want one that does something every night but at least tries to get people through like primals.
Another issue is now a lot FC are set and it has a core group or events can be full and you are left sol.

I think at this point though I would settle for a good group that actually played together. Most can be had now in Statics.

I want what I had in my LS in FFXI.. When we didn't have events we still played together and helped each other out. We still had events and we did those event till everyone needed was through.

Edited, Feb 23rd 2015 1:08pm by Nashred

Edited, Feb 23rd 2015 1:43pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
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