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#77 Jan 07 2014 at 8:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Lag exists, sure... on everything online!

It's not the huge problem in XIV though that a few people are making it out to be. Just know the fights.
Thayos Redblade
#78 Jan 07 2014 at 8:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
The trick is you always know when plums are coming it's no surprise so stop what you are doing and run.

Little difficult to do sometimes for healers who have to be casting aoe heals or else the group will just die from the Tumults immediately before it instead

Lag exists, sure... on everything online!

It's not the huge problem in XIV though that a few people are making it out to be. Just know the fights.

It's a fight that requires quick and precise movement and reactions or else you die. Lag is a huge factor.

Believe me, I've done Titan often enough to know the fight. It doesn't stop me from dying to things that I think I shouldn't have.

Edited, Jan 7th 2014 9:51pm by Fynlar
#79 Jan 07 2014 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Lag does exist...let's be honest though......

A lot of the reason some would say "lag doesn't exist" is because it's the go to excuse many people use when they fail. How is it in a party of 8, 1 person always seems to get hit by EVERYTHING while the other 7 are doing perfectly ok? DF is separated by regions, I can understand someone connecting to NA/EU from Siberia or something...but honestly..

I was told that Southern CA is lag capital for XIV currently, by people even in my same city...yet I don't have the lag they do. So yes, lag exists, latency issues exists..especially after a recent update for some ISPs (yes, ISPs), but a lot of times people are blaming lag for their fails. Not to say everyone is lying when they say they have lag..I've had lag spikes...

But c'mon, it's like believing someone in an AOL chatroom that they're a 12 year old girl/boy and definitely are not an FBI agent..could it be possible? Sure more power to you if you're into that, but is it true most of the time? Certainly not.


#80 Jan 07 2014 at 11:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
The amount of delusional people on this forum amazes. Just because because something hasn't happened to you, does not mean that it's not happening. I fought Titan so many times with bad groups, I'd say that I've probably fought the thing more than anyone else. I'm talking a couple hundred attempts here. I have the god damn fight memorized and can dodge every single thing he has to throw at me. The last few dozen attempts, I would always be the last person alive (unless I threw myself over the side because people couldn't manage to kill the heart). When the occasional lag spike hits, you do absolutely get hit with things that appear to have been dodged on your screen.

Now, I've had some absolutely horrible parties for this fight, so I'm not in anyway denying that some people just suck. When the same person dies multiple times, it gets obvious what the weak link really is. But just because some people use lag as an excuse for not knowing the fight, or having poor dodging skills, doesn't mean that lag isn't an issue.
#81 Jan 07 2014 at 11:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Hell, I sometimes experience lag while crafting. I'll click an action and..... three seconds later, the server answers.

Usually only happens in extremely crowded areas, but I've had it happen in the middle of the field, too.
#82 Jan 07 2014 at 11:22 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
On lag:
I wish some of you were on my server. I look in PF quite frequently now for Titan HM and still do it in DF when I am available.

I do both 'hard' versions of Titan quite a bit. In DF, I often see people playing poorly and blaming lag. I see mages not using sprint/not knowing when plumes, tumults, or mountain buster is coming up, not using defensive cooldowns or debuffs properly, etc. I've seen melee and casters trying to get off a last second on their spells and combos and getting hit by sh*t. And then the excuse is, "Oh, it was lag." No, it wasn't lag: you chose to continue casting/DPSing when you should have been dodging.

That said, I've done it with players who live in the UK and Australia. Our last two Titan Ex runs, the SMN (who lives in the UK) was dead the entire time post-heart because of lag. He uses Battleping as well. The DRG who lives in Australia had such a rough time with Titan HM/EX as well. He still gets hit by crap to this day. He is struggling with Twintania due to the lag as well.

So I have two situations that I'm presented with where I know people are legitimately lagging and where I know people are just playing poorly. Which one do you believe in the end?

I will add some facts for you: the rate at which the servers update on all extreme mode and HM fights was increased (especially on Titan HM). You can easily test this using a BLM's MP bar during the umbral ice phase.

The two players that live far away from the servers that I mentioned above still have downed all the content in the game despite their severe lag. Their group is not held back by them: they have learned to adapt.

Memorize the pattern: do not go off the animation. It's a scripted fight: nothing should ever catch you off guard.

If you have a friend who lags on these fights and are trying to help them through but do not lag yourself, make macros! Every time I go into Titan, I assess how the group is doing on things like plumes and landslides. Most of the time, people are too distracted to recall what comes next. We wipe and I start using my two macros for plumes and landslides. Magically, everyone starts to dodge stuff the moment they hear my <se.#> macro fire off. Since my connection is fairly stable, I probably see the plumes/landslide a few milliseconds before the players who are lagging do. You can get rid of some of these lag issues by relying less on animations and more on sound/communication through chat.

The same goes for Twintania. Divebombs are notorious for wiping groups because of lag. Now with FF14's Twintania widget, all you have to do is call it out on a voice communication software or make another macro similar to Titan.

Yes, lag is an issue. It is present in all online games (go figure). Ever try to play any sort of FPS game on a server far away from you? Bullet registration is much faster than something like Titan's plumes. It's quite annoying when I know I've hit my target but the server did not register the hit correctly due to how the trajectory and hit detection is calculated and relayed to the server. Ever try to play L4D when you have 200+ ms on the server? Ever try to play SC1 with a player who uses dial-up?

These are all annoying situations caused by lag but it isn't a reason to just give up entirely. If you believe the official forums, you'd think SE invented lag.

Whether it's fun or not is another story and is a question you should consider asking yourself whenever you decide to play an online game.

I fought Titan so many times with bad groups, I'd say that I've probably fought the thing more than anyone else.

It looks like we'll both require a measuring tape for this one...

OP: I feel somewhat similar to you. If I were not working on gearing up another job, there wouldn't really be much to do for me in this game as of right now. It makes sense to unsub till 2.2 comes out and we get additions to coil. More challenges will await players who really like endgame.

This patch wasn't meant to be for those hardcore players, though. Sure, you could say maybe the extreme fights were...but it didn't take much to produce those fights to begin with. Just a little recoding and addition of the howling animation for Ifrit with a few graphic changes here and there.

It isn't overly pointless to do Ultima/primal Ex versions, though. Some of them drop BiS gear for many classes. Getting a group together to farm them isn't exactly easy outside of Garuda, I would say. You also have a choice of weapons you can choose from at the end of each week. Some of them are pretty weak but others are on par (if not better) than the relic+1/zenith equivalent.

I was glad they added something like CT. It reminds me of Throne of Thunder-type raids that WoW seems to use recently. You get your loot for the week and you are done with it. If you are bored, you can do it for philosophy and mythology farming.

Really, though, this is not unique to 14. I had the same problem in WoW and 11. I would log on and forget why I logged in because there was (seemingly) nothing to do. So I'd go PVP or go hunting for some random coffer key for a map I didn't need and call it a day.

The best entertainment for me, though, is found through helping others. You can log in and look at PF any time of the day. You'll most likely find coil and Ex stuff but more often than not you will see Chimera, Hydra, Titan, etc listed where people need help. I get that it isn't everyone's cup of tea but I find no reason to gear my characters up if I am not going to use that gear to help those get to where I am.

To summarize: I don't find your post illogical at all. In fact, I expect this. I have seen it in a few FC members recently as well. I think if you take a break and come back when 2.2 hits, you will enjoy this game infinitely more than if you were to remain and be miserable for the next 3 or so months. I hope to see you back in the world of Eorzea again someday.

Edited, Jan 8th 2014 12:35am by HitomeOfBismarck
#83 Jan 08 2014 at 1:46 AM Rating: Excellent
There is no more lag in this game than there is in any other online game. That's the point. A few people in this thread act like the lag in FFXIV is especially bad; it's not.

Just learn the pattern, move ASAP, and ignore the animation... what matters are the progress bars as abilities are about to go off.
Thayos Redblade
#84 Jan 08 2014 at 2:41 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
There is no more lag in this game than there is in any other online game. That's the point. A few people in this thread act like the lag in FFXIV is especially bad; it's not.

Just because the lag isn't by itself any better or worse (which I don't agree with btw; I have had many more lag problems in this game in the approximately 2 months I've been playing it than I ever have over my nearly 10 years of playing XI, just to use one example) doesn't mean that the lag can't be more or less crippling to proper play. Obviously, if it's more crippling to proper play, it's going to get cited as a problem far more often.

I've played games where I had a ton of lag, but that didn't make the games essentially unplayable and I was still able to do passably well. Here? It definitely matters.

Just learn the pattern, move ASAP, and ignore the animation... what matters are the progress bars as abilities are about to go off.

Ignoring the animations isn't really recommended as they kinda clue you in to what direction you should be running in

Edited, Jan 8th 2014 3:49am by Fynlar
#85 Jan 08 2014 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Turin wrote:
The amount of delusional people on this forum amazes. Just because because something hasn't happened to you, does not mean that it's not happening. .

Like I said, the problem is people USUALLY blame lag when they aren't lagging. You see someone attempt to dodge but fail, they'll blame lag. You see someone not even attempt to dodge yet they're casting or attacking normally? They blame lag.

Lag grinds you to a halt, if you're still performing actions perfectly fine you are not lagging. The way lag works in this game is it will freeze you for a second or two, like complete freeze, which means you will not be able to perform actions that secondish you're frozen. No one is delusional, you just can't keep blaming lag when you can't clear content when everyone else is clearing is perfectly fine. If there's such a severe lag problem, there will be not one person free from lag issues If you have even one person with no lag issues, you can't say the game has crippling lag problems because it would affect every. single. subscriber. EVERY. single one to the point NO content would be getting cleared.

It's like blaming the RDM for not casting haste on you which caused your 36 man Einherjar to fail.

If you can move and cast a spell, you have a latency problem because the game interrupts you the second you move, it does for me anyhow. Like I said, I've had lag spikes before so I know it exists, but there's just far too many people who blame lag when they aren't lagging, a HUGE indicator is the direction they go flying if they get hit by Landslide "when they're out of it." Landslide will always knock you back, if you're lagging and got hit and dodged, chances are you'll get knocked "forward" rather than backwards. Not lagging and even if you dodge last second (which doesn't always work in ANY game with ground indicators), you'll still go flying backwards.

you do absolutely get hit with things that appear to have been dodged on your screen.

I don't. I will say this: Before I upgraded my PC I always got hit by AoE's I avoided, ever since problems. This game, like 1.x, also has the possibility to produce graphical lag. With Titan specifically, the only "lag" I noticed is the hang time on bombs sometimes.

But just because some people use lag as an excuse for not knowing the fight, or having poor dodging skills, doesn't mean that lag isn't an issue.

If it was "just some people" it would be much easier to believe that lag is the reason they still have yet to clear Titan. Lag doesn't make it so you suddenly forget your job, nor does it make you ignore "don't attack second gaol until after heart", you can't blame lag at that point, but said person will blame lag when they get hit by weight on heart phase, because they were too busy trying to break the 2nd gaol. In YOUR EXPERIENCE, you're the only one left alive in the 'hundreds of titans', in my experience, it's always 1 or 2 people that get hit by everything while the rest of the party is fine.

I always watch my party members closely, many of them don't move until pretty much the 70% mark on cast and wonder why they can't dodge it. Lag problems exist, but not to the point it makes content this impossible at times or it would affect everyone and none of the extreme primals would be killed as of yet nor Ultima nor moogle nor Turn 1-5 and certainly not Labyrinth of Ancients.

Maybe it's just me having SCH as main that I can see the whole party setup much more clearer...but honestly, lag ************** happens. But Chimera, Hydra and Titan are the most remotely challenging fights thrown at you early in your end-game, some just won't admit when it's their fail and rather go with the defacto: "gdi lag...lag!...Wtf I so avoided that! (Ignoring that you never moved)" and so on. Yes it's known this game has its issues, which is why people will use it as an excuse hoping everyone would believe it. I believe there's a problem, but I won't believe it every time it's that one particular (usually undergeared) person that eats everything like a buffet.

I'm the last person to doubt someone because working with PS for XI and the like, I know how ******* coded SE's MMOs can be, but you really have to draw the line when you'll agree everyone is just lagging or using it as an excuse.

#86 Jan 08 2014 at 6:56 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I always watch my party members closely, many of them don't move until pretty much the 70% mark on cast and wonder why they can't dodge it.

Ironically enough, the reason why it looks like this also happens to be lag
#87 Jan 08 2014 at 7:45 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
Thayos wrote:
Lag is hardly an issue in these fights. In all the times I've ever done Titan, I've only heard one or two people ever complain about lag being the reason for a death since the massive server expansions last fall... that includes PUGs. People die because they're not used to the mechanics, they don't start moving fast enough, they don't have good enough gear, the healer didn't cure in time, etc.

Don't take this the wrong way, but people who struggle THAT MUCH with this fight really need to just work on their dodging skills. SE's servers aren't keeping you from winning.

Seriously... this is common sense.. if the lag were as bad as some people claim it is, then you wouldn't have groups of people who are able to sell wins like clockwork. They'd always be losing, because the lag would never let them win.

All you need is seven other people who know what they're doing... and, of course, you must know what you're doing, too.

Thayos, I don't mean this to insult you, but your viewpoint is extremely close-minded. Lag is a major issue in a lot of things in this game, especially for those players playing on PS3. Roughly half my FC plays on PS3, and just about every single one of them complains about the same lag issues. I've grouped with them, done Coil with them, and done many other events with them and they are good players who know how to dodge. But in a lot of cases, they get game crippling lag that doesn't allow them to be as effective as they could. This happens on Titan. It happens on everything in-game sometimes.

I'm not saying that lag is the only reason people die on Titan, as that's far, far from the truth. In truth, the majority of deaths are because people react too slow. But there absolutely are issues with lag in Titan. I've experienced them first hand, and have even watched them happen to others (where you can see them stuttering or moving super slowly/glitchy). I don't think anyone's trying to say that you don't need to be good at dodging and know the Titan fight backwards and forwards to be successful, but when we are talking about players who have run this 50+ times and know the fight inside and out still saying they experience lag spikes, and I've seen it happen, I don't think they're just trying to cover for ***** ups. It's actually lag, it does happen, and it is a problem.

I will also say that the only other game where I've experienced lag as much as XIV was swtor. I've actively played over a dozen mmo's and almost never had lag issues like in XIV, so please stop telling everyone that they just need to learn to play when in some cases, it's really something they can't control. Not all cases mind you, but definitely some.

Edited, Jan 8th 2014 8:47am by BartelX
Bartel Hayward--- Ultros Server
The Kraken Club <ZAM>
50 WAR • 50 MNK • 50 MIN • 50 GSM • 50 ARM • 50 LTW • 50 CUL • 50 WVR
#88 Jan 08 2014 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos you are right lag affects all games but it affecst the titan fight more. This can be coded around sometimes.. . The titan fight is a fight where lag can wreck a run. It should not be that way.. They should code for it or change the mechanics so you dont fail due to lag.. Yea some people will always have lag no matter what because crappy isp or what ever. But this affects people with good internet too..

Lag spikes are different and temporary, usually you will see someone stop and then jump to a new spot or just freeze for a bit.. That happens to everyone on occasion.
With titan it continuous slight lag through part or the whole fight.... The thing about moving on pools/plumes is if you move before they go off you dont know where they are going off and just run into another one or two. For me it is so slight of lag it does not affect me rarely ever on landslide just plumes. It also only happens about 30 percent of the time I do titan. I have a very good internet connect too... I am going to see if I can ping the servers... we know the servers are in Canada but what about the instance servers? Are they there or Japan? that could be the difference for allot of people.

I am also not blaming lag for me not making it to the end of titan but it has hurt me when it happens. The plumes dont usually kill you and I am a good enough healer I can usually over come them when it happens most of the time unless someone is doubled up on me. My problem is getting a full group that can even make it past the nails. There are so many I will use Bartels words "dbags" in this game. Everyone is so afraid to die because they will get yelled at that is all they concentrate on is not dieing instead of doing their job and killing the heart..

Now there is the new thing with booting everyone.. It was supposed to be for when people afk or are rude and it is being super abused.. It only requires a few and not the whole party too boot someone too... They wanted to boot someone from our fc the other day from run and I know 2 of us voted dont kick and since there were other FC people too I would bet more of voted dont kick and they still where kicked. Basically you say you are new to a run goodbye. You make one mistake good bye... It has people even more afraid of dyeing. I have been kicked twice now and it wasn't my fault in either cases. Honestly this whole boot thing is absolutely even a bigger mistake than the housing.. If one person says no they should not be booted period.

My girlfriend said she ran titan yesterday and she felt so bad for this dragoon because the tank just hauled off on him and then left.

Titan has really got me down on this game.. A fight should not be like this where people feel like crap, it should not be where people want to quit the game, it should not be that a little lag makes it impossible to finish, it should not have people hating each other, it should not feel like work, it is supposed to be fun, it should not make people have to feel like they need to pay to get through it, it should not turn everyone in it to dbags because they are sick of the fight and scream at each other, it should not be if you say you are new to the fight you get booted....

Oh heard to some Fc that sell titan runs on our server are now sabotaging party finder titan runs so they fail so you pay them.. Wow that is friggin awsum.

Good job SE...

Thayos I am not a bad player either. I am not as good as I was in FFXI but I played that game a extremely long time.. I am good enough to beat titan in time with the right team around me.. There is nothing I could not beat in FFXI with a good party after some attempts. But since I played FFXI I know what tuff is. Your post are basically insinuating I am a bad player.. I think a few people here have played with me and know that.

Edited, Jan 8th 2014 10:17am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#89 Jan 08 2014 at 9:00 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Thayos wrote:
Lag is hardly an issue in these fights. In all the times I've ever done Titan, I've only heard one or two people ever complain about lag being the reason for a death since the massive server expansions last fall... that includes PUGs. People die because they're not used to the mechanics, they don't start moving fast enough, they don't have good enough gear, the healer didn't cure in time, etc.

Don't take this the wrong way, but people who struggle THAT MUCH with this fight really need to just work on their dodging skills. SE's servers aren't keeping you from winning.

Seriously... this is common sense.. if the lag were as bad as some people claim it is, then you wouldn't have groups of people who are able to sell wins like clockwork. They'd always be losing, because the lag would never let them win.

All you need is seven other people who know what they're doing... and, of course, you must know what you're doing, too.

Edited, Jan 7th 2014 3:55pm by Thayos

Oh Thayos, for real, there is a significant amount of latency for some folks in Titan battles. That is fact.

Go there. Watch that video. In the first 11 seconds of the video you can see what happens to me, all the time. The guy hesitated on direction for a fraction of a tick, ran to the right, was clearly out of the plume, and still got hit and died. And he was a bard. If I am not in a full run or at least moving in that direction when weight of the land starts, I get tagged. Doesnt matter if I am out of the plume. I just cut a 90 degree angle out of the plume and it tends to avoid me even when I am late moving, but moving straight like that guy in the video did, you will get hit everytime.

I beat Titan HM every time I run it. I do not die on that battle. And I have latency out the ***. Why am I able to win every time? My black mage has 4500 HP with food and I can take two plumes to the head and live, plus I crit him for 1500. Also I have memorized the rotation. It was much harder with ilvl 70 gear. But if you get a really good single healer and tank, and grab 5 other dps with ilvl 90 gear and you can bring an eighth person who can literally jump off the cliff at the beginning, you will still win (provided all the dps are keen on the movements).

Titan EX is not to that point, yet. The DPS can not afford to lose a member at any point due to the enrage timer. The penta landslides are tough, especially when combined with the new bombs with added blast radius and strength. The plumes are still the same as before, but he throws them more often and from the beginning, plus at the end he back to backs plumes, which can be a nightmare on a whm healer.

So whereas on Titan HM, you could focus on dodging first and DPS second, Titan EX is a DPS check as well, so you need to be on your toes. It makes the battle incredibly hard for black mages, who now have to wait that full second in between Blizzard III and Fire III (forget casting Thunder II, I don't have time) or our mana won't regenerate. On Titan EX, that second takes FOREVER. Our dragoon (maybe it is the rotation or the nature of the job) totally outclasses me there (almost 1.5 / 1), while we are more even in DPS on Caduceus, and I'm probably a little better on ADS (I dont have that meele aoe to deal with). For a black mage, we really need to have to move less to deal effective damage. So I've been working on that. Yesterday I made it past the ring pattern bomb rotation during the heart phase, and then post heart killed an add and made it past the x & + bomb phase with landslide that kills anyone who isnt really familiar with the videos or has done it over and over. Eventually I will get the win, just not now.

It really is all about anticipation, but with latency eliminated, I would have a much easier time. Count yourself lucky you do not experience it (I assume you have a good connection and are getting routed out to a low populated duty server) but as evidenced by that video (which is about as real as it gets for most of us) the latency does exist.

Edited, Jan 8th 2014 9:11am by Valkayree
#90 Jan 08 2014 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Oh Thayos, for real, there is a significant amount of latency for some folks in Titan battles. That is fact.

Go there. Watch that video. In the first 11 seconds of the video you can see what happens to me, all the time. The guy hesitated on direction for a fraction of a tick, ran to the right, was clearly out of the plume, and still got hit and died. And he was a bard. If I am not in a full run or at least moving in that direction when weight of the land starts, I get tagged. Doesnt matter if I am out of the plume. I just cut a 90 degree angle out of the plume and it tends to avoid me even when I am late moving, but moving straight like that guy in the video did, you will get hit everytime.

It really is all about anticipation, but with latency eliminated, I would have a much easier time. Count yourself lucky you do not experience it (I assume you have a good connection and are getting routed out to a low populated duty server) but as evidenced by that video (which is about as real as it gets for most of us) the latency does exist.

I'm not trying to prove Thayos point, but the video you showed is actually an example of someone just not getting out of the plumes in time. Look at these screenshots I took of it and look at Titan's cast bar. He is still in the plume when the cast bar ends. The lag I've seen is actually players stuttering when trying to move, or else standing perfectly still and then magically teleporting a half second later (frame lag). Like I said, not trying to help Thayos case, I just have seen this happen a lot where someone just hesitates that fraction of a second and actually isn't out of the plume when the cast bar ends.

So the real issue in this video is actually that the animation for the plumes lasts a half second longer than the actual cast bar... which I suppose could still be considered a type of latency issue.

Bartel Hayward--- Ultros Server
The Kraken Club <ZAM>
50 WAR • 50 MNK • 50 MIN • 50 GSM • 50 ARM • 50 LTW • 50 CUL • 50 WVR
#91 Jan 08 2014 at 9:39 AM Rating: Excellent
A couple factors that may be at play...

1. My computer meets the basic specs for ffxiv, and having a decent machine evidently helps.

2. I don't play on ps3 (at least not when I'm doing anything other than gathering or lowbrow dungeons).

Also, not trying to insult people who can't beat Titan. It is a hard fight! And you need to be fortunate enough to find seven other people who know what they are doing. I have lost this fight way more than I've won. Losing this fight doesn't make you a bad player... It's a hard fight. This is how it should be.

That said, unless for some reason you are cursed with huge lag spikes (which, in all of my Titan fights, has rarely, if ever, happened), then the normal "lag" isn't a problem that should keep you from winning. You just have to really know the fight. There is a pattern for everything. Call things out with Macros or team speak. Write out the move rotation on notecards (which is what I did when getting my first win). Lag simply does not make this an in winnable fight. It's very winnable on a very consistent basis. You just have to be on your toes and ready to move.

And losing doesn't make you a bad player. This isn't Copperbell Mines... This is Titan, one of the toughest fights in the game.

And yeah, that video actually shows that lag isn't the problem... The problem is people are watching the animations rather than the progress bars. The game is designed for the animation to go off after the bar fills, which causes the appearance of lag, but it's really not... It's just a design decision by SE. If they adjusted animations to go off a split second earlier, then people probably wouldn't complain so much.

Edited, Jan 8th 2014 7:44am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#92 Jan 08 2014 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Cat hit a point about zone congestion. Just like XI, XIV zones love to choke after a certain amount of people are present even if they aren't in your immediate vicinity. This was so bad that SE went on to implement population caps for zones shortly into XIV's launch. I know there were personally times where I'd be farming sheep in Coerthas and everything would just react so freakin' slow. I know my PC isn't a beast by today's standards, but I can discern graphical lag from server lag in a lot of cases.

Of course, the question then comes how these instance servers correlate to the primary zones. If the open areas get locked out at around 700 users, do the instances start locking up if 700+ decide to do Titan? We've been led to believe these particular servers are beefier, particularly in regards to update times, but it doesn't mean they still don't hit cap issues at peak times. So, as others have put it, if you're just a tank who gets to stand there, it'll be easy to miss the sputterings.

In the end, do people use it as an excuse if they suck? Sure. Does it matter? Not really. They'll either learn or continue to suck. My last post still stands, though. You've basically got infinite internet conditions out there. Those in a big city with a major ISP probably don't have to worry too much. Those in more rural areas, however, may have to settle for DSL at best, or worse, satellite net.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#93 Jan 08 2014 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
A couple factors that may be at play...

1. My computer meets the basic specs for ffxiv, and having a decent machine evidently helps.

2. I don't play on ps3 (at least not when I'm doing anything other than gathering or lowbrow dungeons).

Also, not trying to insult people who can't beat Titan. It is a hard fight! And you need to be fortunate enough to find seven other people who know what they are doing. I have lost this fight way more than I've won. Losing this fight doesn't make you a bad player... It's a hard fight. This is how it should be.

That said, unless for some reason you are cursed with huge lag spikes (which, in all of my Titan fights, has rarely, if ever, happened), then the normal "lag" isn't a problem that should keep you from winning. You just have to really know the fight. There is a pattern for everything. Call things out with Macros or team speak. Write out the move rotation on notecards (which is what I did when getting my first win). Lag simply does not make this an in winnable fight. It's very winnable on a very consistent basis. You just have to be on your toes and ready to move.

And losing doesn't make you a bad player. This isn't Copperbell Mines... This is Titan, one of the toughest fights in the game.

And yeah, that video actually shows that lag isn't the problem... The problem is people are watching the animations rather than the progress bars. The game is designed for the animation to go off after the bar fills, which causes the appearance of lag, but it's really not... It's just a design decision by SE. If they adjusted animations to go off a split second earlier, then people probably wouldn't complain so much.

Edited, Jan 8th 2014 7:44am by Thayos

It doesn't work with plumes.. You can know the fight all you want. You do not know where they will appear, you need to see the animation to know where to run too...You start to move you can run right into another one or worse a double plume. That is why so many have issues with he plumes and not landslide.

Yes with landsides it works because it hits where you were not where you were going and it seems as long as you move you should not get hit.. With plumes you can run into someone elses.

Edited, Jan 8th 2014 10:53am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#94 Jan 08 2014 at 10:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Many groups use a "stacking" strategy against Titan, and I assume that solves the problem of people running into each others plumes.
Thayos Redblade
#95 Jan 08 2014 at 10:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Many groups use a "stacking" strategy against Titan, and I assume that solves the problem of people running into each others plumes.

I know this is the accepted strategy especially for Titan EX but this actually usually gets me killed more often, because 1) even when people try to get close together they typically don't stay close enough, and just end up creating a "bigger" plume that I have an even harder time running out of (and because these plumes are stacked, it usually will result in 2+ hits and my death if I'm hit), and 2) because WotL readies so quickly, if I'm not already moving to begin with when WotL begins, I usually end up getting hit regardless if a plume spawns on me. Kinda hard to be standing still at a specific spot to stack the plumes and be moving at the same time :<

Additionally, I don't know if it's just me or what, but multiple plumes stacked on each other tends to cause some brief system lag on my ps3 when they first appear, more so than they would if they were separate, and some frame skipping tends to ensue, which doesn't help the dodging either.
#96 Jan 08 2014 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
Thayos wrote:
Many groups use a "stacking" strategy against Titan, and I assume that solves the problem of people running into each others plumes.

Never liked that strategy, since anyone can survive one or even two plumes, no one can survive 6 plumes. Especially with a bad stack, all that realistically does is make the impact area bigger and makes anyone inside the area unable to run out of it since the area is vastly bigger due to plumes being in a flowery pattern. Best to just keep a good overview of plumes and make sure everyone doesnt run towards one another. Rarely lose a person with everyone running while looking where they're going. Pretty much always lose someone when all the plumes are stacked and the blame-game starts.
[XI] Surivere of Valefor
[XIV] Sir Surian Bedivere of Behemoth
#97 Jan 08 2014 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
197 posts
As some one who plays on both PC and the PS3 I don't know how anyone does the titan fight on the PS, It's probably just cause I'm more used to playing on a PC, and I have a pretty high end PC I built about 3 months ago, but there is some goofy lag type **** that goes on when I'm playing on my PS, its not like its game breaking, but I just don't think I could deal with it during something like titan.
#98 Jan 08 2014 at 11:01 AM Rating: Excellent
SSDs seem to provide a huge improvement on both PC and PS3. You'd think it wouldn't make a difference considering all that data should be loaded into memory at the zone start, but a single read/write to the HDD on the PS3 during that fight could mess you up big time, and who knows what the client is trying to do in the background. Adjust your macro bars mid fight? That's a write event since it'll record the new settings into your configurations. Thankfully people aren't flashing gear like they did in XI, because that'd gum up the monkey works even more.
#99 Jan 08 2014 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
I do have FFXIV running on SSD in my PC, which could further explain why I never struggle with lag.

Makes loading screens so much faster, too.
Thayos Redblade
#100 Jan 08 2014 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
377 posts
As someone who plays on the PS3 primarily, I will say that lag hasn't been as big of an issue for me the Titan fight but in CT for about the first 3 fight it is.. at least as far as my animations go, and I am on a wireless connection with my PS3. I still am doing damage though and generating threat so it's not that big of a deal. Now I have noticed that any time Baraiza and I (we are married so same interwebz) are in the same instance, we do have a slight bit of lag occasionally but turning off spell effects for other people fixes that.

Edit: Also I still have the original hard drive in my PS3.

Edited, Jan 8th 2014 12:17pm by princessary
#101 Jan 08 2014 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
Theonehio wrote:
She and her twins does way too much damage to the point people refuse to bring Melee at times because of the risk of them being one shotted trying to even touch the sister or garuda.

That's because people are stupid. Your melee are getting hit? Put them on the one that doesn't use Wicked Wheel! Problem solved. It's almost like *gasp* the fight was designed for covering a half and half group if need be.

Thayos wrote:
Lag exists, sure... on everything online!

It's not the huge problem in XIV though that a few people are making it out to be. Just know the fights.

"I don't experience it, therefore it doesn't exist. Stop being bad."

Condescending, much?

Theonehio wrote:
I was told that Southern CA is lag capital for XIV currently, by people even in my same city...yet I don't have the lag they do. So yes, lag exists, latency issues exists..especially after a recent update for some ISPs (yes, ISPs), but a lot of times people are blaming lag for their fails. Not to say everyone is lying when they say they have lag..I've had lag spikes...

I know for our Dragoon, in Southern CA, he's had lag ever since release. There's something about how the packets are routed that he simply can't avoid (and *has* changed his provider with no resolution). His last hop is usually consistently 500-700 ms before hitting the data center.
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