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Tips for Hard Mode TitanFollow

#1 Nov 12 2013 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
Been getting a lot of experience at this fight over the last couple days and figured I'd share some tips and tricks I've picked up on. Most suggestions involve oldschool rote memorization of his patterns. That's probably the best way to do it, but if your memory isn't that good or you get nervous easily it may not be able to help you.

Tip#1: Zoom your camera all the way out. This has become a bit of a meme courtesy of SE, but it really will help you keep track of the happenings better.

Tip#2: Put Sprint and an instant ability of any kind on your #1 hotbar, on two of your right thumb buttons. If you get caught casting in the center of a plume, popping sprint very quickly can still get you out in time. Using an instant ability also forces the server to update your position. If you just dodged that landslide by a hair, it will probably hit you anyway due to the server's update lag. Pop that Instant as soon as you're clear so the server knows it missed you.

Tip#3: Whack him with normal melee attacks for a while when the fight first starts, until he uses the first Weight of the Land (plumes) attack. This builds up the Limit Meter. Having a level 2 Limit for use on the Heart phase will make the fight easier.

Tip#3: After Titan uses the first Geocrush (big AOE jumping stomp move) you can make your life easier if you start using a "stick and move" rotation. After every ability Titan uses, assume you have about 3 seconds before he either Landslides or Plumes. Cast a spell or use a CD and start moving pre-emptively. You don't have to memorize his whole pattern if you expect the AOE whammy after every move - keep moving and you'll dodge something, be it a plume or a Landslide.

Tip#4: Bombs go off in the order they drop. Sit by the last one til the first one goes off, then run to where the first one was. Wait for a second or two after it goes off so the server lag won't think you got hit running into its AOE. For the big bomb pattern that covers the whole field, just run to the edge as far from any of the bombs as you can get. Those spots are safe. He likes to throw a Landslide as the bombs are ticking down, to be prepared to dodge it on the way to your safe spot. Having your camera zoomed out makes seeing the bombs and incoming attacks much easier.

Tip#5: When Titan's Heart shows up, one party member will be stuck in a rock (Granite Gaol). Break that member out so he can help DD Titan's Heart. But please remember that a Healer needs to Esuna / Leeches him! The Granite Gaol gives you a massive, MASSIVE attack down debuff. If you don't remove it you almost may as well leave them dead. They'll be that weak. Titan will trap someone else in a rock just a few seconds before he Astral Flows you - ignore that person and break the heart. Once the heart is down, THEN break them out so they don't get oneshotted by the super move.

Tip#6: Throw everything and the kitchen sink at Titan's Heart! This is the biggest damage race I've ever seen. My last group literally came down to winning or losing based on my SMN. Rouse > Enkindle was just enough to push us over the damage limit. We broke the heart each time with a fraction of a second to spare. Save your big damage buffs like Berserk and Raging Strikes for this phase - heck, our MNK popped a Mega Potion of Strength - you need every measly point of dps you can get.

Tip#7: After the heart goes down, spread out along the edge of the small arena. That way everyone can run towards the center to dodge plumes instead of being boxed in by them. After you dodge, move back to the edge. Remember how to avoid the bombs.

Tip#8: Its a long fight, and slow and steady wins the race. After the heart, don't get in a hurry or start fumbling buttons. It's better to do no damage and just relax and dodge for a minute than it is to get hit and die. Don't get too excited, just focus on dodging and, as a secondary task, do a little dps when you can. You'll eventually grind him down.

Tip#8: Good gear helps with this fight a lot. It really isn't like the first two HM Primals, and I say that as someone who detests gearwhores. Before you try him, "make sure you've replaced all your AF with better stuff and gotten a weapon upgrade" is the best advice I can give. Wanderer's Palace is your friend for this I think. Do WP runs until you get your Darklight Weapon from the Tonberry King. By the time you have that, you'll probably have enough tomes for a couple pieces of Darklight Armor and/or accessories, and the WP gear drops (Warlocks Robe, etc.) in the rest of your slots. That's not adequate to farm Titan, mind you. But if you're going for the story/relic quest one-time-clear it is adequate to not be a burden. Farming Amdapor Keep for the gear that drops there and at least your Darklight Body and Legs, and your weapon drop from HM Ifrit is much better still. Personally I did it with a mishmash of Relic body, WP gear, DL accessories, and an Ifrit's weapon and didn't have much trouble once I got a party that was similarly geared and could dodge. I love my AF armor and you do too, but it just. isn't. enough. for Beating The Hard Fatty (BTHF - my LS's nickname for the fight). Make sure your HP is over 3200. 3400 is better, but 3200 is about the minimum you can survive his AOEs with. Less and you're not helping the fight because you'll spend the whole thing insta-dead. >:(

Tip#9 Final: Train for the fight a little. My LS came with me to do a few runs of Story Titan so I could sharpen my dodging skills on his Landslides. When I was confident I went ahead and flagged up Titan HM in the Duty Finder, not expecting to win. I did a couple dry runs like that just to get a feel for the fight (though we never got past the Heart). After that I did something else I never do - I watched a guide video for the fight on Youtube so I'd have an idea what to expect. Finally I joined a shout party in Revtoll on Sunday and we did 9 runs, getting past the heart several times and giving great experience for the fight. A second shout party cleared it on the 7th try last night before maintenance.
#2 Nov 12 2013 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
What if we don't use a controller/gamepad?

Thanks for this list of tips. HM Titan is a long way away for me yet, but I'll remember this list.
#3 Nov 12 2013 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Tip#2: Put Sprint and an instant ability of any kind on your #1 hotbar, on two of your right thumb buttons. If you get caught casting in the center of a plume, popping sprint very quickly can still get you out in time. Using an instant ability also forces the server to update your position. If you just dodged that landslide by a hair, it will probably hit you anyway due to the server's update lag. Pop that Instant as soon as you're clear so the server knows it missed you.

This single piece of information may have just re-ignited my desire to level my WHM more. I'm going to test it out.

Great write up in total as well. Thanks for putting this together!

#4 Nov 12 2013 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
DarkswordDX wrote:
Tip#3: Whack him with normal melee attacks for a while when the fight first starts, until he uses the first Weight of the Land (plumes) attack. This builds up the Limit Meter. Having a level 2 Limit for use on the Heart phase will make the fight easier.

I'm curious about this suggestion. Does this work because melee attacks do less damage and/or have a better ratio of limit gauge building to damage dealt? Perhaps slowing down damage during this phase helps build the limit gauge because the group is still having to heal members at the same rate (which contributes to the limit gauge) while drawing the pre-Heart phase out?
#5 Nov 12 2013 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
1,004 posts
I wouldnt recomend running WP for weapons. Ifrits is better and more spammable. Yes its only a little bit better, but you shouldnt be "just making it" for titans heart.

The rest is all good advice. My opinion on what makes or breaks fights though is people not memorizing his pattern. Its really that simple.

One thing to add for healers, after geocrush you can pre cast medica. It doesnt interrupt you. This also works for stomps. For bombs, you have until the landslide hits to be in position to dodge bombs so top off the tank.
#6 Nov 12 2013 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
2,448 posts
svlyons wrote:
DarkswordDX wrote:
Tip#3: Whack him with normal melee attacks for a while when the fight first starts, until he uses the first Weight of the Land (plumes) attack. This builds up the Limit Meter. Having a level 2 Limit for use on the Heart phase will make the fight easier.

I'm curious about this suggestion. Does this work because melee attacks do less damage and/or have a better ratio of limit gauge building to damage dealt? Perhaps slowing down damage during this phase helps build the limit gauge because the group is still having to heal members at the same rate (which contributes to the limit gauge) while drawing the pre-Heart phase out?

Essentially, yes, for exactly the reason you mention. You're still building the bar up but you aren't doing as much damage, so you can go into his heart phase with higher LB. All of these tips are great and are what I learned/what you should learn as you are practicing titan, but some of these details can escape some players and thank you OP for putting this list together! I'm going to link to it for my FC members who are on titan to read :O

One thing you didnt elaborate on much was the bomb attack. While it is true you should huddle up on the last bomb to drop and then after they start blowing up run to where the first/2nd bomb dropped for a safe zone, this is really the only thing that makes watching a youtube tutorial video worth it. There are patterns to the bombs, and they get tricky after the heart phase because he will be throwing out landslides(the straight line knock-you-off-the-field) as well, and knowing the bomb patterns and positioning yourself in a safe spot while giving yourself room to dodge landslide may be the toughest part.

Practice practice practice!! Another view of this fight is that it really does test your ability to do a task autonomously without thinking about it, so you can focus on another and do both at the same time. So, either learn your class well enough that you can do a standard rotation or cures without really thinking about it so you can focus on dodging abilities. OR, learn titan's ability rotation so well that you can dodge without really thinking about it, and focus on your job role(dps rotations, tanking, or heals.) Healers and mages definitely have it hard in this fight because the first rule of titan is you must always interrupt your cast and move instantly, about every 3-6 seconds. DPS have to overcome tunnel vision on their complicated rotations ( mnk and drg).
#7 Nov 12 2013 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Post Heart Tips

These were left out of the OP I noticed. As someone who is part of a group that one shots titan HM 9/10 times, heres some advice for post heart.

1. Nine times out of ten, post heart, plumes will immediately follow a sequence of tumults (the repeat stomps). If you see the tumults, expect to see weight of the land (the plumes) immediately afterward. Be on top of that. During the stomps, gather close to titan, have the scholar throw a bubble to lessen the impact. Then everyone break away preempively to avoid the plumes. If you are running when they pop you will be halfway out when it begins.

2. Post heart, he will always throw a landslide at a random member as the bombs blow up (pre-heart, the landslide occurs after bomb explosion). Be prepared for this, since you will likely be grouped with that member awaiting the bomb explosion. You will have to sidestep the line aoe pattern, but still keep yourself out of range of the bombs.

3. This was mentioned generally, but I can't reiterate enough for black mages... once you have exited the aoe indicator and are now out of harms way (or you think), stop, then start casting a spell. You do not even have to finish the spell, just the fact that you stopped and started the spell will reset your position. You can even shake it off to interrupt after the plumes hit if you wish. You will not get hit by plumes due to lag if you remember to start a cast when you are out of the red circle of death.

Edited, Nov 12th 2013 12:07pm by Valkayree

Edited, Nov 12th 2013 3:43pm by Valkayree
#8 Nov 12 2013 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
641 posts
I just wanted to share that since Titan always repeats the same pattern, it's entirely possible to move before a plume or landslide pops up. There's always a mountain buster after a landslide at phase 5.
#9 Nov 12 2013 at 12:43 PM Rating: Default
129 posts
This is a lot of text. I will add my words of wisdom.

Fight begins:
Do some damage, move around.
Heart phase:
Do lots of damage.
Post-heart phase:
Do some damage, move around.

If this doesn't work, you should stop getting hit by things. Not you getting hit? Other people should stop getting hit by things.

Your healers need to be competent individuals to power through some of this fight. That's ok, they'll adapt and overcome, they're a great bunch. They will not however turn lead into gold. If you don't move, they can't help you. So stop getting hit by things.

I should add this is my actual strategy. I don't care what happens when or rocks or balls or w/e the hell. I just tap the arrows keys and move around, then some number keys. Works fine. There isn't an eternity of lead time on his moves, but plenty enough.

The end.

Edited, Nov 12th 2013 1:45pm by Furiousnixon
#10 Nov 12 2013 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
>3. This was mentioned generally, but I can't reiterate enough for black mages... once you have exited the aoe indicator and are now out of harms way (or you think), start casting a spell. You do not even have to finish the spell, just the fact that you started the spell will reset your position.

I find that this actually isn't true. Starting a cast or using a non-instant ability can still get you hit by the server delay, because of the small delay in registering the cast on the server's end. You know if you start casting while moving, it takes a small moment to interrupt? That's the server delay on the cast. Its still better than not trying to cast anything, but Instant abilities will check your position immediately.

That was actually one of the things I did DF Titan specifically to test. :)
#11 Nov 12 2013 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
There's not even a need to setup some weird instant cast simply to avoid being hit. Get outside of the Plumes/Landslide and change your direction. Make an arc, make an L, make an angle, etc. just don't double back on the direction you were going. Changing direction forces the server to immediately reset your position.

There's no need to wasting time with any instant cast you wouldn't normally use.

svlyons wrote:
DarkswordDX wrote:
Tip#3: Whack him with normal melee attacks for a while when the fight first starts, until he uses the first Weight of the Land (plumes) attack. This builds up the Limit Meter. Having a level 2 Limit for use on the Heart phase will make the fight easier.

I'm curious about this suggestion. Does this work because melee attacks do less damage and/or have a better ratio of limit gauge building to damage dealt? Perhaps slowing down damage during this phase helps build the limit gauge because the group is still having to heal members at the same rate (which contributes to the limit gauge) while drawing the pre-Heart phase out?

The limit bar is built up by the number of actions performed (outside of anything extra like the boost you get from Stunning on Ifrit). The better your group is at dealing damage, the 'worse' the bar is at being at rank 2 when you 'need' it on heart phase. People recommend mages meleeing simply due to the fact that it's more actions being performed is all.

Edited, Nov 12th 2013 2:46pm by Viertel
#12 Nov 12 2013 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
So to beat Titan, pretend you're a knight in chess?
#13 Nov 12 2013 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
129 posts
Catwho wrote:
So to beat Titan, pretend you're a knight in chess?

That's glorious... I can hear the shouting on Vent/TS now... "Guys! Guys! Come on.... Who isn't moving in an L-shape!... I see you... thats a diagonal man... L-shape!"
#14 Nov 12 2013 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
DarkswordDX wrote:
>3. This was mentioned generally, but I can't reiterate enough for black mages... once you have exited the aoe indicator and are now out of harms way (or you think), start casting a spell. You do not even have to finish the spell, just the fact that you started the spell will reset your position.

I find that this actually isn't true. Starting a cast or using a non-instant ability can still get you hit by the server delay, because of the small delay in registering the cast on the server's end. You know if you start casting while moving, it takes a small moment to interrupt? That's the server delay on the cast. Its still better than not trying to cast anything, but Instant abilities will check your position immediately.

That was actually one of the things I did DF Titan specifically to test. :)

What I said was 100% accurate. If you anticipate the plumes, run prior to cast, exit the red circle, stop, and start the cast of any spell, you will NOT get hit. I live in the middle of nowhere and play on PS3. I know something of lag.

Why would you cast any spell as blm while you are running? You are asking for an interrupt.

Edited, Nov 12th 2013 3:41pm by Valkayree
#15 Nov 12 2013 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Viertel wrote:
There's not even a need to setup some weird instant cast simply to avoid being hit. Get outside of the Plumes/Landslide and change your direction. Make an arc, make an L, make an angle, etc. just don't double back on the direction you were going. Changing direction forces the server to immediately reset your position.

There's no need to wasting time with any instant cast you wouldn't normally use.


No sense in casting lethargy on titan, its a wasted spell. Bottom line, I move in anticipation of the plume, exit the aoe circle, stop, and start to cast the next spell I was already going to cast. It resets my position and I probably get hit 1 out of every 50 casts (usually in turn 5 when the pattern is such that I simply have no escape). If you have to instant cast something while still running, you need to practice a bit more to know when those plumes are coming.

Edited, Nov 12th 2013 3:42pm by Valkayree
#16 Nov 12 2013 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
My biggest piece of advice, just do the fight. Once you think you're respectably geared, DF, join shout groups (the non-ridiculous ones), and run the fight. We run this fight a lot, and gear doesn't need to be amazing, just enough to dps the heart.

Repetition is key, and avoiding it won't make you better. You'll see after a few attempts things get easier and easier.

#17 Nov 13 2013 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
641 posts
Just beat Titan today, I haven't had this feeling since I beat Omega in FFXI.
#18 Nov 13 2013 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,675 posts
Practice on DF groups. You probably won't make it past the heart phase, but at least you'll get a feel for the mechanics and moves. You'll also get over the intimidation factor (if you suffer like I do with those sorts of things).

Also this is a gear check fight. Having 3300hp and at least lvl60 weapons, makes the fight go so much faster.

After that its just reaction and knowing the fight.

The hardest part IMO is post heart when the new bomb pattern is introduced. People either panic or just don't know what to do.

It is a very fun fight.

#19 Nov 13 2013 at 5:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Memorize the rotation. If you need a cheat sheet /echo it to yourself and drag the echo chat to the mid of your screen.

Table Flip -> Tumults -> Plumes -> Bombs -> Landslide -> Table Flip -> Gaol -> Landslide -> Back to Start

After every landslide (post heart) comes table flip. Healers top off tank.
Dont break gaols until the landslide comes down. I've seen too many people get landslided because DPS break them out and they have no time to dodge plumes or a slide.
If you dont know the best way to dodge bombs, turn off your DPS and follow someone that knows the fight during those points.
Phase 2: Plumes come after tumult
Phase 2-4: Plumes come after landslide
Move before the plumes are even cast. You should know when they are coming and should be already moving before they appear. If you do this you will never get plumed again.
Post heart: Bombs start exploding the second his landslide touches the ground.
#20 Nov 13 2013 at 5:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh and tanks: you can flash titan's mountain busters. Mind blown. I know.

Scholars: Succor and sacred soil right before he hits with the mountain buster before the tumults (post heart) will save thousands and thousands of HP.
#21 Nov 13 2013 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
3,293 posts
Tip#3: Whack him with normal melee attacks for a while when the fight first starts, until he uses the first Weight of the Land (plumes) attack. This builds up the Limit Meter. Having a level 2 Limit for use on the Heart phase will make the fight easier.

BLM can also use sleep repeatedly to build up LB bar, obviously wont put him to sleep but builds the bar.
#22 Nov 14 2013 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Kouran wrote:
Tip#3: Whack him with normal melee attacks for a while when the fight first starts, until he uses the first Weight of the Land (plumes) attack. This builds up the Limit Meter. Having a level 2 Limit for use on the Heart phase will make the fight easier.

BLM can also use sleep repeatedly to build up LB bar, obviously wont put him to sleep but builds the bar.

This is true? Maybe pre-heart this would be good. But really DPS-wise the damage is > building LB. Yeah?
#23 Nov 14 2013 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
JyIscariot wrote:
Memorize the rotation. If you need a cheat sheet /echo it to yourself and drag the echo chat to the mid of your screen.

Table Flip -> Tumults -> Plumes -> Bombs -> Landslide -> Table Flip -> Gaol -> Landslide -> Back to Start

After every landslide (post heart) comes table flip. Healers top off tank.
Dont break gaols until the landslide comes down. I've seen too many people get landslided because DPS break them out and they have no time to dodge plumes or a slide.
If you dont know the best way to dodge bombs, turn off your DPS and follow someone that knows the fight during those points.
Phase 2: Plumes come after tumult
Phase 2-4: Plumes come after landslide
Move before the plumes are even cast. You should know when they are coming and should be already moving before they appear. If you do this you will never get plumed again.
Post heart: Bombs start exploding the second his landslide touches the ground.

I trust your words more than any other Jy, you have what, 700 successful titan runs under your belt?
#24 Nov 14 2013 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Gnu wrote:
Kouran wrote:
Tip#3: Whack him with normal melee attacks for a while when the fight first starts, until he uses the first Weight of the Land (plumes) attack. This builds up the Limit Meter. Having a level 2 Limit for use on the Heart phase will make the fight easier.

BLM can also use sleep repeatedly to build up LB bar, obviously wont put him to sleep but builds the bar.

This is true? Maybe pre-heart this would be good. But really DPS-wise the damage is > building LB. Yeah?

That is for times where your DPS is simply not cutting it and you are really desperate to make it through the heart so you can fight a really long drawn out 40 minute battle where your hands fall asleep.

Edited, Nov 14th 2013 10:38am by Valkayree
#25 Nov 14 2013 at 11:24 AM Rating: Excellent
On the same theme as the /echo, I did this:

I made a specific Linkshell that is just for HM boss run commands. For me this was /l2. Then I changed the filter in my 4th, previously unused chat box the have /L2 only.

So when I go to Titan HM runs I switch my chat to this box, and my 5 Phase-based Macros go something like this:

/l2 <<Titan Phase 5>>
/l2 - Mountain Buster
/l2 - Tumult
/l2 - Plumes
/l2 - Bombs
/l2 - Mountain Buster
/l2 - Granite Jail

I gave my two RL friends the LS and showed them how to setup the chat filters so /L2 would be the only chat in a dedicated chat box, that way it does not scroll during the fight.

We are all on Vent anyway, but now we each have the Rotation of Titan Abilities List to reference during the fight. I haven't passed out the LS to my whole FC yet. Anyway, that's just an idea:

TLDR: a Linkshell and flitered Chat Box dedicated to Rotation abilities, so they don't scroll with chat/battle messages, and can be shared with friends.

Edited, Nov 14th 2013 12:27pm by Gnu
#26 Nov 14 2013 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Gnu wrote:
On the same theme as the /echo, I did this:

I made a specific Linkshell that is just for HM boss run commands. For me this was /l2. Then I changed the filter in my 4th, previously unused chat box the have /L2 only.

So when I go to Titan HM runs I switch my chat to this box, and my 5 Phase-based Macros go something like this:

/l2 <<Titan Phase 5>>
/l2 - Mountain Buster
/l2 - Tumult
/l2 - Plumes
/l2 - Bombs
/l2 - Mountain Buster
/l2 - Granite Jail

I gave my two RL friends the LS and showed them how to setup the chat filters so /L2 would be the only chat in a dedicated chat box, that way it does not scroll during the fight.

We are all on Vent anyway, but now we each have the Rotation of Titan Abilities List to reference during the fight. I haven't passed out the LS to my whole FC yet. Anyway, that's just an idea:

TLDR: a Linkshell and flitered Chat Box dedicated to Rotation abilities, so they don't scroll with chat/battle messages, and can be shared with friends.

Edited, Nov 14th 2013 12:27pm by Gnu

Love your macros Gnu. When I was learning I loved the <se.7> signal that the tank would give when plumes would arrive. Now I beat it with the volume all the way down while talking to my wife about random things and my kid poking crap in my face.
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