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Warning to Players SE is STILL Banning!Follow

#302 Aug 11 2009 at 6:45 PM Rating: Excellent
82 posts
uaewarrior wrote:
anyone else got his account back ?

No. Even just did another chat session again yesterday and the agent just told me my account is still going to be banned. Since they are telling me it was for irregular credit card activities, all I did was call to see what it was. If there was an irregular activity with my card, obviously it is a cause for concern. However, if there actually was then it would have affected my friend who's account is also on my card but is not banned. So this is obviously an issue. If there truly is a problem with my card and it was a bannable offense, then why am I banned and she is not? If there is no problem with my card, then why am I banned and she is not? Customer Service is too @#%^ing stupid to realize this blatantly obvious situation here and refuses to do anything about it.

Still, I am kind of sketchy that she got her account back this easily if she was banned for "irregular activity". I would like to see more proof before I actually believe it. Mostly because the irregular activity ban they are being a brick wall about and have admitted it was the hardest ban to get around. It has even been admitted to me by *SEVERAL* agents that if you are banned for RMT, you have a better chance of getting your account back which is a DIRECT violation of the ToS. Irregular credit card activites, or so they say, is not a direct violation of the ToS. But if this is true then congratulations to her.

Dracoth wrote:
2) How in the world can he be so positive that she won't encounter this again? Or anything like it? We don't know what causes it.

I was told this in May when I was banned for a chargeback that occurred in 2008. Mind you, it was a chargeback that I did not ask for and it was fully documented by customer support and I was told it would never hurt my account. Only in May I was still banned for it... you know, the following year. But he was right, I did not encounter that problem again... because I was banned in June for something "similar but an escalated version" is what the agent told me when he first described the ban. That and other evidence leads me to believe these waves of bannings were just that, waves of bannings. It sounded like each month they just ran a one time script to flag any and all accounts that met a certain type of criteria and ban them all at once, and then added that criteria to their ban bot to ban any accounts that flag for that activity in the future.

In May they made an automated script to flag every account that has ever had a chargeback and banned it. It was a one time deal, but that script remains in place for any accounts that have a chargeback in the future. In June they then did another wave of bannings on unknown criteria and called it "irregular credit card activities", and it sounds like nobody has actually been banned for this since June. Also, this is the *ONLY* case I have ever heard of that someone who was banned for the "irregular activities" that got their account back, which is why I am skeptical of it actually happening. In July it was the gardening bans and the RMT related activities. I even read somewhere in someone's chat session script that they were not planning on doing this every month, just a few times which leads me to believe they were doing it in preparation of the whole secured credit card bullsh*t.

They probably told her it won't happen again because that was a one time wave of bannings they did for that particular thing in June, and so far I've heard of nobody else being banned for "irregular activities" since then. Anyway, my 2 pennies.

Edited, Aug 11th 2009 10:53pm by Phallucy
#303 Aug 11 2009 at 7:55 PM Rating: Excellent
2,722 posts
That makes some sense but still fills me with no desire whatsoever to join the game again. Specifically, how can the CSR be sure that they really won't run the banning script again? The CS department probably doesn't have any control over when they run. It's still bull and gives me no faith in their ability to treat their customers right.
#304 Aug 11 2009 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
82 posts
Specifically, how can the CSR be sure that they really won't run the banning script again?

Well I didn't say they wouldn't do any mass type bannings like this again, they just might not do another mass banning for the "irregular activities" any time soon and will probably use another excuse for banning someone. Each month it's been a different excuse, albeit for almost the same things but just worded differently.
#305 Aug 12 2009 at 4:07 AM Rating: Excellent
I guess we'll see another mass ban. but not soon I guess. Regarding my friend's issue, they asked her for a copy of her ID during the ban (1 weeks ago) she sent it by fax and we kept waiting for an email from SE, but got nothing, until yesterday when they told her the account is active again through the POL chat support.

Since some people got their account and some didn't I'm guessing the ban was not for one specific reason such as gardening, but different things. We might never know lol .. . .
#306 Aug 12 2009 at 7:30 AM Rating: Excellent
2,258 posts
In support of SE's policies, we should all get one of these T-Shirts:

#307 Aug 12 2009 at 5:55 PM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
Congratz to getting the account back!!! /cheer /cheer

BTW did they reverse the ban only AFTER you contacted them? For example would they have been on course to reverse your ban whether you called or didn't call?

I had a CC lost and reactivated and then was banned for RMT activities. Not irregular CC activities. Since they unbanned your account, they may be on a path of trying to restore everyone's accounts...

Just wishful thinking...
#308 Aug 13 2009 at 1:43 AM Rating: Excellent

hmm after we contacted them they said we only can make a complain about the ban and the issue will be investigated and we should receive an answer on email during two weeks.

Nothing came on email and we just kept contacting them through the POL chat support till 2 days ago when they said the ban was reversed.

So if you guys already made a complain just keep checking with SE by calling or chat because u might not get an email from them.

I don't think they will even look into the acc if we didn't contact them about the matter since we had to make a complain and wait for an answer.

I hope this thing will be resolved soon for everyone & sry for my English :)
#309 Aug 13 2009 at 4:28 AM Rating: Excellent
1,428 posts
So you never got an email, they stated to others that they would send an e-mail if you were unbanned but that if you did not get an email or hear from them then to ***UME the ban was permanent. Which was a terrible way to work things in the first place. Customers should be getting an email either way so at least you know if was reviewed. What happened here sounds like one of two things, either there was an email that did not process correctly or was stuck in filters, or they did not send the email at all, which based on what people were told they would then ***UME it was permanent. I'm glad you called and got your account back.

Edited, Aug 13th 2009 8:31am by shibaaa
#310 Aug 13 2009 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
201 posts
The few tales of accounts being unbanned I've read, I haven't once heard that SE sent the email letting the person know they are unbanned. Wouldn't this be bad for billing reasons?

Someone complains, never gets an email, figures they are banned and just moves on figuring their FFXI days are behind them, but when they receive their next CC statement see a charge to SE. Wouldn't this charge be considered an unauthorized transaction by SE since SE made no attempt to notify the person they can play again thus notifying they will be charged again?
#311 Aug 14 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
Good news: Royal Mail posts on their website whoever signed for the letter.

Bad news: They've just done a squiggle. It doesn't even look like letters.
#312 Aug 14 2009 at 8:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
TaiStyle wrote:
Good news: Royal Mail posts on their website whoever signed for the letter.

Bad news: They've just done a squiggle. It doesn't even look like letters.

My prediction:

Square Enix wrote:
Our records show we never received such a letter. Can you tell us who received it so we may investigate this?

This won't really help them of course but I foresee a lot of weaseling and bullsh*t slinging on their part until they are finally forced to comply with the law or else.

Edited, Aug 15th 2009 1:46am by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
#313 Aug 16 2009 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts

I have heard of them refunding the charges in these situations if you contact customer service. Without knowing exactly what correspondence you got and could have missed in mail filters or if they have a valid email for you, I have no clue if they did not notify you or what channels they have available to do so. It sounds as if you got some form of confirmation that your account was denied service? If so, you can get refund as far as I know.

Edited, Aug 16th 2009 11:11am by Vahlshdeh
#314 Aug 16 2009 at 8:56 PM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
Just a heads up more people got banned this weekend. Is there no end?!! I really really miss good ole FFXI days when we could just log on and play around building our characters... Anyone else get banned?
#315 Aug 17 2009 at 5:05 AM Rating: Excellent
haven't heard about any new bans in particular but really since the Alla article has not received any response for almost two weeks now I recommend a followup on this to get more attention.

The longer they ignore this the more they will think it's okay to continue on with their mistakes. Alla admins were very neutral and gave SE benefit of doubt, however since there has not been any response or action from SE in handing banned accounts its time to step it up. Admins please consider my suggestion.
#316 Aug 17 2009 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
92 posts
This has poped on the BG site , a letter from the person the CSR's at the call center were telling the banned people to write...

A Mr. William Bisby telling someone that got her account reinstated that she will not be getting it back after he "reviewed" it himself....

SE is so full of it it makes me wonder if they even care anymore or just milking XI to pay for XIV....

Edited, Aug 17th 2009 8:14pm by SephirothOwaXIII

Edited, Aug 17th 2009 8:44pm by SephirothOwaXIII
#317 Aug 18 2009 at 12:02 AM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
I just post that in my internal ls forums... It's so sad, i'm like organizing the files on my computer when I came across a folder full of screenshots... I was so depressed that I decided to check on my account again and yup its still LM-17'ed... Amazing... What f***ing right to they have to treat us all like crap?

I then read the post on bluegartr... It makes me so angry...
#318 Aug 18 2009 at 1:13 AM Rating: Excellent
82 posts
Meh... read the letter. At least that lady got a response. I on the other hand wrote a letter over a month and a half ago and have yet to receive a response. For all I know William is still wiping his *** with it before he decides to print out a pre-written letter to sign and mail back. Love how none of their responses are personalized so it's clear their intention isn't to actually investigate accounts with the hopes of unbanning innocent people. They are just mass producing these responses and feeding the **** to everyone to cover up for the fact that they don't give a ****.

Still, I have to wonder about how some people conveniently have "contacts" at SE and have a Cinderella ending and get their account back with no problems. Seriously, pictures or it didn't happen. I'm skeptical about them now and honestly I'm sick of hearing people who have "someone on the inside to get things done" that magically gets their account unbanned, but when asked for help or a contact, they say they can't or won't prove it.
#319 Aug 18 2009 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
92 posts
It's pretty much this from what I'm getting from reading all the threads on the bans on Alla and BG...

Copy and paste, send out a letter don't look at the account info you're not getting the account back even if you already did.

And has anyone at all been unbanned since after the 10th of last month? And not talking about that credit card stuff with the verify by visa or the mastercard stuff. But from the charge backs or the gardening bans?

And all this is making me think some of those Salvage bans...maybe SOME of them didn't deserve to be hit with the ban stick...and I know can of worms, yes people did mad abuse it IE Minidragon and Wopa...but the innocent few that got hit cause they went with a group that did the dup and got banned for something they didn't know about it.
#320 Aug 18 2009 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
friend who was banned in contacted em today to see if there are any changes:
"SEI POL Paul K: I will submit a ban complaint form on your behalf."

/shocked that was the immediate response he got. surprised though since after months of inquiring they go with the initial action again, hopefully they will follow through this time.
#321 Aug 18 2009 at 5:53 PM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
2 weeks and counting ...

Yesterday's chat with Edgar at customer service has me feeling there's a good chance I'll never be able to play FFXI again. That makes me sad. :(

Makes me kinda wish I'd been an ***, cheated like crazy, and bought gil. At least then I'd feel like they were validated in banning me. That will teach me for being the goodie-two-shoes. Sigh......
#322 Aug 21 2009 at 6:18 AM Rating: Excellent
851 posts
Boy am I glad I quit before this. My parents are divorced, so I bet me and my brother logging on from different houses within 30 minutes would've sent SE through the roof.

I may be quit, but this infuriates me (I know you all care that I'm infuriated, right?) I hate when big, faceless entities get away with robbery just because little people can't do **** about it.

#323 Aug 21 2009 at 10:11 AM Rating: Excellent
17 days remaining for SE to issue a reply now. I don't see one coming though, but I have all the evidence I need.
#324 Aug 25 2009 at 3:19 AM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
Just curious has anyone continued to contact POL regarding a account banned for "RMT Activity"? I haven't done it for 2 weeks now... Kinda wonder whats going to happen if I seriously got it back. Been seriously down in the weather about this whole thing. Probably login and donate stuff to the ls and pass the ls leadership to someone else. This is assuming if anyone is left at all from the ls...
#325 Aug 26 2009 at 1:42 PM Rating: Excellent
82 posts
I've contacted them about my account, but it's still the same old story every time I do. "you have already filed a ban complaint and that is the only thing you can do and you are still banned and we won't tell you why".
#326 Aug 26 2009 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Phallucy wrote:
I've contacted them about my account, but it's still the same old story every time I do. "you have already filed a ban complaint and that is the only thing you can do and you are still banned and we won't tell you why".

I'm curious because it was never really made that clear... are you still paying for this account while they "investigate" the complaint?

Because I'd probably stop until they told me I was clear
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
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