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Banned for RMT?Follow

#27 Jul 06 2009 at 3:19 PM Rating: Default
23 posts
Have to agree the bans are a bit much, and a poor way to keep a revenue going however it seems that they are taking the GitMo approach to RMT oh that person has multiple characters at level one and one mid level character who is broke after buying gear not even a mil has ever been transferred from this account RMT must be involved! Lex Luthor said it best WRONG. They need to put some people with brains behind the desk when they do huge bans. Or atleast Contact the user that the account belongs to that way they can at least explain their situation.
#28 Jul 06 2009 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
I just think they are cutting back even more on staff and automating everything now, the problem with that is it catches lots of legitimate players and they have useless customer support so if you do get wrongly caught up in it your screwed for days/weeks.
#29 Jul 06 2009 at 3:27 PM Rating: Default
23 posts
Or not to pull the scare and be the forever pessimiss but forever even. Considering I am a new user my opinion is probably poor but Mass-Action anythings are always bad and bound to be epic fails. A warning system should be put in place before a huge ban just my opinion.
#30 Jul 06 2009 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Who didn't see this coming? I mean really.

They came for the gil sellers
The botters
The dupers etc....

Now they're coming for you!

Can you blame them? I mean what if at some point in the future you might decide to use your gardening mules for RMT? hmm

They're just proactively eliminating possible undesirables.

What bugs me about this most is the huge amount of SE fanboys that think this sort of thing is acceptable.

edit: the fanboys will hit this post and rate it into oblivion shortly i'm betting btw.

trega of titan
smn 75, blu 75
Tarutaru power!

Edited, Jul 6th 2009 7:55pm by xariol
#31 Jul 06 2009 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
2,056 posts
Me too. I am totally shocked. I do garden on 16 characters on only my main and only account and did just harvest a batch the other day. My gardening is pretty random though since there is so much to do on the game.
I also won some gil on the mooglelottery. A nice piece of change not astounding.
I used the gil to finance a bastok dynamis for the wootz ore for thre first time ever. Only 8 dropped but that was nice enough!
Just finished CoPs after years of being on the game. Got my ring yesterday.
I have worked hard at my account and have never supported rmts in any way whatsoever as anyone who has read my posts knows. I hate plers lol. How can I be a rmt and hate plers?
I run a wonderful ls that has the most wonderful people on. I am just an old grandma who loves this game.
This has been such a horrible day and then to log on to this. I hate to admit it but i am devastated.
#32 Jul 06 2009 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
532 posts
I'm sorry to hear that susaninthegarden, and I hope we can all get our accounts restored in their original state sooner rather than later. I just hope the same thing doesn't happen again because I don't plan to stop gardening unless they nerf it or tell us we can no longer do it.

Good luck to all that have been wrongfully banned.
#33 Jul 06 2009 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
I've been banned and I do the wildgrass gardening to NPC thing for gil as well. I'm debating whether or not to even care about having my character restored if GMs can just ban us and not have to face the music from us as customers for their mistakes.
#34 Jul 06 2009 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
As Magicide wrote on an earlier post, my husband uses the 15 mules on my account to garden. He plants saplings for ice ore/platinum leaves. He is on stage 4 for a relic horn and uses his gardening proceeds to fund the progress of that relic. What seems even more ridiculous to me is why did he not get banned either? It's so random and unfair. I've never supported RMT of any kind and would never even consider RMT'ing. SE needs to get a brain and not ban 1st and ask questions later.

I spent 6 years of my life on this game... this game was responsible for me meeting my husband who I have now been married to for almost 5 years... I know this sounds retarded and cliche but losing Miori is like a death in my family. Not being able to spend time online with all the great friends I've made in this game is very depressing to me. I cannot comprehend how people who openly flaunt about botting and RMT'ing are not being affected by this... how is this fair???

Edited, Jul 6th 2009 8:46pm by Miori
#35 Jul 06 2009 at 4:47 PM Rating: Default
23 posts
Susan I am sorry to hear this as well. And to Prof. Lemmi it is not the GM's faults for the bans but the STF that are responsible and SE for implementing the bans. True we can do nothing but hope our accounts are restored. But GM's should not be getting blame here. STG and SE. But I definitly agree Miori.

Edited, Jul 6th 2009 8:50pm by acheerleader
#36 Jul 06 2009 at 4:56 PM Rating: Excellent
2,056 posts
I don't blame anyone. I just want my account back. It is pitiful I guess but it feels like having my heart ripped out.
My ls people are so great. We have been together for so long.
I called the SE phone line and talked to someone who got my information and said that if they decided on review that I wasn't scum, ok not their words, mine for RMTs, they would send me an email sometime but that time is completely indefinite.
Ok I take it back. I do blame someone. I blame RMTs. RMTs you did this to me and it will be very hard to forgive you for it.
#37 Jul 06 2009 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
23 posts
No I am with you 100% Susan I know how you feel it is a great game that for some people is huge. I fealt the same way when i had got of with the Customer Service reps after waiting all weekend it broke me to be hit with you were part of the RMT Ban issued July 3. And to make it worse I can't plead my case because the people involved probably don't even look at the logical cases. But no I had been off for four months(money issues) and as soon as I can get back I get banned it is just a slap in the Face and I sympathize with you one hundred percent.
#38 Jul 06 2009 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
There goes my Justice Torque this Saturday. Smiley: cry
#39 Jul 06 2009 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
16 posts
I have sent the following email to the Special Task Force via their form at the POL web site.

Please take note of the very quickly growing litany of furious customers who have been caught up in your most recent round of mass bannings. A relevant thread on should be trivial to find.

It appears that the only crimes of a substantial number of the victims of your latest bannings involved nothing more than having multiple gardening mules. For this you suspected them of being involved somehow in RMT.

It seems obvious that you guys have screwed up in a massive way.

Can you imagine the negative publicity that will result when it becomes widely known that your company is routinely banning users, many of whom have been playing this game for 6+ years, who have committed no violation of your terms of service whatsoever? With the pending release of Final Fantasy XIV, I would think that such publicity would very much be of concern.

This offense of yours requires immediate acknowledgment and action.

Who knows if anyone at the STF will read it, let alone do anything about it, but a few words in the right direction never hurt.
#40 Jul 06 2009 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
2,056 posts
I just barely got my 5/5 dnc relic. :D It was an incredible month or so. Was looking forward to getting my thief relic. 2/5 now. Lol I had a riot farming rams the other day. For some odd reason I love getting revenge on them for the Steelfleece killing me a long time ago for just wanting to take my picture with him.
#41 Jul 06 2009 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
Get a link going of where to send that for the not so net savvy people, maybe some of us can force feed that letter or something similar to that effect to get our message across.
#42 Jul 06 2009 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
The link to the special task force can be found here:

If you scroll down a bit, there is a section where you can report violations. That is where you can send them a message.

Please, everyone that has been affected by these bannings write to them... tell them how unfair they are being by banning accounts based only on the fact that they have gardening mules. If we get enough messages to them, then maybe they'll take a second look at what they did and give us our accounts back.
#43 Jul 06 2009 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,448 posts
This truely sucks. I'm so sorry to hear more cases of wrongful bans. I feel a little more hatred, disappointment, or pity for SE every time I hear of a new ban. I'm not really sure, sometimes it's a mix of the 3, sometimes it's just one. I pity them for being so arrogant that they can't see past their own face. I feel hatred for their lack of care and their lack of action to modify their customer service. I feel disappointed when their system fails once again and they ban someone who isn't RMT, for RMT-related actions.

Regardless of how we all feel about it, this situation will never change without drastic measures. One measure, and by far the best one, is for us all to simply quit. If suddenly they went from 100-300k regular players(and 100-200k RMTs and mules-total 200-600ksubs) down to less than 200k, they'd get a big hint that something was seriously wrong. However I doubt we're all gonna quit like that. xD;
I won't.

There is another drastic action that we can do. Some sort of poll. A customer service poll. 1-10 listing. With a 100 character comment box. When the results are in, have our community leaders here(Pikko, Thayos, Usagichan) put together another article, and an accompanying letter to their specific contact at SE that communicates between the devs and the fansites.

The article should discuss the poll results, and bring to light the various cases such as these in the thread here. SE will be appalled that such issues as wrongful bannings are taking place. Their shock and suprise will be genuine, but moreso because of the article being publicly published, insulting their image. They will be forced to act. It's clear that they have no idea these issues are arising, simply due to their lack of customer service being able to properly get customer issues resolved. These issues being stopped at the low end of the christmas tree, never getting high enough to a person who can actually solve them.

#44 Jul 06 2009 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
108 posts
I've been playing on and off for close to 4 years now and this is quite disturbing. I've recently (i.e. today) started playing again and was trying to think of how to make a decent amount of money to finance leveling among other things and was considering gardening (a legitimate way to make money according to SE). But now after reading these horror stories I am NOT even going to try and just stick to scraping by like I usually do.

As a bit of a side-note, I totally agree with the limiting of trial accounts. WoW does this (I know as I started with a trial account there). When I first started that game my buddy was going to hook me up with some crafting mats but due to it being a trial account I couldn't even trade with another player. I think it would be perfectly reasonable to implement restrictions on trial accounts to stem the growing tide of trial-account-RMTing. It's a trial, you dont need to give someone full access to everything available. Give them a taste to get them to buy the game. They do this and I think the trial account gardening scam that RMTs are apparently using now will disappear faster than a cockroach when you turn the light on.

Edited for spelling, I'm my own spelling and grammar police.

Edited, Jul 6th 2009 6:50pm by MaraficeEye
#45 Jul 06 2009 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
275 posts
this is ridiculous.

they ban people based on the fact they have multiple gardening mules and they npc the harvest?

Susaninthegarden, I'm sorry to hear this all happened and hope to see you in dynamis real soon.

SE is going after the wrong people and I hope they are able to clear all of you guys after investigating further.

What's happening isn't right.

#46 Jul 06 2009 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I agree that all that SE has to do to stem RMT activities is to limit what players with temporary accounts can do. In my case, I had no temporary accounts. I've PAID almost 30 bucks a month for this account/mules and have been gardening on them for 3+ years. Why now??? Track down the accounts of people that send the RMT tells... why are they targeting legitimate players who are making gil to fund their ridiculously expensive relic weapons? grr... this makes me so mad.
#47 Jul 06 2009 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
2,056 posts
knip, thank you so much for your comments. It is very comforting to know people care.
I like the idea of a poll, not condemning SE, but asking them to look more closely at the bannings and be more careful in the future and pointing out some of the unfair bannings that have been done recently.
Man it just occurred to me that they could conceivably ban pikko for her gardening.
She even encourages people to garden.
#48 Jul 06 2009 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
608 posts
Track down the accounts of people that send the RMT tells

It occurs to me I haven't seen any RMT tells in a couple of days...

Either they're on vacation for the fourth, or SE did something about them the same time as they banned the gardeners. Anyone else notice a drop-off in tells over the last weekend?
#49 Jul 06 2009 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
241 posts
To anyone else who gardens in this manner, stop npcing all the greens on the characters that grow them, get nude on your main and send all the greens there. It's a little extra work but you will make more money on a character with higher fame, and this should help with the false positives that your main is an RMT gil-holder account.

This is crunch time for SE customer service, they've announced their next game and I know by the initial designs that they are hoping for their FFXI players to transition over to their new game (see: Character Design and press releases). If this kind of stuff is allowed to go on, no one from this game will want to try their new one. These aren't problems with the game itself, these are problems with the company, so if it's this easy to lose all your progress on FFXI and not be allowed to state your case, why would anyone in their right mind want to start on a new game just to be banned later for some silly program's false positives?
#50 Jul 06 2009 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
I keep checking back on this topic, I have to say I am really worried now. I have an extra account which is fully equipped with gardening mules and knowing the horror of trying to get yourself unbanned I'm not sure I can risk planting a new harvest.

If your wrongly banned it's the start of a horror story. Calling SE over and over talking to idiots that tell you they can't give you ANY information and that maybe in a week they might... if your lucky unban you but wont tell you either way... and even if you do get it fixed after much messing around they might ban you again a week/month later since its all automated.

How are we supposed to play this game like this, we are paying square all this extra money to garden and we are just paying to scare ourselves every time we use the service we are paying extra for.

It's really easy to stop RMT, they don't pay for accounts to garden because it's not cost effective...they use free trial accounts. There is no reason whatsoever normal players paying for all these extra mules should be caught up in this. It would be nice to get an official response to set our minds at rest but as per usual we won't get that.

Idk how they expect us all to play their next mmorpg the way their customer support is, they have us all addicted on 12 but youre going into 14 with your eyes open to how crappy they are.

To anyone else who gardens in this manner, stop npcing all the greens on the characters that grow them, get nude on your main and send all the greens there. It's a little extra work but you will make more money on a character with higher fame, and this should help with the false positives that your main is an RMT gil-holder account.

They will ban your main account too then >_>

Edited, Jul 6th 2009 10:43pm by preludes
#51 Jul 06 2009 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
To anyone else who gardens in this manner, stop npcing all the greens on the characters that grow them, get nude on your main and send all the greens there. It's a little extra work but you will make more money on a character with higher fame, and this should help with the false positives that your main is an RMT gil-holder account.

Probably won't help. All of the platinum leaves garnered from gardening on Miori's mules were sent to another account's main, with high fame, who npc'd them off. She was still banned for it.
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