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The big Chocobo researchFollow

#452 Sep 19 2006 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
2,313 posts

Edited, Oct 3rd 2006 at 9:51am PDT by pdragonfly
#453 Sep 19 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
Mine grew up yellow too. Sturdy legs also. It also it's beak doesn't look normal. It looks sharper but it doesn't say. I was shocked. Receptivity gone up. It doesn't reguard me as a parent but it seems to want to be with me all the time, IDK which is better.

Go on a walk long has now become aviable.

Ask about choco card and Retire chocobo have become aviable.

Met the beast master on the long walk.

Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 9:29pm EDT by Laxedrane

Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 9:26pm EDT by Laxedrane
#454 Sep 19 2006 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
well it's day 29. when i checked my chocobo the NPC told me my chocobo is fully grown and told me i need to go and talk to the npc in sandy about the whistel.I went to sandy's chocobo stable talked to the NPC and he told me that i had to find an item my chocobo hid from me to see how much trust we had for each other when i find the item i'm suppose to bring it back to him and he will give me the whistel so i can call my chocobo to the fields but frist i have to find the item this is where i'm really lost about the whole chocobo thing if someone can help me please let me know what to do for this part cause i'm lost
#455 Sep 19 2006 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,270 posts
My adult is indeed Blue.
I posted back when I hit day 19 but in case you don't want to dig I'll go over the basics again. ^^

Day 29: Adult

Name: SilentPur
Sex: Female
Nation: Bastok
Color: Blue
Egg type: NPC; Faintly Warm.
Stat's: All poor.

Here she is as a blue tipped Teenie. ^^

Adult1 - SilentPur

Adult2 - SilentPur

Adult3 - SilentPur

She's restless, as she was yesterday. So I raced her a few times, I've raced her a good 10 or 12 times and she's yet to lose. I have started the whistle quest but she tired out before I could get any head way on that.

Good Luck with your Chicks. ^^

Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 10:32pm EDT by GryphonStalker
#456 Sep 19 2006 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
182 posts
when you go talk to the sandy dude, you apparantly take your choco for a 'long walk' and get the CS w/ the BST npc to get your whistle...or at least progress w/ the quest...i'm doing it now.


I was vague, take a 'long walk' in your home country for the CS...

Also, there is a CS with brutus at the upper jeuno stables regarding finding a choco that you 'freed' before the CS. (just talk to him)

the choco flees to la theine...(stuck here but sounds like there might be a fight)

Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 11:31pm EDT by kabulo
#457 Sep 19 2006 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
Since I wasted all my energy today before checking in sandy I plan on doing a thorough search through my choices and see if I can find this mystery item. I suspect it's something you radomly find during walks, or maybe even special command when I get back.
#458 Sep 19 2006 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
In regards to the Chocobo Whistle quest, after I got back from Sandy, my chocobo only had enough energy to go on a short walk (went on a long one before I left). So, I did, and this time we walked to the river/waterfall in North Gustaberg rather than the Outpost. When we got there, it said that my chocobo "looked very happy" and I was given the option to "Watch over it" or "Look for item". I chose to look, and I was caught, so no go this time around. Next time I'll try just watching and see if it gives me the option again.

I think that it's possible to find the item on any length of walk, or maybe on any care activity, your chocobo just has to be happy.
#459 Sep 19 2006 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Day 29 and my BlazingChariot grew up big and black. I wish I can provide screenshots but the PS2 isn't cooperating on that. On the downside, it is sick for the second day in a row, even after feeding a Tokopekko Wildgrass. If anyone was wondering my egg was bought a bit warm from the mithra in Jueno. My stable is in Windy.

Feed from chick to adolescent was mostly Vegetable Pastes and San d'orian Carrots. Feed from adolescent to adult was only San d'orian Carrots and a few Azoulph Greens.

Care while a chick was the usually short walk and checks. Care while adolescent each day has been a regular walk, a compete with others, tell story x2 (Youthful Chocobo and Happy Chocobo) and as many checks as I can squeeze in.

Adolescent had black-tiped feathers. Current stats are Strength = Substandard, everything else is poor.

From what I can tell personalities has nothing to do with the color, since old BlazingChariot never had a personality. He still has no weather preferences either.

So.... the different color feathers are just the effects of the ressesive trait on the overall color allel. So, my new theory, based on the picture of all the different color birds, is that only the brown adolescent bird will turn into a colored chocobo!

Your theory may still be correct regarding the recessive traits desplayed by the color tips in adolescents and will probably play a big role in breeding for specific colors, but I guess in my case there is still the random SE chance of getting a colored chocobo. You just won't know whether the trait is dominate until the choco is full grown.
#460 Sep 19 2006 at 8:02 PM Rating: Default
2,313 posts
ChaoticVein wrote:
In regards to the Chocobo Whistle quest, after I got back from Sandy, my chocobo only had enough energy to go on a short walk (went on a long one before I left). So, I did, and this time we walked to the river/waterfall in North Gustaberg rather than the Outpost. When we got there, it said that my chocobo "looked very happy" and I was given the option to "Watch over it" or "Look for item". I chose to look, and I was caught, so no go this time around. Next time I'll try just watching and see if it gives me the option again.

I think that it's possible to find the item on any length of walk, or maybe on any care activity, your chocobo just has to be happy.

If you didn't get the whistle and your bird looked happy, then that can not be how you get it.

If you check the other posts you'll find that walking it (short, regular or long) will allow you the possibility of getting it. If you don't get it on the short walk, then it's not buried there (if you tried w/o getting caught).

Try then the regular or long walks area to see if the bird buried it there.
#461 Sep 19 2006 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Ok regarding the choco whistle

Go to this link on how to get the whistle

Also it doesnt matter if you walk with short, regular, or long. Your still gonna get the cut scene and your still gonna have a chance where he is completely absorbed into his activities. Thats when you search him.

I test all walks and all walks have the option, so best to do short walk. I failed about a few times. I used two choco elixers to get it out of him the last couple times.

Also after you get the whistle you need to register him to VCS, there will be an option for that.

Ive already ridin on my choco, and MAN is it slow. So dont expect to see your choco ride like the regular choco's. Unless you got some good endurance (not sure which attribute gives speed).

Good luck everyone with your choco's hope that helps

Edited, Sep 20th 2006 at 12:06am EDT by uberslayer

Edited, Sep 20th 2006 at 12:07am EDT by uberslayer
#462 Sep 19 2006 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
uberslayer wrote:
Ive already ridin on my choco, and MAN is it slow. So dont expect to see your choco ride like the regular choco's. Unless you got some good endurance (not sure which attribute gives speed).

Strength is speed, endurance is ride duration. Both equally important, in my eyes.

Today's sort of the wake-up call to increase your stats! I've noticed a few people who thought they were riding high with black or blue chocobos only to find they're slow as molasses because they neglected to actually raise them.

Doesn't matter how sexy you look riding a black chocobo; if it rides at the speed of an escalator and dismounts after 12 minutes, it's not worth it. And remember, our chocobos will automatically retire eventually. Crank up those stats!
#463 Sep 19 2006 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
wanted to pose a question to the community, my MercilessCoq has both discernment and receptivity at 'a bit deficient' (both phys stats poor, but i'm a choco digger, so i dont particularily care if it moves at walking pace, or lasts 10 mins as long as it gets me the shinyz) has anyone gotten ANY abilities for their chocobos, I of course am looking for burrow and bore.

BTW for those wondering, average day in my choco's life:
feed: 1X sharug; 1X azouph; 1X Z. carrot.
care plan: eating children(exhibit to public, but my coq has scared them like 3 times)
daily care: watch X3 story X 2-3 (alternating between the walk story and the race story), with the occasional race or short/medium walk thrown in for good measure. He is a beautiful yellow coq, and I wouldn't have him any other way! lol @ ppl getting emo over their bird being yellow ^^

as of moment, do not have whistle to test his digging capabilites, but really interested if anyone got abilities yet that i haven't seen on forums.

BTW, anyone on sylph that wants to breed with the smartest bird on server, my wonderful mercilesscoq, contact khaine for stud fees =D
#464 Sep 19 2006 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,313 posts
KhaineSylph wrote:
wanted to pose a question to the community, my MercilessCoq has both discernment and receptivity at 'a bit deficient' (both phys stats poor, but i'm a choco digger, so i dont particularily care if it moves at walking pace, or lasts 10 mins as long as it gets me the shinyz) has anyone gotten ANY abilities for their chocobos, I of course am looking for burrow and bore.

BTW for those wondering, average day in my choco's life:
feed: 1X sharug; 1X azouph; 1X Z. carrot.
care plan: eating children(exhibit to public, but my coq has scared them like 3 times)
daily care: watch X3 story X 2-3 (alternating between the walk story and the race story), with the occasional race or short/medium walk thrown in for good measure. He is a beautiful yellow coq, and I wouldn't have him any other way! lol @ ppl getting emo over their bird being yellow ^^

as of moment, do not have whistle to test his digging capabilites, but really interested if anyone got abilities yet that i haven't seen on forums.

BTW, anyone on sylph that wants to breed with the smartest bird on server, my wonderful mercilesscoq, contact khaine for stud fees =D

LOL at its eating children. Nice sense of humor.

Abilities speculation: now that it is adult, as we give it things to do like: dig, messages, etc, their abilities will come out, as long as they do things along the same lines for a period of time.

That's my guess and I'm stickin to it for now.
#465 Sep 19 2006 at 9:38 PM Rating: Good
687 posts
KhaineSylph wrote:
care plan: eating children(

>< couldn't resist! congrats on the stats :D

I went out on my birdie tonight digging.. nothing really interesting... Did dig up a few earth clusters in altepa during double weather earth (don't remember digging those there) but other than that uneventful.. dug up 100 items.

All stats poor with an egnamatic yellow bird.

Feeding Parasite worms and Zep. Carrots - slightly warm egg from jueno vender.
#466 Sep 19 2006 at 9:39 PM Rating: Default
2,313 posts
Valiere wrote:
uberslayer wrote:
Ive already ridin on my choco, and MAN is it slow. So dont expect to see your choco ride like the regular choco's. Unless you got some good endurance (not sure which attribute gives speed).

Strength is speed, endurance is ride duration. Both equally important, in my eyes.

Today's sort of the wake-up call to increase your stats! I've noticed a few people who thought they were riding high with black or blue chocobos only to find they're slow as molasses because they neglected to actually raise them.

Doesn't matter how sexy you look riding a black chocobo; if it rides at the speed of an escalator and dismounts after 12 minutes, it's not worth it. And remember, our chocobos will automatically retire eventually. Crank up those stats!

Slow or not, it's still safer to ride them back to a zone. Cheaper than a warp scroll, but takes longer. No warp scroll on you? Who you gonna call? The Feather Duster!
#467 Sep 19 2006 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
Color questions continue;

Frigging sweet on the first gen color birds!!!! now question form me is genetics (computer code in egg) or invironment/care? maybe both?

I'm back on day 14 due to the rest bug/not bug problem (didn't want to raise a gimpy bird lol)

so to those of you who got black birds- where did you get your egg from? If you all got it from the same place and got black we have an answer! If you got from the same place but some of you got black and others got yellow... we still have a possible answer.

If the black birds came from diffrent types of eggs but similar care/feeding seems like color is based on care.

if we can't find a common factor looks like it might be /random I'm very much praying this is not the case... because I'd really like to have a red bird lol

My egg was obtained from jueno (whatever the middle one was).

On day 14 my bird is enigmatic, no notes on tip color, personality has been stable for 4 days, my feed and passive care is centered on mental ablitys (i take him for manual walks 2-3x's a day).

So lucky owners of colored birds what's the word?

Let me note i'm mostly interested in the color riddle atm, the other stuff seems to clearly tie into care... Just rying to figure out if color also ties to care.

To date we know blue can come from the jueno vendor;

Name: SilentPur
Sex: Female
Nation: Bastok
Color: Blue
Egg type: NPC; Faintly Warm.
Stat's: All poor.

Thanks gryphonstalker


Other egg/color combos as of today;

Via Gryphons

"As for Black, an LSmate got a Black one he recived it from the Brutus Quest. ^^ I hope that can help you as well."

"Name: GloryIdol
Sex: Female
Nation: Windurst
Color: yellow
Egg type: slightly warm from NPC
Stat's: str/end: a bit deficient rec/dis: poor "

Three diffrent eggs three difrent colors... maybe

Missed these before form Haigan;

1. Egg: 'bit warm' from the Jeuno mithra girl. The bf fed mostly carrot paste to the chick. The adolescent was yellow with black-tipped feathers, and he fed vomp carrots with some azouph greens. Care regime was a lot of walking around town (care schedule) and going for walks as a chick. Adolescent was walks around town, exercising alone and exercising with other chocobos (care schedule), and about equal amounts of telling stories and going for regular walks, plus a little competing. The adult is black with all stats poor except strength which is substandard.

2. Egg: 'slightly warm' from the Jeuno mithra girl. I fed mostly veg paste to the chick, and zegham carrots with some sharug greens. The adolescent was yellow with grey-blue feather tips. Care regime was about half and half listening to music and walking around town (care schedule) with walks and watching over as a chick. Adolescent was playing with children, listening to music, and playing with other chocobos (about the same of each) for the care schedule, plus some short walks, a few regular walks, and a lot of storytelling, plus a little competition. The adult is black with all stats poor exept for discernment which is substandard.

And This from pdragonfly;

Grown up - dirty yellow color (I wanted WHITE!!)
Egg - got from NPC - slightly warm

So we have;

Blacks from; Jueno NPC (bw, sw), and Brutus

Yellows from; Jueno NPC (sw)

Blue/purple from; Jueno NPC (fw)

It's a small sample but it is really looking like color is either care or random. I'm inclined to hope it's care... My bird is on a mostly mental care plan, my wife's is on mostly physical should hit adolecent in a few days, we had 2 eggs of of varring warmth, and 2 diffrent care plans. It will be ineresting to see what happens^^ They should hit teen time anyday now I'm going to keep colecting egg/adult color info so please keep posting it.

*edit to add info- more to come*

Edited, Sep 20th 2006 at 6:37pm EDT by MrTicktock

Edited, Sep 21st 2006 at 3:15am EDT by MrTicktock
#468 Sep 19 2006 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Pdragonfly wrote:
Abilities speculation: now that it is adult, as we give it things to do like: dig, messages, etc, their abilities will come out, as long as they do things along the same lines for a period of time.

That's my guess and I'm stickin to it for now.

I really hope this is the case, I can't tell you how much I'd /sarcasm LOVE /end sarcasm to get something /sarcasm worthwhile /end sarcasm like auto-regen...

give me burrow and bore or give me death.

seriously now, I dig... giving me auto-regen is like giving a white mage provoke.
#469 Sep 19 2006 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
517 posts
Well looks like a busy day for me. Need to update alot.

I also like to know from people what kind of egg they used and what gender it is. Im going to make a post here to find out as most as possible.

I will update the main post with the adult info ASAP.
#470 Sep 19 2006 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
I now have a first generation black chocobo, sub str and end, the rest poor, with no personality and a female. planning on raising till i cant raise her no more..
cravedzifnab wrote:
i personally doubt there will be any coloured chocos in this first generation. and because a young animal has different colours then when its an adult means nothing. looking at animals in real life, some young birds will have brown feathers to help them blend in with their environment, yet when they grow older they can have brilliant reds or blues or other various colours. thinking about it, no one has said that they have one of the 4th kind of adolescent on Feielle's picture, the one thats brown with yellow tips. that may be what your adolescent will look like if its actually a coloured one. all the mainly yellow ones with coloured tips are going to be yellow, just the colour represents race of chocobo, and which kinds to mate with for a chance at a coloured choco.

and using walk in town for 2 days, then listen to music for 2 days does not neccesarily cancle each other out. we dont know exact numerical values for how much they increase and decrease. most likely doing two days of walking and two days of listening would have the same overall effect as basic care for 4 days.

Edited, Sep 20th 2006 at 3:34am EDT by Manwitch
#471 Sep 19 2006 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
My adult is indeed Blue.
I posted back when I hit day 19 but in case you don't want to dig I'll go over the basics again. ^^

Day 29: Adult

Name: SilentPur
Sex: Female
Nation: Bastok
Color: Blue
Egg type: NPC; Faintly Warm.
Stat's: All poor.

Looks more like the purple one than the blue one to me...

If those 2 colors get mixed up this easily, this is gonna really mess up any FAQ's/guides out there so be careful...
#472 Sep 19 2006 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
397 posts
Huh? yeah either you ppl are colour blind or have crap monitors. How can you mistake purple for blue?
The tips look purple and so do the adult birds.
#473 Sep 20 2006 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
278 posts
Is anyone else noticing that thier bird becomes bored and restless just about every other day? Ever since it become a young chocobo, it's always bored, even with my racing it practically every day. It'll be bored, i'll race it, and the next day it's fine. I'll race it again anyways, and the next day it's bored again. And even then, even if it was only bored following days i didn't race it, i'd hate to be forced to waste half of its energy racing it every day just so i wouldnt' have to see that stupid animation of it being all pissed off. Is this happeneing to anyone else, or is my chocobo just lame?
#474 Sep 20 2006 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
Is anyone else noticing that thier bird becomes bored and restless just about every other day?

What kind of care plan do you have it on?
#475 Sep 20 2006 at 2:53 AM Rating: Default
Can someone pls posts pics of their adult chocobos? So far I've seen only black and blue. Thanks :)
#476 Sep 20 2006 at 5:04 AM Rating: Good
71 posts
Pyxis wrote:
Can someone pls posts pics of their adult chocobos? So far I've seen only black and blue. Thanks :)

As far as i know there are only two new colors at the moment: Purple with White tips and Black with White tips plus the normal yellow one we already know for years now.

I think SE mentioned somewhere that they have problems with IG lookings of the different colors and parts and that's why they'll put them IG on a later update.

So if you've seen pics of purple and black chocobos you've already seen everything we can get so far. =)
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