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The big Chocobo researchFollow

#427 Sep 19 2006 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
sounds good :P

im on day 27 , got 2 stories, been fedding it vomp carrots, and taking it on walks / races / excersising / carrying packages.. but NO stat change yet :( all poor, and no personality Grr so annoying... sigh..
#428 Sep 19 2006 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Just got my status report of day 28... So I guess my chcobo is adult soon. Anyone know how to get a chocobo whistle? The chocoguy says I have to be approved by the VCS president... Anyone know anything about this yet?
#429 Sep 19 2006 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
654 posts
I'm going to make a prediction that our chocobos won't reach adulthood on day 30 but on day 34.
#430 Sep 19 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
105 posts
There is one thing that I've been curious about, and the closer we get to day 30, (or 34, I believe) the more it's been plaguing me. Where are the other two stories? Since we've not gotten them, I can only assume that one, or both, of them are recieved after our bird reaches adulthood. I think that's relatively interesting, because if we can read stories to it once it's an adult, then we should be able to continue upping its' stats.
#431 Sep 19 2006 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Why 34?

I only got one story: Impatient chocobo. What are the other stories?
#432 Sep 19 2006 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
There is one thing that I've been curious about, and the closer we get to day 30, (or 34, I believe) the more it's been plaguing me. Where are the other two stories? Since we've not gotten them, I can only assume that one, or both, of them are recieved after our bird reaches adulthood. I think that's relatively interesting, because if we can read stories to it once it's an adult, then we should be able to continue upping its' stats.

We can definately keep upping its stats once its an adult.... its been stated. Once you reach adulthood at about 1 month, you can choose to retire your chocobo or keep raising it for about another 2 months.

I think its pretty obvious where the fourth story comes from... they are going to implement a (long) walk option for your chocobo where you will meet the chocobo trainer from the third major city that you havent met yet and once you meet him/her three time you will receive the fourth story.

The fifth story is just speculation, all we know is that it comes from brutus in upper jeuno, so i imagine when your chocobo reaches adulthood it will be able to obtain this last story through some cutscenes or challenges like the chocobo racing with Best.
#433 Sep 19 2006 at 10:55 AM Rating: Default
105 posts
To get stories, it seems that you have to have a certain cutscene three times.
To get your first story you had to take a walk (short) and get a cutscene three times.
For your second story you have to take a walk (regular) and get a cutscene three times.
For your third story you have to race, and win three times.
The fourth story will come from whichever main city is farthest from you, (probably from take a walk (long)).
The fifth is most likely to come from Brutus.

I'm most curious about WHEN the fourth and fifth are going to be available.
#434 Sep 19 2006 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
During the next stage of development... adult.

It makes sense that if you can take a short walk as a chick (because it wont tire you out too much) and a regular walk when your an adolescent (because it shouldnt get too tired), that when the chocobo is an adult it will have enough energy to venture farther and take a long walk. Also likely that Brutus's story will become available during the adult stage seeing as he is the Beastmaster Master and his story should be the hardest to obtain.

Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 3:36pm EDT by Moritaru
#435 Sep 19 2006 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
71 posts
Day 29...

Status: Finally an adult!

Today my Chocobo grew to an adult! Now i have the option for long walks and the rest of the care plan options.

The long walk for Windurstian Chocobos takes you to the Meriphataud Mountains. I met Dietmund there with his Chocobo. I'm not sure but isn't that the guy from the BST Quest? He told me some things that i should take good care of my chocobo and shouldn't make the same mistakes as he did.

The VCS Trainer told me that i can get a chocobo whistle at the San d'Orian Stables. So i went there and talked to the VCS Trainer.

He told me that we have to test the bond of trust between me and my chocobo first before i can get a whistle. Every chocobo would hide something valuable. If i can find that valuable thing of my chocobo i can get a whistle.

So far i couldn't find out how i should find that thing. I already darined all the energy of my chocy so i hope i don't have to find that mysterious thing on a walk or something like that. Have to wait for more information i think.
#436 Sep 19 2006 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
743 posts
Congratulations Andra!

Mine also grew up today. :) I hope I'll still be able to meet the trainer in Tahrongi, I need to meet him two more times before I get that story. T_T
Gonna have my Chocobo dig for treasure tomorrow, see how that will work out.

They grow up so fast don't they. :(
#437 Sep 19 2006 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Excellent! ^^ Sounds like an interesting task to get the whistle... so much for the 34 days till adulthood theory ^^ oh btw, did your choco have colored tips as an adolescent and turn out yellow?
#438 Sep 19 2006 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
My Choco Also grew up and I took her for 2 long walks in Meriphitaud Mountains.
Ran into Dietmund on the first, and Brutus on the second.

I too have to look for something my Chocobo has hidden before I get the whistle, but I dont wanna push activities while she's tired, so I'll check in tomorrow.

I'll be having her act in a play tomorrow!

Chick was yellow with whitish tips, now is HUGE, yellow and has brownish/red tips. Well, I assume she's huge because she's bigger than Brutus's or Dietmund's.

Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 4:29pm EDT by Steelsinger
#439 Sep 19 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
21 posts
Now that people have gotten their adulthood on their chocobos I want to present on how to get the "Oh-so-wanted" chocobo whistle, I just got it myself and it works.

Firstly, when your chocobo reaches adulthood your manager will ask you to do test which will test the relationship between your chocobo and yourself.

This quest was as following for me : Find an item your chocobo has been hiding for you to prove your good relationship to each other.

So how do I do that? You take the chocobo for walks, and since the quest is now triggered you may choose to search for the item when your chocobo is looking away, or just watch over it.

Choose Search for the item, if you are lucky the chocobo won't notice you, if it does it will go "KWEHH!" and you will be unable to find anything at all. I believe it's a 50/50 chance.

Even if the chocobo doesn't detect you, you might not be able to find it, I don't know if it matters what walks you take and such, but here is how I did it.

1: Long walk - Failure
2: Long walk - Success but no find.
3: Medium Walk - Failure
4: Short walk - Failure
5: Medium Walk - Succes but no find.
6: Short walk - Success and found the item.

So I guess if you did not find the item for example on the long walk, don't search there again. Note: I used up 2 chocolixers to be able to manage this much. And once you're done, you are rewarded with the chocobo whistle.

Before you can call on your chocobo you need to register your chocobo to your whistle (easily done from the root chocobo menu) at the cost of 500 gil.

I won't spoil what you will find, but I hope this helped you.

Good luck everyone.
#440 Sep 19 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
743 posts
Someone on KI posted that you get the Chocobo whistle when going on a walk. You choose the short, medium or long walk, and supposedly you'll get an option to search for the item (for the whistle quest).
You can fail to find it, and your chocobo may notice you also (which means failure).
The poster in question found the while on the short walk, not sure if it differs from person to person (I guess it does).

EDIT: Never mind, thank you Mindie XD

Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 4:37pm EDT by LeinadiOdin
#441 Sep 19 2006 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
71 posts
Mine was yellow with withe tips and turned out to be a big, yellow chocobo. I didn't expect something else. *g*

At the moment the leg of my chocobo is injured and i didn't had enough energy for tow long walks. Also i'm training my chocobo to be a digger someday so that might be a reason too why she hasn't so much energy.

First i thought my chocobo looks different from the rentables, but now i'm not sure anymore. Have to look at my screenshots to be sure.
#442 Sep 19 2006 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I used the compete against other option with my all grown choco, and the chocobo "Best" of the 3 other guy had complete black feather, and he whooped my *** in the race ><;
#443 Sep 19 2006 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
I don't have a colored chocobo. I agree that we may not see any colored ones this first time. However, I will say that I will sympathize with all groaning, moaning and complaining based purely on the fact that Best turns out black.

If all the BlackTips and BlueTips grow up yellow, but Best is all black, then Bashraf and co. are obviously gilsellers. >_>

So for all those of you who have BlackTips now, cross your fingers and hope we don't end up calling out "OMG~WTFHAX!" on that trio of...
#444 Sep 19 2006 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
654 posts
I'm going to pre-emptively call "HAX" on Best being black.

Obviously, he's the son of two yellow chocobos who were black-tipped in their teenage years. Those losers got a head start in breeding!
#445 Sep 19 2006 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
885 posts
My bird is black.

Ill provide a SS in a bit.

But i suppose it is up to you to believe whether or not people have it, considering the silly-ness people have done with .dat files.

But i do have no doubt you'll be seeing a few colored birds out there during the 1st generation.


Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 6:21pm EDT by Angelusdemonus

Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 7:00pm EDT by Angelusdemonus
#446 Sep 19 2006 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
Two people in Sandy at stables standing next to me claim to have Black chocobo. Now I know that is pretty meaningless until there is proof, but nothing would make you look like an idiot more than claiming that in a group and then not having one...

Not like forums where you can hide. So I'm going to be optimistic and believe it this time.
#447 Sep 19 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I talked to the chocobo dating NPC in Upper Jeuno(finbarr, he's right next to Brutus) and he said the following thing :
"...So dam A's chick would inherit the sire's blue color and fancy plumage, but B's chick would not...But B's chick's chick... would you call it grandchick? Anyway, the grandchick might just inherit the blue color? Man... all this pedigree stuff is all complicated"

Gotta say thats a bit weird lol
#448 Sep 19 2006 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
To provide some data:

Choc grew up tonight obatained whistle, promptly zoned to West Ronfaure called my choc:

Strength: Substandard
Endurance: Substandard
Discernment: Poor
Receptivity: Poor

Managed to get from Sandy to the Outpost in N.Gustaberg, in what was for sure not my cleanest chocobo run:

Speed @ substandard = Faster than a character running on foot but quite slow compared to the rent-a-choc's that passed me by.

Endurance @ substandard = Choc lasted somewhere between 20-22 minutes (didn't /clock as soon as I called it which I should have done)

Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 7:04pm EDT by ShenanigansTitan
#449 Sep 19 2006 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
More to add to the chocobo research: bf and I both traded our eggs in Bastok within a few minutes of each other right after the update, and both just reached the stage of being big enough to ride.

1. Egg: 'bit warm' from the Jeuno mithra girl. The bf fed mostly carrot paste to the chick. The adolescent was yellow with black-tipped feathers, and he fed vomp carrots with some azouph greens. Care regime was a lot of walking around town (care schedule) and going for walks as a chick. Adolescent was walks around town, exercising alone and exercising with other chocobos (care schedule), and about equal amounts of telling stories and going for regular walks, plus a little competing. The adult is black with all stats poor except strength which is substandard.

2. Egg: 'slightly warm' from the Jeuno mithra girl. I fed mostly veg paste to the chick, and zegham carrots with some sharug greens. The adolescent was yellow with grey-blue feather tips. Care regime was about half and half listening to music and walking around town (care schedule) with walks and watching over as a chick. Adolescent was playing with children, listening to music, and playing with other chocobos (about the same of each) for the care schedule, plus some short walks, a few regular walks, and a lot of storytelling, plus a little competition. The adult is black with all stats poor exept for discernment which is substandard.

Edited, Sep 20th 2006 at 6:27pm EDT by HaiGan

Edited, Sep 20th 2006 at 6:31pm EDT by HaiGan
#450 Sep 19 2006 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
654 posts
YoShayneYo wrote:
I talked to the chocobo dating NPC in Upper Jeuno(finbarr, he's right next to Brutus) and he said the following thing :
"...So dam A's chick would inherit the sire's blue color and fancy plumage, but B's chick would not...But B's chick's chick... would you call it grandchick? Anyway, the grandchick might just inherit the blue color? Man... all this pedigree stuff is all complicated"

Gotta say thats a bit weird lol

Kinda, but let's try to sort through it.

For those of you unfamiliar with the terms, dam = female and sire = male. From what he's telling us, the immediate (next generation) color trait goes to the colored chocobo's mate's chick, but it could also potentially re-emerge in the colored chocobo's chick's chick.

This puts extra value on colored chocobos, as they give non-colored chocobo owners a shot at a colored chocobo of their own in the next generation. This also means people who got rid of their yellow chocobos may have made a huge mistake, because mating a yellow chocobo with a colored one has a better chance of producing a colored chick than just starting anew.

Does he say anything at all about how stats are inherited?

Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 8:16pm EDT by Valiere
#451 Sep 19 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
786 posts
I have just got an adult chocobo.

Mine went from Junior with White/Grey Tailfeathers to yellow adult.

I got a friend to breed with mine who was:

Purple Tail Feathers to Blue adult female.

To breed you have to get your friends Chocobocard and trade. Then get a copy of your own! In your inventory you shoud have an M&F Card. Next go to the NPC Finbarr in UpperJeuno outside the stables. You must select a dating plan. I chose Jeuno Street Tour as this "increses the chance to inherit the female chocobo trates".

Your are given a VCS Honeymoon Ticket. You trade this along with your two chococards. There is a breif cutscene with your choco and your friends choco and FInbarr informs your there should be an egg by tomorrow.

As i write this im not sure if its Game Day or IRL day so I will let you know in about 40mins by editing this post.

Hope this helps some breeders out there!

**Edited: The breeding completion time is NOT one game day, it must be on JST 0:00

Edited, Sep 19th 2006 at 9:15pm EDT by Urumnaf
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