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#27 May 26 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
The decline is where my Current LS is at now, Wish I could save it :(
Been In it almost the Entire 15 months I've been playing. Started out with about 9-10 Core members, Just a small group of good friends. After about 5 months of Very few new members we Exploded. 40+ on at the Peak hours. All vary in levels and such. But the Core members of course are now 70+ and 3 or 4 of Us so far have gone to HNNLS. Its really sad to see a Social group of several friends start to break up. And since Not everyone Levels at the same pace, Its not like we can all stick together. Now at anytime I'm usually the only Core member left, A few of them pop in from now and then. The LS leader is always here. I can tell some of the invites have left. And talk of a Merger with another LS much like ours is underway. Hopefully the new people will refresh our Older more seasond members and they'll be with us more often. But I do miss the older days when We all hit the Brick wall trying to all do our First Limit Break. Or when one of us first got a Rather Expensive Armor. When the game was a struggle is when its was fun. When It was a struggle along with friends it was at its best.
#28 May 26 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
I started the LS "The Dark Empire", shortly after NA release almost 2 years ago, on the Lakshmi server. I have seen many, many people come and go through the LS. We have had some ups and downs, but somehow we always right the ship and the growth begins again.
#29 May 26 2005 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
139 posts
Very accurate post. Almost exactly what my linkshell has been going through for the past few months.

We had three main leaders, as our actual shell leader is never on, and all three of them hit 70 a few months ago. First our SMN, Dieselone, started doing dynamis runs, and soon the other two, Arowheels, PLD, and Kodatsuku, MNK, started in.

Then, Kodatsuku got invited to a HNMLS. He accepted, which is what any of us would have done. Shortly after, Arowheels and Dieselone joined. The three of them were stil hanging around the linkshell for about a month.

Now, I haven't seen Dieselone in a month. Kodatsuku hasent been on in a few weeks. Arowheels neither. But in saying that, I
still enjoy their company, and the help and leadership they have shown me and the rest of SizeMatters. And now other members are stepping up, like Graveheart, Droxoul, Professor, Maelmare, and others.

Very accurate post. My linkshell seems to have passed through the cycle, and is starting to start through it again.
#30 Jul 01 2005 at 2:39 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
Sadly that post is 100% accurate. It's one of the reasons I keep 6 pearls. When I first started this game 13 months ago I was given a pearl to ShadowSaints. I was lvl 14 no subjob still playing with my galkan RDM. The LS offerred more friendship than I could ever expect. I considered most of the members as high levels (they were 30ish lol), but they were always willing to help me. We did social events and had a GREAT time.

About 6 months after I joined, the leader just up and quit. The only reason I know is because I logged in to find my shell broken (I still have the broken pearl). Fortunately, one of the members reacted quickly and made a new shell called BladesofMyst. She gathered most of the old members. At this point we had about 40 members.

Things went well for about 3 months. Eventually numbers started to dwindle and there were no real recruiting efforts done. The new members that did come in seemed to create conflict with the existing members. So much so that the shell was inevitably broken, and a new one was made called AngesDeMort.

ADM now is comprised of 6 members, all sackholders. Five of them have a lvl 40 static together regularly. The other (me) only pops in on occasion. >< Most people that were in there left because when they needed high level help for AF, Missions and whatnot, it just wasn't available. Personally, it was never a conscious decision to not hang out with them. But I have 2 RL friends in another LS and we're all around the same level, so there is more keeping me there. I still pop in every once in awhile, but not enough to keep me from feeling like I've abandoned them.

So I can completely identify with that post. It's incredibly sad but true. One thing I have noticed, is that LSs which hold events usually fare better than those who don't. The events give members a reason to keep coming back even if it's just to check when the next event is. Leadership also comprises a large role in keeping the LS together.

Off topic, I just said goodbye to Mysteryia (the leader and friend) today. She's taking a few months off to settle RL things. We had a spectacular sendoff for her today including a conga line through Lower Jeuno, a fireworks show and a bard concert. We ended it by going back to the dunes where we started and just helped random people for a few hours.
#31 Jul 01 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
I supposed DigitalBackSpin is A-typical then.

We started 18 months ago roughly and are around 200-220 members to date. Always 30+ members on at a time.

What might make us different is we really have 10 simple rules which break down to keep the LS a PG-13 environment, require players to respect each other and the LS as a group and avoid topics of an imflamatory or controversial nature (religioun, politics, etc).

The sack holder distribution is at around 10% of total member and is made up of people who are between the ages of 17 and 55. Sack holders act as moderators, and holders are level 17 no-sub through level 71. And all members are aware that Sack holders have the final say in disputes, BUT all sack holders are subject to the review of their peers in a private area and their decisions can be overturned. Everyone understands that fairness is the #1 priority in all things. If no one can settle it out this way, it becomes an open vote of the entire LS and majority rules.

Like all groups, we have drama from time to time, this person or that person flares up and usually leaves. Never does it result in a mass exodus, usually we gain more people per month than we lose to all combined factors.

What I have always found most interesting is that EVERYONE on our LS accepts everyone else. Whether they are there a year or a minute. That's really surprising to me. I think part of it is that we impress on people that there are no 'cliques' within the LS, the LS IS the 'clique' and more importantly many think of it as family (someone actually posted a LS family tree once). It might be due to the fact that we actually have entire families on the LS.

#32 Jul 13 2005 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
well i see where ur going with this thread. my shell so far has remained in the mature stage for the past yr or so, we have had some high lv members that have left and thats undestandable, they wanted things that we were not offering at the time. but being a shell leader for my shell since the NA PS2 release u get to see a lot of ppl come and go, u go through spurts of growth and then quietnes sometimes where u dont take members for a while. i guess our shell have scaped the whole decline stage cus we keep evolving. we started as a social LS but now we r getting geared towards higher eng game stuff since a great majority of my members are 60+. we still have the ocasional low lv here and there and the most part we always catered to them, and i noticed i kept loosing high lv members (the newly recruited ones tho) cus we were not catering to them. its all a matter of giving ppl what they need. we all want a social LS, it is fun u get to chat and giggle and u dont have all the stress of having to be in sky at a certain time to farm for hours (farming for ro'mave water is the most boring item to farm). but u get the items u wanted and stuff u needed. we all wishes we started doing gods and HNM with those same ppl that we all saw lv and helped and we know that r good. but for some reason or another sometimes the whole LS is not in sync when it comes to lv and getting some stuff done so some ppl get agntsy and really really wanna get the cool stuff going. sadly most social LS do not see that coming and the shell holder wants to make it work as much as posible, but when u have members bleeding to HNM ls and such and at the same time u have an influx of new members being recruited that dont know the stablished members that stayed behind it is a recipe for conflict and trouble. but i believe theres also an alternate route to the decline stage, it is called transiotion. most social ls dont achieve it and i think mine is going through that stage of transiotion from social/midlevel to social/highend stuff. i hope i am right but time will prove me wrong. i really want to do high end stuff with my shell and i will see my shell be broken before i apply to a HNM ls. its all about the leadership as well. if u have a leader that is just stuck in the social stage of a shell or thats all he/she wants it will go through all those shell stages, guranteed. i for one wanna do HNM and GODs with my shell and thats what im gearing my shell to so. but i guess ive been talking to much already time for me to go back to work....
#33 Jul 13 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
1,863 posts
Standard Linkshell
Growth -> Maturity -> Decline

Growth -> Growth -> Growth -> Drama -> Drama -> Implosion -> Collapse to small, cold core

Melting Ice Cream
Growth -> Lose 60% of the players -> Growth -> Lose 60% of the players -> Growth (repeat)

Specialist linkshells
Creation -> Growth -> Interest flags -> Growth halts -> Slow decline

"X Only!" shells
Creation -> Invite every Mithra in Jeuno to your private all-mithra girls-only LS -> be declared male, beaten to death, and strung up in Lower Jeuno as a warning to others

HNM shells
Creation -> Slurp talent from existing shells -> Declare that you're different than everyone else -> Steal someone else's point system, change two things, make it "new" -> Profit -> Drama -> Splintering into faction-shells, which then compete with each other

Community shells
see "Melting Ice Cream" with a side order of "Supernova" most times.

Am I missing anything?
#34 Jul 13 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
lol so true about HNM shells, they sure do steals everyones best or close to it.
#35 Jul 13 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
i hear ya, i sometimes think im in the process of losing a friend due to the fact that they joined the HNM LS.

thats why i created a CoP/ENM LS to hopefully be a possible alternative to end game problems, while at the same time staying with the friends i had about 1.5 years ago.
#36 Jul 13 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent

I started my linkshell when I was barely level 24 and it's still going strong. When we started we were all low 20s and now some of us have double 75s. We also do a lot of end game events. We've had our highs and our lows but we've stuck together a long long time now.
#37 Jul 13 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Excellent
6,357 posts
Thats another thing I think XI could have done better with.

Just the fact that you can have multiple LS's somewhat defeats the purpose.

No matter what MMO you are playing there will always be some kind of guild, whether you call it a Linkshell, guild, corperation (go EvE ^^), or whatnot, they all server the same general purpose. Its a group of people who are stuck together in a large game to either level, make money, camp high end boss monsters, kill other players, or just chat it is still suposed to be a tight nit group of people. When you are part of 3 or 4 LS's you really lose this. In a social group everyone should know each other and always be avaliable to talk about whatever the hell the group wants to talk about. If you are in a high end group and the Big Furry Monster just spawned you need to be avaliable to go kill him and get phat loot. If you are in a PKing (player killing) group and 7 enemy battlecruisers just came out of warp right into the middle of your minning operation you better as hell be kicking your warp drive into gear to go kick some *** or aid in the stratigic withdraw. If you are in a money making group then you better be able to trust everyone period end of story.

However in FFXI unlike almost every other game out there you can be in as many of these groups as you want. Now it wouldn't be so bad if you could listen in on LS chat from all of them however you can't. That means that someone can miss any of the things that I just mentioned and also causes what this thread talks about. Since people in LS's can't entirely trust everyone because of the reasons I have talked about they fall apart very quickly by comparison to other games. If you just look at some groups (I'm just going to call them guilds from here on out because thats what I'm going to be talking about) such as Conquest, they have been together since the early years of Everquest and were some of the first people to kill the high end bosses in World of Warcraft.

You could even look at my guild if you wanted to. We started out as the Allakhazam Posters Guild and were a lose group of people who had mostly moved from FFXI and all posted on Allakhazam. What started out as a small group and social guild slowly gained members untill one day someone typed in /ginfo and we have 150 accounts with 300 characters. This is where a LS would have fallen apart or gone into the decline as you call it. We had many high level people who needed a guild that they could kill high end bosses with. In XI they would have just joined a HNM LS and slowly left their old one behind. None of the 60's wanted to leave because if they did they would be breaking a bond with their old friends who they had been chatting with for almost 6 months now. Thats the problem, the fact that you can have mulitiple LS's tricks people into thinking they can be fully part of mulitiple linkshells and forms the type of LS decline syustem that you have in XI.

I ramble...

Oh yea my LS's story (to copy the stories above) afew friends and myself made it afew days after we started playing (after much rabbit killing to farm the furs) just to chat with each other. When the PS2 launched I invited alot of people in to teach them the ropes (afew of those I still play with) From there it was pretty stagnant just afew "Hey can I invite this person" every now and then but no big inviting pushes. It was pretty strong right up untill the day WoW launched. All but 2 people left. Since then 1 has gone back and he joined the LS that one of the 2 that stayed joined.

Thats all I've got.
#38 Jul 13 2005 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
260 posts
I find that one of the biggest problmes in the 2 LS's I have been in, is greed. Doing garrisons and people squabbling over drops and who got what, or people running off killing crawlers during the garrison because "they only need 3 more silks for a stack!" then somebody else Lots on the silks and people start getting pissed off because we need to concentrate on the garrison, not frickin silks. My first LS went downhill after this blowup, people said some hateful things (including me) and about 7 people left that nite.

Then the guy who made the original LS, who is a friend IRL, leaves FF to go play WoW :-(
So we end up making another LS, which is basically the same people as first Ls and a couple other people whom I dont even Now this new LS is declining because nothing gets done, no more garrisons, no more ECO's, it sucks. People are hesitant to do anything that involves drops or Gil because of the new members, who some dont know or trust, or are too low to do the events. Hell Im only one out of 2 in my LS who has done the 3 promy's. Ours is a very small LS, maybe 15-18 people tops.
Id like to be in a big LS that does a lot of events but I dont want to have to deal with the drama that comes with a big LS.

On a side note, how many LS's run a LS Fund? Where your drops are pooled and sold and gil and items are doled out to those who are underequipped or needing fairly expensive things. How do you guys decide on who gets what..where..etc..? Is it worth it? Does it cause whining and favoritism?
#39 Jul 13 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
That is exactly what happened to the linkshells i have been in. Greed/leveling/ all of the above.

In memory of two of the Greatest Titan Linkshells i have ever known. ---TheDarkNutrients-- and --DragonSouls-- i will remember everyone from those two groups, and hope we can reform one day as many of them have started playing this game again.
#40 Jul 13 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
very nicely written. this sounds exactly like the shell i own so far. here's the outline story of my shell.

I was in a LS for my first 31 lvls of play, 23 on my first char and 8 on my current, before it was broken for reasons i can't remember. I then decided to form my own. So I grabbed a few people I had become reasonable friends w/ ingame and started it. Within 2 weeks we had about 10-15 people, all lvl 10 or below. Some were friends and some were randomly invited. so this group played for awhile. once we all got to advanced jobs the shell once again expanded. we grew to maybe 30 people and it wads great. then people lvled at w/e speed they lvled at and spread out. although keep in mind that the second "class" of our LS really started out 30 lvls behind anyways. As we all lvled, we would have a recruitment every few weeks where we would invite random people w/ ?'s by their name. We figured we could help them get settled into the game and to not become noobs. so we recruited, and every once in awhile someone would leave to form their own shell, although they typically ended up coming back anyways. Once we got to around 60 members recruiting died out completely, as any bigger would have been too much for me to manage. or at least more than i wanted to. the level range of the shell began to spread out even more, and some of my closest friends and co-leaders did find hnm shells. eventually the average lvl of the active members was around lvl 60, and it bugged me that we had lost 10-15 good high lvls to hnm shells most of which were by then lvl 75. So I decided to buy a second LS and make it our endgame shell in an effort to keep everyone else together. Well, due to an overall lack of my playtime around that time, and the shell not being rdy anyways, that shell didn't work out. I myself, after doing dynamis for the first time felt the tug of the endgame and couldn't wait any longer for the rest of them :(. So I scrapped my other shell and joined an endgame shell about 3 weeks ago. The social is still there, and still has many good people in it. I expect it will stay that way for awhile yet. 2 people have followed me to the same endgame shell at least, which is nice. as far as new leadership taking over? I couldn't say if they have or not being that I'm not on as much. Although I do know hey had an altercation with a formerly goodstanding member which resulted in his ousting, so I guess someone must be taking charge. good post though, you pretty much nailed it on the head.

oh and btw, the shell has been around for almost a year and a half now. just to give you an idea of the timetable for the progression.
#41 Jul 13 2005 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
My first LS went through that pretty fast. People levelled really fast and left for other LS's or quit the game.

My current one has been together since January 2004. We grew for a while and now I think we have matured into a sky LS. We fought Zipacna yesterday and 15 people showed up. So we probably have 18+ people in the upper 60's or 70's.
#42 Jul 13 2005 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
In the vert first LS I was in most of the people where family in rl or knew eachother quite well in RL. When I first joined getting help was not an issue, but eventualy its became almost imposible to get any help for anything. The leader kicked a good friend of mine and i quickly left along with two others. Secnce the LS was very small to begin with it completely broke up shortly after.

I also have a problem with people ignoring me is some of the LSs ive been in. When you log on and say "Hi LS" wouldent you expect at least 1 hi back. I have now given up on greeting my LSs and just go on about my own buisness.
#43 Jul 14 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
149 posts
Nice post. I've seen many linkshells break because of the reasons you describe. However, as people reach level 65+ they start to think of end-game events. It's all a matter of choice once you've reached these levels. Some HNM/Sky/Dynamis linkshells only allow you to have their linkshell. As much as I strongly disagree with this term, it usually is the case for the strong end-game linkshells on servers.

The linkshell that I'm in is in its prime "maturity" stage and I don't see too many signs of the "decline" starting any time soon. Sure, I haven't done much end-game activities, and I would like to, but I also want to stick with friends and help others out. I've been in my current linkshell for about a year now. I've experimented with a couple others linkshells, but never have been away from my main one for more than a day. I've seen people from my linkshell quit or change linkshells, however I feel I've made a home with my linkshell, so it would be incredibly hard to leave.

So it's all a choice. Are you willing to possibly give up friends for the chance to do end-game things? It's a choice I believe many others are thinking of, and a choice that I still haven't come to terms with.
#44 Jul 14 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
406 posts
Very nice post, and for the most part I agree with it. I will say, though, that just like in business there are some likshells that buck the trend.

Arcanum, Leviathan Server: Formed in Dec. '03, and still going strong.

I think the keys to our success have been a good core of people who have become really good friends, strong Leadership, and a very active Formums with a Calendar where anyone can post an event.
#45 Jul 14 2005 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,067 posts
Long time ago my roommate and I started a LS and it was going really well, we reached peak stride, we were doing weekly expeditionary forces with another all Basrok LS. Then both of us couldnt be on as much for a while do to real life so one of the other members stepped in to watch the shell. There slowly became a mutany and one of the members formed their own shell taking only 2-3 of their closest friends. The rest of our shell soon transfered to the other to be with their friends. Only 3-4 very loyal members stayed and whomever else didnt join this other shell or stay was soon swalled up by a new massive linkshell which eventualy ate like 5 other all bastok shells. Sort of passive hostile takeover, if you will. My buddy and I returned only to say WTF. He was already disenchanted with peoples ******** in game and took a long break.

Some time passes, Im leveling solo again, cause I no longer have LS mates to static with and essentialy start a new. I find myself partying with several people in the same LS for a week and eventualy end up in their shell. I came in on the peak, shells awesome, I tell my roommate. Eventualy the owner bestows on me a sack, I give my buddy a pearl and some oldschool LS mates. Were integrated and doing things as a group, some minor cliques exist, blah blah blah. Boom! HNM Linkshell time. Im stuck at 60 with not many friends to do things with save my friend because everyone is on an HNM too low level, or I do not like the new recruits. Some friends feel the same.

I pull out and onld shell that I bought and have no members for except my roommate, suddenly it becomes a modest 10 member shell only for my closest friends. Only 4 people use it... It fades away. The previous shell owner asks us whats up, we say that we dont like some of the new recruits, which we didnt. Alot can be said about a guy who double posts every comment he makes and Im not kidding 90% of everything he says is a double post. Shell owner kicks the people who are dragging shell down, we keep the good ones. Shell is starting to pick back up again and is being revived. However, I feel left out cause none of them are in my level range and I help when I can, but I'm stuck being to high for the young ones and too young for an HNM shell at 60.

Im disenchanted and feel isolated in a shell that when I first found I said OMGWTFBBQ over it, because it was the foshizzle and reminded me of my buddy and mine's old shell we had, when it was awesome... I guess my point here is, yeah you pretty much nailed this one on the head on this one. Good post and excellent observations everyone on your replies to. I rate you up ^^
#46 Jul 14 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
Me = Former EQ player.
Joined a small guild that quickly died as members lost interest. ;.;
Joined a medium size guild that slowly died as members lost interest. ;.;
Joined a large guild with online forum. > Had lots of fun killing gods! ^.^! > Big drama between founding members. >.< > Got disgousted and left EQ for good. ;.;

Join FFXI! Join excellent extablished LS with an online forum! :D > Big drama in LS between members gets taken to the forum. >:( > Forum dies. ;.; > Founding member leaves for WoW. >.<! > LS dies as core members merge with another LS. ;.;

Join the Truthseekers LS! > Lag behind as most members race toward lvl 75. > Occasional drama. -.- > Survive drama! o.o! > Some members leave for HNMLSs. ;.; > Survive loss of membership! O.O!

Everyone had good points about what makes/breaks a community. I've seen it happen. It's nice to see the cycle CAN be broken! :3
#47 Jul 14 2005 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
the cycle can be broken, but it rare.. very rare.

Sometimes if you try to be a new leader, the real leader will get
mad, you and the real leader are buttin' heads, and everyone else is mad.. SOO then you back off, everyone gets bored and switches linkshells.. Now there new at a linkshell, if its a old LS they feel left out and want back in the first LS but can't then there even more bored/lonely then in the first linkshell..

If in a new LS there is not many people in the group and the leader is some-what new at being leader and will let anyone join the linkshell, the new people/person mite hav issues...

Its happened to me before.. O(o_o)O
#48 Jul 15 2005 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
739 posts
or you can just turn your social LS to an HNM LS like we did ;o

its funny having level 40s in an HNMLS
#49 Jul 15 2005 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
Excelent post. Rate up.
So sad but true, that linkshells have their life cycle too.
My main ls is nearing its end...
What a downer to end the night on.
Goodnight. ; ; ~Aet
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