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Macros 101Follow

#1 Feb 25 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
638 posts
    .:[∞]Macros - 101[∞]:. 
            (Because "Macros 100" sounds retarded)
Warning! This post is to be considered a guide and is extremely long.
Now...Welcome to Macros 101! I'll be your teacher, Admiral
Sinoras. My job here is to teach you everything there is to
know (or at least all I know) about the art of macros. This
guide contains everything from simple macro commands to advanced
equip-changing macros. There were some macro guides in
the "Game Guides" section and I plan to cover all of them plus a
lot more that they didn't discuss (I just don't know how to
submit a guide yet). Hopefully, once everyone has had a chance
to throw in some suggestions and such, an Admin can move it to
the proper area. Now grab a #2 pencil and a piece of college-
rule paper and let's get dis show on teh r0ad! (o_o; ) Here is a
quick overview of the lesson plan:
 .:u]Chapter 1 -- Getting started[/u:. 
      1.1) Introduction to Macros 
      1.2) Macros in FFXI 
 .:u]Chapter 2 -- Macro Commands[/u:. 
      2.1) Macro Formation Template 
      2.2) "Direction" Commands 
      2.3) "Action" Commands 
      2.4) "Recipient" Commands 
      2.5) "Chat Direction" Commands 
      2.6) "Chat Message" Commands 
 .:u]Chapter 3 -- Example Macros[/u:. 
      3.1) Popular Provoke Macro 
      3.2) Cure macro 
      3.3) Equip-Changing Macros 
      3.4) Item Usage Macro 
      3.5) Search Comment Macro 
      3.6) SATA Macro 
 .:u]Chapter 4 -- Advanced Functions[/u:. 
      4.1) Recast Function 
      4.2) Echo Function 
 .:u]Chapter 5 -- Conclusion[/u:. 
      5.1) Dismissal 
      5.2) Informatives Cited 

.:[∞]Chapter 1 -- Getting Started[∞]:.

.:u]Lesson 1.1 -- Introduction to Macros[/u:.
First off, let's understand what a macro is, for all those who may be
new to the game. Let's take a look at the definition of a macro:
  macro - A name that is equated to a text or symbolic expression 
    to which it is to be expanded by a macro expander.
What this means is that a macro is used to activate a group of preset
actions. Macros use shortcuts to activate these groups. The purpose of a
macro is to save time; instead of performing tedious tasks over
and over, you can use the shortcut key/function and have the
macro do it for you.

.:u]Lesson 1.2 -- Macros in FFXI[/u:.
The game FFXI is a great experience, but as you progress through the
game, you learn new magic spells, job abilities and you start to
interact with other players on a more complex level. This is
where macros become irreplaceable; they will help you carry out
certain tasks, whether it be saying a common phrase to your
party or just using a simple spell or ability.

The FFXI macro setup menu can be located in the second list of
the main in-game menu. This is what you will use to create your
macros for use while playing FFXI. There are 10 macro sets
which include 20 macros each.

Each macro set has 10 macros triggered by holding the ALT
key and pressing a number key from 1 through Zero (on the home
pad right above the letter keys, NOT the numpad) and also
10 macros triggered by holding the CTRL key and pressing a
number key. 20 macros per set X 10 sets = 200
That's quite a few. Also there are 6 lines to be
used in every macro. Now that we have an understanding of what
a macro is and what it can be used for in FFXI, let's take a
look at some commands that can be used in macros.

.:[∞]Chapter 2 -- Macro Commands[∞]:.

.:u]Lesson 2.1 -- Macro Formation Template[/u:.
Most of the macros will follow the pattern of one of the following
templates. Use these as a guide to form your own macros:
  \|                                             |/ 
   | For using a job ability or casting a spell: | 
   |                                             | 
   |   [Silver]<direction>    <action>    <recipient>    | 
  \|                                             |/ 
   | For sending a chat message or an echo:      | 
   |                                             | 
   |   <chat direction>    <chat message>        | 
  /|                                             |\ 
Other types of macros and commands are also available, such as
equip-changing macros, /follow and /wait commands, but those are
a little more complex and will be discussed later; I just wanted
to start off with some simple stuff.

.:u]Lesson 2.2 -- "Direction" Commands[/u:.
I couldn't think of how to explain these commands, so I called them
"direction commands" because they tell the macro where to start
and what direction to take, if you will. All of the following
commands open a macro:
      /ja -- Starts a macro that uses a job ability. 
      /ma -- Starts a macro that uses magic (can be used for  
               all magic including elemental/cure magic, 
               ninjustu, summoning and bard songs. 
      /so -- Starts a macro that uses a bard song (I just use 
               the /ma command myself; it's easier). 
      /ws -- Starts a macro that uses a weapon skill. 

.:u]Lesson 2.3 -- "Action" Commands[/u:.
All of the action commands are spells/job abilities that are used in a
macro to tell the macro what action to use (ninjustu, songs and
summons all count as spells) There are a few rules to follow
when inserting action commands into a macro. All of these are
very important for the macro to work:
       1) Make sure that the job ability/spell is spelled 
       2) If there are capital letters in the name of the job 
            ability/spell, make sure to include those. 
       3) Be sure that the name of the job ability/spell is in 

.:u]Lesson 2.4 -- "Recipient" Commands[/u:.
This is a list of commands used in ending macros that deal with
targeting certain PC's or NPC's (NOTE: This may not include the
full definition of all of these terms; I am only describing them
as they pertain to macros). These work in cooperation with the
direction commands that tell the macros who/what to perform
the action command on:
      <t> -- Perform macro on current target. 
     <me> -- Perform macro on your character. 
     <bt> -- Perform macro on current party mob (enemy that 
               has a red-lettered name). 
     <st> -- Let's you choose target (with the sub-target cursor) 
               to apply the macro to. Can target anything. 
   <stpc> -- Let's you cycle the sub-target cursor. You can 
               target Players only. 
  <stnpc> -- Let's you cycle the sub-target cursor. You can only 
               target NPC's only (everything but players) 
  <lastt> -- Perform macro on the last PC/NPC targeted. 
 <lastst> -- Perform macro on the last PC/NPC sub-targeted. 

.:u]Lesson 2.5 -- "Chat Direction" Commands[/u:.
Chat direction commands are used to start a macro that sends a message
to fellow players or even yourself(with the /echo command) I try
to use the word "hear" in this lesson loosely because you don't
hear text, obviously:
       /s -- Send a message in the /say chat filter (if a player 
               can see you, they can hear you). 
      /sh -- Send a message in the /shout chat filter (any player 
               in the same area as you can hear you). 
       /p -- Send a message in the /party chat filter (anyone in 
               your party can hear you). 
       /l -- Send a message in the /linkshell chat filter (anyone 
               in your current linkshell can hear you). 
    /echo -- Send a message to yourself that appears in system 
               chat filter (will explain later on) 
       /t -- Send a message to a specific person using the /tell 
               chat filter. 
         |The /t or /tell command is the only chat command that | 
         |  is set up differently than the rest of the commands.| 
         |  It is set up like so:                               | 
      /t   Aensuko     Yo, bro, haven't seen you in a while! 
      <cd> <recipient> <chat message> 
         |As opposed to how the rest are set up:                | 
      /p   {Thank you} for letting me join :D 
      <cd> <chat message> 

.:u]Lesson 2.6 -- "Chat Message" Commands[/u:.
Pretty self-explanatory, just type in the message you want to send
after the "chat direction" and there you go! Just make sure that
you have enough room to write you message because FFXI has like
a 100 character maximum I think.

.:[∞]Chapter 3 -- Example Macros[∞]:.

.:u]Lesson 3.1 -- Popular Provoke Macro[/u:.
Let's say you have chosen the path of the Warrior in FFXI.
Once you reach level 5 you receive an ability called "Provoke,"
which when used, will build up hate averting the enemy's
attention to you. Go into the macro menu and choose any macro
shortcut that you want (I'll say we use Alt+1 macro, it doesn't
matter what set you have) Here is an example of how to set up a
macro to use this ability:
  Enter this text in the first line of the macro: 
    /ja "Provoke" <t> 
|This will perform the job ability called "Provoke" on          | 
|  your current target.  If you have a player targeted, it will | 
|  display an error and nothing will happen.                    | 
|If you would like to insert a line to tell your party that you | 
|  are using it, insert this line:                              | 
    /p <insert corny joke here> [Green]{Provoke} --> <t>[/Silver] 
|The <t> will be converted into the name of your current target | 
|  so the message to your party will show up like this:         | 
    (Sinoras) Got yer nose! HYUK!!1! [Green]{Provoke} --> Kraken 
    (Omgwtflolroflgg) OMG WTF!?!?[/Teal] 
|Next popular thing to do with a Provoke macro is to insert wait| 
|  functions to tell you and the party when your next Provoke is| 
|  ready for use:                                               | 
    /wait 15 
    /p [Green]{Provoke} {Ready!} in 15 seconds. 
    /wait 15 
    /p {Provoke} {Ready!}[/Silver] 
|What this does is wait 15 seconds after you use it and let the | 
|  party know that there is 15 seconds left until you can use   | 
|   Provoke again. Since Provoke has a 30 second reuse timer, we| 
|  use 2 wait macros. Obviously the 1st 15 seconds plus the 2nd | 
|  15 equals a total of 30 seconds, Provoke is reusable once you| 
|  see the party message.  This macro will take up all six lines| 
|  of a macro and should look like this:                        | 
    /ja "Provoke" <t> 
    /p Got yer nose! HYUK!!1! [Green]{Provoke} --> <t> 
    /wait 15 
    /p {Provoke} {Ready!} in 15 seconds. 
    /wait 15 
    /p {Provoke} {Ready!}[/Silver] 

.:u]Lesson 3.2 -- Cure Macro[/u:.
Since my main job is bard and white mage is my matching subjob, I
help the main healer in my party keep our party members up to
par. This is the basic Cure macro I use to help back up heal:
    /ma "Cure III" <st> 
|What this does is bring up the sub-target cursor first and let | 
|  me choose the party member I want to cast Cure III on.  Next| 
|  I choose the party member by using the F1-F6 keys.  A good   | 
|  way of telling what PF keys respond to which party members is| 
|  to look in the bottom right hand corner of the screen at the | 
|  member list, F1 being you and, counting down the list, F2-F6 | 
|  being the rest of the party.  Then hit enter to cast Cure III| 
|  on the chosen party member.                                  | 

.:u]Lesson 3.3 -- Equip-Changing Macros[/u:.
Another good thing to have for various reasons is an equip-
changing macro. You may want to change out your melee/mage
armor for some Nomad/Vagabond armor when you use your /heal
macro so you can have added +HP regeneration effects. All of
the equipment locations used in the macros are as follows:
     main -- Main weapon slot 
      sub -- Shield or 2nd weapon with Dual Wield 
    range -- Bow/crossbow/fishing pole/instrument 
     ammo -- Arrows/bolts/lure/bait/pet food 
     head -- Head armor 
     neck -- Necklace/pendant/charm 
     ear1 -- Left earring 
     ear2 -- Right earring 
     body -- Body armor 
    hands -- Hand armor 
    ring1 -- Left ring 
    ring2 -- Right ring 
     back -- Back armor 
    waist -- Waist armor 
     legs -- Leg armor 
     feet -- Foot armor 
|Equip macros are set up like so (this is an example of what    | 
|  they will look like):                                        | 
    /equip body "Nomad's Tunica" 
    /equip hands "Nomad's Gloves" 
    /equip legs "Nomad's Hose" 
    /equip feet "Nomad's Boots" 
    /equip main "Dark Staff" 
|You may also want to make another macro that equips all of your| 
|  melee/mage equipment back when you are done healing.  Also,  | 
|  make sure that the equipment names are in quotes and spelled | 
|  correctly, or else the macro will not work.  If you are not  | 
|  sure how to spell it, look in the equipment menu, NOT the    | 
|  inventory menu (i.e. if you own Vagabond's Gloves, they will | 
|  be spelled "Vgd. Gloves" in the equipment menu, so thats how | 
|  you'd spell it in the equip macro.  "Vagabond's Gloves" will | 
|  NOT work).                                                   | 

.:u]Lesson 3.4 -- Item Usage Macro[/u:.
Sometimes a special occasion comes up where you need to use an item
and it's really nice to have macro to take care of that for you.
Here is an example of how to form one:
    /item <item name> <recipient> 
    /item "Melon Pie +1" <me> 

Be sure to enter the item name in quotes (i.e. "Rolanberry Pie"
and that the recipient function matches the item (if you use it
on yourself, use <me> for the recipient command, if you use it
on another target, use <t>).

.:u]Lesson 3.5 -- Search Comment Macro[/u:.
As gangstakago suggests, a macro to make a search comment every time
you log on would be perfect; instead of having to go into the
menu and choose search and type all that information in, you
could set up a macro to do it for you, but you are only limited
to three lines of text. You can use either /seacom or /sc as
the macro direction:
    /seacom  1 @7900 JP/EN [Green]{party} OK! 
    /seacom 2 {Erase}/{Rolanberry Pie}/{Melon Juice} 
    /seacom 3 {please} {Invite to join party.}[/Silver] 

.:u]Lesson 3.6 -- SATA Macro[/u:.
Sneak Attack + Trick Attack is one of the best things that a theif
can do, but in order to cut down on cast time and/or ******** up
the cycle, you will need a macro to handle this.
  Squatchito suggests you use one macro: 
    /ja "Sneak Attack" <me> 
    /wait 1 
    /ja "Trick Attack" <me> 
  I would suggest using two macros: 
  Macro #1: 
    /ja "Sneak Attack" <me> 
  Macro #2: 
    /ja "Trick Attack" <me> 
Of course, Squatchito's suggestion is more conservative, but
with the way I do it, you can hit the two macros in succession
and have it stack both Sneak Attack and Trick Attack faster.

.:[∞]Chapter 4 -- Conclusion[∞]:.

.:u]Lesson 4.1 -- Recast Function[/u:.
The recast function is an extremely useful function in that it
will announce the recast time on any spell or job ability (or
anything that has a recast time for that matter). It's very simple to use:
    /recast <action> 

This will display the recast time for the specified spell/job
ability to where only you can see, this cuts down on the party
messages such as "{Provoke} {Ready!} <annoying_call_noise>."

.:u]Lesson 4.2 -- Echo Function[/u:.
Another function that has a much similar use as the recast
function is the /echo function. It displays whatever message
you like in a system font type to where only you can see (same
as the recast function). I would say the most I have used this
function for was to display recast times before I found out about
the /recast function ^___^ heres an example macro:
    /ja "Provoke" <t> 
    /p Provoke --> <t> 
    /wait 15 
    /echo Provoke ready in 15 seconds... 
    /wait 15 
    /echo Your provoke ability is ready to use. 

.:[∞]Chapter 5 -- Conclusion[∞]:.

.:u]Lesson 5.1 -- Dismissal[/u:.
Well I hope that this covers most of what there is to deal with
macros. If there was something that you didn't understand
please post a response to it. Also, if you have any information
on how I could make this into a guide and get it into the "Game
Guides" section, please let me know. Thanks! (o ^_')b

May this guide clear up some issues dealing with macros. Happy
hunting and don't forget to play around with cool symbols to add
into those macro and spice them up a little bit. If you would
like me to add information to the guide, please post it and I
will incorporate it and cite your name.

.:u]Lesson 5.2 -- Informatives Cited[/u:.
To all the people that helped in making this macro a success:
  gangstakago -- Suggestions for search comment macro and for 
                   item usage. 
    MMORPGFan -- Explaining how search comment function works. 
   Squatchito -- Providing information on SATA and the /recast function. 

Thanks, guys!!

~Sinoras Smiley: jester

Edited, Thu Dec 29 10:54:38 2005 by Sinoras

Edited, Thu Dec 29 11:09:21 2005 by Sinoras

Edited, Thu Dec 29 11:58:17 2005 by Sinoras
#2 Feb 25 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Wow! Great job, and a rate up for you. What I'm also interested in is the ability to set search comments with a macro. This came out in the last update, correct? Does anyone have an idea as to how this is done?

Once again, well done Admiral Sinoras.

Edit: Thanks MMORPGFan ;)

Edited, Fri Feb 25 11:12:45 2005 by RevolvingImages
#3 Feb 25 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
(from the FFXI Update Bulletin)

New text commands for setting search comments have been added.
There are two steps to setting a search comment using text commands. First, compose a comment of up to 3 lines using /seacom. Second, set a category and subcategory with /seacomup to register the comment.
1. Composing a Search Comment

/seacom (/sc) [line no.] "[mes.]"

Search comments can be up to 3 lines long. Enter the line number of the search comment window, and then type your message.
If you wish to enter spaces before the message, the entire message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Example :
/seacom 1 Hello!
/seacom 2 Invite me to your party!
/sc 3 " Please!"

The first, second, and third lines of the search comment window will be entered as "Hello!", "Invite me to your party!", and " Please!", respectively.
At this point, your comment has yet to be registered and will not be displayed in searches. This is accomplished by setting the category name and subcategory number with the /seacomup command.

* Messages cannot exceed 40 characters for each line. Lines longer than 40 characters will be truncated.

2. Registering a Search Comment

/seacomup (/scu) [category name] [subcat. no.]
Category names and subcategory numbers are as follows :

-Category Names
expparty, mission, quest, item, synthesis, battlefield, others

-Subcategory Numbers
1 Seek Party, Want to Sell, Need Made
2 Find Member, Want to Buy, Can Make
3 Other

Example :
/seacomup expparty 1

Your search comment will be registered under Seek Party within Expparty, and will be displayed in searches involving these categories.

* If no category is specified, the message will be registered in Others. If no subcategory is specified, the message will be registered in 3 (Other).
#4 Feb 25 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
694 posts
Haha. You used my name. :p Great guide! Rate up lil' buddy.
#5 Feb 25 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
638 posts
Thanks, guys for the rate ups ^^ Good to see all that work was not in vain.

~Sinoras Smiley: jester
#6 Feb 25 2005 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
You can even add the new search comment part that I posted into your guide if you want.
#7 Feb 25 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
I am a relatively new player, but I do use macros a ton and was wondering about one thing... You mentioned that there are 10 macro sets, each containing 20 macros, but how do you switch out macro sets?? I've heard other posters mention it before, but haven't seen any reference to switching out sets. Thanks for the help.

- Dev
#8 Feb 25 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
2,075 posts
The recipient command <bt> is particularly useful - I have a macro that is just:

/target <bt>

This means that if my pt is in the middle of a group of non-linking, non-aggro mobs (eg Yhoatar Mandragora),I never accidentally attack the wrong one ^^.
#9 Feb 25 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
114 posts
very good guide. very well written.

"Vagabond's Gloves" will not work

Not completely true.

If you look at the name of the item as it appear in the item detail window, you will probably notice the item is called "Vagabond's gloves" the G in gloves is not capitalized. If you put

/equip Hands "Vagabond's gloves" it will work. I use all the time.

The shorted version is probably a little easier though. Anyways, just thought I would clarify.
#10 Feb 25 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
2,872 posts
Nice guide Sinoras, very helpful to people new to the game and unsure about macros. Or even some veterans who have heretofore not been using macros to their full potential.

I just have one minor minor detail to nitpick, and I hate to bring it up after you did such great work, but it's one of my pet-peeves. Whenever you used the "auto-translator" brackets, you put the red one at the beginning, and green at the end. It should be the other way around. ^_~ I always remember it like this: Green (go) starts the word/phrase and Red (stop) ends it. ^_^;

Otherwise, <Good Job!>
Samus taught us that a girl doesn't need brains to be successful. Brains are giant, evil and vulnerable to missiles.
#11 Feb 25 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
2,872 posts
Devinry wrote:
I am a relatively new player, but I do use macros a ton and was wondering about one thing... You mentioned that there are 10 macro sets, each containing 20 macros, but how do you switch out macro sets?? I've heard other posters mention it before, but haven't seen any reference to switching out sets. Thanks for the help.

- Dev
Hold down one of the macro keys (CTRL/ALT for keyboard, L1/R1 for controller) and press the Up or Down keys (not movement buttons, but Arrow keys on keyboard, not analog stick, but D-Pad on controller). That will switch you between all of your macro sets.
Samus taught us that a girl doesn't need brains to be successful. Brains are giant, evil and vulnerable to missiles.
#12 Feb 25 2005 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Thanks Gocchin. I knew it was probably something really simple, just hadn't figured it out. Happy Friday!

- Dev
#14 Feb 25 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
638 posts
MMORPGFan wrote:
You can even add the new search comment part that I posted into your guide if you want.
Thanks for the offer, very helpful, but it doesn't deal with macros unfortunately lol
#15 Feb 25 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
638 posts
EDIT: I cleaned up the guide a little bit, but for some reason the thread is all weird o__o hopefully it will be moved to the guide section.
#16 Feb 25 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
Wahaha. I partied with Aensuko last night in Quifim while lvl'ing THF for no reason.

Even though I have 50+ mage jobs, I never used the <st > or <stpc > macros. *Shrug* Mostly /ma Cure <t > while looking around with the Fkeys.
#17 Feb 25 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
Macros for using items? ie Juices/Instant reraise Thanks
#18 Feb 25 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
694 posts
Hah, yo Satoko.. sorry about that party last night. Sway was a bit... ehh.. yea. And if you were wondering what happened to me, I fell asleep on my couch. Hope everyone was alright. ^_^

#19 Feb 25 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
2,872 posts
For things you consume or use on yourself like juice, potions, ether:
/item "Exact Item Name Here" <me>

To macro hatchets/pickaxe/sickle for logging/mining/harvesting:
/item "Hatchet/Pickaxe/Sickle" <t> (Although I'm not sure if the item is supposed to be capitalized or not)

[EDIT: oops, broke my bold. Fixed. :)]

Edited, Fri Feb 25 16:12:51 2005 by gangstakago
Samus taught us that a girl doesn't need brains to be successful. Brains are giant, evil and vulnerable to missiles.
#20 Feb 25 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
2,872 posts
Admiral Sinoras wrote:
MMORPGFan wrote:
You can even add the new search comment part that I posted into your guide if you want.
Thanks for the offer, very helpful, but it doesn't deal with macros unfortunately lol
Actually, one of the reasons they added the search comment commands was so that you could put it in a macro.

It was annoying to have to retype your search comment if you happened to log out (LFG for days, anyone?), so now you can type it once in a macro, and hit it whenenver you log in. ^^
Samus taught us that a girl doesn't need brains to be successful. Brains are giant, evil and vulnerable to missiles.
#21 Feb 25 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
260 posts
Rate up! Nice guide Admiral, /salute!
#22 Feb 25 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
638 posts
Yes the item name needs to be spelled exactly how it appears
in the Inventory Menu, capitals and all. This will be added
to the guide, thanx for the suggestion dubisbeast and to
gangstakago for the quick answer.

~Sinoras Smiley: jester

EDIT: Also, thank you again to gangstakago for the
suggestion on the search comment macro, this will also be added. ^^

Edited, Fri Feb 25 16:50:34 2005 by Sinoras
#23 Feb 25 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
Earthbound, can you please edit your post? It is the one that is causing the thread to expand horizontally. There is a whole extra line with nothing but spaces underneath what you wrote (highlight the entire post to see for yourself).
#24 Feb 28 2005 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
638 posts
New information added:

1) Search comment macro
2) SATA Macro
3) Item usage macro

Also, a second thanx to MMORPGFan and the Admin of this post for catching the culprit ('.~ )b
#25 Feb 28 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
662 posts
One small error with the search comment section you added:
You have to end the macro with the command that actually registers your comment. For your example, you're using an xp party comment, so the line would be:

/scu expparty 1

I believe the longer form of "/scu" is "/seacomup", but I'm not sure on that, you might want to confirm it.
#26 Feb 28 2005 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
638 posts
You have to end the macro with the command that actually registers your comment.
When I use the /seacom function in game, I have notice that it puts the search comment under EXP/Party (green comment) as a default; I've never had to use the search comment for anything else. I will do some research and it will be updated. Thank you for the suggestion ^^

~Sinoras Smiley: jester
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