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2hr {You can have this}Follow

#1 Oct 08 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
When I saw This thread I decided I would try my hand at making a guide to using your 2hrs more effectivly.

Two Hours

Warrior: Mighty Strikes

Effect: All of the user's attacks are critical hits.
Duration: 45 seconds

When to use:

Mighty Strikes should be used when lots of damage needs to be done quickly.

Soloing Example: The battle has come down to the enemy and yourself both down to 1/8th of your HP, using Mighty Strikes will help you defeat the enemy faster, so you can survive the battle.

Party Example: You are almost finished with the battle when another enemy links, using Mighty Strikes will help you finish off the enemy so your party can take care of the link.

Mighty strikes also affects weapon skills, and moreso multi-hit weapon skills.
(Thanks Shoulderofrage!)

When not to use:

Dont use Mighty Strikes on an enemy when... well I can't quite think of a bad example. Other then using it for no reason at all, which is just a bit of a waste.

Monk: Hundred Fists

Effect: Removes all wait between attacks.
Duration: 45 Seconds

When to use:

Hundred Fists is considered one of the best 2hrs in the game(and no its not my personal biast Smiley: wink). It is used in times where the mob needs to die, and fast. In times, it may be more useful then Mighty Strikes because it doesnt matter as much when a few attacks miss. But on high defense mobs, hitting the mob for 1 damage for 45 seconds wont really do much.

Soloing Example: You can basically use Hundred Fists when you wanna solo something a little too strong (a NM maybe) but nothing too strong (dont go trying to solo VTs with it).

Party Example:
Singbismark wrote:
I often use my 2 hour to get a chain 5.
When leveling in Cape Terragin, we will sometimes get a link from a T or VT gob while fighting Cockatrice.
I'llk wait till the **** is close to dead, activate Focus Dodge and Berserk and go after the gob.
I usualy have it dead by the time the first mob dies.

Thats a great example of an awesome use of Hundred Fists.

When not to use:

Singbismark wrote:
However: Dont do this on an IT mob, even if the PLD uses Cover, and Invincible the MNK will still end up with Agro.

Thanks Singbismark Smiley: grin

White Mage: Benediction

Effect: Restores HP to all party members withing range.
Duration: Instant

When to use:

Benediction is great to use in emergencies, but can turn out to be death to the user. Using benediction generates a lot of hate to the user, and White Mages dont deal with hate very well. It could be useful to keep up a chain, to remove downtime without using MP for a chain every 2 hours.

Soloing Example: Well using a 2hr in soloing is ussually pretty straight foreward. You could use benediction if you are about to die.

Party Example: Lets say the tank has died, everyone is low on HP, but the enemy is almost dead. This would be a perfect time to use benediction. Be prepared to get wailed on though.
tabstopper wrote:
Regarding Benediction, IMO, it really is best to use this before your tank dies, because they're the one in your party who has the most chance of holding hate (or regaining hate) so the Whm doesn't die. A good Pld tank can hold hate through a late battle Benediction, often without the use of Invincible (though that's a failsafe)

The hate generated from Benediction is reliant from the amount of HP recovered. So if you were to use benediction to preserve MP in a tough battle, I would believe that would work out ok too.
(Thanks Anomander, Florina and Jmakovec for clearing that up)

When not to use:

It isnt a good idea to use benediction when everyone is at full. Actually that's just common sense Smiley: tongue Anyways, it should be common sense when you shouldnt use Benediction. It steals hate so using it when it isnt absolutly necesarry isnt a good idea.

Black Mage: Manafont

Effect: Takes away all MP cost for spells. Also prevents spell interruption.
Duration: 30 Seconds

When to use:

Uh-oh. The damn thing aint dead yet, im almost out of MP and its so close too. Manafont! There you go, nuke to your hearts desire. But be careful, you still get hate if you nuke too much too fast.

Soloing Example: Well as I said before, if the enemy is almost dead but you are out of MP. It is also useful when you are about to die, and need to warp/sleep ect. because it also makes your spells un-interruptable.
(Thanks Tolbi!)

Party Example: Using this in emergencies like links is a great idea.

When not to use:
Dont use this if you have full MP! For god's sake, don't be stupid! Don't use this if the battle is udner control and it is useless to do so.
For BCNM40 Slimes, it is smart to use 2hr first, because you need to nuke your hardest nukes at first, and eventually you wil lbe using lighter nukes, therefor saving alot of mp.
(Ok im wrong hee hee)
(credit to xDrdre)

Red Mage: Chainspell

Effect: Eliminates the cast time between spells.
Duration: 30 Seconds

When to use:

Chainspell is better at higher levels. At lower levels all you can really do is chainspell cures and stones! Look out tunnel worm! As you get higher, chainspell helps you Chainspell->Raise Raise Raise Raise Convert Raise Raise Raise. Or chainspell curing.

Soloing Example: When you are about to die you can chainspell then cure yourself. Or you could go offensive and chainspell nuke the enemy to death!

Party Example: Chainspell is mainly used for chainspelling raise at higher levels. It could also be extremely helpful if you are at full but somebody pulls more then one mob. Chainspell-> Cure would be helpful in this situation. Using Chainspell-> warp/escape/teleport would also be pretty helpful in some cases. Chainspell-> Sleep can help with links and a 75 RDM/ 37 DRK can Chainspell stun for 30 seconds and make the thing not move. Period. But it can reisisted.
(thanks to Kuporeid, Dutchess Iantha, Jacanuck and Giju)

Here is a great thread on Chainspell and it's uses.

When not to use:

Don't be using Chainspell if you are out of MP unless you plan on converting. Even so, it would be best to convert, heal yourslef, then chainspell.

Thief: Perfect Dodge

Effect: Evasion of all physical attacks.
Duration: 30 Seconds

When to use:

Perfect Dodge is mainly for soloing problems, since THF doesnt make the greatest tank its hard to make useful in a part enviroment.

koteeoz wrote:
Also Perfect Dodge is often used to pull the "Mega Boss" at dynamis. You can perfect dodge, attack, flee, then run. Then another member pull off the Mega Boss, and you go die somewhere away from alliances(seeing as how you will have 50 mobs attacking you lol).

I wouldnt know this, seeing as I haven't been there. Thanks Koteeoz!

deadgye wrote:
If there is an add i will usally switch targets to it and tan kit using utsusemi, i will take 2-3 hits then have utsusemi cast again taking another 3 hits, then use PD and then utsusemi when its up and then i can get it up again when its done, this gives my pt about a min to kill the other mob before the other one even does any damage.

Soloing Example: Its kinda hard not to know when to use this when soloing, use perfect dodge when you are near death and the enemy is almost dead or when you need to run, screaming for the zone.

Party Example:Ive heared of my THF friend Provokings the mob off of the tank, then using Perfect dodge, and actually saving the day. So it is possible, but not often.

When not to use:

Dont use Perfect Dodge when you dont need it, plain and simple. Just dont waste it and you are good.

Paladin: Invincible

Effect: No physical damage taken.
Duration: 30 Seconds

When to use:

Invincable Suites Paladin very well. Being the main tank and all, in emergency,Paladin can save lives with this ability. Incvincable also generates a large amount of hate.

Soloing Example: Use Invincible in soloing as you would Perfect Dodge. Use it to finish off the mob or to run screaming for the zone.

Party Example:If the mages are out of MP, and you are too, using Invincible will help keep the hate on you without being able to cure and you wont be taking damage. Run for the zone if you need to!

When not to use:

Dont use it when its not necesary. If you are out of MP but nobody else is, no need to be alarmed, you dont need to use Invincible.

Dark Knight: Blood Weapon

Effect: Drain HP from enemy with each attack.
Duration: 30 Seconds

When to use:

It is best to use Blood Weapon when the hate is on you, and you need HP. It is also helpful if you want to drop an enemy with soul eater without consiquences.

Soloing Example: The enemy isnt dying quick enough, but you dont want to die really quick from Soul Eater. Using Blood Weapon will rid you of the consiquences of Soul Eater.

Party Example: This isnt really the greatest 2hr for Partys, but again, its great for Soul Eater and dropping mobs to the ground.

When not to use:

When you don't need it, don't use it. There really isnt any other way to put it.

Additional Uses:
This is considered a magic type attack, so if in Ballista you are battling a Paladin, and that Paladin happens to use Invincable, use Blood Weapon and laugh in glory as you waste that Paladins 2hr whilst healing yourself in the process!
(Credit to Aeges and Rylock)

Ranger: Eagle Eye Shot

Effect: Long Ranged High powered shot.
Duration: Instant

When To use:

When you need to make something die very fast, such as a link.

Soloing Example: Solo, Eagly eye shot can make anice opening attack for your last kill of the night. Bust it open on an even match monster, or even a Decent challenge, and you should take off enough Hp to make the battle end in yoru favor

Party Example:If your in an area with low level links, such key hunting in certain places in Eld, or in any area where the transition from Weak to hard mobs is a good camp ground, Eagle eye shot can be used to dispatch of those pesky lower level links if they prove to be a problem.

When not to use:

When you can miss. Please please please, be sure you can hit what ever it is your going to attack. Eagly eye shot does nothing useful against an IT++++++. Worse then doing **** poor damage, this shot can miss entierly. I'm not sure how blink or Utsusemi Effects this.
(credit to Aeges again)

Bard: Soul Voice

Effect: Song effects are enhanced.
Duration: 1 Minute

When to use:

Soul Voice should be used when you need a massive boost to your party, or you need to be sleeping a monster or group of monsters while your party handles something else.

Soloing Example:
Use this when you have about half life and are sure that you are risking death if you continue to engage the monster. How you decide to survive the fight is your choice -- double Paeon? Around +50% Haste? Almost doubling your attack or defense?

Party Example:
1) There's a link and you need to deal with it. Pop Soul Voice, sleep it, and then recharge the songs on your party members. Slap your highest Requiem on the original monster, and watch its health literally drain away; A SV'ed Requiem VI + a Siren Flute equates to 16 or 18 damage per tick, depending on if your level and whether Requiem has capped or not. Continue to sleep the monster until your party can take care of it.

2) Your puller got some s/he shouldn't have, you're too far from the zone to run, and no one has access to a Teleport spell or Escape. Boost your party via doubling their normal songs, or slap on your highest Paeons on if they're hitting it decently. Again, put your highest Requiem on the monster and hope for the best.

When not to use:

This actually doesn't matter. You can save it for those rare link situations, you can pop it to ensure a chain #5/6, or you can just use it whenever you want. Soul Voice is the most flexible 2HR in this game, and even if you pop it when not in danger you're not wasting it; the only possible way to 'waste' it is to simply not sing. Dont use it if you dont plan on using the entire minute.
(credit to Russellius and Jamini)

Beastmaster: Familiar

Effect: Increases Pet's powers, keeps Charm for half an hour.
Duration: 30 Minutes

When to use:

Usually reserved to control Aggro or Link with Very Tough or higher mobs. On Tough mobs, a Charm will last a minute or so - enough time to walk the mob and Leave post 35. Very Tough and higher has a ridiculous low Charm time - seconds - which is usually not enough time to walk the mob and Leave, hence the Familiar use.

Soloing Example: A solo BST get's surprise aggro from an VT Quadav while XPing in Rolenberry fields. Rather than force a zone, the BST may be able to win the fight with the help of a Tough Berry Grub Familiar.

Party Example: A party fights Crawler Hunters in the Nest. Suddenly, the Crawler Hunter spawn in the tunnel pops - now they have 2 VT-IT Crawler Hunters on them. The BST Leaves his pet, charms the pop and uses Familiar. Walks the mob away, Leaves, goes back to reclaim pet. 5 minutes later, the previously charmed scorpion will once again provide XP and can be killed at leasure.

When not to use:

Don't waste on a DC mob just to try to strengthen it. The difference is not noticable, and it just wastes the 2 hour.

Additional Uses:
This ability is occasionally used for farming purposes - a Familiared Krakan can take out a lot of crabs or giants in Qufim. (Not players! ^^)
This ability is also occasionally used for NM fights - my duo partner and I have used Tough pet Familiars to go up against AF or other NM fights. Also works in BCNM's, although not reccommended in BCNM's under 40 (otherwise you will have a time expiration problem).
(Credit to Darkraistlin)

Samurai: Meikyo Shisui

Effect: Instant 300% TP, Weapon skills cost 100% TP.
Duration: 30 seconds

When to use:

A lot of damage needs to be dealt fast.

Soloing Example: Your HP is low, you have no TP, go Meikyo Shisui and blast that enemy. At lower levels this proves useful and you should go Tachi: Enpi -> Tachi: Enpi for distortion.

Party Example: 1) You're aiming for a high chain#, you have a BLM, now set a SC and MB and watch the monster die.

2) Emergency situation, make a skillchain with the first 2 weapon skills and then use the one with the highest overall damage.

First might want to add, effec ALSO! makes weaponskills as powerful as if they were 300tp weaponskills. SO you use 300 tp tachi: enpi, then need to 2 hour, the tachi enpi will be as poweful as the 300 tp one you just did, but only costs 100 tp.

Should note that post 30, after you have meditate, you can make a 5 ws skillchain

When not to use:

Don't use it if you got 100% TP or something close to it. First wait for the 100% and then use it if you must. Also watch out for the hate because I have yet to see a tank keep hate after me performing Meikyo Shisui.

Ninja: Mijin Gakure

Effect: Area of effect damage causing suicide but no loss of experience points.
Duration: Instant

When to use:

Mijin Gakure should be used when lots of damage needs to be done quickly; or you need a free trip to your homepoint. The more HP that you have, the more damage that is done.

Soloing Example: When soloing, Mijin Gakure should be used when you have no way of winning the fight. Alone, Mijin Gakure really only prevents EXP loss from death

Party Example:
1)Lets say your fighting a monster, and, its way above you in VIT and Defense, but you've managed to tank it excellently. If all the mages are out of MP, and every one with a weapon is meleeing, yet still, no damage is being done, Mijin Gakura and blow the mobs brains out!
2)Lets say you make a bad pull, and its really hard to beat and/or you pull a link. Take teh mobs out somewhere remote and Mijin Gakure!

When not to use:

Dont use Mijin Gakure when you have little health left, (unless you just want to save yoru self from exp loss) as it will do next to no damage

Additional Uses:

Mijin Gakure, becuse it can save your ***, and removes all hate. Can be used as the perfect revenge tool.

Lets say your in Kazham, and some doik in another party trained a goblin to your camp, died asking you for help, and then the goblin tunred on your party. If you wanted to get back at him, go, Utsusemi up, train 3 goblins to his camp and KABOOM! Instant MPK
(Thanks to Aeges[AGAIN!!] and Amalthia)

Dragoon: Call Wyvern

Effect: Wyvern is called.
Duration: N/A

When to use:

Your 2-hour timer keeps counting down after you've summoned your wyvern. So 2-hours after he's been out, it'll be ready to call him again. Use this to your advantage and have your wyvern out and ready to go ahead of time, so that you have an extra in case things go bad.


Obviously you are going to want your wyvern out with you almost all the time. Throught the fight, your wyvern will attack with you. If you're soloing, you can Super Jump to let him tank for you, giving you some breathing room or letting you set up a Sneak Attack if you have THF-sub.

When not to use:

-Before switching to another job (All Jobs share the same 2Hr counter, you won't have Mighty Strikes if you just used Call Wyvern).
-Before switching subjobs (you will lose your wyvern).
-Before getting on a chocobo (you will lose your wyvern).

Dismiss sends your wyvern away, and Spirit Link heals him from a set % of your own HP. If you Dismiss your wyvern with full health, your 2-hour timer will reset and you can call him back right away. Dismiss itself is on something like a 5min timer, though.
In an emergency, if you know you are going to die, but you do not have your 2-hour already charged up, you can Spirit Link & Dismiss to save your wyvern. Then after you're raised, you can call him again. You can also use this to reset your timer if you want to switch from Dragoon to another job, switch subs, or send your wyvern away if you're going to be fighting something with a hard hitting AoE like Skeletons or Goblins.

Summoner: Astral flow

Effects: Allows your avatar to do a massive Area of Attack spell of its element
Cost: MP (Level x 2), drains remainder of MP.
Duration: 3 minuets

When to use:

When Massive Damage is needed instantly. In Summoner vs. Avatar solo battles.

Soloing Example: Your avatars evenly matched with the mob, and you wont be able to finish it off. Nows a good time ot Astral flow, assuming you have the mp. Or the Summoner vs. Avatar solo battles!]

Party Example: Ok so theres a Pop while your all healing, you have enough health and Mp for half the battle. Whip out what ever avatar will do the most damage against the mob ( you do have them all dont you?) and lay out an Astral flow. Quaff a juice or a refresh, sit down to heal, and ask your party to quickly pull again and you can do it twice!(three times if your good) It is also one of the best 2hrs for Promyvion.

Fasine of Rangnarok wrote:

Probably the two best uses I've ever found for Astral Flow are these:

1) Party in Quicksand caves, we're fighting an IT antica and it's at about 1/2 HP, a Spider pops in camp and aggroes the tank, tank's hurt, brd is taking hate from attempting to sleep since whm used dia to buy the tank a few seconds. I summon Garuda and use Aerial Blast, pulled hate from both antica and spider, gave whm time to full heal the tank while melees finished off the Antica, then tank vokes the spider about the time Garuda dies.

2) Party in Boyahda Tree, we're doing very well, but decide to take a break, everyone goes afk except me, the rdm, and the tank. A crab pops and aggroes the nin, so I tell rdm to heal and summon Fenrir, then use Astral Flow, rinse and repeat 3 times, the crab's at about 10% HP and the sam returns. We finish it off and get Chain #1 XD

Two bonus situations, thanks Fasine!

When not to use:
When you don't have enough MP, (Level x 2)
(credit to Aeges and Burdenwold)

Finnally Completed! Thanks everyone, your input is still welcome. I want this guide to be as helpful as possible.

Edited, Sun Oct 10 00:15:40 2004 by paoaTwo Hours

Edited, Sun Oct 10 00:17:45 2004 by paoa

Edited, Thu Oct 14 17:27:04 2004 by paoa

Edited, Fri Oct 22 20:55:24 2004 by paoa

Edited, Sat Dec 18 14:34:02 2004 by paoa

Edited, Mon Apr 11 02:13:04 2005 by paoa

Edited, Thu May 19 00:34:42 2005 by paoa
#2 Oct 08 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
212 posts
For Mighty Strikes, I've found that I can usually tell if a mob and I are going blow to blow all the way down to my last bit of HP. For these situations, I like to trigger Mighty Strikes when I have 75% HP and I'm losing the battle
#3 Oct 08 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Black Mage: Manafont

Effect: Takes away all MP cost for spells.
Duration: 30 Seconds

Manafont also makes it so your spells can't be interrupted by an attack.
#4 Oct 08 2004 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
Manafont also makes it so your spells can't be interrupted by an attack.

yea i had to do this to make my escape when i was looking for coffer chest in Eldemines and Davoi, esp in Davoi i had to let Invi down. to open the chest.

i got my Wizard Coat
i got argo
"Manafont" "Warp" "Dead at Homepoint"
Elvanm WHM /laugh at me d=\
#5 Oct 08 2004 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,684 posts
Summoner “ Astral flow
Effects: Allows your avatar to do a massive Area of Attack spell of its element
Cost: Levelx2 in Mp cost, will drain all left over MP
Duration: 3 minuets

When to use:

When Massive Damage is needed instantly

Solo: Your avatars evenly matched with the mob, and you wont be able to finish it off. Nows a good time ot Astral flow, assuming you have the mp.

Party: Ok so theres a Pop while your all healing, you have enough health and Mp for half the battle. Whip out what ever avatar will do the most damage against the mob ( you do have them all dont you?) and lay out an Astral flow. Quaff a juice or a refresh, sit down to heal, and ask your party to quickly pull again and you can do it twice!(three times if your good)

When not to use
When you dont have levelx2 in Mp, your at full mp, or the party can handle it.
#6 Oct 08 2004 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
Very informative Paoa. This is a good guide for other Party members and people just starting out.

Something to add... and a minor rant. The Dragoon 2-Hour.

Dragoon: Call Wyvern

Effect: Wyvern is called.
Duration: N/A

When to use:

Umm. All the time?


All the time?

When not to use:

Use it all the time.

And I totally understand not needing to cover this 2 Hour. Also, the Thread you referenced ALSO did not mention Dragoon. Here's my point. This is not a 2 hour. SE has but in a few abilities and modifications to extend the wyvern's life. So much so, that it is nothing special. It is expected. Dragoon is the ONLY position that flatly cannot help in an emergency situation. Let's say my PT is fighting something very difficult, I feel completely useless. This type of fight usually means Lumiere's death, and secondly I have no real tools at my disposal to add to the fight.

Don't get me wrong, I love having Lumiere. I just don't think it really qualifies as a 2 Hour.

Edited, Fri Oct 8 23:52:32 2004 by AmbroseOdin
#7 Oct 08 2004 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
silly ambrose i didnt include any advanced jobs, ill put them in later. mind if i quote your DRG statements and put it in? I love DRG, i got mine to 40

Ohh can i copy yours too Aeges?

Edited, Fri Oct 8 23:42:02 2004 by paoa
#8 Oct 08 2004 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,524 posts
Party Example:Ive heared of my THF friend Provokings the mob off of the tank, then using Perfect dodge, and actually saving the day. So it is possible, but not often.


best way to take care of a link for a few seconds :)
#9 Oct 08 2004 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
silly ambrose i didnt include any advanced jobs, ill put them in later. mind if i quote your DRG statements and put it in? I love DRG, i got mine to 40

I did notice alot of jobs left out; the discussion made me think about my 2 hour in a different light.

And I would be honored if you wanted to use my input. Although - maybe you'd like to reduce the rant part^^.

As an aside on Dragoons. I for one think Dragoons are happy when the are complaining. Most of us know what we are getting into when we start the job. Especially the people on this board. Meh, and that isn't a point really, just an observation.
#10 Oct 08 2004 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,684 posts
Sure thing, change what you like im not... you know.. a pretty writter and junk o_O
#11 Oct 08 2004 at 11:50 PM Rating: Default

I could use some help with DRK, as I have not much experience with Dark knight and its 2hr
#12 Oct 09 2004 at 12:07 AM Rating: Default
2,684 posts
*! Note this is all based on my own common sence and what ive seen, I am not a DRK*

Dark Knight “ Blood Weapon”
Effect: Every blow you deal will drain HP
Furation -- ( 60 seconds? 45? im not sure)

When To use:
When you need to get Hp despretly, but cant afford to rest.

Solo, its pretty clear when you need to use it. If yoru fighting a monster whom may not be strong enough for you, but has a better attack rate, like for instance, Mandragoras, or THF mobs, and the HP returned will save your life

Party use:
Not the best Party friendly two hour in the game, but useful if your tank has died, d/c, or generally sucks, and you need to tank a monster for a short amount of time. Blood weapon may not be your savior but it can keep you alive long enough for the others to finish it off.

Balista use: Blood weapon , has more then just the effect of draining HP. Believe it or not, the HP drain is classified as a Magic Effect. So, if your a Drk in Balista, fighting your mortal foe the Pld, and at the last moment he uses Invincible, switch on blood weapon and laugh in his face as you suck him dry.

When not to use:

When hates not on you, and wont be, and your healers have enough mp.
#13 Oct 09 2004 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
DRK 2hr makes things go dead, and makes them go dead fast.

Hit souleater (very important that you do this FIRST!!!), and then hit bloodweapon. You are now dealing 200 dmg per hit, and draining back hp as you do so, making you last longer agianst the monster. I use this when im soloing an NM and it starts to edge ahead, or when the party gets a bad case of the links and i need to tank one of them for a little bit. Its not as powerful dmg wise as hundred fists, but it can still trash monsters, and is especially effective agianst high def monsters.

do not, i repeat, DO NOT use this 2hr if you dont have souleater ready to go. It will be pointless. Bloodweapon gives you a free 30 seconds of souleater to rampage and do as much dmg as physically possible, with 0 consequences outside of hate. Be ready to shut souleater off though, because once those 30 seconds are up, souleater will be running at full power, meaning you now have hate, and are dealing dmg to yourself.

Under extreme circumstances (IE, if your rich-as-hell), pick up a kraken club and go nuts. 150 dmg per hit, 8 hits a round, yea that monster is gonna die pretty quick.

Oh, and dont even attempt doing this move against Undead, because just like our dark magic, it wont work. I learned that the hard way against one of those NM ghosts in gugsen...
#14 Oct 09 2004 at 12:12 AM Rating: Default
tyvm both of you, ill combine those two to make it into one and give you both credit. Im going to bed after that tho.
#15 Oct 09 2004 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,684 posts
Ranger “ Eagle Eye Shot”
Effect: Long Ranged High powered shot

When To use:
When you need to make something die very fast, such as a link.

Solo, Eagly eye shot can make anice opening attack for your last kill of the night. Bust it open on an even match monster, or even a Decent challenge, and you should take off enough Hp to make the battle end in yoru favor

Party use:
If your in an area with low level links, such key hunting in certain places in Eld, or in any area where the transition from Weak to hard mobs is a good camp ground, Eagle eye shot can be used to dispatch of those pesky lower level links if they prove to be a problem.

When not to use:

When you can miss. Please please please, be sure you can hit what ever it is your going to attack. Eagly eye shot does nothing useful against an IT++++++. Worse then doing **** poor damage, this shot can miss entierly. I'm not sure how blink or Utsum. Effects this.
#16 Oct 09 2004 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
I'd just like to add a comment to Red Mage.


are both extremely useful at higher levels, depending on your subjob.
#17 Oct 09 2004 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
Another thing to note, Depending on your party setup a WHM may use benediction to lower downtime.

I'f im in a melee oriented party, and were close to disbanding, I'll throw up benedicton after chain 5, and tell them to keep going, rest during most of the first fight and be ready for the rest of the next chain 5.

Alot of WHMs do this, as I've noticed post Yhutunga jungle, I just havent had any situations where I had an emergency benedict can handle, that a DS+curga cant, WHMs get to the point that they can anticipate the party's needs and replace benedict with the curega line.
#18 Oct 09 2004 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
Manafont lasts for 1 min.. not 30 secs
#19 Oct 09 2004 at 7:54 AM Rating: Default
Bard: Soul Voice

Effect: Wyvern is called.
Duration: 3 minutes

When to use:

Soul Voice should be used when you need a massive boost to your party, or you need to be sleeping a monster or group of monsters while your party handles something else.

Soloing Example:

Use this when you have about half life and are sure that you are risking death if you continue to engage the monster. How you decide to survive the fight is your choice -- double Paeon? Around +50% Haste? Almost doubling your attack or defense?

Party Example:

1) There's a link and you need to deal with it. Pop Soul Voice, sleep it, and then recharge the songs on your party members. Slap your highest Requiem on the original monster, and watch its health literally drain away; A SV'ed Requiem VI + a Siren Flute equates to 16 or 18 damage per tick, depending on if your level and whether Requiem has capped or not. Continue to sleep the monster until your party can take care of it.

2) Your puller got some s/he shouldn't have, you're too far from the zone to run, and no one has access to a Teleport spell or Escape. Boost your party via doubling their normal songs, or slap on your highest Paeons on if they're hitting it decently. Again, put your highest Requiem on the monster and hope for the best.

When not to use:

This actually doesn't matter. You can save it for those rare link situations, you can pop it to ensure a chain #5/6, or you can just use it whenever you want. Soul Voice is the most flexible 2HR in this game, and even if you pop it when not in danger you're not wasting it; the only possible way to 'waste' it is to simply not sing.

Edited, Sat Oct 9 08:57:31 2004 by Russellius
#20 Oct 09 2004 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
paoa wrote:
Thief: Perfect Dodge

Effect: Evasion of all physical attacks.
Duration: 30 Seconds

When to use:

Perfect Dodge is mainly for soloing problems, since THF doesnt make the greatest tank its hard to make useful in a part enviroment.

Soloing Example: Its kinda hard not to know when to use this when soloing, use perfect dodge when you are near death and the enemy is almost dead or when you need to run, screaming for the zone.

Party Example:Ive heared of my THF friend Provokings the mob off of the tank, then using Perfect dodge, and actually saving the day. So it is possible, but not often.

When not to use:

Dont use Perfect Dodge when you dont need it, plain and simple. Just dont waste it and you are good.

i just have to add mine.

If there is an add i will usally switch targets to it and tan kit using utsusemi, i will take 2-3 hits then have utsusemi cast again taking another 3 hits, then use PD and then utsusemi when its up and then i can get it up again when its done, this gives my pt about a min to kill the other mob before the other one even does any damage.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#21 Oct 09 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Excellent
267 posts

Good to see you. You'll need our new LS pearl when you get back on ^^

Now, let's not forget Rhinoa and I....

Beastmaster: Familiar

Effect: Increases Pet's powers, keeps Charm for half an hour.
Duration: 30 Minutes

When to use:

Usually reserved to control Aggro or Link with Very Tough or higher mobs. On Tough mobs, a Charm will last a minute or so - enough time to walk the mob and Leave post 35. Very Tough and higher has a ridiculous low Charm time - seconds - which is usually not enough time to walk the mob and Leave, hence the Familiar use.

Soloing Example: A solo BST get's surprise aggro from an VT Quadav while XPing in Rolenberry fields. Rather than force a zone, the BST may be able to win the fight with the help of a Tough Berry Grub Familiar.

Party Example: A party fights Crawler Hunters in the Nest. Suddenly, the Crawler Hunter spawn in the tunnel pops - now they have 2 VT-IT Crawler Hunters on them. The BST Leaves his pet, charms the pop and uses Familiar. Walks the mob away, Leaves, goes back to reclaim pet. 5 minutes later, the previously charmed scorpion will once again provide XP and can be killed at leasure.

When not to use:

Don't waste on a DC mob just to try to strengthen it. The difference is not noticable, and it just wastes the 2 hour.

Additional Uses:
This ability is occasionally used for farming purposes - a Familiared Krakan can take out a lot of crabs or giants in Qufim. (Not players! ^^)
This ability is also occasionally used for NM fights - my duo partner and I have used Tough pet Familiars to go up against AF or other NM fights. Also works in BCNM's, although not reccommended in BCNM's under 40 (otherwise you will have a time expiration problem).
#22 Oct 09 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
113 posts
As a RDM - I must point out a very important soloing 2hr strat.

(Chainspell) (Warp)

If you've bitten off more then you can chew - use this combo!
#23 Oct 09 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,166 posts
One thing I'd like to point out(this is directed more at newbie whm's): If you're gonna use Benediction, for the love of god STAND STILL! even if the various tank and /war PC's cant pull it off you, there is still a chance they can kill it before you go down. But only if its not running around chasing after you.

This of course doesnt apply if zoning.
#24 Oct 09 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
*yawn* g'mornin, ive done my mornin chores and now i can update you alls things...


russellius wrote:
Bard: Soul Voice

Effect: Wyvern is called.

o_O IM gunna say that you were thinking Dragoon on that one.

Lady Aacra wrote:
Another thing to note, Depending on your party setup a WHM may use benediction to lower downtime.

You might of missed that but its in there, though i spelled every wrong...

Thanks for your input guys, I never knew that chainspell could be used in so many ways (me not being a RDM)

daperfectkill wrote:
Manafont lasts for 1 min.. not 30 secs

Allakhazam says it lasts 30 seconds, and there arent any complaints about it so im just gunna say 30 seconds for now
#25 Oct 09 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,015 posts
Bard: Soul voice
effect: doubles song effects for duration.
Duration: 1 Minute

When to use:

Soul Voice is best used whenever you can tell the battle will go south. (links, you can't hit the monster) And you need a better mp/hp return or a little more out of madrigal/ Minuet

Soloing Example: you solo as a bard? o.0. Use it before a fight you need to win so you buffs are nice and powerful.

Party Example: The Tank is taking damage and the whm can't quite keep up, or you can't quite hurt that high def monster. You need just a little boost for that Chain 5 that you can't get without it. (pull boy! I'm singing for you back here!)

When not to use:

Don't use this unless you plan on singing the entire time. That 1 min can save the day, or finish chain 5 if it must.
#26 Oct 09 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Partied with a 51 Brd recently, he used Soul Voice late in the night ... it's retardedly powerful. If he sings the right buffs on your party members, you may as well consider them gods until the songs wear off.

Regarding Benediction, IMO, it really is best to use this before your tank dies, because they're the one in your party who has the most chance of holding hate (or regaining hate) so the Whm doesn't die. A good Pld tank can hold hate through a late battle Benediction, often without the use of Invincible (though that's a failsafe). A Pld tank can also use Cover for some free time to regain hate or kill the mob if they do lose hate to Benediction. I can't speak for other tanks (War, Nin) but I'm assuming that if a Pld can build enough hate to hold through Bene, they can too if played well.
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