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Something we may have neglected....Follow

#502 May 13 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
This one always gets to me ; ;
#503 May 13 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Wow. This is what I try to do every day in the world of Vana'diel. It really makes you think, and remember how new and awesome the game was.

Honestly there have been so many posts on here its hard to give credit where credit is due. But somone made a comment on how cool it must have been for the first JP's playing in full Alliances, and then parties of 6, and now... a single 75 walking us through it.

I constantly look for challenges where I can. Remember G2? Those three NM's you have to fight? A full party of lv.55's would get wiped out. Sadly, I felt horrible having a full alliance of 65+ helping but a hand full of 55's get to the next level. I honestly almost didnt take the Frigicite each time it was complete. Perhaps a level cap is nessicary for these "Rites of Passage"?

I know I cant be the only one out there who hates the fact that nobody wasnt to take the hard road... I think there is a stint of pride to be had a doing things the way they were ment to be done. I feel truely ashamed at some of the people I know who have had 75's beat the Shadow Lord for them. Are we all that bent on getting to 75 that we no longer see any of the challenges that lie along the road thereto?
#504 May 17 2005 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
730 posts
I`ll be honest: this really got to me. I`ll tell you why.
It`s not because people are getting left behind in FFXI or forgetting that it`s an adventure.
It`s because people are forgetting that they have friends. This story reminds me of all the friends I`ve just drifted away from, like the kid who was my best friend all through primary school, but we never saw each other again after we went to different high schools. Maybe I`m just being soppy, but this story hit me really hard. I`m a sucker for friends breaking up, and someone like that WHM, who never gave up on her friends coming back, really gets to me.
Don`t forget your friends.
#505 May 18 2005 at 8:14 PM Rating: Default
The 2nd most hilarious thing ive ever read, next to the 25 year old woman IN LOVE with sephiroth...

Maybe, if it was real life, and he saw her sitting at a starbucks or something, i would feel something, but at teleport-altepa? ROFL. this guy is a little too into his games.

Good show on the laugh tho, brightened my day!!
#506 May 19 2005 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
467 posts
Simply beautiful, there needs to be more of these. I mean its this thing alone that probably set ffxi apart from a tonn of mmorpgs.
#507 May 19 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
Holy **** dude i know what u feel like, I mean not completley and ive only played for a month not even, but i loved to wander aimlessly and stuff, Idk who that Taru was but damn i realized that all i do now is just grind away. We all need to realize that the beauty in this game is wat sets it apart from other MMORPG's.

Mad props to that lil taru
#508 May 19 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
#509 May 23 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
150 posts
Last bump I will ever give to this thread.

Good luck everyone, and remember it's a game to be enjoyed, not a job.

Find some people to go off and adventure with, and if possible, form a static, if you don't, you will burn out or end up ready to kill the idiots you will party with otherwise. Take a break from them and adventure with friends, as the game is meant to be played.

#510 May 23 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
I saw this in a thread earlier today. Did YOU write this? It's incredibly well written, and it makes me emotional. Wow, I AM a wuss... Just recently, my LS died. Everyone on it quit, except maybe 3 people, but it was mostly because I got grounded and didn't get on for 2 1/2 months. The remaining on the game found new linkshells, and they said it was MOSTLY becauseof me.
#511 May 26 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
Actuaully I have been playing FFXI for nearly a year now and I now have my character at lvl 31. Some of it may be due to the fact that i dont get a whole lot of playtime being a Marine and engaged. So when I play I usually notice every detail in the game. Minor things like trees swaying in the wind. The background noises. Looking over the side of an airship and seeing the world you run around on. Looking up in the sky and seeing the airship pass by overhead. A friend and I were on the ls talking back and forth when he saw my airship fly overhead.
#512 Jun 02 2005 at 12:40 AM Rating: Default
i feel so bad ..... ive left so many ppl for stupid reasons

i switched servers at 20... came back after 30 lvls on that server now 30 again....

i hope someday i get the feeling of happiness again... untill then drk is my path

btw i was on diabolos>>>leviathan>>>diabolos


continuisly switching LSes

in constant fights but most are started by others... if you see me on diabolos say hi il say hi to u

i guess im saying this because i too have lost the spirit...

pls dont rate me down... im just saying this because i feel bad for old friends
#513 Jun 04 2005 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
No one is going to stray from the beaten path when FFXI punishes them so severely for failure.
#514 Jun 08 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
I know its been a long *** time since this was posted....but DAMN!.....I had something in my eye after reading that....excuse....gonna go get it out now....

#515 Jun 11 2005 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
133 posts
Once i was running through windy woods omw to the cloth guild to get something for w/e reason, i /ckecked some random tarutaru (sorry the name has slipped my mind) and i'll never forget what he had writtin in his bazaar....

"I am not an adventurer by choice....
I am one by fate"

for the life of me i don't know why it stuck with me for so long or for that matter why i stopped running at all, eventhough i wasn't entirely sure what he meant by it, but after reading that story i think im beginning to get an idea....

its too bad how little faith us adventurers put in their friendships ... for true friendships are what legends are made of.

Many of my friends have come and gone in Vanadiel and every once in a while i bump into a mate from the original LS (which eventually fell apart) we will catch up and what not.

But... if i knew then what i know now, maybe... just maybe...
there could have been greatness.

But anyway, i think i'm gonna change my motto to that thing about being an adventurer, bacause i dont want to be anything else...

Edited, Thu Jan 19 01:11:55 2006 by Donnydanger
#516 Jun 14 2005 at 12:00 PM Rating: Default
56 posts
I've watched this many times and it always makes me happy and sad. It did however change my way of playing the game. I was in a mad leveling rush I only started at the end of last summer and all my RL friends who play are way higher than me. I've joined a little LS with a wide variaty of levels, races, and jobs and we're all about helping each other out. I've made some great friends all over the world (RL and Vana'diel). I relized a while ago I wasn't really having fun just getting all tense and angry at the game. I took a break from my main and started leveling all my jobs to some degree or another. It's been alot of fun since then I've even made an online picture album for my little cool ls, cause I don't want it to end up like the story. My last ls ended like that and I almost quit. I just hope everyone can learn to appreciate why they're playing even if it's only to lv I just hope they know it. Sorry for the length hope you enjoyed it!
Nuke Away!
#517 Jun 15 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
150 posts
Ok, so I lied. That wasn’t my last post here. There has been no activity to this thread in a month, which is about how long since I checked it last.

I wish that I had been able to start playing much earlier, back when NA started or something because when I started playing at the end of 2004 I just couldn’t get any traction with getting to know people in the game. I ended up taking an odd path, appropriate to my character name, Solitarian, and fitting of an rdm.

I had read up some on the jobs, and I knew that rdm would be the most appropriate job for me. But I basically tossed out a lot of the opinions that many people wrote about the job and what an rdm should do. I did what I felt my position should and would be. I know that there are things I could have done better at times, but I also know that I saved a number of parties I was in and nearby parties at times too. An rdm can heal an entire party in kazham with regen at least until yhaotor. I had to when the whm would only melee. Does help when another rdm can backup heal if there is serious trouble… stupid gobs…

I don’t miss all the powerleveling. There wasn’t that much going on although many were seeking them when I went through valkurm. I ended up in a party with one and yes I gained quite a bit, but I had a hell of a time getting my skills recovered from that too. I ended up having to take both whm and blm to 20 so I could goto kazham with my skills in a useful range.

I went with some people for the giddeus key, to see exactly what should be done and to try to break the cycle. That was really the first actual fun thing in a while, even though it took us hours till we figured out why only 2 keys dropped total instead of 4. We dropped out of party and the other 2 dropped almost immediately. But then true to my name I went after the other 2 keys alone.

I didn’t even get the 2-3 dragon killed for a long time. And that took me a whole weekend to find people that would help or that needed that dragon too since I went windy then sandy (I already had the dagger for the windy portion from the key hunt.)

And when the fun began to vanish due to the idiots I was running into because I couldn’t keep up with everyone, my hours are somewhat limited, work, sleep, fiancée, etc… I decided I couldn’t deal with them anymore. And trying to get into a static would have been a bit pointless because a month later I was going to be moving and would be without internet for a while and that wouldn’t have been fair to everyone else too. And the fact I don’t even know how to get started in a static. Also if I don’t get along with someone I can’t stay there either, so it kind of left me screwed.

I wanted to have fun and meet other final fantasy players and ended up dealing with idiots and morons and really only met a few. It ended up feeling like the money was just wasted and the time was even worse.

Sorry for it being so long but I don’t care enough to edit it this time.

/wave to those that I've met
/slap to all the idiots that deserve it
#518 Jun 15 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Default
/cry that was beautiful. I cant wait till I can start playing and see all of the sights.
#519 Jul 01 2005 at 6:05 AM Rating: Default
WOW! That story is absolutly awesome.

I remember the first time I ended up in the Dunes I was absolutly terrified. I really good friend of mine had convinced me to go in foot with him to Windy from Sandy. lol He had a friend of his guiding us. We were no more than lvl 14 or so maybe even as low as 12. Well we go as far as the outpost in Buburimu peninsula and i died. I was tired so went back to my hp in Sandy. I started getting tells from my friend about all the cool stuff he was seeing. Needless to say i was intruged. So several days later and 1 or 2 levels higher he and I tried again. We were still terrified to cross the dunes so we gingerly made our way to the outpost and waited for daybrake. In that time sitting there talking we learned alot about each other and out friendship deepened. lol We compare ouselves to novel heroes having to wait until day time to travel because of the extreme dangers of the night. We laughed and we learned. to our surprise Selbina was a lot closer to the out post than we thought and and we laughed at our lack of kowledge and went on. lol I dont know how we make it to Windy but we did and the things I saw along the way made my jaw drop. Sea horror, dhamels, and giant bees wow I was in shock and my friend being the accomplished world traveler that he was (having done this ONCE before)gigglled at my awe.

I stayed in Windy for some time partly due to wonder and amazement and partly due to fear about going back alone because I had no map and no clear recollection of the path that we took but I learned alot there. Fighting yagudo taught me how to battle mages as a war and the bees and wasps taught me the fear of Final Sting. I learned that Windy is relly a town geared toward the magics and not melee, I learned about the effects of food and how it can help and not help you. I marveled at the cliffs of Sarutabaruta and the Maze of Giddeus but eventually the drive to get home ushed me out to try to find my way back. And I did I made it back to the Dunes got my sub job and raced on to my RNG job. But in all the hustle I never forgot the adventure and the feeling of the newness of everything. Eventually the feeling faded and the call of endlessly leveling got me I kept in touch with my frind from the adventure I even have the screen shots of alot of good times with a lot of good ppl.

Then one day I decided it was time to start my own LS. I bought the shell and agonized over the name because I wanted the very name to sybolize frindship...I even discussed it with my wife who was just starting out on her adventure as a RDM and we settled on the name StillWaters...think about it for a min it will come to you. So I started handing the pearls out to my friends and a few random ppl that would take them. Eventually we had a good core goup of friends I even invested in beginers like lvl 1 whms and blms. Actually now that I think of it when I first started handing out pearls it was to ppl who wre around Sandy and usually under level 10 and most of thoe ppl are still in the LS and very loyal to it. OH we have a few LS swapers but they always come home to SW I try to encourage a helpful attitude in the LS and a comradree that helps form bonds. There are a few meanies in the bunch but we love 'em like family anyway lol we are a close knit group and I am proud of them I really hope that it lasts. We are starting a LS lottery and a LS fund to help others in the LS and out as I told one of the members I would like SW to become one of the most benevolent LSs in the game. I really hope that the bond we have as friends is similar to those in the original story so that even if all hell breaks loose and we split up we will all remember how much fun we had and if we happen to meet up after that we can rekindle the friendship.

Edited, Fri Jul 1 07:24:56 2005 by CebantSW
#520 Jul 03 2005 at 3:27 AM Rating: Default
*sob* this makes me cry,
A VERRY good story, and its true that people do end up doing that once and a while, being a mid-high lv i try to help out people, so i wait for my LS to reach my lv. I would not like if that happened to my Ls, but i would keep my Linkperal for the same symbolic reason...
#521 Jul 03 2005 at 3:27 AM Rating: Default
*sob* this makes me cry,
A VERRY good story, and its true that people do end up doing that once and a while, being a mid-high lv i try to help out people, so i wait for my LS to reach my lv. I would not like if that happened to my Ls, but i would keep my Linkperal for the same symbolic reason...
#522 Jul 03 2005 at 3:27 AM Rating: Default
*sob* this makes me cry,
A VERRY good story, and its true that people do end up doing that once and a while, being a mid-high lv i try to help out people, so i wait for my LS to reach my lv. I would not like if that happened to my Ls, but i would keep my Linkperal for the same symbolic reason...
#523 Jul 11 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
150 posts
I'm curious if the rate down was because of how long the previous post/s is/are or because of content?

Doesn't matter though, I quit and the rating no longer matters.

#524 Jul 11 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
I guess I’m lucky in many ways, my party of three are comprised of my brother and best friend and I.

So far it’s been mainly the three of us working together to the point where we are within 10 exp of each other.

We simply agreed at the very beginning to level in sink.

So far it’s working great as we play from within one room, we don’t have a link shell nor do we have any from other players.

We allow people to join us from time to time and as we already consist of two healer roles and one warrior at present, finding people to join us is easy.

With just the three of us, if we are all available for levelling we are working on trade skills for example.

I’m not worldly enough to know if this is the fastest way to gain exp however we enjoy how it is and at present making good progress.
#525 Jul 11 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Good
454 posts
This story gets me every time. I've posted it in other forums, but it always disappears near the bottom. Anyone who has played FFXI for more than two months should watch this.

Maybe we should just make this a sticky? In any case... *bump*
#526 Jul 14 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
150 posts
shameless or shamefull bump? I don't care which.

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